10 marks important questions MHN

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Mental health nursing Important questions -2025

Long essay (10 marks)

1.a) Define therapeutic community.

b) Describe the components of therapeutic community.

C) Explain the role of nurse in therapeutic community.

2.a) Define schizophrenia.

b) Describe in detail catatonic schizophrenia and its nursing management.

3.Define therapeutic nurse patient relationship and explain the phases of nurse patient relationship.

4.Describe the clinical features of a patient suffering from mania. Develop a nursing care plan for a
patient suffering with mania by nursing process approach.

5.Define Mania. List the types of Mania. Explain the nurse’s responsibility in caring for a patient with
acute Mania.

6.a) Write down the classification of psychotropic drugs.

b) Explain the Indications of anti-anxiety drugs.

C) Describe the role of nurse in administration of anti-anxiety drugs.

7.a)Define Depression.

b)Explain the clinical features of Depression.

c)Develop a nursing care plan for a patient with Severe Depression.

8.a) Define dementia.

b) Explain the stages of dementia.

C) Describe the nursing management of a patient with dementia.

9.a)Define psychotherapy.

b)Enlist the types of psychotherapy.

c)Explain the techniques of behaviour therapy.

10.Define ECT and explain the nurses’ role in ECT

11.a) Define mental health nursing

b) Explain the principles of mental health nursing (2+8)

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