Geography self study 2

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(Chapters: 10, 11 and 12)

(a) Mention any two reasons for the
of agriculture in ndia. importance (ii) Oil cake
(2016] Ans. (a) Shifting cultivation involves a patch which is
Ans. provides food for our growing
population. cleared, trees and cut down and the stumps set
provides fodder for livestock. on fire. The patch is then cultivated for a few
provides employment. years and when the soil becomes infertile the
cultivator moves to a fresh piece of land and
supplies raw materials for agro-based industries.
repeats the same procedure.
gives rise to industries related to
agriculture, like (i) The bud from a good rubber tree is grafted on
pesticides, fertilizers, farming tools. the seeding of a newrubber tree. Once the bud
earns foreign exchange through export, starts sprouting the shoot from the seeding is cut
yields/quick germination of seeds. increasing down and the bud then grows into a tree with all
(b) With reference to rice cultivation answer the traits of the mother trees.
following : [2016]
(ii) Oil cake is the residue of the oilseeds from which
(i) Why does rice grow well in a soil the oil has been extracted.
with a
clay like subsoil? Q.2. (a) What is Mixed farming mention any one of
(ii) What is the advantage of growing rice in mixed farming. [2017]
nurseries before it is transplanted? Ans. (a) Mixed farming - Cultivation of crops and livestock
rearing on the same farm.
Ans. (i) Rice needs flooded fields and the subsoil of clay Benefits
does not allow the water to percolate. Cattle and poultry do not need extra expenditure,
(i) By growing rice in nurseries, we save water they thrive on farm waste.
and the plants can be transplanted in rows to o Livestock provides substitute income when crops
facilitate the use of pesticides and harvesting/ are not ready.
there is quickening the germination of seeds/no e Livestock waste is used as fertilizer for soil.
wastage of seeds/weeding can be done/removed (b) Give the Geographical requirements for the
easily/facilitate the use of fertilizers/increasing cultivation of Sugarcane.
the yields/production/use of HYV seed which [2017]
Ans. (b) Geographical requirement for sugarcane
increase high yields/production. cultivation
(c) Study the picture given below and answer the e 20°C to 30°C temperature
questions that follow : [2016] e 75/100 cm to 200 cm rainfall
o Alluvial soil or black soil
Frost is harmful for the crop.
(c) Explain the following terms and name the
crop with which each is associated.
(i) Retting
(ii) Ratooning
(ii) Ginning
Ans. (i) Retting - It is a microbiological prOcess in which
the jute bundles are submerged in soft clean
water for 2-3 wveeks. This helps to loosen the
(i) Name one state where the crop grows well.
outer bark and helps in removal of the fibre from
(ii) Why are mostly women employed to the stalk.
harvest it?
Ans. (i) Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala. (ii) Ratooning - It is a shoot from the root stock of
(1) Mostly women harvest the tea because it involve sugarcane which has been cut leaving the root
intact in the soil.
fine-plucking, (two leaves and abud) andwomen
labourer can patiently pluck the same. . Ratoon crop is the Second or any other
succession, crop obtained from the root and
(d) Explain briefly the following terms : [2016]
left-over in the field after the first crop.
() Shifting cultivation
(ii) Bud grafting (ii) Ginning It is the process in which cotton fibre
is separated from the seed / raw material. farm/cotton has to be protected against weevile
(d) Give geographical reasons for the following: and other insects, therefore pesticides haue
to be sprayed/cotton is a soil
() Regular pruning is essential for tea bushes. exhausting
Therefore fertilizers have to be used mechanised
(ü) Coffee beans are roasted. harvesting of cotton is not possible, has to ho
(ii) Millets are known as dry crops. done manually which g0es on tor 3 monthe
Ans. () Regular pruning is essential for tea plants as Insecticides, handpicking cotton bolls.
. t helps in growing new shoots bearing soft (ii) Submerging the harvested Jute stalks in cln
leaves in pienty running water facilitates the removal of the
The renmoval of the central stem encourages fibre from the bark. Microbiological procesS to
the quict development of lateral branches and separate the fibre from the stalk.
does not allow the plant to grow more than (i) Pulses are a source of proteins, particularly for the
40 cm.
vegetarians/good as a rotation cropllegurninouS
" This facilitates hand plucking which is mostly therefore has a nitrogen fixing quality in the soil
done by women. used as a cattle feed.
() Coffee beans are roasted as it gives coffee, its
(d) () Why is agriculture important in India.
aroma /flavour, colour and taste. (ii) Name the two main agricultural seasons of
(i) Millets are known as dry crops as they can India.
withstand high temperature and it is drought (i) What is mixed farming.
Ans. () It is important as it provides employment/raw
It is a dry crop and can grow in the areas of material for industries and export/surplus food
Scanty rainfall in adverse climatic conditions.
for people and fodder for animals, to promote
It needs no special soil requirements.
industrial development, to give national income,
Q.3 (a) With reference to the cultivation of tea to give economical improvement.
answer the following : [2018] (ii) Rabi/Kharif.
() Why is tea grown on hill slopes? (iüi) It is growing of crops alongwith an allied
(ii) Why tea bushes have to be pruned at occupation such as dairy farming, beekeeping.
regular intervals. poultry farming, animal rearing.
Ans. () Tea cannot bear stagnant water and so sloping Q.4 (a) Mention two steps taken by the government to
ground is suitable. boost agricultural production in India. [2019]
(i) Pruning encourages the production of fresh Ans. (i) Steps taken by Indian government to boost
leaves and shoots/to keep it at a low height to agriculture production in India are as folows:
facilitate plucking. National agricultural insurance schemes to
(b) With reference of rice cultivation of answer provide insurance coverage and financial
the following : support to the farmers.
(i) Why does the cultivation of rice require a Kisan credit card issued to farmers to take
lot of manual labour? credit facilities to buy agricultural inputs.
(ii) Mention two geographical conditions (b) (0) Name two varieties of millet grown in India.
which suit the cultivation of rice. (ii) What is the soil requirement for growing
Ans. () Rise has to be transplanted in puddle fields for millet?
better crop. It has to be harvested carefully by Ans. () Jowar and Bajra
sickle - all this require lot of labour. Weeding (ii) Millets can be grown in loamy sandy soils.
manuring, sowing and harvesting - all is done clayey deep regur and alluvial soils.
by hand. (c) Study the picture given below and answer the
(ü) Ternperature 16°C - 32°C - Any range between questions that follow:
rainfall -150 to 300 cms./heavy rainfall. Soil
Alluvial with a subsoil of clay-loamy soil. (any 2
(c) Give a geographical reason for each of the
following :
(i) Cotton is labour intensive crop.
(ii) Jute is retted after it has been harvested.
(ii) The growing of pulses is important in lndia.
Ans. () Cotton is propagated by sowing seeds on the
) Mention the climatic condition that is suitable (b) Maharashtra. Gujarat, Punjab.
for the cultivation of this crop.
(ii) With reference to Rice cultivation answer the
ii) Name the state that produces the largest
amount of this crop. following:
(iii) In which cropping season is this crop grown (a) Name the soil found suitable for its growth.
in India? (b) Name the state that is the largest producer
Ans. ) The crop is cotton. The climatic condition that is of this crop in India.
suitable for the crop is 21°Cto 27°C temperature (c) In which cropping season is it generally
and a moderate rainfall of 50 to 80 cm well grown in India?
distributed throughout the year. Ans. With reference to rice cultivation
(iü) Maharashtra
(ii) Cotton is a Rabi as well as Kharif crop. (a) Soil found suitable for rice is alluvial, friable
loam black soil, deep friable clayey loam, deltaic
(d) Give a geographical reason for each of the alluvium.
following :
(b) West Bengal, Tamil Nadu
() Cultivation of wheat is confined to the
northern part of India. (c) Kharif cropping season.
(ü) Practicing mixed farming gives security to (iv) (a) Name the state that is the largest producer of
farmers. sugarcane in India.
(iii) Ratoon cropping is gaining popularity among (b) Why more than two ratoon crops are not
sugarcane cultivators. advisable for sugarcane farmers?
Ans. (i) Cultivation of wheat is confined to northern (c) What is Zyad cropping season?
part of India as the northern flat plains provide Ans. (a) The large producer of sugarcane in india Uttra
ideal growing conditions with appropriate Pradesh, Maharashtra.
temperature, rainfall and irigation facilities. (b) The amount of sucrose decreases with successive
(ü) Mixed farming gives security to farmers as they ratooning. May get infected with diseases.
are not dependent on one crop. The farmer can Productivity also decreases.
practice besides farming, poultry farming, dairy (c) Zayad is the intermediatary cropping season
farming and horticulture. between Rabi and Kharif. It is called zaid.
(ii) Ratoon cropping is gaining popularity among It is the summer cropping season in which crops
sugarcane producers as like rice, maize groundnuts, fruits and vegetables
This method does not involve any extra are grown along with pulses.
expenditure. Hence. it is cheaper as compared Q.6 (0) Difference between Intensive farming and
to re-planting the crop. Extensive farming. [2023]
Q.5 () Mention two problems faced by the agriculture Ans.
sector of India. [2022] Intensive farming Extensive farming
Ans. Problems of agriculture sector are: " Intensive commercial . lt is a system
Small and fragmented land holdings leading to farming is practised in agriculture in which
the countries where the relatively small amount
low production. population pressure reduces of capital or labour are
e Lack of use of fertilizer and manure. the size of land holdings. applied to relatively large
Traditional or old methods of farming. e.g. India (Pujab, Haryana) areas of land e.g. Terai
" Poverty and absence of credit-facilities. e Farmers can grow more regions of North India.
than one crop in the same At times land left fallow
" Lack of storage facilities.
field. to regain its fertility.
" Dependence on monsoon. Farmers caneasily monitor It is mostly mechanized.
(0) (a) Mention any one climate condition found suit the land as they have
able for growing cotton. small land holdings.
(b) Name the state that is the leading producer
of cotton in India.
(ii) Mention two problems faced by the Indian
Ans. (a) Climate condition that favour the growth of cotton.
Ans. " Poor quality of seeds
" Temperature - 21°C to 27°C
. Traditional upbringing
" Rainfall 80 to 120 cm / 200 frost free days.
Agriculture in India- l||: ash Crops
Erratic nature of pressure land. (iv) (a) What is meant by 'Retting'?
Floods and droughts. (b) What kind of soil is required for the
Problems of middleman. cultivation of tea?
" Lack of storage facility.
(c) Why is pruning necessary for tea plant?
(ii) (a) Give one advantage of transplantation method Ans. (a) Rettingis a microbiolotical process. It loosens the
of sowing rice. bark and facilitates removal of jute fibre from the
(b) What is 'Ginning'. stalk.
(c) Name any two pulses grown in India. (b) Tea bush grows well in well drained, deep.
Ans. (a) There is less wastage of seeds, economical use friable, loams with porous subsoil, laterite soil.
of water and healthy crop, high yield. (c) Pruning is necessary for tea plant as it encour
(b) In Ginning method, cotton fibre is separated ages quick development of lateral branches.
from the raw material i.e. seeds. It does not allow the plant to grow more than
(c) Pulses grown in India are: Arhar, Urad, Masaor 40 cm. This facilities hand plucking which is
and Moung. mostly done to women.

Analytical Questions based on Specimen Paper (b) Mention any two climatic conditions suitable for this
for 2024 crop.
Q.1 A type of agriculture, mostly practiced in North-East Ans. (a) () Sugarcane is the crops grown by Ratan.
India where a patch of forest land is cleared by (i) This is grown in Kharif Season.
burning and crops are grown until the fertility of the (b) Sugarcane reqires an average termperature ranging
soil is exhausted, then the farmers move to a fresh from 20°Cto 30°C.
piece of land keeping the land abandoned and the
process is continued. Sugarcane needs a rainfall of about 75 cm to 120 cm.
It can growwell in Alluvial soil in North India, and Black
(a) As a Student of Geography, name the type of soil in South India.
agriculture which is practiced in North-East of India.
(b) What is the other name used by the Farmers of Q.3 The tree which is grown on the hill-slopes, under
Assam? the shade of trees raised in advance, and involves
many women skilled workers.
(c) Why does the Government of India ban this type of
agriculture? (two points) (a) (i) Name the crop which is grown on the hill slopes
under the shady trees.
Ans. (a) Shifting agriculturelslash and burn is the name of
this type of agriculture which is practiced in North (ii) Why does this crop involve many women
East of India.
(b) It is known as Jhooming' in Assam. (b) Mention two geographical conditions suitable for this
(c) This is very crude and primitive method resulting in
(i) Large scale deforestation. Ans. (a) ()Tea is grown on the hillslopes under the shade
of the trees raised in advanced.
(ii) Soil erosion.
(ii) The leaves plucking is a very skilled job,
(ii) Forest-fire destroy the environment, that is why requiring patience and judgement. The women
this type of agriculture has now been banned by workers have these quality. They pluck two ten
Government of India. der leaves with a bud. It is called 'Fine plucking
Q.2 Ratan is a farmer who asked his friend to help for They are the better pickers and are easily avail
(a) (i) Which crop do you think is grown by Ratan? (b) Tea crop requires 150 cm to 250 cm of annual rainfal,
Give reason. and well drained mountain soil, well drained forest soil
(ii) In which season is this crop grown in India? or they alsogrow well in laterite soil. They require 13°C
to 35°C of temperature.
(Chapters : 13 & 14)
Q.1. (a) Give two reasons for the importance of the Varanasi,
jute industry in the Ganga-Bramaputra delta Tamil Nadu-Kanchipuram, Coimatore, Salem
region. [2016) Tanjavur, Tirunelveli, Dharmapuri, Madurai
Where does it obtain its iron and coal from?
Q.2. (a) Mention two advantages that a mini-steel
Ans. Availability of raw material as it is jute producing plant has over an integrated iron and steel
area. Plenty of clean water for retting, availability plant. [2016]
of labour, transport facility, inland, water route, Ans. It uses Scrap-iron, uses electric furnace so no
international port etc. Coal from Ranigunj and pollution, conserve coal, help in decentralized
Jharia, cheap electricity from DVC and humid development less capital investment, no use of
climate for spinning the yarn. high capital, produce special steel i.e. Alloy steel.
(b) Mention two problems of the cotton textile (b) (i) Name an iron and steel plant which was
industry in India. established with British collaboration.
Ans. Fluctuation in availability of raw material as it is
(ii) From where does it get its supply for
agriculture based, out-dated machines, frequent 1. Iron
power-cut, sick-mills, poor quality of cotton,
low productivity of labour, stiff competition from 2. Manganese
substitute, competition from foreign countries or Ans. (i) The iron and steel plant at Durgapur was
markets established with British collaboration.
(c) (i) Give two reasons why the woolen industry (ii) 1. Iron-ore Singhbhum in Jharkhand/Keonjhar
is not a flourishing industry in India. in Odisha, Bolani in Odisha.
(ii) Name two centres for this industry. 2. Manganese - Keonjhar, Barbil, Sundargarh in
Ans. () India is a tropical country and so demand of Odisha.
woollens is low, p0or quality of indigenous wool, 3.Coal-Raniganj in West Bengal and Jharia in
Woolens are expensive so less demand, winter Jharkhand.
is severe only in North, so there is a small
(c) Give a reason for each of the following :
() Products made from petrochemicals are
(ü) Amritsar, Ludhiana, Dhariwal, Vadodara,
Ahmedabad Shahjahanpur, Mirzapur, growing in popularity.
Jamnagar, Shrinagar, Varanasi, Mumbai, (ii) Aheavy engineering industry requires
Nagpur, Panipat, Gurgaon, Kulu. (any two) huge capital investment.
(d) With reference to the silk industry, answer (ii) The electronic industry contributes to the
the following : development of the country.
() Why is Karnataka the largest producer of Ans. (i) This is because products made from
mulberry silk? Petrochemicals are cheaper/cost effective
(i) Mention two varieties of non-mulberry economical, durable, commercial stable, raw
silk produced in India. materials are easily available, not dependable
on agricultural raw material, products are
(üi) Name one silk weaving centre each in UP diversified.
and in Tamil Nadu.
Ans. (i) Climate condition of Karnataka is suitable (i) Aheavy engineering industry requires a huge
for Mulberry tree and so Sericulture can be capital investment because it reguires a big-plot
practiced, availability of temperature between of land, a big labour force, consumes power
16°C and 31°C. Soft water free from Alkaline and the raw material is heavy and expensive
and salt. Silk-worm Bombyxnori, skilled labour - large transport cost
is available, research centreS, very high
heavy/bulky raw material
technical know-how.
enomous amount of power.
(ii) Muga, Eri, and Tassar
requires expensive and skilled labour/
(ii) UP-Mirzapur, Shahjahanpur, Pratapgarh,
(ii) The electronic industry is a fast developing answer the following questions:
industry because electronic are used in many
fields, computers, entertainment, medicine, (i) Give two reasons why Mumbai is an
engineering and education, which is important important cotton textile industry.
for the development of a country. (ii) Mention two more important centres of
Space technology /1T field / Information cotton textile industry in India.
technology. Ans. (i) With reference to cotton textile industry -
(d) Name the industrial product for which the " Easy availability of raw material from the black
following centres are well known : soil region of Maharashtra.
(i) Bhilai . Humid climate

(ii) Chittaranjan " Cheap hydroelectric power

(iii) Koraput " Mumbai international port to handle export and
Ans. (i) Iron and Steel import.
(i) Electronic Locomotives . Existence of ready market
(ii) Aero engines /Air Craft . Skilled and unskilled labour from surrounding
0.3. (a) Differentiate between Mineral-based Industry areas.

and Agro-based Industry giving one Well connected with waterland by roads and
for each. example railways.
Ans. Mineral based industries use raw " Abundant supply of fresh/soft water for dyeing
obtained from mines, e.g. Iron and steel/cement/ and bleaching.
shipbuilding etc. Banking facilities available.
. Agro based industries use raw Ans. (ii) The important centres of cotton textile industry
material obtained
from agriculture eg. sugar/cotton jute/tealcoffee in India are
and oil seeds.
(b) Though Uttar Pradesh has the
Ahmedabad, Surat, Bhavnagar, Kanpur,
largest Modinagar, Lucknow, Etawah, Madurai,
number of sugar mills yet Maharashtra is Coimbatore, Saharanpur, Moradabad and Salem.
the largest producer of sugar. Give any two Q.4. (a) The Iron and Steel industry constitutes the
reasons to justify the statements.
Ans. Maharashtra is the largest producer of sugar
backbone of modern industrial economy'.
Give two reasons to justify the statement.
. Geographical conditions in the south are more
suitable i.e. temperature - 20°C to 30°C. [2017]
Ans. The Iron and Steel industry constitutes the
o Rainfall 100 to 200 cm
of modern
industrial economy as
Frost Free days
" it supplies necessary machinery for production of
o Black Lava soil
various goods.
" Longer crushing season " railway tracks, engines, ships and motor are made
Mills are near the plantation hence, no loss of of iron and steel.
Sucrose and cost of production is low. " used in construction of bridges.
" Mills better managed in the cO-operative sector. " making ornaments
" Large capital investments. " water pipes and sewage cOvers
Scientific technology. . infrastructure necessities in
airports and seaports.
(c) Give the geographic term for each of the " supports agriculture, fertilizers and
cement industry
following : (b) (i) Name an Iron and Steel
(i) Non-mulberry silk produced in Madhya Industry set up in
odisha with the help of a famous German
Pradesh. firm.
(ii) Rejected cane after crushing. (ii) From where does the industry
(ii) The rearing of silkworms to obtain silk. b (i) get its iron ore and
named in
Ans. (i) Tassar manganese?
Ans. (i) Rourkela Steel Plant.
(i) Bagasse (ii) . It gets its iron ore from Bonaigarh, Mayurbani.
(ii) Sericulture Keonjhar, Noamuadi, Sundargarh
(d) With reference to the cotton textile industry It gets its manganese from Noamudi, Keonihar

Manufacturing Industries in India - ||: Mineral-based 299

Barajanda, Sundargarh. (ii) The electronics industry is
(c) Name a manufacturing centre for each of the an asset fro our country inproving to be
the field
following industries:
(i) Aircraft Ans. (i) FavOurable climate for rearing
(ii) HMT
salt water free from alkaline salt is
traditional occupation, therefore plenty of
(ii) Railway coaches. labour/Bombyxmori and Mori skilled
Ans. (() Aircraft Bengaluru,
Hyderabad, Lucknow, Kanpur.
Nasik, Korapet, Silk nurseries/Licensed of seeds
many mulberry-bushes are availabie
() HMT Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Srinagar, Ajmer, (ii) Petrochemicals are cost effective,
Ranchi, Secundrabad, Pinjore. cheaper, available in plenty, not durable.
(n) Railway Coaches - Chennai, Kapurthala in
Punjab. Perambur.
on agriculture, stable, large production, easi
(d) Name two products each of the following (ii) Computer, IWB, Multimedia presentation, Laptor
industries : [2017] Palmtop, E-books, E-content etc. is helpfil
(i) Petrochemical industry. in education field. Related to education and
(ii) Heavy engineering industry. computers.
(ii) Electronic industry. (d) Name the following :
Ans. () Petrochemical - Plastics, insecticides, synthetic, (i) A city most famous for electronics and
fibre, synthetic rubber, PVC, polythene, nylon/ hence called "The electronics capital of
dectron / rayon. India.

(ii) Ships, aircrafts, automobiles, locomotives, (ii) The location of an iron and steel industry
agriculture machinery. set up with German collaboration.
(ii) Computers, television sets, audio-system, I-pods. (ii) A by-product of sugar industry which is
used in the manufacture of wax and shoe
Q.5. (a) () Name the private sector iron and stee polish.
plant of India. [2018]
Ans. (i) Bengaluru
(ii) From where does it get its supply of :
1. Iron ore (ii) It is Sundergarh district of Odisha at the
confluence of Sankha and Koel in Rourkela.
2. Manganese (ii) Pressmud.
3. Coal
Q.6 (a) Where do the following iron and steel plants get
Ans. (i) Tata iron and Steel Company /TISCO Tata Steel their supply of iron ore from? [2019]
Company. (i) Bhilai Iron and Steel Plant.
(i1) 1. Gorumahsani in Mayurbhanj, Singhbhum, (ii) Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant.
Banaigarh, Noamundi
Ans. " Bhilai Iron and Steel plant - Iron ore is obtained
2. Joda in Keonjhar, Naomundi, Singhbhum. from Dalli-Rajhara range, 80 km south of Bhilai.
3. Jharia/Bokaro
" Vishakhapatanam Steel plant-Iron ore is obtained
(b) Mention any two problems faced by the cotton from Bailadila mines in Chhattisgarh.
textile industry of India.
(b) Karnataka has developed as an important state
Ans. Agro-based industry, therefore the fluctuation for the growth of the Silk industry'. Give two
in the supply of raw material/low productivity of reasons to justify the statement.
labourlold and obsolete machinery and outdated Ans. The factors responsible for development of silk
methods of production/sick industry units/shortage industry in Karnataka are as follows
of power/competition from other countries like EgyptU
Competition from Synthetic fibre sick mills. Availability of mulberry plant which is raised as
a plantation bush.
(c) Give a geographical reason for each of the Recent introduction of a new technology of
following :
handling Bombyx mori.
(i) Silk industry is doing particularly well in for womenfolk
Karnataka. Sericulture provides employment
In rearing silkworm while men work in the
(ii) Petrochemical products are gaining plantation.
popularity in modern times.
(c) With reference to sugar industries answer the

300 A Textbook of ICSE Geography X

following questions :
(1) Why should these industries be industry. It is a source of employment for people
located and sugarcane for sugar industry.
close to the sugarcane growing areas? Mineral based industries use mineral ores as
(ii) Name two
by-products of the sugar their raw material. e.g. iron ore is used in iron
and steel industry.
(ii) Mention one leading sugar
in North ndia and producing state
one in South India.
It is a source of employment
(iü)) Petrochemical industry manufactures variouS
Ans. ) Sugar industries are located
close to
growing areas because sugarcane is sugarcane
heavy and
products that are used by people for e.g medicines.
perishable raw cosmetics appliance, wind turbines, drugs, insecticide
material. Therefore, it has to be and solar power panels.
crushed within 24 hrs, else the
sucrose content
is reduced. Petrochemicals are durable, cheap and cost
Transport cost is reduced if industry
is located near the effective. Their raw material is easily available
sugarcane field. (iii) With reference to Tata Steel Plant answer the
Molasses " Bagasse
(ii) Uttar Pradesh in north following:
Andhra Pradesh and (a) Where is it situated.
Telangana " Tamil Nadu in South.(any two).
(d) Give a reason for each of (b) From where does it get its coal requirement?
the foliowing :
(i) Ahmedabad is an (c) From where does it get its iron ore
important cotton textile requirement?
producing centre in India.
(ii) Ans. With reference to Tata Steel Plant
Cottage industries are significant for our
economy. (a) At Jamshedpur in Jharkhand at the
of Subanrekha and Kharkai river.
Petrochemical industries
located ciose to the
are usually
oil refineries. It was established in 1907 by
Jamshedji Tata at
Ans. () " The factors Sakchi in Singhbhum district of Jharkhand.
responsible for
textile industry in Ahmedabadconcentration
of (b)Coal-Jharia,
are Singhbhum, Bokaro, Raniganj and
Ahmedabad is situated in the centre of cotton Gangpur.
(c) Iron ore Noamundi, Joda
producing area hence raw material is readily Maryurbhanj, Keonjhar,
available. Gurumashani and Bonai.
(iv) (a) Name any two by
It has humid climate which is ideal for cotton products of the sugar
thread. industry.
(b) Why are the cotton textile
located in the coastal area? industries mostBy
(i) Cottage industries are significant for our
economy. They bring a lot of foreign exchange Ans. (a) Bagasse, Mollasses, Pressmud.
as they are popular among the international
(b) " Cotton textile needs
community. They produce variety of products humid climate so that
like pottery, ornaments, handicrafts and thread does not break easily.
embroidered items. Hence, situated mostly in coastal area.
(iii) Petrochemnical industries are usually Port facility for
close to the oil refineries, as it gets its raw Q.8 (i) How are the industries import-export and raw materials.
important for India? (Two
materials from nearby refineries. It also saves
on transportation cost. Ans. Industries are very inmportant for the [2023]
Q7 (i) Differentiate between mineral based economic
development of India. Industries help in making self
and agro
based industry giving suitable example for each reliant, provide employment earn foreign
from India. maintain balance of trade and improve theexchange
of living. standard
(1) Give two ways in when petrochemical industry
is important for India. (ii) State thedifference between Agro based
S. (0) Difference between agro based and mineral Forest based industry. Give one example and
each type of industry.
industry: Ans. Agro based industry depend on agricuiture for their
Agro based industries use agricultural products
as their raw material. e.g. cotton fibre for textile raw material. Examples, Sugar industry, Textile

Manufacturina Industries in India I|: Mineral-based 301

" Forest industry depend on forests for their raw (iv) (a) Mention two problems faced by the sugar
material., Example, Paper for wood pulp, furniture, industry of India.
lac, gum, medicinal plants sport goods etc. (b) Where is Tata Steel located?
(i) (a) What has made Mumbai an important centre (c) Why is the silk industry losing the market in
for cotton textile production? (Write any 2 recent times?
points) Ans. (a) Sugar industry faces many problems like lack of
(b) Why are the petrochemical productsin great supply of raw material, short crushing season,
demand? rate is fixed by the government, fluctuation in
Ans. (a) Mumbai has become an important centre for output of sugarcane, and old obsolete machinery
cotton textile because it has humid climate cheap and non use of by products.
hep, cheap labour, major port for export and (b) Tata steel is located in Tata nagar at Jamshedpur
import etc. in Jharkhand.
Ans. (b) Petrochemical products are in great demand (c) Silk industry is losing the market as it is facing
because they are cheap, cost effective and stiff competition from synthetic fibres, expensive
durable. outdated power-looms, and absence of skills

Analytical Questions based on Specimen Paper variety of sugarcane.

for 2024 The sucrose content is high in South India.
Agro-based Industries-! " The crushing season is longer i.e. 7 to 8 months, in
Q.1 The industry which uses sugarcane and tends to shift South lndia.
from North India to South India. " Sugar: Mills are near by the fields which reduces the
(a) Name the industry which uses sugarcane and tends transportation cost as well as fear of reducing the
to shift from Noth India to South India. sucrose content because the sugarcane is perishable
raw material.
(b) Mention three by-products of this industry and one
use of each product. " The Cooperative sugar mills are better managed by
(c) Give two reasons why does this industry has shifted using modern machinery in south India.
from North India to South India. "There is no fear of frost/loo and also sea ports are
Ans. (a) The industry which use sugarcane is sugar available near by for exporting of sugar in foreign
(b) Three by products and their uses are: Minerals-based Industries-I|

(i) Molasses: It is used for fertilizer, DDT, power Q.1 Jamshedjit Tata established a industry at Sakchi
alcohol, synthetic rubber, plastic, rum, chemicals, in Singhbhum district of Jharkhand (at present in
and cattle-feed. Jamshedpur) in 1907.
(ii) Bagasse: It is used as raw material for paper () It is a private sector or public sector?
industry, making of cardboard, fertilizer, fuel for (i) Name the industry which was established by
cooking and cattle-feed. Jamshedji Tata at Jamshedpur.
(ii) Press mud: It is used for making printing ink, (ii) Where from it gets the supply of iron-ore and coal.
insulation board, carbon paper, wax, shoe polish. Ans. (i) It is a private sector enterprise.
(c) This industry has shifted from North India to South (ii) This is the oldest and largest steel industry in
India because of following reasons which are given India. The name of the industry is Tata Steel
below: Company.
" South India has tropical limate i.e. High temperature (i) The industry gets its high grade haematite iron ore
and good amount of rainfall. from Noamundi mines of Singhbhum in Jharkhand
" Availability of black soil which grow high yielding and Mayurbhanj in Odisha.
Q.1. (a) Give two reasons for the "means of transport" Ans. () Nearly seventy per cent Indians do not tise
being called the lifelines of a nation economy. transport as it is very expensive.
[2018] (ii) A well-developed transport network is
Ans. Means of transport help the economy by helping in important for industrial growth as it facilitates
movement of g0ods and raw material for industrial the movement of goods from producers to
growth/export and import/infrastructure development/ Consumers and vice versa.
growth of tertiary sector. (ii) " Water transport is not as popular as land
(b) Give two ways in which rail transport is useful transport because failure of monsoon
for the people of India. results in fall in water level of rivers, making
Ans. Railways facilitates easy movement of bulky navigation difficult.
goods. It " Speed is slow and at times of floods it is risk,.
has brought the villages close to cities, helps during
natural calamities. Journey is comfortable/cheap. Hence, it is not as popular as land transport.
(c) (i) State one advantage of inland waterways. (d) (i) The railway is an important means of
(ii) State one advantage of roadways. transport as compared to airways.' State
(ii) State one disadvantage of water transport. two reasons to support the statement.
Ans. () It is cheap, eco-friendly, to transport bulky goods/ Ans. " Railways is an important means of transport as
fuel efficient. compared to airways because railways serve
(iü) Cheaper/door to door service/safer movement of as the cheapest mode of transport for bulky
goods/links other means of transport. products like coal, iron ore, etc.
(iii) Slowlit is time consuming/depend on weather/ " Railways connect the hinterland to the
can cause sea sickness. They help in agricultural development.
(d) Give three reasons as to why airways are (ii) Mention one disadvantage of rail transport.
becoming a popular means of transport in Ans. Rail transport disadvantage: obsolete
modern India. tracks and equipment are cause of major accidents,
Ans. Airways are faster, comfortable, can cross natural hence it is unsafe at times.
barriers with ease, provide quick help in natural Q.3 (0) Mention twO advantages of using roadways.
calamities, most accessible for hilly areas, border
areas, open-sky policy, policy of light weight, highly [2022]
Ans. Advantages of roadways
valuable, to promote medical emergency. (any 3 points) " Door to door service.
Q.2 (a) 'Roadways are an important means of transport Cheapest means of communication.
in India'. Roads provide a link between railways stations
Give twO reasons to justify the statement. and ports.
Ans. Roadways are an important means of transport in " Roads are suitable for short distance travel.
India because - " Roads need less capital than railways. Hence,
" Roadways are the cheapest means of need less investment.
communication. (ii) What is the purpose of developing the Golden
" Roads provide door-to0-door service. Thus, the Quadrilateral in India?
cost of transport is reduced considerably. Ans. The Golden Quadrilateral (GQ) a highway network
(b) () Why are South Indian rivers not ideal for connecting many of the major industrial agricultural
the inland water transport? and cultural centres of India.
Ans. Rivers of South India are not ideal for inland water " It forms a quadrilateral connecting Delhi (North)
transport as they flow in rocky areas, hence they Kolkata (East) Mumbai (West) and Chennai
are not fit for plying boats. (South).
" The purpose of this project is to reduce time and
(i) Mention one advantage of coastal shipping. distance between the mega cities of India.
Ans. Coastal shipping reduces the burden on rail and " Then is better movement of products and people.
transport systems. It also saves fuel and is cheaper. "
(c) Give a reason for each of the following: Provides job opportunities.
(ii) Mention three disadvantage of waterway.
() Nearly seventy per cent of Indians do not Ans. Disadvantages of waterways.
use air transport.
(ii) A well-developed transport network is " Slow-speed of inland water transport is very slow.
important for industrial growth. Limited area of operation.
(ii) Water transport is not as popular as land Failure of monsoon results in fall in water level
transport in India. of rivers making navigation difficult.
" Water transport is more risky as compared to
A Textbook of ICSE Geography - X
other means especially during heavy rains. Airways are the fastest mode of transport.
" Siltation is alsO a problem in rivers. contracts like
" Airways are free from geographical
(ii) Give a roason for the following. mountains, river or oceans.
(a) Railway are not well developed in the North " Useful for perishable goods like flowers.
Eastern States of India. Accessible for areas of hilly regions.
(b) Air transport has gained popularity in " Very important for business people as it saves
recent time in India. times.
(c) NSEW is helpful for India. (ii) (a) Why are South India rivers not ideal
Ans. (a) Railways are not well developed in the inland water transport.
Northern states of India because of rugged (b) Mention two advantages of waterways.
topography andin the North presence of the Ans. (a) Peninsular rivers South India are not ideal for
many streams and rivers, hills and forests. island water transport because the rivers are
(b) Air transport has gained popularity in recent seasonal, and they flow in rocky areas.
times in India as it saves lot of time it is faster (b) Advantages of wateways are
improvement in iving standard and income " Maintenance cost of water transport is quite less
cheaper fares due to competition with other as compared to rail and road transport.
airlines and government policies. " Water transport is cheaper.
(c) NSEW is helpful for India as it is a highway " They are ecofriendly, safe less traffic and are full
network connecting many of the major industrial efficient.
agricultural and cultural centres of India. (iv) (a) Why are roadways considered more
important than any other means of transport.
Q.4 (0) Why is the important to have well developed (b) Mention two advantages of using railways
means of transport in India? [2023] as means of transport.
Ans. It is important to have a well developed means of Ans. (a) Roadways are considered more important as
transport in India it is important for goods movement " They are the cheapest mode of transport.
industrial growth, development of trade, commerce
and economic development of the country. It is the Roads provide door to door service.
They provide a link between railway stations
lifeline of modern India. It helps in promoting foreign and ports. The road transport is most favoured
trade and tourism in India.
(ii) "Though an expensive mode of transport, in Northern plains because of their flat level
airways is gaining popularity in India", Explain lands, soft alluvial plains. rich agricuitures and
giving two reasons. high density of population.
Ans. Aiways are extensively used because & Roads are suitable for short distance travel.

Analytical Questions based on Specimen Paper ONGC and Oil India Ltd.
for 2024 Apart from all these, it also provides services to
Transportation certain State govemments and Public undertakings
and noth-Easten states
Q.1 Transportation which provides support services to
petroleum sector including ONGC and Oil and India Q.2 (a) Naterways lost their importance because they are
Lid. It offers services to emote or inaccessible areas the slowest mode of transportation. As a class 10th
Such as hilly/mountainous regions and also makes student, can you tell me which is the slowest means
of transportation in India?
Charter fights for promotion of tourism. (b) Why has this tvpe of transport lost its importance
(a) (0) Name the mode of transportation given above. Compared to the fastest mode of transpotation?
(0) In which year was it established in India?
(c) It is mostly dependent on weather conditions
(b) What are the primary objectives of this type of Give answer with a suitable reason.
transportation? Ans. (a) The slowest means of transport in India is
Ans.(a) () Pawan Hans Helicopters Ltd. (PHHL) is the water ways.
name of this transportation.
(b) They take a long tinme to reach the destinaton,
(u) it was established in 1935.
therefore passengers suter sea-Sickness.
(b) The primary objectives of this transportation are (c) Wateways cannot reach each part of the
given below: Country, therefore they have limited service
" To rescue the people during any emergency Climate affects the service ot the waterwayS.
Such as war affected areas, Tsunamis or ie, failure of onsoon. loods or aroughts which
Earthquake affected areas results in fall of the water level of the nvers
" They have been providing helicopter support South ndian Rivers are non-perennial and swift
services to the petroleum sector including flowing therefore many rapids cataract. waterfalls
are present
(Chapters : 16-17)
Q.1. (a) Mention twO advantages and one disadvantage (c) What do you mean by the following :
of waterways. [2016] () Sewage.
(b) Roadways are always considered more (iü) Eutrophication
important than any other means of (ii) Recycling
transportation. Give two reasons in support (d) 'Methane is an air pollutant that causes
of the statement. Greenhouse effect.' Name three sources of
(c) () Mention any two sources of waste. this gas.
(ii) What are Biodegradable waste? Ans. (a) People use railways rather than airways
(d) Explain briefly the meaning of the following Airways are expensive.
Airways do not allow passengers to carry
(i) Composting much luggage.
(iü) Incineration " Not all places are connected by airways.
(ii) Segregation Ans. (b) Indian waterways is declining its importance
Ans. (a) Advantage: Causes no pollution safer and
can allow movement of heavy load, cheaper, " lt provides access to limited areas.
environmental friendly, save fuel, less capital " It is much slower than roadways and
investment than other mode of transport, less railways.
expensive for maintenance and transport. Seasonal rivers
Disadvantages: Does not connect all places,
slower, depends on navigability of water-source, " Depends on climate
depends on weather, sea-sickness. (c) (i) Sewage The waste water discharge
Ans. (b) Facilitates long distance travel, quick and more from domestic premises like residence,
institutions and commercial establishments
regular, safe, can carry heavy, bulky load, link is known as sewage.
between railway station and ports, high altitude
areas, steep slopes road can be laid, door (ü) Eutrophication
to door service, cheaper, cheapest, connect " Type of water pollution.
villages with urban areas to connect remote " It is a process of depletion of oxygen
areas, good for perishable items like fruits, milk, from water bodies either through natural,
flowers and vegetables. process or due to human activities.
" This process takes place due to
(c) () Domestic waste, industrial waste,agricultural introduction of nutrients and chemicals
waste, municipal waste, biomedical waste, through discharge of domestic sewage,
nuclear waste, mining waste.
waste from industries and from agricultural
(i) It is a waste decompose through the fields.
actions of bacteria, fungi and other living (iii) Recycling or reuse involves the collection of
organisms. used and discarded materials - processing
(d) (i) Composting of waste in an aerobic method these materials and making then into new
of decomposing solid waste. products.
(ü) Incineration - It is the method of burning " It involves recovery of usable products
the waste to reduce its weight and volume from waste.
so that it can be disposed easily-burning Ans. (d) The sources of methane gas are
solid waste in high temperature. Cattle shed, swamps, coal mines, decomposition
(üi) Segregation It refers to separation of of vegetable matter, landfills, bio-mass,
waste into different categories of waste. The
most popular segregation is Biodegradable
paddy-fields, wet lands, natural gas, oil field.
and Non-Biodegradable.
Q.3 (a) What impact does the waste accumulation have
Q.2. (a) Mention two reasons why more people use on the following? [2019]
railways rather than airways. [2017] (i) Quality of air around us
(b) Why is inland waterways declining in its Ans. Waste accumulation pollutes the air around us which
importance? Give two reasons for your may cause serious health hazards like respiratory
answer. track problems.
(ii) Quality of water around us flow of
Waste accumulation causes depletion of These plastic bags block the
drains. Since plastics do not get naturally
from water bodies OCcuring either naturallyoxygen
or due disintegrated, it affects the marine life in
to human activities. rivers and oceans.
It also causes water related
diseases such as Q.4 (i) Why is there a need for waste management n
large metropolitan cities? [2022]
(b) Mention two ways in which the decomposition Ans. There is a need for waste management in large
of waste in open areas can affect human health. metropolitan cities as accumulation of waste may
Ans. Deposition of waste in open can affects human create serious environmental impacts on
health, can result in various types of infections and infectious diseases land and
health. lt may cause
chronic diseases. drains. It may
water pollution and obstruction of
(c) () What can an individual do to reduce waste cause serious environmental polution.
at home?
(i) Why is composting considered a safe
(ii) Why must segregation of waste be done of waste disposal?
before disposal? Composting is conversion of organic waste
(iii) How has composting proven to be a great Ans.
into valuable fertilizers.
help in managing waste? the
Ans. () Individuals can reduce the use of harmful " It recycles the nutrients and returns
articles which are non-biodegradable, organic material and nutrients back into the
segregating the waste as liquid, glass, paper soil.
and vegetable waste. It is a natural waste disposal system.
Using the biodegradable waste to prepare It is a reduction of the quantity of waste to
Compost. be disposed off as garbage by the house
(ü) Segregation of waste must be done before holder.
disposal as if it is mixed it can be very harmful. (ii) (a) Why should be reuse waste?
The biomedical waste and industrial waste must (b) HoW can farm waste be made useful?
not be mixed with municipal solid waste consisting (c) How is dumping of waste harmful?
of biodegradable gartbage. It can be toxic.
Ans. (a) There are many things that can be reused as
(i)Composting it conserves resources, reduces waste and
It is helpful in managing waste as it reduces
causes less pollution.
the quantity of waste to be disposed by
householder. One can make new notebooks cushion
cOvers, door mates etc. We can use old
" It helps in recycling of organic materials and
nutrients back into the soil. tyres for SOwing plants after filling them with
(d) Give areason for each of the following : soil.

(i) Trees must be planted in the industrial (b) The common agricultural waste disposal
areas. methods can be burning, dumping land
(ii) Chemical fertilizers must be replaced by flling, composting and using as fertilizer by
organic manure. converting into useful manure. can also
(ii) Plastic and polythene products must be be used to prepare bio-gas.
banned. (c) Dumping of waste is very harmful as
Ans. (i) Trees provide clean environment. Hence, it is It may lead to environmental pollution.
advisable to plant trees around the industries Soil Contamination, water contamination.
dioxide and
as the trees take in carbon " It may affect human health.
provide the surroundings with oxygen. " It is a breeding ground for many diseases
fertility of the
(0) Organic manures increase the decay of
carrying pests.
soil. They are derived from the (iv) Mention three ways to reduce waste generation
vegetable matter. It also helps the plant for at home.
nutrients from the soil essential
draw the Ans. The ways to reduce waste generation at home:
fertilizers which
its growth. Hence, chemical must be Reusing the waste material can help reduce
are very harmful for the waste generation at home for e.g.
replaced by organic manure.
polythene Composting kitchen waste reusing waste
(ii) The unhygienic use of plastic and articles for making handicrafts.
products must be banned.
" Reuse grocery bags.
Colourful plastic are harmful as their " Use the
pigment contains heavy metals
that are discarded items for decorating one's
highly toxic.
Q.5 () Why should Waste Management be practiced in be used for art and craft as wrapping paper
every school? 2023] and by DIY for making paper machine.
Ans. Waste management must be practiced in every (c) Benefits of Composting
school so as to bring in awareness towards Compost is a nutrient rich organic material
importance of optimum use of resources, the use of that enriches soil health and improves the
three rs ie. recycling, reuse and reducingwaste and texture of soil.
hamful effects on human accumulation of waste on Compost acts as a natural fertilizer
human health and environment. eliminating or reducing the need for
(ii) Mention one advantage and one disadvantage of synthetic chemical fertilizers.
dumping of waste. Reduces waste accumulation and prevents
Ans. Advantage - It helps to keep the city clean, saves soil erosion.
time and labour. Eco friendly.
" Since landfills, where dumping of waste takes (iv) (a) How is recycling of waste helpful? Give an
place, are covered, there is minimum air pollution. example of recycling of waste.
Ans. Disadvantage-Causes air pollution, spreads diseases (b) Mention any one initiative takern by the
foul smell, spoils the scenic beauty causes formation government to manage waste.
of leachate as rainwater percolate through the landfill Ans. (a) Recycling waste offers several benefits as
ground, the chemical processes turn its acidic. it reduce, disposal burden and pressure on
(iii) Briefly answer the following: useful resources for e.g. paper recycling
(a) How is segregation of the waste helpful? for making newspaper, plastic recycling for
(b) Mention one way in which we can reuse various produces and packaging. Hence,
waste. recycling products serve as raw material for
(c) Mention one benefit of composting. various new products.
Ans. (a) Segregation of the waste helpful as it enables a (b) One initiative taken by the Indian government
more efficient and effective waste management to manage waste is the Swachh Bharat
system, contributing to a cleaner and healthier Abhiyan (Clean India Mission), launched
environment. It help in implementing 3Rs. on October 2, 2014. This national campaign
(b) We can reuse waste by finding creative ways aims to achieve universal sanitation coverage
by reusing glass jars, bottles, for storage promote cleanliness and effecting manage
containers, old newspapers or magazines can solid waste.

Analytical Questions based on Specimen Paper Using cloth napkins and cloth bags instead of
for 2024 using paper napkins and plastic carry bags. They
can be reused.
Waste Management
Q.1 lam Antara, a student of class 10. Recently, my father Sorting out the non-biodegradable waste before
throwing them into the dustbin, and send them
arranged a party on account of my brother's birthday. to the recycle centre. Bio-degradable waste can
Many relatives and family friends were invited.
be used as compost for the plant's growth in our
My dad had purchased plastic glasses, plates and kitchen garden.
obviously bought mineral water bottles and many Q.2 The process involves decomposition of organic waste
food items for our quests. When the party was over,
into a fertile top layer of the soil for the growth of the
all the disposable plastic items, surplus foods and plants.
carry bags, paper napkins were thrown away in the (a) Which method of the waste management would
dustbin nearby.
have helped in reducing health hazard and save the
Mention three ways to reduce waste generation at environment?
(b) Mention two advantages of the method.
Ans. Reuse our household trash in a good way to Ans. (a) It is the method 'composting'.
reduce waste. For example, instead of throwing
the plastic bottles, use them to decorate our (b) Conversion of organic waste into valuable fertilizers.
It aids the plant growth.
house by making a flower pot or other DIY plastic
showpieces. Compost improves the texture of the soil.
" Recycling of organic materials and nutrients back into
" Instead of throwing extra food into the dustbin,
the soil.
distribute thern to the poor people those who live "
in nearby area r cook and plate less food that Reduction of the quantity of waste to be disposed by
house holder.
can be eaten by the guests. It increases the water holding capacity of the soil.

344 ATextbook of ICSE Geography - X

(Released by CISCE for Examination to be held in 2024)
Maximum Marks: 80
Time allowed: Tvo hours
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 mimutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper:
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Part Iis Compulsorn: All Ouestions from Part Iare to be attenpted. A total of five questions are to be attempted
from Part lI. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [].
PART I (30 Marks)
(Attempt all questions from this Part.)
Question 1
Study the extract of the survey of India Map, sheet No. G43S7 and answer the following:
() (a) Give the six-figure grid reference for .201 in the Eastern part of the Map extract.
Ans. (a) The six-figure grid reference for .201 in the Eastern part of the map is 301074.
(b) What are the brown patches in the North-East quarter of the map extract?
Ans. (b) The brown patches in the North-East quarter of the map are Sand-dunes.
(i) Mohan goes on abicycle from 02 northing to 12 northing in astraight line. If he moves at a speed of
kilometres per hour, how much time will he take to each his destination?
Ans. (ii) The time Mohan takes to reach his destination is 1 hour.
(iii) (a) What is the compass direction of Rampura ( 2709) to Kotda (3005)?
Ans. (a) The compass direction of Rampura (2709) to Kotda (3005) is North-West.
(b) What is the nature of streams seen in the map
Ans. (b) The nature of the streams seen in the Map is Seasonal/ dry Streams.
(iv) (a) Ramesh returned to his native place Mahudi Moti (2404) after a gap of ten years and was happy to see the
development around his village. What according to you show that the area around his village has
b) What is the black vertical line made between the Easting 25 and 26? developed?
Ans. (a)
(i) A metalled Road in the Settlenment of Mahudi Moti which is
connected with the ExDressway shows Mahudi
Moti is well connected to other settlements
(ii) Power lines with poles unsurveyed are installed which shows
availability of electricity
(ii) ACovered tank is available to supply water to the Settlement of Mahudi Moti
Ans. (b) The black vertical line between Easting 25 and 26 is Line of
Longitude, 17'30" of Longitude.
(v) Mention two man-made and two natural fealures in the grid square
Ans. The two man-made features in the grid square are Pack track, Cart track,
Covered tanks, Temple, Perennial
lined well, Permanent Settlement (Santawada)
The two natural features are Dry/Scasonal stream, Sand features, Broken

A Textbook of ICSE Geography - X
Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S7 (Eastings 22 to 32 and Northings 02 to 12)
A 17 30 B
24 26 29
12 a283

Cponserus SPU

Râmpura Covarsd snk


208 Santanwãda
Bhadi. Soras

châwsda 200


Covórad Räggura
abyd Nän..

Track Mehudi Moti

190 Asriodari
03 194)

Aqupoo 0000¬
02 26 27 28 29
25 20
22 23
17 30
500 m to 1 cm
1:50,000 2cm to 1 krn

Metres 1000 500


Specimen Question Paper (Solved) 349

Question 2
On the outline map of India provided:
i) Shade and label an allwial soil arca of India.
(i1) Mark with a dot and name thc cit which lies on the banks of river Jhelum.
(Ii) Mark and name the highest peak of India.
(iv) Shade and label Gulf of Kutch.
(v) Mark with arrow and label NE Monsoon wind.
(vi) Shade and label a denselh populated area in South India.
(vii) Mark and label Himalavas.
(viü) Mark and label Brahmaputra.
(ix) Mark and label Tropic of Cancer.
(x) Mark and label Malabar Coast.








ATextbook of ICSE Geography - X
Question 3
Choose the correct answvers to the questions from the given options.
(i) Which of the following is the CORRECT set of watey bodies firom which The Southwest monsoOn picks p
moisture? [1]
(a) Arabian sea t Bay of Bengal + Indian Ocean
(b) Indian Ocean +Andaman Sea + Arabian Sea
(c) Bay of Bengal + Indian Ocean + Andaman Sea
(d) Gulf of Mannar + Mediterranean Sea + Indian Ocean
(i) Feel and consistency of soilis called of the soil. [1]
(a) Profile (b) Parent rock (c) Texture (d) Nature
(iii) Teak and Shisham are the typical trees of which of the following natural Vegetation belt? [1]
(a) Tropical Evergreen (b) Tropical Monsoon (c) Tropical Desert (d) Littoral forest
(iv) Which of the following may be used for the recharging of underground Water? [)
(a) Planting of shelter belt (b) Gullies and ravines
(c) Percolation pit (d) Commercial farming
(v) Which type of coal is called an industrial coal? [1]
(a) Peat (b) Lignite (c) Bituminous (d) Anthracite
(vi) Maharashtra is the leading producer of which of the following cash crop?
(a) Jute (b) Cotton (c) Coffee (d) Tea
(vii) WVhich crop is associated with Ratooning? [1]
(b) Jute (c) Rice (d) Cotton
(a) Sugarcane
(viii) Which steel plant amongst the following was set up with the Collaboration with Germany?
(a) Bhillai (b) Tata Steel (c) Vishakhapatnam (d) Rourkela
(ix) Which is the busiest artificial port of India?
(a) Goa (b) Mumbai (c) Chennai (4) Vishakhapatnam
pollution called? [1]
(x) What is the depletion of oxygen in a water body resulting from
(a) Decay of water (b) Eutrophication (c) Bio magnification (d) Greenhouse effect


(iii) (b) (iv) (c) (v) (c) (vi) (b) (vii) (a) (viiil) (d) (ix) (C) (x) (b)
i) (a) (ii) (c)

PART II (50 Marks)

(Attempt any five questions from this Part)

Question 4
Department (IMD) on Tuesdav May I6
(i) The southwest monsoon is late this year: The lndian Meteorological
had predicted that the onset of Southwest monsoon is delayed by jour days. An agricultural economy India is
percent of its Annual rainfall Indian Express
heavily reliant on the monsoon which brings 75 monsoon2
according to you may be the reason for the delay of
(a) As a student of Geography, what
Monsoon winds are:
Ans. (a) The Characteristics of Indian
The are Erratic. Sporadic, Uncertain and Unpredictable as they are periodic winds and depend on the
diferential heating of land and sea. Thus, seasonal changes in low pressure or high pressure on sea mav
cause delay of monsoon.

Specimen Question Paper (Solved) 351

(b) 4 hat iN the usal time for the onset of summer monsoon in Kerala?
(h) lhe usual time for the onsct of Summer Monsoon is between Ist to Sth June cvery ycar.
() #at ix the NOWNC of winter rainfall in the following areas? (2)

ib) Temil Nadu

Ans. (a) The souree of Winter rainfall in Punjab arc Westerly depressions/Western disturbances / Temperate cyclones,
that originate in the Mediterrancan Sca in the Months of Deccmbcr to Fcbruary.
(b) The source of Winter rainfall in Tamil Nadu is the North East Monsoon and Retreat1ng monsoon winds.
which blow from NE to SW and pick up moisture during winter from Bay of Bengal. These winds cause
winter rainfall in Tamil Nadu.
(ii1) Gie reason for each of the following: [3/
(a) West Bengal gets rainfall from sumnmer monsoons much before Uttar Pradesh.
(b) Maws nram is the rainiest place in the world
(c) Himalavas act as a climate divide
Ans. (a) West Bengal is situated in the Ganga delta region whereas Uttar Pradesh is located inland in the middle
Course of the Ganga. Moisture of Bay of Bengal branch of the South West Monsoon is exhausted as it
blows Up the Ganga Plains. As it intercepts West Bengal before UP, therefore West Bengal receives more
rainfall than Uttar Pradesh.
(b) Mawsynram experiences Orographic rainfall as it is located on Wind-Ward side of Garo hill in NE. The
Bay of Bengal branch of South west Monsoon Wind brings heavy rain to this area as it blows from SW to
NE and picks up lots of moisture from Bay of Bengal. As it strikes against Garo hills, it gives heavy rains
to Mawsynram.

" The great Himalayan range obstructs the bitter cold winds from Siberia from entering the Indian Subcontinent.
" The Himalayan range intercepts the rain-bearing South West Monsoon winds and forcing them to shed their
moisture, resulting in heavy rainfall in the North- East and Indo-Gangetic Plains.
(iv) Studv the climatic data of station and answer the following questions:
Months Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Temp. °C 23.1 24.8 26.5 29.3 32 32.8 33.1 32.1 30.5 29.3 28.7 26.1
Rainfall (cm) 15.3 10.1 0.3 0.1 1.3 4.5 6.1 10.2 10.5 20.1 16.8 19.0
(a) What is the annual range of temperature of station X?
Ans. The annual range of temperature of Station X is 100C.
(b) Which is the driest month?
Ans. The driest month is April.
(c) Name the wind that brings maximum rainfall 1o ths station.
Ans. The Wind that brings maximum rainfall to this Station is The Retreating Monsoon Winds in the Month of
October-November/The North-East Monsoon Winds in the Month of December
Question 5
(i) Define the following terms:
(a) Soil Fertility [2)
(b) Soil conservation
Ans. (a) Soilfertility refers to the ability of Soilto sustain agricultural Plant Growth. It also refers to the soil's ability
to supply plan/erop nutrients in the right quantity and quality ove a sustained period of time to optimize
crop yield.
352 A Textbook of ICSE Geography X
(b) Soil conservatiOn is an eflort, nmade by man to prevent soil erosion to retain the fertility of sol.
Y With retercne to sOil erosion in India, answer the following questions. (2)
i) State ann wo human activities that have led to soil erosion in India.
(b) Mention any hvoagricultural techniques that can help toprevent Soil erosion.
sns (a) Human activities like cutting down the trees in large scale ic, Deforestation, construction work.E
Quarrying Overgrazing by animals, clearing the forest for Ploughing.
(Shifting Agriculture or Slash and Burn (Any two points).
(b) Any two agricultural techniques that can hclp to prevent Soil crosion arc:
" To check overgrazing
" Contour Ploughing
Terrace Farming
Strip Cropping
Constructing Dams and Barrages
Plugging Gullies
" Shelter Belts
" Crop rotation (Any two points)
(ii) With reference to Red Soil, answer the following:
(a) How is it formed?
(b) Why is it good for Dry Farming?
(c) Name any two areas where it is found.
Crystalline and Metamorphic rocks.
Ans. (a) Red Soil is formed by weathering of ancient resources.
areas prone to drought or having scarce water
(b) Dry farming is associated with arid conditions or drainage properties,
moisture. It has good
Red soil is ideal for dry farming as it does not require much better aeration.
It also allows
allowing excess water to move away from plant roots. Rajasthan.
parts of Bihar, West Bengal, parts of Assam, and eastern
Ans. (c) Areas in North India where it is found are and
Nadu, parts of Odisha, North East Andhra Pradesh
Areas in South India where It is found are Tamil
parts of Southern Karnataka,
(iv) Give a reason for the following statements:
(a) Black Soil has self-ploughing property.
(b) Laterite Soil is not suitable for cultivation.
(c) Alluvial soil is the most fertile soil. content. Its
unique characteristic that stems from its high clay
Ans. (a) Black soil's self ploughing property is a when wet. As the soil dries out, the clay particles
clay particles have the ability to retain water and expand moisture changes creates a mechanical action
shrink. This repeated cycle of swelling and shrinking due to
friable top layer, which is beneficial for seed
within the soil. This self ploughing action creates a loose and
germination and root penetration.
(b) Laterite Soil is poor in lime, potash, magnesium, and phosphoric acid It is porous triable/coarse in texture
Due to intensive leaching ,Laterite Soils lack in fertility
Potash, Humus, Caleium and Magnesium. These soils
(c) Alluvial is the most fertile Soil because it is rich in
are fertile due to their mineral
Question 6
marshy Area with the trees that h,ud lika
i) Mahesh went for am excursion with his friend and came acrOSS a
Specimen Question Paper (Solved)
(Q) Rhh natal gcation belt did he come across?
h Name onc ava in lndia where this kind of
vegetation is found.
Ans. (a) Mahesh came acOss Mangrove forests/ Littoral forests/ Tidal forests.
(b) This kind of forests are found in
Sundarbans/Ganga-Brahmaputra delta/delta of Mahanad1/ delta of Godavari
Delta of Krishna delta Cauvery. (Any one Point).
(n) (a ih is tropical deciduous forest commercially the most important Forest belt of
(bi h are long and deep roots a vpical characteristic of desert
Ans. (a) Tropical deciduous forest Tropical Monsoon Forest is most important
valuable timber and several other forest products such as fruits, fire-wood, honey, wax,economical
as it yields
industry. medicinal herbs. It also has tourist-attraction. wood-pulp for Paper
Less dense casy to cut easy to exploit/ easily accessible
Transport facility is available.
" It occpies much larger area than the Tropical Evergreen forest.
(b) It occurs in Pure-Stands. (Any one point).
Ans. (b) Desert and Semi desert vegetation have long roots to draw water as the
rainfall is very scarce (less than
Thick fileshy stems to store water during drought.
(Any one point)
(ii) Why is forest conservation the need of the hour? (Three points)
Ans. Forests must be conserved because they have a favourable effect on the
Climate/ control temperature
They help in soil conservation/ Recharge the ground water.
" Thev control flood.

They maintain the ecological balance.

" They are the store-house of timber and home for wildlife.
They provide forest products such as fruits, fire-wood, herbs, honey, bamboo, canes,
wood-pulp and fibres.
" They provide employment to thousands of people.
They are a source of income to the Government. (Any three points).
(iv) (a) Name a forest conservation method that involves the local Community.
(b) Which primitive system of agriculture had led to large scale
Destruction of forest in the past?
(c) Name the process which involves planting two saplings for each tree Felled.
Ans. (a) A forest conservation method that involves the local
community is agro-forestry.
(b) Shifting-Agriculture/Slash and Burn is the primitive system of
Destruction of forest in the past.
agriculture which had led to large scale
(c) The process which involves planting two saplings for each tree
felled is reafforestation.
Question 7
(i) Why is there a need for irrigation in India? (Two reasons)
Ans. Irigation is required as rainfall is erratic, sporadic, uncertain,
Unpredictable and unevenly distributed.
" Irigation is required to grow crops throughout the year as rainfall is seasonal.
. Irrigation is required as some crops hke rice, jute, sugarcane
and chilly as they require more water than
supplied by rain.
. To increase agricultural output by providing the right amount of
water at the right time to meet the demand
of growing populalion.

A Textbook of ICSE
) Distinguish beveen Iundation Canals and Perennial Canals.
Inundation canals Perennial canals
throughout the year as
() Inundation canals are taken out from the rivers. When ( ) Perennial canals are useful perennial
they are in flood, without any regulating system like they draw their water from snow constructed
or barrages
weirs and barrages to regulate the flood of water. rivers, artificial lakes
across the river.
continuous supply of water
) The purpose of constructing inundation canals is to (2) These canals have a
manage Cxcess water during heavy rainfallor flooding. throughout the year.
during hot
3) These canals prevent water logging. (3) These canals are uscd for irrigation, be carried
season and cultivation of some crops
out round the year.
(4) These canals rely on rainwater and carry water
intermittently during specific conditions.
your ansver. [3]
(iii) ame aState in India uwhere Tube-wells are commonly used. Give two reasons to support
West-Bengal. (Any one point).
Ans. Tube-wells are commonly used in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana., Bihar and
water supply
Tube-wells are commonly used in these States as water-table is high with perennial
* The area gets adequate rainfall so as to replenish groundwater.
Tube-well with the help of the pump.
Cheap Hydroelectric power is available to draw water through the [3]
(iv) (a) What is meant by raimwater Harvesting?
(b) Mention any wo water harvesting practises followed in India. storage
Ans. (a) The activity of collecting rainwater directly
or recharging it into the ground to improve groundwater
water to be used during dry season.
in the acquifer. It is the most important technique for storing
(b) Two water harvesting practises followed in India are: directed
method the rainwater is collected on rooftop and is
(1) Rooftop rainwater harvesting method: In this
to store in dry tanks.
rainwater harvesting. Following are used for this purpose
(2) Recharge of groundwater is a new concept of
Percolation pit, Trenches, Dug wells and Hand pumps. (Any two points).
Question 8
(i) (a) Give any one use of Iron ore.
(b) Name any wo Indian states where copper is found.
and Steel.
Ans. (a) Iron ore is used for making Pig iron, Sponge iron
(b) Two Indian States where Copper is found are:
Madhya Pradesh (the largest producer of copper in
Copper in India).
Rajasthan (the second largest producer State of
Copper in India). (Any two States).
" Jharkhand (the third largest producer State of
answer the following: (2]
(1) With reference to Hirakud project
(a) On which river is it
(b) Name an Indian state benefitted by the
River Mahanadi.
Ans. (a) Hirakud Project is based on
Project is Odisha.
(b) An Indian State benefitted by the
Petroleum as a source of power
(1ii) (a) Give two disadvantages of using
(b) Name an oflshore oil field of lndia.
herefore, this resource is now limited
Ans. (a) * Petroleum is Conventional source of energy, T
Specimen Question Paper (Solved)
* t is not En ionment friendly because extracting and burning oil generates greenhouse gases that contribut.
to envinonmental Pollution and global warming.
The depletion of fossil fuel leads to limited supply of Petrolcum, therefore, this leads to increase in prices
which may cause conflict between nations.
Petroleum is a Non-renewable fom of cnergy resource. Once burned to gcnerate electricity, It cannot be
replaced. (Any two points).
(b) Off-shore oil fields of India are:
Mumbai- High in Maharashtra.
Bassein located further South of Mumbai-High in Maharashtra.
Aliabet in Gulf of Khambhat in Gujarat. (Any one).
(iv) (a) Mention two advantages of wind energy.
(b) What is the advantage of using nuclear power in place of Conventional sources of energy?
Ans. (a) " It is Eco-friendly.
" It is renewable.
" Reduces pressure on conventional sources.
" It is Clean, Sustainable, Cost-effective.
" Produces no greenhouse gases.
" Land owner earns extra income/ Additional income. (Any two Points).
(b) Advantage of using Nuclear Power is :
" It produces large amount of energy from a small amount of fuel.
" Once we put the nuclear fuel in the reactor, it can produce energy for 2-3 years continuously. So we
not need to refuel it again and again.
" No green house gas is emitted while producing Nuclear Energy.
" It reduces the dependency on fossil fuels.
Cost of fuel is less than the price of energy related / not affected by the fluctuation of old
" Not affected by climatic change. (Any one point)

Question 9
(i) Mention two agricultural reforms done by the government for the betterment of the
agricultural sector.
Ans. Various land reforms have been introduced, which are given below:
Consolidation of fragmented agricultural land holdings has been an Integral part of the land reforms policy
of the Indian Government.
Creation of irrigation infrastructure and its optimum utilisation has been given greater importance. For this,
an accelerated irrigation Benefit Programme has been started to ensure
completion of Irrigation projects.
Zamindari and all intermediaries were completely abolished by the end of the First Five-Year Plan.
. The Government of India provides subsidy on fertilizers to ensure adequate
availability of fertilizers to
farmers at reasonable rates.
" The Government announced min1mum prices for various agricultural
commodities from time to time to
ensure adequate returns to the farmers. ( Any two points)
Gi) (a) Mention the climatic conditions found suitable for growing Groundnut.
Ans. Since groundnut is a tropical crop, it grOWS well with temperature between 20 0C to 25 0C.
warm and dry weather is important at the ripening stage.
" It needs a rainfall of 50 to 70 cms.

A Textbook of ICSE Geography - X
b) Name the state that is the leading producer of groundnut in India.
Ans, Gujarat is the largest producer of groundnut along with Andhra Pradesh.
Telangana is the second largest producer state of groundnut.
Tamil Nadu is the third largest producer state of groundnuts.
reference to cultivation of pulses answer the following: 3]
(a) Name asoil found suitable for the growth of pulses.
Black Sol
Ans. Loamy soil, 1.e, Alluvial soil is the most suitable soil for the orowth of pulses. It can grow well in
(b) Name any two pulses grown in India.
are a few pulses
Ans. Arhar, Urad, Moong. Masur, Khesari, Chana(Bengal gram), Tur/Tuar, Moth Dal, Chick-pea
grown in India.(Any two points)
(c) Why is it a popular food crop of India?
Ans. It is apopular crop of India because
provide vegetable proteins
They form an important part of Indian diet., as they have great nutritive value and
to a very large vegetarian population of India
" They are the substitute of meat or non-veg protein for vegetarian people. (Any one point)
(iv) Rohan is a farmer: He asked his friend to help him get some labourers For
(a) Which crop do you think is grown by Rohan?
Ans. Cotton, because ginning is associated with cotton.
(b) Mention any two climatic conditions suitable for this crop.
Ans. The two climatic conditions suitable for Cotton crop are :
1. Temperature should be between 20 0C to 32 0C.
2. Rainfall should be between 8Ocms to 120cms / 50cms to 120cms.
ripening.Question 10
" Abundance sunshine during ripening. 200 frost free days during
Question 10
small scale industries. [21
() Differentiate between large scale and
Small scale industry
Large scale industry
Relatively smaller in size often operated by
(1) Large scale industry is generally large in size (1) individuals.
with extensive operations.
(2) Lower production output with limited capacity.
(2) High production output and capacity.
Requires huge investment raw material | (3) Requires lesser capital for machinery and
(3) infrastructure.
machinery and infrastructure.
due to extensive (4) Employs a smaller workforce, often family or
(4) Employs a larger workforce local workers.
catering to national or (5) Serves local market for daily consumption.
(5) Wider market reach often
global market.
Electronic Industry is important for lndia. [2]
(1) Give two ways in which the railwavs
in meeting the needs of the postal department.
Ans. Electronic industry is important because it is helping department.
board and meteorological
defence overseas communication services, electricity
revolutionized the litestyle of the Indian masses in the recent
It is apost-Independence phenomenon and has
industry answer the following: [3)
(1) With reference to petrochemical
in recent times?
(a) Why is it becoming popular
specimen Question Paper (Solved)
Ans. Petrochemical industry is beconming popular in recent times because:
" raw materials are casily available.
" It is Ost effective / conomical/ cheap in price.
" Not dependent on agricultural raw material
" It is durable.
" It employs large number of
(b) Wh is it located close to oil
Ans. They are located close to the oil refineries because
* they take their raw materials from the oil refineries, hence transportation cost is reduced.
" Rawmaterials are easily available.(Any one point)
(c) Name anv two petrochemical products.
Ans. Plastic, synthetic rubber. synthetic fibre. PVC, detergents, Detergents, nylon, dacron, tetron, terylene,
naphthalene. (Any two points)
(1V) (a) Name the countny that had helped in the establishment of Bhillai Steel plant.
Ans. USSR is the
country that helped in the establishment of Bhillai Steel Plant.
(b) Why is the iron and steel industry called a basic or key industry?
Ans. Iron and Steel industry is called a basic or key industry because all other industries are
dependent on iron and
steel industry for their raw
materials as automobiles, locomotive, railways, ship-buildings, machine and tools
and manufacture of defence equipment. Therefore, they are the backbone of industrial
economy of India.
(c) Where is Tata Steel located?
Ans. Tata Iron and Stell Industry is located at Sakshi in Singhbhum district of Jharkhand or it is
in Jharkhand. located in Jamshedpur
Question 11
(i) Mention two advantages of using waterways.
Ans. Waterways are the cheapest mode of transport in ndia.
They are fuel-efficient and cheap as compared to other modes of
They are environment friendly mode of transport.
Helpful in defense. It is called second line of defense
Less Maintenance cost
. Useful for bulky goods
(ii) What is the importance of the Golden Quadrilateral?
Ans. The Golden Quadrilateral is a six-lane super highway
i.e. Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.
network project, connecting four major metropolitan cities
The importance of Golden Quadrilateral is given below:
The purpose of this project is to reduce the time and distance
it saves money.
between the maior cities of India, therefore
" Better movement of products to facilitate truck transport.
Helps in Industrial growth of the smaller towns through
which it passes
Helps in transport of agricultural produce/ raw materials from
Hinterland to major cities and ports for
Provides job opportunities. (any two points)
(ii) Mention three disadvantages of roadways. [3)
Ans. The three disadvantages of roadways are:
A Textbook of ICSE Geography X

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