Q.NO. Questions Answer

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Q.NO. Questions Answer

1. The planting pattern that enables more efficient utilization of Square

light, water and nutrients by individual plants is

(a) January - February
(i) North-East monsoon
2. (b) March - May c, d, a, b
(ii) South-West monsoon
(c) October - December
(iii) Cold weather period
(d) June – September
(iv) Pre-monsoon period

Statement I- Mixed farming is a type of subsistence farming.

3. Both the statements are correct
Statement II- The object of mixed cropping is to meet the
family requirements.
4. Rainbow revolution pertains to
All of the given options
Which of the following statements are true in the case of
System of Rice Intensification
(i) Use of minimum quantity of seeds
5. (ii) Seedlings raised in flat bed only i, iv, v
(iii)Water level is always maintained
(iv) Transplant single seedling in square grid pattern
(v) Application of nitrogenous fertilizers using leaf
colour chart
Which among the mentioned implement that is used to form
6. Basin Lister
broken furrows with small dams, in order to prevent free
runoff and blowing off the soil?
7. Which of the following instrument is used to measure relative Psychrometer
If the recommended fertilizer dose for lowland rice is 120
8. 375 kgs/ha
Kgs of N, 60 Kgs of P2O and 40 K2O, what is the amount of
fertilizer required in the form of superphosphate?

Imagine a farmer has 10 hectares of land and has sown

9. different crops in different seasons in one year; 10 ha 260%
(kharif), 10 ha (rabi) and 6 ha (summer). What is the
Cropping Intensity Index (CII)?

Which among the following criterion used for harvesting of

10. (i) Sucrose content more than 10% Only (i) and (ii)
(ii) Brix reading more than 18%
(iii) Sucrose content between 5-10%
(iv) Brix reading less than 18%
11. Transplanting of healthy seedlings in Rice is done at this leaf 4-5
12. Rice variety released in Andhra Pradesh that is resistant to Surya
White Backed Plant Hopper (WBPH) is

(a) Zea mays everta
(i) Dent corn
13. (b) Zea mays indentata
(ii) Pop corn b, a, d, c
(c) Zea mays amylacea
(iii) Sweet corn
(d) Zea mays
(iv) Soft corn
14. Ricinoleic acid
Castor oil has a very high percentage of

15. 45
Groundnut seed contains ______ % oil.

16. Use of ______ controls the intensity of Phalaris minor in Isoproturan


17. Kodo millet

Highly drought resistant millet crop is

18. Sprouted cereals are a rich source of Vitamin C

19. Triticale is a cross between Wheat and Rye

20. To enlarge branching

Nipping in chickpea is done for this purpose

21. Which of the following is not a Rabi season pulse? Red gram

22. Rabi
Best season for potato cultivation

23. Sugar content in sugar beets is

24. Rabi maize receives _____ hours of sunshine than kharif More
25. Fresh mint (Mentha spp.) contains ___ % essential oils 0.4

26. Which among the following is ranked as the world’s most Cyperus rotundus
serious weed?
The chemical compounds that are used in particular
27. herbicides to protect certain susceptible crops of injury are Safeners
known as
28. Eichhornia crassipes
Which of the following is an aquatic weed?

29. Which of the following herbicide is not applied at the pre- Propanil
emergence stage of rice?
30. Which of the following is a contact herbicide? Paraquat

31. Striga spp

Parasitic weeds on sorghum and pearl millet is

32. Solarisation is a method where the soil temperature is raised 5 – 10

by this °C to control weeds
33. A problem weed, whose seed once mixed with crop seed Objectionable weed
would be extremely difficult to separate is known as
34. Chrysomelid beetle
Parthenium hysterophorus can be controlled using

35. The water between saturation and field capacity, which is Gravitational water
often considered unavailable to plants is known as
36. 600-700
Water requirement (mm) for groundnut crop is

37. Less than 1.5

EC (dS/m) for normal water

Basin flooding
38. Predominantly used method of irrigation for coconut

39. The most popular rice based cropping system in delta areas of
Andhra Pradesh is Rice – Pulses
Irrigation requirement (IR) is given by the formula
40. IR = WR – (ER + S)
[ if, WR- Water Requirement, ER- Effective Rainfall, S- Soil
Profile Contribution]

Percentage of applied water lost in rice fields through deep

41. 50 – 70
percolation is
Calculate the average depth of irrigation, if an area of 1.0 ha
42. 6 cm
is irrigated with a discharge of 250 litres per minute in 40
43. Furrows must be shorter on Sandy soils
A separate Department of Marketing was established in
44. Andhra Pradesh on ----------------- to enforce the
provisions of the Agricultural Produce Markets Act.

45. Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae

Phosphate mobilising bio fertilizer is

46. The time between start of organic management and 36 months

certification for perennial crops is
47. Centralisation
Which of the following is not an attribute of organic farming?

48. Which of the following is green leaf manure?

49. Oilcake
Which of the following is not bulky organic manure?

50. Blue green algae provides ______ kgs of N per hectare in rice 25 – 50

51. Azospirillum is commonly found in the roots of Both Cereals and Grasses

52. Daffodil extract

This herbal extract can be used as spray against moulds

53. 2001
In India, standards for organic agriculture were announced in

54. Planting succeeding crop before the harvest of preceding Relay cropping
crop is known as
55. Match
(i) Kharif (a) Oil seeds b, c, a
(ii) Rabi (b) Sugarcane
(iii) Zaid (c) Wheat
56. Success of sustainable agriculture depends on All the above in combination

57. Sustainable agriculture

Permaculture is the other name of

58. Living roots of _________ exudes toxic substances which Cucumber

inhibit the growth of plants growing near them
(i) North-East India (a) Jute b, a, c
(ii) West Bengal (b) Rice
(iii) Rajasthan (c) Millets

60. The conversion process from modern agriculture to 3 to 6 years

sustainable agriculture takes
61. ________ as summer crop results in improved yield of rice in Greengram
62. Ozone concentration of the stratosphere is declining at nearly 0.5
______ per cent per year.
63. Brown plant hopper could be controlled effectively when the
rice plant population is _______ per hill. More than 20
Assertion (A): The two terms namely farming systems and
mixed farming are sometimes used interchangeably but it has
a basic difference. A is correct but R is the not right
64. Reason (R): Subsistence is the important objective of explanation to A.
farming system while higher productivity and profitability
without altering the ecological balance is the objective of
mixed farming.
65. When an individual has an extra copy of particular Trisomic
chromosome in cells, the condition is known as
66. Often cross pollinated
Red gram (Cajanus cajan) is a _________ crop

Lesser degree of heterosis than cross-

67. Self-pollinated crops express pollinated crops

68. The headquarters of International Centre for Tropical Columbia

Agriculture (CIAT) is located at __________
69. The concept of gene for gene hypothesis was first developed Flor
70. _________ is the ability of plants to maintain a favourable Drought avoidance
internal water balance under moisture stress.
Match the following crop with its emasculation technique
(i) Rice (a) Hand emasculation
71. b, c, a, d
(ii) Cotton (b) Brown paper method
(iii) Sesamum (c) Soda straw method
(iv) Sugarcane (d) Approach method
72. Rimpau
The first intergeneric hybrid Triticale, was produced by

73. The method used for selection from segregating generations Pedigree method
of crosses of self-pollinated crops is
(i) Breeder seed (a) Opal green
74. (ii) Foundation seed (b) White d, b, c, a
(iii) Certified seed (c) Azar blue
(iv) Truthful label seed (d) Golden yellow
75. Seed Multiplication ratio for Tomato is
1: 400
76. Average weight (in grams) of 1000 paddy seeds is 20-25
Arrange the following statements according to the phases in
seed certification
(i) Inspection & testing of each seed lot while processing
77. and bagging. iv, ii, iii, i, v
(ii) Verification of seed source.
(iii) Inspection of the seed crop in the field.
(iv) Verification of land requirements
(v) Tagging and labelling.
The standards for minimum genetic purity for foundation
78. 99, 98, 95
seeds, certified varieties and certified hybrids are ____, ____
and ____ respectively.
79. Which one of the following is not seed pre-conditioning and Air screen cleaner
pre-cleaning equipment?
80. How many plants have to be counted during field inspection
of maize seed crop?

81. The priming agent used to improve seed vigour of groundnut

Calcium chloride
during storage is _________

82. The planting value of a seed lot with 85 % pure seeds and 98 83.3 %
% germination rate is
(i) Indian patent act (a) 1983
83. (ii) Seeds (control) order (b) 1970 b, a, d, c
(iii) Seeds (amendment) rules (c) 1930
(iv) Plant patent act (d) 1973
84. Which among the following is not a gram negative bacteria?
Bacillus subtilis

85. PCR technique was developed by Kary Mullis

86. The cells capable of differentiating into various kinds of cells Pluripotent cell

87. The low molecular weight molecules that do not individually

stimulate antibody production in some plants is known as

88. This suppresses adventitious shoot regeneration in plants


89. Ovule culture was first attempted in this plant family Orchidaceae

90. International centre for genetic engineering and
biotechnology (ICGEB) was established at

(a) Processing of cheese
(i) Pectinase
91. (b) Deworming medicine
(ii) Papain d, b, c, a
© Detergents
(iii) Alcalase
(d) Juice and wine processing
(iv) Lipase

92. Which among the following is not an auxin? BAP (benzylaminopurine)

This analytical technique is used to detect whether the

93. transgenic plants produce the specific protein product of the Western blotting
introduced gene
94. The crop that has tolerance to salinity (saline soils) is
95. Soil that is rich in clay are Vertisols

96. Red loamy soil

Predominant soil type in Andhra Pradesh

97. Muck soil

Soils containing 20 to 50 % decomposed organic matter are

Soil type Transported by
98. (i) Alluvial (a) Ice
b, d, a, c
(ii) Colluvial (b) Water
(iii) Glacial (c) Wind
(iv) Eolian (d) gravity

99. Soil order that is rich in organic content

Arrange the following based on the precedence of occurrance

100. (a) Gully erosion b, c, a
(b) Sheet erosion
(c) Rill erosion
101. Decreases
Presence of organic matter ____________ particle density

102. Sensitive
Legumes are __________ to poor aeration

This green manuring crop grows well in alkaline soils and

103. Daincha
corrects alkalinity if repeatedly grown for 4-5 years

104. Which of the following crop is an indicator plant for

deficiency in Manganese?
105. Tobacco stem
Ash of this contain the highest amount of potash (K2O)

106. Boron
Browning of curd in cauliflower is due to lack of ________

107. Decrease
Chlorophyll readings __________ with plant maturity

Statement I: Fertilised soils exert a strong influence on root

108. growth
Both the statements are correct
Statement II: It is not necessary to fertilise the entire soil
volume occupied by roots.
109. K
Alluvial soils are rich in

110. Which of the following is not recommended for reclamation Application of lime
of saline soils?
111. The plant part sample for analysing the nutrient status in Newest matured leaves
groundnut is
112. Pick out the correct sequence with respect to salt tolerance Oats > Barley > Wheat
(higher to lower)
113. This deficiency is more pronounced during cool, wet seasons Zinc
and often disappear in warmer weather
114. In the presence of organic matter, the ater holding capacity of 20 times
soils increase approximately by
115. Forked glands
Glands used for defence (osmetria) by the insects are

116. In the insects, the Johnston’s organ is present in Pedicel

117. Skippers belong to the insect family of
118. Excretion of terrestrial insects is
119. Nitrogen
Lac dye contains _______ and is applied as manure to fields.

Statement I: Tasar silkworm and Muga silkworm are

120. commercially employed in silk production.
Both the statements are not correct.
Statement II: Mulberry silkworm and Eri silkworm are of
lesser importance
121. National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects is Bengaluru
located at
122. Emulsifiers in pesticides Promote suspension of liquid

123. Setting up of light trap to monitor or attract adult moths and Mechanical method
beetles is this method of control
124. Which of the following plant derived toxicant is considered Rotenone
as fish poison?
125. Termitomycetes
Fungal garden developed by termites are

126. Sex lure trap with methyl eugenol is set up to monitor the Fruitflies
activity of
127. Rice gall midge
Plastygaster oryzae is the biocontrol agent of

128. The exotic beetle Zygogramma bicolorata is introduced for Parthenium hysterophorus
the control of the weed
129. Trichogramma japonicum
Suitable egg parasitoid for rice stem borer is

130. Rice tungro

Green leaf hopper, Nephotettix nigropictus is the vector of

131. Red flour beetle

Which of the following is storage pest?

132. Larvae/adults that feed on broken grains are Secondary pests

133. Rosette flowers and discoloured cotton lint is the Pink bollworm
characteristic symptom of
134. Earthing up in sugarcane is the management practice for Chilo infuscatellus
control of
135. Castor
Ariadne merione is a specific pest on

136. Aluminium phosphide

Popularly used fumigant for management of stored pests

137. Mechanical method of clipping tip of the rice seedling

prior to transplanting is followed to manage: Scirpophaga incertulus
(a) Groundnut aphid
Match (Aphis craccivora)
(i) Rice tungro (b) Greenl leaf hopper
138. (ii) Redgram sterility mosaic (Nephotettix
b, d, a, c
(iii) Papaya mosaic (c) Thrips (Thrips tabaci)
(iv) Tomato spotted wilt (d) Eriophyid mite
(Aceria cajani)
139. Theory of innovation was given by

The most dangerous type of inflation in which the price rise is Galloping
by16 percent or more per annum is known as
i. Kinked demand curve a) Airways
d, a, b, c
141. ii. Price discrimination b) Electricity
iii. Third degree price discrimination
in agriculture
iv. Monopsony c) Sugar factory
d) Oligopolistic
In marginal curve approach, when marginal revenue is less
142. than marginal cost the firm should decide on _______ the
143. Costs of self-owned and self-employed resources is Implicit cost
Statement I: There is more than one way of satisfying a want
Both statement I and statement II are true
144. Statement II: Goods should be complementary in satisfying
In case of bumper crop instead of bringing prosperity, ruining
145. the economic position of farmers where the demand for the
product is
Longer the marketing channel, __________ will be the
associated marketing cost.

Trading technique of transferring the future price risk is Hedging

known as
The committee that made specific recommendations for
148. Gadgil committee
establishing licensed warehouses in India

Middlemen who do not buy and sell directly but assist in Facilitative
marketing are known as ________ middlemen.

150. The marketing institution that facilitates inter-state trade as NAFED

well as foreign trade of notified farm commodities is

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