Measurements and Errors

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Errors in Measurements

B.Tech-Civil, Semester-IV

• Errors in Measurements
• Propagation of Errors
• Reliability and Quality of Measurement
Errors in Measurements
• In case of repeated observation of any parameter, usually it
has been found to have variations, however small, in the
resulting measurement. Moreover, there is nothing definite in
the amount of variation i.e., variations are random in nature.
Thus, a measurement usually differs from its true value.

• The difference between a measured value and its true value

is called the measurement error.
Sources of Errors in Measurement
• Natural Errors (variations in wind, temperature, humidity,
refraction, gravity and magnetic field of the Earth)

• Instrumental Errors (non calibrated instruments)

• Personal Errors (human limitations)

Types of Errors in Measurement
• Gross Error
• Systematic Error
• Random Error
Types of Errors- Gross Error
• Gross errors, also known as blunders or mistakes, are results
– Carelessness on the part of observer in taking or recording
– Faults in Equipments;
– Adoption of wrong technique.
– Misinterpretation.
Types of Errors- Systematic Errors
• A systematic error is an error that under same conditions, will
always be of the same size and sign.

• Follows particular mathematical sequence

• Types: 1) Cumulative Error & 2) Compensating Error

Types of Errors- Random Errors
• After mistakes are eliminated and systematic errors are
corrected, a survey measurement is associated with random
error only.

• This error is small and is equally liable to be plus or minus in


• Random errors are unpredictable and they cannot be

evaluated or quantified exactly.
Types of Errors- Random Errors
• Random errors conform to the laws of probability and are
therefore equally distributed throughout the survey. Because
of their random nature, correction factors cannot be
computed and applied as they are with some systematic

• However, they can be estimated using a procedure based on

the laws of probability known as the least-squares method of
Propagation of Errors
• Measurements are used for calculation of different parameters. As
the measurements are fraught with errors, it is important to know
how these errors combine in various mathematical operations.

– Error Propagation in a Sum or a Difference of Measurements

– Error Propagation in a Product of Measurements
– Error Propagation in a Division
– Error Propagation due to the Power of a Measured Quantity
Propagation of Errors
• Error Propagation in a Sum or a Difference of Measurements:

• When two or more quantities are added or subtracted, the

error in result (Es) is the square root of the sum of the square
of the errors (e1, e2, .....) of the individual quantity:
Propagation of Errors
• Example: The total distance D = (120 ± 2) mm + (321 ± 5) mm
Propagation of Errors
• Errors Propagation in a Product of Measurements:

• When two or more quantities are multiplied, the error in

result (Eproduct) is the square root of the sum of the square of
the fractional errors of the individual quantity multiplied by
multiplication of individual quantity.
Propagation of Errors
• A rectangle is measured 160.881 ± 0.026 cm long and
75.007 ± 0.001 cm wide. The error in its area (12,067 cm2) is
Propagation of Errors
• Errors Propagation in a Division:

• When two or more quantities are divided, the error in result is

the square root of the sum of the square of the fractional
errors in the individual quantity multiplied by division of
individual quantity.
Propagation of Errors
• If the area of a rectangular plot is somehow known to be
49,650 ± 10 m2 and the width dimension measured several
times found to be 175.66 ± 0.46 m, the calculated length
dimension is
Standard Deviation
• If the range of variations narrows to a small value, the range
of errors (thus standard deviation) also constricts, rendering
the mean value predictably close to the true one. This
hypothesis enables observers to speak the reliability of a
Standard Deviation
• It is an indicator to define the reliability, of any observation in
a set of repeated observations.

• To ascertain the reliability of an observation, it is required to

find within what percentage of error a particular observation
lies. This defines the uncertainty of the observation and
consequently its reliability. Lower the percentage of error
within which a particular observation lies, lower is its
uncertainty and thus greater is its reliability.
• For example, if an observation falls
within (µ ± σ) [where µ represents
the mean and σ the standard
deviation of the set of the
observations] then the observation
lies within 68.3% errors of the set
of observation.
• Thus, 68.3% is designated as the
uncertainty of the sample.
Quality of Measurement
• Quality of a measurement having a set of repeated
observations is being tested by using indicators like
– Accuracy
– Precision
– Relative Precision
Quality of Measurement
Quality of Measurement

• The accuracy of a set of repeated observations is being

defined as amount of closeness of their mean to the
population or distribution mean, i.e., closeness of the mean
of observations to the true value.

• Degree of Accuracy and Order of Accuracy

Quality of Measurement
• Degree of Accuracy:

• The degree of accuracy indicates the accuracy attained in the

measurements. It is usually expressed as the ratio of the
error and the associated measured value. For example, a
degree of accuracy of 1 in 10,000 indicates that there is an
error of 1 unit in 10,000 units of measured / observed value.
Quality of Measurement
• Degree of Accuracy:
• Linear-

• Traverse-

• Angular-

• Levelling-
Quality of Measurement
• A rectangle has sides approximately 380 m and 260 m. If the
area is to be determined to the nearest 10 sq.m, what will be
the maximum error permitted in each line and to what
accuracy should the lines be measured. Assume equal degree
of accuracy for each length.
Quality of Measurement
• Order Of Accuracy:

• The range of the allowed degree of accuracy is known as

order of accuracy.
• The most accurate work is designated as the work of the first
order accuracy. The work of the second order accuracy is less
accurate than that of the first order accuracy.
Quality of Measurement
• Order Of Accuracy:

• The range of the allowed degree of accuracy is known as

order of accuracy.
• The most accurate work is designated as the work of the first
order accuracy. The work of the second order accuracy is less
accurate than that of the first order accuracy.
Quality of Measurement
• Precision:

• Precision pertains to the degree of closeness of observations

among each other in a set of repeated observations of a
• If a set of observations for the same parameter are clustered
together, i.e., observations have small deviations from their
sample mean, then the observations are said to have been
obtained with high precision.
Quality of Measurement
• Relative Precision:

• Relative precision is defined as a ratio of the precision of a

given measurement and the value of the measurement itself.
• If d is a measured distance, and sd is the standard deviation of
the measurement, then the relative precision is sd / d. It is
expressed as percentage or a fractional ratio.
Quality of Measurement
1. Two angles are measured with instruments having standard
deviations s1 = 20" and s2 = 30“, Which instrument is more precise?

2. Observations for the distance between two points are found to be as

follows :Set I: 165.485 ± 0.005m;Set II:165.465 ± 0.010 m. State which
of these sets of observation is more reliable and why?

3. Distinguish between standard deviation and uncertainty as indicator

of reliability.
Weight of an Observation
• The weight of an observation is a number giving an indication of
its precision and trustworthiness when making a comparison
between several quantities of different worth.

• If a certain observation is of weight 4, it means that it is four

times as much reliable as an observation of weight 1.

• Observations are required to be weighted when they are made

with unequal care and dissimilar conditions.
Laws of Weights
1) The weight of the arithmetic mean of the measurements of unit
weight is equal to the number of observations.

2) The weight of the weighted arithmetic mean is equal to the sum

of the individual weights.

3) The weight of algebraic sum of two or more quantities is equal

to the reciprocals of the individual weights.
Laws of Weights
4) A quantity of given weight is multiplied by a factor, the
weight of the result is obtained by dividing its given weight by the
square of the factor.

5) If a quantity of given weight is divided by a factor, the weight of

the result is obtained by multiplying its given weight by the square
of the factor.
Laws of Weights
6) If a equation is multiplied by its own weight, the weight of the
resulting equation is equal to the reciprocal of the weight of the

7) The weight of the equation remains unchanged, if all the signs

of the equation are changed or if the equation is added or
subtracted from a constant.
Most Probable Value
• The most probable value (MPV) of quantity is the one which has
more chances of being true than has any other.

• MPV of a quantity is equal to the arithmetic mean if the

observations are of equal weight.
• MPV of a quantity is equal to the weighted arithmetic mean if
the observations are of different weight.
• MPV can be found out using principles of least square as well.
Principle of Least Square
• Most probable value of a system of unknown quantities upon
which observations have been made, are obtained by making
the sum of the squares of the errors a minimum.

• The sum of the squares of the residuals found by the use of the
arithmetic mean is a minimum.
Most Probable Error
• The most probable error is defined as that quantity which
added to, and subtracted from, the most probable value fixes
the limits within which it is an even chances the true value of
the measured quantity must lie.
Probable Error
• Probable error of single measurement is given by:

• Probable error of an average is given by:

Probable Error
• In process of levelling work, the following eight readings were
taken under identical conditions: 2.322, 2.346, 2.352, 2.306,
2.312, 2.300, 2.306, 2.326.

• Calculate: 1) the probable error in single observation and 2)

probable error of the mean.
Probable Error
• The following are the observed values of an angle:

Angle Weight
40˚ 20’ 20” 2
40˚ 20’ 18’’ 2
40˚ 20’ 19’’ 3

• Calculate p.e. of single measurement & p.e. of weighted

arithmetic mean
Distribution of Error
• The correction to be applied to an observation is inversely
proportional to the weight of the observation.

• The correction to be applied to an observation is directly

proportional to the square of the probable error.

• In case of line of levels, the correction to be applied is

proportional to the length.
Distribution of Error
• The following are the three angles A, B and C observed at a
station P closing the horizon, along with their probable errors of
a measurement. Determine their corrected values.
• A= 78˚ 12’ 12” ± 2”
• B= 136˚ 48’ 30” ± 4”
• C= 144˚ 59’ 08” ± 5”
Distribution of Error
• Adjust the following angles closing the horizon:
Angle Observed Value Weight
A 110˚ 20’ 48” 4
B 92˚ 30’ 12” 1
C 56˚ 12’ 00” 3
D 100˚ 57’ 04” 2

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