CT 2 S

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Subject: Computer R&T- Session 2024-25 Time Allotted: 1 hour

Date: ____________ Subjective Type (CT-2) Total Marks: 30

Name: ___________________ Class: _______ Obtained Marks: _____

2. Answer following short questions. 2×4=8

(i) Define number decimal system.

(ii) Convert (110101111)2 to hexadecimal.
(iii) Differen ate between bit and byte.
(iv) What is the purpose of truth table?

3. Answer the following short questions. 2×3=6

(i) How can we make truth for complex number?
(ii) Draw the truth table for the Boolean expression P + Q + NOT( P ).
(iii) What is Boolean preposi on?

Note: Attempt the following LONG questions. 16

4. How can we convert hexadecimal to binary and binary to hexadecimal? Explain with example.
5. Define logical operator discuss its types.

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