12th Physics Sample Paper
12th Physics Sample Paper
12th Physics Sample Paper
Subject - Physics
Sample Question Paper - 1
Time Allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70
General Instructions:
2. This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section E.
3. All the sections are compulsory.
4. Section A contains sixteen questions, twelve MCQ and four Assertion Reasoning based of 1 mark each, Section B
contains five questions of two marks each, Section C contains seven questions of three marks each, Section D
contains two case study based questions of four marks each and Section E contains three long answer questions of
question in Section C, one question in each CBQ in Section D and all three questions in Section E. You have to
Section A
1. If and are electron and hole mobility, E be the applied electric field, the current density j for intrinsic [1]
semiconductor is equal to
a) b)
c) d)
2. If the temperature of cold junction of a thermocouple is lowered, then the neutral temperature: [1]
3. The frequency of light in a material is 2 1014 Hz and wavelength is 5,000 . The refractive index of the [1]
material will be
a) b)
c) d)
4. A Rowland ring of mean radius 15 cm has 3500 turns of wire wound on a ferromagnetic core of relative [1]
permeability 800. What is the magnetic field B in the core for a magnetising current of 1.2A?
a) 3.48 T b) 5.48 T
c) 4.08 T d) 4.48 T
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5. In electrolytic capacitors positive terminal is [1]
a) one on which aluminium oxide film is not b) one on which aluminium oxide film is
formed formed
a) LB/i b) iL/B
c) iLB d) iB/L
7. Inductance plays the role of [1]
a) inertia b) friction
8. The value of 1 Bohr magneton is: [Given h = 6.62 10-34 Js, e = 1.6 10-19 C and me = 9.1 10-31 kg] [1]
a) r b)
c) d)
11. Consider the junction diode as ideal. The value of current flowing through AB is [1]
a) 10-2 A b) 0 A
c) 10-1 A d) 10-3 A
c) focal length of objective and color of light. d) focal length of eyepiece and color of light.
13. Assertion (A): The photoelectrons produced by a monochromatic light beam incident on a metal surface have a [1]
spread in their kinetic energies.
Reason (R): The energy of electrons emitted from inside the metal surface, is lost in collision with the other
atoms in the metal.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
explanation of A. correct explanation of A.
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Reason (R): Electric potential is a vector quantity.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
explanation of A. correct explanation of A.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
explanation of A. correct explanation of A.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
explanation of A. correct explanation of A.
18. A straight solenoid of length 50 cm has 1000 turns and a mean cross-sectional area of 2 10-4 m2. It is placed [2]
with its axis at 30°, with a uniform magnetic field of 0.32 T. Find the torque acting on the solenoid when a
current of 2A is passed through it.
19. Draw the energy band diagram of (i) n-type, and (ii) p-type semiconductors at temperature T > 0 K. [2]
In the case of n-type Si-semiconductor, the donor energy level is slightly below the bottom of conduction band
whereas in p-type semiconductor, the acceptor energy level is slightly above the top of valence band. Explain,
giving examples, what role do these energy levels play in conduction and valence bands.
20. In the first excited state of the hydrogen atom, its radius is found to be 21.2 10-11 m. Calculate its Bohr radius [2]
in the ground state. Also, calculate the total energy of the atom in the second excited state.
21. As shown in figure, a charge q moving along the X-axis with a velocity is subjected to a uniform magnetic [2]
field acting along the Z-axis as it crosses the origin O.
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Section C
22. The reading of the (ideal) ammeter, in the circuit shown here, is equal too. [3]
26. Hydrogen atom in its ground state is excited by means of monochromatic radiation of wavelength . [3]
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Explain the nature of variation in magnetic flux as represented by the graph in the first case.
The figure shows two identical rectangular loops (1) and (2) placed on a table along with a straight long current
carrying conductor between them.
i. What will be the directions of the induced current in the loops when they are pulled away from the conductor with
same velocity v?
ii. Will the emf induced in the two loops be equal?
Section D
29. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [4]
Radio waves are produced by the accelerated motion of charges in conducting wires. Microwaves are produced
by special vacuum tubes. Infrared waves are produced by hot bodies and molecules also known as heat waves.
UV rays are produced by special lamps and very hot bodies like Sun.
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(c) Biological importance of ozone layer is
a) troposphere b) mesosphere
c) ionosphere d) stratosphere
(d) Earth's atmosphere is richest in
a) ultraviolet b) infrared
c) X-rays d) microwaves
30. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [4]
Electric field lines as a path, straight or curved in an electric field such that tangent to it at any point gives the
direction of electric field intensity at the point. Electric field lines are continuous curves they start from a
positive charged body and end at the negatively charged body. (Refer image)
a) N/C b) N
c) C/m2 d) N/m2
a) Electric field lines are continuous b) Electric field lines can intersect each
curves. other.
c) Electric field lines are always normal to d) The electrostatic field does not form a
the surface of a conductor. closed loop.
(d) A metallic sphere is placed in a uniform electric field as shown in the figure. Which path is followed by
electric field lines?
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a) path 'd' b) path 'c'
33. A series L-C-R circuit is connected to an AC source. Using the phasor diagram, derive the expression for the [5]
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impedance of the circuit. Plot a graph to show the variation of current with frequency of the source, explaining
the nature of its variation.
a. Derive an expression for the impedance of a series L-C-R circuit connected to an AC supply of variable
b. Explain briefly how the phenomenon of resonance in the circuit can be used in the tuning mechanism of a radio or
a TV set?
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