SE course outline for SE Dept

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Course Title Fundamentals of Software Engineering

Course Code SEng2051

CP 5(2hr Lecture, 3hr Tutorial)
Module Title Software Engineering Core
Module Number 05
Pre-requisites None
Year II
Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory

Course Description
This course provides an introduction to the problems of software development and the processes
and methods used to address them. All phases in the software development life cycle, except
testing and maintenance which are postponed to Advanced Software Engineering, will be
introduced. The course also deals with software project planning, cost estimation, tracking and
control, staffing, risk management, and software configuration plan.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student should be able to do the following:
 Understand the basic principles of Software Engineering
 Understand software process and state-of-the-arts software process models
 Write requirements specification documents
 Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs.
Course Content
Week Lecture Topics
1 Chapter 1: Introduction & Overview
What is software?
What is software engineering?
Why Software Engineering?
Software quality
Software Engineering and the Engineering Profession Ethics in Software Engineering
2- 4 Chapter 2: Software processes & Models
Sequential Software Process models Iterative Software Process models
5 Chapter 3: Agile Development
What Is Agility?
Agility and the Cost of Change
What Is an Agile Process?
Extreme Programming (XP)
Other Agile Process Models
6-8 Chapter 3: Requirement Engineering
Software Requirements
Requirement Engineering Process
System Models
9-10 Chapter 4: Software Project management
Responsibility of Software Project Managers,
Project Planning,
the organization of SPMP document,
Project Size Estimation Metrics, Project Estimation
Techniques, Scheduling, Organization and Team Structures,
11-13 Chapter 5; Software Design
Software Design Software Architectures Function Oriented
Design Detailed Design
14-15 Chapter 6; Coding
Programming Principles & guidelines Coding process
Validation & Verification Metrics

Summary of Teaching Learning Methods

The teaching-learning methodology will be student-centered with appropriate guidance of
instructor/s during the student’s activities .There will be Lecture, Demonstrations, Tutorials,
Reading assignments and Group Discussions
Assessment Methods: -As per the academic regulation
1. Ian Sommerville (2011), Software Engineering 8th or later edition. Pearson Education Ltd.
2. Fundamental Software Engineering by Rajib Mall 2nded, Prentice Hall, India, 2004
3. Software Engineering: A Practitioner‘s Approach, Seventh Edition
(2010) 7th Edition by Pressman, Roger S, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

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