SE syllabus

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Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (M.S.

Software Engineering

Course Software Engineering Short SE Course
Title: Title: Code:
Course description:
The Software Engineering course is aimed to provide students with different aspects of Software
Engineering and UML including requirements identification, behavioral and structural design
with UML diagrams. Students will also become familiar with the real-life software development
Lecture Hours/week No. of weeks Total hours Semester credits
3 14 42 3
Prerequisite course(s):
Knowledge of programming languages, data structures and object oriented technology.
Course objectives:
1. Students will understand the discipline of software engineering and its application to the
development and management of software systems.
2. Students will learn basic software engineering methods & practices and their appropriate
3. Students will understand the principles of analysis and design for software development.
4. Students will think about applications to construct software of high quality which is reliable
yet reasonably easy to understand, modify and maintain.

Course outcomes:
After successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Define basic concepts of software engineering
2. Describe software requirements.
3. Illustrate the design of software.
4. Test developed software for requirements validation.
5. Outline software project planning activities and schedule them for project execution.

Software Engineering Semester: V
Teaching Scheme: Examination scheme:
Lectures: 3 hours/week End Semester Exam (ESE): 60 marks
Duration of ESE: 03 hours
Internal Sessional Exam (ISE): 40 marks
Unit–I: No. of Lectures: 08 Hours Marks: 12
Introduction to Software Engineering
The evolving role of software, What is software engineering: definition, Software characteristics,
Software engineering terminologies, Software life cycle models: The Waterfall, Prototyping and
Spiral Model, The Unified Process, Selection of life cycle model

Syllabus for Third Year Engineering (Computer Engineering) w.e.f. 2020 – 21 (As per AICTE Guidelines)
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Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (M.S.)

Unit–II: No. of Lectures: 08 Hours Marks: 12

Software Requirements : Analysis and Specification
Requirement engineering, Feasibility studies, Functional & non-functional requirements,
Requirements elicitation, Requirements Analysis, Organization of SRS

Unit–III: No. of Lectures: 09 Hours Marks: 12

Software Design
What is Design?, Modularity: cohesion & coupling, Function oriented design: DFD & Structure
chart, Object modeling using UML: Overview of UML, UML diagrams, Use Case model, Class
diagram, Interaction diagram, Activity diagram, State Chart diagram, Package, Component &
Deployment diagrams

Unit–IV: No. of Lectures: 08 Hours Marks: 12

Coding and Software Testing
Coding: standards & guidelines, Code review, A strategic approach to software testing, Testing
terminologies, Functional (Black Box) testing, Structural (White Box) testing, Levels of testing,
Validation testing, Testing tools, Software reliability, Software quality

Unit–V: No. of Lectures: 09 Hours Marks: 12

Software Project Planning & Management
Size estimation, Cost estimation, The CoCoMo model, Project scheduling using Gantt charts &
PERT, Capability Maturity Model (CMM), ISO 9000, Personal Software Process (PSP), Six
Sigma, CASE: Scope, Environment & Support in Software life cycle, Software maintenance,
Software reuse oriented model

Text Books:
1. Software Engineering by K. K. Aggarwal &Yogesh Singh, New Age International, 3rd
Edition, 2008.
2. Fundamentals of Software Engineering by Rajib Mall, PHI, 4th Edition, 2014.

Reference Books:
1. Software Engineering: A Practioner's Approach by Roger S. Pressman, McGraw Hill, 7th
Edition, 2010.

Syllabus for Third Year Engineering (Computer Engineering) w.e.f. 2020 – 21 (As per AICTE Guidelines)
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