Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the ISO 15189:2022 requirements for risk assessment and management.
2. Analyze risks across laboratory phases:
o Pre-analytical phase: Errors before testing.
o Analytical phase: Errors during testing.
o Post-analytical phase: Errors after testing.
3. Explore tools like Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for risk evaluation.
Key Concepts:
1. Pre-analytical Risks:
o Contributors: Mislabeling, incorrect storage, improper patient preparation, transportation issues.
o Examples:
▪ Fasting instructions not followed.
▪ Improper temperature during sample shipment.
o Mitigation:
▪ Clear guidelines for handling and transportation.
▪ Proper training for staff and transporters.
2. Analytical Risks:
o Contributors: Poor QC practices, lack of method validation, high staff turnover, unclear
communication during shifts.
o Examples:
▪ Neglecting manufacturer instructions for calibration.
o Mitigation:
▪ Regular QC, effective communication, and staff training.
▪ Encouraging a culture of transparency to report errors without fear.
3. Post-analytical Risks:
o Contributors: Errors in result validation, manual transcription errors, delayed reporting.
o Examples:
▪ Misinterpretation of oral results due to lack of confirmation.
o Mitigation:
▪ Implementing IT systems for result management.
▪ Developing mechanisms for communicating critical results accurately.
Risk Metrics:
Key Takeaways:
1. Uncertainty is inevitable: Risk cannot be fully eliminated but can be significantly minimized.
2. Importance of Strategy:
o A risk management plan will help identify, prevent, and mitigate errors.
o Testing processes must be reliable to ensure quality patient care.
This summary captures all major points. Let me know if you want me to focus on a specific section or expand
on anything!