Banana pests_Literature
Banana pests_Literature
Banana pests_Literature
Rhizome weevil - Cosmopolites sordidus
Pseudostem weevil - Odoiporus longicollis
Fruit fly - Bactrocera dorslais
Sap feeders
Aphid - Pentalonia nigronervosa
Tingid or lace wing bug -Stephanitis typicus
Hard scale -Aspidiotus destructor
Leaf thrips - Helionothrips kadaliphilus
Fruit rust thrips -Chaetanaphothrips signipennis
Flower thrips - Thrips florum
Mealybug - Ferrisia virgata
Spiraling whitefly -Aleurodicus dispersus (Russell)
Leaf feeders
Castor Hairy caterpillar - Pericallia ricini
Leaf eating caterpillar - Spodoptera litura
Banana skipper or Palm giant red eye or Banana leaf roller - Erionota thrax.
Nature of damage
Damaging stage: Grubs
Adult female lays eggs on root stock/rhizome/ leaf sheath just above the ground/ at the
base of pseudostem
Grubs bore into rhizome and feed internal content of rhizome by making tunnels
Secondary infection of pathogens cause rotting
Presence of bored holes on the rhizome
Presence of dark colour tunnels in the rhizome
Yellowing and Withering of outer leaves and finally dries off
Infested plant shows weakening symptom at the beginning
Eventually rotting and finally collapse due to wind and rain
Avoid infestation at the beginning by selecting pest residue free suckers
Sucker treatment (prolinage technique): Clean the suckers and dip them in dung or clay
slurry prepared in tray and pepper 5-10g Carbofuran 3G granules on treated suckers
Add 10 g Carbofuran 3G or 5 g Phorte 10G and 250g neem or pongamia cake per pit at
the time of planting
Follow clean cultural practices and maintain sanitation in the orchard
Intercrop with marigold may reduce the infestation
Collect and destroy the infested plants along with pest residues
Trap the adults using chopped pseudostem and destroy
Can also use Cosmolure to trap and monitor adults
Drench with Chlorpyriphos @ 4ml/l
Inject Monocrotophos 3ml/Rhizome
Weevils multiply in old corms and pseudostems after harvest. Therefore, chop and spread
banana residues after harvest.
Split pseudsotem,
Cut in 25cm long pieces.
Put the pseudostem pieces with
The flat side down at the base of the plant.
Weevils are attracted and will hide under the trap.
Collect and kill the adult weevils after 2-3 days.
Pheromones, Sordidin and marketed as Cosmolure used in pheromone traps @ 5/ha
• Small oval or pear shaped soft bodied sucking insect
• Rreddish-brown to almost black
• Have two characteristic projections on 6th abdominal segment – Cornicles
• Veins are prominent on wings of macroperous and Brachypterous
• There is polymorphism i.e. Apterous, Brachypterous and Macropterous
• Colonised between pseudostem and leaf sheath
• Prefer young leaves and under leaf sheaths
• Aphid movement is highest during the windy season
• Reproduction: Parthenogenetic and viviparous
• Female give birth to young nymphs
• 30-50 nymphs/ Adult ♀,
• Nymphal period: 15-20, adult period: 28-29 days
• Short life cycle in summer
• Aphid movement is highest during the windy season
• Infestation is not intense in high rainfall areas (>60 inches)
• Discourage aphid movement and establishment.
• Aphid is regularly scouted throughout the crop cycle
• ETL is one banana aphid per plant when banana bunch top virus (BBTV) is present.
• Aphid movement is highest during the windy season
Damaging stages: Nymphs and adults
Nature of damage:
1. Both nymphs and adults suck sap from tender leaves pseudostem and leaf sheet.
2. Secrete honey dew – sooty mold – stunted growth/ reduced yield
3. Act as vector of BBTV
Curling, yellowing of leaves
Growth of sooty mold - affect photosynthesis
Stunted growth - rosette appearance
Mottled Leaf Sheaths and Inflorescence
Small fruit bunches- small fruits
Do not produce bunches
Use Healthy seed material: free of pest and diseases
Ensure clean cultivation
Destroy diseased plants with rhizome (Virus infected)
Install yellow sticky trap @4-5/acreApply 5-10 g carbofuran 3G per plant
Spray dimethoate 2ml/lt, phosphomidon 0.75ml/l or imidacloprid @ 0.5ml/l
Direct the spray towards the crown and pseudostem base up to ground level
Inject monocrotophos 3ml/plant (1:4 ml dilution)
Avoid injection of monocrotophos after flowering
Encourage activity of predators: Chilomenes sexmaculatus, Coccinella septempunctata
Chrysoperla jastrowi , syrphid maggots and other coccinellids
The entomopathogenic fungus, Lecanicillium lecanii (2gm/lit) in between the banana
leaf sheath at the base.
Palm Redeye or Banana Skipper Erionota thrax (Hübner) (Lepidoptera:Hesperiidae)
Serious defoliator throughout the South East Asia and Papua New Guinea.
In India, reported from Calcutta, Assam, Pune and Kolar (Wynter Blyth, 1957),
Palani Hills (Ghorpade and Kunte, 2010) and Chattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh (Tipple
and Ghorpade, 2012).
Distribution: Madurai, Theni, Coimbatore and Erode Districts of Tamil Nadu, Udapi,
Chitradurga and Chamrajnagar District of Karnataka.
Preferred variety: Njalipoovan variety
• Adults: pale brownish in colour, measuring 70-76 mm in wing expanse, Upper side of the
wings is pale brownish. Three pale yellowish orange marks/spots in the centre of the
upper side of the forewing of which two are more or less equal in size while the other is
relatively small. Hind wing without any spots. Hooked antennae with tip curved. similar
to Giant Red eye Gangara thyrsis (Fb.)
• Eggs: eggs are round, hyaline, pale reddish, and measures 0.30 mm in size.
• Female adults active during dusk and lay their eggs in groups on upper or under surface
of the leaf and ~25 eggs are laid at a time, IP: 3 to 4 days.
• Larva: white in colour with black head and bearing whitish fine bristles on the body, the
growing larva covered with waxy material
• Larva construct leaf roll and live within
• Larval period: 20-25 days
• Pupate within the leaf roll itself.
• Pupa – cylindrical and pale yellow in colour
• Anterior end is slightly broad and posterior end is narrow.
• Pupal period: 8-10 days.
• Life cycle takes about a month for completion.
Nature of damage
Roll the leaf and feed within
Presence of leaf roll bits in the plant
Defoliation of plant by leaving only veins
Collection/ Handpick and destruction of leaf rolls containing the caterpillars.
Collect eggs and caterpillars and place them in screened boxes close to banana plants
with rolled leaves for the emergence of parasitoids.
Encourage bird predators
Foliar spray with Chlorpyriphos @ 2ml, Quinalphos @ 2ml, Flubendiamide@0.5g,
chlorantraniliprole @0.2ml per litre water, etc
Lacewing bug, Stephanitis typicus (Hemiptera:Tingidae)
Minute, slight yellow colour bug with shiny transparent wing having reticulation on the
Nymphs are also yellow in colour without wings, however wing pads are present
The pest infestation is more common during the post monsoon period especially in drier
regions of the country.
Damaging stages: Nymph and adults
Nature of damage:
Both stages suck sap from leaves
Inject toxic saliva into leaf – grayish yellow necrotic spots
Under sever infestation, leaf dry off
Symptoms: leaves turn yellow and black resinous excretions in the form of tiny spots may be
seen between the damaged areas.
Collection and destruction
Spray systemic insecticides and insecticide having translaminar action
Banana leaf and fruit scarring beetle / flea beetle: Nodostoma (=Basilepta) subcostatum, N.
viridipennis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
The beetles feed on tender unfolded leaves and fruits and remain hidden under unfolded leaves.
The leaves of central whorl are worst affected.
The beetles scrape epicarp of the tender fruits, blemish them and render unmarketable.
Scarring marks on fruits and leaves.
Follow clean cultivation and sanitation in the orchards.
Spray after pollination chloropyriphos @2ml or Quinolphos @2ml during April-Septermber
coinciding with emergence of new growth,
Repeat spray at fortnightly interval if required. Stop spraying 15 days before bunch harvesting.
Castor Hairy caterpillar/ Hairy caterpillars/ woolly bear Pericalia ricini (Lepidoptera: Arctidae)
Symptoms of damage
Caterpillar scraping the chlorophyll content and windowing in unfurled leaves at initial stage.
Later the mature larvae feed on leaves completely
Collect and destroy egg masses and infant caterpillars
Use burning torch to kill the congregating larvae
Use light trap to attract and kill the adults
Spray chlorpyriphos 20 EC or quinalphos 25 EC 2ml/lit
Tobacco cut worm/ Tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae)
Polyphagous – tobacco, crucifers, banana, groundnut, safflower, castor, tomato, etc.
Adult: Medium sized, stout moth, brownish body, forewings are brown with wavy white
marking, hind- wings are pale colour with a brown patch along the margin.
Egg: laid on leaves in mass and covered with brown hairs.
Larva: stout, cylindrical, pale greenish brown with dark markings.
The body may have rows of dark spots or may have transverse and longitudinal grey and yellow
bands. Gregarious in the early stages later distribute all over the host plants.
Pupa: brown colour, pupation takes place in soil in an earthen cell.
IP, LP, PP are 4-5 days, 2-3 weeks and 2 weeks, respectively.
Nature of damage and symptoms: Freshly hatched young caterpillars found in group on ventral
surface of the leaves, scrape the green matter of leaves resulting in skeletonisation.
Later instar caterpillars get distributed all over the host plant, and defoliate the leaves.
Affected unfurled leaves when open shows windowing symptoms (series of holes transverse
holes on leaves).
The caterpillars hide during day in crevices found in the soil and become active during night feed
on the leaves voraciously.
Summer ploughing to expose pupae to sunlight and natural enemies
Collect and destroy egg mass, leaves with gregarious early instar larvae and also grown up larvae
Grow castor along border as trap crop
Setup light trap at 1/ha
Setup pheromone trap with Spodolure at 10-12/ha
Poison bait: Rice bran 5 Kg + Molasses or jaggery 500g + Methomyl or thiodicarb 500g. mix the
ingredients well and keep/ spread between the rows in the evening hours.
Release egg parasitoids, Trichogramma chilonis @ 2.5 lakh /ha. Spray SlNPV @250LE / ha
along with 1% jaggery and 0.1% teepol in the evening.
Spray Bacillus thuringiensis formulation @ 2g/L
Spray Azadirachtin 1.0 % EC (10000 ppm) @ 1.0 ml/ lit or NSKE 5% Insecticides
Chlorpyrifos 20EC @2ml or Quinalphos 25EC @ 2ml or Cypermethrin 25 EC @ 0.5ml or
Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC @ 0.2ml or Flubendiamide 39.35 SC @ 0.3ml or Emmamectin
Benzoate 5Sc @ 0.5g or Indoxacarb 14.5 SC @ 0.5 ml or Spinosad 45SC @0.3ml or Thiodicarb
75 WP @ 0.5 g per litre of water.