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Document (4)
Ans:-Scandium has incomplete filled 3d orbital in its ground state , so it is transition element but in case
of Zinc atom complete filled d-orbital present in its ground state, so it is not considered as transition
2.Silver atom has completely filled d orbitals in its ground state . How can you say that it is a transition
Ans:- The outer electronic configuration of Ag is 4d¹⁰5s¹ .In addition to +1 ,it show an oxidation state of
+2. In +2 oxidation state , the configuration is d⁹,i. e the d-subshell is incompletly filled. Hence , it is a
transition element.
3.In the series SC to Zn , the enthalpy of atomisation of zinc is the lowest i.e 126kj per mol. Why?
Ans:-In the series, Sc to Zn , all elements have one or more unpaired electrons except zinc which has no
unpaired electrons as it’s outer electronic configuration is 3d¹⁰4s².Hence ,metal-metal bonding is
weakest in Zn. Therefore , enthalpy of atomisation is lowest.
Ans:-Due large no. Of unpaired electrons in their atoms , they have stronger metal-metal bonding. So
they have higher enthalpy of atomisation.
5.Name a transition element which does not exhibit variable oxidation state?
Ans :-Scandium
6.Why is Cr+2 reducing and Mn+3 oxidising when both have d⁴ configuration?
Ans:-Cr+2 is reducing as it’s configuration changes from d⁴to d³,the latter having ahalf filled t2g level. On
the other hand the change from Mn+2 to Mn+3 results in the half filled configuration which has extra
7.The E°(M+2/M) value for copper is positive (+0.34v).what is possibly the reason for this?
Ans:-Copper has high enthalpy of atomisation and low enthalpy of hydrartion. The energy required to
transform Cu to Cu+2 (aq) is not balanced by its hydration enthalpy. Hence , E°(Cu+2/Cu) is positive.
8.How would you account for the increasing oxidising power in the series Vo 2 + < Cr2O7 2- <MnO4 -1 ?
Ans:- This due to the increasing stability of the lower species to which they are reduced.
9.Why is the highest oxidation state of a metal exhibited in its oxide or fluoride only?
Ans:- Oxygen and Fluorine have small size and high Electronegativity. Hence , they can oxidised the
metal to the highest oxidation state.
Ans:-When in a reaction, the oxidation state of an element in a compound increases in one of the
product and decreases in the other product , is said to disproportionate oxidation state. Example, in
acidic solution MnO4 2- changes to MnO4 – and MnO2 .
Ans:h This is because the second ionisation enthalpy of Copper is larger . So hydration enthalpy of Cu+2
is more negatives than Cu+ ion.
13.Name a member of the lanthanoid series which is well known to exhibit+4 oxidation state?
Ans:- Cerium(Z-58)
14. Actinoid contraction is greater from element to element than lanthanoid contraction. Why?
Ans:-This is due to poor shielding by 5f electron in the actinoid than that by 4f electron in the
15.Co(lll) is stable in aqueous solution but in presence of complexing reagent it is easily oxidized?
Ans:-Co(lll) has greater tendency to form Coordination complexs rhan Co(ll).Hence , in the presence of
ligand , Co(ll) changes to Co(lll) ,i. e is easily oxidized.
Ans:h The ion d¹configuration have tendency to lose the only electron present in d-subshell acquire
stable d°configuration.Hence ,they are unstable and undergo oxidation or disproportionation.
17.The lowest oxide of transportation metal is basic , the highest is acidic ? Why
Ans:-In lower Oxidation state of the metal, some of the valence electrons of the metal atom are not
involved in bonding. Hence , it can donate electrons and behave as base. In higher oxidation state,
valence electrons are involved in bonding and are not available. Hence it can accept electrons and
behave as acid.
18.why KmnO4 becomes coloured? (Ans:Due to ligand to metal charge transfer transition)
19.Why greater no. Of oxidation state exhibited by actinoids than the corresponding lanthanoids?
Ans:-lesser energy differences between 5f and 6f orbital than between 4f and 5d orbital
Ans:- In covalent compound , flourine can form single bond only while oxygen form double bond.