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Ldce 2022

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National CPWD Academy रा��ीय सी.पी.ड�ू.डी.

Kamla Nehru Nagar, Hapur Road, कमला नेह� नगर, हापुड रोड,
Ghaziabad-201002. गािजयाबाद- 201002
Ph:0120-2985182 फोन नं. 0120-2985182
Email-gzbnca-examcell@cpwd.gov.in Email-gzbnca-examcell@cpwd.gov.in

File No. LDCE-2022/AE/Exam/ 06 Dated:- 27.05.2022

Subject: Assistant Engineers, CPWD Limited Departmental Competitive Examination-2022.

Submission of online application: 10.06.2022 to 30.06.2022 (24:00 Hour)

Date of Examination: 31.07.2022

1. In terms of Recruitment Rules published in the Gazette of India dated 31.03.2010 for
the posts of Assistant Engineers (Civil) and Assistant Engineers (Electrical), a Limited
Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the posts of Assistant
Engineers Grade (Civil & Electrical) in the Central Public Works Department will be
conducted by National CPWD Academy, Ghaziabad on 31.07.2022 Examination will
be held at Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai and Guwahati.

2. Vacancies

2.1 The computation of number of vacancies of each vacancy year shall be published on
CPWD website by the Directorate to obtain objections, if any. The objections received
shall be considered and outcome/actual number of vacancies will be published on
CPWD website before declaration of result.

2.2 The tentative number of vacancies to be filled up are as follows:

Vacancy AE (C) AE (E)

Year UR SC ST Total UR SC ST Total
2015-16 00 24 05 29 03 00 04 07
2016-17 30 03 00 33 13 04 00 17
2017-18 26 03 00 29 11 05 00 16
2018 22 03 00 25 10 02 01 13
2019 33 02 00 35 18 01 00 19
2020 35 01 00 36 15 03 00 18
2021 30 05 00 35 10 00 01 11
2022 20 03 00 23 04 02 00 06
Total 196 44 05 245 84 17 06 107

3. Eligibility: -

3.1 Examination is open to Junior Engineers (Civil / Electrical) of CPWD with minimum
four years regular service in the grade. For being eligible for different years
vacancies, the candidates should have completed four years regular service as on
dates given below:

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Vacancy Year The candidates
should have
completed four years
regular service as on
15-16 01.04.2015
16-17 01.04.2016
17-18 01.04.2017
2018 01.04.2018
2019 01.01.2019
2020 01.01.2020
2021 01.01.2021
2022 01.01.2022

3.2 Break-in service/ dies-non / unauthorized absence period shall be deducted in

calculation of qualifying service.

3.3 JEs who joined the department after 01.01.2018 are not eligible to take this

3.4. In order to upgrade their seniority, Assistant Engineers (regular or adhoc) can also

3.5 As per Hon’ble Supreme Court’s order Civil Appeal No.6591 of 2015, the Junior
Engineers (C) who joined CPWD from AIR are not eligible against vacancies of
previous years i.e. vacancies prior to completion of period of four years by them in
CPWD. Hence they will be considered for vacancies arising after completion of period
of four years in CPWD by these Junior Engineers.

3.6 A candidate who after applying for admission to the examination or after appearing in
the examination, resigns his appointment or otherwise quits the service or severs his
connection with Department or whose services are terminated by Department or who
is appointed to an ex-cadre post or to another Service on ‘transfer’ and does not have
a lien in the grade of Junior Engineer in the Central Public Works Department will not
be eligible for appointment on the basis of results of this examination.

This, however, does not apply to a person who has been appointed on deputation to
an ex-cadre post with the approval of the competent authority.

4. Scheme of Examination

4.1 Online question papers will be bilingual. (English and Hindi)

4.2 The online question papers may have both theoretical and practical content. The
question papers will be so designed so as to assess the ability of the candidates to
apply their technical knowledge to the solution of problems.

4.3 Length of service shall be counted from date of joining as JE in CPWD and marks for
service length will be assigned for each completed year of service. Any fraction of
service year thereof shall not be considered.
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4.4 APARs for the year for which the candidate is being considered and preceding three
years shall be evaluated. For example to draw merit list for the year 2015-16, APARs
for years 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16 shall be considered and so on. To
draw merit list for vacancy year 2018, APARs 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18
shall be considered and so on.

4.5 Evaluation of performance made on the basis of APARs prevailing at the time of
evaluation will be final and no request for reassessment on the basis of any
subsequent change in grading etc. will be entertained.

4.6 The examination shall be conducted as per following evaluation scheme:

Papers Subject No. of Maximum Duration and Time

Questions Marks
Part-I Computer Based Examination
Paper-1 Engineering Design 150 300 3 Hours
Objective and Construction
Type Practice (Civil) 09.00 AM to 12.00.
Or Noon
Engineering Design
and Construction (Reporting Time 7.30
Practice (E&M) AM to 8.30 AM)

Paper-2 General Engineering 150 300 3 Hours

Objective (Civil)
Type Or 02.30 PM to 05.30.
General Engineering PM
(Reporting Time 1.00
PM to 2.00 PM)
Sub Total 600
Part-II Evaluation of Record of Service of such candidate who find the place
in the eligible list of candidates 3 times of declared vacancy in order
of merit.
Length of 2 Marks for each completed year 40
Service of service up to 01.01.2022 but
limited to maximum 40 marks.
Annual Evaluation of APARs of 4 years 160
Performance as per following criteria:
Appraisal Outstanding-40 Marks
Report Very Good-30 Marks
Good-20 Marks
Below Good/Unsatisfactory-10
Sub Total 200
Gross Total 800

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4.7 In case where more than one candidate secures the equal total aggregates marks,
the candidates who is senior in age will be placed higher.

5. Any dispute on this matter will be subject to Jurisdiction of CAT (P), New Delhi.


1. Instructions to candidates & Examination Rules.

2. Syllabus for Civil Aspirants
3. Syllabus for Electrical Aspirants.

(Rajeev Kumar Gupta)

Controller of Examination

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Instruction to candidates & Examination Rules.

1. Before filling in the application online, the candidates are advised to go through the
Notification very carefully.

2. A candidate must select the centre in the online application at which he/she desires to
take the examination.

3. While every effort will be made to allot the centre of their choice to the candidates
for examination, the Controller of Examination may at his discretion, allot a different
centre to a candidate when circumstances so warrant. Candidates admitted to the
examination will be informed of the time table and place of examination.

4. No request for change of Centre of Examination will be entertained later under any
circumstances. Hence, the candidates should select the centre carefully and indicate
the same correctly in their applications.

5. The candidate are required to fill in the application online through a newly developed
Examination Module portal named as “LDCE” which is accessible through URL
https://cpwd.gov.in/ldce.The login ID and password for LDCE portal shall be same as
of PIMS ID of the employee.

6. Candidates should ensure all columns of online application are filled correctly. No
correspondence will be entertained from candidates to change any of the entries
made in the application form.

7. The candidate should fill in Part-I of the online application form, take printout, sign at
designated places and submit to Head of Office wherein candidate is serving for
completing Part-II.

8. All pages of the application are to be signed by both the candidate and Head of office
at designated places.

9. Scanned copy of this duly completed application (Part-I and Part-II) is to be

UPLOADED and SUBMITTED online on the portal, before last date and time of
submission, failing which the application will not be complete and will stand
rejected. Filing of application shall be disabled after the last date and time of

10. Hard copy must also be sent on same day/next working day by registered post /
speed post to the Executive Engineer (Exam Cell), National CPWD Academy, Hapur
Road, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad, UP-201002.

11. Candidates can monitor status of their application by logging in the portal.

12. Applications of intending candidates shall be scrutinized and e-Admit Card shall be
generated for the eligible candidates. Candidates can download their admit card from
the portal one week before the examination.

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13. Address of Exam Center, Roll No., date, time, subjects and other personal details etc.
shall appear on the online admit card.

14. If any problem occurs right from filling the online application to the generation of Admit
card, the candidate may contact Sh. Murli Dhar, Executive Engineer (Exam Cell) on
email ID- gzbnca-examcell@cpwd.gov.in and Mobile No. 9818627934/ Landline No.
0120-2985806 / 2985182 for resolving the problem.

15. All intimation regarding online examination, processing of application and generation
of Admit Card shall be sent to the applicants on email & mobile number available in
their PIMS only. Therefore, all applicants are required to get their photograph, email
ID and contact number updated in PIMS before applying for the Exam.

16. Uploaded photograph and signature must be clearly identifiable / visible, otherwise
the application of the candidate is liable to be rejected and no representation from the
candidate will be entertained by in this regard. The candidate should scan his
photograph and specimen signature in JPG format. The digital size of file should not
exceed 300 KB each must not be less than 20 KB. Minimum resolution of the file
should be 350 pixels (Width) x 350 pixels (Height) and maximum 1000 pixels (Width)
x 1000 pixels (Height). Bit Depth of image file should be 24 bit.

17. Candidate is required to carry his / her Departmental ID card and the print out of
admit card while entering the Examination Hall. The candidates are advised to bring
two recent coloured passport size photographs in the examination centre.

18. There will be four alternatives for the answer to every question. Correct answer will
fetch two marks.

19. There will be negative marking of 0.5 marks for each wrong answer. Candidates
are, therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions.

20. Answer keys will be placed on the website after Examination. Candidates may go
through the Answer Keys corresponding to their Test Form and submit the
representations, if any, within the time limit given by the Academy through on-line
modality only, on payment of Rs. 200/- per question. Any representation regarding
Answer Keys received within the time limit fixed by the Academy at the time of
uploading of the Answer Key will be scrutinized and the decision of the Academy in
this regard will be final. No representation regarding Answer Keys shall be entertained

21. Examination Centre will be under CCTV Surveillance. Candidates are advised not to
disrupt the examination in any eventuality. If any candidate has any grievance during
conduct of exam, he/she can make representation after completion of examination
through proper channel.

22. A candidate who is or has been declared unfit by the National CPWD Academy to be
guilty of:

(i) Obtaining support for his/her candidature by the any means, or

(ii) Impersonating, or
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(iii) Procuring impersonation by any person, or
(iv) Submitting fabricated document(s) which have been tampered with, or
(v) Making statements which are incorrect or false, or suppressing material
information, or
(vi) Resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his/her
candidature for the examination, or
(vii) Using unfair means in the examination, or
(viii) Misbehaving in the examination hall, or
(ix) Writing irrelevant matter, including obscene language or pornographic matter
in the scripts, or
(x) Found in possession of mobile phones/ cellular phones/pager and other
unauthorized electronic gadget after commencement of examination inside
examination hall whether in use or not, will be deemed to have been using
unfair means, or
(xi) Harassing or doing bodily harm to the staff employed by the Academy for the
conduct of their examination; or
(xii) Violating any of the instructions issued to candidates along with their admit
card permitting them to take the examination; or
(xiii) Attempting to commit or as the case may be, abetting the National CPWD
Academy of all or any of the acts specified in the foregoing clauses.
May in addition to rendering himself/ herself liable to criminal prosecution, be
liable: -

(a) To be disqualified by the National CPWD Academy from the examination for
which he/she is a candidate; and / or
(b) To be debarred either permanently or for a specified period: -
(i) By the National CPWD Academy from any examination or selection held
by them.
(ii) By the Central Government, from any employment under them; and.
(c) To disciplinary action under the appropriate rules.

Provided that no penalty under this rule shall be imposed except after:

(i) Giving the candidate an opportunity of making such representation in writing

as he/ she may wish to make in that behalf; and
(ii) Taking the representation, if any, submitted by the candidate, within the
period allowed to him/her, into consideration;

23. In case any candidate has been debarred from sitting in the LDCE exam and the
debarment is still valid, he will not be eligible to take part in the examination.

24. Result will be declared in the order of merit based on the aggregate marks secured by
candidate separately for each year vacancies in the respective categories i.e.
UR/SC/ST for each discipline.

25. Candidates should clearly understand that this is a competitive and not a qualifying
examination. No candidate will therefore have any claim for promotion on the basis of
his performance in this examination, as a matter of right.

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26. Success in the examination confers no right to promotion unless Government is
satisfied after such inquiry as may be considered necessary, that the candidate,
having regard to his conduct in service (as per conduct rules), is eligible and suitable
in all respects for promotion.

27. The Candidates are allowed to use only Scientific Calculator without programmable
features during the examination. Possession and Use of items other than calculator
i.e. electronic devices such as Mobile Phone, Micro Phone or any other Associated
Accessories, Log Tables, pager, Digital Diary, Book / Notes, wrist watch etc. are
strictly prohibited in the Examination Hall and candidates will have to leave them
outside examination hall at their own risk. CPWD will not be responsible for its safe
custody / loss. However, if any candidate is found in possession of any of these
devices / documents in the examination hall, then his / her candidature is liable to be

28 The decision of the National CPWD Academy in all matters relating to eligibility,
acceptance or rejection of the applications, penalty for false information, result
publication, conduct of examination, allotment of examination centres, will be final and
binding on the candidates and no enquiry/ correspondence will be entertained in this

(Rajeev Kumar Gupta)

Controller of Examination

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Syllabus for Civil Aspirants


PART-A Strength of Material and Theory of Structures

Stress-Strain relation- Hooke’s Law.

Determination of forces in members of trusses pin-jointed frames
Bending Moments and shear forces, Theory of simple bending,
Continuous beams and simple portals- Determination of bending moments
and shear forces – methods of analysis.

PART-B Design Principles

Determinations of dead, live and wind, seismic loads- relevant I.S. Codes,
Factor of Safety and Load Factor.

PART-C Steel Design

Design of simple Beams and plate Girders according to Indian Standards.

Design of single and built-up column, column base connections.
Design of Steel Roof Trusses.

PART-D Reinforced Concrete

Basic principles of reinforced concrete, shear, bond and diagonal tension,

location of reinforcement.
Design of singly and doubly reinforced beams, one way and two way slabs.
Theory and design of reinforced concrete column with uni-directional bending
Design of cantilever and simple counter-fort retaining wall.
Liquid retaining structures – Special requirements.

PART-E Construction Practice

General details of Building construction including foundations, flooring,

masonry and different type of roofs. Safety during construction, durability.
General properties, standard requirements and tests for common building
material such as bricks, stones, sand and aggregate, cement, lime, timber
and steel.
Tests for fresh and hardened concrete.
Central PWD Specifications for building works, sanitary and water supply
works and road works including modes of measurements.

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Part-A Surveying

Use and adjustment of Surveying Instruments: Chain, Plane table and

accessories magnetic compass, level and theodolite.
Use of Compass and Theodolite: Alignments and adjustments.
Leveling: Methods of leveling and reduced level calculations.
Contour Survey: Methods of contouring, properties of contours,
Curves and alignment: Setting out of simple, reverse and transition curves
using different methods, Vertical curves.

Part-B Highway Engineering

Road alignment in hills and plains, minimum standards for National highways.
Principles of design of urban roads, their cross-sectional requirements and
interactions, road drainage and maintenance. House paths approach roads
and service lanes.

Part-C Public Health Engineering

Water Supply: Quality and quantity of water required for public water
supplies. Water purification processes. Water distribution systems – valves
and fittings – testing.

Sanitation: Orientation, ventilation and damp proofing of buildings. Sanitary

appliances Construction and testing of house drains.
Sewage disposal – Sewerage system: - Construction and maintenance.
Types of sewage treatment – Oxidation ponds-simple sedimentation, re-
circulation and filtration-plant, contact beds-percolating filters, Septic tanks.

Part-D Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering:

Properties of soils, classification, soil explorations, methods of determining

bearing capacity
Foundation Engineering: Principles of selection of type of foundation for a
structure, shallow and deep foundations.
Compaction: Laboratory and field methods, optimum moisture content, soil

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Syllabus for Electrical Aspirants



Knowledge of Indian Electricity Act, Indian Elect. Rules as amended up-to-
date. General conditions of supply and charges to be paid to licencees for
obtaining connection. CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works,
Principles of analysis of rates. General Principles in preparation of estimates,
project reports, award of works and execution of works and measurement.
ISI/BIS Standards and Codes of practices. Bombay and Delhi Lift Act and

Units and Standards, Principles of indoor and outdoor lighting design. Types,
characteristics and application of lamp in fittings and luminaries. Lighting
calculation for indoor and outdoor applications.


Systems of wiring and their design, distribution system. Apparatus for control,
protection and Testing.


Necessity of earthing, earthing resistance, type of earthing. Lightning
protection design, layout, material and installation. Safety procedures and
practices, principles of equipment installation, preventive maintenance and
testing of equipment.


Layout and Design for indoor and outdoor application. Specification for
equipment, Sub-Station earthings, stand-by generating sets; commissioning
procedures and tests.
Distribution: Design of overhead line and underground distribution systems.
Specification for cables, conductors, Supports etc. Cable joining and
termination methods, power factor improvement, service connection to

Design parameters, traffic analysis. Classification of Lift installations, choice
of control and operation, safety, specifications for lift installation.


principles of Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning, evaporative cooling and
ventilation, Heating and cooling load estimation. Classification of systems,
their design and application, structural requirements, specifications for


Specification for construction machinery such as Vibrators, Road Rollers,
Trucks, Concrete Mixers etc. Selection, application and maintenance,
principles of calculation of hire charges for plant and machinery.
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Various fire detection, alarm and fire fighting system. Design and
specification of equipment, Guidelines for provision of different types of fire
alarm and firefighting equipment for different types of buildings.


Types of pumps and their characteristics. Prime movers, pumping systems
and application. Specification for equipment and installation.



(i) Single and poly phase A.C. Circuit. Effects of resistance inductance and
(ii) Single and poly phase transformers – constructional features, equivalent
circuits performance, parallel operation, phase conversion. Separation of
losses and determination of efficiency by various methods. Auto
(iii) Alternators, Constructional feature, regulation, parallel operation and
Protection. Automatic Voltage regulators, Emergency generating sets,
automatic change over.
(iv) Induction machines, poly-phase motor and its principle of operation and
equivalent circuit. Torque, slip characteristics. Crawling, methods of
starting, single phase motor, its theory, characteristics and application.


Current, Voltage transformers, Constructional features of IDMT relays,
instantaneous relays including knowledge of overload earth fault, under
voltage, Bucholz relays. Connection diagrams, settings. Electrical instruments
and Measurements, principles of construction and theory of measuring
instruments for direct and alternating currents. Commercial types.
Measurement of resistance, Voltage, current, power, power factor and
energy. Watt meters, energy meter. Thermo couples, Resistance
Thermometers, pyro-meters. Fault locating bridges for cables. Measurements
of resistance, inductance and capacitance, Wheatstone bridge.


Diesel power Generation-General layout, Base load, peak load, choice of
Power supply tariffs, economics.
Insulators, types and application.
Basic feature of industrial drives. Choice of electric motors for various drives
and estimation of their ratings. Behavior of motors during starting,
acceleration, breaking and reversing operations. Speed control schemes for
lifts cranes and machine tools.
Theory, performance and application of various types of fractional horse
power motors.
Production of light by different methods. Calculation and measurement of
light by different methods. Calculation and measurement of illumination.
Photo meters. Polar Curves. Flood lighting.
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Fuel and Combustion. Fuels their properties, combustion calculations.
Analysis of products of combustion.
Power cycles. Vapour power cycles-Carnot and Rankine. Gas Power-Otto
Diesel cycles. Deviation of actual cycles from theoretical cycles.
Internal combustion engines- Two and four stroke compression ignition and
spark ignition engines. Combustion phenomena. Detonation, Knocking,
scavenging of two stroke engines. Fuel injection and carburetion. Lubrication
and cooling system performance and testing of IC engines. Pollution control


Refrigeration – Refrigeration and heat pump cycles. Vapour compression,
absorption Cycles. Refrigerants and their characteristics.
Air Conditioning – Psychometric chart, comfort air-conditioning, comfort
indices, ventilation requirements. Cooling and dehumidification methods.
Industrial air-conditioning processes.
Different methods of electric heating. Construction and performance of
Electric heating equipment.


Estimation of power and energy requirement of electric welding, different
types of equipments used and their characteristics. Manufacturing and
Fabricating methods and practices for various electrical and mechanical
equipment such as pumps, switch boards, light fittings, AHUs etc.


Comparison of different types of lamps from the point of energy conservation,
calculation of payback period. Power factor improvement, Reduction of load
current and transformer losses due to power factor improvement. KVA
requirement for power factor improvement.


Solar Hot Water system principles, constructional features, constituent parts,
installation, operation & maintenance, solar photo voltaic system,
advantages/disadvantages of solar heating & solar photo voltaic system.

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