General Studies-6
Chapterwise & Sub-topicwise
Solved Papers
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Year 2004 Spl., 2008 Spl. (Every Year Two Papers) 4 × 150 = 600
D. UP UDA/LDA/RO/ARO (Pre & Mains) Exam.
U.P. UDA/LDA (Pre) 2001 1 × 150 = 150
U.P. UDA/LDA (Pre) 2006
U.P. RO/ARO (Pre) 2010
SP 1 × 100 = 100
1 × 120 = 120
U.P. RO/ARO (Pre) 2010 Spl. 1 × 140 = 140 139
U.P. RO/ARO (Pre) 2013 1 × 140 = 140
U.P. RO/ARO (Pre) 2014 1 × 140 = 140
U.P. RO/ARO (Pre) 2016 1 × 140 = 140
U.P. RO/ARO (Pre) 2017 1 × 140 = 140
U.P. RO/ARO (Pre) 2016 (Re. Exam 2020) 1 × 140 = 140
U.P. RO/ARO (Pre) 2021, 2023 (Cancelled) 2 × 140 = 280
Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (Pre) Exam 2010-11 1×150 = 150
Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (Pre) Exam 2012 - 12×100 = 1200
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
Rajasthan Public Service Commission (Pre) Exam1992- 2012 12×100 = 1200
Rajasthan Public Service Commission (Pre) Exam 2013-14, 6×150 = 900 82
2015, 2016, 2018, 2021,2023
M. Bihar Public Service Commission
Bihar Public Service Commission (Pre) 38th Exam 1992 1×100 = 100
Bihar Public Service Commission (Pre) 39th–69th Exam 23×150 = 3450 241
1994-2023, 66th (Re-Exam) 2020, 67th (Cancel) 2021
N. Jharkhand Public Service Commission
Jharkhand Public Service Commission (Pre) Exam 2003, 4×100 = 400
2006, 2008, 2010 56
Jharkhand Public Service Commission (Pre) Exam 8×100 = 800
2013 (I, II), 2016 (I, II), 2021 (I, II), 2024 (I, II),
O. Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (Pre) Exam 12×100 = 1200
P. Haryana Public Service Commission
Haryana Public Service Commission (Pre) Exam 2014, 2017, 6×100 = 600
2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Q. Punjab Public Service Commission
Punjab Public Service Commission (Pre) 2015, 2018, 2020 3 × 100 = 300 23
R. Maharashtra Public Service Commission
Maharashtra Public Service Commission (Pre) Exam 2015- 9×100 = 900
2021, 2022, 2023
S. Goa Public Service Commission
Goa Public Service Commission (Pre) 2022 1 × 75 = 75 4
T. Gujarat Public Service Commission
Gujarat Public Service Commission (Pre) (Paper-I, II) 2018, 6 × 200 = 1200
2019, 2021
U. Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (Pre) 2014-2019, 7 × 50 = 350
Note : After due analysis of the above question papers, 3640 questions related to Indian
Economy & Social Development have been presented chapterwise. Questions of repetitive
and similar nature have been included so that the technique of asking questions may be
useful to the competitors.
Sector, 164
Sector, 22
Social Sector of the
Economy, 305
Indian Financial
Natural Resources System, 336
& Infrastructure, 39
261 273
170 186
137 144 147
23 28 46 39
22 15
10 YCT
(a) It is a Constitutional requirement
(b) the vast quantity of capital already deployed Tripura (TPCS) TCS -2019
in the public sector needs to be nurtured Ans. (b): The Gandhian economy is based on the
(c) Five-Year Plans can continue to provide a
long-term respective to the economy in
market-friendly fashions
principle of ‘trusteeship’. Trusteeship provides a
means of transforming the present capitalist order of
society into an egalitarian one; it gives no quarter to
(d) the market economy is mainly confined to capitalism but gives the present owning class a chance
industry and commerce and central planning of reforming itself.
in agriculture is necessary It is based on the faith that human nature is never
IAS (Pre) G.S. 1994 beyond redemption.
Ans. (d) : In India, the market economy was 21. What do you understand by closed economy?
implemented by accepting the policy of Liberalization (a) Closed export (b) Import - export closed
and Globalisation of the economy in 1991 AD, but (c) Closed import (d) Controlled capital
even after the market system was implemented, UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 1991
national economic planning and public economic Ans. (b) : A closed economy is an economy that does
planning still remains the mainstay of the economy. not participate in International trade, meaning that it
The main reason for this is that the market economy is does not import or export goods and services from
mainly confined to industry and trade-commerce. another country. In a closed economy, import-export
Central planning is necessary for the development of remains absolutely closed. Socialist economy is a
agriculture, social sector (e.g. education, health etc.), typical example of this, but now a days this economy
infrastructure (rail, road, electricity, telecom etc.). has also been influenced by market forces. At present
because almost half of the population of India is almost, no economy is a closed economy in the world.
dependent on agriculture and the market system in
agriculture is more likely to fail. 22. Closed Economy is an Economy where -
(a) Money supply is completely controlled
18. In India, rural incomes are generally lower (b) There is deficit financing
than the urban incomes. Which of the
(c) There is export only
following reasons account for this?
1. A large number of farmers are illiterate and (d) There is neither export nor import
know little about scientific agriculture. IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist 2011
2. Prices of primary products are lower than those MPPSC (Pre) G.S. Ist 2017
of manufactured products. Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question.
3. While compared to investment in industry, 23. A closed economy is an economy in which –
investment in agriculture has been low. (a) only exports take place
Select the correct answer using the codes given (b) Budget deficit is low
below: (c) Only import take place
Codes: (d) There is no foreign trade
(a) 1, 2 & 3 (b) 1 & 2 Uttarakhand RO/ARO, 2016
(c) 1 & 3 (d) 2 & 3
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question.
IAS (Pre) G.S. 1996
Eonomics PLANNER English 13 YCT
HPPSC (Pre) Exam-2022 (c) growth in savings ratio
Ans. (d) : Gross Capital formation consists of outlays (d) improvement in balance of payments position
on additions to the fixed assets of the economy plus net (e) None of the above/More than one of the above
is incorrect.
changes in the level of inventories, Hence statement (1) 67th BPSC (Pre) 2021 (Cancelled)
Ans. (b) : Per capita Gross National Product (GNP) is
Net value added at factor cost is the sum total of all the the best index of development. It can be derived by
factor payments. It is the result of factors of production dividing the GNP of a country with its population.
that residents get in the form of wages, salaries, Higher the level of per capita income, higher is the
dividends etc. Hence, statement (2) is correct. economic development. The World Bank, in its world
National Income means the value of goods and services
development report 1998, classified the countries in the
produced by a country during a financial year. Hence, world on the basis of per capita GNP.
statement (3) is incorrect. 5. Which of the following statement are true?
Personal Income (PI) is the total income received by the 1. GDP MP is the market value of all final Goods
members of the domestic household sector, which may and Services produced within the
or may not be earned from productive activities during a geographical boundary of a country in a year.
given period of time. Personal income can be derived 2. If the GDP of a country is rising, the welfare
from National income by subtracting income earned but may not rise as a consequence.
which the mentioned measures of development
of every individual in society so they can reach their full were introduced?
Technological development is the overall process of (a) PQLI, HDI, Per-capita Income
invention, innovation and diffusion of technology or
Political development may be defined as an increase in
(b) Per-capita Income, PQLI, HDI
(c) HDI (Human Development Index), Per-capita
Income, PQLI (Physical Quantity of Life Index)
political unity and political participation. (d) Per-Capital Income, HDI, PQLI
8. A common problem of development models is 7th JPSC Pre 2021 Paper-I
its heavy dependency on Ans. (b): Per Capita Income, PQLI and HDI of a
(a) Energy (b) Human resources country are the correct proposed sequence of measures
(c) Financial capital (d) Political power of development of a country’s economy because with
J & K PSC 2021 Paper-(I) the increase in per-capita income, the physical quality
Ans. (a): A common problem of development models is of life of a person will improve in the index of PQLI
its heavy dependency on energy. and improving the PQLI will improve the Human
Dependency theory focused on individual nations, their Development Index (HDI) of a country. Per-Capita
role as suppliers of raw materials, cheap labour, and Income refers to the average incomes of the people
markets for expensive manufactured goods from living in a country. The PQLI method was developed by
industrialized countries. Morris D. Morris. The Human Development Index was
9. Which of the following is not cognizably important launched by UNDP in the year 1990.
for economic development? 13. Consider the following statements and choose
(a) Amount of money (b) Price stability the correct answer from the following code
(c) Saving rate (d) Use of resources given below:
BPSC (Pre) 1996 Statement (A): Economic development requires
Ans : (a) The term economic development is not used to a multi-pronged approach.
express quantitative measurements of a growing Reason (R): The present Government of India
economy, but to describe the economic, social and other is focusing primarily on microeconomic topics.
changes that growth brings. This requires changes in Code:
production techniques, social departments and (a) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the
institutions. correct explanation of (A).
Economic development is a broad concept, as it includes (b) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not
both economic and non-economic aspects. Economic
development is a low state in terms of changes in an the correct explanation of (A).
economy. Directly price stability, savings rate, optimal (c) (A) is correct, but (R) is false.
use of resources are important in economic development. (d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
10. The main reason for low growth rate in India, UPPCS (Pre.) Re–exam-2015
in spite of high rate of savings and capital Ans. (c): Economic development requires a multi
formation is– pronged approach. This is true and Reason (R) is false.
(a) high birth rate Hence the correct answer will be option (c). The means of
(b) low level of foreign aid production are efficiently exploited under economic
(c) low capital output ratio development. As a result, there is a continuous and long-
(d) high capital output ratio term increase in national income and per capita income
I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 1995 and the standard of living of people rises.
industrial output. below:
(c) Poverty and unemployment increase. (a) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
(d) Imports grow faster than exports. (b) Both Statement I and Statement II are
UPSC IAS (Pre)-2018
Ans. (c): Development means a qualitative change
which is always positive. This means that development
(c) Statement I is correct and Statement II is
cannot take place unless there is an increment or (d) Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is
addition to the existing conditions. Development correct
occurs when positive growth takes place. Yet, positive HPPSC (Pre) Exam-2022
growth does not always lead to development. This Ans. (a) : Low income countries and lower middle
happens when poverty and unemployment increase. If income countries have higher potential growth rates
gains of increase in per capita income are grabbed by a and higher marginal productivity of capital. Borrowing
small section of society, then economic growth will not remains a necessity to finance projects and increase in
lead to economic development. investment in these countries 'human capital (education
16. Sustainable development involves ________. and health), public infrastructure (power, water,
(a) Reducing consumption, increasing efficiency transport) and environmental protection. Employment in
and using renewable energies these countries are very important to create
(b) Larger buildings using stronger design and opportunities and reduce poverty.
materials 20. During which Five Year Plan was the rate
(c) Developing better transportation by building growth of Gross Domestic Product the highest?
more roads (a) 9th Five Year Plan (b) 10th Five Year Plan
(d) Using all resources at optimal rates (c) 11th Five Year Plan (d) 12th Five Year Plan
Mizoram PCS Pre 2015 Paper-I AP PSC(Pre) 2022
Ans. (d): Sustainable development is the overarching Ans. (c) : During 11th Five Year Plan, the rate growth of
paradigm of the United Nations. The concept of Gross Domestic Product was the highest (Actual growth
sustainable development was described by the 1987 - 8%).
Bruntland Commission Report as “development that Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” 21. Given below are two statements, one labelled as
Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason
1. Economic Growth (R). Select your answer from the codes given
17. Which sector contributed the most to the real below.
Gross Value Added at basic prices in the last Assertion (A) : There is a structural Change in
decade? the composition of National Income in India.
(a) Public administration, defence and other services Reason (R) : The process of economic growth
(b) Financing, real estate and professional services was initiated in India.
(c) Manufacturing, construction, electricity, gas Codes :
and water supply (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
(d) Trade, hotels , transport and communication correct explanation for (A).
WB PSC (Pre) 2023 (b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the
Ans. (c) : Manufacturing, construction, electricity, gas correct explanation for (A).
and water supply contributed the most to the real gross (c) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
value added at basic prices in the last decade. (d) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. AP PSC(Pre) 2022
Eonomics PLANNER English 16 YCT
resources and growth rate of income initiated, it will spread to other sectors through forward
(d) equality between growth rate of natural and backward linkages.
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
resources and growth rate of population
Maharashtra PSC (Pre) 2023
Ans. (a) : R F Harrod viewed balanced growth aims at
26. A decrease in tax to GDP ratio of a country
indicates which of the following?
1. Slowing economic growth rate
equality between growth rate of income, growth rate of
output and growth rate of natural resources. 2. Less equitable distribution of national income
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. Select the correct answer using the code given
24. With reference to the World Development below.
Report 1993, improved health contributes to (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
economic growth in four ways, consider the (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
following statement: IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist 2015
(1) It reduces production losses caused by Ans. (a): Tax to GDP ratio is an indicator of tax
had been totally or nearly inaccessible new people and new items. Tax buoyancy refers to the
because of disease ratio of the percentage change in tax revenue to the
(4) It decreases for alternative uses resources percentage change in the tax base. The buoyancy of
that would otherwise have to be spent on overall central taxes has declined over the period of
treating illness economic reforms. Although the buoyancy of direct taxes
has increased during this period, the buoyancy of indirect
Choose the correct answer from the options taxes has decreased at a more rapid pace. The tax-GDP
given below: ratio should be higher for the prosperity of a country.
(a) (1) and (4) only (b) (1) and (3) only
(c) (1) and (2) only (d) (2) and (4) only 27. Which among the following is NOT a major
HPPSC (Pre) 2023 factor of economic growth?
(a) Accumulation of capital and reforms in
Ans. (b) : With reference to the World Development technology
Report, 1993 improved health contributes to economic (b) Change in population
growth in four ways: it reduces production losses (c) Division of labour in specialised activities
caused by workers illness, it permits the use of natural
resources that had been totally or nearly inaccessible (d) Technocrats and Bureaucrats
because of disease, it increases the enrollment of UPPSC Pre) 2021
children in school and makes them better able to learn Ans. (d): Major factors of Economic Growth-
and it frees for alternative uses resources that would • Natural Resources
otherwise have to be spent on treating illness. • Physical Capital or Infrastructure
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. • Population or Labour
25. Given below are two statements: • Technology
Statement I : The theory of Unbalanced • Law
Growth was advocated by Prof. Here, Technocrats and Bureaucrats are not the major
Hirschman. factors for economic growth, so option (d) is correct.
Eonomics PLANNER English 17 YCT
(c) Hints at high growth in India during 2000-10 and MSMEs and promotion of STs, SCs, OBCs etc., rural
(d) Exposes low growth occurrence of the Indian development etc. must be included.
economy during 1950-80
Ans. (d):
OPSC (OCS) Pre-2018
34. Not excluding any section of the society in the
process of growth is called as:
(a) Inclusive growth
• Exposes ‘Low Growth’ occurrence of the Indian (b) GDP
economy during 1950-80. The term 'Hindu rate of (c) GNP
growth' was coined by Professor Rajkrishna, an (d) Sustainable development
Indian economist, in 1978 to characterize the slow
growth rate of Indian economy for more than 3 Arunachal PSC (GS) 26-11-2021
decades, between 1950s to the 1980s and to explain it Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question.
against the backdrop of socialistic economic policies. 35. Which of the following can aid in furthering the
• The word 'Hindu' in the term was used by some government’s objective of inclusive growth?
early economists to imply that the Hindu outlook of 1. Promoting self-help groups
fatalism and contentedness was responsible for the 2. Promoting micro, small and medium enterprises
slow growth. 3. Implementing the Right to Education Act
• However many later economists pointed out that Select the correct answer using the codes given
the so-called ‘Hindu rate of growth’ was a result of
• Society 1. Economic development (a) Systemic
conflict with environmental view
• Environment
• Culture
• Economy
Carrying Capacity: The maximum population size
2. Economic growth catalyses (b) Liberal
environmental growth view
that an ecosystem can support in a sustainable manner
without degrading itself is termed as the carrying 3. Structural inequalities (c) Structural
capacity of the ecosystem. between countries contribute view
39. Sustainable economic development means- to environmental degradation
(a) Future economic development along with the
development of the current generation 45. The 2030 agenda for sustainable development
(b) Economic development of the current provides a global blueprint and stimulates
generation only action in the following areas:
inclusiveness and sustainability of growth.
Hence, statement (d) is correct answer. • Promote economic development
48. What is the fundamental difference between • Social justice
• Full employment
prescriptive and instructional planning?
(a) In prescriptive planning, the objective step Poverty prevention and creation of employment
completely replaces the market system, opportunities
whereas in the normative scheme it is Achieve self-sufficiency
considered as only a means to improve the • Promotion of investment and capital formation
functioning of the market system. • Income distribution and regional disparity
(b) There is no need for nationalization of any • Modernization implemented in the Sixth Plan
• Human Resource Development
industry in the Instructional Plan.
(c) All economic activities in the prescriptive 51. Which of the following are associated with
scheme is in the hands of the sector, while in 'Planning' in India?
the instructional scheme public are in the 1. The Finance Commission
hands of the private sector 2. The National Development Council
(d) In a directive plan, the goals are easily achieved 3. The Union Ministry of Rural Development
IAS (Pre) G.S. 1993 4. The Union Ministry of Urban Development
Ans. (a): In mandative planning, the market mechanism 5. The Parliament
is fully controlled and policy changes can be made as per Select the correct answer using the codes given
the requirement, whereas in the normative scheme, the below.
directive of the order is only a means or measure to (a) 1, 2 and 5 only (b) 1, 3 and 4 only
improve the functioning of the market system. (c) 2 and 5 only (d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
(a) Prescriptive planning: IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist 2014
Focuses on goals and desired out comes- Ans. (c): The Planning Commission is an extra-
Prescriptive Planning is a type of planning that can be constitutional body, which was formed on March 15,
used in economics to influence and change people's 1950 by a resolution of the Union Cabinet. Its main task
Examples- A five-year plan outlining economic growth is to formulate the five-year plan of the center and to
targets or a poverty reduction strategy setting goals for advice on the annual plans of the states. The National
income levels. Development Council is also an extra-constitutional body,
(b) Instructional planning: which was established on 7 August 1952 as a subsidiary
Details specific steps and actions- of the Planning Commission. The National Development
Plan goes beyond goals and provides concrete Council gives final approval to the five-year plans.
instructions on what needs to be done. It might involve 52. Which one of the following is correct regarding
specific amounts to different sectors or a program stabilization and structural adjustment as two
outlining step-by-step procedures for providing financial components of the new economic policy
aid to business. adopted in India?
49. Economic Planning is subject of- (a) Stabilization is a gradual, multi-step process
(a) Union list while structural adjustment is a quick
(b) State List adaptation process
(c) Concurrent list (b) Structural adjustment is a gradual, multi-step
(d) Not written in any particular list process, while stabilization is a quick
BPSC (Pre) 2004–05 adaptation process
Eonomics PLANNER English 20 YCT
Market Aspects- India has a growing private sector (b) from August 15, 1949
and markets play a significant role in determining (c) From 24th January 1950
prices and resource allocation. (d) From 1st May, 1975
economic aspects and to urge, in respect of the development of economically backward countries. The
problems before the country, the adoption of certain Janata Party government in India implemented the
courageous solution based on recent world experience. "Rolling Plan" on April 1, 1978, ending the fifth five-
Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya was the first civil year plan earlier in a year. The duration of this scheme
engineer of India. He was awarded the Bharat Ratna. was only one year in India. The scheme was created
55. Raghuram Rajan Committee deals with which from April 1, 1978 to March 31, 1983, but with the fall
of the following topics? of the Janata Party government in 1980, the scheme
(a) Excessive restraint in government expenditure has also been scrapped.
(b) Improvement in economic sector 59. The concept of ''rolling plan'' was implemented
(c) Import-export balance in national planning.
(d) Increase in prices (a) By Indira Gandhi
UPPCS (Mains) G.S. IInd 2007 (b) By the National Government
Ans. (b): Raghuram Ji Rajan Committee - The (c) By the Janata Government
Planning Commission set up a high-level committee in (d) By Rajiv Gandhi
August 2007 under the chairmanship of noted BPSC (Pre) 2007–08
economist Raghuram Ji Rajan, who is associated with
the International Monetary Fund, to reform the Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
financial sector. This 12-member committee included 60. In India, the period of Rolling plan was-
eminent experts in banking and financial sector. (a) 1962–65 (b) 1966–69
1. Planning Model (c) 1969–72 (d) 1972–75
56. Before the inception of the five-year plan in BPSC (Pre) 2007–08, 1999
India, which of these plans were in existence? RAS/RTS (Pre.) G.S. 1994–95
(1) Bharat Plan (2) Sarvodaya Plan UPPCS (Pre) Economics Opt. 1996
(3) Farmer Plan (4) Bombay Plan UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd Paper 2007
Eonomics PLANNER English 21 YCT
Ans. (b): Rolling plan can be defined as the plan 65. The aim of which Five Year Plan was to correct
where there is no fixation of dates in respect of the disequilibrium in the economy?
commencement and end of the plan. The main (a) Second Five Year Plan
advantage of rolling plan is that they are very flexible
and are able to overcome the rigidity by mending
targets and objectives. It is revised every year as per
(b) First Five Year Plan
(c) Third Five Year Plan
(d) Fourth Five Year Plan
the requirement of the economy. NAGALAND NCS PRELIMS, 2018
2.C. Concept FYP Ans. (b) : The first Five Year Plan (1951-1956) was
62. Which of the following were goals of the Five- mainly focused in the development of the primary
Years Plans? sectors. It was launched in 1951 on the basis of Harrod-
1. Growth 2. Modernization Domar model. It was presented by the first Prime
3. Self-reliance 4. Literature Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.
(a) 1, 3 and 4 only In the first plan, the main priority was given to
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only agriculture and irrigation sector. In the first plan, the
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only targeted growth rate was 3.6 as against 2.1. In the first
(d) More than one of the above plan, multipurpose river projects like Bhakra Nangal,
(e) None of the above Damodar Valley and Hirakud were started. The
68th BPSC (Pre) 2022
JPSC (Pre) 2024-I 76. Who determined the nature of investment in
Ans. (c) : The Second Five Year Plan gave industries, India's Second Five-Year Plan:
mainly heavy industries a lot of attention. It encouraged (a) Prof. N. Kaldar (b) Prof. VKRV Rao
domestic industrial production, especially the growth of
the public sector. The strategy was based on the
Mahalanobis model to maximize long-term economic
(c) Prof. RF Harrod (d) Prof. PC Mahalanobis
UPPCS (Pre) Economics Opt. 1995
MPPSC (Pre.) G.S. Ist Paper 2015
growth. It was during this plan that hydroelectric power
projects and steel plants were set up in Bhilai, Durgapur Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question.
and Rourkela. 77. Which Five Year Plan laid emphasis on heavy
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer. industry led development ?
71. Khadi and village industry commission was (a) Fifth (b) Fourth
established in— (c) Second (d) Sixth
(a) Third plan (b) Fourth plan APPSC Group-II-2017
(c) Second plan (d) First plan Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
Haryana PSC Pre 2014 78. Second five year Plan of India was based on an
Ans. (c) : Khadi and Village Industries Commission is economic model developed by
a statutory body established by the Government of (a) Amartya Sen
India in the Second Five-Year Plan (1956-1961) under (b) C.H. Hanumantha Rao
the Khadi and Gramodyog Commission Act of 1956 of (c) Dadabhai Naoraji
the Parliament. It is headquartered in Mumbai. While
other regional offices (divisional offices) are located in (d) P.C. Mahalanobis
Delhi, Bhopal, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore and 7th JPSC Pre 2021 Paper-I
Guwahati. It is the apex organization under the Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question.
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Industries 79. Which of the following could be one of the
(Government of India) in India related to Khadi and reasons for pruning of development targets of
Village Industries, whose main objective is "Planning, the Second Five Year Plan?
publicity for the establishment and development of (a) Non-availability of foreign collaborators to
Khadi and Village Industries in rural areas". set up heavy industries
72. During which Five Year Plan, the Khadi and (b) Deflationary situation in the economy
Village Industries Commission was established? (c) Acute shortage of foreign exchange
(a) First Five Year Plan
(b) Second Five Year Plan (d) Failure of bureaucracy to implement
(c) Third Five Year Plan development schemes
(d) Fifth Five Year Plan APPSC GROUP-I (7-5-2017)
UPPSC ACF Mains Paper-II, 2021 Ans. (c) : Acute shortage of Forex led to pruning of
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question. development targets, price rise was also seen (about
30%) vis a vis decline in the earlier Plan. The 2nd Five
73. Under which five year plan, it was decided to Year Plan was only moderately successful.
establish socialist structure of the society?
(a) First Five Year Plan 80. The strategy of development of industries and
(b) Second Five Year Plan industrialization was part of which plan?
(c) Third Five Year Plan (a) Fourth (b) Second
(d) Fourth Five Year Plan (c) Third (d) Seventh
MPPSC (Pre.) G.S. Ist 2014 UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 1991
Eonomics PLANNER English 23 YCT
rate of -0.73 in this plan.
(a) First plan (b) Fifth plan
82. The objective of self-development in India was (c) Fourth plan (d) Second plan
first adopted
Haryana PSC Pre 2014
(a) Third Five-Year Plan
(b) Fourth Five-Year Plan
(c) Fifth Five-Year Plan
SP Ans. (b) : In the Fifth Five Year Plan (1974-1979)
based on the 'D.P. Dhar model', the slogan of 'Poverty
(d) Sixth Five-Year Plan removal and employment boost' was given by the
Uttarakhand PCS (Pre) 2002–03 government. Two main objectives of Fifth Five Year
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question. Plan was poverty alleviation and attainment of self-
83. Which of the following is not one of the reliance. In the same Five Year Plan, Regional Rural
principal aims of Third Five Year Plan? Bank was also established in October 1975 to provide
(a) Achieve self-sufficiency in food grains refinance facility to the agricultural sector. But due to
(b) Achieve an increase in national income over the Emergency in 1978, this Five Year Plan was
6% per annum discontinued a year earlier.
(c) Achieve reduction in disparities in income The fifth Five-Year Plan set the targeted growth rate at
and wealth 4% while achieved was 5%.
(d) Utilise the maximum possible extent the man 89. During which Five Year Plan was the
power resources of the country Emergency clamped, new elections took place
(c) Growth with stability (d) Sectoral allocation Resource Development. Hence the correct answer is
APPSC GROUP-I (7-5-2017) option (c)
Ans. (a) : The Sixth Five Year Plan (1980-85) was 100. Human development is the core of all
based on Input-Output model. It focused on increase in
national income, modernization of technology,
developmental efforts was recognised in:
(a) Eighth Five Year Plan
(b) Ninth Five Year Plan
ensuring continuous decrease in poverty and
unemployment through schemes for transferring skills (c) Seventh Five year Plan
like (TRYSEM)- Training to Rural Youth for Self (d) Sixth Five Year Plan
Employment and also set (IRDP)- Integrated Rural NAGALAND NCS PRELIMS, 2018
Development Program and providing slack season Ans. (a) : The Eighth Five-Year Plan (1992-97) was
employment through (NREP)- National Rural based on John W Muller model. The targeted growth
Employment Programme, controlling population rate in the plan was set at 5.6 percent while the achieved
explosion etc. During the Sixth Five-Year Plan (1980- was at 6.7 percent. The plan aimed to alleviate poverty
through the income generation, at human resource
95. Which one of the following programmes was sector outlay in the Eighth Five Year Plan was the
initiated during the Sixth Five-Year Plan? government borrowing. The cumulative annual growth
(a) Integrated Rural Development Programme rate of real gross national product in India was the
(b) Rural Literacy Development maximum in Eighth Five Year Plan.
(c) Rural Railways 101. The Eighth Five Year Plan is different from the
(d) Advanced Communication Links for Rural earlier plans. The special important difference
People is that -
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above (a) It has a much larger outlay than the earlier
65th BPSC Pre 2019 schemes
(b) It has a major emphasis on agriculture and
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question. rural development
96. In which one of the Five Year Plans, was the (c) Adequate thrust has been given for
EXIM Bank established in India? infrastructure development
(a) Second (b) Fourth (d) Industrial license has been abolished
(c) Fifth (d) Sixth (IAS (Pre) G.S. 1996)
Karnataka PSC 2017 Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question. 102. In the Eighth Plan the growth rate of GDP,
7. VIIth Five Years Plans (FYP) Percentage per annum has been set
97. The major slogan of the Seventh Plan was (a) 4.8 (b) 5.2
(a) Food, work and productivity (c) 5.6 (d) 6.0
(b) Free education for all children UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 1995
(c) Five percent growth rate of national income BPSC (Pre) 1997–98, I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 1995
(d) Community Development Program RAS/RTS(Pre.) G.S. 1992
RAS/RTS (Pre.) G.S. 1994–95 Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
(d) The Eighth Five-Year Plan 112. By the end of the Tenth Plan, the literacy rate
I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 1995 has to be increased to reach the target of
(a) 70% (b) 75%
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question.
106. The largest source of financing the public
sector outlay of the Eighth Five-Year Plan
(c) 80% (d) 85%
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. Spl. 2004
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question.
comes from
(a) Balance from current revenue 113. In which five year plan was the National
Horticulture Mission launched?
(b) Contribution of public enterprises (a) In the Eleventh Five Year Plan
(c) Government borrowings (b) In the tenth five-year plan
(d) Deficit financing (c) In the Ninth Five Year Plan
I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 1995 (d) None of the above
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question. UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2009
107. The cumulative annual growth rate of real Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question.
gross national product in India was the 114. What is the rate of annual growth of the
maximum economy in the mid-term assessment of the
(a) In the eighth five-year plan period Tenth Plan?
(b) In the seventh five-year plan period (a) 7.0 percent (b) 7.5 percent
(c) In the sixth five-year plan period (c) 8.0 percent (d) 8.25 percent
(d) In the fifth five-year plan period UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. IInd Paper, 2004
UP Lower (Pre) G.S. 2002
UP Lower (Pre) Spl. G.S. 2004
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question. Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question.
108. The Eighth Five Year Plan gives priority to 115. In which year the Tenth Five Year Plan will
(a) Increase employment (a) 2005 (b) 2006
(b) Increase imports (c) 2007 (d) 2008
(c) Increase industry RAS/RTS (Pre) G.S., 2003
(d) Freedom of press Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
BPSC (Pre) 1994
116. Which of the following statements is correct in
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question. relation to the 10th five year plan? Choose the
9. IXth Five Years Plans (FYP) correct answer from the given sentence below
th the statements -
109. The period of India's 9 Five-Year Plan is 1. During the plan, G.D.P. Increase of 8%
(a) 1992–1997 (b) 1997–2002 2. Poverty ratio to 20% by 2006
(c) 1990–1995 (d) None of these 3. Increase literacy to 75% by 2006/
BPSC (Pre.) G.S. 2002 Code:
Ans. (b) : The duration of the Ninth Five Year Plan was (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
from April 1, 1997 to March 31, 2002. The target was to (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
achieve an economic growth rate of 6.5% per annum. UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2005
While the achieved growth rate was 5.5 percent. Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
Eonomics PLANNER English 26 YCT
(V) 1974-79 4.4 4.8 (a) Twelfth (b) Eleventh
(VI) 1980-85 5.2 5.7 (c) Tenth (d) Ninth
UP PCS ACF (Mains) IInd Paper 2017
SP 6.0
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question.
125. Inclusive growth as enunciated in the Eleventh
Five Year Plan does not include one of the
(X) 2002-07 8 7.6
(XI) 2007-12 9 8 (a) Reduction of poverty
(XII) 2012-17 8 NA (b) Extension of employment opportunities
11. XIth Five Years Plans (FYP)
(c) Strengthening of capital market
119. The plan period of the Eleventh Five Year Plan (d) Reduction in gender inequality
was IAS (Pre) G.S. 2010
(a) 2004–09 (b) 2005–10 Tripura (TPCS) TCS -2019
(c) 2008–11 (d) 2007–12 Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
UPPCS (Mains) GS Ist 2015, 2008 12. XIIth Five Years Plans (FYP)
UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2008 126. What was the period of India's 12th Five Year
Ans. (d) : The Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2007-2012) plan?
was based on the theme of ‘Towards faster and more (a) 2001-2006 (b) 2007-2012
inclusive growth’. The targeted growth rate of the (c) 2012-2017 (d) None of the above
plan was 9 percent of GDP and the achieved was 8 CGPSC (Pre) 2023
percent and that was the highest in all the Five-Year Ans. (c) : The period of 12th Five Year Plan was 2012-
Plans. The eleventh Five-Year Plan targeted to 17. This was the last Five Year Plan. The targets
achieve the 4 percent growth rate in agriculture while included- growth of 8%, reduce poverty by 10%,
it was achieved the 3.3 percent. The Eleventh Five- agricultural development of 4%. After the formation of
Year Plan was prepared by K. Kasturirangan. The NITI Aayog, Five Year Plans were discontinued.
plan included the reduction in poverty, extension of 127. The main objective of the 12th Five-Year Plan is
employment opportunity and the education in gender (a) Inclusive growth and poverty reduction
inequality and not strengthening in capital market. (b) Inclusive and sustainable growth
The National Agriculture Development Plan was (c) Sustainable and inclusive growth to reduce
launched in 2007 during the plan to achieve the 4 unemployment
percent of growth in agriculture. Under the plan it was (d) Faster, sustainable and more inclusive growth
announced to establish 30 Central Universities, 8 IITs IAS (Pre) Ist Paper G.S. 2014
and 7 IIMs. The plan decided to increase employment Mizoram PSC 2018 Paper-I
opportunity in construction works to reduce the
poverty by 10 percent till 2012. Ans. (d) : The Twelfth Five-Year Plan (2012-17) was
stated by the Planning Commission under systematic
120. Which of the following plan has the highest process of Scenario Planning. The main objective of
growth rate in India? the plan was, ‘Faster, Sustainable and more Inclusive
(a) Eighth Plan (b) Ninth Plan Growth’. It was decided to expand to 1000 billion
(c) Tenth Plan (d) Eleventh Plan dollar for infrastructure in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan
RAS/RTS (Pre) G.S., 2013 was 9 percent while in agriculture sector it was
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question. achieved with 4 percent.
(c) 10th Five Year Plan (d) 9th Five Year Plan IAS (Pre) G.S. 2009
OPSC (OCS) PRE-2020 PAPER-I Ans. (c): In the Second Five-Year Plan (April 1, 1956
Ans. (b): India’s last Five Year Plan, the 12th Five Year to March 31, 1961), rapid industrialization was given
Plan was launched for the period of 2012-2017. At that
time, Mr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia (2004-14) was the
Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission.
priority with special emphasis on heavy and basic
industries. The concept of import substitution was
introduced in the Third Five-Year Plan (April 1, 1961
The objective of the 12th Five Year Plan was to achieve to March 31, 1966) as a strategy for industrialization.
faster sustainable and more inclusive growth. 135. Match the following plans and programs
The 12th Five Year Plan achieved the annual average Planning Program
economic growth rate at 8%, agriculture sector growth
A. First plan 1. Rapid industrialization
rate at 4% and 10% in manufacturing sector. B. Second plan 2. Community Development
13. Miscellaneous C. Third plan 3. Proliferation of basic
132. Which of the following is/are the primary goals Industries
of the Five Year Plans? D. Fourth plan 4. Minimum requirement
(A) Equity program
(B) Modernization E. Fifth plan 5. Attainment and stability of
(C) Self-Reliance
(D) Concentration and Distribution of Wealth Select the correct answer from the following
Choose the correct answer by using the codes code.
given below : A B C D E A B C D E
(a) (B), and (C) only (a) 1 2 3 4 5 (b) 2 1 4 5 3
(b) (B), (C) and (D) only (c) 2 1 3 4 5 (d) 2 1 3 5 4
(c) (A), (B) and (C) only UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 1994
(d) (A), (B), (C) and (D)
Manipur PSC (Pre) 2023 Ans. (d) : The correct match is-
Plan program
Ans. (d) : The primary goals of the Five Year Plans are:
First Plan - Community Development
• Equity Second Plan - Rapid Industrialization
• Modernization Third Plan - Proliferation of Basic Industries
• Self-reliance Fourth Plan - Attainment and stability of self-reliance
• Concentration and distribution of wealth Fifth plan - Minimum Need Program
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
136. With reference to India's Five-year Plans, which
133. Match list-I with list-II and select the correct
answer using the code given below: of the following statements is/are correct?
List-I List-II 1. From the Second Five-Year Plan, there was a
determined thrust towards substitution of
Five Year Plan Applied Growth Model basic and capital goods industries.
A. First 1. S. Chakravarty Model 2. The Fourth Five-Year Plan adopted the
B. Second 2. Harrod-Domar Model objective of correcting the earlier trend of
C. Third 3. Ashok Rudra Model increased concentration of wealth and
D. Fourth 4. Mahalanobis Model economic power.
Eonomics PLANNER English 28 YCT
(National Institute of Transformation of India) is a new
137. IRDP in the Seventh Plan Strategy was institute set up to the Government of India, which has
adopted under- replaced the Planning Commission.
(a) Adoption of entire family
(b) Adoption of villages
(c) Adoption of development block
SP The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI
Aayog) was established on 1st January 2015.
141. The Government of India has established NITI
(d) Adoption of district Aayog to replace the
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 1994 (a) Human Rights Commission
Ans. (a) : IRDP was launched on October 2, 1980. (b) Finance Commission
The whole family has been adopted for its (c) Law Commission
implementation. For example, the government has (d) Planning Commission
chosen the family as the unit in the IRDP to define the IAS (Pre) Ist Paper G.S., 2015
poverty line.
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question.
138. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
answer from the codes given below the lists: 142. Which of the following statements is not true?
List-I List-II (a) The Prime Minister is the chairman of the
A. Third Plan 1. Modernisation Planning Commission of India
1938 (b) In approving the Five Year Plans
(b) The National Development Council in March, (c) In approval and evaluation of major
1951 development plans in India
(c) The Government of India in March, 1950
(d) The Government of India in March, 1948
Nagaland NCS Prelims-2019
(d) In the implementation of community
development programs
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist Paper 2008
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question. UPPCS (Main) G.S IInd Paper 2004
BPSC (Pre) 1995, 1999
148. Which of the following in India, is the nodal
agency for the estimation of poverty at national Ans. (b): The National Development Council is a non-
statutory body, which was formed to create an
and state level?
(a) Finance commission atmosphere of cooperation among the States and the
(b) Ministry of rural affairs Planning Commission for economic planning. The
Government formed the National Development Council
(c) Ministry of Home affairs on 6 August, 1952 by a resolution. The Prime Minister is
(d) Planning commission its chairman and the Secretary of the Planning
UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2014 Commission is its secretary. Initially the Chief Minister of
Ans. (d) : The Planning Commission was the Nodal the states used to be its members, but from 1967 onwards
agency of the Government of India for estimation of all the members of the Union Cabinet, Administrators of
poverty at national and state levels. Union Territories and all members of the Planning
149. Which of the following is an extra- Commission also started joining this body. The work of
constitutional institution? the Planning Commission is limited to planning, while the
(a) Union Public Service Commission National Development Council studies the plan prepared
(b) Finance Commission by the Planning Commission and gives it its final
(c) Planning Commission approval. The draft of the scheme is published only after
(d) Election Commission its approval.
UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd Paper 2008 153. Who among the following is the Chairman of
UP RO/ARO (M) G.S., 2013 National Development Council?
Ans. (c): The Planning Commission is an extra- (a) Prime Minister of India
constitutional body which performs important financial (b) Finance Minister of the Government of India
functions. It was formed by a resolution of the (c) President of India
government on 15 March 1950. It controls and (d) Vice-President of India
distributes grants given by the Center to the states. Uttarakhand PCS (Pre) Ist 2014–15, 2006-07
While the Finance Commission, Union Public Service Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question.
Commission and Election Commission are
constitutional bodies. The Finance Commission is 154. National Development Council‒
mentioned in Article 280 of the Constitution. The (a) Prepares general format of five-year plans
provision of Union Public Service Commission is in (b) Look after the progress of Five-year plans
article 315, while the Election Commission is (c) Reviews national plans
mentioned in article 324. (d) Sets the target of each area of the plan
150. Who was the first chairman of the Planning RAS/RTS (Pre) G.S. 1992
Commission of India? Ans. (c): See the explanation of the above question.
related to Five-Year Plans. of (a) Team India Hub and (b)
Members of NDC : Knowledge and Innovation
Ans. (a) : The North Eastern Region (NER) District 64th BPSC Pre 2018
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Index and Ans. (a): See the explanation of the above question.
Dashboard was released in 2021 by NITI Aayog in 162. With reference to NITI Aayog, which of the
collaboration with the Ministry of Development of following is/are included in the governing
North Eastern Region (MDoNER) and with technical council?
support from UNDP (United Nations Development 1. Chief Minister of all States
Programme). Hence option (a) is the correct answer. 2. Lieutenant Governor of all Union Territories
3. Miscelleneous Select the correct answer using the codes given
159. Who represents a State in NITI Ayog below
Governing Council? Codes:
(a) State Finance Minister (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(b) Chief Minister (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) Governor ACF/RFO (Mains) IInd 2018
(d) Chief Secretary of State Governments
Ans. (c): See the explanation of the above question.
UPPSC (ACF) Mains 2021 Paper-I
Ans. (b): NITI Aayog → (National Institution for 163. Which of the following is an extra-
Transforming India). constitutional and non-statutory body?
• Formed: 1st January 2015. (a) Finance Commission
• Headquarters: New Delhi. (b) Election Commission
• The Government of India constituted NITI Aayog to (c) NITI Aayog
replace the Planning Commission which was (d) Union Public Service Commission
formed in 1950. Tripura (TPCS) TCS -2019
has a deadline of 2030 to meet these Sustainable (c) Only three (d) All five
Development Goals. UPSC IAS (Pre)-2023
165. When was the process of economic reforms
started in India?
(a) 1990 (b) 1991
SP Ans. (c) : For horizontal devolution the 15th Finance
Commission used the following Parameters–
Parameters 15th Finance Commission
(c) 1993 (d) 1994 Population (2011) 15%
JPSC (Pre) 2024-I Area 15%
Ans. (b) : Economic refers in India refer to the Forests Ecology 10%
neoliberal policies implemented by the Narsimha-Rao Income distance 45%
Government in 1991, when India was experiencing a Tax & Fiscal Efforts 2.5%
severe economic crises as a result of external debt. Demographic performance 12.5%
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer. Thus among the given options only 3 criteria were used.
166. The economist who said that the "Net social 170. Consider the following statements:
Product and the Social Income are one and the 1. International Financial Corporation is an
same thing" is organ of World Bank to finance private
(a) Zero (b) Negative
(a) A few sellers, one buyer
(c) Positive (d) stable (b) A few sellers, a few buyers
UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2013
Ans. (a): The marginal output is zero when the total
(c) Many sellers, few buyers
(d) A few sellers, many buyers
production is constant. In such a situation the total NAGALAND NCS PRELIMS, 2018
production reaches its highest level. Ans. (d): An Oligopoly is a market characterized by a
The situation often applies in the concept of small number of firms who realize they are interdependent
diminishing marginal returns, where after a certain in their pricing and output policies which means that there
point, adding more input leads to no increase or even a are a few sellers and many buyers.
decrease in total output. If the total output has reached Firms are interdependent because each firm takes in to
its maximum and stays constant, any further increase consideration the likely reactions of its rival firms when
in input will have a marginal output of Zero. deciding its output and price policy.
3. A consumer is said to be in equilibrium, if– 6. Who propounded the concept of 'shadow
(a) He is able to fulfil his need with a given level of prices' for pricing public goods?
the economy is:
(C, I, G, X, M stand for Consumption,
Investment, Govt. Expenditure, total exports
Engel's Law is an economic theory which states that as
income rises, the proportion of income to be spent on
and total imports respectively.)
(a) Y = C + I + G + X (b) Y=C+I+G–(X–M)
(c) Y = C + I + G + (X–M) (d) Y=C + I – G+X–M
food falls while the proportion spent on other goods I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 2000
(luxury goods) increases. Ans. (c) : The national income of a country is equal to
The Laffer curve is used to illustrate the argument that the monetary value of the final goods and services
sometimes cutting tax rates can result in increased total produced in a year by the residents of that country. As a
tax revenue. mathematical equation, it is represented as follows.
National Income = C+I+G+(X–M)
Where C is household expenditure
(Total Consumption Expenditure)
I = (Total Invest Expenditure)
G = (Total Government Expenditure)
X–M = (Export–Import)
grows very fast, the poor people autom automatically will be developed to guess the production tion capacity
ca of an area
benefited (i.e. large wealth creators will ccreate wealth that and expected yield.
Mahalanobis distance is an effective effec multivariate
will trickle down to the masses), and th
able to take help from the market;
they will also be
ket; bbut that has not
happened because the market is nott alway
always fair.
distance metric that measures the distance
point (vector) and a distribution.
di between a
Basically the ‘trickle down’ Theory depends upon more 19. Who gave the 'mobility transit
ry dep ransition model'?
and more employment generation and du due to depression (a) J.K. Zipf (b) Trivartha
in the employment generation, the th theory’s effect is (c) Zelinsky (d) Pareto
prevented. UP PCS ACF (Mains) (Main Ist Paper 2017
16. Critical minimum effort theor theory was designed Ans. (c) : The Zelinsky Model of Migration Mig Transition,
by which of the following given economist? also known as the Migration Transition Tran Model or
(a) H. Leibenstien (b) Ros
Rosentein Rodan Zelinsky's Migration Transition Model, Mode claims that the
(c) W.W. Rostow (d) Non
None of above type of migration that occurs within ithin a country depends
aryana PSC Pre 2014 on its development level and its society type.
Ans. (a) : The main idea of the cri critical minimum 20. The Environmental Kuznet uznets Curve (EKC)
effort theory is that economic ic ggrowth in the shows the relationship betwee etween per capita GDP
underdeveloped and over populated ated ccountries is not and environmental loss.. What Wha is the shape of
possible unless a certain minimum m leve
level of investment Environmental Kuznets Curve? Curv
is injected into the system as a consoli
onsolidated dose that (a) Inverted 'U' shaped (b) Inverted 'V' shaped
pulls the system out of doldrums.. This minimum level (c) Inverted 'L' shaped (d) None of these
inimum effort.’’ The
of investment is called ‘‘critical minimu UPPCS
UP Pre GS-2019
theory was given by Harvey Leibenstein
enstein. Ans. (a): Environmental Kuznets uznets Curve denotes
17. One criticism of Rostow'ss Theo Theory of economic Environmental Damage and GDP Per Capita. The
growth is that: relationship between the environme ronmental damage and
(a) Much available data contra contradicts his thesis economic development in Kuznets znets Curve is inverted
about the take-off stage "U" type.
(b) There is no explanation of wh why growth occurs
after take-off
(c) His hypothesis of the stage stages of growth is
difficult to test empirically
(d) All of the above are correct
PSC (OCS) Pre-2018
Ans. (d): Rostow's stages of Economic omic G Growth model is
one of the major historical models of econ
economic growth. It
was published by American economist omist Walt Whitman
Rostow in 1960. The model postulates stulates that economic
varying length.
growth occurs in five basic stages, of vary
1. Traditional society
Eonomics PLANNER English 35 YCT
underdeveloped countries like India would have to
the total exports of a country surpass its total imports.
increase the tax income as it is the government's own
Net Export= Total Export – Total Import
Measures that can help economics growth-
Investing in infrastructure.
SP 27. What is Greenfield Investment?
(a) A form of foreign direct investment where a
parent company starts a new venture in a
Promoting education and skills development. foreign country by constructing new
Encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation. operational facilities
Maintaining a stable macroeconomic (b) A form of foreign direct investment where a
company purchases leases existing production
Promoting trade and foreign investment. facilities to launch a new production activity
23. Which one of the following sets of economists (c) Investment by non-resident Indians
(d) Investment in share and debts
strongly favoured a market economy?
(a) Adam Smith, Keynes, Hicks
Ans. (a): Greenfield Investment: - In this type of
(b) Adam Smith, Marx, Strumlin
investment, the company makes a new venture instead
(c) Adam Smith, Hayek, Friedman of investing in an already established company, i.e. the
(d) Adam Smith, Ricardo, J. K. Galbraith work is new and not following a prior work.
(IAS (Pre) G.S. 1993) Brownfield Investment: - When a company of firm
Ans. (d): Economists Adam Smith, Ricardo and JK buys or leases an existing facility to launch its new
Galbraith strongly supported the market economy, activity known as Brownfield Investment. It is one of
rejecting government intervention. the plans used in foreign direct investment.
24. The trade between two countries can be useful 28. The Philips curve expresses the relationship
if cost ratios of goods are______. between–
(a) Decreasing (b) Undetermined (a) Money disinflation and unemployment
(c) Different (d) Equal (b) Money inflation and unemployment
Karnataka PCS -2020 (c) Money inflation and hidden unemployment
Ans. (c) : Theory of Comparative Advantage of (d) Money inflation and cyclical unemployment
International Trade states if the is cost ratio for Uttarakhand PCS (Pre) Ist 2014–15
commodities is different for both countries then one of Ans. (b) :Phillips Curve - Phillip Curve explains the
them will have specialization in the production of that inverse relationship between unemployment and inflation.
commodity, and hence, the trade between the two That is, when inflation rises, unemployment decreases. In
countries can be useful. 1958 of Phillips Curve, A.W. Philips presented. Phillips
If the comparative cost ratio of goods is same for both explained the relationship between monetary wage rates
countries, there is no reason for under-taking and unemployment in the period 1861–1957 in Britain. It
specialization. Hence, trade between the two countries said that there is an inverse correlation between
will not take place. unemployment rate and monetary wages.
UPPCS (Pre) Eco. Opt. 1999, 2001
(b) Tax Revelue UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2007
(c) Interest Receipts from Public Debt Ans. (c) : Dadabhai Naoroji was the first to estimate the
(d) Profits of Public Sector Undertakings
AP PSC(Pre) 2022
Ans. (c) : National income does not include interest on
country's per capita national income during the British
rule for the year 1867-68. He was an Indian nationalist
and critic of British economic policy in India.
unproductive national debt (i.e. Public debt). 6. Per capita income of India was Rs 20 in 1867-
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer. 68, it was estimated at first by-
3. Given below are two statements, one labelled as (a) M.G. Ranade (b) Sir W. Hunter
Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). (c) R.C. Dutta (d) Dada Bhai Nauroji
Select your answer from the codes given below. I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 2000
Assertion (A) : Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question.
National Income growth fluctuates with 7. Which economist first calculated the national
fluctuations in Agriculture growth in India. income scientifically, in India?
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the BPSC (Pre) G.S. 2017
correct explanation for (A). Ans. (b) : Professor VKRV Rao in 1931-32, used a
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the scientific method to calculate National Income of India
correct explanation for (A). for the first time. His full name is Vijayendra Kasturi
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false. Ranga Varadaroja Rao. He wrote in his book the
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true. National of British India, 1932 about his methods.
AP PSC(Pre) 2022 8. The best index of economic development is
Ans. (a) : The agricultural growth can cause provided by:
fluctuations in the national income because weather (a) Growth in national income at current prices
conditions, especially rains, are uncertain in India. Both (b) Growth in per capita real income from year to
the statements, assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and year
the reason (R) is the correct explanation of (A). (c) Growth in savings ratio
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer. (d) Improvement in balance of payments position
4. Given below are two statements, one labelled as (e) None of the above/More than one of the above
Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason 67th BPSC Pre- 2022 (cancelled)
(R). Select your answer from the codes given Ans. (b): The best index of economic development is
below. provided by growth in per capita real income from year
Assertion (A) : on year.
Per Capita Income decreases in a developing Per capita Gross National Product (GNP) is the best
country even though National Income index of development. It can be derived by dividing the
increases. GNP of a country with its population.
Reason (R) : Higher the level of per capita income, higher is the
The rate of growth of population is higher than economic development.
the rate of growth of National Income. The World Bank, first in 1989, classified the countries
Codes : in the world on the basis of per capita GNP.
Eonomics PLANNER English 37 YCT
IAS (Pre) GS–2001 (b) Direct Tax Revenue
(c) Indirect Tax Revenue
Ans. (c) : National Income is derived from Gross
(d) Capital Depreciation
National Product at market prices by reducing
depreciation and indirect taxes and adding subsidies.
NNPFC = GNPMP − Depreciation − Indirect TAXES
Gujarat PSC (Civil service Pre)-2018 Paper-II
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question.
+ subsidies 17. GNP measures______.
11. General meaning of National income is- (a) Total domestic and foreign output claimed by
(a) Net National Product on market price residents of a country
(b) Gross National Product on market price (b) Total domestic output claimed by residents of
(c) Gross National product on factor cost a country
(d) Net National Product on factor cost (c) Total foreign output claimed by residents of a
UPPCS (Pre) Economics Opt. 1996 country
IAS (Pre.) G.S. 1997 (d) None of the above
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question. Karnataka PCS -2020
12. The national income of a country for a given Ans. (a): GNP represents the total value of all final goods
period is equal to the: and services produced by the residents of a country in a
(a) Total value of goods and services produced given financial year, irrespective of their location. The
by the nationals goods and services that are produced by the foreigners
(b) Sum of total consumption and investment living in the country are excluded from GNP.
(c) Sum of personal income of all individuals GNP does not take into consideration the incomes
(d) Money value of final goods and services earned by the foreign nationals in the country or any
produced products produced by a foreign company in the
IAS (Pre) Ist Paper G.S. 2013 manufacturing units in the country but it measures the
output generated by a country’s businesses located
Ans. (a) : The National Income of a country is equal domestically or abroad.
to the money or market value of final goods and
services produced in the country during a specific 18. In which method, the market value of all final
period of time usually, one year. Final goods are those goods and services produced is added in a
goods which are available for final consumption. country in a year to measure National Income?
13. The Net National Product at Market Price (a) Output method (b) Income method
(N.N.P. MP) is- (c) Expenditure method (d) Point method
(a) Gross National Product at Market Price-Net TSPSC Group-II -2016 Paper-I
Income from abroad Ans. (b): The income method of calculating national
(b) Gross National Product at Market Price- income takes into account the income generated from
Transfer Payments the basic factors of production. These include the land,
(c) Gross National Product at Market Price- labor, capital, and organization. And in addition to
Depreciation income accrued from these factors of production,
(d) Gross National Product at Market Price- another important component of income is mixed
Subsidies income.
RPSC (RAS-Pre) – 2021
Eonomics PLANNER English 38 YCT
Product are measured value of National Product. I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 2000
GNPMP = GDPMP + net income come from abroad UPPCS (Main) G.S IInd Paper 2004
Ans. (b): The growth rate of per capita income at current
NNPMP = GNPMP - Depreciation
21. The main difference between GDP and GNP is:
(a) Capital gains
values is relatively higher than the growth rate of per capita
income at constant values, because the growth rate of per
capita income at constant values is taken into account for
the growth rate of the price level. The national income data
(b) Transfer payments at current prices are devalued at constant prices to remove
(c) Net foreign income from abroad the impact of the rise in commodity prices.
(d) Capital consumption allowance
26. Which of the following is not included in
AP PSC Group-I Screening-2019 national wealth?
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question. (a) Mines (b) Dam
(c) Money supply (d) Live stock
22. One of the problem in computation of National UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. IInd 2004
income in India is- Ans. (c): Money supply is not included in national
(a) Under employment wealth.“National Wealth” refers to the total value
(b) Money Inflation of wealth possessed by the citizens of a nation at a
specific point of time. It is the total value of wealth and
Domestic price index of a basket of commodities 32. The contribution of labour in GDP is less due
foreign price index of same basket of commudities to following cause-
×(prevailing market exchange rate)
29. Which of the following are the main causes of
(a) Prices are less while compared to wages
(b) Profit is less while compared to the prices
(c) Prices are less while compared to profit
slow rate of growth of per capita income in (d) Wages are less while compared to prices
India? UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd Paper 2008
1. High capital output ratio Ans. (d): Labor participation in GNP (Gross National
2. High rate of growth of population Product) is low due to wages being lower than prices.
3. High rate of capital formation 33. Which one of the following indicators is most
commonly used to measure the economic
4. High level of fiscal deficits development of a country?
Select the correct answer from the codes given (a) Infant mortality rate
below: (b) Availability of potable water
Codes: (c) Female literacy
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 2, 3 and 4 (d) Gross National Product per capita
Ans. (*): Base year for GDP estimate is the year at the
(c) Central Statistics Organisation basis of which the valuation of current year is estimated.
(d) Reserve Bank of India The current base year for GDP calculation on constant
Manipur PSC - 2013 prices, is 2011-12. Government of India switched to this
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question. base year in 2015 repealing the previous base year
37. Which of the following offices of institutes 2004-2005. Before this the base year was revised from
the year 1999-2000 to 2004-2005.
releases data of the national income in india?
(a) NSSO The exercise of base year revision of national accounts
(b) NITI Aayog is guided by the ACNAS (Advisory Committee on
National Accounts Statistics) comprising experts from
(c) CSO the central and state government, academia, the Reserve
(d) Prime Minister's Office Bank of India (RBI) and other domain specific experts.
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above 44. Recently, the Government of India has revised
66 BPSC Re-Exam 2020 the base year for estimation of GDP:
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question. (a) 2001-02 to 2010-11 (b) 2004-05 to 2013-14
38. Which of the following estimates the National (c) 2004-05 to 2011-12 (d) 2001-02 to 2011-12
Income in India? UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2004
(a) Central Statistical Organization UP UDA/LDA Spl. (Pre) G.S., 2010
(b) National Income Committee Himachal PCS (Pre)-2014
(c) Niti Aayog Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
(d) Reserve Bank of India 45. Which of the following year is being used as the
Tripura (TPCS) TCS -2019 base year for the calculation of National
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question. Income of India since 2015?
39. National Income in India is estimated by: (a) 2004–05 (b) 2001–02
(a) Planning Commission (c) 2011–12 (d) 2007–08
(b) Central Statistical Organization UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2016
(c) Finance Commission Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
(d) Indian Statistical Institute 46. A redistribution of income in a country can be
OPSC (OCS) Pre-2018 best brought about through-
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question. (a) Progressive taxation combined with
40. Which institution in India makes the progressive expenditure
calculation of National income? (b) Progressive taxation combined with
(a) RBI (Reserve Bank of India) regressive expenditure
(b) CSO (Central statistical office) (c) Regressive taxation combined with regressive
(c) NSSO (National Sample Survey expenditure
Organization) (d) Regressive taxation combined with
progressive expenditure
(d) Indian statistical Institution IAS (Pre) G.S. 1996
UP PCS ACF (Mains) IInd Paper 2017
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question. Ans. (a) :Redistribution of income and redistribution
of wealth are respectively the transfer of income and
41. National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) was of wealth (including physical property) from some
established in the year: individuals to others by means of taxation, monetary
(a) 1950 (b) 1951 policies, etc. This can be achieved with a combination
(c) 1947 (d) 1948 or progressive taxation and progressive expenditure.
Himachal PCS (Pre)-2014
Eonomics PLANNER English 41 YCT
with minimal of fertilizers and pesticides. Intercropping Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
is an agricultural technique that involves growing two question.
or more crops in the same area at the same time. Thus, 5. The importance of agriculture in the Indian
statement 3 is incorrect. Bee keeping is practiced to get
honey and wax. Thus, statement 4 is correct.
economy is known by which of its following
2. German Economist Johann Heinrich von (a) National Income and Employment
Thunen created one of the first geographical (b) Industrial development and international trade
models related to agricultural land use. (c) Food grains supplied
Which of the following statements are FALSE (d) All of the above
with reference to assumptions of Von Thunen's
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2007
Location Theory?
1. The isolated state comprises of one market Ans. (d): Agriculture is important to the Indian economy
area and an agricultural hinterland. in many ways, including :
2. The hinterland ships its surpluses to no • Provides employment to approx 49% of population.
other market except the city. • Provides raw market to industries facilitating industrial
3. There are multiple modes of transport. development.
4. There is a homogeneous physical environment, • Exports agricultural and processed foods supporting
in 2005-06 to 138.35 million in 2010-11. The working
9. Mixed farming includes holdings in agricultural computation are classified on the
(a) Growing various crops systematically basis of the following operational area:
(b) Growing Rabi and Kharif crops together
(c) Growing a variety of crops along with animal
S.N. Category
Marginal holding
Small holdings
Circulated area
Less than 1.00 hectare
1.00-2.00 hectare
(d) Growing food crops and vegetables together
RAS/RTS (Pre) GS 2009 3. Semi-medium 2.00-4.00 hectare
Ans. (c): Mixed Farming is a type of farming which holdings
4. Medium holding 4.00-10.00 hectare
involves both the growing of crops and raising of
livestock. This type of agriculture is practiced in densely 5. Large holdings 10.00 hectare and
populated regions of Asia above
10. Who among the following was not the supporter 15. The size of marginal holdings in India is
of cooperative farming in India?
achieved much higher rates through cooperative units. started in which of the following areas?
(a) Agricultural Marketing
20. Demand for agricultural products is found (b) Agricultural credit
(a) Flexible (b) Zero Flexible
(c) Unsustainable
(d) Infinitely flexible
UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2013
(c) Consumer Cooperatives
(d) None of the above
UP PCS ACF (Pre) 2017
Ans. (c): Demand for agricultural products is found to be Ans. (b): In the early nineteenth century, institutional
unsustainable, ie, elasticity of demand which results in financial support was not available to farmers. Firstly in
lower returns to the farmers compared to the total cost 1858 and then in 1881, Ahmed Nagar District Judge
even in the event of high yields. William Waderwarn proposed the setting up of an
21. The approximate representation of land use agricultural bank with Justice Rana Dey. In March 1892,
classification in India is the Governor of Madras, Frederick Nicholson was
(a) Net area sown 25%, forests 33%, other areas tasked with investigating the possibility of the proposal,
42% which submitted its report in two volumes in 1895 and
(b) Net area sown 58%, forests 17%, other areas 1897. In 1901, the Famine Commission recommended
25% the establishment of rural agricultural banks. To form
(c) Net area sown 43%, forests 29%, other areas the legal basis for the cooperatives, the government
28% constituted the Edward Law Committee, whose
(d) Net area sown 47%, forests 23%, other areas members included Nicholson. Based on the
30% recommendation of that committee, the Cooperative
(IAS (Pre) G.S. 2010) Society Bill was implemented on 25 March 1904 and by
Ans. (d): Net sowing area in the country is about 46%, 1911 5300 cooperative societies were formed.
forest area is 22% and other area is about 31%. 25. With reference to effect of globalization on
India uses a nine-fold land use classification system. Indian agriculture, which of the following
major categories are- interpretation is false
Forests (a) Climate change
Area under Non-Agricultural uses (b) Emphasis on cash crops
Barren and un-culturable land. (c) Increase in income inequality
Permanent pastures and Grazing Lands. (d) Subsidy cut
Land under miscellaneous tree crops Uttarakhand Lower (Pre) 2011
22. Agro ecological zones in the country are- Ans. (a): Climate change is not an effect of globalization.
(a) 15 (b) 17 Green house gases are responsible for climate change.
(c) 18 (d) 20 26. Which one of the following is the best strategy for
UP RO/ARO (M) G.S., 2013 environment-friendly sustainable development in
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2016 Indian agriculture?
Ans. (d): Based on 50 years of climate data and an up- (a) Expansion of cultivable land, increased use of
to-date soil database, the country has been divided into superphosphate, urea and effective biocides
20 agro-ecological zones (AEZs). Each AEZ is as (b) Wider popularization of high-yielding crop
uniform as possible in terms of physiographi, climate, varieties, better and more frequent irrigation
length of growing period and soil type for macrolevel and increased frequency of aerial sprays of
land-use planning and effective transfer of technology. inorganic fertilizers and pesticides
Eonomics PLANNER English 44 YCT
marketing (a) Regional Rural Bank
28. Which of the following is not the basic principle (b) Moneylenders
of Agro-financing? (c) Co-Operative societies
(a) Purpose
(b) Person
(c) Productivity planning (d) All of the above
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist Paper, 2016
(d) Commercial Bank
UPPCS (Pre) Economics Opt. 2004, 1994
Ans. (b): Moneylenders are not institutional source of
Ans. (d): Agricultural finance is a finance system related credit to Indian agriculture. Commercial Banks, Co-
to the execution of tasks related to rural development and
agriculture related activities, known as a department operative Societies and Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) are
dedicated to the financing of its supply, wholesale, institutional source of credit to Indian agriculture.
distribution, processing and marketing. Credit 33. AGMARK Act came into force in India in
requirements of farmers can be determined on the basis (a) 1937 (b) 1952
of the following facts: (c) 1957 (d) 1965
(1) On time basis - Loans for short term, medium term UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2009
29. Which of the following institution provides Marketing and Inspection, an agency of the Government
Maximum credit, to agriculture and allied of India. The AGMARK is legally enfoced in India by
sector? the Agricultural Produce (Grading and Maketing) Act of
(a) Cooperative bank 1937 and was ammended in 1986.
(b) Regional rural bank
34. In India, markets in agricultural products are
(c) Commercial bank
regulated under the
(d) Cooperative and Regional rural bank jointly
UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2010 (a) Essential Commodities Act, 1955
(b) Agricultural Produce Market Committee Act
Ans. (c) : After the nationalisation of 14 major
commercial banks in 1969, the commercial banks have enacted by States
consistently increased their share in institutional credit to (c) Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking)
agriculture from 38.4 percent in 1980-81 to 77.2 percent Act, 1937
in 2019-20. While that of the Cooperative Banks and (d) Food Products Order, 1956 and Meat and Food
Regional Rural Banks are sharing 10.9 percent and 11.9 Products Order, 1973
percent respectively. (IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist 2015)
30. In India, which of the following have the highest Ans. (b): The market for agricultural products in India is
share in the disbursement of credit to agriculture regulated under the Agricultural Produce Marketing
and allied activities? Committee Act enacted by the states.
(a) Commercial Banks
(b) Cooperative Banks 35. Which of the following online portals in India was
(c) Regional Rural Banks launched for agricultural marketing?
(d) Microfinance Institutions (a) E-Lala (b) E-Traders
(IAS (Pre) G.S. I 2011) (c) E-Business (d) E-NAM
UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2010, 2006 UP PCS ACF (Mains) IInd Paper 2017
Eonomics PLANNER English 45 YCT
Pratap Sahi and NITI Aayog member Prof. Ramesh is an example of technological progress increasing
Chand were nominated as vice-chairperson. capital.
37. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
40. Which of the following is/are the objectives of
A. Apni Mandi
answer from the codes given below the lists:
1. Haryana
land reforms in India?
(1) Abolition of Intermediaries
(2) Tenancy Reforms
B. Hadapsar Mandi 2. Maharashtra (3) Reorganization of Agriculture
C. Rythu Bajars 3. Andhra Pradesh (4) Introduction of High Yielding Varieties
D. Ujhavir Sandies 4. Tamil Nadu (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
Codes: (c) 1, 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
A B C D Gujarat PSC 2019 Paper-II
(a) 1 3 4 2 Ans. (c) : Land reform refers to efforts to reform the
(b) 1 2 3 4 ownership and regulation of land in India. Or, those lands
(c) 2 1 4 3 which are redistributed by the government from
(d) 1 4 3 2 landholders to landless people for agriculture or special
ACF/RFO (Mains) II 2018 purpose is known as Land Reform.
food grains, maintenance of a Buffer stock, maintenance
of food sanely & price stability. Export of food grains as Ans. (c) : The Government of India provides Minimum
not an objective of food management in India. Support Price for 22 crops. It also includes niger seeds.
44. Which of the following statements about the
Dunkel draft is/are correct?
I. It is mandatory for the Government of India to
Niger, a minor oilseed crop, is primarily cultivated in
rainfed areas as Kharif crop.
The tribial communities incorporate Niger seed oil into
accept all its proposals in all the sectors their cooking practices and utilize the remaining press
II. In the field of agriculture, the main proposal is cake remaining after oil extraction as livestock feed.
to cut agricultural subsidies Thus all the 3 statements are correct.
III. In the field of textiles, it reiterates the operation 47. Agricultural Price Commission was established
of the multi-fibre agreement in the year–
IV. The proposals have already been accepted by (a) 1955 (b) 1965
the Parliament (c) 1970 (d) 1973
Select the correct answer from the codes given UPPCS (Pre) Eco. Opt. 1997, 1995, 1992
below. UPPCS (Mains) G.S. Ist 2002
Codes: UPPCS (Pre) G.S. Spl. 2004
(a) I only (b) I and II only Ans. (b) : The Agricultural Price Commission was
(c) I, II and IV only (d) III and IV only established in January 1965 and it was renamed as the
(IAS (Pre) G.S. 1994) Commission for Agriculture Costs & Prices (CACP) in
Ans. (b): On September 20, 1991, Arthur Dunkel moved 1985. CACP is an attached office of Ministry of
a 500-page proposal to create a new world trade system Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.
of 108 member countries. This proposal tested various Union Government is recommended by CACP to set the
MSPs (Minimum Support Prices) for 22 crops-7 cereals
facts related to international trade. Under this, facts such
(paddy, wheat, maize, sorghum, pearlmillet, barley and
as tariff and non-tariff barriers and avoidance, agri-
ragi), 7-pulses (gram, tur, moong, urad, lentil), 7-oilseeds
subsidy, trade related intellectual property rights (groundnut, rapeseed-mustard, soyabean, seasum,
(TRIPS), trade related investment measures (TRIGS) etc. sunflower, safflower, nigerseed) and 3-commerical crops
are discussed. In fact, the original purpose of the proposal (copra, cotton and jute) and FRP (Fair and Remunerative
is to abolish private patent laws of developing countries, Price) for sugarcane by the CACP. MSPs are set before
as the patent law of these countries is against the interest sowing the crops. The main objectives behind the
of multinational corporations, mostly those of the US and recommendation of MSPs are to insure the price stability
its partner countries. The most controversial issue of this in the agriculture productions, to set a income level in
proposal is the subsidy of the agricultural sector. farmers and also to protect the interest of consumers by
45. Which of the following programs does not come providing essential agricultural commodities at reasonable
under the Rural Infrastructure Development price through PDS system. Sugar and sugarcane are the
Fund (RIDF)? essential commodities under the Essential Commodities
(a) Rural Water Supply (b) Rural Roads Act 1955, apart from these, cattle feed, coal, cotton edible
(c) Rural Electrification (d) Rural Industries oil and edible oil seeds also have been considered as
UP UDA/LDA Spl. (Pre) G.S., 2010 essential commodities.
Eonomics PLANNER English 47 YCT
50. The price at which the government purchases Prices recommends the Minimum Support
food grains Prices for 32 crops
(a) Limited value (b) Market value 2. The Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food
(c) Minimum support price (d) Earning Value
UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. Ist 2008
and Public Distribution has launched the
National Food Security Mission
Which of the statements given below is/are
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above correct:
question. (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
51. Consider the following statements: (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
1. The Union Government fixes the Statutory (IAS (Pre) G.S. 2009)
Minimum Price of sugarcane for each sugar Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
season question.
2. Sugar and sugarcane are essential commodities
under the Essential Commodities Act 56. Which of the following are the objectives of the
Which of the statements given above is/are Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices
correct? (CACP)
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only I. To stabilise agricultural prices
II. To ensure meaningful real income levels to the
procurement charges and Distribution costs • Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana are the two largest cocoa
60. Which of the following crops is covered for price growing countries, accounting for nearly 60% of global
Government of India?
(a) Wheat
control under the Price Stabilization Fund of the
(b) Potato
cocoa production.
• In 2022, with 22,00,000 million tonnes production of
cocoa Cote d'Ivoire becomes largest producer followed
(c) Rice (d) None of the above by Ghana, Indonesia, Nigeria and Equador.
UPPSC RO/ARO Mains 2021 • Indonesia is the largest producer of cocoa in Asia.
Ans. (b) : The Price Stabilization Fund (PSF) was 65. Consider the following statements :
established by the Government of India in 2014-15 under
1. India has more arable area than China.
the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers
Welfare (DAC&FW) to help regulate the price volatility 2. The proportion of irrigated area is more in
of important agri-horticultural commodities like Onion & India as compared to China.
Potatoes, Pulses were also added subsequently. The PSF 3. The average productivity per hectare in
scheme was transferred from DAC&FW to Department of Indian agriculture is higher than that in
Consumer Affairs (DOCA) from 1st April, 2016. The price China.
stabilization fund is the fund constituted for containing How many of the above statements are correct?
extreme volatility in prices of selected commodities. The (a) Only one (b) Only two (c) All three (d) None
amount in the fund is utilized for activities aimed at UPSC IAS (Pre)-2023
bringing down/up prices. Ans. (b) : India's arable land area is 179.8 million hectares
61. Public procurement of food grains at support while China's arable land area is 165.2 million hectares.
prices ensures the following: India's proportion of irrigated area is 48% while China's
(A) Stability in farm prices proportion of irrigated area is 41%. Thus proportion of
(B) Remunerative prices to the farmers irrigated area in India is more as compared to China.
(C) Building food stocks for public distribution Agricultural productivity in China is almost 50 to 100%
Which of the above statements are correct? more than that of India. Thus Statements (1 & 2) are
(a) (A) and (B) (b) (B) and (C) correct.
(c) (A), (B) and (C) (d) Only (C) 66. Given below are two statements:
RAS/RTS (Pre) G.S., 2013 Statement I:
Ans. (c) : Public procurement policy of food grains The National Food Security Mission (NFSM) of
supported by the government, stability in agricultural India was launched in October 2009.
prices, increase in Remunerative price given to Statement II:
farmers and assured storage of food grains for public The mission was launched with an objective to
distribution, etc. increase the annual production of rice by 10
million tonnes, wheat by 8 million tonnes and
62. Central nodal agency for implementing price pulses by 4 million tonnes by the end of the
support functions for commercial crops is Eleventh Plan (2011-12).
(a) FCI (b) NABARD In the light of the above statements, choose the
(c) TRIFED (d) NAFED most appropriate answer from the options given
Haryana PSC Pre 2017 below:
Eonomics PLANNER English 49 YCT
is planted. It is noteworthy that paddy (Oryza sativa) is a (a) Coffee (b) Basmati rice
major crop from which rice is extracted. It is the staple (c) Raw cotton (d) Tea
food of many countries of Asia and the world including UP UDA/LDA (M) G.S., 2010
after maize.
68. Consider the following States:
India. Paddy is the most widely grown crop in the world Ans. (b): India receives the most foreign exchange from
export of basmati rice.
While basmati rice is a major agricultural export, other
1. Punjab 2. Uttar Pradesh products like textiles, gems and jewellery might also
3. Andhra Pradesh 4. West Bengal contribute substantial foreign currency earnings.
Choose the correct sequence of the above in 74. Rice originated in-
ascending order as rice-producing States in (a) Europe (b) South-East Asia
India. (c) South America (d) None of the above
(a) West Bengal, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar UPPCS (Mains) GS Ist 2015
Pradesh Ans. (b): Rice (the scientific name is - Oryza Sativa), it
(b) West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, is believed, is associated with wet, humid climate,
Punjab though it is not a tropical plant. It is probably a
(c) Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, descendent of wild grass that was likely cultivated in the
Punjab foothills of the far Eastern Himalayas.
(d) Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, West Another school of thought believes that the rice plant
Bengal may have originated in Southern India, then spread to
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above the north of the country and than onwards to China.
67th BPSC Pre- 2022 (cancelled) 75. Among the following, which one is the largest
Ans. (d): According to the Directorate of Economics and exporter of rice in the world in the last five
Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, years?
2021-22, top four rice-producing states in India are- (a) China (b) India
1. West Bengal 2. Uttar Pradesh (c) Myanmar (d) Vietnam
3. Punjab 4. Telangana IAS (Pre)-2019
69. Which of the states of India produces the most Ans : (b) According to the data 2017-2021, of Food and
rice (per hectare)? Agriculture Organization, in last five years in the world,
(a) West Bengal (b) Uttar Pradesh USA has been at the top to export rice in the world
(c) Haryana (d) Punjab followed by India and Brazil.
UPPCS RO/ARO (Pre) 2017 76. India ranks in the world in paddy production-
Ans. (d): The state of West Bengal has the highest (a) First (b) Second
production in the total rice production of the country (c) Third (d) Fourth
while the highest per hectare productivity is in the state UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2016
of Punjab (4340 kg / ha). Ans. (b) : The major food crop of India is rice. As per the
70. Which of the following country has the largest data 2021, of Food and Agriculture Organization, the top
area under rice cultivation? three nations in paddy production are China, India and
(a) China (b) India Bangladesh respectively. The major rice (paddy)
(c) Japan (d) Philippines producing states in India are W. Bengal, U.P. and
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2008 Punjab.
Eonomics PLANNER English 50 YCT
production of wheat in India is about
(a) 30% (b) 31% 85. Which one of the following is called the ‘Sugar
(c) 32% (d) 33% Bowl’ of the world?
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2013
Ans. (d): As per the data 2019-20 of APEDA, top three
wheat producing states are as Uttar Pradesh (31.9%),
(a) Hawaii Islands
(c) India
(b) Cuba
(d) Philippines
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2013
Madhya Pradesh (18.18%) and Punjab (16.33%). Ans. (b): Cuba is referred to as the 'sugar bowl of the
world'. It has the largest sugar industry which is now
81. The most important Rabi Crop in India decaying and its position is now taken up by Brazil
(a) Rice (b) Wheat
followed by India. It is an island of Caribbean region.
(c) Cucumber (d) Watermelon The Cuban sugar economy is the principal agricultural
Mizoram PCS Pre-2017 economy in Cuba.
Ans. (b): In India, Rabi Crops are sown in winter and
harvested in the spring season. 86. Which one of the following countries produces
Major Rabi Crops in India are wheat, barley, mustard, sugar from sugar-beet only?
gram, etc. (a) France (b) Ukraine
(c) Germany (d) Italy
82. In India principal wheat producing States are:
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2013
(c) Maharashtra (d) Tamil Nadu As per the ICAR-India Institute of Maize Research,
among the Indian states Madhya Pradesh and
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2011 Karnataka have the highest area under maize (15%)
(a) Bamboo (b) Coffee 102. Consider the following statements in reference to
(c) Basmati rice (d) Mango the fertilizers sector in India:
(xiv) Fruit Ans.(d): Sulphur coated Urea and Neem coated Urea are
98. India’s rank in world fruit production is- distinct varieties of Urea. Neem coated Urea has traits of
(a) Third (b) Fourth insecticide and Sulphur coated Urea helps to address
(c) First (d) Second Sulphur deficiency in soil. Thus statement 1 is incorrect.
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2016 Fertilizer flying squad was constituted to prevent
Ans. (d): India is the second largest producer of fruits in diversion, black marketing and supply of inferior quality
the world. China holding the top spot. of Urea. Thus statement 2 is also incorrect.
India has a diverse climate and fertile land, perfect for 103. Consider the following pairs:
cultivating a wide variety of fruits. India is particularly Region Well-known for the
famous for its mangoes, bananas, oranges and grapes. production of
(xv) Milk 1. Kinnaur : Areca nut
99. The largest milk producing country of the world is 2. Mewat : Mango
(a) Canada (b) Denmark 3. Coromandel : Soyabean
(c) England(d) India Which of the above pairs is/are correctly
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2012 matched?
Ans. (d): According to production data of Food and (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only
Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) None
(FAOSTAT), India is the highest milk producer. India (IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist 2014)
ranks first position in the world contributing 24% of
global milk production in 2021-22. Ans. (d): India is the largest producer of areca nut.
Karnataka, Kerala and Assam are the major growing
(xvi) Fish states of areca nut.
100. What is the rank of India in the world in terms of Mango is mainly produced in the states of Uttar Pradesh,
fish production? Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, Bihar etc.
(a) Fourth (b) Fifth The major producing states of soyabean are Madhya
(c) Second (d) Third Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan etc.
UP PCS ACF (Mains) Ist Paper 2017
Eonomics PLANNER English 53 YCT
APEDA. Choose the incorrect pair: Potato and Sugarcane. While top rice producing state is
(a) Chilli- Udhamsinghnagar West Bengal and top groundnut (peanut) and cotton
(b) Organic Pineapples- Kumarghat
(c) Flowers- Dharmapuri
(d) Grapes- Nasik
SP producer is Gujarat.
110. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
answer using the code given below-
Manipur PSC - 2013 List-I List-II
Ans. (a): APEDA or Agricultural and Process Food Crop/Plantation) (Most Producing State)
Products Export Development Authority was established A. Jute 1. Kerala
by the Government of India under the (APEDA) Act B. Tea 2. Uttar Pradesh
passed by the Parliament in December, 1985. C. Sugarcane 3. Assam
It has set the Agri-Export Zone (AEZ). Some of them are D. Rubber 4. West Bengal
AEZ Zone Products State /District/Area. Code:
(1) Lychees - Udhamsingh Nagar, Dehradun and A B C D A B C D
Nainital (Uttara Khand) (a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 3 1 2 4
(ii) Chilli - Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) (c) 2 4 3 1 (d) 1 2 3 4
(iii) Flower - Dharampuri (Tamil Nadu) UPPCS RO/ARO (Pre.)-2017
a major agricultural exporter of rice, cotton and sugar as Dashari-1 is the regular bearing variety of mango.
exports. (ii) Wheat
116. Assertion (A): India does not export natural rubber.
Reason (R) : About 97% of India’s demand for
natural rubber is met from domestic production.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
120. Which of the following wheat varieties has been
developed through induced mutation
(a) Kalyan Sona (b) Sonara-64
(c) Sharbati Sonara (d) Sonalika
correct explanation of A UPPCS (Mains) GS Ist 2015
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not
the correct explanation of A Ans. (c): A species of wheat called Sharbati sonara is
developed by induced mutation.
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true 121. Pusa Indus Ganga is a variety of-
(IAS (Pre) G.S. 2004) (a) Wheat (b) Paddy
Ans. (a): The largest producer of natural rubber is (c) Lentil (d) Grame
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2016
Ans. (b): Malviya Chamatkar is a new species of Identify the correctly matched pairs :
improved variety of arhar. (a) A, C and D (b) B, C and D
(v) Pea (c) A, B and D (d) A, B and C
130. The leafless variety of pea is–
(a) Arkel
(c) Aparna
(b) Azad Pea-I
(d) L-116
Talangana State PSC (Pre) 2023
Ans. (d) : The correct match is as follows –
A. Father of Green : M.S.
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist Paper 2013 Revolution Viswanathan
Ans. (c): The leafless variety of pea is named Aparna. B. Missile Man of India : A. P. J.
Abdul Kalam
(vi) Gooseberry
131. ‘Ganga Varanasi’ is a variety of- C First Indian to : Rakesh Sharma
(a) Guava (b) Gooseberry go to outer space
(c) Mango (d) Muskmelon D. First Indian remote : APPLE
UPPCS (Mains) GS Ist 2015 sensing satellite
Ans. (b): ''Ganga Varanasi '' is a hybrid species of 136. Given below are two statement:
Gooseberry. Statement I:
In 1960s the Government of India under the then
(vii) Mustard
The most impact of the Green Revolution was seen in the Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
states of Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh. question.
Though the Green Revolution increased the crop
production still it gave some negative effects also as it
chemically poisoned the soil and reduced its fertility,
increased the alkalinity and salinity of soil, also caused the
145. Who was the pioneer of Green Revolution in
(a) J.K. Mehta (b) R.K. Mukherji
loss of genetic diversity, leaching and water logging due (c) M.S. Swaminathan (d) None of the above
to excessive irrigation etc. UPPCS (Pre) Eco. Opt. 2006, 2004
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. Spl. 2004
138. The Green Revolution was the result of a new
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
array of composition, which was started in a 20th
century during question.
(a) 5th decade (b) 6th decade 146. Which states of India benefited most from green
th revolution?
(c) 7 decade (d) 8th decade (a) Bihar, West Bengal and Assam
UPPCS (Pre.) 2015
(d) All of the above Green Revolution earlier.
Tripura (TPCS) TCS -2019 II. Its goal is to expand the technique of seeds-
Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above water-Fertilizers in the regions not benefited
152. Out of the following crops, Green Revolution
from Green Revolution till now.
III. Its goal is to increase the production of the crops
other than the crops used in Green Revolution
produced maximum increase in the production
of earlier.
(a) Paddy (b) Wheat IV. Its goal is Integration of animal husbandry,
(c) Pulses (d) Millets Social forestry and fisheries along with Crop
APPSC Group-II-2017
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above Select the correct answer from the codes given
question. below:
153. Under the Bringing Green Revolution to eastern (a) I & II (b) II & III
India Scheme, improvement in productivity of (c) II & IV (d) I & IV
which crop is achieved? BPSC (Pre) 2004–05
(a) Wheat (b) Paddy Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
(c) Bengal gram (d) Maize
TSPSC Group-I & Group-II-2017
157. Assertion (A) : The dry zone of India has a
Ans. (b) : The program of "Bringing Green Revolution to predominantly agrarian economy.
eastern India (BGREI) as a part of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas
Yojana" was launched in 2010-11 to address the Reason (R) : It has large potential for second
constraints limiting the productivity of "rice based Green Revolution.
cropping systems" in Eastern India comprising 7 states– Select the correct answer from the code given
Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Eastern below:
UP (Purvanchal) and West Bengal. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
154. Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India is correct explanation of A
sub scheme of (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not
(a) National Mission on Agriculture Extension and the correct explanation of A
Technology (c) A is true but R is false
(b) National Mission for sustainable agriculture (d) A is false but R is true
(c) Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2010
(d) It is not a sub scheme Ans. (a): The dry zone of India has a predominantly
Mizoram PSC 2018 Paper-I agrarian economy. There is a strong possibility of the
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above Second Green Revolution. Thus, the reason is true and
question. also explains.
155. Second green revolution proposed by prime 158. ‘Self-sufficiency’ in food in the true sense of
minister does not include freedom from hunger, has not been achieved in
(a) participation Indian farmers in global India inspite of a more than three-fold rise in
agricultural market food grains production over 1950-1990. Which of
(b) Minimizing post-harvest food losses the following are the reasons for it?
Eonomics PLANNER English 58 YCT
Statement I : Honey Mission was launched in the (iv) White Revolution/Operation Flood
year 2017. 164. A government of India initiative, ‘Operation
apiculture in India.
Statement II : Sweet Revolution promotes the
HPPSC (Pre) 2023 and founder of Amul, was named the chairman of NDDB
by the then Prime Minister of India Lal Bahadur Shastri.
Ans. (a) : The National Beekeeping and Honey Mission Verghese Kurien gave his best support to the revolution so
(NBHM) is a government initiative in India to promote he is known as the father of the White Revolution. The
and develop beekeeping and honey production launched White Revolution is concerned with the increase in
in the year 2017. The Sweet Revolution promotes the production of milk.
apiculture in India. Operation Flood has been implemented in three phases as
Hence, both statement I and II are correct. 1. Phase I (1970-80)
160. Blue Revolution is related to the 2. Phase II (1981-85)
(a) Dairy industry (b) Aquaculture industry 3. Phase III (1985-96)
(c) Rubber industry (d) Petro-chemical industry Phase I was focused to increase the milk production.
Tripura (TPCS) TCS -2019 Phase II was concerned with increase the number of milk
sheds and milk supply while Phase III focused on dairy
Ans. (b): Blue Revolution also called as Neel or Nili Co-operatives.
Kranti Mission in India was launched in 1985-1990
during the 7th Five Year Plan. Hiralal Chaudhari and Dr. 165. Operation flood II is associated with which of the
Arun Krishnan are known as the father of Blue (a) flood prevention (b) Milk supply
Revolution. The Blue Revolution with its multi- (c) Fish production (d) Clean water supply
dimensional activities focuses mainly on increasing UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 1992
productivity from aquaculture and fisheries recourses,
both inland and marine with the aim of doubling farmers’ Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
income. question.
161. Blue revolution is related to 166. Who is called the father of white revolution in
(a) Food production (b) Production of oilseeds (a) Dr. Norman Borlaug
(c) Milk production (d) Fish production (b) Dr. M.S. Swaminathan
UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 1997 (c) Dr. Verghese Kurian
Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above (d) Dr. William Gande
question. Uttarakhand RO/ARO, 2016
Eonomics PLANNER English 59 YCT
'pink-prawn ', 'brown' (fertilizer), 'Silver' (eggs and question.
poultry) and food chain revolution, etc all are have been
focused for integrated development. (vii) Mission
182. Select the correct Colour-Commodity option 186. Which of the following programme is not
related to Rainbow Revolution (food area): associated with the National Mission for
Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)?
(a) Yellow – Fruits (b) Golden - Oil seeds
(c) Silver - Eggs (d) Brown – Fertilizers (a) RAD (b) SHC
TSPSC Group-I & Group-II-2017 (c) RKVY (d) PM-KSY
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above UK PSC (Pre) 2024
question. Ans. (d) : PM-KSY (Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee
(vi) Revolution Miscellaneous Yojana) is not associated with NMSA, it is a separated
183. Which one of the following is not correctly program focused on promoting irrigation facilities.
matched? 187. Which of the following states is covered by the
(a) Golden : Horticulture National Horticulture Mission (NHM)?
(b) White : Milk (a) Jammu and Kashmir (b) Arunachal Pradesh
(c) Blue : Poultry (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Himachal Pradesh
189. The Indian Vegetable Research Center is located (d) Agricultural equipments
at- UPPCS (Pre) G.S. Spl. 2004
(a) Kanpur
(c) Varanasi
(b) New Delhi
(d) Allahabad
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2016
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 1995
UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd Paper 2007
Ans. (c): National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above Federation of India Ltd is an apex agency of marketing
question. cooperatives for agricultural produce in India. It was
established on 2 October 1958 and is registered under the
190. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct Multi State Cooperative Societies Act.
answer from the code given below:
194. Indian Council of Agricultural Research was first
List-I List-II established in-
(Project Directorate of (Location) (a) Pusa (b) Bhopal
Crops) (c) Lucknow (d) New Delhi
India (FCI) to Mr. Modi. Ans. (a) : NABARD was established in 1982 on
Read the following recommendations and find recommendation of Sivaraman committee by an Act of
the incorrect ones.
(i) FCI Procurement should focus on the estern belt,
where farmers get the minimum support price
the Parliament. NABARD, as a Development Bank is
mandated for providing and regulating credit and other
facilities for the promotion and development of
(ii) FCI Should hand over the procurement of Wheat agriculture, small scale industries, cottage and village
and Rice to four states which include Punjab, industries, handicrafts and other rural crafts and other
Haryana, Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh allied economic activities in rural areas with a view to
(iii) Proposed uniform tax of minimum 3% and promoting integrated rural development and securing
maximum 4% on Wheat and Rice and the
prosperity of rural areas. In discharging its role as a
same to be included in the minimum support
price facilitator for rural prosperity, NABARD is entrusted
Answer is: with responsibilities of refinancing lending institutions
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iii) in rural areas.
(c) (ii) and (iii) (d) None of the above 202. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Himachal PCS(Pre)-2014 Development (NABARD) was established on the
Ans. (a) : The High Level Committee was formed by the recommendation of which of the following
(a) Reserve Bank of India in India is–
(b) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural (a) RBI (b) NABARD
Development (c) LDB (d) SBI
(c) State Bank of India
(d) Imperial Bank
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above
Uttarakhand PCS (Pre) G.S. 2016
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
63rd BPCS (Pre)-2017
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above 213. Which of the following is the headquarters of
question. NABARD?
(a) New Delhi (b) Chennai
206. Which of the following organizations looks after
the credit needs of agriculture and rural (c) Mumbai (d) Jaipur
development in India? Uttarakhand UDA/LDA (M) 2007
(a) FCI (b) IDBI Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
207. The apex institution in the field of agricultural (c) National agricultural bank and rural development
credit is (d) National Financial institute
(a) State Bank of India (b) Reserve Bank of India MPPSC (Pre.) G.S. Ist 2015
(c) NABARD (d) Regional Rural Banks Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
RAS/RTS (Pre.) G.S. 1994–95 question.
UP Lower (Pre) Spl. G.S. 2004 215. The nodal agency for implementing the 'Rural
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2005 Infrastructure Development Fund
UP RO/ARO (M) G.S., 2014 Programmes' is:
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above (a) Reserve Bank of India (b) NABARD
question. (c) State Co-operative Bank (d) Lead Bank
208. Which of the following is a refinance institution? UPPCS (Mains) G.S IInd 2004, 2009
(a) G.I.C. (b) U.T.I. UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2004
(c) L.I.C. (d) NABARD UPPCS (Mains) Spl. G.S. IInd 2008
ACF/RFO (Mains) Ist 2018 Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above question.
question. 216. Which of the following banks stimulates the
209. The recommendation of Shivraman Committee agriculture and rural development?
led to the establishment of which of the following (a) HDFC Bank (b) EXIM Bank
institution? (c) NABARD (d) Bandhan Bank
(a) NITI Aayog ACF/RFO (Mains) Ist 2018
(b) National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
Development question.
Eonomics PLANNER English 63 YCT
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above Development.
question. Thus, all statements are correct about Pradhan Mantri
Krishi Sinchayee Yojana.
J. Agricultural Schemes
Which one of the following best describes the
concept of 'Small Farmer Large Field?
222. Match the following schemes/Portal of
Government of Haryana :
(a) Resettlement of a large number of people, (I) Meri Fasal, Mera (A) To free farmers
uprooted from their countries due to war, by Byora Portal from the risk of
giving them a large cultivable land which they weather
cultivate collectively and share the produce. uncertainties
(b) Many marginal farmers in an area organize (II) Uttam Seed Portal (B) Canals
themselves into groups and synchronize and (III) Mukhyamantri (C) To prevent
harmonize selected agricultural operations Bagwani Bima arbitrariness of
(c) Many marginal farmers in an area together Yojna seed sellers.
make a contract with a corporate body and (IV) Real Time Data (D) Allow farmers to
surrender their land to the corporate body for a Acquisition sell their crops
fixed term for which the corporate body makes System and provide
pattern at the scheme has been set in the ratio of 60 : 40
between centre and states (90 : 10 for NE - States and UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist Paper 2004
Himalayan States). For Union Territories the funding Ans. (d) : The Agricultural Income Insurance Scheme
fertilizers, agriculture tool test labs, etc. Ans. (c) : The Union Agriculture Ministry started
224. Which of the following financing arrangements Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme from April 1985.
are appropriate for the National Agricultural The 'National Agricultural Insurance Scheme' 1999-2000
Development Scheme? has been implemented in its place. The main objective of
State Center this scheme is to protect the farmers from the damage
(a) 0% 100% done to the crop due to natural calamities like drought,
(b) 25% 75% flood, hailstorm, cyclone, fire, pests, diseases etc. so that
(c) 50% 50% its credit rating can be restored in the coming season. The
(d) 75% 25% scheme is available to all farmers irrespective of
UP UDA/LDA Spl. (Pre) G.S., 2010
230. National Agricultural Insurance Scheme was
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above started in India in the year
question. (a) 1997 – 98 (b) 1998 – 99
225. Consider the following statements regarding the (c) 1999 – 2000 (d) 2000 – 2001
National Agricultural Development Scheme and Uttarakhand PCS (Pre) G.S. 2016
select which one among the following is correct? Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
(a) It was implemented in the year 2007-08 question.
(b) It is proposed to spend Rs 2,500 crore in the 231. Weather-based crop insurance scheme was first
Eleventh Five Year Plan implemented in
(c) Under this scheme, the states will get additional (a) Haryana (b) Karnataka
central assistance in the form of 80% grant (c) Punjab (d) Tamil Nadu
(d) Integrated development of food crops, UP UDA/LDA (M) G.S., 2010
engineering of agriculture, rainfed agriculture
Ans. (a) : The "Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme-
etc. are included under the scheme WBCIS", intended to provide insurance protection to the
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2009 cultivator against adverse weather conditions, such as
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above deficit & excess rainfall, frost, heat (temperature) relative
question. humidity, etc, which are deemed to adversely impact the
Eonomics PLANNER English 65 YCT
2% for Kharif crops, 1.5% for Rabi and 5% for Horticulture classified into three categories on the basis of
and Cash crops. Hence statement (1) is false. In addition to period, which of the following pairs is correctly
the standing crop under this scheme, the produce lying in matched?
the barn or the plants after sowing will also be insured. At
the same time claim amount can also be obtained on crops
affected due to natural calamities (cyclone, non-seasonal
(1) Short Term Credit: up to 12 months period
(2) Medium term Credit: between 15 months period
(3) Long term credit: more than 5 years
rainfall etc.). Hence statement (2) is correct. (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
233. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana was (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 3 only
implemented in the country in the year Gujarat PSC 2019 Paper-II
(a) 2019 (b) 2017
Ans. (b) : Considering the period of the credit requirement
(c) 2016 (d) 2018
UPPSC (ACF) Mains 2021 Paper-I of the farmers of the country, agricultural credit in India
can be classified into three major types, namely, short
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above term, medium term and long term credit.
question. Short term credit: The Indian farmers require credit to
234. Crop insurance scheme in India was started in meet their short term needs viz., purchasing seeds,
(a) 1945 (b) 1980 (c) 1985 (d) 1988 fertilizer, paying wages to hired workers etc. for a period
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2012 of less than 15 months. Such loans are generally repaid
Ans. (c) : Based on the learning's from PCIS, the after harvest.
Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme (CCIS) Medium term Credit: between 15 months and 5 years.
was introduced with effect from 1st April 1985 by the Long term Credit: more than 5 years.
Government of India with the active participation of (iv) National Agriculture Innovation Project
State Governments. The Scheme was optional for the
State Governments. The 239. National Agricultural Innovation
Transformation Project is being run by ICAR
(iii) KCC/Credit with assistance from World Bank in the form of
235. Kisan Credit Card Scheme was launched in the loan. How many components does it contain?
year- (a) one component (b) two component
(a) 2004–05 (b) 2000–01 (c) three component (d) four component
(c) 1998–99 (d) 1905–96 UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2009
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. I 2014 Ans. (d) : The National Agricultural Innovation
UP RO/ARO (Main) G.S. 2014 Transformation Project was started on 26 July 2006
UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. IInd 2008 during the 10th Five-Year Plan (2002-2007) by ICAR
Ans. (c) : The Kisan Credit Card Scheme was launched with the loan assistance of World Bank. The project has
in August 1998. KCC scheme covers both consumption four components -
credit and Investment Credit under it. The farmers having • ICAR as the Catalyzing Agent for the Management
KCC credit are covered under personal accidental of Change in the Indian NARS.
insurance upto ` 50,000 for permanent disability and • Research on Production to Consumption Systems
death and upto ` 25,000 for other risks. The scheme (PCS)
facilitates the the eligible farmers to take loan from • Research on Sustainable Rural Livelihood Security
commercial banks, cooperative banks and Regional and
Rural Banks. The scheme is under the observation of • Basic and Strategic Research in the Frontier Areas of
NABARD. Agriculture Sciences (BSR)
Eonomics PLANNER English 66 YCT
(c) II IV III I (d) a private initiation to create rural supply chain
(d) III IV II I UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd Paper 2010
AP PSC(Pre) 2022
Ans. (b) : The correct match is as follows:
Irrigation Projects
A. Parwan Multipurpose
Ans. (c) : 'Hariyali Program': Hariyali program was
started on 27 January 2003 by the Ministry of Rural
Under this program, integrated wasteland development
program, drought prone area program and desert land
B. Renukaji Dam Project Himachal Pradesh development program are implemented.
C. Lakhwar Multipurpose Uttarakhand The objectives of the projects under greenery are as
Project follows-
D. Ken-Betwa Link Madhya Pradesh • Employment generation, poverty alleviation,
Project and Uttar Pradesh
community empowerment and development of
242. Consider the following statements: economic resources in rural areas.
(1) Sardar Sarovar Project is located on • Reducing the adverse effects of severe climatic
Sabarmati river of India. conditions like drought and desertification on crops,
(2) Bhawani Sagar irrigation project is located in humans and livestock for the overall development of
Erode district of Tamil Nadu rural areas.
(3) Mayurakashi irrigation project pertains to • Restoring the ecological balance through the use,
Chambal river of India. conservation and development of natural resources
(4) Matatila project pertains to Betwa river of such as land, water vegetation cover, especially
India. plantation etc.
Choose the correct answer from the options • To promote the use of water harvesting, simple and
given below: inexpensive technical tools and institutional
(a) (1) and (2) only (b) (2) and (4) only arrangements that can be used and prepared based on
(c) (3) and (4) only (d) (1) and (3) only locally available technical knowledge and available
HPPSC (Pre) 2023 materials.
Ans. (b) : Sardar Sarovar Project is located on Narmada
river in Gujarat. Bhawani Sagar irrigation project is 246. What are the benefits of implementing the
located on river Bhawani in Erode district of Tamil Nadu. 'Integrated Watershed Development
Mayurakashi irrigation project is joint project of Programme'
Jharkhand and West Bengal located on Mayurakshi river. 1. Prevention of soil runoff
Matatila project is located on Betwa river in Lalitpur 2. Linking the country's perennial rivers with
district of Uttar Pradesh. seasonal rivers
243. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the 3. Rainwater harvesting and recharge of
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana? groundwater table
(a) Construction of well 4. Regeneration of natural vegetation
(b) Enhancement of recharging of aquifers Select the correct answer using the code given
(c) Construction of rain harvesting structures below.
(d) Repair and renovate water bodies (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2, 3 and 4 only
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above (c) 1, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
67th BPSC (Pre) 2021 (Re-exam) (IAS (Pre) Ist Paper G.S. 2014)
Eonomics PLANNER English 67 YCT
Ans. (d) : The Rainfed Area Development Program was
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
started in 2011-12 as a sub-plan of the National
Agricultural Development Plan on a pilot project in ten (c) 1 and 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
IAS (Pre.) GS Ist 2016
the country.
248. 'More crop per drop' refers to
states. The program is currently being run in 27 states of
Ans. (c) : The main objective of the 'Initiative for
Nutrition Security through Intensive Grain (Coarse
Cereal) Enhancement', launched from the year 2011-12
(a) Improvement in irrigation efficiency under the National Agricultural Development Plan, is
(b) Use of conventional method of irrigation aimed at improving production and post harvest
(c) Improvement in soil health technologies and processing and value addition in an
(d) Improvement in fertilizer use efficiency integrated manner with group approach. Techniques have
J&K PSC Pre-2018, Paper-1 been demonstrated to encourage production of coarse
Ans. (a): 'More crop per drop' refers to improvement in cereals in the country as 'nutritious grains'. The scheme
irrigation efficiency. has a large stakeholding for poor, small, marginal and
‘Per Drop More Crop’ is a centrally sponsored micro- tribal farmers as these farmers depend to a large extent on
irrigation scheme administered by The Department of coarse grains for their resources. Thus, the statements (1)
Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW) and (2) in question are true while the statement (3) is false.
on 1st July 2015, under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi 252. "Rastriya Vishesh Krishi Upaj Yojna' is mainly
regarding Gramin Agricultural Markets 259. Government of India has decided to establish
(GrAMs)? price Stabilization fund
1. It aims to develop and upgrade existing 40,000 (a) For sugarcane producers
exempted from regulation of APMCs Act. (a) Low rate interest loans
(b) Subsidised tools and equipment
256. Pradhanmantri Annadata Aay Sanrakchan (c) Waiver of tax
Abiyan (P.M.-AASHA) was launched in the (d) Interest free loans
openly opposed the preaching of socialist ideals. Industrial policies in India have taken a shift from
predominantly socialistic pattern in 1956 to Capitalistic
2. It evoked support from a large section of since 1991. The New Industrial Policy, 1991 had the main
business community from all across India.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Which of the statements given above is/are
objective of providing facilities to market forces and to
increase efficiency. The concept of LPG was accepted and
that is -
• L - Liberalization (Reduction of government control)
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 • P - Privatization (Increasing the role & scope of the
IAS (Pre) G.S. 2010 private sector)
Ans. (c): The Bombay Manifesto was a document • G - Globalisation (Integration of the Indian Economy
signed in 1936 by 120 leading industrialists from with the World Economy).
Bombay that contemned Socialism and supported a 7. The Industrial Policy, 1991 was criticized on a
capitalist and economic system. number of points. Which of the following was
3. First industrial policy of independent India not one of them?
declared in the year, was- (a) Erratic industrial growth
(a) 1947 (b) 1948 (b) Threat from foreign competition
(c) 1951 (d) 1956 (c) Neglect of agriculture sector
UPPCS Spl, (Pre) G.S. 2008, UP UDA/LDA (M) G.S., 2010 (d) Misplaced faith in foreign investment
Ans. (b): The country's industrial policy is the economic Jharkhand PSC (Pre.) G.S. Ist 2013
constitution of the country, highlighting virtually every
aspect of the country's industrial development. On 6 April Ans. (c) : The Industrial Policy 1991 was criticized on
1948, the then Minister of Industry and Commerce, Dr. a number of points but neglecting of agriculture sector
Shyama Prasad Mukherjee proposed the first industrial was not included. Some points of criticism are-
policy after independence in Parliament. This policy • Erratic industrial growth.
accepted the importance of mixed economy in which both • Threat from foreign competition.
public and private sectors were emphasized for industrial • Misplaced faith in foreign investment.
development. 8. How many industries were kept under licensing
4. India opted the concept of 'mixed economy' as per industrial policy of 1991?
under which of the following? (a) 6 (b) 10 (c) 14 (d) 18
(a) Framing of Constitution UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. IInd 2004
(b) Second Five Year Plan Ans. (d) : The then PV Narasimha Rao government
(c) Industrial Policy of 1948 announced a new industrial policy on July 24, 1991 in
(d) None of the above which a number of liberal steps were taken. Under this, the
UPPSC ACF Mains Paper-II, 2021 licensing system was almost abolished and many reserved
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question. industries were opened to the private sector. Under this
5. The idea of a joint sector for industrial industrial policy, licensing arrangements were made for
development in India, was proposed under only 18 industries. Again, with the elimination of license
which industrial policy? requirement for 3 other industries, the number of industries
(a) Industrial policy of 1948 requiring license requirement before November 13, 1996
(b) Industrial policy of 1956 was reduced to 15. During the policy formation time Dr.
(c) Industrial policy of 1980 Manmohan Singh was the Finance Minister. Currently only
(d) Industrial policy of 1991 5 industries are under licensing policy.
UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. IInd 2004 Which are as following-
Eonomics PLANNER English 70 YCT
launched in 2011 by the Government of India. Under this, Which of the above statements are correct?
it was targeted to increase the share of this sector in the
country's gross domestic product to 25% within a decade (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4
and creating 10 crore Jobs. The Department of Industrial
Policy and Promotion (DIPP) under the Ministry of
commerce and Industry notified the new Natural
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 4
I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 1999
Ans. (c) : Industrial growth in India has been
Manufacturing Policy (NMP) on 4 November, 2011. constrained due to lack of adequate capital, technology
12. What is/are the recent policy initiative(s) of skills, and lack of infrastructure and limited purchasing
Government of India to promote the growth of power, despite adequate enterprise instincts and
manufacturing sector? leadership capacity.
1. Setting up of National Investment and 16. The current industrial policy of India is more
Manufacturing Zones oriented towards-
2. Providing the benefit of ‘single window clearance’ (a) More regulation of the economy.
3. Establishing the Technology Acquisition and (b) Globalization
Development Fund. (c) To increase the public sector
Select the correct answer using the codes given (d) All of the above
below: UPPCS (Pre) G.S. Spl. 2004
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only Ans. (b): The main objective of the current industrial
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 policy of India is to make the process of liberalization
IAS (Pre) G.S.–I, 2012 more effective and faster so that Indian industries can
Ans. (d): To encourage the development of the be oriented towards globalization and integrate with
manufacturing sector, in the new Manufacturing Policy the world economy. The Industrial Policy 2020, has
of India, 2011 the Government of India has taken the been oriented with Vocal for Local and Make In India
initiative to set up National Investment and pathway to fulfil the aim of Atmanibhar Bharat.
Manufacturing Sectors, facilitate single window B. Maharatna and Navratna Enterprises
clearance, and set up a Technology Acquisition and 17. Which of the following public sector
Development Fund. undertaking in India is not provided the status
13. Uttar Pradesh Industrial Development of Maharatna granted to, four Navaratna
Corporation is established at companies?
(a) Kanpur (b) Lucknow (a) SAIL (b) BEL (c) ONGC (d) NTPC
(c) Agra (d) Noida UP RO/ARO (Pre) G.S., 2013
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2013 Ans. (b) : BEL is a Navaratna CPSE while, SAIL,
Ans. (a) : The headquarters of Uttar Pradesh Industrial ONGC and NTPC are Maharatna CPSEs. According
Development Corporation is in Kanpur. It is a public to the latest data released by the Department of Public
sector undertaking working for the progress of Enterprise, as of November, 2022, there are 12
industrial and infrastructure development under the Maharatna, 13 Navaratna, 62 Miniratna I and 11
Government of Uttar Pradesh. Miniratna II CPSEs in India.
The 12 Maharatna CPSEs are as following -
14. Consider the following statements and select the 1. Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
correct answer using the codes given below: 2. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
Assertion-(A): By the end of the eighties of the last 3. Coal India Limited
century, Indian industries has demonstrated a clear 4. GAIL India Limited
trend of structural transformation from consumer 5. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
goods industries to capital goods industries. 6. Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Eonomics PLANNER English 71 YCT
Department of Public Enterpises, the 13 Navratna (b) Steel Authority of India Limited
CPSEs are as following : (c) Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
1. Bharat Electronics Limited (d) Coal India Limited
3. Engineers India Limited
4. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
2. Container Corporation of India Limited UP PCS ACF (Mains) Ist Paper 2017
Ans. (*) : The question is flawed because all the
ventures mentioned in the question are Maharatna
5. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited companies.
6. National Aluminum Company Limited
7. NBCC India Limited C. MSMEs
8. NMDC Limited 23. Sishu, Kishor, and Tarun are the schemes of
(a) Regional Rural Banks
9. NLC India Limited
10. Oil India Limited (b) Micro Units Development and Refinance
11. Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited Agency Ltd (MUDRA)
12. Shipping Corporation of India Limited (c) Small Industries Development Banks of India
13. Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (d) Industrial Development Bank of India
20. The idea of Navratna is related to- Mizoram PSC (Pre) 2023
(a) Selected class of technical manpower Ans. (b) : Sishu, Kishor, and Tarun are the schemes of
(b) Selected export oriented units Pradhan Mantri MUDRA (Micro Units Development
(b) The government helps them Apart from the above problems of small scale
(c) They are traditional industries, there are other problems - lack of
(d) They are easy to manage managerial capacity, non-availability of cheap power,
RAS/RTS (Pre) GS Re–Exam. 1999–2000
Ans. (a) : Many get employment from small and cottage
industries. It is known that the first industrial policy
burden of local taxes and not being able to compete
with big industries etc.
32. Which one of the following is not the problem
of small scale industries?
announced in 1948 after independence gave special (a) Finance (b) Marketing
emphasis to the development of small scale industry. (c) Raw Material (d) Strike and lockout
After the formation of the Planning Commission in 1950, UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2008
the industrial policy proposal announced in 1950 laid
special emphasis on the development of small scale Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
industries. There has been a significant change in the question.
development structure of the present small and cottage 33. Small scale industries are given preferential
sector industries. treatment by the government because they
28. The first industry developed in India is- 1. Give employment to low skilled workers
(a) Cottage industry 2. Provide employment in a decentralized
(b) Cement industry Manner
(c) Iron & Steel industry 3. Perform better in export of
UPPSC RO/ARO Pre-2021 (a) The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO)
Ans. (c) : In India, the business having the investment in (b) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI
Plant and Machinery or Equipment not exceeding one (c) The Central Statistics Office (CSO
is placed under a micro enterprise.
crore rupee and turnover of not exceeding five crore rupee
The following is the criteria for classification of micro,
(d) The Indian Statistical Institute (ISI)
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above
BPSC 66th Pre-2020
small and medium enterprises as - Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
Types of Business Investment Turnover 41. Core sector in the plan implies:
(Annually) (a) Agriculture
Micro Not more than 1 Not more than 5 (b) Selected Basic Industries
core crore (c) Defence
Small 1 crore to 10 crore 5 crore to 50 crore (d) Iron & Steel Industry
Medium 10 crore to 50 crore 50 crore to 250 RAS/RTS (Pre.) G.S. 1996
Ans. (d) : The core sector refers to the eight core
36. Investment limit for micro-enterprises, industries of the economy, including: coal, electricity,
provided for in the Act passed in 2006 is steel, cement, fertilizer, crude oil, natural gas and
(a) ` 10 lakhs (b) ` 5 lakhs refinery products.
(c) ` 2 lakhs (d) None of the above 42. In India the overall Index of Industrial
UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd Paper 2011 Production, the Indices of Eighth Core
Ans. (a) : After Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Industries have combined weight of 37.90%.
Development Act 2006, small scale industry is now Which of the following are among those Eight
more widely known as Micro, Small and Medium Core Industries?
Sector. As per the Act., the investment in 1. Cement 2. Fertilizers
manufacturing sector for micro industries includes up 3. Natural Gas 4. Refinery products
to twenty five lakhs, while the services sector includes 5. Textiles
investment of up to one million or ` 10 lakhs. Select the correct answer using the codes given
37. In India business with a turnover of Rs. 75 below:
crores but upto 250 crores are known as (a) 1 and 5 only (b) 2, 3 and 4 only
(a) Medium enterprise (b) Micro enterprise (c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
(c) Small enterprise (d) Tiny enterprise (IAS (Pre) G.S.–I, 2012)
ACF/RFO (Mains) Ist 2018 Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question.
Ans. (a): See the explanation of the above question. 43. The producer price index measures-
38. When we argue that small industries generate (a) The average change in the price of goods and
large volume of employment, what we services produced.
essentially imply is that: (b) A slight change in the price of goods and
(a) The number of workers in a small unit will be services produced.
larger than those in a big unit (c) Total change in the price of goods and services
(b) The number of workers employed per unit of produced.
capital is large in small unit than in a big unit (d) None of the above
(c) The number of worker employed to produce UPPCS RO/ARO (Pre)-2017
consumers goods will be more Ans. (a): The producer price index measures the
(d) All of these average change in the price of goods and services
OPSC (OCS) PRE-2020 PAPER-I produced.
Plant (Chhattisgarh) and Durgapur Steel Plant (W. 50. Oil is an undertaking attached to
Bengal) were established during the Second Five Year
Plan period (April, 1956–31 March 1961). The (a) oil imports (b) oil refining
(c) oil research (d) oil marketing
Rourkela Steel Plant was established in collaboration
with West Germany. The Bhilai Steel Plant was
established in collaboration with the Soviet Union. The
Durgapur Steel Plant was established in collaboration
UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 2003
Ans. (d) : The full name of the oil is Oil India Limited,
which performs oil exploration and marketing
with Britain. The remaining three statements are true. operations in the country. Other companies in this field
46. Rourkela Steel Plant was established- - Bharat Petroleum, Indian Oil Corporation and
(a) In collaboration with United Kingdom Reliance Petroleum etc.
(b) In collaboration with Russia
(c) In collaboration with United State of America 51. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
(d) In collaboration with Germany answer from the codes given below:
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2012 List-I List-II
(Oil Refinery) (State)
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question.
A. Tatipaka 1. Gujarat
47. Which of the following are correctly matched? B. Koyali 2. Tamil Nadu
A B C C. Nagapattinam 3. Andhra Pradesh
Establishment of Year Place D. Numaligarh 4. Assam
Manufacturing Code:
Industries A B C D
1. Setting up of the first 1854 Bombay (a) 2 1 4 3
cotton mill.
2. Manufacture of the first 1870 Calcutta (b) 3 1 2 4
machine-made paper (c) 4 3 1 2
3. Setting up of the first 1904 Madras (d) 1 2 4 3
cement factory UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist Paper 2013
Choose the correct answer from the codes Ans. (b) : The correct match is as follows -
given below: Oil refinery State
Codes: Tatipaka - Andhra Pradesh
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only Koyali - Gujarat
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 Nagapattinam - Tamil Nadu
IAS (Pre) G.S. 1994
Numaligarh - Assam
Ans. (d) : The first machine made paper was
manufactured in 1870 in Bally near Calcutta. The first 52. Match List I with List II and select the correct
single cotton mill was established near Bombay in answer using the codes given bellow the list.
1854 and the first cement factory near Madras in 1904. List I
48. Match the company names with their (a) Kapurthala (b) Chennai
respective addresses in Jharkhand. (c) Bengaluru (d) Patiala
Name of the company Address List II
(A) HUDCO (i) Balidhih, Bokaro-14 1. Diesel Component Works
(B) Vedanta Limited (ii) Harmu, Ranchi-2 2. Rail Wheel Factory
(C) Dalmiya Cement (iii) Ashoknagar,Ranchi 3. Integral Coach Factory
Bharat Limited 4. Rail Coach Factory
Eonomics PLANNER English 75 YCT
are in the most basic infrastructure industries and in (a) Government's share in an enterprise is more
the basic industries, because for the development of than 60%
other industries, these industries must first grow. (b) Any goods produced in both government and
With reference to the public Sector Undertaking
in India, consider the following statements:
1. Minerals and Metals Trading Corporation of
private sectors
(c) It is another name of cooperative sector
(d) Both government and private sector have joint
India Limited is the largest non-oil importer ownership in an enterprise
of the country. BPSC (Pre) 1995
2. Project and Equipment Corporation of India Ans. (b): The Subimal Dutt Committee, constituted on
Limited is under the Ministry of Industry. July 22, 1966, to reform the industrial licensing system,
3. One of the objectives of Export Credit in its report presented on 17 July, 1969, proposed the
Guarantee Corporation of India Limited is to concept of 'joint sector' in the field of economic
enforce quality control and compulsory pre- planning in India. The joint sector of the economy
shipment inspection of various exportable refers to the investment of both public (government)
commodities and private capital in an enterprise. Public sector
Which of these statements is/are correct? enterprises are wholly owned by the government, while
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 private sector industries are owned by individual
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 only industrialists or capitalists.
Bank of India and UTI Mutual Funds. The National 64. Who was the first chairman of disinvestment
Investment Fund has been kept under 'Public Accounts'. commission of India?
60. Assertion (A): The government is disinvesting some (a) G.V. Ramkrishna (b) C. Rangarajan
public sector units.
Reason (R): Public sector units could not create
sufficient employment opportunities.
(c) Arun Jaitely (d) Montek Singh Ahluwalia
Gòej─(a) UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. IInd Paper, 2004
Ans. (a) : The first Disinvestment Commission in India
Code: was formed in 1996 under the chairmanship of GV
(a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct Ramakrishna. Till August, 1999, this committee gave
explanation of A. recommendations related to 58 public industries. Based
(b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct on the recommendations of the Commission, on March
explanation of A. 16, 1999, public sector enterprises were divided into two
(c) A is true, but R is false parts, strategic and non-strategic, for disinvestment.
(d) A is false, but R is true 65. Consider the following statements:
UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 2000 Assertion-(A) : For the last few years, there have
Ans. (b) : The disinvestment process was started in been incidents of divestment and acquisition in the
1991 through the new ecomonic policy. It was found Indian industrial sector.
that PSUs has shown a very negative rate of return of Reason_ (R): Substantial relaxation has been
capital employed. It was also found that many made in the Monopolies and Restricted Trade Act
Uttarakhand UDA/LDA (M) 2007 (a) Re-training of labour
Ans. (d) : The State Finance Corporation is integral in (b) Building better roads and bridges
developing the structure of financing institutions in the (c) Laying new tracks in place of old railway
country, they strive for the upgradation of small and
medium scale industries in their states and thus bring
balanced regional growth, more investment, more
(d) Refinancing of loans given by banks
UPPCS (Mains) G.S IInd 2004
employment and industries. Widely owned subsidiaries. Ans. (a): The purpose of the establishment of the
68. Which of the following is not the source of National Renewal Fund is to provide assistance to
industrial financing? retrenched workers due to retrenchment, disinvestment
and closure of industries and provide compensation to
(a) Industrial finance corporation of India
voluntarily retired workers. Under this the industries
(b) NABARD were taken which were sick means whose income was
(c) State finance corporation less than the expenditure. To reconstruct these
(d) Unit trust of India industries the National Renewal Fund was established
BPSC(Pre.) 2000–01 in 1992. It had a provision of operation for limited
Ans. (b) : The main sources of industrial finance in period (maximum ten years). It was abolished by the
India can be mentioned as shares and letter of credit, government in the years 2000 and the administration of
deposits received from the public, borrowings from the VRS Scheme (Voluntary Retirment Scheme) under
it was transferred to the Department of Public
1. To give training and counselling for workers from the existing Rs 60/75 lakh to Rs 3 crore.
affected by retrenchment or VRS 2. Investment limit in small scale units increased from
2. Redeployment of workers Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 25 lakh.
(c) To help persons suffering from contagious diseases 81. J. Irani Committee has been constituted to
(d) Natural to render help in times of natural disasters explain changes in which of the following Acts?
UPPCS (Mains) G.S. Ist 2003 (a) Indian Telegraph Act (b) Cable Act
(c) Companies Act (d) Patent Act
(a) Development of handlooms
(b) Gender differences in employment Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but (R) is not
(c) Child labor wealth the correct explanation of (A).
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
(d) Welfare of working women
Ans. (a): The Meera Seth Committee was set up to
91. Among the following industries, the oldest
UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 1997
industry in India is-
(a) Jute (b) Cotton industry
assess obstacles and other problems faced in the
development of handlooms and suggest measures (c) Tea (d) Sugar
related to their solution. UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2004
87. Arrange the following Committees formed for Ans. (b): The cotton textile industry is the oldest
small scale sector in a chronological order andindustry followed by the Jute industry in India. It is
select the correct answer from the codes given notworthy that the first cotton textile factory in India
below: was started in 1818 AD at Fort Gloster in West Bengal
I. Nayak Committee but failed. The First successful modern cotton textile
II. Abid Hussain Committee factory in India was established in Mumbai in 1854 AD.
III. S.S. Kohli Committee 92. First cotton textile factory in 1818 was
IV. Karve Committee established in the following region-
Code: (a) Fort Gloster in West Bengal
(a) I, II, IV, III (b) III, II, I, IV
plantation, harvesting & cutting works. The textiles and from the body of an animal
apparel industry in India is the largest employer in the C. Shearing III. Process of washing the raw,
country providing direct employment to 45 million people
and 100 million people in allied industries. Out of which
more than 60% are women. This makes it biggest formal
employer of women in the country
D. Scouring
sheared wool to get rid of
grease, dirt and dust
IV. Process of shedding outer
Note–Official answer given by commission is (b), but (a) A-II, B-I, C-III, D-IV
both (a) & (b) are correct in different conditions. (b) A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
J. Agricultural Industries (c) A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II
(d) A-I, B-III, C-IV, D-II
96. Match List-I with List-II: (e) Question not attempted
List-I (Cloth) List-II (Origin) Haryana PSC (Pre) 2023
A. Linen 1. Coconut plant Ans.(d): The correct match is as follows:–
B. Coir 2. Flax plant Process Description
101. The first Sugar Mill in India was set up in 1903 at- climate, sugarcane of South India is thicker and more
juicy and also production per hectare is more.
(a) Pratapgarh (b) Pratappur
(c) Mawana (d) Balrampurst 106. Which industry of India badly was affected due
UPPCS (Main) G.S. I Paper 2013
Ans. (b) : In 1903, the first sugar mill of India was
to division?
(a) Cotton and sugar industry
(b) Engineering and cement industry
established in Pratappur, district Deoria, Uttar Pradesh. (c) Jute and cotton industry
102. Which factors have facilitated the locational (d) Paper and Iron industry
shift of the sugar industry from North India to BPSC (Pre) 1994
South India? Ans. (c) : Jute industry is our second important industry
1. Per acre higher yield of sugarcane
after the textile industry, it started in 1853 in Kolkata at a
2. Higher sucrose content of sugar cane place called Rishra on the banks of river Hooghly.
3. Longer crushing season Powerlooms were installed in the same factory in 1859,
4. Cheap Labour after which the jute industry continued to grow in this area.
Select the correct answer from the code given But due to the partition of the country at the time of
below: independence, about 80 percent of the jute growing area of
Code: the country moved to Bangladesh. But all the jute mills of
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 the country remained in India. This made it difficult for our
(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 2, 3 and 4 jute mills to obtain raw material.
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2007 107. Jute industry in India is mainly concentrated in
Ans. (c) : The endemic migration of sugar industry from (a) Kerala (b) Odisha
northern India to southern India is mainly due to higher (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) West Bengal
production per acre of sugarcane (due to wet weather UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. Ist 2004
being located on the beach) due to higher sucrose Ans. (d): The distribution of jute industry in India is
content of sugarcane, longer crushing season etc. more than 90 percent in West Bengal. Here Risra,
103. Location of sugar industry in India is moving Naihati, Titagarh Barberia, Ulberia, Kakinada,
from North India to South India because of: Shrirampur, Bajbaj, Howrah, Sealdah, Birlapur,
(a) Cheap and uninterrupted supply of power Barrackpore are important centers of this industry.
(b) High labour cost K. Fertilizer Industries
(c) Well developed rail network 108. To increase the availability and reduce cost of
(d) High yield and high sugar content in sugarcane fertilizers, the Central Government introduced
OPSC (OCS) Pre-2018 'One Nation, One Fertiliser' under
Ans. (d): See the explanation of the above question. (a) 'Vishala Bharat' brand name
104. The feature of the growth of sugar industry (b) 'Samaikya Bharat' brand name
after the independence is its significant (c) 'Bharat' brand name
progress in: (d) 'Ekta Bharat' brand name
(a) Private sector (b) Public sector Talangana State PSC (Pre) 2023
(c) Co-Operative sector (d) Joint sector Ans. (c) : The ''One Nation One Fertilizer'' (ONOF)
UPPCS (Pre) Economics Opt. 2001 Scheme, which aims to increase the availability and
Ans. (c): The specialty of the development of sugar reduce cost of fertilizers was introduced under the
industry after independence has been that significant ''Bharat'' brand name. It was introduced by Prime
progress has been made in its cooperative sectors. Minister Narendra Modi on October 17, 2022 under the
India is the second largest producer of sugar and the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janurvarak Pariyojana
largest consumer of sugar in the world. (PMBJP) fertilizer subsidy scheme.
Cochin, Chennai, Rourkela and Naveli. M. Steel & Iron Industries
114. Bokaro Steel Plant was developed with the
L.Companies Act/Employment/Wages collaboration of which of the following?
strength from
(a) Industrial Policy Resolution 1948
111. The licensing policy for the industries drew (a) United States of America (U.S.A.)
(b) Germany
(c) Russia
(b) Industrial Policy Resolution 1956 (d) England
(c) Congress Party Resolution of establishing UKPSC RO/ARO (Pre)-2023
socialistic pattern of society Ans. (c) : Bokaro steel plant is located in Bokaro
(d) Industries Act 1951 district of Jharkhand. It was built with the help of Soviet
UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2007 Union (Now Russia).
Ans. (d): The Industrial (Development and 115. Which of the following industries is called the
Regulation) Act, 1951 empowered the government to basic industry?
establish new industries and provide licenses for a (a) Iron and Steel (b) Electronics
wide variety of products in established industries. The (c) Petro-chemical (d) Engineering
Hazari Committee was formed in 1966 to examine the Tripura (TPCS) TCS -2019
Industrial (Development and Regulation) Act of 1951. Ans. (a): Iron and steel industry is called a basic industry
The Government formed the Dutt Committee in 1961 because all other kinds of industries such as light, medium
to examine the policy of granting licenses to industries. and heavy industries depend upon it for their machinery.
112. Which of the following is not true about the Steel is required to manufacture several engineering goods,
Essential Commodities Act 1955? telephonic materials, defence goods, construction goods
(i) The central government cannot add or and variety of consumer goods.
remove commodities from the list 116. The first large scale steel plant in India is-
mentioned in the act. (a) Bokaro Steel Ltd.
(ii) The central government can provide for (b) Hindustan Steel Ltd. Bhilai
regulating or prohibiting the production, (c) IISCO Bernpur
supply and distribution thereof and trade (d) TISCO Jamshedpur
and commerce therein. UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. Ist Paper 2008
(iii) The central government can order the
produce of essential commodity to be Ans. (d): TISCO is India's largest and first-scale
brought in for inspection. enterprise. It was established in India (Jamshedpur,
Choose the correct option Ranchi) as Asia's first integrated private steel company
in 1907. The Tata Iron and Steel company (TISCO)
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 3 began and started producing steel in 1912
(c) Only 2 and 3 (d) Only 1 and 2
J & K PSC 2021 Paper-I 117. Which among the following is the largest
trading Government Company of India?
Ans. (a): The Essential Commodities Act, 1955 is a law (a) Food Corporation of India
that prohibits hoarding and black marketing of essential (b) Mineral and Metal Trading Corporation
commodities. It is applicable throughout the country.
Subject to the provisions of sub-section (4), the Central (c) Khadi & Village Industries Corporation
Government may, if it is satisfied that it is necessary so (d) Trade Fair Authority of India
to do in the public interest and for reasons to be Ans. (b) : Among the given options, Mineral and Metals
specified in the notification published in the Official Trading Corporation is India's largest trading body in the
Gazette, amend the Schedule so as to― government sector. It was established in 1963.
Eonomics PLANNER English 83 YCT
Government of India, before which several regulatory
bodies have been formed. PNGRB has been constituted Thus statement (2) is incorrect.
in the year 2006 under the Petroleum and Natural Gas • Nuclear energy is the fifth most expensive source of
Regulatory Board Act, 2006. One of the key functions electricity generation in India with a share of 1.6
of PNGRB is to ensure a competitive market for gas.
Appeals against the decisions of PNGRB are made
before the Power Appellate Tribunal.
percent (6780 MW). Thus statement (3) is correct.
• The nuclear power plant in Gorakhpur village
belongs to Fatehabad district of Haryana. Thus
O. Electricity statement (4) is incorrect.
120. Match the following Coal-based Thermal Note : The Commission has considered option (c) as the
Power Stations and their States : correct answer. But in the present scenario, none of the
option in question is the correct answer.
List-I List-II
(Thermal Power (State) 123. Consider the following statements:
Station) 1. Appellate Tribunal for Electricity has been
established by each State Government in India
A. Kudgi I. Chhattisgarh 2. One of the components of the Accelerated
B. Kahalgaon II. Karnataka Power Development and Reforms Programme
C. Sipat III. U.P. (APDRP) is upgradation of sub-transmission
D. Dadri IV. Bihar and distribution system for electricity in India
Choose the correct answer using the codes Which of the statements given above is/are
Choose the correct answer from the following: proper guidance and favorable environment etc. have
(a) C and D only (b) B, C and D only been included to start new small and big enterprises.
(c) A and B only (d) A, B, C and D
Ans. (d) : The objectives of the 'Make in India' Scheme’.
initiative are as follows:
‘Startup India’ compaign for rural areas of India has
Talangana State PSC (Pre) 2023 been named, ‘Din Dayal Upadhyay Self Employment
initiative launched by Union Government: least one Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe
1. Promotion of India as a manufacturing hub borrower and at least one woman per bank branch for
2. Economic transformation in India setting up a Greenfield enterprise. This enterprise may be
3. Elimination of unnecessary laws and in manufacturing, services agri-allied activities or the
the following category of industries? initiative contributes to realising Atma Nirbhar (self -
(a) Corporate reliance) in the country. The 14 sectors covered under it
(b) Co-operative are - mobile manufacturing, manufacturing of medical
(c) Micro and small enterprises devices, automobiles and auto components,
(d) Medium enterprises
AP PSC Group-I Screening-2019
pharmaceuticals, drugs, specialty steel, telecom &
networking products, electronic products, white goods
(ACs and LEDs) food products, textile products, solar PV
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
modules, advanced chemistry cell (ACC) battery, and
S. Miscellaneous drones and drone components.
135. Consider the following statements: Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
(1) Essex city is famous for engineering works. 140. Consider the following statements about the
(2) Leeds city is famous for watches production. Production- Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme :
(3) Baku city is known for cutlery industry. 1. The scheme offers a production-linked
(4) Abadan city is known for oil refinery. incentive to boost domestic manufacturing
Choose the correct answer from the options and attract large investments in mobile
given below: phone manufacturing and specified
(a) (2) and (4) only (b) (3) and (4) only electronic components.
(c) (1) and (4) only (d) (1) and (2) only 2. The scheme has two categories of
HPPSC (Pre) Exam-2024 applicants, namely, global companies and
Jute Industry Kolkata
List -I List-II Oil Refinery Barauni
A PM-MITRA Related to textile industry Integral Coach Factory Perambur
B Udyami Bharat MSME Portal
SP Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
146. In his theory of industrial location Alfred
Weber tried to establish the pivotal role of
C RAMP Scheme Related to MSME which of the following factors?
D Phase-II of Related to giving push to (a) Labour cost plays a pivotal role in the
FAME : India electric vehicles in public selection of industrial location
(b) Cost of raw material plays a pivotal role in
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer. the selection of industrial location
143. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct (c) Market accessibility plays a pivotal role in
answer from the code given below: the selection of industrial location
List-I List-II (d) Transport cost plays a pivotal role in the
153. What does the sunrise industry in India mean?
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the (a) Electronic industry
correct explanation of (A). (b) Heavy industry
(c) (A) is false but (R) is true.
(d) (A) is true but (R) is false.
UPPSC RO/ARO 2023 (Nirsat)
(c) Agro-Export industry
(d) Textile and apparel industry
UP PCS ACF (Mains) IInd Paper 2017
Ans. (a) : Accounting is the language of business, Ans.(a): Sunrise industry is called emerging
accounting provides all information needed by a industries in India. It includes information technology,
businessman. Accounting is the process of keeping electronic industry, health and medical and knowledge
track of all financial transactions within a business, related industries.
such as any money coming in and money going out.
154. Udyog Aadhar is required for registration of
Hence, assertion (A) and reason (R) both are correct (a) Business under micro, small and medium
and (R) is not correct explanation of (A). enterprises
150. With reference to the Marine Products Export (b) Business under large enterprises
Development Authority (MPEDA), which of (c) Corporate bodies
the following statements is/are correct? (d) Public sector undertakings
1. MPEDA was established in 1972. J&K PSC Pre-2018, Paper-1
2. It is headquartered in Kolkata. Ans. (a): Udyog Aadhar is required for all the small,
Select the correct answer using the code given medium, and micro enterprises belonging to the
below : manufacturing or servicing sector.
Code : The Udyog Aadhaar is a 12-digit Unique Identification
(a) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) Only 2 Number (UIN) offered by the Ministry of Micro, Small, and
(c) Only 1 (d) Both 1 and 2 Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) of the Government of India.
UPPSC RO/ARO 2023 (Nirsat) The Udyog Aadhaar Scheme was launched in the month
Ans. (c) : The Marine Product Export Development of September 2015.
Authority (MPEDA) was set up by an act of 155. DIPAM is a department under-
Parliament during 1972. It is headquartered in Kochi, (a) Finance Ministry
Kerala. Hence, statement-2 is incorrect while (b) Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
statement-1 is correct. (c) Human Resource Development Ministry
151. Match List-I with List-II and choose the (d) Ministry of Human Resources and
correct answer using the code given below Entrepreneurship
List-I List-II UP PCS ACF (Pre) 2017
A. Merchandise 1. Current Assets Ans. (a) : On 20 April 2016, the Central Government
Turnover changed the name of the Department of Disinvestment to
Current Liabilities ‘DIPAM’ i.e. Department of Investment and Public Asset
B. Current Ratio 2. Liquid Assets Management. ‘DIPAM’ will work under the Union
Ministry of Finance and will look into matters related to
Current Liabilities disinvestment of Central Public Sector Undertakings
C. Acid Test Ratio 3. Net Profit before Interest & Tax including investment in Central Government equity.
Total Assets 156. 'Atal Innovation Mission' was set up by .........
D. Gross Capital 4. Cost of Goods sold with an objective to create and encourage an
Employed environment of innovation and
Average stock entrepreneurship across schools and so on.
Eonomics PLANNER English 88 YCT
(c) Items purchased for conspicuous consumption sales mix as per their profit.
(d) Soaps, detergents and other mass consumption This can be illustrated by the following formula:
goods Contribution
IAS (Pre) G.S. 1998
Ans. (c): White goods are manufactured goods that are
consumed by high-income consumers. The
P/V Ratio =
× 100
Contribution = difference between selling price and
variable cost
government has freed these luxury goods exhibiting 163. Select the correct statement/s by using the
opulence and socio-economic status from the purview codes given below:
of compulsory licensing. Now there will be no need to 1. Setting up new PSU (Public Sector
seek prior approval from the government to set up Undertakings) goes against the spirit of the
factories that manufacture goods related to 'white economic reforms
goods'. In the white goods industry, expensive cars, 2. Process of disinvestment may not lead to
enterprises, washing machines, TVs. Etc. are included. denationalization
159. Which of the following pair is not correctly Codes:
(d) Aluminium Production – Sonbhadra often interpreted in terms of the lowest government
UPPCS (Pre) Ist Paper GS, 2014 control, the lowest government prohibition, the greater
participation of private companies, the lowest rate of
Ans. (b) : The fertilizer plant in Uttar Pradesh is taxes, etc. Therefore, the establishment of new public
located in Gorakhpur, Allahabad (Phulpur), Kanpur, undertakings is considered the opposite, whereas in
Bareilly, not in Lucknow. While the refinery is in government or public undertakings the government the
Mathura, the carpet industry is located in Bhadohi and process of selling the stake of the company is called
the aluminum plant is in Sonbhadra. disinvestment. The process of disinvestment is
160. Why companies go for business process re- compatible with economic reforms. The government
engineering with the help of technology? gets the money used in development schemes. But the
(a) Customers' demand and expectations are process of disinvestment promotes decentralization,
continuously increasing. although the government acquires some of its share in
the disinvestment process, but its ownership remains.
(b) IT being leveraged to provide competitive
edge in products and services at lower costs. 164. In India the Public Sector is most dominant in-
(c) The pace of change has accelerated with the (a) Steel production
liberalisation of economies world over. (b) Organised term-lending financial institutions
(d) All of these (c) Transport
(d) Commercial banking
RAS/RTS Pre 2018 IAS (Pre) G.S. 1993
Ans. (d) : Companies reconstruct the business Ans. (b): The largest contribution of public sector
process with the help of technology for the following (public sector) in India is in the area of lending for a
reasons: fixed period by organized financial institutions
• The demands and expectations of the consumers (commercial and cooperative banks and other
are continuously increasing. financial institutions). These financial institutions
• Information technology is being leveraged to provide fixed-term loans to the agricultural industry
achieve competitive edge in products and services and services sector. Public sector participation in the
at low cost. steel industry is very high.
• Technological and structural changes UPPCS (Main) G.S IInd 2004
• Development of information technology Ans (b): See the explanation of the above question.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer. is service sector. It is the largest sector in Indian
3. Transport, communication, commerce are Economy Contributing with 53% (the Economic
covered under Survey- 2021-22) of GVA of India.
(a) Primary activities (b) Secondary activities The service sector encompasses a wide range of
(c) Tertiary activities (d) Rural activities industries, including-
UPPSC RO/ARO (Mains) 2017 • information Technology
Ans. (c) : Tertiary Secter also known as Service Sector • Financial services
including banking, insurance, transportation, trade, • Education
commerce, communication, hotel and restaurants,
financing, real estate, business survices, marketing, • Healthcare
community, social and personal services and services • Tourism
associated with construction, intangible assets etc. Tertiary • Retail
Sector provides services to other sectors. It contributes the • Transportation
most part of National Income in Indian Economy.
4. Under business, come/comes-
(a) Trade only 9. Majority share of National Income in India
(b) Trade and Industry during the last 15 years is provided by
(c) Industry and Commerce (a) Agricultural sector (b) Industrial sector
(d) Trade, Industry and Commerce (c) Service sector (d) Government sector
UPPCS Spl. (Pre) G.S. 2008 TSPSC Group-II -2016 Paper-I
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question. Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
Eonomics PLANNER English 90 YCT
Uttarakhand UDA/LDA (M) 2007 (a) Export of goods (b) Tourism
UPPCS (Pre) Economics Opt. 2005, 2006, 2007 (c) Import of goods (d) Foreign investment
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
As the economy develops, the share of the
tertiary sector in the GDP:
UPPCS (Pre) Economics Opt. 1993
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question.
21. Invisible Export means export of-
(a) decreases (b) decreases then increases
(a) Services
(c) increases (d) remains constant
UPPCS (Main) G.S.–IInd 2006 (b) Prohibited goods
BPSC (Pre) 2004–05 (c) Unrecorded goods
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question. (d) Goods through smuggling
15. Which sector has the highest Foreign Direct UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2007
Investment equity inflows in India? Ans, (a) : See the explanation of the above question.
(a) Construction Sector 22. The Government of India permitted the
(b) Energy Sector department of commerce to give focused
designed to expire, forcing users to spend it all by a (d) Current Account in Bank
specific date. It means that the digital currencies can be UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2008
programmed to be spent within a predetermined time Ans : (b) Smart money refers to credit cards issued by
range. Hence Statement II is correct.
1. Money
Which of the following is not the part of money
various banks, financial institutions and other
companies. The trend of credit cards has increased in
almost all metros in India. Airplane tickets, clothes,
market? luggage, etc. can be purchased from them.
(a) IDBI 6. Which of the following payment measures
(b) ICICI brought by banks is known as plastic
(c) Money trading cooperation fund currency?
(d) Reserve Bank of India (a) Carrier Check (b) Credit Card
UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 1999 (c) Demand Draft (d) Gift Check
BPSC (Pre.) G.S. 2002
Ans : (c) The Currency Trading Cooperation Fund is Uttarakhand UDA/LDA (Pre)st 2006
not a part of currency trading. While rests are the parts UPPCS (Main) G.S. I 2006
of money market. The Reserve Bank has got a central
position in the money market and controls the flow of Ans: (b) Plastic money refers to the hard plastic
currency and lending in the market. The Industrial cards we use every day in place of actual bank notes. For
Development Bank of India (IDBI) was established in example ATM cards like credit card and debit card are
July 1964. The Industrial Credit and Investment electronic generated card that acts as plastic money at the
Corporation of India (ICICI) were established in the time of buying of goods and services.
year 1955. The purpose of this corporation is to 7. Which of the following is / are treated as
promote new industries and to assist in the expansion artificial currency?
and modernization of existing industries etc. (a) ADR (b) GDR
3. The more volatile part of organized money (c) SDR (d) Both ADR and SDR
market in India is- IAS (Pre) G.S. 2010
(a) Govt securities market Ans : (c) SDR (Special Drawing Rights) created by
(b) Commercial bill market IMF is the artificial currency in the given options.
(c) Call money market Whereas ADR (American Depository Rights) and
(d) Certificate of Deposit market GDR (Global Depository Rights) are financial
RAS/RTS Pre 2018 instruments of the stock market.
Ans : (c) There are two types of money markets - 8. Hard currency refers to the currency that –
1. Organized Money Market (a) Very difficult to bear
2. Unorganized money market (b) Very difficult to earn
The main technique of organized money market is call (c) Belongs to developed countries
money market, deposit certificate, trade bill market, (d) Belongs to developing countries
treasury bill market etc. But in all these techniques, call BPSC (Pre) 1999
money market is a major part of organized money Ans : (c) Hard currency or rare currency means that the
market, which is short term. Call money is mainly used currency is not readily available. Since the dollar is not
by the banks to meet their temporary requirement of cash readily available in our country. Hence, Dollar is a rare
4. One rupee note of Indian currency is issued- currency for India. The currencies of European
(a) On signature of the governor of reserve bank countries are rare for us. The currency whose demand in
of India. international market is high and supply is low is a rare
(b) On signature of the President of India currency.
M1 and M2 are known as narrow money. M3 and (b) Federal Investigation of Crimes Noticed
M4 are known as broad money. (c) Fake Indian Currency Note
These gradations are in decreasing order of (d) Federation of Inter Continental Nations
M1 is most liquid and easiest for
transactions whereas M4 is least liquid of all.
M3 is the most commonly used measure of money
APPSC Group-II-2017
Ans. (c): FICN is the common acronym of fake Indian
Currency. Fake Indian currency note (FICN) is a term
used by officials and media to refer to counterfeit
supply. It is also known as aggregate monetary currency notes circulated in the Indian economy.
resources. These fake notes can have a negative impact on the
10. The sum of which of the following constitutes economy and are sometimes linked to criminal
Broad Money in India? activities.
1. Currency with the Public 16. In the context of India, which of the following
2. Demand deposits with banks factors is/are contributor for reducing risk of
3. Time deposits with banks currency crisis-
1. The foreign currency earnings of India's
M 0 M 3 = Broad money
Eonomics PLANNER English 93 YCT
(i). Demonetization economic inequalities include progressive
19. If the interest rate is decreased in an economy, tax policies
it will- 4. The currency convertibility concept in its
(a) Decrease the consumption expenditure in the
(b) Increase the tax collection of the Government
original form originated in Taylorss
Choose the correct answer from the
(c) Increase the investment expenditure in the options given below:
economy (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(d) Increase the total savings in the economy (c) 1 and 4 only (d) 2 and 4 only
IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist 2014 HPPSC (Pre) Exam-2022
Ans. (a) : When government expenditure is equal to
Ans. (c) : If the interest rate is reduced in an economy, government income saving and investment related
it will increase the investment expenditure in the schemes are equal. Narasimham Committee (1991) deals
economy. with banking sector reforms. The committee deals with
Lowest interest rates can stimulate economic growth monetary policy reforms, interest rate determination,
by encouraging more investment activity. This can greater freedom to banks, restricting of the Banking sector,
lead to increased production, job creation, and higher etc. The government adopts progressive tax policies to
overall economic output. reduce economic inequalities. Currency Convertibility
originated under the Bretton Woods System.
20. Which of the following is not the formal 24. Which of the following statements are correct
Central Government retained the inflation target of 6%
with a tolerance bond of ±2 % for the specified period. currency issued by the Reserve Bank of India.
All the statements are correct. • The CBDS (or Digital Rupee) is a sovereign
currency issued by RBI in accordance with their
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
26. The Foreign Exchange Reserves (FER) of RBI
include which of the following?
monetary policy.
• It is freely convertible against commercial bank
money and cash.
1. Foreign Currency Assets (FCA)
2. Gold • When bank customers convert their deposits into
3. Special Drawing Rights (SDR) digital rupee, the RBI will have to take these
4. Reserve Tranche Position liabilities from the books of banks and onto its own
Select the correct answer using the codes given balance sheet.
below. 30. Which one of the following activities of the
(a) Only 1 and 2 (b) Only 2, 3 and 4 Reserve Bank of India is considered to be part
(c) Only 1, 2 and 3 (d) All of the above of 'sterilization'?
(a) Conducting 'Open Market Operations'
are correct? Abidjan (Ivory Coast) and Budapest (Hungary),
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only London, Yangon, Addis Ababa, Johannesburg.
(c) All 1, 2 and 3 (d) 2 and 3 only 36. Who among the following was not the governor
(e) Question not attempted
Haryana PSC (Pre) 2024
Ans.(b): A per RBI released ‘‘Treatment of Wilful
of reserve bank of India?
(a) Manmohan Singh
(c) C Rangrajan
(b) Bimal Jalan
(d) Raja J. Chalaiya
Defaulters and Large Defaulters Direction 2023, UPPCS (Mains) G.S. IInd 2005
directions are applicable to all regulated entities including
NABARD, SIDBI and EXIM bank. As per the direction Ans. (d) : List of RBI Governors
the account of wilful defaulter borrowed should be Goveronrs Timings
reviewed and finalised within six months of an account 1. Sir Osborne Smith − 1935-1937
being classified as Non Performing asset (NPA) 2. Sir James Taylor − 1937-1943
Lendor can proceed against guarantor without 3. Sir C.D. Deshmukh − 1943-1949
exhausting the remedies against principal debtor. 4. Sir Benegal Rama Rau − 1949-1957
33. Who does the work of collecting capital 5. K.C. Ambegaonkar (Interim) − 1957
formation data in India?
(a) Reserve Bank of India and State Bank of 6. H.V.R Iyengar − 1957-1962
India 7. P.C. Bhattacharya − 1962-1967
(b) Reserve Bank of India and all commercial 8. L.K. Jha − 1967-1970
UPSC (IAS-Pre) 2021 economic capital framework has proposed to change
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above accounting year from July –June to April March from
question. 2020-21
2. These guidelines help ensure availability of 44. Reserve bank of India was established in the
bank credit at interest rates which are fair to year-
the borrowers as well as the banks. (a) 1930 (b) 1932
Select the correct answer using the code given (c) 1935 (d) 1936
Uttarakhand PCS (Pre) 2009–10
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only Ans. (c) : Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the central
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 bank of India. It was established on 1st April, 1935 with
IAS (Pre.) GS Ist Paper, 2016 an authorized capital of Rs. 5 crore. RBI was
nationalized on 1 January, 1949. The headquarters of
Ans: (c) Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate is RBI is in Mumbai. RBI is the head regulatory authority
a method of determining credit rates by commercial of all the banks in India and known as Bankers Bank of
banks, implemented by Reserve Bank of India from India. As a custodian, the RBI maintains the India's
April 2016. On the basis of MCLR, there is a provision Foreign Exchange Reserve. It administers monetary
to set interest rates for different types of customers policy of India and also acts as an agent of government
according to their risk perception. These guidelines will in respect of India's membership in IMF. It regulates the
increase transparency in the methods adopted by banks. monetary policy through the of CRR, SLR, LAF, MSF
At the same time it would be fair to both customers and etc RBI prints and manages currency in India, where as
banks. Thus, both the statements in question are true. the Indian government regulates denomination to
The earlier prime 'Lending Rate' was the main interest circulate. The Indian government is solely responsible
rate of the bank and the actual rate of interest charged for minting coins. The RBI permitted to print currency
on various categories of loans could be slightly less than upto 10,000 rupee notes. It is responsible to issue the
the PLR. The new applicable base rate will be the rate currency notes from Rs. 2 to Rs. 2000 (withdrawn by
declared by the bank, in which no loan will be given by RBI) in India. It is the head credit controller with
the bank at a lower rate. respect to commercial banks. Coins in India are being
41. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) acts as a issued as per the Coinage Act., 1906. Government of
bankers’ bank. This would imply which of the India has sole right to issue it but it is circulated by RBI.
Eonomics PLANNER English 97 YCT
Reserve Bank of India? (b) RBI is the banker of the Central and the State
(a) Regulation of currency Governments.
(b) Regulation of foreign trade (c) RBI is the custodian of the country's Foreign
(c) Regulation of credit
(d) Guarding the country's foreign exchange funds
Uttarakhand PCS (Pre) I 2014–15
Exchange Reserve.
(d) RBI was established in 1949.
UPPCS (Mains) G.S. IInd Paper 2011
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
question. question.
48. Who is authorized for the circulation of coins 55. In India 'Money and Credit' is controlled by the
in India?
(a) Reserve Bank of India (a) Central Bank of India
(b) Ministry of Finance (b) Industrial Development Bank of India
(c) State Bank of India (c) Reserve Bank of India
(d) National Stock Exchange (d) State Bank of India
UP UDA/LDA Spl. (Pre) G.S., 2010 UPPCS (Mains) G.S. Ist 2010
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
question. question.
49. Who controls the credit creation by 56. Which among the following institutions
commercial banks in India? regulates the external commercial borrowings?
(a) Ministry of Finance (a) SEBI
(b) Reserve Bank of India (b) Ministry of Finance
(c) Govt. of India (c) Ministry of Commerce
(d) National Stock Exchange (d) Reserve Bank of India
UP UDA/LDA Spl. (M) G.S., 2010 UPPCS (Mains) G.S. IInd 2010
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
question. question.
50. The Indian monetary system is based on which 57. Consider the following statements regarding
of the following methods? Reserve Bank of India :
(a) Fixed Fiduciary System 1. It is a banker to the Central Government.
(b) Minimum Reserve System 2. It formulates and administers monetary
(c) Proportional Reserve System policy.
(d) Maximum Fiduciary System 3. It acts as an agent of the Government in
Gujarat PSC (Civil service Pre)-2018 Paper-II respect of India’s membership of IMF.
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above 4. It handles the borrowing programme of
question. Government of India.
51. Which one of the following is not a function of Which of these statements are correct?
Reserve Bank of India? (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2, 3 and 4
(a) Credit control (c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) 3 and 4
(b) As apex body of Scheduled Commercial Banks IAS (Pre) GS–2001
(c) Formulation of monetary policy
(d) Credit creation Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
UPPCS (Mains) G.S. II 2008 question.
Eonomics PLANNER English 98 YCT
below. Govt. in currency and financial affairs?
(a) 1 and 4 only (b) 2, 3 and 4 only (a) NABARD (b) SBI
(c) 1, 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (c) RBI (d) None of the above
(IAS (Pre) Ist Paper G.S. 2013)
Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
UPPSC RO/ARO (Mains) 2017
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
61. Read the following statements in reference to 68. What is the animal on the insignia of the RBI?
Reserve Bank of India and select the correct (a) Lion (b) Tiger
answer from the codes given below: (c) Panther (d) Elephant
1. It is an apex bank OPSC (OCS) PRE-2020 PAPER-I
2. It regulates the money supply Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
3. It provides loan to business houses question.
4. It supervises the functioning of NABARD 69. Consider the following statements about the
Code: Reserve Bank of India:
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 4 A. Reserve Bank of India was nationalized on 1st
(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 4 January 1949.
UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 2003 B. Reserve Bank of India is a member bank of
the Asian Clearing Union.
details, messages or payment instructions. By the end of Reserve Bank of India provides short-term lending
the calendar year, it is mandatory for all providers to facility to the domestic banks without any collateral
submit system audit reports which have been audited by while for Repo Rate it is charged for repurchasing the
CERT-IN experts. By October 15, 2018, 6 months time
was given time to follow the guidelines.
72. Those banks which have been included in the
securities sold by the commercial banks to the Central
Bank. Repo Rate is always lower than the Bank Rate.
Increasing Bank Rate directly affects the lending rates
Second Schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act, offered to the customers, restricting people to avail
1934 are called loans and damages the over all economic growth rate.
(a) Rationalized Banks (b) Scheduled Banks
(c) Commercial Banks (d) Union Banks While by decreasing, it creates liquidity in the market.
Mizoram PCS Pre 2015 Paper-I 75. An increase in the Bank Rate generally
Ans. (b): All Banks which are included in the 2nd indicates that the-
Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934 are (a) Market rate of interest is likely to fall
Schedule Banks. The banks’ paid-up capital and (b) Central Bank is no longer providing loans to
collected funds must be at least Rs. 5 lakh to be commercial banks
qualified as Scheduled Bank. (c) Central Bank is following an easy money policy
73. 14 commercial banks were nationalized by Govt. (d) Central Bank is following a tight money policy
of India for the first time, in- IAS (Pre) Ist Paper G.S. 2013
(a) 1956 (b) 1959 (c) 1969 (d) 1971 Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
MPPSC (Pre.) G.S. Ist 2014 question.
UPPCS (Pre) GS Ist, 2014, 2007, 1996
UP UDA/LDA (Pre) G.S. 2006 76. Bank Rate means:
UPPCS (Pre) Economics Opt. 1994 (a) Interest rate given by banks to depositors
Ans : (c) The government nationalized 14 large (b) Bank rate charged by bank from borrowers
commercial banks (whose deposits were more than Rs 50 (c) Bank rate on inter bank lending
crore) on July 19, 1969, with a view to linking banks with (d) Interest rate charged by Central Bank on the
the mainstream of national planning. These banks were 1. loans given to other banks.
Central Bank of India, 2. Punjab National Bank, 3. Bank UPPCS (Mains) G.S. Ist 2008
of India, 4. United Commercial Bank, 5. Syndicate Bank, UPPCS (Pre) Eco. Opt. 2002, 1995, 2006, 2004
6. Canara Bank, 7. Bank of Baroda, 8. United Bank of UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2009
India, 9. Union Bank of India, 10. Dena Bank, 11. Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
Allahabad Bank, 12. Indian Bank, 13. Indian Overseas question.
Bank, 14. Bank of Maharashtra.
Again on April 15, 1980, the government nationalized 77. The lowering of bank rate by the Reserve Bank
6 big commercial banks (whose deposits were more of India leads to?
than 200 crore rupees). (a) More liquidity in the market.
1. Andhra Bank, 2. Punjab and Sindh Bank, 3. New (b) Less liquidity in the market.
Bank of India, 4. Vijaya Bank, 5. Oriental Bank of (c) No change in the liquidity in the market.
Commerce, 6. Corporation Bank. At present the total (d) Mobilization of more deposits by commercial
number of nationalized commercial banks has come banks.
down from 20 to 19, because on 4 September 1993, the (IAS (Pre) Ist Paper G.S. 2011)
government has merged New Bank of India with Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
Punjab National Bank. The number of nationalized
banks in the year 2017 was 24. question.
40 basis points in May 2022 because repo rates are India lends to Commercial banks in the short-
increased to control inflation. Bringing inflation down is term to maintain liquidity is known as
one of the main focuses of the RBI currently in order to
sustain the value of the currency and serve economically
weak sections. When the repo rate rises, the borrowing
cost for banking institutions rises as well, which is passed
(a) Interest rate (b) Bank rate
(c) Reverse repo rate (d) Repo rate
UPPCS (Mains) Spl. G.S. IInd 2008
UPPCS (Mains) G.S. IInd 2008
on to account holders in the form of higher loan and UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2013
deposit interest rates. Borrowing money from a bank
becomes more expensive as a result, slowing investment Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
and money supply in the market.The reduction in the question.
repo rate means that industries may be able to get loans at 84. Which one of the following regulates the Repo
cheaper interest rates from lenders. Repo rate is a rate?
powerful arm of the Indian monetary policy that can (a) Reserve Bank of India
regulate the country’s money supply, inflation levels, and (b) General Insurance Corporation
liquidity. Additionally, the levels of repo have a direct (c) Export-Import Corporation
impact on the cost of borrowing for banks. Higher the (d) Support Fund
repo rate, higher will be the cost of borrowing for banks UPPCS (Mains) G.S. Ist 2002
and vice-versa. Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
I. Fall in money circulation. Bank of India, its impact on credit creation will
II. Low demand for goods and services. be-
III. Rise in purchasing power of the people. (a) Increase (b) Decrease
IV. Reduction in banks lending capacity.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
90. Which of the following statements are true
(c) No effect (d) None of above
BPSC (Pre) 2007–08
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
about the India Post Payment Bank (IPPB)? question.
1. IPPB was set up in 2016. 94. Which of the following statement in reference
2. IPPB got incorporated as a Public Limited to increase in cash reserve ratio in India is
Company with 100 percent GOI equity under true?
Department of Posts. (a) It increases credit creation
3. Post Office Savings Bank Products primarily (b) It decreases credit creation
focus on encouraging digital payments and (c) It does not effect the credit
remittance whereas IPPB primarily aim at (d) It indicates liberal monetary policy
savings. UPPCS (Mains) G.S IInd 2004
4. Services launched by IPPB include Life and
General Insurance, Digital Life Certificate, Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
Domestic Money Transfer. question.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 2, 3 and 4 only 95. When the Reserve Bank of India announces an
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only (d) 1, 3 and 4 only increase of the Cash Reserve Ratio, what does
Haryana PSC (Pre) 2022 it mean?
Ans. (*) : India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) was setup (a) The commercial banks will have less money
under the Department of Post, Ministry of Communication to lend
with 100% equity owned by Government of India. IPPB (b) The Reserve Bank of India will have less
was launched as a pilot project on 30 January 2017 in money to lend
Ranchi (Jharkhand) and Raipur (Chhattisgarh), with the (c) The Union Government will have less money
objective of being present across India by the FY 2018- to lend
2019. IPPB was established on 1 September 2018. IPPB (d) The commercial banks will have more money
has expanded its strength across India covering post to lend
offices, through a network of 650 IPPB IAS (Pre) G.S. 2010
branches/controlling offices, working on a hub and spoke Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
model. With simple, diverse and growth-oriented question.
offerings, IPPB aims to provide every household in India 96. The reserve held by commercial banks over
an access to efficient banking services and enable them to and above the statutory minimum with the RBI
become financially secure and empowered. is called:
Commission has accepted option (c) as correct answer (a) Cash Reserve
while none of given options satisfied the query. (b) Deposit Reserve
91. Lowering the cash reserve ratio, it will have the (c) Monetary Reserve
following impact on the economy: (d) Excess Reserve
(i) Banks will have more liquidity advantage. OPSC (OCS) Pre 2021 Paper-I
(ii) Investment growth can be seen in the economy. Ans. (d): The reserve held by commercial banks over
(iii) The money supply in the economy may increase. and above the statutory minimum with the RBI is
(iv) Real investment rate may decline. called Excess Reserve.
Eonomics PLANNER English 102 YCT
maintained by banks in the form of- question.
I. Cash
II. Gold (vii) MSF
III. Unencumbered investment in specified instruments 102. The terms 'Marginal Standing Facility Rate'
Unencumbered investments in specified instruments are
a part of SLR requirement for banks e.g. dates securities
and 'Net Demand and Time Liabilities',
sometimes appearing in news, are used in
of the Government of India, treasury bills of the relation to
Government of India. State Development Loans (SDLs) (a) Banking operations
of the state governments. Out of the total deposits, (b) Communication networking
banks have to keep a certain amount to maintain Cash (c) Military strategies
Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (d) Supply and demand of agricultural products
(SLR) and from the remaining disposable amount 40 IAS (Pre) Ist Paper G.S. 2014
percent is dedicated for the priority sector loans. Ans. (a) : MSF (Marginal Standing Facility) Rate is
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer. the interest rate at which the RBI provides money to
98. Which of the following terms indicates a scheduled commercial banks which are facing acute
mechanism used by commercial banks for shortage of liquidity. This rate differs from the Repo
providing credit to the government? Rate and the banks can get overnight funds from RBI
(a) Cash Credit Ratio by paying the exclusive MSF Rate. MSF was
(b) Debt Service Obligation introduced by RBI in its monetary policy of 2011-12,
(c) Liquidity Adjustment Facility however it was effective from 9 May, 2011.
(d) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (viii) SRR + SFBs + Merchant
IAS (Pre) G.S. 2010 Discount Rate + CAR
Ans. (d) : Apart from keeping a portion of deposits with 103. In the context of Indian economy; which of the
the RBI as cash, banks are also required to maintain a following is/are the purpose/purposes of
minimum percentage of their deposits with them at the 'Statutory Reserve Requirements'?
end of every business day, in the form of gold, cash, 1. To enable the Central Bank to control the
government bonds or other approved securities. This amount of advances the banks can create
minimum percentage is called the Statutory Liquidity 2. To make the people's deposits with banks safe
Ratio (SLR). and liquid
The Banking Regulation (Amendment) Act., 1962, 3. To prevent the commercial banks from making
provides for maintaining minimum SLR at 25 percent and excessive profits
maximum upto 40 percent, if it is considered necessary 4. To force the banks to have sufficient vault cash
to control liquidity. SLR is fixed by RBI. By cutting the to meet their day-to-day requirements
SLR, banks will have more funds from which they can Select the correct answer using the code given
sanction loans and put them in the economy and for this below.
purpose they can cut their lending rates.
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
99. The banks are required to maintain a certain (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
ratio between their cash in hand and total IAS (Pre) Ist Paper G.S. 2014
assets. This is called
(a) SBR (Statutory Bank Ratio) Ans: (b) The statutory reserve requirement is a
(b) SLR (Statutory Liquidity Ratio) banking sector arrangement under which all banks
(c) CBR (Central Bank Reserve) have to keep a certain percentage of their total deposits
as liquidity. Its purpose is basically to curb the lending
(d) CLR (Central Liquidity Reserve) tendency of banks.
IAS (Pre) G.S. 1998, UPPCS (Mains) G.S. IInd Paper 2007
Eonomics PLANNER English 103 YCT
(b) The amount paid back by banks to their commercial banks through computerization
customers when they use debit cards for 3. It is a detailed procedure by which a bank
financial transactions for purchasing goods or with huge non-performing assets is taken over
services. by another bank
(c) The charge to a merchant by a bank for
accepting payments from his customers
Select the correct answer using the code given
through the bank's debit cards. (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(d) The incentive given by the Government to (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
merchants for promoting digital payments by IAS (Pre.) GS Ist 2016
Ans. (a) : Core Banking Solution (CBS) is the
their customers through Point of Sale (PoS)
machines and debit cards. networking system of bank branches which allows
customers to manage their accounts, and use various
UPSC IAS (Pre)-2018
Ans. (c) : The Merchant Discount Rate is the rate banking facilities from any part of the world.
charged to a merchant for payment processing services 109. Microfinance is the provision of financial
on debit and credit card transactions. The merchant services to people of low-income groups. This
must setup this service and agree to the rate before includes both the consumers and the self-
accepting debit and credit cards as payment. employed. The service / services provided
106. Consider the following statements: under micro-finance is / are -
1. Credit facilities
(b) Nationalisation of State Bank of India sector banks in order, the merger of associate banks with
(c) Enactment of Banking Regulation Act the parent State Banks of India has been affected.
(d) Introduction of First Five-Year Plan
IAS (Pre) G.S. 2009
Ans. (c) : The Banking Regulations Act was enacted in
117. Nationalisation of banks was done with the
purpose of:
(a) Financing the industries
(b) Improving credit facilities
1949. Other incidents in question were given after 1949.
The Banking Regulations Act was enacted in 1949. The (c) Consolidating the economy
First Five Year Plan commenced from 1 April 1951. (d) Improving security of deposits
The State Bank of India was nationalized on 1 July OPSC (OCS) Pre-2018
1955. The insurance companies were nationalized on 1 Ans. (b) : The Nationalization of banks means taking
September 1956. over the ownership and management of commercial
113. For several purposes, interest rates have been banks by the government. It is needed to encourage
reduced in India in recent years which is business in order to serve better the needs of the country's
meant- economy and improvement of credit facilities behind the
(I) To promote private investors nationalization of banks. Firstly, RBI was nationalized in
(II) To provide cheap loans to the government 1949. In 1969, 14 banks were nationalized, again in 1980
(III) To encourage savings further 6 banks were nationalized.
118. Configure the following on a chronological basis.
sector bank, while others are nationalized banks. Employment Guarantee Scheme
122. Which one of the following Indian banks is not (d) National Skill Development Mission
IAS (Pre)-2019
a nationalized bank?
(a) Corporation Bank (b) Dena Bank
(c) Federal Bank
(d) Vijaya Bank
Ans. (b): The service area approach was implemented
under the purview of the Lead Bank Scheme. Under the
IAS (Pre) G.S. 2006 service area approach, every commercial bank and rural
Ans. (c) : Federal Bank is a private sector commercial bank has a provision to serve 15 to 25 villages and semi-
bank. It is headquartered in Aluva, Kochi (Kerala). urban areas. The Lead Bank Scheme was launched in the
Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank were nationalized banks year 1969. Under this, there is a provision to assign a lead
role to each bank for the districts allotted to them.
which merged with Bank of Baroda on 1 April, 2019.
Whereas on August 30, 2019, Corporation Bank has 127. The Chairman of public sector banks are
been merged with Union Bank of India. selected by the
123. The number of public sector banks in India (a) Banks Board Bureau
(excluding State Bank of India Group) is (b) Reserve Bank of India
presently (c) Union Ministry of Finance
(a) 28 (b) 27 (d) Management of concerned bank
(c) 20 (d) 19 IAS (Pre)-2019
UPPCS (Mains) G.S. IInd Paper 2011 Ans. (a): The presidents of public sector banks are
Ans. (d) : On July 19, 1969, the Vice-President, Shri selected by the Bank Boards Bureau. The Bank Board
VV Giri, in his capacity as Acting President, Bureau has been formed as autonomous advisory body
promulgated an ordinance for the acquisition and since 1 April, 2016. Its main function is to take
transfer of banking companies' enterprises by which 14 administrative decisions related to public sector banks
commercial banks were nationalized. Thereafter, on 15 and appoint heads of banks.
April 1980, the government nationalized 6 more banks. 128. What is the expanded from of "NEFT", the
Thus the total number of nationalized banks increased term frequently used in the banking sector?
to 20. After the merger of New Bank of India with (a) Natural Emergency Facility Term
Punjab National Bank, the total number of nationalized (b) National Emergency Fund Transfer
banks stood at 19. (c) National Electronic Funds Transfer
After the merger of 10 nationalized banks into 4 (d) Natural Electronic Facility Term
nationalized banks by Finance Minister Nirmala Nagaland NCS Prelims-2019
Sitharaman on 30 August, 2014, the number of Ans. (c): NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer)
nationalized banks in India has now come down from is an electronic payment system developed by RBI to
18 to 12. The banks have been merged as follows- facilitate transfer of funds by the customers from one
Allahabad Bank merged with Indian Bank; bank to another bank in India. It is a secured,
Oriental Bank of Commerce and United Bank merged economical, reliable and efficient system of funds
with Punjab National Bank; transfer between banks.
The merger of Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank 129. Indian Government Bond Yields are influenced
with Union Bank of India; by which of the following?
Syndicate Bank has been merged with Canara Bank. 1. Actions of the United States Federal Reserve
At present (March 2021) there are 12 public sector 2. Actions of the Reserve Bank of India
banks in India. 3. Inflation and short-term interest rates
Eonomics PLANNER English 106 YCT
'lender of last resort' usually refers to providing
liquidity to the Banks having a temporary crisis. (c) Inter-bank liabilities (d) Other borrowings
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer. UPPCS (Mains) G.S. IInd 2009, 2008
(ii) Commercial Bank + SBI + RRB
131. Bhandari Committee is related to
(a) indirect taxation
SP Ans : (a) Demand deposits opened by banks are used
as currency because these deposits can be transferred
by checks. While fixed deposits are also opened by
banks, a person can withdraw it at a certain time.
(b) agriculture credit Hence, the most important time deposits are the
(c) regional rural banks restructuring components of liability of commercial banks.
(d) direct taxation
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above 137 . In India, the interest rate on savings accounts
67th BPSC (Pre) 2021 (Re-exam) in all the nationalized commercial banks is
fixed by
Ans. (c) : Bhandari Committee was set up for (a) Union Ministry of Finance
restructuring and strengthening of the regional rural (b) Union Finance Commission
banks in 1994-95 and the other committee was Base
1. It enables the beneficiaries to draw their accounts are determined by the commercial banks
subsidies and social security benefits in their themselves, though they remain within the limits set by
villages the Reserve Bank. But commercial banks have the
2. It enables the beneficiaries in the rural areas to right to increase or decrease the rates within that limit.
make deposits and withdrawals 138. Consider the following statements:
Select the correct answer using the code given The functions of commercial banks in India
below: include
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only 1. Purchase and sale of shares and securities on
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 behalf of customers.
IAS (Pre) I Paper G.S. 2014 2. Acting as executors and trustees of wills.
Ans. (c) : The 'Swabhimaan Yojana' was started at the Which of the statements given above is/are
national level in February, 2011 by the Government of correct?
India. The objective of this scheme was to provide (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
banking facilities to unbanked villages with population (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
above 2000, under which the backward people of the IAS (Pre) G.S. 2010
society were to be benefited at all levels. Under it,
basic banking services like money deposit, withdrawal Ans : (c) A commercial bank is a financial institution
of money are to be done through Bank Mitra which is that deals in currency and credit, which not only
appointed by the bank. accepts money as deposits from people and lends to
entrepreneurs and associates when needed but even
133. Which of the following commercial bank has more importantly works as credit creation also
become the first Indian bank to open a counter performed. Its main functions are:
in Kabul in the year 2004?
(a) ICICI Bank (b) Punjab National Bank (i) To act as executor and trustee for wills.
(c) State Bank of India (d) Syndicate Bank (ii) Buy and sell shares and securities on behalf of
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2004
minor assets. (a) Bhumi vikas bank
(2) Cash- Cash which is paid in day, cash withdrawal (b) Branches of commercial banks
and cheque processing (c) Unscheduled banks
(3) Interest amount on loan - Interest amount is the
more assets.
main asset of any bank. And this is how banks earn
(4) Investment - This includes government securities
(d) Scheduled Commercial Banks
BPSC (Pre) 1999
Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question.
demand and short notice currency, Treasury bill etc. 147. Which of the following grants/ grant direct
While deposits are bank liabilities. Therefore deposits credit assistance to rural households?
are not considered assets of the bank. 1. Regional Rural Banks
141. When was State Bank of India established? 2. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
(a) 1954 (b) 1955 Development
(c) 1956 (d) 1957 3. Land Development Banks
MPPSC (Pre) G.S. Ist 2017 Select the correct answer using the codes given
Ans: (b) State Bank of India (SBI) is the largest Indian (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only
commercial Bank. SBI was established on 1 July, 1955 (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
on the recommendation of Gorwala Committee. Its IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist 2013
headquarter is in Mumbai. Eco-Wrap report is a
‘research report’ published by the SBI's Economic Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
interest amount has remained overdue for a (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
period of 90 days. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) A loan whose installment of principal amount IAS (Pre) G.S. 2010
is overdue for a period of 90 days. Ans. (b) : All investment companies or entities
(d) A loan whose installment of interest amount registered under the Companies Act, whose main
is overdue for a period of 90 days. business is to accept deposits under any scheme and
AP PSC(Pre) 2022 lend to it in any other way, are designated as non-
Ans. (b) : Non- Performing Asset as per the current banking financial companies. These companies may
banking norms is loan whose installment of principal participate in the acquisition of government issued
and interest amount has remained overdue for a period securities. Thus, statement 1 is false. They cannot
of 90 days. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer. accept demand deposits like a savings account. Thus
152. Which of the following are working at district statement 2 is correct. Hence the desired answer would
level? be option (b).
(a) State Cooperative Bank 155. The difference between a bank and a Non-
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2004 relating to finance with a range of customers,
Ans. (b): The formation of cooperative banks in India while an NBFI is mainly concerned with the
is of three levels. The State Cooperative Bank is the term loan needs of large enterprises
apex institution in the respective state. After this, the (c) a bank deals with both internal and
Central or District Cooperative Banks function at the international customers while an NBFI is
district level. The third level consists of Primary Credit mainly concerned with the finances of foreign
Societies that function at the village level. Co- companies
operative banks in India also carry out the basic (d) a bank's main interest is to help in business
functions of banking. Co-operative banks are transactions and savings/investment activities
established by the Acts of Co-operative Societies while an NBFI's main interest is the
formed by individual states. stabilisation of the currency
153. With reference to 'Urban Cooperative Banks' Jharkhand PSC. 2008
in India, consider the following statements: IAS (Pre) G.S. 1994
1. They are supervised and regulated by local Ans. (b) : The banking system is an ordered series that
boards set up by the State Governments. progressively extends from top to bottom. Their main
2. They can issue equity shares and preference function is to carry out financial transaction actions in
shares. the context of formal government policies. These
3. They were brought under the purview of the banks play an important role in the functioning of the
Banking Regulation Act, 1949 through an financial system as well as in the socio-economic
Amendment in 1966. development of the nation. Commercial banks fall
Which of the statements given above is/are mainly in this category. Non-financial institutions, on
correct? the other hand, are not under the direct control of the
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only government, and work with the desire of maximizing
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 commercial profit. They support large enterprises by
UPSC (IAS-Pre) 2021 providing those loans from time to time.
Eonomics PLANNER English 109 YCT
is not recovered Ans. (c): Small Industries Development Bank of
(d) Low interest loans India was established on 2nd April, 1990 with 100
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2009 crore paid up capital. It is the premier financial
Ans. (c) : Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) are loans or
advances issued by banks or financial institutions that
no longer bring in money for the lender since the
institution for promoting, facilitating and developing
industries in the small scale sector. It functions as a
subsidiary unit of IDBI.
borrower has failed to make payments on the principal
and interest of the loan for at least 90 day. For the 161. Land Development Bank is part of -
agriculteral loan, it is declared as NPA when the loan (a) Commercial banks
(installment/interest) is not paid for 2 crop seasions. (b) IDBI
(c) FCI
(v) Payment Banks & Others (d) Co-operative credit structure
158. The establishment of 'Payment Banks' is being
allowed in India to promote financial inclusion. UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2008
Which of the following statements is/are BPSC (Pre) 1997–98
correct in this context? Ans. (d) : The Land Development Bank is part of the
1. Mobile telephone companies and supermarket cooperative credit structure. The first Land
chains that are owned and controlled by Development Bank was established in 1920 at Jhang in
residents are eligible to be promoters of Punjab. They are also called land mortgage banks.
Ans. (d) : R. B. I. approved to Paytm payment bank in (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
May, 2017 and Paytm Payment Bank started its UPSC IAS (Pre)-2018
operations from 23 May, 2017. Thus, the option (d) in
State Bank of India - 1955 pin debit card has 2 factor of authentication.
Lead Bank Scheme - 1969
Regional Rural Bank - 1975 172. The objective of differentiated interest rate was
NABARD - 1982 to provide concessional loan for-
176. Lead Bank Scheme was started in- (d) Reserve Bank of India
(a) Oct. 1966 (b) Oct. 1996 UPSC IAS (Pre)-2018
(c) Dec. 1969 (d) Dec. 1980 Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
UPPCS (Mains) Spl. G.S. IInd 2004
Ans : (c) Lead Bank Scheme (Lead Bank Scheme), the
scheme was started by the Reserve Bank of India in
(vi) Treasury Bill
December 1969 based on the recommendations of 182. Which of the following statements(s) regarding
Gadgil Group. Under this, a scheduled bank will be set Treasury bill in India is (are) correct?
up in each district, which will help the financial 1. It is issued by Government of India
institutions of that district and will take care of the 2. It is issued by Reserve Bank of India
entire credit of the district. 3. It is issued to raise short-term funds for
177. The basic aim of Lead Bank Scheme is that- private sector.
(a) Big banks should try to open offices in each 4. It is issued to raise short-term funds for
district Government of India.
(b) There should be stiff competition among the (a) Only 1 and 3 (b) Only 2 and 3
various nationalized banks (c) Only 1 and 4 (d) Only 2 and 4
(c) Individual banks should adopt particular Gujarat PSC (Civil service Pre)-2018 Paper-II
districts for intensive development Ans. (c) : Treasury bills, often known as T-bills, are
(d) All the banks should make intensive efforts to short term debt securities issued by the Government of
mobilize deposits.
(IAS (Pre) G.S.–I, 2012) India and managed by the RBI. It is not issued by the
UPPCS (Pre) Economics Opt. 1991 state governments. Treasury are available in three
tenures : 91 day, 182 day and 364 day. They are issued
Ans : (c) Kindly refer the explanation of the above at a discount and redeemed at face value when they
question. reach maturity.
178. The functions of the Lead Bank are performed by 183. Treasury bills are sold in India by
(a) State Bank of India (a) Reserve Bank of India
(b) Reserve Bank of India (b) State Governments
(c) Any Bank (c) Commercial Banks
(d) A bank designated for this purpose
UPPCS (Mains) G.S. Ist 2004 (d) SEBI
UPPCS (Mains) G.S. Ist 2009
Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
question. Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
179. Consider the following statements:
1. National Payments Corporation of India 184. Consider the following statements:
(NPCI) helps in promoting the financial 1. The Reserve Bank of India manages and
inclusion in the country. services Government of India Securities but
2. NPCI has launched RuPay, a card not any State Government Securities.
payment scheme. 2. Treasury bills are issued by the Government
Which of the statements given above is/are of India and there are no treasury bills issued
correct? by the State Governments.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 3. Treasury bills offer are issued at a discount
IAS (Pre)-2017 from the par value.
Which one of the following is correct in respect Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
of the above statements : question.
(a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct
and Statement-II is the correct explanation for
(b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct
191. Which one of the following is not an objective
of Monetary Policy?
(a) Price Stability
(b) Economic Stability
and Statement-II is not the correct (c) Equitable distribution of Income and Assets
explanation for Statement-I. (d) Foreign Exchange Rate Stability
(c) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is UPPCS (Mains) G.S. IInd Paper 2011
(d) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
correct. question.
UPSC IAS (Pre)-2023 192. In general, the main goal of the monetary
Ans. (a) : In the post-pandemic recent past, many policy is-
central banks worldwide have indeed carried out (a) Control on money supply
interest rate hikes central banks use interest rate (b) Control on private banks
adjustments as one of their monetary policy tools to (c) Control on share market
manage the economy. (d) Controlling the precious metals market
Central banks believe that by adjusting interest rates, BPSC (Pre) 1999
they can influence borrowing costs, spending patterns, Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
and overall economic activity. When inflation rises, question.
central banks may raise interest rates to make borrowing 193. Who among the following is the Central
more expensive thereby discouraging excessive Monetary Policy Authority in India?
spending and slowing down economic growth. (a) Prime Minister (b) Parliament
Thus Assertion and Reason both are true and reason (c) Finance Ministry (d) Reserve Bank of India
explains the assertion. UPPSC (ACF) Mains 2021 Paper-I
(i) Monetary Policy Concept RAS/RTS (PRE) GS 2009, UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2006
187. Variable reserve rates and Open Market Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
Operations are instruments of question.
(a) Fiscal Policy (b) Monetary Policy 194. With reference to Indian economy, consider the
(c) Budgetary Policy (d) Trade Policy following:
IAS (Pre) G.S. 1993 1. Bank rate
Ans. (b) : Monetary Policy is the macroeconomic 2. Open market operations
policy laid down by the central bank (RBI). It 3. Public debt
involves management of money supply and interest 4. Public revenue
rate and is the demand side economic policy used by Which of the above is/are component/
the government of a country to achieve components of Monetary Policy?
macroeconomic objective like inflation, consumption, (a) 1 only (b) 2, 3 and 4
growth and liquidity. The RBI implements the (c) 1 and 2 (d) 1, 3 and 4
monetary policy through open market operations, IAS (Pre) Ist Paper G.S., 2015
bank rate policy (Repo, Reverse Repo), reserve
system (CRR, SLR), credit control policy, moral Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
persuasion and through many other instruments. question.
promoting exports of credit is the selective measure not quantitative.
(b) Encouraging Indian borrowers to issue rupee
denominated Masala Bonds (iv) Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF)
(c) Easing conditions relating to external
commercial borrowing
200. Consider the following measures:
A. Repo Rate
B. Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
(d) Following an expansionary monetary policy
IAS (Pre)-2019 C. Reverse Repo Rate
Ans. (d): Curbing imports of non-essential goods and Which of the above given measures is/are used
in Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF)?
promoting export, to encourage the Indian borrowers to
Select the code for the correct answer from the
issue Masala bonds of rupee denomination, easing
conditions related to foreign commercial borrowing may options given below:
prove effective to prevent the depreciation of the Indian (a) A and B only (b) B and C only
rupee. The expansionary monetary policy is not followed (c) A and C only (d) A only
by the Reserve Bank as it may cause the rupee to Karnataka PSC 2017
depreciate rather than appreciate. Ans. (c) : A Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) is a tool
assed in monetary policy, primarily by RBI that allows
(ii) Selective Credit Control banks to borrow money through repos or to make loans to
197. Which of the following is not a measure of the RBI through reverse repo agreements. Repo and
selective credit control? Reverse Repo are the measures of LAF.
(a) Change in lending margins.
(b) Sale of government securities. 201. What is the Liquidity Adjustment Facility
Corridor in India?
(c) Credit rationing.
(a) The Difference between CRR and SLR
(d) Moral suasion.
(b) The Difference between Bank rate and Repo
(e) Question not attempted rate
Ans.(b): The sale of government securities is not a (c) The Difference between Repo rate and
measure of selective credit control. Selective Credit Reverse Repo tae
Control (SCC) is a monetary policy qualitative tool that (d) The Difference between Bank rate and Call
central banks use to regulate credit for specific purposes Money Market rate
or in specific sectors of the economy. Gujarat PSC (Civil service Pre)-2018 Paper-II
Sale of government securities, is come under open
market operation (not a measure of selective credit Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
control). question.
Hence, option (b) is correct. (v) OMO (Open Market Operation)
198. Which one of the following is not an instrument 202. Open market operation of reserve bank of
of selective credit control in India? India, means-
(a) Regulation of consumer credit (a) Trading in Securities
(b) Rationing of Credit (b) Auction of Foreign exchange
(c) Margin Requirement (c) Trading of gold
(d) Variable cost reserve ratio (d) None of the above
I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 1995 UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2010
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above 209. Which one of the following is not the objective
question. of financial inclusion?
(a) To extend financial services to poor
(a) Buy securities
(b) Decrease the money supply
204. To lower interest rates, the RBI should: population.
(b) To unlock the door of growth potential of
weaker section.
(c) Raise the treasury bill rate (c) Shrinking of banking infrastructure.
(d) Raise the reserve requirement (d) To extend financial sector into rural areas
OPSC (OCS) Pre-2018 UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 2016
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
question. question.
205. Open market proceedings are included in: 210. With reference to India, consider the following:
(a) Qualitative methods of credit control 1. Nationalization of Banks
(b) Quantitative methods of credit control 2. Formation of Regional Rural Banks
(c) Banking infrastructure reforms (a) (i), (ii) and (iii) only
(d) Planning implementation reforms (b) (ii), (iii) and (iv) only
UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2008 (c) (i) and (iv) only
Uttarakhand PCS (Pre) 2006–07
Uttarakhand UDA/LDA (M) 2007
Ans : (c) The Banking Reform Committee is also
(d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
Tripura (TPCS) TCS -2019
Ans. (d): Committees and their related reforms-
known as the Narasimham Committee. In respect to (i) Narsimhan Committee– Banking Structure
reforms in banking and financial sector, two Reforms
committees were formed under the chairmanship of M. (ii) P J Nayak Committee– To review governance of
Narasimham. The first committee was formed in 1991 Board of Bank
and the second in 1998. This committee recommended
(iii) Sunil Mehta Committee– To give recommendation
wide autonomy for public sector banks. on formation of an Asset management company for
The Narasimhan Committee on Financial Sector quicker resolution stressed assets.
Reforms, in its report presented in November 1991, (iv) Nachiket Mor Committee– Committee on
recommended that SLR should be brought down to 25% Comprehensive Financial Services for Small
from the then 38.5% in the next 5 years and to bring Business and Low Income Households.
down the CRR progressively below its current high level.
221. The Bimal Jalan Panel was set up by Reserve
215. Narsimham committee was related to which of Bank of India to
The objectives of setting up of small finance banks
will be for furthering financial inclusion by- (c) 15 August 2010 (d) 14 September 2010
(i) Provision of savings vehicles primarily to un-served UPPCS (Mains) G.S. Ist 2009
and under-served sections of the population.
(ii) Supply of credit to small business units; small and
marginal farmers; micro and small industries; and
other unorganised sector entities, through high
Ans. (d : See the explanation of above question.
229. Which year has the Government of India
changed from the base year 2004-05 to the All
technology-low cost operations. India Wholesale Price Index?
(a) 2010-11 (b) 2011-12
225. The Committee on Financial Sector Assessment (c) 2012-13 (d) 2013-14
is Co-chaired by whom?
(a) Governor of Reserve Bank of India and (e) None of the above/ More than one of the above
63rd BPCS (Pre)-2017
Finance Minister of India.
(b) Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
and Finance Secretary Government of India. 230. Inflation rates are based on which index?
(c) Governor and Deputy Governor of Reserve (a) Consumer price index
Bank of India. (b) Wholesale price index
(d) Prime Minister of India and Governor of (c) Industrial labour consumer price index
Reserve Bank of India. (d) Rural labour consumer price index
provided on the basis of
The CPI has its four types as CPI for Industrial Workers (a) National Income (b) Consumer Price Index
(CPI - IW), CPI- for Agricultural Labourers (CPI - AL), (c) Living Standard (d) Per Capita Income
CPI for Rural Labourer (CPI - RL), all the three are (Main) G.S. IInd 2008
Urban Non-Manual Employees (CPI - UNME) is
compiled by the Labour Bureau while the fourth CPI for
compiled by National Statistical Office (NSO). CSO has
Uttarakhand UDA/LDA (Pre) 2006
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
stopped publishing the CPI - UNME and from 2011, It question.
has started publishing CPI(R+U) or CPI(Combined) by mixing 241. Which of the following brings out the Consumer
of CPI (Rural) and CPI (Urban). All the four parts of Price Index Number for Industrial Workers?
CPI are published by the NSO, Ministry of Statistics and (a) The Reserve Bank of India
Programme Implementation. The base year for CPI - IW (b) The Department of Economic Affairs
has been changed from 2001 to 2016 and that has been (c) The Labour Bureau
effective from September, 2020, before this it was (d) The Department of Personnel and Training
changed to 2001 from 1982. The primary inflation IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist 2015
measure and Dearness Allowances are based on CPI.
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
235. Which of the following price indexes is used to question.
compensate the wages of Central Government
employees? 5. Inflation
(a) Wholesale price index 242. Consider the following statements regarding
(b) Consumer price index for industrial workers inflation:
(c) Consumer price index for agricultural workers Statement (A) : Headline inflation refers to the
(d) None of the above rate of change in the Consumer Price Index
UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 2003 Number, a measure of the average price of a
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above standard basket of goods and services
question. consumed by a typical family.
Statement (B): Core inflation measures the
236. Central Government has unveiled a new series change in average consumer prices after
of Consumer Price Index for Industrial excluding from the Consumer Price Index certain
Workers (CPI-IW) with _______ as the base items of volatile prices such as food and fuel.
(a) 2011 (b) 2016 Of these statements.
(c) 2017 (d) 2018 (a) Neither (A) nor (B) is correct.
(b) Both (A) and (B) are correct.
OPSC (OCS) Pre 2021 Paper-I (c) Only (B) is correct.
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above (d) Only (A) is correct.
question. (e) Question not attempted
237. The primary inflation measure is : Ans.(b): Headline inflation is a measure of the total
(a) Wholesale Price Index inflation in an economy, including the prices of all
(b) Consumer Price Index for agricultural labour goods and services. It is based on Consumer Price Index
(c) Consumer Price Index for urban workers (CPI). Core inflation measure change in average
(d) National Income Deflator consumer prices after excluding from the consumer
AP PSC Group-I Screening-2019 price index certain items of volatile such as food and
Ans. (*) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above fuel.
question. Hence, both the statements are correct.
• Increasing repo rate budget deficit
• Increasing cash reserve ratio (d) Creation of new money to finance a budget
• Buying dollars
• Regulating money supply and availability of credit.
245. Inflation based on consumer price index rises if-
(a) Bank rate is decreased
UPSC (IAS-Pre) 2021
Ans. (d) : kindly refer the explanation of the above
(b) Reverse Repo Rate is decreased question.
(c) Statutory liquidity ratio increased 249. With reference to Indian economy, demand-
(d) Repo rate is increased pull inflation can be caused/increased by
Rajasthan PCS (Pre) GS, 2016 which of the following?
Ans. (a) : Inflation based on consumer price index rises 1. Expansionary policies
when the bank rate is lowered. Hence option (a) in question 2. Fiscal stimulus
is correct. 3. Inflation-indexing wages
246. In India, headline inflation is based on 4. Higher purchasing power
(c) Wholesale Price Index (WPI) (a) 1, 2 and 4 only (b) 3, 4 and 5 only
(d) Consumer Price Index-Combined (CPI-C)
7th JPSC Pre 2021 Paper-I (c) 1, 2, 3 and 5 only (d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Ans. (d) : Inflation is the rising of prices of goods and UPSC (IAS-Pre) 2021
services in the economy and decreasing the purshasing Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
power of money. In India Inflation rate is measured on question.
the basis of WPI and CPI-C both. Headline Inflation and 250. Core inflation can be defined as-
core Inflation both are based on CPI. Headline Inflation is (a) Only from headline inflation excluding fuel
the total inflation in an economy as it includes the price inflation
levels of foods and fuels in its basket along with other
items. While in the other hand Core Inflation rate is the (b) Food inflation and Fuel inflation
price change of goods and services except food and (c) Except food inflation from headline inflation
energy (fuels). Bottleneck inflation is the inflation that (d) Except food and fuel inflation only headline
take place when supply falls drastically and the demand inflation.
remains at the same level. Government has to bear the UPPCS (Main) GS 2017 IInd
tough situation to tackle the bottleneck inflation. Among Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
the primary reasons of inflation, deficit financing and
unproductive expenditures cause the increment of money question.
supply in economy over production that cause inflation. 251. Two statements are given below, one is called
In recent years Indian government has tried to curtail both statement ‘A’ and another is called reason ‘R’-
the above effects to control the inflation. Some others Assertion-(A): Deficit financing leads to inflation
factors for rising the inflation are National Debt Demand- Reason-(R): This makes the money supply more
Pull effect, Cost-push effect, Exchange Rates etc. The than the goods and services
base effect relates to inflation in the corresponding period
of the previous year, if the inflation rate was too low in Which one of the following is true in above
the corresponding period of the previous year. context?
(c) Increase in purchasing power of money (d) None of the statements (a), (b) and (c) given
(d) Increase in prices of specific commodities above is correct in this context.
RAS/RTS (Pre.) G.S. 1996 IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist 2011
Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
254. Which one of the following governmental steps 260. With reference to the core inflation which of
has proved relatively effective in controlling the the following statements is/are correct?
double-digit rate of inflation in the Indian 1. Core inflation is also affected by temporary
economy during recent years? shocks
(a) Enhanced rate of production of all consumer
2. Core inflation can be measured by
goods removing food and fuel components from
(b) Streamlined public distribution system head line inflation
(c) Pursuing an export-oriented strategy Select the correct answer from the codes given
(d) Containing budgetary deficits and below:
unproductive expenditure Codes:
IAS (Pre) G.S. 1994 (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans. (c) : Inflation adversely affects the income (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 4 only
distribution and this leads to inequality in income (c) 2 and 4 only (d) 3 and 4 only
inflation. Inflation creates new jobs and benefits the WB PSC (Pre) 2023
producers. Monetary, non-monetary and fiscal
measures are adopted to control inflation. Deflation is
the reversal of inflation. It is a situation of continuous
Ans. (c) : To control inflation RBI follow tight
monetary policy e.g. releasing new bonds in the market
increases SLR and CRR etc. While the abolition of
decline in prices. When inflation falls below zero, CRR and decreasing SLR have inflationary effect on the
conditions of deflation are created. Deflation leads to economy of a country.
a steady decline in the prices of products and services. Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
Also, the entire economic activity comes to a
269. In February 2024, which Bank was in news for
standstill and unemployment conditions arise and raising $ million through its first ever sustainable
hence it is considered more harmful than inflation. finance bond issue?
265. Which of the following is the Implication of (a) HDFC (b) South Indian Bank
rate of fall in inflation. (c) AXIS Bank (d) Yes Bank
4. Industrial development is Motionless finance bond issue. In February 2000. Times Bank
Select the correct answer from the codes given Merged with HDFC. It was India's first ever voluntary
below: merger of bank. In July 2001, HDFC Bank's ADS
Codes: listed on the New York stock exchange after an IPO.
(a) 1 & 3 (b) Only 1 The proceeds of the sustainable finance bond will be
(c) Only 2 (d) 1, 3 & 4 utilised for funding green and social loans and towards
UPPCS (Main) GS 2017 IInd financing general banking activities.
Ans: (c) The rate of inflation in question is said to be 270. Which of the following is/are correct about
falling that inflation is rising, but at a slower rate than 'eRupee'?
inflation, the percentage change in current prices of (i) It refers to Rupee circulation in Europe.
goods relative to the base year prices. (ii) It refers to exchange rate of Rupee.
266. A zero rate of Inflation prevails necessarily in a (iii) It is Digital Rupee App of the State Bank of
year where the annual rate of inflation India.
(a) In every week of the year is zero (iv) It is the Central Bank Digital Currency.
(b) Is falling in every week of the year Select the correct answer using the codes given
(c) Is both falling and rising in a year below.
(d) Is constant in every week of the year (a) (i) and (ii) only (b) (i) and (iv) only
IAS (Pre) G.S. 1993 (c) (iii) only (d) (iv) only
Ans : (c) A zero rate of Inflation obtains ASSAM PSC (Pre) 2023
necessarily in a year where the annual rate of Ans. (a) : The e-rupee or the digital rupee, is a digital
inflation is both falling and rising in a year. currency issued by Central bank of India (RBI). It is
Unexpected inflation tends to hurt those whose like banknotes issued by RBI and is a legal tender that
money received in terms of wages and interest can be used to make transactions.
payments does not rise with inflation. Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
272. Consider the following statements regarding (a) Cardano (b) Koruna
Unified Payments Interface (UPI) (c) Bitcoin (d) Ethereum
A. The UPI is a real-time payment system with a Tripura PSC TCS (Pre) 2022
transfer limit of 1 lakh per transaction.
B. In addition to current and savings accounts,
customers can link their overdraft account to
Ans. (b) : Cardano, Bitcoin and Ethereum are crypto
currency. Koruna or crown is the currency of Czech
UPI 2.0
C. Customers can pre-authorise a transaction Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
and pay at a later date in UPI 2.0. 276. Indian Monetary System is based on
D. According to NPCI, customers can check the (a) Paper Standard (b) Silver Standard
invoice the merchant sent before making (c) Gold Standard (d) None of these
payment. Tripura PSC TCS (Pre) 2022
How many statements given above are correct? Ans. (a) : Indian Monetary System is based on paper
(a) Only one statement standard and managed and controlled by RBI.
(b) Only two statements Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
(c) Only three statements 277. Name of the committee on Indian banking and
(d) All the statements financial sector reforms constituted by the
JK PSC (Pre) 2023 Governement of India in 1991 is.
ANs. (d) : The UPI is a real-time payment system with a (a) Suresh Tendulkar Committee
transfer limit of Rs. 1 lakh per transactions. In addition to (b) Committee on Financial Stability
current and saving accounts, customer can link their (c) Committee on Financial System
overdraft account to UPI 2.0. Customer can free- (d) Raja J. Chelliah Committee
authorise a transactions and pay at a later date in UPI 2.0. AP PSC(Pre) 2022
According to MPCI, customers can check the invoice Ans. (c) : The Harriman Committee (Committee on the
sent by merchant prior to making payments. It will help Financial System) was appointed in 1991 for Indian
customers to view and verify the credentials and check banking and financial sector reforms. Harriman-II
whether it has come from the right merchant or not. Committee (Committee on banking sector reform) was
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. appointed in 1997.
273. Consider the following statements regarding Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
GIFT City. 278. Para Banking Services include the following :
A. GIFT City is India's first International I. Credit card business
Financial Services Centre (IFSC) under II. Insurance business
Special Economic zone Act, 2005. III. Credit to para military personnel
B. This provides world clas financial services IV. Factoring services
only to non-residents, to the extent Choose the correct answer using the codes
permissible under the current regulations, in given below :
a currency other than the domestic currency (a) I, II and IV (b) II, III and IV
of the location where the IFSC is located. (c) I, II and III (d) I, III and IV
C. GIFT is planned as a greenfield business AP PSC(Pre) 2022
district, to be located between Gandhinagar Ans. (a) : Para banking services include – credit and
and Ahmedabad, to cater to financial business, insurance business and factoring services.
services and IT firms looking to set up India Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Eonomics PLANNER English 122 YCT
(a) Only 1 and 2 (b) Only 2 and 3 instruments that track the performance of a basket of
(c) Only 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 assets (stock, bonds) and allowing investors to buy or
69th BPSC (Pre) 2023
Ans. (d) : Stagflation is an economic cycle
characterized by slow growth and a high unemployment
rate accompanied by inflation. The factors that could
sell them.
• Currency swap is a financial derivative contract in
which two parties exchange the amount of loan in one
currency to another currency, based on current exchange
potentially contribute to stagflation in the Indian rate.
economy- High inflationary presence due to increased
government spending, decline in industrial production • Motor vehicles are not considered financial
and sluggish economic growth, decrease in aggregate instruments. They are tangible assets used for
demand and consumer spending, and appreciation of the transportation and are not traded as financial
domestic currency leading to reduction of export securities or derivatives on financial markets.
competitiveness. 284. In India, which of the following can trade in
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. Corporate Bonds and Government Securities?
pay off their debts as they become due. (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
2. Insolvency refers to a legal process, where (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
the assets of the debtor are liquidated or UPSC IAS (Pre)-2024
reorganized for the benefit of creditors.
3. Bankruptcy is a state whereas insolvency is Ans.(d): Government securities (G-sec) is a tradable
them conclusion. instrument issued by the central government or the state
4. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of government.
India (IBBI) is the regulatory body • Corporate bonds and government securities are two
responsible for overseeing insolvency and types of investments that companies and
bankruptcy proceedings. governments use to raise money.
Which of the above statements is/are correct? • Major players in the G-sec and corporate bond
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4 market include commercial bank and Primary
(c) Only 4 (d) Only 1 and 2 dealers (PDs) besides institutional investors like
69th BPSC (Pre) 2023 insurance companies.
Ans. (c) : Insolvency refers to a financial state in which • Pension funds and Retail investors are main
an individual or entity is unable to pay off their debts as participants in G-Sec and corporate bonds.
they become due while Bankruptcy refers to a legal 285. Consider the following statements:
process where the assets of the debtor are liquidated or Statement-I : Syndicated lendings spreads the
recognized for the benefit of creditors. Hence, we can risk of borrower default across spreads the risk
say that insolvency is a state whereas bankruptcy is its of borrwer default across multiple lenders.
conclusion. Statement-II : The syndicated loan can be a
The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) fixed amount/lump sum of funds, but cannot be
is the regulatory body bankruptcy proceeding. a credit line.
Hence, statement-4 is correct, while other statements Which one of the following is correct in respect
are incorrect. of the above statements?
Eonomics PLANNER English 123 YCT
them in chronological order with the help of
code given below – Haryana PSC (Pre) 2024
I. First phase of Bank Nationalisation Ans.(a): Fugitive Economic Offender is person against
whom an arrest warrant has been issued for committing
II. Second phase of Bank Nationalisation
III. Establishment of Regional Rural Banks
IV. Establishment of NABARD
an offence listed in the act and value of the offence is at
least Rs.100 crore and has fled the country.
Code : Under FEO act 2018 authorities are empowered to
(a) IV, II, III, I (b) III, II, I, IV confiscate assets even when no conviction has been
(c) I, III, II, IV (d) I, II, IV, III obtained. Enforcement directorate is the nodal agency to
UPPSC RO/ARO 2023 (Nirsat) implement this act.
Ans. (c) :
290. Who fixes the benchmark policy rate (repo
Events Year rate) in India:
First Phase of Bank Nationalisation – 1969 (a) Ministry of Finance
Second Phase of Bank Nationalisation – 1980 (b) Monetary policy Committee
Establishment of Regional Rural – 1975 (c) Internal Committee of RBI
Banks (d) State Bank of India
Establishment of NABARD – 1982 TSPSC Group-I & Group-II-2017
Hence the correct Chronology is I, III, II, IV. Ans. (b) : Monetary policy Committee of Reserve Bank
287. PIN in banking transaction is known as - of India fixes the benchmark policy rate (repo rate) in
(a) Postal Index Number India.
(b) Permanent Identification Number Banks decide and fix their own base rates in accordance
(c) Personal Identification Number with the rules and regulations of RBI.
(d) None of the above 291. The aim of demonetization, announced on
UPPSC RO/ARO 2023 (Nirsat) November 8, 2016 was
Ans. (c) : PIN in Banking transaction, stands for (a) To curb corruption
Personal Identification Number. (b) To curb counterfeiting
288. Consider the following statements regarding (c) To curb accumulation of black money
the Corporate Debt Development Fund (d) All of the above
1. It will be established as an Alternative UP PSC ACF/RFO (Mains) 2020 Paper II
Investment Fund. Ans. (d) : Demonetization is a process of wholesale
2. Contribution to the fund shall be withdrawal of currency note from circulation. It ends
mandatory for specified debt-oriented the legality of old notes Aim of 2016 Demonetization
Mutual Fund Schemes and Asset was –
Management Companies. To curb corruption
3. Initially, it will be established for 5 years To curb counterfeiting
and can be extended as SEBI's mandate. To curb accumulation of black money
How many of the statement given above are 292. The period of high inflation, low economic
correct? growth and high unemployment is termed as
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) Stagnation (b) Stagflation
(c) All 1, 2 and 3 (d) None
(e) Question not attempted (c) Reflation (d) Take-off stage
Haryana PSC (Pre) 2024 TSPSC Group-II -2016 Paper-I
Eonomics PLANNER English 124 YCT
Himachal PCS(Pre)-2014
India in-
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above (a) 1964 (b) 1993
question. (c) 1994 (d) 2001
of India's stock market?
(a) Fema (b) SEBI
295. Which of the following controls the functioning UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2011
Ans : (b) Private sector mutual funds were approved in
India in 1993 and Kothari Pioneer (now incorporated in
(c) MRTP Act (d) None of the above the Franklin Templeton) was the first private sector
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2012,UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. Ist 2004 mutual fund to be registered in July 1993.
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. Spl. 2004, UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 1996
302. What is 'Nikki'?
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above (a) Japan's foreign exchange market
question. (b) Japanese name of Planning Commission of
296. The Securities and Exchange Board of India the country
(SEBI) became an autonomous body in______. (c) Name of the Central Bank of Japan
(a) 1988 (b) 1993 (d) Fraction Price Index on Tokyo Stock Exchange
Ans : (c) The reason for the fluctuations in the Indian question.
stock market - the strength of the economy's base, which 313. What is meant by the term ‘insider trading’?
is the economy, Composite variables affect production, (a) Trading of shares among promoters of a listed
income, employment, export price levels, etc.
Volatility in the Indian share market is due to -
1. Inflow and Outflow of foreign funds
company to prevent a possible takeover
(b) Trading of virtual commodities on the floor
of commodity stock exchange on the last
2. Fluctuation in foreign capital market working day of the week
3. Change in the Monetary policy. (c) Transactions of shares by someone on the
Indian Volatility Index (VIX) is an indicator of the Board of Directors of a listed company
volatility of the stock market. It is a measure of the (d) Transactions of shares by someone having
markets expectation of volatility over the near term. access to confidential information of a listed
308. The promoter of the National Stock Exchange company
of India is- Manipur PSC - 2013
(a) State Bank of India (b) LIC And G.I.C. Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
(c) IDBI (d) All of the above question.
UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2013 314. The terms 'bull' and 'bear' are used in the
Ans : (d) The National Stock Exchange was (a) Income Tax Department
established in the year 1992 on the recommendation of
by the Securities and Exchange Board of India. The investors like to invest their capital in such
Exchange was notified as a "recognized stock
exchange" under Section 2 (39) of the Companies Act, businesses with a long-term growth perspective.
OPSC (OCS) Pre-2018 Ans. (c): The India Brand Equity Fund was
Ans. (c): The Over-The-Counter Exchange of India is established in 1996 to promote Indian exports and to
an electronic stock exchange based in Mumbai, promote Indian products. It is a body under the
Maharashtra. It is under the ownership of Ministry of
Finance, Government of India. It is India's first
exchange for small companies, as well as the first
Ministry of Commerce which will undertake to
provide quality and safety of Indian products.
334. Dividend is declared by the company–
screen-based nationwide stock exchange in India. (a) On the issued capital
The exchange was established in 1990 to provide (b) On the authorized capital
investors and companies with an additional way to (c) On the paid-up capital
trade and issue securities. (d) On the total capital used
328. Foreign Capital includes UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 1996
(a) Foreign aid (b) Foreign investment Ans. (c): On the paid-up capital is the portion of the
(c) Commercial loan (d) All of the above total issued capital that is purchased by the shareholder.
ACF/RFO (Mains) Ist 2018 Hence dividend is declared by the company at paid-up
Ans. (d) : Foreign capital can be received in the capital.
economy of any country in the form of concessional 335. What is 'Standard and Poor's' (S&P)?
flows or non-concessional support. This includes (a) It is an international police organization.
grants, commercial loans, foreign appropriation and
5. The Insurance Regulatory and Development
Ltd. was nationalized in 1972 and made a subsidiary of
Authority (IRDA) is which type of body?
General Insurance Corporation of India. United India
(a) Constitutional Body
Insurance Company Ltd. has its headquarter in
(b) Statutory Body
(c) Advisory Body
2. Life Insurance Corporation is an example of- (d) Non-governmental Body
(a) Commercial bank OPSC (OCS) Pre 2021 Paper-I
(b) Development bank Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question.
(c) Investment bank 6. IRDA regulates-
(d) Cooperative bank (a) banking companies
BPSC (Pre) 1996 (b) insurance companies
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question. (c) retail trade
3. Consider the following statements: (d) None of the above
1. Life Insurance Corporation of India is the UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2007
Ministry of Finance and renamed as Aam Admi Bima (c) from the stock market
Yojana. (d) none of the above
It is also administered under the Life Insurance
Corporation of India (LIC). The Aam Aadmi Bima
Yojana offers insurance coverage to one earning
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2008
Ans : (b) The business of actuaries is related to
insurance. Assessment of the risks covered under
member of the family or the family head. Under this insurance policies and insurance premiums for these are
scheme the insured person should be the head or done by actuaries. The functions of actuaries are also
earning member of the landless rural family of the age involved in determining the minimum amount of money
between 18 years completed and 59 years nearer to be kept for the insured's repayment, as well as
birthday. There is also a provision of free scholarship determining the bonus amount to be paid on life
for up to two children studying between class 6 to 12 insurance policies. It is noteworthy that the Acts Bill -
of the insured person under this scheme. 2005 brought by the government for the purpose of
10. Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana provides social regulating the business of actuaries was passed by both
security- the Houses of Parliament in August 2006.
(a) To all workers in rural areas 14. Which of the following organizations deals with
(b) To all landless laborers living below the export financing and insurance?
poverty line (a) ECGC (b) GAIL
(c) To all workers in urban areas (c) CBDT (d) IDBI
(d) To all workers in rural and urban areas UPPCS (Mains) G.S. Ist 2005
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2008 Ans. (a): Export Credit Guarantee Corporation was
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question. established in 1957. It is a recognized public sector
institution in India and the world. It is not an institution
C. Miscellaneous of credit but an insurance company that insures the risks
11. The principle of 'indemnity' does not apply to– of import-export. It also acts as a guarantor before
(a) Life Insurance (b) Marine Insurance export and pays for itself on non-payment. It is
(c) Fire insurance (d) All of the above headquartered in Mumbai.
UPPCS (Main) G.S. I 2009 15. Which of the following organisation provides
Insurance to various risks of exporters.
Ans : (a) All insurance contracts of fire or marine
insurance are contracts of indemnity. The insurer under (a) Reserve Bank of India
takes to compensate the insured for the loss caused to (b) State Trading Corporation of India
him/her due to damage of property insured. This (c) Axis Bank
principle of indemnity is not applicable to life (d) Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation
insurance because one cannot estimate the loss due to UPPCS (Mains) G.S. Ist 2009
the death of a person. Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question.
Statement II: Non-development expenditure as the annual financial statement, is a statement of
involves Interest payments and subsidies. estimated receipts and expenditures of the government
keâLeve II: iewj-efJekeâeme JÙeÙe ceW yÙeepe Yegieleeve Deewj
meefyme[er Meeefceue nw~
In the light of the above statements, choose the
SP for that particular year. It keeps the account of the
government's finances for the fiscal year that runs from
1st April to 31st March. It is classified into Revenue
Budget and Capital Budget. The Budget and all its
most appropriate answer from the options components are prepared by the Ministry of Finance,
given below: Government of India. Budget is the instrument of fiscal
GheÙeg&òeâ keâLeveeW kesâ DeeOeej hej veerÛes efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW policy of the government. The objectives of budget are-
ceW mes meJee&efOekeâ GheÙegòeâ Gòej keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS:
It insures the accountability of government towards the
(a) Both Statement I and Statement II are country, it acts as means of management and allocation
correct/keâLeve I Deewj keâLeve II oesveeW mener nQ of resources. It also analyses the economic condition of
(b) Both Statement I and Statement II are country.
incorrect/keâLeve I Deewj keâLeve II oesveeW ieuele nQ 6. ''Budget' is an instrument of
(c) Statement I is correct and Statement II is (a) Monetary policy of the government
incorrect/keâLeve I mener nw Deewj keâLeve II ieuele nw (b) Commercial policy of the government
(d) Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is (c) Fiscal policy of government
4. Reducing import duty
income in current account of the government? Select the correct answer using the code given
1. Corporation tax below.
2. Profit from public establishments
24. Consider the following statements and select
1. Defence –expenditure the correct answer from the codes given below
2. Interest payments the statements:
3. Salaries and pensions
4. Subsidies
Select the correct answer using the code given
Assertion (A) : Zero-Base Budget has been
introduced in India.
Reason (R) : Zero-Base Budget technique
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only involves a critical review of every scheme before
(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) None a budgetary provision is made.
IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist 2014 Codes:
Ans. (c): See the explanation of the above question. (a) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the
20. Which of the following are among the non-plan correct explanation of (A).
expenditures of the Government of India? (b) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not
1. Defence expenditure the correct explanation of (A).
2. Subsidies (c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
3. All expenditures linked with the previous (d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
plan periods UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2011
4. Interest payment Ans. (b) : Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB) is a method of
Choose the correct answer from the codes budgeting in which all expenses are justified for each
other than RBI
(c) Gross Fiscal Deficit = Revenue Deficit + NAGALAND NCS PRELIMS, 2018
Capital Expenditure.
(d) Gross Fiscal Deficit = Net borrowing at home Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
(e) Question not attempted
+ Borrowing from RBI + Borrowing from 32. Assertion (A): Fiscal deficit is greater than
budgetary deficit.
Reason (R): Fiscal deficit is the borrowings from
Ans.(d): Fiscal deficit is the difference between the the Reserve Bank of India plus other liabilities of
government's total expenditure and its total receipts the Government to meet its expenditure.
excluding borrowings- Code:
Gross fiscal deficit = Total expenditure - (Revenue (a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct
receipts + Non-debt creating capital receipts). Non-debt explanation of A
creating capital receipts are these receipts which are not (b) Both A and R are true, but R is not a correct
borrowing and, therefore, do will have to be financed explanation of A
through borrowing. `(c) A is true, but R is false
Thus, (d) A is false, but R is true
Gross fiscal deficit = Net borrowing at home + (I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 1999)
borrowing from RBF + borrowing from abroad. Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question.
Hence option (d) is correct answer.
creation capital assets.
Reason-(R): The amount of state aid in Indian Effective Revenue Deficit = Revenue Deficit - Grants
agriculture has been higher than in western to States for creation capital Assets.
Select the correct answer from the codes given
42. The difference between Revenue deficit and
grants for creation of Capital assets is:
(a) Revenue deficit
(b) Primary deficit
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct
explanation of A (c) Effective revenue deficit
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not a correct (d) Fiscal deficit
explanation of A NAGALAND NCS PRELIMS, 2018
(c) A is true, but R is false Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
(d) A is false, but R is true 4. Deficit Miscellaneous
UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. IInd 2004 43. Given below are two statements:
Ans. (c) : There has been a long history of fiscal Statement I: Deficit financing cannot create
deficit in the budget of Union Government of India. It inflation in an economy.
is influenced by various factors, such as government Statement II: If RBI reduces the cash reserve
spending on subsidies, social welfare programs, ration, the credit creation will decline.
infrastructure development, defence expenditure and In the light of the above statements, choose the
interest payments on various borrowings. most appropriate answer from the options
Agriculture sectors shares more than 15 percent and given below:
that is higher than that of the western countries but (a) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct.
that is not the reason of fiscal deficit. (b) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect.
(c) Statement I is correct and Statement II is
39. The ad hoc treasury bill system to meet the incorrect.
budget deficit in India was abolished on-
(d) Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is
(a) 1 April 1992 (b) 1 April 1994 correct.
(c) 31st March 1996 (d) 31st March 1997 HPPSC (Pre) Exam-2022
BPSC (Pre) 2015 Ans. (b) : Deficit financing helps in reducing inflation
Ans. (d) : Ad-hoc Treasury Bill System of meeting in the economy. Increases because the government
budget deficit in India was abolished on 31st March creates additional money to meet the budget deficit.
1997. It was sold by the RBI on behalf of the Central Credit creation will increases if RBI reduces or reduces
Government. the cash Reserve Ratio (CRR). it is monetary policy tool
2. Revenue Deficit used to control the money Supply in the economy.
40. Revenue deficit in India implies that- C.R.R is the minimum amount that a commercial bank
(a) The Indian Government needs to borrow in is required to deposit with the RBI
order to finance its expenses which will create 44. Assertion-(A): Financial support is a major
capital assets source of budgetary deficit of government.
(b) The Indian Government needs to borrow in Reason-(R): Subsidy level in Indian agriculture is
order to finance its expenses which do not much higher than compared to that of developed
create capital assets countries.
Eonomics PLANNER English 135 YCT
fiscal deficit = primary deficit + interest payments Reducing annually 0.5% of GDP, under the FRBM,
Interest payment on all the items spent in a financial Revenue deficit was targeted to bring to 2000 by 2009
year is a tax which is not primarily responsible for the
the previous year.
year concerned, but it is done for the loans taken in
and with annual reducing 0.3% of GDP Fiscal Deficit
was targeted to bring to 3% of GDP by 2009. Except
under certain circumstances central government was
46. If interest payments are subtracted from gross
fiscal deficit, the remainder will be directed to cease borrowing from RBI from 1 April
(a) Gross primary deficit 2006. Under the Act the central government was
(b) Budgetary deficit directed not to give incremental guarantees
(c) Monetized deficit aggregative an amount exceeding 0.5% of GDP in any
(d) Revenue deficit financial year beginning from 2004-05. The additional
UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2008 liabilities was targeted to reduce to 9% of GDP by
UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. IInd 2004 2004-05. The debt -GDP ratio was recommended to
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question. keep at 60 percent by to 2023 (40 percent for the
central and 20 percent for state). Article 293 (3) Indian
47. Instead of revenue deficit, fiscal deficit will
always be- Constitution provisions that if a state has liabilities of
the central government, it is mandatory to seek consent
(c) 2 and 3 (d) All are correct implementation of the one hundred and first
Mizoram PSC 2018 Paper-I Amendment of the Constitution of India.
Ans. (b): See the explanation of the above question. Hence, statement-(ii) is correct.
54. Which one of the following statements
regarding the levying, collecting and
distribution of Income Tax is correct?
The tax rates, rules and regulations are governed by
GST council which consist of Finance Minister of
Central government and all the states. The council is
chaired by Union Finance Minister.
(a) The Union levies, collects and distributes the Hence, statement (iii) is correct, while statement (iv) is
proceeds of income tax between itself and the incorrect.
States 59. With reference to GST, which of the following
(b) The Union levies, collects and keeps all the statements are true?
proceeds of income-tax to itself A. GST is based on a system of concurrency of
(c) The Union levies and collects the tax but all indirect taxes, where every transaction
attracts central as well as state GST
the proceeds are distributed among the States B. GST replaced a production-based taxation
(d) Only the surcharge levied on income tax is system by a consumption based tax system
shared between the Union and the States C. It brings destination principle for cross-border
I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 1999 trading for which the poorer and consuming
states are benefiting at the expense of more
Parliament on 29 March and implemented on 1 July to increase its foreign exchange reserves.
2017. The idea of a nationwide GST in India was first 3. It will enormously increase the growth and
proposed by the Kelker Task Force on indirect tax in size of economy of India and will enable it
2000. GST subsumed many indirect taxes of central
(central excise duty, services tax, Duties of excise
additional duties of excise etc), and states (state VAT,
to overtake China in the near future.
Select the correct answer using the code given
Purchase tax etc). GST is of three types- Tax levied by
State. (SGST), levied by Central (CGST) and third (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
Inter-State (IGST). GST has its five rates as 0%, 5%, (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
12%, 18% and 28%. IAS (Pre)-2017
Some items like Petroleum products, cereal grains Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question.
hulled, chicken eggs cooked, Newspapers containing 68. The Goods and Services Tax was proposed by a
advertising material, etc have been kept out of GST. task force, whose President was-
62. Consider the following statements regarding (a) Vijay Kelkar (b) Montek Singh Ahluwalia
GST : (c) Arun Jaitley (d) Narsimham
I. GST will bring more transparency to MPPSC (Pre) G.S. Ist 2017
direct tax laws. Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question.
II. GST was the 122nd Constitutional 69. What is GSTN?
(c) Electricity Duty
(d) None of the above (a) Customs Duty (b) Central Excise Duty
Gujarat PSC (Civil service Pre)-2018 Paper-II (c) Corporation Tax (d) None of these
5. Service Tax
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question.
can be termed as milestone in Indian Tax history. BPSC (Pre) G.S. 2017
Service tax was the indirect tax levied by the Central
Government. Ans. (a) : The division of revenue between the centre
From 1 July 2017, the service tax has been submerged and states is basically 5 types. The sources of the
into the Goods and Services Tax. centre, the sources of the state, charged by the centre
6. Entertainment Tax but collected and used by the states, charged and
collected by the union but distributed among the states,
74. Which of the following tax is not levied by the
Central Government? charged and collected by the union but distributed
(a) Gift tax among the Union and the states. The third class taxes
(b) Entertainment tax (levied by the Union but collected and used by the
(c) Personal income tax States) include stamp duty on exchange papers, excise
(d) Corporate tax duty on medicines and makeup items.
UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 1992 10. Capital Gain Tax
Ans. (b) :Entertainment tax was levied and collected 80. Which of the following statements are true
by the state government, while gift tax, personal tax regarding capital gain tax?
and corporation tax were levied by the central (1) Capital gain is the profit realized when an
government. investment is sold for a higher price than
With effect from 1 July 2017, it has been subsumed original purchase price.
into the Goods and Services Tax. (2) Capital gains taxes are only triggered when an
7. Custom Duty asset is realized. Not while it is held by an
75. Which of the following is the least source of investor.
income of Government of India? (3) Normally if an asset is held fair less than 24
(a) Goods and Service Tax months, any gain arising from selling, it is
(b) Custom Duty treated as a short-term capital gain.
(c) Income Tax (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(d) Corporate Tax (c) 1 and 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
UPPSC (ACF) Mains 2021 Paper-I Gujarat PSC 2019 Paper-II
Eonomics PLANNER English 139 YCT
(c) Custom duty (d) Wealth tax
(a) 11% (b) 12%
UP RO/ARO (Pre) G.S., 2014
(c) 13% (d) 15%
Ans. (d) :Income tax, corporation tax, expenditure tax, UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd Paper 2005
estate tax, capital gains tax, dividend tax, wealth tax,
interest tax, gift tax etc. are examples of direct tax. Ans. (c) : The ratio between the tax revenue of a
country compared to Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
12. Angel Tax of the country is termed as the Tax-GDP ratio. It is
83. Which of the following statements is/are correct? calculated by dividing the tax revenue of a specific
(1) Angel tax is income tax payable on capital time period by the GDP. The ratio is used to know the
raised by unlisted companies from investors Country's strength of control over its economic
(2) It was introduced in 2012 budget to arrest resources.
laundering of funds. As per the Medium Term Fiscal Policy Statement
(3) However it was scrapped in the recent budget based on FRBM Act in 2008-09, The gross tax-GDP
of 2019. ratio was set to increase from 11.8 percent in 2007-08
(4) If the paid-up capital of startup entity is Rs. 25 (BE) to 13.0 percent in 2008-09 (BE).
crores or less the angel tax is not applicable. 16 Committee on Tax
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only 88. Which of the following committee suggested
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only (d) Only 3 agricultural holding tax in India?
Ans. (b): See that explanation of the above question.
95. Which one of the following tax is not imposed
91. The Kelkar Committee in its second report had by state governments?
recommended to reduce the corporation tax to- (a) Entertainment tax (b) State Excise duty
(a) Suggested to 15%
(c) Suggested to 25%
(b) Suggested to 20%
(d) Suggested to 30%
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2004
(c) Agriculture income tax (d) Corporation tax
UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. IInd 2008
Ans. (d) : The following taxes are levied by the State
Ans. (d) : See that explanation of the other question. Governments: Agricultural Income Tax, State Excise,
92. The latest committee that has presented its Entertainment Tax, Commercial Tax, Excise Duty etc.
report on tax reforms is known as- Income tax on agriculture can be levied by the state
(a) By the name of the Kelkar Committee governments. Bihar state is the first state to levy
(b) By the name of the Chelliah Committee income tax on agriculture.
(c) By the name of the Narasimhan Committee While the central government imposes lower taxes,
(d) By the name of the Vaghul Committee there are corporation tax, income tax, excise duty,
UPPCS (Mains) G.S. Ist 2004 customs duties, gift tax, property tax etc.
Ans. (a): See that explanation of the other question. 18. Double Taxation Avoidence Agreement (DTAA)
96. Which of the following statements is/are
93. With whose recommendations was the service tax correct regarding Double Taxation Avoidance
implemented in India?
Agreement (DTAA)?
(a) Kelkar Committee (1) Its key objective is that tax-payers in these
(b) Raja J. Chelliah Committee countries can avoid being taxed twice for the
(c) Manmohan Singh Committee same income.
(d) Yashwant Sinha Committee (2) A DTAA applies in cases where a tax-payer
(e) None of the above / more than one of the above resides in one country and earns income in
BPSC (Pre) G.S. 2017 another.
Ans. (b): Service tax was introduced in the Union (3) India has DTAAs with more than 80 countries.
Budget of 1994–95 on the recommendation of the (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
Chelliah Committee. (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
The committee, formed in 1991, submitted a series of Gujarat PSC 2019 Paper-II
reports between 1991 and 1993 that advocated for Ans. (b) : The Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements
major tax reforms in India. Their key or DTAA is a tax treaty signed between India and
recommendations was the introduction of a service tax another country (or any two/multiple countries) so that
to broaden the tax base and improve tax compliance. taxpayers can avoid paying double taxes on their
17. Corporation Tax income earned from the source country as well as the
94. Consider the following statements: residence country.
(a) Corporation tax is levied on the income of Some objective of DTAA-
both registered, unregistered companies and Its key objective is that tax-payers in these countries can
corporations. avoid being taxed twice for the same Income.
(b) Corporation tax is levied on incomes of A DTAA applies in case where a tax-payer resides in
individuals and Hindu Undivided Family. one country and earns income in another.
(c) Corporation tax is levied only on the incomes As in 2019 India has Double Taxation Avoidance
of registered companies and corporations. Agreement (DTAA) with 88 countries, but presently 85
Which of the above statements is/are true? has been in force.
Eonomics PLANNER English 141 YCT
Ans. (b) : All revenues received by the Union option (a) is the correct answer.
government by way of direct and indirect taxes, money
borrowed and receipts from loans given by the 102. When was the First Union Budget of India was
government flow into the Consolidated Fund of India.
Article 266 (i) in Part (XII) of the Constitution of India
Provides for the establishment of the Consolidated Fund
(a) November 30th, 1956
(b) November 26th, 1947
(c) February 28th, 1949
of India. The Consolidated Fund of India is the primary
fund for the Union Government to which all receipts are (d) March 26th, 1950
credited and all payments are debited. Hence, option (b) Tripura PSC TCS (Pre) 2022
is the correct answer. Ans. (b) : The first union budget of India was presented
99. Pick up the wrong statement/statements on November 26th, 1947 by R.K. Shanmukham Chetty.
regarding an Interim Budget in India. 103. Which of the following is not a Revenue
(i) It provides continuity in governance Receipt?
during transition period between two (a) Wealth Tax
governments. (b) Foreign Grants
(ii) The government cannot propose major (c) Profit of Public Enterprises
taxes or policy reforms in the Budget. (d) Recovery of Loans
(iii) The 'Economic Survey' is presented one Tripura PSC TCS (Pre) 2022
day before the presentation of the Interim
1. CSR rules specify that expenditures that
benefit the company directly or its Ans : (a) Securities and Transaction Tax is levied by
employees will not be considered as CSR the Union Government on transactions in the stock
2. CSR rules do not specify minimum
spending on CSR activities.
SP market and futures market in India which was
presented by the Government of India in the Budget
2004 and is in force from October 2004.
Which of the statements given above is/are 111. Ad Valorem means:
correct? (a) According to value
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (b) According to weight
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) According to size
UPSC IAS (Pre)-2024 (d) According to advertisement costs
Ans.(a): Under the companies (CSR Policy) Rules, Mizoram PSC 2018 Paper-I
2024, any activity benefitting employees, of the company Ans. (a): Ad Valorem tax is a tax that is based on the
shall not be considered as eligible CSR activity. assessed value of a property, product or service.
• As per rule, any activity designed exclusively for the Most common examples of Ad Valorem tax include
benefit of employees shall be considered an "activity property taxes on real estate, sales tax on consumer
benefitting employees" and will not qualify as goods and VAT on the value added to a final product or
permissible CSR expenditure. service.
• As per rule section 135 of the companies Act 2013, 112. Which of the following is Not an Indirect Tax
mandates, that certain companies must allocate at in India?
least 2% of their average net profits from preceding (a) VAT (b) Sales Tax
three financial years towards CSR activity. (c) GST (d) Professional Tax
108. Consider the following markets : Mizoram PCS Pre-2017
1. Government Bond Market Ans. (d) : Indirect Tax is the tax levied on the
2. Call Money Market consumption of goods and services. It is not directly
3. Treasury Bill Market levied on the income of a person. Examples: Service
4. Stock Market Tax, Sales Tax, VAT, Central Excise & Custom Duty.
How many of the above are included in capital GST all are the indirect taxes.
markets? Professional Tax, (taxes that are filed and paid by an
(a) Only one (b) Only two (c) All three (d) All four individual directly to the government) is a direct tax
which is levied on persons earning an income by way of
UPSC IAS (Pre)-2023 either practicing a profession, employment, calling or
Ans. (b) : Capital Markets are Financial Markets where trade. Unlike income tax which is levied by the Central
long term securities such as stocks and bonds are traded. Government, Professional tax is levied by the
They provided platform for raising capital for business government of a State or Union Territory in India.
and governments. 113. Which two of the followings are indirect tax?
Government bonds are longterm debt securities issued (a) Sales tax and Income tax
by governments to finance their activities. Call money (b) Income tax and Wealth tax
market is a short term market where funds ar borrowed (c) Sales tax and Excise duty
and lend for very short durations, usually overnight (d) Income tax and Excise duty
treasury bills are short term debt instruments issued by BPSC (Pre.) G.S. 2002
the governments to finance their short term cash flow
requirements. Ans. (c) : See that explanation of the above question.
Taxation Avoidance Agreements". Ans. (a) :Agriculture income tax in India can be levied
Select the correct answer using the code given by state government. At present as per section 10(1)
below: of the income tax Act, 1961. Agriculture income is
(a) 1 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(b) 2 only
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
UPSC IAS (Pre)-2018
exempted from taxation
121. Which one of the following is not associated
with the income of corporate sector in India?
Ans : (d) India became the first country in the world to (a) Collective additional tax
propose this tax in 2016. Under this, the government (b) Minimum alternative tax
has decided to impose a 6% percent equalization tax on (c) Tax on capital gain
online advertising services offered by non-resident (d) Tax on Companies profit
organizations in the country. However, it has not been UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2005
implemented as part of the Income Tax Act but as a Ans. (a): The collective additional profit tax is not
separate law under the Finance Bill. So that non- related to the income of the corporation sector.
resident organizations offering advertisement services Collective Additional Benefit Tax: It is the companies
in India cannot claim tax credit under double taxation and employers that provide additional financial
avoidance agreement in their home country. benefits to employees on which the employer does not
117. Consider the following: pay any tax.
1. Fringe Benefit Tax 122. Which of the following pair of the sources of
2. Interest Tax income is for central government only?
3. Securities Transaction Tax (a) Gift tax, Tax on holdings
Which of the above is/ are Direct Tax/Taxes? (b) Sale tax, Income tax
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 3 only (c) Custom duty, Corporation tax
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) Wealth tax, Land revenue
IAS (Pre) G.S. 2009 UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2005
Ans. (d): A direct tax is a tax that a person or Ans. (c): Customs duty and corporation tax are only
organization pays directly to the entity that imposed it. the means of income of the federal government.
An individual taxpayer, for example, pays direct taxes to
the government for various purposes, including income 123. Which one of the following group of taxes
tax, real property tax, personal property tax, or taxes on collected by the Central Government are
assets. Fringe Benefit Tax, Interest Tax, Security shared with the States?
Transaction Tax, Corporation Tax, Wealth Tax etc. (a) Income Tax, Corporate Tax, Custom Duty
118. Who suggested the imposition of expenditure (b) Income Tax, Corporate Tax, Excise Duty
tax in India for the first time? (c) Excise Duty, Cess on Income, Corporate Tax
(a) Kaleski (b) Kaldor (d) Excise Duty, Cess on Income, Custom Duty
(c) R.J. Chelliah (d) Gautam Mathur UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2004, 2003
UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2010 Ans. (b): Article 270 of the constitution describes such
Ans. (b) :Nicholas Kaldor was British Economist who taxes which are levied and collected by the Union, but
gave a report on tax reforms in eight developing they are divided between the Union and the States.
countries of Asia. He had suggested an imposition of This distribution is under the provisions determined by
expenditure tax in India for the first time to increase the law of Parliament. Such taxes include income tax
the tax revenue of the government. corporation tax, central excise tax and export duty.
tax, customs, excise, export duty, corporation tax, India, uses fiscal policy to achieve the main objectives
surcharge on income tax. The main sources of income of economic policies such as employment in the
of the state are taxes on agriculture, taxes on economy, national production (income), internal and
production of tobacco, liquor, opium, etc., property tax
on agricultural land, sales tax, land revenue, tax on
electricity usage, tax on entertainment, motor vehicles.
external economic stability, economic equity. Under
this, it takes the support of the policies related to
public expenditure, taxation, public debt, and
And taxes on other vehicles etc. Each state has the mismanagement, it is called fiscal policy. Open
right to levy and use these taxes. market operations in India is a measure of monetary
127. Main source of income in India is- policy of Reserve Bank of India.
(a) Direct tax (b) Sale tax 131. Which one among the following formulates
(c) Railway (d) Octroi fiscal policy in India?
BPSC (Pre) 1994 (a) Reserve Bank of India
(b) NITI Aayog
Ans. (a) :The biggest source of income in India will be (c) Finance Commission
direct tax as per the given question because direct tax
in 1998. While octroi is also called customs tax, this 132. Which one of the following statements
tax is levied on imports and exports. It is an indirect appropriately describes the “fiscal stimulus” ?
tax. Sales tax is levied by the states which is an (a) It is a massive investment by the government
indirect tax. The direct tax is that which is levied on in manufacturing sector to ensure the supply
the person who bears the burden of that tax. In the of goods to meet the demand surge caused by
direct case both taxation and taxation fall on the same rapid economic growth.
person, i.e. there is only one person who pays the (b) It is an intense affirmative action of the
direct tax and bears the burden. government to boost economic activity in the
128. What is the reference of the term 'Base Erosion country.
and Profit Shifting seen occasionally in the news? (c) It is government’s intensive action on financial
(a) Mining work by multinational companies in institutions to ensure disbursement of loans to
Resourceful but backward areas agriculture and allied sectors to promote greater
(b) Restrictions on taxation and evasion by food production and contain food inflation.
multinational companies (d) It is an extreme affirmative action by the
(c) Exploitation of genetic resources of a nation by government to pursue its policy of financial
multinational companies inclusion.
(d) Planning of development projects and lack of IAS (Pre) Ist Paper G.S. 2011
consideration of environmental costs in Ans. (b) : See that explanation of the above question.
IAS (Pre.) GS Ist 2016 133. Which one of the following is not a instrument
of fiscal policy?
Ans. (b): The main objective of Base Erosion and Profit (a) Taxation (b) Public expenditure
Shifting is to ban tax evasion by multinational
companies. The BEPS action plan of G-20 and OECD (c) Interest rate (d) Public Debt
was approved at the tenth summit of G-20 held in BPSC (Pre) 2004–05
Antalya, Turkey on 15–16 November 2015. Ans. (c) : See that explanation of the above question.
Eonomics PLANNER English 145 YCT
Gujarat PSC (Civil service Pre)-2018 Paper-II 140. Which of the following is not a goal of fiscal
Ans. (a) : See that explanation of the above question. policy of India?
(a) Full employment
137. The golden rule of Fiscal Policy is that the
governments are expected to borrow over the
cycle only to finance
(b) Price stability
(c) Regulation of inter–state Trade
(a) Current account expenditure (d) Equitable distribution of wealth and income
(b) Investments UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2006
(c) Old loans Ans. (a) : The objective of the fiscal policy of the
(d) Imported consumer goods Government of India is not full employment and the
ACF/RFO (Mains) IInd 2018 other three options 'price stability, regulation of inter-
state trade and equitable distribution of wealth and
Ans. (b) : According to the Golden Rule of the fiscal income' are the objectives of the Government of India's
policy, the government should not take a loan for fiscal policy.
consumption expenditure, but should take a loan for The fiscal policy has the following objectives:
investment. These rules are a set of several fiscal
policies. It was first adopted in 1997 by the Labour (1) Promoting economic development.
Party government in Britain. (2) Capital formation.
(3) Economic stability.
138. There has been a continuous deficit budget (4) Mobility of resources.
every year. Which of the following actions / (5) Reducing the inequality of income and wealth.
actions can be taken by the government to
reduce the deficit? (6) Employment Opportunities
1. Reduction in revenue expenditure 141. Improving the growth performance of the
2. Launching new welfare schemes economy and ensuring social justice to the
3. Rationalizing subsidies people are two main objectives of which policy?
4. Expanding industries (a) Monetary policy (b) Fiscal policy
Select the correct answer using the word given (c) Credit policy (d) Health policy
below. ACF/RFO (Mains) IInd 2018
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only Ans. (b) : See that explanation of the above question.
(c) 1 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 142. Investment of Fiscal Policy is
IAS (Pre) Ist Paper G.S., 2015 (a) Capital formation
Ans. (a) : Losses occur when government expenditure (b) Unemployment
exceeds government receipts. (c) Deficit financing policy
All the expenses of the government which do not (d) None of the above
create any kind of physical assets are called revenue ACF/RFO (Mains) Ist 2018
expenditure. To reduce the deficit in the event of a Ans: (c) Fiscal policy allocation is deficit budget
deficit, the government may rationalize subsidies along policy. Policies related to public income, public
with reduction in revenue expenditure. expenditure, public debt, taxation, budget deficit,
In the event of deficit, if the government initiates new subsidy and mismanagement or deficit financing are
welfare schemes and expand industries then it will called fiscal policy. The budget of the government,
increase the deficit gap. Hence it is clear that options 2 various types of deficits and tax structure are called
and 4 are wrong. major components of fiscal policy.
Ans. (d) : In the deficit financing system, the difference
between expenditure and revenue is supplied by printing (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2 and 4
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4
extra currency, which spreads the money in the market
and increases the value of goods. This is called the state
of inflation. It is also called lean management. Deficit
financing is primarily a source of financial fund raising.
IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist 2013
Ans. (b) : Private remittances create a current account,
while foreign debt, FDI, portfolio investment create a
In addition, deficit financing has the opposite effect in capital account.
the economy:
(1) A decrease in the average consumer level due to Capital accounting is the accounting of amounts
related to the assets and liabilities of the government,
(2) Reduction in income inequalities. which reflect changes in capital. It is composed of
(3) Adverse effect on the investment structure. capital receipts and expenses.
145. What is the effect of deficit financing on Capital receipts mean receipts that create government
obligations or reduce financial assets; Such as public debt,
(a) Decrease in taxes loans taken from foreign and international organizations
(b) Increase in wages and recovery of loans given by the government, etc.
(c) Increase in money supply Capital expenditure refers to expenditure that creates
151. Which of the following statements is correct in under this chapter, and the allocation of portions of the
reference to the Finance Commission of India? states of such proceeds.
(a) It facilitates the judicial distribution of
finance among the PSUs
(b) It ensures transparency in financial
155. The Finance Commission is constituted for a
period of
(a) 4 years (b) 5 years
(c) It deals with the financial relations between (c) 7 years (d) 10 years
States and Centre. UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist Paper 2010
(d) It ensures financial prudence of State Ans. (b): Article 280 of the Indian Constitution
Government provides for the formation of the Finance Commission.
Himachal PSC (Pre) 2016 According to this, the President will set up the Finance
Ans. (c) : Article 280 arranges the Finance Commission as Commission after every five years or before it if
a semi-judicial body. The first Finance Commission was necessary. The 15th Finance Commission was
established on 22 November 1951. It is constituted by the constituted by president and N.K. Singh has been
President every five years. The Finance Commission chaired on 27 November 2017, which has submit its
works for financial relations between states and centers. recommendations for the period April, 2021 to March,
152. Consider the following statements and select 2026. In this, he proposed to reports one for FY 2020-
the correct answer from the codes given below: 21 and other for FY (2021-2026)
recommendations of the Finance Commission. For horizontal devolution, it has suggested 12.5%
159. Which one of the following is not the function weightage to demographic performance, 45% to
of Finance Commission in India?
(a) Income tax division
(b) Division of excise duty
(c) Subsidy grant fixation
SP income distance, 15% each to population and area,
10% to forest and ecology and 2.5% to tax and fiscal
The horizontal devolution criteria in 15th Finance
(d) Business tax division Commission -
UPPCS (Mains) G.S IInd 2004 Sl. No. Criteria Weight (%)
Ans. (c): See the explanation of the above question. 1. Population 15.0
160. Consider the following statements: 2. Area 15.0
1. The Finance Commission is a non-constitutional
body. 3. Forest & Ecology 10.0
2. Planning Commission is a constitutional body. 4. Income Distance 45.0
3. R.B.I. was nationalized on 26.01.1949. 5. Tax and Fiscal Effects 2.5
UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2009 which one of the following criterion has got the
Ans. (d): Article 280 of the constitution talks about the highest weight (percent)?
formation of a Finance Commission. It is a (a) Population
constitutional body. Its function is to distribute the (b) Area
divisible income from taxes between the center and the (c) Tax and fiscal effort
states, while the Planning Commission was a non- (d) Income distance
constitutional body. The Reserve Bank of India was UPPSC ACF Mains Paper-II, 2021
established in 1935 AD and nationalized on January 1,
1949. It is an autonomous organization. Hence all the Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question.
statements are false. Hence answer will be option (d).164. Who is the Chairman of the 15th Finance
th Commission of India?
1. 15 Finance Commission
161. With reference to the Bare Necessities Index (a) N K Singh (b) R N Tandon
(BNI), consider the following statements : (c) Vijay Sharma (d) Arun Das
1. The economic survey has come up with the Mizoram PSC 2018 Paper-I
Bare Necessities Index at rural and urban Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question.
2. The BNI has been created for all states for
2. 14th Finance Commission
2018 only. 165. The Fourteenth Finance Commission
3. The BNI is based on 26 indicators. recommended increasing the share of tax
4. The BNI consists of six dimensions. devolution to the States to the level of
Which of the above statements are correct? (a) 42 percent of the divisible pool
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only (b) 41 percent of the divisible pool
(c) 1 and 4 only (d) 2 and 4 only (c) 32 percent of the divisible pool
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above (d) 31.5 percent of the divisible pool
67th BPSC (Pre) 2021 (Cancelled) Mizoram PCS Pre 2015 Paper-I
Eonomics PLANNER English 149 YCT
2. It has made recommendations concerning was 82% in 2009-10.
sector-specific grants. 175. Which of the following is/are among the
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Select the correct answer using the code given noticeable features of the recommendations of
the Thirteenth Finance Commission?
1. A design for the Goods and Services package
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 linked to adherence to the proposed design.
IAS (Pre) Ist Paper G.S., 2015 2. A design for the creation of lakhs of jobs in the
next ten years in consonance with India’s
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question. demographic dividend
168. According to the 14th Finance Commission, the 3. Devolution of a specific share of central taxes
percentage share of States in the net proceeds to local bodies as grants
of the shareable Central tax revenue should be Select the correct answer using the codes given
(a) 32 percent (b) 35 percent below:
(c) 40 percent (d) 42 percent (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
Uttarakhand PCS (Pre) G.S. 2016 (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question. IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist, 2012
169. According to the 14th Finance Commission, the Ans. (c) : The distinct features of the Thirteenth
percentage share of states in the “central Finance Commission are - the design of levying tax on
revenue tax is- goods and services and the compensation package
(a) 32 percent (b) 35 percent related to the implementation of this proposed design
(c) 40 percent (d) 42 percent and the transfer of a certain portion of central taxes to
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above local bodies as grants.
63rd BPCS (Pre)-2017 4. 12th Finance Commission
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question. 176. The extent of money transfer to the States out
170. Population of States has been an important of sharable pool of Tax Collection according to,
criteria used by Fourteenth Finance the12th Finance Commission has been fixed at
Commission in the distribution of divisible pool (a) 28.5 (b) 29.5
of tax revenue among the States. The reference (c) 30.5 (d) 32.4
population is UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2006
(a) 1971 Census (b) 1981 Census UPPCS (Main) G.S IInd Paper 2004, 2007
(c) 1991 Census (d) 2001 Census Ans. (c) : According to the recommendation of the
Mizoram PCS Pre 2015 Paper-I Twelfth Finance Commission, the percentage of states in
centrally distributed taxes was 30.5. The 12th Finance
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question. Commission was formed for the period of 2005-10 in
3. 13th Finance Commission 2002, under the chairmanship of C. Rangarajan.
171. Who was the chairman of 13th Finance 177. Who was the chairman of the twelfth finance
Commission? commission?
(a) Indira Rajaraman (b) C. Rangarajan (a) C. Rangarajan (b) Raja Chelliah
(c) Vijay Kelkar (d) None of the above (c) K.C. Pant (d) Y. B. Chauhan
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2012 Uttarakhand UDA/LDA (M) 2007
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question. Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question.
(c) 2 3 4 1 (d) 1 2 3 4 economic survey of the prior financial year are
UPPCS (Mains) G.S. IInd 2007 presented to the Parliament by the Union Finance
Minister. The Economic Review presents revised
Ans. (a): Finance Commission of India
Finance Commission Chairman –
1. K.C. Niyogi
Appointment Year - Effective Period
1951 1952–57
estimates of the budget for the prior financial year
which are close to reality and serve as the basis for the
coming budget formation. On the basis of this survey,
various departments of the government determine their
2. K. Santhanam 1956 1957–62 policies. The data compiled by the Central Statistical
3. A.K. Chanda 1960 1962–66 Organization in the Economic Survey is published by
4. P.V. Rajamannar 1964 1966–69 the Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
5. Mahavir Tyagi 1968 1969–74 183. Economic survey of India is associated with:
6. Brahmanand 1972 1974–79 (a) Planning commission
7. J.M. Shalet 1977 1979–84 (b) Reserve bank of India
8. Y.V. Chavan 1983 1984–89 (c) Ministry of Finance
Origin’ :
1. Rules of Origin are the criteria needed to Ans: (a) – In terms of economy, the visit by foreign
determine the national source of a product. nationals to witness the XIX Common Wealth Games in
2. Rules of Origin help the custom agencies to
given product.
know what regulations and fees apply to a
India amounted to export. Tourism is considered as
invisible trade through which hosting country receives
foreign exchange through tourists.
3. These are used for the purpose of trade Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
4. Their importance is derived from the fact that 5. The earnings of India from diamond export is
duties and restrictions in several cases depend quite high. Which one of the following factors has
upon the sources of imports. contributed to it?
Which of the above statements are correct? (a) Pre-independence stock-piling of diamonds in
(a) Only 1 and 2 (b) Only 3 and 4 the country which are now exported
(c) Only 1, 3 and 4 (d) All of the above (b) Large production of industrial diamonds in the
69th BPSC (Pre) 2023 country
Ans. (d) : Rules of origin are the criteria needed to (c) Expertise available for cutting and polishing of
determine the national source of a product. Their importance imported diamonds which are then exported
is derived from the fact that duties and restrictions in several (d) As in the past, India produces huge quantity of
cases depend upon the source of imports. gem diamonds which are exported
(a) Conventional export commodities and ensures the timely and full payment to the seller. If
(b) Unconventional but uncertain items the buyer is unable to make such a payment, the bank
(c) Unconventional good things covers the full or the remaining amount on behalf of the
(d) All the above
UPPCS (Main) GS 2017 Ist
Ans. (d) : The category of export of commodities in India
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
14. Import procedure begins with
are conventional export commodities, unconventional but (a) Indent (b) Mate's receipt
uncertain items and unconventional good things. (c) Marine insurance (d) Shipping bill
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2011
10. What is/are the cause/causes of slow growth of Ans. (a) : After completing the initial formalities such as
Indian export? license quota, necessary amount of foreign exchange,
(a) Higher values importer has to place an order for the goods which is to
(b) Foreign competition be imported. This order is known as indent.
(c) Low quality of goods Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
(d) All the above 15. A tariff is used by the government for the purpose
UPPCS (Main) GS 2017 Ist (a) To protect domestic industries
Ans. (d) : In international market, there is always huge (b) To collect revenue
competition for quality and price of the product. The (c) To improve balance of payment deficit
main factors for the slow growth of Indian exports are (d) None of the above
higher value and cheap quality of its commodities as UP PSC ACF/RFO (Mains) 2020 Paper II
compared to international market. Ans. (a): Tariffs have three primary functions namely:
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. To serve as source of revenue
11. In the long term vision of the Commerce To protect domestic industries
Department, India has to become the main partner To remedy trade distortions
of world trade by- But main function is to protect domestic industries.
(a) 2018 (b) 2019 Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
(c) 2020 (d) 2021 16. The Government of India announced a new
UPPCS (Main) GS 2017 Ist scheme 'NIRVIK' in the Budget for 2020-21.
Ans. (c): In the long term vision of the Commerce Which of the following sectors of economy will
Department, India has to become the main partner of take the benefit from this scheme?
world trade by 2020 and play major role in international (a) Agriculture sector (b) Industrial sector
trade organizations. (c) Health sector (d) Export sector
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. (e) None of the above/More than one of the above
12. Consider the following statements: BPSC 66th Pre-2020
1. The quantity of imported edible oils is more Ans. (d): The Government of India announced a new
than the domestic production of edible oils in scheme 'NIRVIK' in the union Budget for 2020-21. The
the last five years. NIRVIK Scheme will boost the export segment of Indian
2. The Government does not impose any customs Economy NIRVIK - Niryat Rin Vikas Yojana. This is
duty on all the imported edible oils as a special also known as Scheme aimed at providing high insurance
case. coverage for exporters while reducing the premiums on
Which of the statements given above is/are small scale exporters.
correct? Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
B. Foreign Trade Policy Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
19. Which of the following statements are correct in 23. Which of the following country has applied anti-
respect of Agreement on use of Local Currencies dumping measures most, during the decade of
for cross-border transactions'?
A. India and UAE have signed a memorandum
(a) United State of America
(b) China
in this Agreement.
B. This agreement enables a frame work for (c) Countries of European Union
trade settlements in their respective national (d) India
currencies. UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2005
C. This Agreement was signed by the Prime Ans. (a): Dumping is defined as a situation in which the
Ministers ofIndia and UAE export price of a product is lower than its selling price in
D. Peekay Intermark Ltd. and Reserve Bank of the exporting country. Anti-dumping investigations have
India were the first users of this system been used primarily by the United States, the European
(a) B and D (b) C and D Union, Canada, and Australia, because domestic anti-
(c) A and B (d) A and C dumping laws have been enacted mostly in developed
countries. during the decade of 1995-2005 America
OPSC OCS (Pre) 2023 (USA) applied anti-dumping measures most.
Ans. (c) : India and United Arab Emirates (UAE) have Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Ans: (c) - The Narasimha Rao Government, in 1991,
started the economic reforms in order to rebuild internal 63rd BPCS (Pre)-2017
and external faith in the Indian economy. Economic Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the above question.
reforms refer to the fundamental changes that were
launched in 1991 with the plan of liberalising the
economy and quickening its rate of economic growth.
Manmohan Singh was the Finance Minister in the than
33. The process of Globalisation refers to-
(a) Creation of global trading blocks
(b) Dismantling barriers in international trade
(c) Introduction of single currency in the world
Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao’s Government (d) None of the above
1991. After evaluating the situation, Singh realised that UPPCS (Main) GS IInd 2017
what the Indian economy needed desperately – a shift to Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question.
economic liberalisation and a strategic end to the License
Raj. 34. Globalization of Indian Economy means
During the economic reform in 1991, the LPG policy was (a) Stepping up external borrowings
adopted that stands for ‘Liberalization’ means the (b) Establishing Indian Business abroad
abolition of licensing system in respect of all industries (c) Having minimum possible restrictions on
except those of special importance; ‘Privatisation’ means economic relations with other countries
the denationalization of public sector industries by selling (d) Giving up programmes of import substitutions
government-owned firm to private sectors; and UPPCS (Main) GS 2017 IInd
‘Globalisation’ means the minimising the barriers in Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question.
Ans. (d) : The Foreign Investment Promotion Board was UPPCS (Mains) G.S. IInd 2006
reorganized on 18 January 2003 and transferred to the Ans. (b): Minimum requirement programs, taxation and
Economic Division of the Ministry of Finance. land reforms are measures to reduce inequality, while
The foreign investment Promotion Board (FIPB) has been
replaced by the Foreign Investment Facilitation Portal
(FIFP) in 2017 to speed up the FDI inflow and to increase
liberalization of the economy is not a measure to reduce
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
the transparency in the FDI approvals in the country.
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. 44. One of the important goals of the economic
liberalisation policy is to achieve full
41. Under the Liberalization program and for the convertibility of the Indian rupee. This is being
purpose of attracting foreign exchange, the advocated because–
Government and the Reserve Bank of India had (a) Convertibility of the rupee will stabilize its
formulated two schemes, called 'FCNR-'A' and
'FCNR-'B'. Which of the following statements exchange value against major currencies of the
is/are correct regarding these two schemes? world
1. The Reserve Bank of India suffers exchange rate (b) It will attract more foreign capital inflow in India
fluctuations under Scheme 'A' (c) It will help promote exports
2. Other banks bridge the gap under exchange rate (d) It will help India secure loans from the world
fluctuations under Scheme 'B' financial markets at attractive terms
3. Now both plans have been withdrawn IAS (Pre) G.S. 1996
4. Only Scheme 'A' has been withdrawn Ans. (b): An important goal of the economic
Choose the correct answer from the following liberalization policy is to achieve full convertibility for the
questions. Indian rupee. It is being supported, as it will attract more
Code: inflow of foreign capital into India.
(a) Only 3 (b) 1 and 2 Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 4 45. In 1991 economic reform, which policy measure
I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 1995 was not undertaken ?
Ans. (d) : Except statement 3 in question, all other (a) Devaluation
statements are true. FCNR (A), which has been in (b) Shifting gold from RBI vaults overseas
existence since 1975, has been abolished and replaced by (c) Demonetisation
FCNR-B in May 1993. Foreign Currency Non- Resident (d) Partial convertibility of Rupee
(FCNR) account is a type of term deposit that NRIs can APPSC Group-II-2017
hold in India in a foreign currency. In FCNR-A, the RBI
guaranteed the exchange rate prevalent at the time of Ans. (c) : Demonetisation was not a part of 1991
deposit to eliminate risk to depositors while the RBI economic reforms. The reforms began with the
introduced FCNR-B without exchange rate guarantee. devaluation of the rupee on July 1, 1991, followed by
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. transfer of a total of 46.91 tonnes of gold from the reserve
assets of the RBI in Mumbai to the Bank of England. The
42. Statement (A): Disinvestment in India is an reform also provided for partial convertibility of rupee.
integral part of the process of liberalization of the
economy. Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
Reason (R): Income derived from it is being 46. Assertion (A): The rate of growth of India’s exports
utilized as per the policy announced by the state. has shown an appreciable increase after 1991.
Select the correct answer using the code given Reason (R) : The Govt. of India has resorted to
below: devaluation.
Economics PLANNER English 156 YCT
(b) India has double taxation avoidance agreement
with Mauritius below :
(c) Most of the citizens of Mauritius have ethnic (a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 2 and 4 only
is felt safe
identity with India and therefore investing in India
(d) Mauritius is investing in India on a large scale in
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 only
IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist 2012
Ans. (d): Foreign direct investment in India consists of
majority of foreign equity holders in Indian companies,
view of the future threats of global climate change
IAS (Pre) G.S. 2010 companies exclusively funded by foreign companies and
Ans. (b) : The main reason for the highest Foreign Direct subsidiaries of foreign companies in India etc. whereas
portfolio investments are not included. Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI) coming from Mauritius in India is the
Investment: Foreign investment in physical assets such
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between India as factories, land capital goods and infrastructure sectors
and Mauritius. is called as direct capital investment. Mostly these types
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. of investments are made by multinational companies.
48. Global capital-flows to developing countries Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
increased significantly during the nineties. In 52. What is the percentage of Foreign Direct
view of the East Asian financial crisis and Latin Investment (FDI) allowed in Indian Cinema?
American experience, which type of inflow is (a) FDI is not allowed (b) 51%
good for the host country? (c) 90% (d) 100%
55. Which of the following are the objectives of the 1. Development of infrastructure facilities.
SEZ Act, 2005? 2. Promotion of investment from foreign sources.
1. Generation of additional economic activity. 3. Promotion of exports of services only.
3. Creation of employment.
(a) 1, 2 and 3
2. Promotions of exports of goods and services. Which of the above are the objectives of this Act?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(b) 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2 and 3 (IAS (Pre) G.S. 2010)
(c) 1 and 3 only Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the above question.
(d) More than one of the above
(e) None of the above 62. Find the incorrect statement with respect to Special
Economic Zones (SEZ).
68th BPSC (Pre) 2022
(a) No licence is required for imports
Ans. (a): Generation of additional economic activity, (b) No permission required for sub-contracting
Promotions of exports of goods and services, and Creation (c) Manufacturing and services both activities are
of employment are the objectives of the SEZ Act, 2005. allowed
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
(d) No routine examination of cargo for imports
56. The policy of special economic zone in India was /exports required by custom authorities
introduced in- ACF/RFO (Mains) Ist 2018
(a) April 2000 (b) April 2001
(c) April 2002 (d) April 2003 Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question.
UPPCS (Main) GS 2017 Ist 63. Special Economic Zones (SEZ) have been created
Ans. (a) : The Special Economic Zones (SEZs) policy first time in the:
was launched in April, 2000 as EXIM Policy. The (a) EXIM Policy, 2000
Special Economic Zones Act, 2005, was passed by (b) EXIM Policy, 2005
Parliament in May, 2005 which received Presidential (c) Industrial Policy, 1956
assent on the 23rd of June, 2005. The SEZs Rules, 2006 (d) Industrial Policy, 1991
came into effect on 10th February, 2006. OPSC (OCS) PRE-2020 PAPER-I
The main objectives of the SEZ Scheme are generation Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the above question.
of additional economic activity, promotion of exports of
goods and services, promotion of investment from F. FTZ/FTA
domestic and foreign sources, creation of employment 64. Super-301is associated with-
opportunities along with the development of (a) International treaty (b) Nuclear explosion
infrastructure facilities. In SEZs areas, no license is (c) Human right (d) Barrier in free trade
required for imports, both manufacturing and services UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 1993
activities are promoted and regular inspection of UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. IInd 2004
import/export shipload is not necessary by the Customs Uttarakhand RO/ARO, 2016
Authorities. Ans. (d) - Super 301 or section 301 is the trade law in
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. USA, giving the Executive Branch discretionary authority
57. Special Economic Zone act came into existence to retaliate unilaterally against foreign nations for unfair
in- trade practices. Section 301 strengthen further under the
(a) 2004 (b) 2005 Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, and
(c) 2006 (d) 2007 went a step further and mandated that the Executive will
UPPCS (Pre) GS 2010 retaliate in a broad range of circumstances.
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question. Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
Ans. (a) : For the development and promotion of export authorities to improve the country’s trade balance by
industries in India, from July 1, 1999, all export boosting exports at moments when the trade deficit may
processing zones have been converted into free trade become a problem for the economy.
place where duty free trade takes place.
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
zones on the lines of China. Free trade area refers to a After devaluations, the same amount of a foreign
currency buys greater quantities of the country’s currency
than before the devaluation. This means that the country’s
67. Free trade zones have been established in India to products and services are likely to be sold at lower prices
promote which one of the following? in foreign markets, making them more competitive. Its
(a) Backward and hill region due to the devaluation of currency, the imports become
expensive and exports become cheap of the country.
(b) Rural and small industries
(c) Export industry Devaluation also increases the debt burden of foreign-
(d) All the above denominated loans when priced in the home
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2003 currency. Thus, devaluation may not improve the trade
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question. balance in the long run.
68. Free trade zone is one – Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
(a) Where trade is done without restriction 73 . When a country devaluates its currency, its effect is
(b) Where any entrepreneur is free to start his that-
industries (a) Imports become cheap and exports become
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true
UP Lower (Pre) G.S. 2003–04 of being paid for the products sold internationally
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the above question. is_____.
(a) Open Account (b) Drafts
78. Consider the following statements:
The effect of devaluation of a currency is that it
(c) Bill of Lading (d) Letter of Credit
Karnataka PCS -2020
1. Improves the competitiveness of the domestic Ans. (d): Letters of Credit (LC) are one of the most secure
exports in the foreign markets instruments available to international traders. Letter of
2. Increases the foreign value of domestic currency Credit is a commitment by a bank on behalf of the buyer
3. Improves the trade balance that payment will be made to the exporter, provided that
Which of the above statements is/are correct? the terms and conditions stated in the LC been met.
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
(c) 3 only (d) 2 and 3 84. Participatory Notes (PNs) are associated with
UPSC (IAS-Pre) 2021 which one of the following ?
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the above question. (a) Consolidated Fund of India
79. The first year in which the rupee was devalued in (b) Foreign Institutional Investors
India was: (c) United Nations Development Programme
(a) 1949 (b) 1966
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question.
87. Which of the following statements regarding the 93. Consider the following statements:
Foreign Exchange Fund of India is not true? The Indian rupee is fully convertible
around 600 billion U.S. dollor and that is satisfactory. authorized dealers for travel
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. (b) That the Indian Rupee can be exchanged for any
major currency for the purpose of trade in goods
78. Convertibility to the Indian Rupee means that it and services
can be exchanged: (c) That the Indian Rupee can be exchanged for any
(a) For the purpose of trade in goods and services major currency for the purpose of trading
(b) For any major currency for trading financial financial assets
assets (d) None of the above
(c) By authorised dealers for investment purposes (IAS (Pre) G.S. 1998)
(d) All of the above Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question.
Manipur PSC - 2013
95. Consider the following statements:
Ans. (b): The term convertibility of a currency indicates Full convertibility of the rupee may mean
that it can be freely converted into any other currency 1. Its free float with other international currencies.
through global exchanges.
Indian has partial rupee convertibility i.e. the rupee is 2. Its direct exchange with any other international
fully convertible on the current account applicable from currency at any prescribed place inside and
August 1994 but not on the capital account. outside the country.
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. 3. It acts just like any other international currency.
79. Convertibility of rupee implies? Which of these statements are correct?
(a) Being able to convert rupee notes into gold (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
(b) Allowing the value of rupee to be fixed by IAS (Pre) GS 2002
market forces Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the above question.
(c) Freely permitting the conversion of rupee to 96. At present, the country has assumed-
other currencies and vice versa (a) Partial Convertibility of Indian Currency
(d) Developing an international market for (b) Full convertibility of Indian currency
currencies in India (c) Full convertibility of current account
IAS (Pre) G.S Ist 2015, 1994 (d) Full convertibility of capital account
Jharkhand PSC (Pre) G.S. 2006, BPSC (Pre) 2015 BPSC (Pre) 1999
Ans. (c): Kindly refer the above question. Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question.
Economics PLANNER English 161 YCT
country in its own currency for reciprocal transactions (a) US dollar, Canadian dollar, New Zealand
with the currencies of other countries, the exchange rate dollar, Hong Kong dollar
of that country is fully administered i.e. fixed by the (b) US dollar, New Zealand dollar, Canadian
government. The absolute convertibility of the exchange
rate of currency refers to a system under which the
currency of a country is freely convertible into major
dollar, Hong Kong dollar
(c) US dollar, Hong Kong dollar, New Zealand
dollar, Canadian dollar
foreign currencies and major foreign currencies freely (d) US dollar, Hong Kong dollar, Canadian dollar,
convert into local currency. New Zealand dollar
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. (IAS (Pre) G.S. 1998)
99. A' floating exchange rate' regime in an economy Ans : (a) The correct sequence of the descending order of
means: their denominations in Indian rupees of the currencies
(a) The current account deficit has to be maintained given in question period was: US. Dollar (81.99),
at a minimum level Canadian Dollar (62.24), New Zealand Dollar (50.82),
(b) Exchange rate will adjust to keep the current Hong Kong Dollar (10.49).
account deficit/surplus equal to the capital Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
(c) The government does not have to maintain a 104. Consider the following statement:
certain level of forex reserve The price of any currency in international market
(c) Received as commission for services rendered to (b) Goods exported by one country in a year
overseas investors/buyers/ sellers in assisting them (c) Economic transaction between government of one
to get over the red tape and/or in getting country and government of another country
preferential treatment
(d) Made to political parties or to individuals for
meeting election expenses
(d) The operation of capital from one country to
IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist 2013
IAS (Pre) G.S. 1996 Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the above question.
Ans. (a) : Hawala is an informal funds transfer system 113. Balance of payments is defined as–
that allows for the shifting of money from one person to (a) Decrease in import prices over export prices
another without the actual movement of money. It is a (b) Difference of capital and debts to the firm
simple process that requires no documentation and (c) Difference in current expenditure and current
therefore, is an anonymous system of moving money. revenue in the government budget
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. (d) Full details of economic activities between the
I. Balance Of Payment residents of one country and the rest of the world
2. Reduce domestic consumption and spending on Trade?
imports (e.g. tight fiscal policy/higher taxes). (a) Net Trade of Services
3. Supply side policies to improve the competitiveness of (b) Net Transfer of Payment
in the current account opened in banks got opportunities to earn foreign exchange. Among them,
(b) Deficit from government expenditure in excess the export of apparel is at the first place, while leather
of government revenue in the current year goods and tourism are at the second and third position
(c) Loss in total imports over country's total exports respectively.
(d) Loss due to excess of the cost of goods over Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
market value 126. Following are the reasons for the steady increase
(e) None of these in Foreign Exchange Fund in India –
CGPSC (Pre)- 2017 1. Increase in inflow of foreign direct investments
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question. (FDI).
2. Receiving gifts from abroad
121. Consider the following: 3. High prevalence of interest in the country.
1. Foreign currency convertible bonds 4. Bringing in funds by foreign institutional
2. Foreign institutional investment with certain appropriators.
conditions 5. Remittances by Indians working abroad.
3. Global depository receipts Select the correct answer from the given code:
4. Non-resident external deposits Code:
Which of the above can be included in Foreign (a) 1, 3, 4, 5 (b) 1, 2, 3, 4
Direct Investments? (c) 1, 2, 4, 5 (d) 2, 3, 4, 5
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 3 only UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2007
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 1 and 4 Ans. (a) : Reasons for steadly increase in Foreign
UPSC (IAS-Pre) 2021 exchange (1) increase of FDI (2) Remittances by Indian
Ans. (a): In Capital Account of Balance of Payment, we working abroad (3) Receiving gift from abroad (4)
can classify into Investment, Borrowings and External Receiving funds through foreign institutional investors
Assistance. Investment includes Equity flow in the (5) purchase by RBI (6) Higher return on government
economy. Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB), security compare to their native land.
Foreign Institutional Investment with certain conditions Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
(b) Emergency loan from IMF by pledging gold International Monetary Fund.
reserves Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
(c) Emergency loan from World Bank 135. Consider the following statements regarding the
(d) Quick realization of expatriate payments
APPSC GROUP-I (7-5-2017)
Ans. (b): The 1991 Indian economic crisis was an
Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) in India:
1. It has fluctuated drastically in the past decade.
2. In 2022-23, the net FPI in India was less than
economic crisis in India resulting from a balance of 1% of the GDP.
payments deficit due to excess essential imports and other 3. Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 is
external factors. the primary legislation governing FPI in India.
The Word Bank and IMF also stopped their assistance, How many of the statements given above are
leaving the government with no option except to mortgage correct?
to country's gold to avoid defaulting on payments. (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. (c) All Three (d) None
J. Export Processing Zone (e) Question not attempted
130. Where was the first "Export Processing Zone" Haryana PSC (Pre) 2024
(EPZ) was established in Asia? Ans.(c): FPI in India, fluctuated drastically in past decade
(a) Tokyo (b) Dhaka and in 2022-23, the net FPI in India was less than 1% of
(c) Kandla (d) Chennai the GDP. Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 is the
UPPSC ACF Mains Paper-II, 2021 primary legislation governing FPI in India. Thus all three
Ans. (c): India was one of the first in Asia to recognize the statement are correct.
effectiveness of the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) model Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
in promoting exports, with Asia’s first EPZ set up in 136. Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)
‘Kandla’, Gujarat in 1965. introduced in India finally in the year-
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. (a) 1991 (b) 1997 (c) 2002 (d) 2007
131. The first Export Processing Zone (EPZ) in India UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2013
was established in- Ans: (c): Foreign Exchange Management Act, or in short
(a) Kandla (b) Mumbai (FEMA) passed in 1999 in place of FERA, is an act that
(c) Noida (d) Vishakhapatanam provides guidelines for the free flow of foreign exchange
UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. Ist 2008 in India. It has brought a new management regime of
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the above question. foreign exchange consistent with the emerging frame
work of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Foreign
132. The first export processing Zone in private sector Exchange Management Act was earlier known as FERA
established in- (Foreign Exchange Regulation Act), which has been
(a) Surat (b) Noida found to be unsuccessful with the proliberalisation
(c) Chennai (d) Mangluru policies of the Government of India. FEMA act fully
UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2005 came into force in 2002. The Foreign Exchange
Ans: (a)- In 1996 central government had established Regulation Act (FERA) was enacted in 1973.
Surat Export Processing Zone at Surat as a "free trade Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
zone" which came into existence in 1997. It is now 137. The Government of India has replaced FERA by
considered as the first Export Processing Zone of private (a) The Competition Act (b) The FEMA
sector. The EPZs were not able to emerge as effective (c) The Monopolies Act (d) The MRTP Act
instruments for export promotion and So, to overcome UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2007
the shortcomings and to attract large foreign investments
in India, the SEZ policy was announced in April 2000. Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question.
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. bombs. Thus, the second statement is incorrect while
2. llmenite and rutile, abundantly available in statement-1 is correct.
certain coastal tracts of India, are rich sources Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
of which one of the following?
(a) Aluminium (b) Copper (c) Iron (d) Titanium
5. Which one of the following is not an economic
UPSC IAS (Pre)-2023 (a) Schools (b) Sanitation facilities
Ans. (d) : llmenite and Rutile are both minerals that (c) Coal mines (d) Roads and Railways
contain high concentration of titanium.
In India certain coastal trails are known for significant UPPCS (Main) G.S IInd 2004
Ans. (c) : Under basic economic infrastructure
llmenite and Rutile deposits. These are found in beach
deposits and are extracted through beach sand mining facilities, road and rail transport, civil aviation, ports,
operations. electricity, communication, post, education institute
The extracted llmenite and rutile are processed to obtain (schools), water supply and sanitation facilities, residual
titanium dioxide which is then further refined to materials management and urban transport etc. are
produce metallic titanium. covered under economic infrastructure, while coal
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. mines is the main basic unit of energy.
B. Energy Resources Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
3. About three-fourths of world's cobalt, a metal 6. Which of the following are the parts of the
required for, the manufacture of batteries for Social infrastructure in India?
electric motor vehicles, is produced by 1. Transport 2. Housing
(a) Argentina
3. Health, Sanitation 4. Energy
(b) Botswana
(c) the Democratic Republic of the Congo 5. Education
(d) Kazakhstan (a) Only 2, 3 and 5 (b) Only 1, 2 and 4
UPSC IAS (Pre)-2023 (c) Only 1and 3 (d) Only 1, 2, 3 and 5
Ans. (c) : The Democratic Republic of Congo is the Gujarat PSC (Civil service Pre)-2018 Paper-2
world's largest producer of cobalt accounting for about Ans. (a): Social infrastructure includes literary
three-fourths of the global protection. The country reported programme, education, public health, house drinking
output of 1,30,000 MT in 2022. Cobalt is crucial for water and sanitation.
manufacture of some electronic products (Smartphones & These are some of the most important components of
Laptops) and batteries of Electric Vehicles. India's social infrastructure. Investing in these areas is
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. essential for promoting economic growth, reducing
4. Consider the following statements : poverty and improving the overall quality of life for all
Statement-I : India, despite having uranium Indians.
deposits, depends on coal for most of its
electricity production. Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Statement II : Uranium, enriched to the extent of 7. Which does not come in the economic
at least 60%, is required for the production of infrastructure?
electricity. (a) Roads (b) Railways
Which one of the following is correct in respect (c) Education and Health (d) Energy
of the above statements : BPSC (Pre) 2003–04
Eonomics PLANNER English 166 YCT
the point of view of sustainable development in Statement I : Gati Shakti digital platform
India? involves the creation of a common umbrella
(a) Coal (b) Mineral oil and gas platform through which infrastructure projects can
(c) Hydropower
(d) Nuclear power
UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2012
Ans. (c) : Hydropower in India is a renewable
be planned and implemented.
Statement II : Gati Shakti Digital platform is
based on twelve pillars.
environment friendly and cheaper source of energy. In In the light of the above statements, choose the
March 2014, the cabinet decided to give renewable
hydropower projects status as a source of renewable most appropriate answer from the option given
energy. Till now this status was given only to small below:
projects with a capacity of less than 25 MW. India has (a) Both statement I and Statement II are correct.
a potential of 1,45,320 MW(January, 2021) of hydro (b) Both Statement I and Statement are incorrect
power. As part of its national commitment in (c) Statement I is correct and Statement II is
compliance with the Paris Agreement, India has incorrect
decided to set the energy component from the clean
energy source to 40% of the total energy by 2030. As (d) Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is
of 31st August 2022, Renewable energy sources, correct
including large hydropower, have a combined install HPPSC (Pre) 2023
capacity of 163 GW. Ans. (c) : The Prime Minister of India has launched the
Sector Capacity (GW) National Plan for Multimodal Connectivity on October
Wind power 41.2 13, 2021. This digital platform is designed to bring 16
Solar power 59.34 ministries, including Railways and Roadways, to ensure
Biomass/Co-generation 10.2 integrated planning and coordinated execution of
Small Hydro Power 4.88 infrastructure projects. PM Gati Shakti digital platform
Waste to Energy 0.47 is based on six principles, which are as follows-
Large Hydropower 46.85 Integrated development, multimodal infrastructure, last
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. mile connectivity, Reduced ecological impact,
Expedited land acquisition and minimised clearances.
10. Singrauli Small Hydro Power Project is located
in Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Bihar 13. Which of the following Indian State has higher
(c) Chhattisgarh (d) Uttar Pradesh road density?
UPPSC RO/ARO (Mains) 2017 (a) Bihar (b) Uttar Pradesh
Ans. (a) : Singrauli Small Hydroelectric Project is (c) Kerala (d) Tamil Nadu
extended in two districts i.e. it is located in Sidhi UK RO/ARO (Pre.) 2021
district of Madhya Pradesh and Sonbhadra district of Ans. (c): Kerala has the highest road density among
Uttar Pradesh. There are three super thermal power other Indian states. Every nook and corner of the state
plants / projects in this region - Singrauli, has motorable roads with a well-developed transport
Vindhyachal and Rihand. The Singrauli and Rihand system operating in public and private sector enabling a
plant are in the Sonbhadra district of Uttar Pradesh
while the Vindhyachal plant is in the Singrauli district seamless movement of people and goods across the
of Madhya Pradesh. state. The state has 8 major National Highways.
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
3. The per unit (tonne/km) cost of transport is Telecommunication Regulatory Authority, 1997. Hence,
cheaper in road compared to rail transport option (c) is correct answer.
4. Given the indivisible nature of the Railways, 18. Consider the following statements:
it is not always convenient for the population
to avail of it with the same ease as private
cars, buses or two-wheelers
A. In India more than 60% of the total track
kilometer of railway is electrified.
B. The railway network in India is divided into
Select the correct answer from the code given 19 zones.
below: C. The Zonal Headquarters of East Central
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2 and 4 Railway are at Kolkata.
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4 Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(IAS (Pre) G.S. 1994) Select the code for the correct answer from the
Ans. (b) : Railways is the largest means of transport in options given below:
India and the largest employer institution. Indian (a) A and B only (b) A and C only
Railways is the second largest railway network in the (c) A, B and C (d) None of the above
world. Despite this, after independence, road transport Karnataka PSC 2017
has received more encouragement than railways. The
reason for the excess of road transport is - (1) the high Ans. (d): Indian Railway is a statutory body under the
cost of its associated capital cost even when the rail ownership of Ministry of Railway. British government
transport is cheap, (2) the inability of rail transport to introduces Railway for the first time to India in 1853.
meet the transportation needs of large human Electrification was introduced on Indian Railway in
settlements across a wide geographical area and ( 3) 1925. Indian Railways Electrified 58,812 Routes
Due to the inseparable nature of the railways, the kilometers (RKMs) till March 31st 2023 which about
inconvenience caused to the public in getting railway 90% of the total Broad-Gauge (BG) network (65,300
services over private vehicles is major. RKMs) of Indian Railway. Indian Railway is dived into
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. 17th Zones. The zonal headquarter of East Central
16. If the entire ship is leased then shipping Railway is Hajipur (Bihar).
company issues Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
(a) Shipping Order (b) Charter Party 19. The Centre has launched UDAN for regional
(c) Bill of entry (d) Railway receipt air connectivity. Consider the following
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2006 statements regarding UDAN:
Ans. (b) : The charter party is an agreement between A. Airlines will have exclusive rights for three
the exporter and the shipping company, in which the years to fly on a particular regional route. On
company cannot carry goods other than the goods of these routes for regional flights, airfares will
the exporter on a specified ship. In this way, the entire be capped at ` 2,500 for an hour flight.
ship is contracted or hired by the exporter for a B. The scheme UDAN envisages providing
particular journey. In such a situation, the undertaking connectivity to un-served and under-served
which has to be given for taking the entire ship on airports of the country through building new
contract is called as Charter Party or Ship Contract airports with state of the art modern
Form. infrastructure.
Entry Bill - The form used to pay import duty is called C. The UDAN is likely to a give a major fillip to
the Bill of Entry. tourism and employment generation in the
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. hinterland.
high-tech public transport. Which of the
following proposals is/are NOT part of it? Sadak Yojana is/are
(1) Hyperloop (2) Metrino (a) To connect the villages to the main road
(3) Pod taxis
(a) 1 and 3 only
(c) 4 only
(4) Bullet Train
(b) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(b) To make a paved road
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Gujarat PSC 2019 Paper-II MPPSC (Pre) G.S. Ist Paper, 2016
Ans. (c) : The NITI (National Institution for Ans. (c) : Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana was
Transforming India) Aayog has approved 6 transport launched in 2000 to provide all weather road access to
proposals of the transportation technologies such as unconnected habitations (villages to the main road).
Metrino, Hyperloop, Pod taxis, Stadler buses, Hybrid PMGSY is a 100% centrally sponsored scheme. From
buses and freight rail road. 2015-16 onwards, the funding pattern has been revised
The proposals of the transport ministry were approved to 60% Central share and 40% State Share. The
with a condition that the transport ministry conducts programme objective is to provide round-the–year
trial run of all these technologies and puts in place connectivity by all weather roads (paved roads) with
safety measures before starting operations necessary culverts and cross drainage structures.
commercially. So, bullet train is not part of it. Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
(c) Ministry of Shipping, Government of India Ans. (c) : The sustainable investments in infrastructure
(d) Ministry of Finance, Government of India and innovation initiative was established by the United
Nations Office for Project Services to fill the SPG
Talangana State PSC (Pre) 2023
Ans. (a) : The Trade Infrastructure for export scheme
(TIES) is a program that helps create and upgrade
Financing gap in developing countries. It seeks to
channelise public and private Financing into large scale
infrastructure projects in the following sectors.
export infrastructure in India. The Scheme is mainly 1. Renewable Energy
implemented by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, 2. Affordable Housing
Government of India. 3. Health infrastructure
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
28. With reference to 'PM Gati Shakti Scheme', 31. Consider the following statements :
which of the following statement/s is/are correct? Statement-I : Interest income from the deposits in
1. The PM Gati Shakti Scheme_National Plan Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs)
was launched in 2022. distributed to their investors is exempted from tax,
2. The PM Gati Shakti Scheme pertains to but the dividend is taxable.
seven engines (Roads, Railways, Airports, Statement II : InvITs are recognized as
Ports, Mass Transport, Waterways, borrowers under the Securitisation and
Port Well known as its corpus is proposed to be increased to 40,000 crores.
1. Kamarajar Port : First major port in Thus, both the statements in question are incorrect.
India registered as a Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
2. Mundra Port
: Largest
SP privately
owned port in India
37. Which of the following is not a component of
Bharat Nirman?
(a) Rural Housing
3. Visakhapatnam : Largest container
Port port in India (b) Rural Electrification
How many of the above pairs are correctly (c) Agro-based industries
matched? (d) Rural Telephony
(a) Only one pair (b) Only two pairs Mizoram PSC 2018 Paper-I
(c) All three pairs (d) None of the pairs Ans. (c): Bharat Nirman was launched in 2005-06 for
UPSC IAS (Pre)-2023 building infrastructure and basic amenities in rural
Ans. (b) : Kamrajar Port is located on the coromandel areas. Bharat Nirman has six components - rural
coast about 24 km. north of Chennai Port. It is the First housing, irrigation potential, drinking water, rural
Port in India which is public company. The Kamrajar roads, electrifications and rural telephony.
Port is the only corporatized major port is registered as Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
a company. Mundra port is the largest Privately owned 38. Which of the following infrastructure sectors
port in India. It is owned by Adani group. Jawaharlal of India is related with Bharatmala Project?
Nehru Port Trust Nhava Sheva is the largest container (a) Telecom sector
port in India. Thus pair 1 & Part 2 are correctly matched.
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. (b) Railways
(c) Road infrastructure
34. Transport, communication, water facilities, (d) Port sector
power supply, education and health all are
components of (e) None of the above/More than one of the
(a) Urbanization (b) Industrialization above
(c) Globalization (d) Infrastructure BPSC 66th Pre-2020
UP PCS ACF (Mains) IInd Paper 2017 Ans. (c): The Bharatmala Project was launched on 25th
Ans. (d) : As a component of infrastructure, traffic October 2017 for the construction of better road
system, communication system, water facility, power transport system in India. It is an umbrella project
supply, education and health are all components. It is under the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.
a basic concept to create a city or industrial areas Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
while urbanization, industrialization and globalization 39. In which year the 'Smart Cities Mission' was
reflect a multi-faceted institutional position. launched?
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. (a) 2015 (b) 2016
35. Which of the following objectives is not (c) 2017 (d) 2018
affiliated with JNNURM Yojna? UK RO/ARO (Pre.) 2021
(a) Urban electrification
(b) Urban transport Ans. (a): The Smart Cities Mission was launched on
(c) Development of heritage areas June, 25, 2015. The mission aims to improve the
(d) Cleaniness, sanitation and sewer system quality of life in cities by providing better services,
UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2010 infrastructure and a sustainable environment.
UP UDA/LDA Spl. (Pre) G.S., 2010 Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Statement II III and IV are correct while statement I is
incorrect. (c) 40. 33 (d) 33.3
Hence, option !b" is the correct answer. Maharashtra PSC (Pre) 2023
Ans. (d) : If deprivation score of a household is 33.3
answer from the code given below :
Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
percent on greater, then that household is called
multidimensional poor. The National Multidimensional
Poverty Index (MPI) for India is calculated by the NITI
(Schemes) (Launching Year) Aayog in collaboration with the United Nations
A. P.M. Garib Kalyan 1. 2014 Development Programme (UNDP) and the Oxford
Package Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI).
B. Muskan Scheme 2. 2020 Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
C. Mission Indradhanush 3. 2018 5. Which of the following is/are the type/s of
D. Pradhan Mantri Jan 4. 2021 poverty?
Arogya Yojana (1) Absolute poverty (2) Relative poverty
Code : (3) Subjective poverty (4) Functional poverty
A B C D A B C D Choose the correct answer using the code given
(a) 2 4 1 3 (b) 3 1 4 2 below–
(c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 1 2 3 4 Code :
UPPSC RO/ARO 2023 (Nirsat) (a) Only 1 and 2 (b) Only 1 and 4
Ans. (a) : The correct match is as follows :- (c) Only 3 and 4 (d) Only 1, 2 and 3
Schemes Launching year UPPCS (Pre)-2023
P.M. Garib Kalyan Package – 2020 Ans. (d) : Out of the given options Absolute Poverty,
Muskan Scheme – 2021 (2022) Relative Poverty and Subjective Poverty are type of poverty
whereas functional poverty is not a type of poverty.
Mission Indradhanush – 2014 Absolute Poverty–It is defined as absolute lack of
Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana– 2018 resources including food insecurity.
3. Consider the following statements: Relative Poverty–It is defined in comparison to other
A. Poverty line estimation in India has been people's standing in the economy.
based on the consumption expenditure and Subjective Poverty–Subjective poverty describes poverty
not on the income levels. that is composed of many dimensions; it is subjectively
B. It is difficult to assess incomes of self- present when one's income does not meet their
employed people, daily wage laborers etc., expectations.
and there may be large fluctuations in income 6. Which organization carries not the survey for
due to seasonal factors determining the poverty line?
Which of the following is correct in respect of (a) NSSO (b) NITI Aayog
the above statements? (c) RBI (d) More than one of the above
(a) Both 1 and 2 are correct and I is (e) None of the above
the correct explanation of 2 68th BPSC (Pre) 2022
(b) Both 1 and2 are correct, and 2 is the correct Ans. (a): NITI Aayog has come out with a poverty
explanation of 1 index based on research/analysis of various parameters.
(c) Both the statements are correct but none is an But for this, NITI Aayog does not conducts any survey.
explanation of the other Instead it depend on survey data provided by NSSO and
(d) Both the statements arc correct but unrelated also various reports analysis of other think tanks,
OPSC OCS (Pre) 2023 educational institution etc.
Eonomics PLANNER English 172 YCT
sanitation, basic education etc. (b) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect.
(c) This measure fails to explain social factors (c) Statement I is correct and Statement II is
that cause poverty such as ill health, lack of incorrect.
freedom etc.
(d) All of the above
access to resources, lack of civil and political (d) Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is
HPPSC (Pre) Exam-2024
Manipur PSC (Pre) 2023 Ana.(d): Statement- (I) is incorrect and statement (II) is
Ans. (d) : Calorie based norm is not an adequate correct.
measure to identify poor people because – Note - The poverty gap is a ratio showing the average
• This system categories the poor as a single category shortfall of the total publication from the poverty line -
and does not differentiate between poor and very the minimum level of income required to secure the
poor. basics.
• This mechanism considers calories intake as the only 11. The cyclic poor are those
basis of determining poverty and fails to consider (a) Who always remain poor
factors such as healthcare, provision of clean drinking (b) Who continuously between being poor and
water, proper sanitation, basic education etc. non-poor
• This measure fails to explain social factors that (c) Who mostly remain non-poor but sometimes
cause poverty such as ill health, lack of access to they become poor
resources, lack of civil and political freedom etc. (d) All of the above
All the above statements are correct. Hence, option Jharkhand P.S.C. (Pre) G.S. Ist 2016
(d) is the correct answer.
Ans. (b) : Cyclical poor are those who are constantly
9. Match List-I with List-II
List-I List-II poor and non-poor. Cyclical poverty is the condition in
(A) Chronic Poor (i) Below the poverty which once a state of poverty prevails, it remains
line most of the forever, if no external intervention is made.
time 12. The concept of 'Vicious Circle of Poverty' is
(B) Churning Poor (ii) Rich most of the related to
time but (a) Karl Marx (b) Nurkse
somethimes, out of (c) Adam Smith (d) None of the above
a business UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2014
fluctuation become Ans. (b) : The book ''Problem of Capital Formation in
poor Under Developed Countries'', published by economist
(C) Non-Poor (iii) Always above the Ragnar Nurkse, discusses the concept of 'poverty'.
poverty line
(D) Occasionally Poor (iv) Regulatory move 13. Relative poverty means
in and of poverty (a) Bankruptcy
Choose the correct answer from the options (b) Trade cycles
given below: (c) Minimum life requirements
(a) (b) (c) (d) (d) Economic inequalities
(a) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) BPSC (Pre.) G.S. 2002
(b) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii) Ans. (d):Relative poverty means economic
(c) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) inequalities. Poverty in India refers to a situation in
(d) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) which a section of society is unable to satisfy the basic
HPPSC (Pre) Exam-2024 needs of its life.
increasing number of people live in urban areas. The share (2) According to 2011 census 52% population
of urban population to total population, which has grown was below the poverty line
from 17.3 percent in 1951 to 31.16 percent in 2011. (3) Poverty is defined for an urban poor, who is
Migration from rural areas to seek employment opportunity
further complicated livelihoods and employment of the
urban poor. According to the figures of the census of India,
not able to get 2400 calories per day for a
rural poor who is not able to get 2100 calories
per day.
about 50 percent of rural male migrants enter cities looking (4) Rapidly rising population is the main reason
for employment/work. hence we can say that urban poverty for increasing poverty
rooted in rural areas. According to census 2011, the level of (a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 1 and 2 only
education in rural areas is low. Hence both statements are (c) 1 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
individually correct. Gujarat PSC 2019 Paper-II
16. Persons below the poverty line in India are Ans. (c): Absolute Poverty is when household income
classified such based on whether is below a certain levels, which make it impossible for
(a) they are entitled to a minimum prescribed the person or family to meet basic needs of life
food basket including food, shelter, safe drinking water, education,
(b) they get work for a prescribed minimum healthcare, etc. Relative poverty is when households
number of days in a year receive 50% less than average household incomes, so
(c) they belong to agricultural labourers household they do have some money but still not enough money
and the scheduled caste/tribe social group to afford anything above the basics. This type of
(d) their daily wages fall below the prescribed poverty is changeable depending on the economic
minimum wages growth of the country.
I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 1999 The percentage of persons below poverty line in 2011-
Ans. (a) : People below the poverty line in India are 12 has been estimated at 25.7 per cent in rural areas,
classified on the basis of entitlement to get minimum 13.7 per cent in urban areas and 21.9 per cent for the
prescribed food items. country as a whole.
17. Which of the following statements is correct? In India, the poverty line is based on the caloric norms.
(a) Uninterrupted poverty is based on The people who are unable to consume at least 2400
uninterrupted level of resources calories per day in rural areas and 2100 calories per
(b) Uninterrupted poverty is affected by the day in urban areas are considered to be living below
resources of others the poverty line.
(c) Uninterrupted poverty is based on the Rapid population growth is one of the major
comparison of resources of average contributing factors to the poverty.
(d) None of the above 21. Poverty level in India is established on the basis of
UP PCS ACF (Pre) 2017 (a) Per capita income in different states
Ans. (a) : Uninterrupted poverty is based on (b) Household average income
uninterrupted level of resources. Absolute poverty is (c) Household consumer expenditure
measured on the basis of livelihood growth. (d) Slum population in the country
18. Which of the following is not considered a UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2009, UP RO/ARO (Pre) G.S. 2013
social indicator of poverty? UP RO/ARO (M) G.S. 2013, UP Lower (Pre) G.S. 2013
(a) Low number of modes of transport UP UDA/LDA Spl. (M) G.S., 2010
(b) Illiteracy level UPPCS (Pre) Economics Opt. 2004
(c) lack of access to health care Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
(d) lack of employment opportunities question.
UPPSC RO/ARO (Mains) 2017
Eonomics PLANNER English 174 YCT
question. JPSC (Pre) 2024-I
25. In a given year in India, official poverty lines Ans. (d) : Consumer Price Index of Industrial Workers
are higher in some States than in others (CPI-IW) is considered as the basis for estimation of
(a) poverty rates vary from State to State
(b) price levels vary from State to State
poverty in India. The CPI is an economic indicator that
measures the price changes of a basket of goods and
services over time. It is used to track inflation, monitor
(c) Gross State Product varies from State to State price stability and target inflation.
(d) quality of public distribution varies from Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
State to State 29. Rangarajan Committee, 2014 defined poverty
IAS (Pre) 2019
line for 2011-12 at Rs._____ per capita per day
Ans. (b) : The official poverty lines in some states in consumption expenditure for urban areas and
India are higher than other states because the price level Rs.______ per capita per day for rural areas.
varies from state to state. The reasons for poverty in (a) Rs. 50 and Rs. 35 (b) Rs. 47 and Rs. 32
India are the following - widespread unemployment and (c) Rs. 55 and Rs. 40 (d) Rs. 60 and Rs. 45
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 3 and 4 (c) Chelliah Committee
(c) 2 and 4 (d) All the above (d) Chakravarty Committee
J & K PSC 2021 Paper-(I) UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2013
Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
Ans. (b) : Poverty line in India is assessed on the basis of
Lakdawala Committee. It is known that in 1989, the
33. Poverty-ratio based on the methodology adopted Planning Commission set up an expert team headed by
by Dr. C. Rangarajan Expert-Group was Prof. D.T. Lakdawala to measure poverty in the country.
incorrect for the state for 2011-12 in relation toIn 1993 Lakdawala submitted his report and it was
the population of the State: accepted for the measurement of poverty mentioned
(a) Chhattisgarh 37.9%
according to the method in the 9th Five Year Plan.
(b) Goa 6.3%
(c) Rajasthan 21.7% 38. Which is the correct sequence of expert group
(d) All India 29.5% on poverty estimation constituted by Planning
RAS/RTS (Pre) G.S., 2015 Commission in India?
(a) Lakdawala Committee, Alagh Committee,
Ans. (a) : According to Dr. C. Rangarajan Committee, Rangarajan Committee, Tendulkar Committee
30.5% rural and 26.4% urban population lived below (b) Alagh Committee, Lakdawala Committee
the poverty line in the year 2011-12. The national Tendulkar Committee, Rangarajan Committee
average was 29.5%. As per the committee the (c) Alagh Committee, Tendulkar Committee,
percentage of poverty level in the states mentioned in Rangarajan Committee, Lakdawala Committee
the option are - Chhattisgarh (47.9%), Goa (6.3%) and
Rajasthan (21.7%). (d) Lakdawala Committee, Tendulkar Committee,
So, (a) is the correct answer of the question. Alagh Committee, Rangarajan Committee
Mizoram PSC-2021
34. A committee was set up by the Government of Ans. (b): Alagh Committee was a task force constituted
India to set new standards for estimating the
population living below the poverty line. Who by the Planning Commission under the chairmanship of
among the following was the chairman of this YK Alagh in 1979. It constructed a poverty line for rural
committee? and urban areas on the basis of nutritional requirements
(a) Nirmala Deshpande (b) V. Siddharth and related consumption expenditure.
(c) Suresh Tendulkar (d) Prof. Jankiraman • Lakdawala Committee of 1993 was a task force
UP RO/ARO (Pre) G.S., 2013, RAS/RTS (Pre) G.S., 2013 chaired by DT Lakdawala.
Ans. (c) : In December 2005, an expert team was • Tendulkar Committee was constituted in 2009 and
chaired by Suresh Tendulkar.
formed by the Planning Commission under the • Rangarajan Committee was constituted in the year
chairmanship of Suresh D. Tendulkar, which submitted 2012 and was chaired by C. Rangarajan.
its report in November 2009. This team did not create
a new poverty line, but instead converted the 61st (iii) Planning Commission/NITI
round of poverty data of NSSO from the 61st round of Report on Poverty
2004-2005, based on the Lakdawala method, from
consumption expenditure based on uniform recall Poverty
period to mixed recall period consumption 39. Which of the following statements are not
expenditure. By calculating the poverty line. correct?
According to the estimates of this team, the poverty According to the Second Edition of National
level in India was 37.2% in 2005-06, which decreased Multidimensional Poverty Index-2023 released
to 29.8 % in 2009-10 and 21.9% in 2011-12. by NITI Aayog-
Eonomics PLANNER English 176 YCT
estimates for India's 36 States & Union Territories, Jharkhand PSC (Pre) G.S. Ist 2016
along with 707 administrative districts across 12 Ans. (c) : The NSSO released sample survey data on
indicators of the national MPI. household consumer expenditure (NSS 61st round),
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.0
40. According to the Planning Commission of
India, which of the following are correct for the
covering the period July 2004 to June 2005. From this
data, two different consumption distribution for the year
2004-05 had been obtained. The first one was from the
poverty line? consumption data collected using 30-day recall period
1. Rs. 42 per capita per day in urban area for all the times. The other distribution is obtained from
2. Rs. 26 per capita per day in rural area the consumer expenditure data collected using 365-day
3. Rs. 32 per capita per day in urban area recall period for fine infrequently purchased non-food
4. Rs. 32 per capita per day in rural area items and 30 day recall period for the remaining items.
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3 These two consumption distribution had been termed as
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 and 4 Uniform Recall Period (URP) and Mixed Recall Period
BPSC (Pre) 2015 (MRP) consumption distribution respectively. The
Ans. (c) : The recommendations of the Suresh D. planning commission had estimated poverty in 2004-05
Tendulkar Committee have been approved more and using both the distributions.
more by the Government of India. Accordingly, the 45. Who conducts the periodical sample survey for
poverty line is defined as `26 per person per day in rural estimating the poverty line in India?
areas and` 32 per person per day in urban areas. (a) Niti Aayog
41. Which of the following fixes the poverty line in (b) CSO
India? (c) NSSO
(a) Central Council of Ministers (d) Ministry of Social Justice
(b) Lok Sabha Himachal PSC (Pre) 2016
(c) Rajya Sabha
(d) Planning Commission (Now Niti Ayog) Ans. (c) : The National Sample Survey Office
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2018 conducts periodic sampling surveys to measure the
Ans. (d) : The poverty line in India is determined by poverty line in India. The National Sample Survey
Office was established in 1950. Its function is to
the NITI Aayog (formerly the Planning Commission). conduct a comprehensive survey to make estimates and
Niti Aayog's three-year Action Agenda talks about plans and formulate policy regarding national income
poverty reduction in all dimensions. and related data, especially the unorganized sectors of
(iv) NSSO Report on Poverty the economy. It is headquartered in Kolkata.
42. Which statement is not true about the poverty (v) UNDP Report on Poverty
estimates based on the 68th round of NSSO?
(a) The poverty line defined at ` 33.33 per capita UNDP
per day for urban areas. 46. The Multi-dimensional Poverty Index
(b) The 21.9 percent population of India was developed by Oxford Poverty and Human
living below the poverty line. Development Initiative with UNDP support
(c) The 33.35 percent population of India was covers which of the following?
living below the poverty line. 1. Deprivation of education, Health, assets and
(d) The poverty line defined at ` 27.20 per capita services at household level
per day for rural areas. 2. Purchasing power parity at national level
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above 3. Extent of budget deficit and GDP growth rate
67th BPSC (Pre) 2021 (Re-exam) at national level
Eonomics PLANNER English 177 YCT
(a) Only i is correct State Percentage of
(b) Only ii and iii are correct population BPL
(c) Only i and ii are correct Chhattisgarh 39.93
(d) i, ii and iii are correct
UPPCS Pre GS-2019 Jharkhand 36.96
Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above Manipur 36.89
question. Arunachal Pradesh 34.67
48. Which of the following indicators is also used Bihar 33.74
while calculating Multidimensional Poverty
Index? 53. Which of the following States of India has the
(a) Access to Electricity highest poverty ratio?
(b) Access to Telephone (a) Bihar (b) Jharkhand
(c) Maternal Mortality Rate (c) Odisha (d) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Access to Higher Education (Himachal PSC (Pre) 2016)
Gujarat PSC (Civil service Pre)-2018 Paper-II Ans. (c): Odisha had the highest poverty ratio as per
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above question. 1999-2000 data. As per RBI data on 24 November
49. UNDP has introduced a new poverty index, 2021, Odisha (47.2%) has the highest poverty rate
namely among the given options and others are Bihar (42.6%),
(a) Human Poverty Index Uttar Pradesh (31.2%).
(b) Poorest Among Poor Index A.2. Unemployment
(c) Social Poverty Index 54. Arrange the following Committees in proper
(d) Multidimensional Poverty Index chronological order of their establishment:
Manipur PSC - 2013 (1) Alagh Committee
Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above (2) Tendulkar Committee
question. (3) Rangarajan Committee
(vi) States' Poverty Estimation (4) Lakdawala Committee
50. The Aspirational District Programme (ADP) Choose the correct answer from the options
was launched by which of the following given below:
organizations? (a) (1), (4), (2), (3) (b) (2), (1), (4), (3)
(a) National Development Council (c) (4),(2), (3), (1) (d) (3), (2), (1), (4)
(b) North-East Council HPPSC (Pre) Exam-2024
(c) Prime Minister's Office Ana.(a): Arranged in chronological order -
(d) NITI Aayog
Assam PSC (Pre) 2023 (1) Alagh Committee
Ans. (d) : The Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP) ↓
was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in (4) Lakdawala Committee
January 2018. The programme is anchored by NITI ↓
Aayog in partnership with state governments and (2) Tendulkar Committee
district administrations. It is a flagship initiative to ↓
improve the socio-economic status of the country's most (3) Rangarajan Committee
underdeveloped districts. So, the correct answer is option (a) -
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer. (1), (4), (2), (3)
Eonomics PLANNER English 178 YCT
number of poor. HPPSC (Pre) Exam-2024
57. Which of the following methods of Ana.(a): The maginal productivity in case of disguised
unemployment measurement is not used by unemployment is zero.
NSSO in India?
(a) Usual status
(b) Current Monthly status
SP Disguised unemployment is unemployment that does
not effect aggregate economic output. It occurs when
productivity is low and too many workers are filling too
(c) Current weekly status few jobs.
(d) Current daily status While marginal product of worker is defined as the
UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2005 change in the level of output when a new employe is
Ans. (b) : The Bhagawati Committee in 1973 suggested lired, given that all else remains constant.
three concepts for the unemployment estimation. Three 63. Disguised unemployment generally means:
concepts of unemployment in India are- (a) Large number of people remain unemployed
(i) Usual Status Unemployment - It shows the (b) Alternative employment is not available
employment status of people for long term of 365 days. (c) Marginal productivity of labour is zero
(ii) Weekly Status Unemployment - In this, if a person is (d) Productivity of worker is low
successful in getting work for even one hour on any day in Himachal PCS(Pre)-2014
the last seven days, then he is considered to be employed. Ans. (c) : It is generally found in hidden
Thus the weekly status presents details of the last seven
unemployment that more people are engaged in
question. length of economic contractions caused by a recession.
68. Disguised unemployment arises when
(a) Demand for labor decreases due to demographic (v) Structural Unemployment
73. The unemployment which is associated with
reasons as compared to its supply
(b) Labor demand decreases due to seasonal
the inadequacy of productive capacity to create
enough jobs for all those able and willing to
work refers to _______.
(c) More workers are engaged in the same
occupation than expected (a) Frictional unemployment
(d) Negative business cycle leads to job loss (b) Cyclical unemployment
Haryana PSC Pre 2017 (c) Structural unemployment
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above (d) Open unemployment
question. Karnataka PCS -2020
69. Disguised unemployment in India is mainly Ans. (c): Structural unemployment: It is a type of
related to: unemployment that arises from the mismatch between
1. Agricultural sector 2. Rural Area the jobs available in the market and the available
3. Manufacturing sector 4. Urban area worker's skills in the market.
Select the correct answer from the codes given This type of unemployment is caused by changes in
below: the economy, such as deindustrialization, which leaves
some unemployed workers unable to find work in new
(a) 1 and 3 (b)2 and 4 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 2 industries with different skill requirements.
UPPCS (Main) GS 2017 IInd Frictional unemployment occurs when person
voluntarily change jobs within an economy.
Ans. (d): Kindly refer the explanation of the above Open unemployment is the situation when a person is
question. willing to work is educated but is unable to get a job
70. Disguised unemployment is a common and work.
phenomenon in
(a) Agriculture (b) Industry (vi) Miscellaneous
(c) Trade (d) Telecommunication 74. Unemployment and poverty estimates in India
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2006 are based on
Mizoram PSC 2018 Paper-I (a) NSSO household consumption expenditure
Ans. (a): Kindly refer the explanation of the above (b) CSO household consumption expenditure survey
question. (c) Planning Commission's household
(iii) Educated Unemployment consumption expenditure survey
71. Consider the following statements and select (d) NSSO family income survey
the correct answer with the help of the codes Rajasthan PCS (Pre) G.S. 2016
given below: Ans. (a) : The unemployment and poverty estimates in
Assertion (A): Educated unemployment increases
with high rate of growth. India are based on the survey of consumption
Reason (R): This happens only when there is expenditure of the National Sample Survey Office.
a lack of vocational education. The NSSO, under The Ministry of Statics and
Code: Programme Implementation (MOSPI) conducts this
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct survey roughly every five years. The NSSO also
explanation of A collects some basic information on employment and
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct unemployment. This data helps paint a broader picture
explanation of A of the Indian workforce and economics situation.
Eonomics PLANNER English 180 YCT
2. Under the provisions of the Act, women are
(a) Poverty prevention in rural areas to get priority to the extent that one-half of
(b) Creation of additional jobs in rural areas persons who are given employment are
besides wage employment
urban areas
(c) Creation of employment opportunities in
(d) Training of rural youth for self-employment
women who have asked for work
Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
RAS/RTS (Pre.) G.S. 1992 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 and 2
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above (IAS (Pre) G.S. 2006)
question. Ans: (d) : National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
77. Jawahar Rozgar Yojana was started (NREGA) was passed in September, 2005 and was
(a) In the Sixth Five-Year Plan initiated on 2 February, 2006, by the then PM to India
(b) In the Seventh Five-Year Plan Dr. Manmohan Singh at Bandapalli in Andhra
(c) In the Eighth Five-Year Plan Pradesh. NREGA was renamed as Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. on 2
(d) None of the above October, 2009. Initially it was launched in 200
Jharkhand PSC (Pre) G.S. 2003 districts, in 2007-08 Budget it was expanded in 330
Ans: (b): Kindly refer the explanation of the above districts. Currently the MGNREGA is implemented in
question. almost 644 districts of India. MGNREGA is
78. Which one of the following is true regarding responsible for providing at least 100 days of
the Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY)? guaranteed employment in a year to at least one adult
(a) It was launched during the Prime member of every rural household, of which at least 1/3
Ministership of Indira Gandhi would be the women workers.
(b) It aims at creating one million jobs annually It provides Job Card that will be valid for 5 years.
(c) The target group of JRY are the urban poor Man/Woman will be provided Job within 15 days after
living below the poverty line getting the Job-Card or will be given unemployment
(d) Under the scheme 30% of the employment allowance.
generated is reserved for women UNDP in its Human Development Report 2015
mentioned MGNREGA as a milestone and has termed
(I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 1995) it as the best known employment guarantee scheme
Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above providing direct employment to the Rural Poors.
82. What is the mandate of MGNREGA scheme in
(ii) MGNREGA/NREGA terms of days of guaranteed wage employment
79. MGNREGS is recognised as' 'core of core the for those who volunteer to work in a financial
scheme for achieving Sustainable Development year?
Goals in India. MGNREGS was reported in the (a) 100 days to every adult in the village
Voluntary National Review(VNR), 2017 by (b) 150 days to every adult in the village
Government of India for its contribution to (c) 100 days to every household in the village
achieving which of the following SDGs whose adult members volunteer to work
directly? (d) 150 days to every household in the village
A. SDG 1-No Poverty whose adult members volunteer to work
B. SDG 2-Zero Hunger APPSC Group-II-2017
C. SDG 5 -Gender Equality Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
D. SDG 10- Reduced Inequalities question.
Eonomics PLANNER English 181 YCT
(c) To provide financial assistance to agricultural
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above laborers
question. (d) To develop the economy of rural areas
(a) To build assets
86. Which one of the following is the objective of RAS/RTS (Pre) G.S. 1993
RAS/RTS (Pre) G.S. 1999
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
(b) To encourage micro-irrigation question.
(c) Water management 92. The main objective of the Integrated Rural
(d) To enhance rural income Development Scheme (I.R.D.P.) is to
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above (a) Provide training to rural youth
64th BPSC Pre 2018 (b) Raising employment for landless laborers
Ans. (e) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above (c) Controlling desertification
question. (d) Providing employment to families living
below the poverty line in rural areas
87. Which of the following is the largest rural RAS/RTS (Pre) G.S. 1997–98
employment programme in India?
(a) MNREGA Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
(b) TRYSEM question.
(c) Work for food (iv) SJSRY
Yojana is not subsumed by SJSRY. (c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Only (a)
(v) SGSY Sikkim PSC (Pre) 2021
has been restructured as
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
65. The Swamajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana Ans. (c) : The Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
National Rural
(PMKVY) has several training components, including:
• Short Term Training (STT).
Employment Guarantee Scheme
(b) National Rural Livelihoods Mission • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
(c) Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana • State Engagement Component (CSSM).
(d) Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana Hence, both (a) and (b) are components of PMKVY and
Manipur PSC (Pre) 2023 option (c) is the correct answer.
Ans. (b) : The Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana 70. "Skill Development” Initiative has become
(SGSY) is a scheme that helps poor families in rural operational?
areas become self-employed. It was launched in 1999- (a) In February 2005 (b) In February 2006
2000 by the Ministry of Rural Development. The (c) In May 2007 (d) In April 2010
Government of India restructured SGSY as the National UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd Paper 2010
Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) in 2011. Ans. (d) : Previously the National Policy on Skill
66. Which of the following programs has not been Development was formulated in 2009 by the Ministry
included in the Swarn Jayanti Gram of Labour and Employment. It was launched by UPA
Swarozgar Yojana? Government in 2010.
(a) I. R.D.P. (b) TRYSEM Again it was revised under the Ministry of Skill
(c) DWCRA (d) J.R.Y. Development & Entrepreneurship and launched as
UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 2001 Skill India Compaign by the Prime Minister of India
Ans. (d) : Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana on 15 July, 2015. It aimed to provide adequate training
(SGSY) was enacted in the dawn of the financial year in market relevant skills to over 40 crore youth by
of 1999-2000 as a replacement of six other affiliated 2022. It also aims to create opportunities for the
schemes.The schemes which have been replaced by development of talent within the country and improve
SGSY are as follows- the overall scope and space for underdeveloped
Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP). sectors. Currently Skill India Mission PMKVY 3.0 is
Training of Rural Youth for Self-Employment going on.
(TRYSEM). 71. Skill development scheme enhances-
Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (a) Human capital (b) Physical capital
(DWCRA). (c) Working capital (d) Fixed capital
Supply of Improved Toolkits to Rural Artisans UPPCS (Main) GS 2017 IInd
(SITRA). Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
Ganga Kalyan Yojana (GKY). question.
Million Wells Scheme (MWS). 72. With reference to the Skill India Campaign,
Therefore it is clear from above description J.R.Y has which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
not been included in the SGSY. 1. Prime Minister had launched the Skill
In SGSY, the costs ratio of the government of India India Campaign in July 2015
and state governments are 75:25. SGSY has been 2. The main objective of this Campaign was
renamed as National Rural livelihand Mission to train India's Youths in information
(NRLM) in 2011. technology
question. launched in 2007-08. If is a centrally sponsored scheme.
(vii) NRLM The mission met with an overwhelming success and
74. How does the 'National Rural Livelihoods achieved the targeted additional production of rice,
Himachal PSC Pre 2013
(a) I and II are correct UP PSC ACF/RFO (Mains) 2020 Paper II
(b) II and III are correct
(c) I, II and III are correct Ans. (a) : In June, 1997 government launched
(d) None of these
UPPCS Pre GS-2019
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
Targeted Public Distribution System to provide food
grains at specially subsidized prices to below poverty
line families and APL families.
87. What do we understand by the following
question. statement?
81. With reference to the provisions made under "India has attained national food security, but
the National Food Security Act, 2013, consider not family protection".
the following statements: (a) Not every family has "buffer" stock available
1. The families coming under the category of (b) Food production shows an increase but per
'below poverty line (BPL)' only are eligible capita availability has decreased
to receive subsidised food grains. (c) The number of persons in the bottom line of
2. The eldest woman in a household, of age 18 poverty has increased
years or above, shall be the head of the (d) Food stock is sufficient but not all families
household for the purpose of issuance of a have the ability to purchase/procure itnd
ration card. UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. II 2008
3. Pregnant women and lactating mothers are Ans. (d) : According to the question, 'India has
entitled to a 'take-home ration' of 1600 attained national food security, but not family security'
calories per day during pregnancy and for six That means the food stock is sufficient but not all
months thereafter. families have the ability to get it.
Which of the statements given above is/are
correct? (x) PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 only 88. ‘Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi’ (PM-
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 3 only KISAN) Yojana came into effect from:
UPSC IAS (Pre)-2018 (a) April 1, 2018 (b) February 24, 2019
(c) December 1, 2019 (d) April 1, 2019
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above UK PSC (Pre) 2024
question. Ans. (b) : On 24 February 2019. Narendra Modi
82. Which of the following crops is not covered by launched the scheme in Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh. by
the National Food Security Mission? transferring the first installment of `2000 each to the
(a) Pulses (b) Rice over one crore farmers.
(c) Wheat (d) Coarse grains 89. On which date was the Pradhanmantri Kisan
UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2010 Samman Nidhi Yojana started ?
Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above (a) 1 November, 2017 (b) 1 January, 2018
question. (c) 1 February, 2019 (d) 1 April, 2020
83. Which one of the following is in an objective of (e) None of the above/More than one of the above
National Food Security Mission (NFSM)? 67th BPSC (Pre) 2021 (Cancelled)
(a) Distribution of high yielding variety seeds Ans. (e) : The Government with a view to augment the
(b) Demonstration of improved production income of the farm families implemented a Central
technology Sector Scheme, namely, "Pradhan Mantri Kisan
(c) Strengthening credit facilities Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN)". The Scheme came in
(d) Popularising newly released varieties of crops effect from 01.12. 2018. The scheme was officially
UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 2016 launched on 24th February, 2019.
UPPSC ACF Mains Paper-II, 2021 (c) Assistance to the poorest of the poor
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above (d) Complete eradication of poverty
question. BPSC (Pre) 1996
(xi) Community Development Programme
SP Ans. (c) : The Antyodaya Anna Yojana was launched
92. Community Development Programme was on 25 December 2000 in Rajasthan. Under this,
launched in the year initially 25 kg. grain was given per family per month,
(a) 1952 (b) 1956 (c) 1958 (d) 1960 which was then enhanced upto 35 kg. per month per
Mizoram PCS Pre 2015 Paper-I family (from April 1, 2002). The central issue price of
Ans. (a) : The Community Development Programme wheat and rice to be released under this scheme is Rs
was launched on 2nd October, 1952. It was a multi- 2 and Rs 3 per kg respectively. This scheme benefits
project programme aiming at overall development of 2.5 crore of the poorest families (about 12.5 million
villagers. It was to promote better living for the people). The scheme has been launched under the
community and was to bring improvement in the Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public
production of crops and animals, living conditions, Distribution.
health and education of the people. The programme 98. Antyodaya Programme was started first of all
paved the pathway of the economic planning in India. in the State of
93. “.........instil into the vast millions of workers, men (a) Bihar (b) Tamil Nadu
and women, who actually do the job, a sense of (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Rajasthan
partnership and of cooperative performance....” (e) None of the above/ More than one of the above
The above passage relates to– 65th BPSC Pre 2019
(a) Planned Development Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
(b) Community Development question.
(c) Panchayati Raj System
(d) Integrated Development Programme (xiv) Atal Pension Yojana
(I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 2000) 99. Which of the following statements regarding
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above 'Atal Pension Yojana' is / are correct?
question. 1. It is a minimum guaranteed pension scheme,
94. When was the Community Development which mainly targets labourers in the
Program implemented? unorganized sector.
(a) January 26, 1950 (b) August 15, 1950 2. Only one family member can join this scheme.
(c) October 2, 1952 (d) June 01, 1975 3. After the death of the subscriber, the spouse
Uttarakhand UDA/LDA (M) 2007 gets the same amount of lifetime pension
Ans.(c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above Select the correct answer using the codes given
question. below –
95. The Community Development Program (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(started on October 2, 1952) paved the way for (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(a) Organization of Economic Planning (IAS (Pre.) GS Ist Paper, 2016)
(b) Panchayati Raj Organization Ans. (c) : Atal Pension Yojana, launched is 2015 is a
(c) Development of Scheduled Castes and Tribes minimum guaranteed pension scheme, which mainly
(d) Protection of the girl child targets labourers in the unorganized sector as maids,
Uttarakhand UDA/LDA (M) 2007 gardeners, delivery boys, etc. This scheme replaced the
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above previous Swavalamban Yojana, launched in 2010,
question. which wasn’t accepted well by the people.
Eonomics PLANNER English 186 YCT
Ans. (c) : Following are the examples of self- (d) To encourage students towards social work
employment programs in India : J & K PSC 2021 Paper-(I)
• Swarn Jayanti Shahri Rozgar Yojna. Ans. (c): Senior Able Citizens for Re-Employment in
• Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojna.
• Stand-UP India.
• MUDRA (Prime Minister's
SP Dignity (SACRED) is a Portal developed by the
Government of India to provide jobs to senior citizens.
Micro-Units) SACRED Portal is created by the Ministry of Social
Development & Refinance Agency) Yojana. Justice and Empowerment. The stInternational Day for
• Rural Women Self Employment Transformation Older Persons is observed on 1 October every year.
Program. The citizens over the age of 60 can register on the site
• Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan and search for jobs and employment opportunities.
(PMGKRA). 106. Bihar Government launched a new scheme
• Aajeevika - National Rural Livelihoods Mission 'Satat Jivikoparjan Yojana' in August 2018.
(NRLM). The objective of this scheme is:
• Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya (a) To provide unemployment allowance to youth
Ans. (c) : The implementation agency for Prime
answer is (b). Minister Rozgar Yojana (PMRY) is District Industries
109. Mukhyamantri Krishi Ashirwad Yojna (MKAY) Center.
Implemented since 1993, the objective of the PMRY
is a target set by the government to provide
welfare and financial support to farmers in
Jharkhand was executed in:
scheme is to provide employment opportunities via
Subsidized financing to the educated unemployed
youth and women of the country by setting up a large
(a) March 2019 (b) August 2019 number of micro-enterprises.
(c) April 2020 (d) November 2020
7th JPSC Pre 2021 Paper-II 114. Agricultural labor social security scheme
Ans. (b): In August, 2019 the ‘Mukhyamantri Krishi (a) higher quality of life at village level
Ashirwad’ Scheme was implemented by the Jharkhand (b) additional wage employment
Government to provide welfare and financial assistance (c) pension and insurance benefits
to the farmers. Under this scheme, small and marginal (d) estimated housing facilities
farmers (Such farmers who have land up to 5 acres) will UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 2003
be provided an amount of Rs. 5000/– per acre for kharif Ans. (c) : Agricultural Labor Social Security Scheme
crop every year. was launched in 2001. It provides life insurance
110. Who among the following has given the idea of protection periodical lump sum survival benefit and
Self-Help Groups as an effective tool for pension to agricultural workers who were between the
poverty alleviation? age of 18-50 years. Under the scheme the introductory
(a) Amartya Sen (b) Md. Yunus about 30 crore agricultural workers were to be
(c) S. Chakravarti (d) Venkaiah Naidu
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above (xvi) Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana
64th BPSC Pre 2018 115. With reference to the Pradhan Mantri Shram
Yogi Maan-dhan (PM-SYM) Yojana, consider
Ans. (b) : Self-help groups are a medium that helps the following statements:
women in the group strengthen their relationships with 1. The entry age group for enrolment in the
other women and help each other achieve their goals. scheme is 21 to 40 years.
The idea of self-help group for poverty alleviation was 2. Age specific contribution shall be made by
first given by the famous Bangladesh economist the beneficiary.
Muhammad Yunus. In 1970, he started the Small 3. Each subscriber under the scheme shall
Finance Movement, which provided an unconditional receive a minimum pension of ` 3,000 per
loan to the poor especially women. month after attaining the age of 60 years.
111. Which one of the following is not the objective 4. Family pension is a applicable to the spouse
of the National Manufacturing Policy of India? and unmarried daughters.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) To enhance the share o manufacturing in (a) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 2 and 3 only
GDP to 25% by 2022 (c) 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 4
(b) To increase the rate of Job Creation in UPSC IAS (Pre)-2024
manufacturing and to create 100 million Ans.(b): In order to provide old age protection to
additional jobs by 2022 unorganised sector workers, the Government of India
(c) To build national capabilities in roadways had launched Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan dhan
(d) To increase domestic value additional and (PM-SYM) Scheme in 2019. The Life Insurance
technological depth in manufacturing corporation of India is the fund manager of the scheme.
Gujarat PSC 2019 Paper-II This is a voluntary and co-contributory pension scheme.
Eonomics PLANNER English 188 YCT
unorganized workers. Under the scheme the subscribers (d) Only (i) is correct.
will receive minimum assured pension of Rs. 3,000 per (e) Question not attempted
month after attaining the age of 60 years. The Ans.(d): The Indira Gandhi Urban Employment
unorganized workers whose monthly income is Rs.
15,000 per month or less and belong to the entry age
group of 18-40 years are eligible for the scheme.
Guarantee Scheme (IRGY) was launched by the
Government of Rajasthan in September 2022. The
Objective of IRGY in to provide 125 days of guaranteed
117. Which of the following statements is/are wage employment to a family - to adults between 18-60
correct regarding the PM Shram Yogi years of age residing in urban areas.
Maandhan Yojana? Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
(1) The workers whose monthly income is Rs. 122. What is the correct order of various social
15,000/- per month or less are eligible service scheme in India according to year of
beneficiaries under the scheme. origin?
(2) It covers both organized and unorganized (1) Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
sector worker. (2) Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana
(3) It is an initiative by the Ministry of Labour
(a) (1), (2), (3), (4) (b) (4), (3), (1), (2)
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above (c) (4), (3), (2), (1) (d) (1), (2), (4), (2)
HPPSC (Pre) Exam-2024
118. In Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan
Scheme, each subscriber shall receive the Ana.(b): The correct order according to the year of origin -
minimum assured pension of _____ per month (4) National Social Assistance Scheme (1995).
after attaining the age of 60 year. (3) Rashtriy Swasthya Bima Yojana (2007).
(a) 3,500 (b) 2,000 (1) Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (2014).
(c) 3,000 (d) 1,500 (2) Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (2015).
(e) None of the above/ More than one of the above Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
65th BPSC Pre 2019 123. Consider the following statements regarding
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana
question. (PMMSY):
(xvii) TRYSEM (i) It is the flagship scheme for focused and
119. 'TRYSEM' Scheme is/was related to sustainable development of fisheries in
(a) Agricultural Development India.
(b) Rural Youth Development (ii) It is implemented in all States/Union
(c) Urban Youth Employment Territories as part of Atmanirbhar
(d) Sports Development Bharat package for a period of five years
from Financial Year 2020-21 to Financial
UPPSC ACF Mains Paper-II, 2021 Year 2024-25.
Ans. (b): Training of Rural Youth for Self-Employment (iii) The Central Government bears the
(TRYSEM), started in 1979, is related to rural youth project cost and States/Union Territories
development. The scheme is aimed at providing basic share the cost of sub-components of the
technical and entrepreneurial skill to the rural poor in scheme.
the age group of 18-35 years to enable them to take up (iv) Ornamental fish cultivation is kept out of
income generating activities (self/wage employment). focus under PMMSY.
Eonomics PLANNER English 189 YCT
(d) The scheme intends to improve the quality, Security Scheme
scale and reach of artisans? products and also
to integrate them with MSME value chains B. Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar II. 1993
OPSC OCS (Pre) 2023
Ans. (a) : PM Vishwakarma, a Central Sector Scheme,
was launched on September, 17, 2023 by Prime Minister
C. Employment Guarantee Scheme III. 1999
of India to provide end-to-end support to artisans and D. Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya IV. 2001
craftspeople who work with their hands and tools. Yojana
Hence, option (a) is not correct answer. Code:
125. Arrange the following programmes/schemes in A B C D A B C D
chronological order based on launching/ (a) 1 3 4 2 (b) 3 2 1 4
implementation year of these (c) 3 4 2 1 (d) 4 3 2 1
programmers/schemes: UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2002
A. Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) Ans. (d) : Agricultural Workers Social Security Scheme
B. PM Street Vendor's Atma Nirbhar Nidhi which is known as the Krishi Shramik Samajik
C. Deendayal Antyodaya Yojan - National Suraksha Yojna was started in 2001.
Rural Livelihoods Mission Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) was
D. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana implemented in April, 1999.
Choose the correct answer from the following Employment Guarantee Scheme which is known as
(a) C, D, A, B (b) A, D, C, B Prime Minister Rojgar Yojana was initiated in 1993.
(c) A, C, D, B (d) D, C, B, A Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana initiated in the year
Talangana State PSC (Pre) 2023 2000.
Ans. (a) : 129. Which of the following programs were started
Scheme Launched (year) for urban poverty alleviation?
PM Awas Yojna (Urban) - June 25, 2015 (a) Self-Employment Program for Urban Poor,
PM Street Vendor's - June 1, 2020 1986
Atma Nirbhar Nidhi (b) Nehru Rozgar Yojana, 1989
Deendayal Antyodaya - June, 2011 (c) Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana, 1997
Yojna- National Rural (d) All of the above
Livelihoods Mission UP PCS ACF (Pre) 2017
Pradhan Mantri - August 28, 2014 Ans. (d) : Self-Employment Program for Urban Poor,
Jan Dhan Yojna 1986; Nehru Rozgar Yojana, 1989 and Swarna Jayanti
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. Shahari Rozgar Yojana, 1997, all these programmes
126. Human capital formation as a concept is better were started for the purpose of urban poverty
explained in terms of a process, whichenables alleviation by the Union Government of India.
1. individuals of a country to accumulate 130. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
more capital answer from the codes given below the lists:
2. increasing the knowledge List-I List-II
3. increasing the skill levels A. SGSY 1. 2005
4. increasing the knowledge, skill levels and B. NFWP 2. 1999
capacities of the people of the country
Select the correct answer using the codes given C. PMRY 3. 2004
below. D. MGNREGA 4. 1993
has a scheme in which indigent people living poverty are-
in welfare institutions like orphanages are
given 15 kg of food grains per person per (a) IRDP (b) Trisem
(c) JRY (d) All of the above
month at BPL rates
(d) Ministry of Human Resource Development
gives financial support to Mid-day Meal
Scheme for the benefit of class I to V students
UP UDA/LDA (M) G.S., 2010
Ans. (d) : All the three programs i.e IRDP, Trisem and
JRY are the major programs of the government of India
in government or government-aided schools launched by it time to time, to overcome rural poverty
IAS (Pre) G.S. 2004 in the all parts of the country.
Ans. (a) : Targeted Public Distribution System was C. Health Related Plans
launched in June 1997. Initially the Public Distribution 135. Which of the following programme of
System (PDS) was started in India in 1960. Again to Government of India is operative under ‘Jal-
strengthen the streamline of PDS, the Revamped Public Jeevan Mission’?
Distribution System (RPDS) was initiated in 1992. (a) Namami Gange
In 1997 the revised of RPDS named as Targeted Public (b) Swachhata Pakhwada
Distribution System (TPDS) was launched. Initially 10 kg (c) Har Ghar Jal
grain per month for BPL families was arranged which (d) Water Treatment Plants
was increased to 20 kg of food grain per family per month UKPSC RO/ARO (Pre)-2023
at 50% of economic cost and allocation to APL families Ans. (c) : "Har Ghar Jal" programme is launched by
at economic cost in 2000. Again Antyodaya Anna Yojana Government of India under Jal Jeevan Mission on August
(AAY) was launched in 2000 in order to make TPDS 15, 2019. As of August 12, 2024, Jal Jeevan Mission has
more focused through which the scale of issuing food successfully provided tap water connection to 11.82 crore
grain has increased to 35 kg per family per month with additional rural household, bringing the total coverage to
effect from 1st April, 2002. more than 15.07 crore household, which accounts for
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. 77.98 % of all rural households in India.
132. In the following question, a statement followed Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
by two assumptions numbered I and II are 136. Consider the following statements in the
given. You have to consider the statement and context of interventions being undertaken
the assumptions and decide which of the under Anaemia Mukt Bharat Strategy :
assumptions follows from the statement. 1. It provides prophylactic calcium
Statement: Unemployment allowance should be supplementation for pre-school children,
given to all Unemployed Indian youth above 18 adolescents and pregnant women.
years of age. 2. It runs a campaign for delayed cord
Assumptions: clamping at the time of childbirth.
First (I): Unemployed youth in India need 3. It provides for periodic deworming to
monetary support. children and adolescents.
Second (II): The government has sufficient funds 4. It addresses non-nutritional causes of
to provide allowance to all unemployed youth. anaemia in endemic pockets with special
focus on malaria, hemoglobinopathies and
(a) Only I follows fluorosis.
(b) Only II follows How many of the statements given above are
(c) Either I or II follows correct?
(d) Both I and II follows (a) Only one (b) Only two (c) Only three (d) All four
RAS/RTS (Pre) G.S., 2013 UPSC IAS (Pre)-2023
Eonomics PLANNER English 191 YCT
Which of the options given above is/are correct? immunization
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only 4. Conducting the delivery of baby
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 3 and 4 only Select the correct answer using the codes given
(e) Question not attempted
Haryana PSC (Pre) 2023
Ans.(c): The Government of India has setup MusQan
(a) 1, 2 and 3 Only
(c) 1 and 3 Only
(b) 2 and 4 Only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
initiative for improving the quality of public health (IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist, 2012)
facilities for children upto 12 year of age group. Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
The goal of initiative is to ensure provision of quality child question.
friendly services in public health facilities to reduce
preventable newborn and child morbidity and mortality. (ii) Mission Indradhanush
The Key Strategy of MusQan is it. 142. 'Mission Indradhanush' run by the
• Strengthen clinical protocols and management process Government of India is related to
• Children and parent attendant friendly ambience (a) Immunization of children and pregnant women
and infrastructure (b) Construction of smart city across the country
(c) India's own search for Earth-like planets in
• Strengthen referral and follow-up services outer space
• Provision of respectful and dignified care (d) New Education Policy
Thus only statements 1&3 are correct. (IAS (Pre.) GS Ist 2016)
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. The Swachh Bharat Kosh will used to achieve the
144. Which of the following is responsible for objective of building toilets and improve cleanliness
implementation of "Ayushman Bharat levels in Rural and Urban areas including schools.
Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana"?
(a) National Health Authority
(b) World Health Organisation
SP (v) Nirmal Gram Puraskar Yojana
149. With reference to the Government of India's
various programmes, what is Nirmal Gram
(c) Niti Aayog Puraskar?
(d) Insurance Regulatory and Development (a) It is an incentive scheme of scholarships for
Authority of India the single girl child in families in villages
(b) It is an incentive scheme of scholarships for
RPSC (RAS-Pre) – 2021
female sportspersons from villages who
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above represent their states in any game
question. (c) It is an incentive scheme for schools in the
(iv) Swachh Bharat Mission villages for computer education
145. The second phase of the Swachh Bharat (d) It is an incentive scheme Panchayati Raj
(c) only unorganized sector workers Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
(d) all category of workers 156. Directions: There are two statements in the
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (M) 2010–11 following question. One is called the Assertion
UPPCS (Pre)- 2017 I Paper
Ans. (c) : The National Health Insurance Scheme was
launched by the Ministry of Labour and Employment,
(A) and the other is called the Reason (R).
After examining these two statements carefully,
select the answer of these questions with the
Government of India, under the Social Security Act, help of the code given below.
2008 for families living below the poverty line (BPL). Assertion (A): The Central Rural Sanitation
In 2015 the scheme was transferred to the Ministry of Programme was launched in 1986 to improve
Health and Family Welfare. The main objective of this the quality of life of rural people in India.
scheme is to provide social security only to the workers
Reason (R) : Rural sanitation is a subject in the
working in the unorganized sector. Concurrent List in the Constitution of India.
153. Under Ayushman Bharat Yojana, how many Codes:
poor families will be given medical insurance of (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is
what amount in 2017-18? the correct explanation of A
(a) 10 crores and ` 3 lakhs (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not
(b) 5 crores and ` 5 lakhs the correct explanation of A
(c) 10 crores and ` 5 lakhs (c) A is true but R is false
68th BPSC (Pre) 2022 (c) 1, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2 and 4 only
Ans. (b): The Ministry of Education's Department of (e) Question not attempted
Haryana PSC (Pre) 2023
Higher Education inaugurated YUVA 2.0 (Young,
Upcoming and Versatile Authors), on October 2, 2022
which is the prime ministers scheme for Mentoring
Young Authors. It is an author mentorship programme
Ans.(*): PM SHRI schools is centrally sponsored
scheme for up gradation and development of more than
14500 (not 15000) schools across the country. It aims to
to train Young and aspiring writers (below 30 years of strengthening the selected existing schools from
age) in order to advance India and Indian Literature amongst schools managed and control by
internationally. government/state/UT government/local bodies.
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. These schools shall also be developed as green schools
160. Match the following: with water conservation, waste recycling, energy
(I) SARTHAQ (A) Developed to aid efficient infrastructure.
Divyang students. The schools will showcase all components of National
Education policy 2020. Thus only statement 2 & 4 are
(II) DIKSHA (B) Project appraisal
budgeting Hence, none of the option is correct.
achievement & Date
handling system 162. Match the following:
portal. (I) Yukti-Yogya (A) A scheme of AICTE,
and resource support Programme of Nutritional support to Primary
3. It helps to maintain appropriate pupil- Education (NP-NSPE)' by the Department of
teacher ratio at the secondary education level Education of the Ministry of Human Resource
(a) 1 only
Which of the above given statements is/are
(b) 1 and 2 only
Development. In October 2007, NP-NSPE was
renamed as National Programme of Mid Day Meal in
schools, which is popularly known as Mid Day Meal
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only scheme. The main objectives of the MDM scheme is to
J&K PSC Pre-2018, Paper-1 increase the enrollment of the children and provide
nutritional support to the children. Tamil Nadu is the
Ans. (b): Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is Government first state to implement the Mid-day Meal Scheme.
of India's flagship programme for achievement of
167. “Mid-day Meal” scheme was started in the
Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) in a
time bound manner, as mandated by 86th amendment to year:
the Constitution of India making free and compulsory (a) 1995 (b) 1996
Education to the Children of 6-14 years age group, a (c) 1997 (d) 1998
Fundamental Right. UPPCS (Main) G.S.–IInd Paper, 2006
SSA was launched in 2001-2002 in partnership with the Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the above question.
State Governments and Local Self Governments. The 168. Which of the following does not initiate and
programme aimed to provide useful and relevant, organize the mid-day meal scheme?
elementary education to all children in the 6 to 14 age (a) School Management (Administrator)
group by 2010.
It makes provision for building school infrastructure and (b) Panchayati Raj Institution
provides periodic training to teachers and resource support. (c) Self-Service Group
Note: - Erstwhile schemes, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (d) Contractor
(SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan UP RO/ARO (Pre) G.S., 2013
(RMSA) and Teacher Education (TE) were subsumed to Ans. (d) : There is participation of school management
Samagra Shiksha Scheme in 2018. (administrator), Panchayati Raj Sanstha and Self-
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. Service Group in starting and organizing the mid-day
164. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is for which of the meal scheme but not the contractor.
following ages? (iii) Vidyanjali Yojana
(a) All children in the age group of 3 - 10 169. What is the purpose of 'Vidyanjali Yojana'?
(b) All children in the age group of 4 - 8 1. To enable the famous foreign educational
(c) All children in the age group of 5 – 15 institutions to open their campuses in India.
(d) All children in the age group of 6 – 14 2. To increase the quality of education provided
UP UDA/LDA (Pre) G.S., 2006 in government schools by taking help from
Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the above question. the private sector and the community.
3. To encourage voluntary monetary contributions
(ii) Mid-Day Meal Scheme from private individuals and organizations so as
165. Mid-day Scheme was launched in 1995 to to improve the infrastructure facilities for
promote- primary and secondary schools.
(a) Adult literacy Select the correct answer using the codes given
(b) Universalization of primary education below:
(c) Secondary education (a) 2 only (b) 3 only
(d) None of the above (c) 1 and 2 only (d) 2 and 3 only
UPPCS (Main) G.S. II 2008 IAS (Pre)-2017
Eonomics PLANNER English 196 YCT
answer using the codes given bellow the list-
rural and urban poor, and organizing skill List I
development programmes and vocational (a) Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan
training for them.
IAS (Pre)-2017
Ans. (b) : The Unnat Bharat Abhiyan related to rural
(b) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
(c) Shiksha Sahyog Yojana
(d) Saakshar Bharat
development aims to connect higher education institutions
with local communities to meet the challenges of List I
development through appropriate technology. This 1. Provide scholarship to students of parents
campaign is being conducted in collaboration with living below or marginally above poverty line
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Ministry of 2. Functional literacy to 70 million non-literate
Rural Development and Ministry of Panchayati Raj. The adults in the age group of 15 years and above
program was launched in 2014. 3. Improving quality of secondary education
(v) Miscellaneous 4. Provide useful elementary education to all
171. As per the National Education Policy-2020, children in 6-14 age groups
mother tongue/ regional language is to be the Codes:
medium of teaching up to (a) (b) (c) (d)
(a) at least Grade/Class -V (A) (2) (3) (4) (1)
(i) Women Welfare Scheme Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
176. With reference to the ‘Pradhan Mantri 178. Which of the following programmes aim at
promoting savings among rural women?
following statements:
1. This scheme guarantees a minimum
Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan’, consider the
(a) Rashtriya Mahila Kosh
(b) Mahila Samriddhi Yojana
(c) Indira Mahila Yojana
package of antenatal care services to
women in their second and third trimesters (d) Jawahar Rozgar Yojana
of pregnancy and six months post-delivery Mizoram PSC-2021
health care service in any government Ans. (b): Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
introduced Mahila Samriddhi Yojana for providing
health facility.
2. Under this scheme, private sector health loans to women entrepreneur.
care provides of certain specialities can Loans under Mahila Samriddhi Yojana are provided
through state channelizing agencies (SCAs), Regional
volunteer to provide services at nearby Rural Banks (RRBs) and Nationalized Banks to the
government health facilities. target group.
Which of the statements given above is/are Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
correct? 179 Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) Mahila Samridhi Yojana -1993
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) Women Self-Empowerment Plan -1998
UPSC IAS (Pre)-2024 (c) Women Empire Plan -1989
Ans.(b): The ‘Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva (d) National Posahar Mission plan -2003
Abhiyan’ was launched by the ministry of Health & UPPSC RO/ARO Pre-2021
Family welfare, Government of India in 2016. The Ans. (d) : Mahila Samriddhi Yojana 1993
program aims to provide assured, comprehensive and Women Self-Empowerment Plan 1998
quality antenatal care, free of cost, universally to all Women Empire Plan 1989
pregnant women. National Posahar Mission Plan 2018
• Under the campaign, a minimum package of Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
antenatal care services is to be provided to the 180. Which of the following is not related to
beneficiaries on the 9th day of every month in the 2nd ‘Empowerment of women’?
and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The services can be (a) Gender development index
availed at Primary Health centers, community Health (b) Gender empowerment measure
centers, Rural Hospitals, sub-District Hospital - (c) Gender budgeting
District Hospital Medical college. However, the (d) Gender discrimination
Scheme does not guarantee six months post-delivery OPSC (OCS) PRE-2020 PAPER-I
care. Ans. (d): Gender Discrimination is not related to
• The programme also invites active participation from Empowerment of women.
private practitioners on a voluntary basis. Obstetricians The Gender Development Index was introduced in 1995
physicians from private sector and retired Obsterician in the Human Development Report of the United
Gynecologist (OB/GYN) specialists are encouraged to Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
provide voluntary services at designated public health The Index measures gender equality and the objective
facilities on the 9th of every month. of GDI was to add a gender - sensitive dimension to the
Human Development Index.
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
Eonomics PLANNER English 198 YCT
on migrants who lived in other states and finding it challenged women etc. whereas Swadhar is
difficult to provide address proof this scheme is for meant for holistic empowerment of women
poor ruler women from BPL families. through Self Help Groups.
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
182. Two statements are given below, one of which
is Assertion (A) and other is Reason (R).
2. Swayam Siddha is implemented through Local
Self Government bodies or reputed Voluntary
Organizations whereas Swadhar is implemented
Assertion (A) : "Janani Suraksha Yojana" launched through the ICDS units setup in the states.
in 2005, covers women below poverty line. Which of the statements given above is/are
Reason (R) : To reduce maternal mortality by correct?
promoting institutional delivery system among
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
poor pregnant women. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Choose the correct answer from the codes (IAS (Pre) G.S. 2010)
given below:
Codes: Ans. (d) : Swadhar Yojana was launched in the year 2002
by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. This
(a) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the
correct explanation of (A) scheme is for women who are in difficult situations.
(b) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not Under this scheme, shelter, food, clothes and care of
the correct explanation of (A) needy women / girls are provided. The beneficiaries
(c) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect include widows who are not protected by their family
(d) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct members, women prisoners released from jail who do not
ACF/RFO (Mains) IInd 2018 get support from their families, women surviving natural
Ans. (a) : Janani Suraksha Yojana was launched on calamities, women victims of terrorism / extremism etc.
April 12, 2005 with the objective of promoting The scheme is mainly implemented through NGOs.
institutional delivery among poor pregnant women. It is The Swayam Siddha Scheme was launched by the
a safe maternity intervention being carried out by the Ministry of Women and Child Development in
National Rural Health Mission of the Government of November 2001. Under this, Mahila Samridhi Yojana
India to reduce the mortality rate of mothers and and Indira Mahila Yojana were included. Its objective
newborns. Janani Suraksha Yojana is a 100% centrally was social and economic empowerment of women
sponsored scheme and provides cash assistance for through self-help groups. Through this, all the schemes
childbirth and postnatal care. related to women of state and central government were
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. to achieve convergence at the block level.
183. Consider the following statements about Janani Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
Suraksha Yojana (JSY): 186. 'Swadhar Yojana' is related to
A. It was launched as a part of National Rural (a) Strengthening buildings symbolizing
Livelihood Mission (NRLM). architecture
B. The objective was to improve maternal and (b) Helping women in difficult situations in life
neo-natal health by provision of institutional (c) Providing self-employment opportunities to
deliveries. people with technical skills
C. It is a 100% Centrally Sponsored Scheme (d) Working ahead of time to get the workers
Which of the above statements is/are correct? discharged from training
Select the code for the correct answer from the UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2004
options given below: Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question.
The scheme provides educational loan for higher
B. Mahila Samridhi Yojana 2. Women - Education education.
for Equality Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
C. Indira Mahila Yojana 3. Promoting savings
D. Mahila Samakhya
among rural women
4. To cater to the credit
192. The main objective behind the POSHAN
Abhiyan launched by the Government of India is
(a) Reducing stunting in children in the age
Scheme needs of poor women group of 0-6 years.
Code: (b) Increasing the nutritional intake of Women.
A B C D A B C D (c) Reducing the stunting in children in the age
(a) 3 2 1 4 (b) 1 3 4 2 group of 10-14.
(c) 4 3 1 2 (d) 4 1 2 3 (d) Increasing the nutritional intake of age
(IAS (Pre.) G.S. 1997) population.
Ans. (c) : Mahila Samridhi Yojana was started on 2 J&K PSC Pre-2018, Paper-1
October, 1993. Mahila Samridhi Yojana was launched Ans. (a) : POSHAN Abhiyan (erstwhile National
to encourage savings among rural women. The main Nutrition Mission) was launched in March 2018 to
objective of Rashtriya Mahila Kosh is to cater to the achieve improvement in nutritional statics of children of
credit needs of poor women. It was founded in 1992- 0-6 years, Adolescent girls, Pregnant women and
lactating mothers in a time bound manner and to
93 AD. The objective of Mahila Samakhya Yojana
Uttarakhand PCS (Pre) 2009–10
(c) providing food to children in primary schools
Ans. (c) : Integrated Child Development Service was (d) Distribution of free wheat to encourage
launched in 33 blocks on 2 October, 1975 in response to
the challenge of meeting the overall needs of children. It
was implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child
Development. In 1985, the Department of Women and
setention of children in schools
RAS/RTS(Pre) G.S. Re–Exam. 1999–2000
Ans. (a) : (DWCRA: Development of Women and
Child Development was created under the Ministry of Children in Rural Areas)— Launched in 1982, the
Human Development, which was given the objective of the program was: To improve the socio-
responsibility of implementing the ICDS. economic condition of poor women in rural areas by
Implementation of ICDS was created in the year 2006 as providing self-sufficiency through income-generating
a separate Ministry of Women and Development. activities through the creation of women's groups. The
Integrated Child Development Services aims to main strategy adopted under the program was to provide
provide benefits to children aged 0–6 years, pregnant women access to employment, skill upgradation, training,
and dhatri (lactating women) and women of loans and other services. So that DWCRA women as a
reproductive age (15–45 years). The services provided group can do income generating activities to supplement
under the program are as follows: their income. The program encouraged women to develop
(1) nutritional supplement self-reliance and the habit of taking loans. This program
(2) Immunization / immunity was merged with Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
(3) Health check-up services
203. This year the main feature of Indira Awas is the correct answer.
Yojana is : 208. A total of 35 kg. of food grains are provided
(a) Construction of one million houses free of cost at the doorstep to the primitive
(b) Freeing bonded labourers
(c) Providing cheap accommodation to members
of Scheduled Castes
tribe-population of Jharkhand under the
PVTG Dakiya Yojana. When was this scheme
(d) Provision of ten crore rupees by the Center
RAS/RTS (Pre.) G.S. 1994–95 (a) 2001 (b) 2014
(c) 2017 (d) 2021
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question. 7th JPSC Pre 2021 Paper-II
204. With reference to 'Stand Up India Scheme',
Ans. (c) : See explanation of above question.
which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. Its purpose is to promote entrepreneurship 209. The Scheme "Pradhan Mantri Aadarsh Gram
among SC/ST and women entrepreneurs Yojana" (PMAGY) aims at
2. It provides for refinance through SIDBI (a) Integrated development of 1000 Scheduled
Select the correct answer using the codes given Castes majority villages
below. (b) Integrated development of 1000 most
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only backward villages
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) Integrated development of all drought-prone
(c) It is for the development of border villages on 217. In which year UNO adopted a definition of
the northern border absolute poverty?
(d) It is for the development of roads connectivity (a) 1994 (b) 1995
in Bihar
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above
67th BPSC (Pre) 2021 (Re-exam)
(c) 1996 (d) 1997
UPPCS (Pre)- 2017 I Paper
Ans. (b) : The definition of ultimate poverty was
Ans. (c) : Vibrant Village Programme (VVP) has been adopted by the United Nations in 1995. According to
announced in the Finance Minister's Budget Speech this definition, complete poverty is a condition that
2022. The programme envisages coverage of border includes serious problems of basic needs of human
villages on Northern border having sparse population,
limited connectivity and infrastructure, which often get beings, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation
left out from the development gains. facilities, health, shelter, education and information.
214. Which of following statements are true? 218. Which of the following statement(s) is (are)
1. Haryana was the first state in the country to correct with reference to the reason(s) for
(d) There is no relation between coverage and answer using the code –
leakage List-I List-II
APPSC GROUP-I (7-5-2017)
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the above question.
222. In which of the following years was the
(Name of Schemes)
A. Agricultural Workers I.
(Starting year)
'Swavalamban Yojana' started? Social Security Scheme
(a) 2010 AD (b) 2011 AD B. Swarna Jayanti Gram II. 1997
(c) 2012 AD (d) 2014 AD Swarozgar
UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 2016 C. Golden Jubilee Urban III. 1999
Ans. (a) : The Swavalamban Scheme was a Employment Scheme
government-backed, micro-pension plan monitored by D. Pradhan Mantri IV 2001
the Pension Fund Regulation and Development Gramodaya Yojana
Authority (PFRDA). It was launched in the year 2010 Code:
to encourage the habit of savings for retired life. A B C D A B C D
223. What is not true about Mukhyamantri Harit (a) I III IV II (b) III II I IV
Gram Yojana? (c) III IV II I (d) IV III II I
(a) The scheme runs under MNREGA UPPCS (Pre) G.S. Spl. 2004
(b) Under this scheme, only one unit can be Ans. (d) : Correct match of the government schemes
planted in one village and their year of initiation given below-
(c) Under this scheme, usually 100 saplings are Agricultural Workers Social Security Scheme- 2001
planted in one unit. Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar- 1999
(d) Under this scheme, the sides of village Golden Jubilee Urban Employment Scheme- 1997
approach roads, as well as inner roads, can Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana- 2000
also be used for linear plantation.
7th JPSC Pre 2021 Paper-II 227. Which one of the following scheme is not a
recently adopted method of social protection?
Ans. (b) : On May 4, 2002 the chief minister of (a) National Health Insurance Scheme
Jharkhand Henant Soren launched ‘Mukhyamantri (b) Skill Development Program
Haritgram Yojna’. The objective of this scheme is (c) Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana
provide employment to the laborers and migrated
people under MNREGA Scheme. Under this, usually (d) Social Security Act of Unorganized Workers
100 saplings are planted in a unit and village roads and UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2009
inner roads can also be used for linear plantation. The Ans. (b) : National Health Insurance Scheme came
government has set a target of planning 5 crore sapling into operation on 1 April, 2008. Aam Aadmi Bima
through this scheme. Yojana (AABY) Launched on 2 October, 2007, it
224. The concept of 'minimum requirement provides social security to poor households that are not
program' is synonymous with which one of the protected financially. Under the scheme, disability,
following? accidental death, and natural death cover is provided
(a) Antyodaya approach for individuals who fall under certain occupational
(b) Hunger-free approach groups. Social Security Act of Unorganized Workers
(c) Human to Appropriation Approach passed in 2008.All these schemes are related to social
(d) Infrastructure Development Approach protection while skill development is related to
UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. Ist 2004 formation of human resource capital in India.
(II) Urban Wage Employment, and
(III) Housing and Shelter Upgradation are 234. Consider the following statements in respect of
part of welfare schemes launched by the Ministry of
Rural Development, Government of India.
(b) Nehru Rozgar Yojana
(c) Jawahar Rozgar Yojana
(a) Integrated Rural Development Programme
1. Drinking water for rural areas in one of the
components of the Bharat Nirman Plan.
2. In the National Rural Employment Guarantee
(d) Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana
(IAS (Pre.) G.S. 1997) Act, 2005 there is a provision that the
statutory minimum wage applicable to
Ans. (b) : Nehru Rojgar Yojana was introduced in agriculture workers in the State has to be paid
1989-90 in the urban areas of the country. There are to the workers under the Act.
five component included in the scheme viz. 1) Support Which of the statements given above is/are
for setting up micro enterprises, 2) Housing and correct-
Shelter upgradation, 3) Training for self employment, (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
4) Training relating to construction activities and 5)
Urban wage employment. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Hariyali Yojana- Water shed management Central Nodal Agencies to channelize subsidy
Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana- Rural self- to the lending institutions and for monitoring
employment. the progress of this component.
Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana- Rural connectivity.
in India under the scheme of One Nation One Card. forward through the recent Nava Keralam
5. Regulatory assets in the power sector will be Karma Padhathi (NKKP) of Government of
eliminated etc. Kerala?
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
245. Which of the following social security schemes
was recently launched by the Prime Minister of
(a) Haritha Keralam
(c) Ardram
(b) Rebuilding Kerala
(d) LIFE
Ans. (b): The Nava Keralam Karma Padhathi (NKKP),
(a) PMGSY (b) PMRSSVY the flagship programme of Kerala Government, aims at
(c) PMJSRY (d) PMJJBY elevating the quality of life of its people, in a mission
Mizoram PCS Pre 2015 Paper-I mode approach. The Mission was launched by the
Ans. (d): The Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Governor of Kerala P. Sathasivam and the CM of
Yojana (PMJJBY) was launched in 2015. It is a one- Kerala Pinarayi Vijayan on 10th November, 2016. The
year life insurance scheme renewable from year to year Mission focused on four key objectives- health,
offering coverage for death. education, housing and agriculture through the four
Pradhanmantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojna (PMJJBY) flagship missions initiated under it as-
provides death coverage of Rs. 2 Lakh to the beneficiary 1. Haritha Keralam (improve the sanitation in the State)
(for the age group of 18 to 50 years) of the policy in the 2. Ardram (health-oriented mission)
case of sudden demise of the insured person. 3. Life Scheme (building homes for homeless people)
Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
The main objective of HRIDAY is to preserve character The scheme targets geographically defined districts,
of the soul of heritage city and facilitate inclusive heritage particularly rural ones, where access to banking
linked urban development by exploring various avenues facilities was limited. The lead bank takes a proactive
including involving private sector.
Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
251. Which of the following is not a social security
approach to expand banking infrastructure, promote
credit flow and cater to the credit needs of various
sectors in the district. The scheme prioritizes credit for
program? sectors like agriculture, small business and other
(a) Aam Aadmi Insurance Scheme underserved segments crucial for rural development.
(b) National Health Insurance Scheme Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(c) Swarna Jayanti Urban Employment Scheme 255. Recently, a scheme named "Swabhimaan" was
(d) Unorganized workers Social Security Act launched. It's main aim is-
UP RO/ARO (Pre) G.S. 2013 (a) To take banks to the doorsteps of the rural
Ans. (c) : Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (b) To provide skill to rural artisans.
(December 1, 1997) is an unemployment alleviation (c) To empower rural women.
program whereas Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana (October (d) To provide houses to BPL families
2, 2007), National Health Insurance Scheme (May 9, UPPCS (Mains) G.S. IInd Paper 2010
2015) and Unorganized Workers Social Security Act
Ans : (a) In the year 2010, the State Bank of India
2008 etc. come under of social protection program. launched a program called Swabhimaan with the
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. objective of reaching the homes of the rural poor. The
252. To which of the following Saubhagya Plan is main features of this scheme are as follows:
associated? To provide banking services to all 73000 unbanked
(a) Assistance to disabled persons villages with a population of more than 2000.
(b) Assistance to girls Opening of 5 crore new rural bank accounts.
(c) Pollution control Providing branchless banking through technology.
(d) Universal household electrification To ensure safe and reliable banking.
UPPSC ACF Mains Paper-II, 2021 Increasing connectivity between rural and urban
Ans. (d): The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
launched the ‘Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar
Yojana’ “Saubhagya”, at Deendayal Urja Bhawan, in 256. The main objectives of Jawaharlal Nehru
New Delhi on 25th September, 2017. National Solar Mission is
Scheme is aimed to achieve 24 x 7 power for all by (1) Cost parity with coal based thermal power by
2019 by providing electricity connection to each 2030
household across the country. (2) To make India a global leader in solar power
by generating 20000 MW by 2022
Scheme provides subsidy on equipment such as (3) To provide solar energy in selected 20%
transformers, wires and meters. Development Blocks of the country
Ministry of Power is the implementing authority of the (4) All of the above
scheme. Codes:
Power connection is provided in both rural and urban (A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 and 3
areas of the country. (C) 1 and 3 (d) Only 4
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. Manipur PSC - 2013
Eonomics PLANNER English 208 YCT
3. Endowment Assurance Plan designed for the Ans. (b) : The correct match is follows-
benefit of handicapped dependents List-I List-II
4. Scheme of Central and State/Union Territory A. SWADES 1. Skill mapping
landless households
Governments administered by LIC for rural (Skilled Workers
Arrival Database for
Employment Support)
(a) (b) (c) (d) B. SANKALP 2. Skill development
(A) (2) (1) (4) (3) (Skill Acquisition and
(B) (2) (4) (3) (1) Knowledge Awareness
for Livelihood
(C) (4) (2) (3) (1)
Programme )
(D) (3) (4) (1) (2) C. SVANIDHI 3. Loan scheme for
Manipur PSC - 2013 (Street Vendor’s street vendors
Ans. (c): (a) The Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana (AABY) Atmanibhar Nidhi)
is a government of India Social Security Scheme D. SWADHAR 4. Women victims of
Mahbub-ul-Haq and was further used to measure (c) Gross National Product in US dollars
a country's development by the United Nations (d) National income per head in US dollars
Development Programme (UNDP)'s Human IAS (Pre.) G.S. 1997
Development Report Office.
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
SP Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
264. Which of the following indicators is not used to 268. Which of the following is not a part of Human
calculate Human Development Index? Development Index?
(a) Education (b) Per Capita Income (a) Health and nutrition
(c) Life Expectancy (d) Social Inequality (b) Per capita income
OPSC (OCS) Pre 2021 Paper-I (c) Life expectancy at birth
Ans. (d) : The Human Development Index (HDI) is a (d) Gross Name Enrollment Ratio
statistic composite index of life expectancy, education UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2009
(mean years of schooling completed and expected years UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. IInd 2008
of schooling upon entering the education system) and Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
per capita income indicators, which are used to rank question.
countries into four tiers of human development. 269. Which of the following is not an element of the
Social Inequality is not used as indicator to calculate HDI. Human Development Index?
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. (a) Number of people below poverty line
265. Which of the following is not included in the (b) Education
Human Development Index? (c) Life expectancy
(a) Life expectancy at birth (d) Per capita income
(b) Educational achievements Uttarakhand P.C.S. (M) 2010–11
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
(c) Birth rate question.
(d) Adjusted living standard (per capita income) 270. What is the base of Human development index?
UP PCS ACF (Mains) IInd Paper 2017 (a) Health, education, employment, standard of
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above living
question. (b) Health, education, employment
266. On improvement of which of the following, (c) Health, education, standard of living
(d) Education, standard of living, employment
India will attain highest ranking in Human MPPSC (Pre.) G.S. Ist 2015
Development Index prepared by UNDP?
1. Availability of pure drinking water. Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
2. More credit to farmers.
3. More children going to school. 271. Which of the following in not counted in
4. More adults to be literate. Human Development Index (HDI) ?
(a) Per capita income
Select the correct answer by using codes given (b) Number of years of schooling
below: (c) Ownership of basic assets
Codes: (d) Life expectancy at birth
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4 APPSC Group-II-2017
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 and 4 Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the explanation of the above
UPPCS (Main) G.S IInd 2004 question.
Eonomics PLANNER English 210 YCT
OPSC (OCS) PRE-2020 PAPER-I was released on 14 July 2010. This index is based on
Ans. (*): The Human Development Index (HDI) is a three dimensions and their ten indicators.
summary measure of average achievement in three key Dimensions Indicators
dimensions of human development-
• The Health Dimension: assessed by life expectancy
at birth.
Health • Child Mortality
• Nutrition
• The Education Dimension: measured by mean of Education • Years of Schooling
years of schooling for adults aged 25 years and more • School Attendance
and expected years of schooling for children of Living Standards • Cooking Fuel
school entering age.
• Sanitation
• The Standard of Living Dimension: measured by • Drinking Water
Gross National Income per capita (GNI).
Hence, none of the answer is correct. • Electricity
(c) 85 and 25 (d) 80 and 20 279. Which one of the following indexes is most
UPPCS (Mains) G.S.-IInd 2006 suitable for measuring the intensity of poverty
in India?
Ans. (c): In calculating HDI, the maximum value for (a) Human Development Index
life expectancy at birth is 85 years and the minimum (b) Gender Inequality Index
value is 25 years.
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. (c) Human Poverty Index
(d) Multi-dimensional Poverty Index
275. Indian Human Development Report does not UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2015
give for each sample village–
(a) Infrastructure and Amenities Index Ans. (d): Multidimensional Poverty Index is most
(b) Education Related Index suitable for measuring the intensity of poverty in India
(c) Health Related Index as it reflects the multiple deprivations that poor people
(d) Unemployment Related Index face education, health and living standard.
(I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 2000) Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
Ans. (a): The Indian Human Development Report does (iii) GHI
not give any importance to the index of infrastructure
280. Who releases the annual Global Hunger Index?
and amenities for each sample village, while education,
health and unemployment are included in its index. (a) International Food policy Research Institute
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. (IFPRI)
(ii) MPI (b) International Agricultural Research Institute
276. Which one of the following is not included in (IARI)
Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)? (c) International Food Research journal (IFRJ)
(a) Health (b) Education (d) Action against Hunger International (ACF
(c) Living Standard (d) Per Capita Income International)
UKPSC RO/ARO (Pre)-2023 Manipur PSC - 2013
Eonomics PLANNER English 211 YCT
Ans. (d): The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is a tool 285. In which year was the Residential Price Index
designed for comprehensively measuring and tracking (RESIDEX) launched in India?
hunger at global, regional and national levels. It is (a) 2001 (b) 2004
jointly published by Concern Worldwide and
Welthungerhilfe. For each country GHI scores are
determined for four indicators:
(c) 2007 (d) 2008
UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2011
Ans. (c): The introduction of the Residential Price
1. Undernourishment: the proportion of Index Residex in 2007 by the National Housing Bank
undernourished people as a percentage of the in India was the first attempt to comprehensively study
population (reflecting the share of the population the trend of price fluctuations in residential property.
with insufficient caloric intake). Initially, its base year was 2001. Currently its base
2. Child wasting: the share of children under the age
of five, who have low weight for their height, year is 2017-18.
reflecting acute under-nutrition. Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
3. Child stunting: the share of children under the age (vii) BNI
of five who have low height for their age, reflecting286. With reference to the Bare Necessities Index
chronic under-nutrition. (BNI), consider the following statements:
4. Child mortality: the mortality rate of children 1. The economic survey has come up with the Bare
under the age of five (partially reflecting the fatal Necessities Index at rural and urban levels.
synergy of inadequate food intake and unhealthy
2. The BNI has been created for all States for 2018
environments). only.
• The rank of India is 101 out of the 116 countries in 3. The BNI is based on 26 indicators.
GHI 2021. 4. The BNI consists of six dimensions.
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. Which of the above statements are correct?
(iv) WHR (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only
282. Consider the following statements about World (c) 1 and 4 only (d) 2 and 4 only
Happiness Report (W.H.R.): (e) None of the above/More than one of the above
1. The first report was released in the year 2010. 67th BPSC Pre- 2022 (cancelled)
2. As per W.H.R 2020. India's rank is 144th
Codes : Ans. (a): ‘Economic Survey 2020-2021’ has
(a) Both 1 and 2 are correct constructed a “Bare Necessities index” (BNI) at the
(b) 1 is correct while 2 is incorrect rural, ‘urban and all India level.
(c) 1 is incorrect while 2 is correct The ‘BNI’ summarizes ‘26’ indicators on five
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 is correct dimensions, viz., water, sanitation, housing, micro-
environment and other facilities.
UP PSC ACF/RFO (Mains) 2020 Paper II
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Ans. (c) : The World Happiness Report is released by
the United Nations Sustainable Development Solution (viii) PQLI
Network. It is released on 20 March every year which is 287. Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) is
designated as World Happiness Day by UN General developed by
Assembly in 2012. The first WHR was released in (a) Morris D. Morris
2012. (b) UNDP
In the WHR-2020 India rankedth
144th place whereas in (c) Mehbub-ul-Haq
WHR-2023 India is at 126 . (d) None of the above
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. UPPCS Pre GS-2019
Eonomics PLANNER English 212 YCT
EASE Banking Reforms Index measures the+ 3. Labor market (participation in labor force)
performance of each PSB (Public Sector Bank) on 100 Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
objective metrics across six themes. It was launched in
292. The index that captures reproductive health,
January, 2018.
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
(x) GDI
SP empowerment and labour market participation
of women is:
(a) Gross development index
289. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) (b) Gender inequality index
correct with reference to Gender Development (c) Gender empowerment measure
Index? (d) Quality of life index
1. The Index measures gender gaps in human
development achievements Arunachal PSC (GS) 26-11-2021
2. It accounts for disparities between women Ans. (b): The GII is an inequality index. It shows the
and men in three basic dimensions of human loss in potential human development due to disparity
development-health, knowledge and living between female and male achievements in three
standards dimensions: reproductive health, empowerment and the
Ans. (a): The Gender Development Index measures Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
gender gaps in human development achievements by (xiii) WEO
accounting disparities between women and men in three 293. Who publishes the World Economic Outlook
basic dimensions of human development-health, Index?
knowledge and living standard. (a) WTO (b) World Bank
The GDI is calculated for 164 counties and helps (c) IMF (d) UNDP
highlight the gender gap in human development (e) None of the above/More than one of the above
achievements and inform policy. 66th BPSC Re-Exam 2020
GDI is released by the United Nations Development
Program (UNDP). Ans. (c) : The World Economic Outlook is a report by
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It is a survey by
the IMF staff that presents analysis of global economic
(xi) GGGI development during the near and medium term.
290. Which among the following is not a parameter Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
for estimating Global Gender Gap Index of (xiv) Miscellaneous
World Economic Forum?
(a) Health (b) Education 294. Arrange the following events in proper
(c) Economy (d) Leisure chronological order:
UPPCS (Pre)- 2017 I Paper (1) Mahbul-ul-Haq prepared the HDI (Human
Development Index)
Ans. (d) : Health, education, economy and politics are (2) Morris D. Morris Development the PQLI
used by the World Economic Forum (WEF) as a (Physical Quality of Life Index)
parameter for estimating the 'Global Gender Gap (3) Alkire and Foster developed the MPI
Index'. In the above options, Leisure is not used as a (Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index)
parameter. (4) The term ‘Gross National Happiness’ coined
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. by Bhutan's king Jigme Singye Wangchuck
Eonomics PLANNER English 213 YCT
Select the correct answer from the options Compulsory education
given below: have acquired some of
(a) I only (b) I and III only the knowledge and
(c) I and II only
(d) II and III only
JPSC (Pre) 2024-I
Ans. (b) : The Gini Coefficient or Gini Index, measures
skills that are essential
for Full participation in
the level of income inequality in the society. It was (c) Human Trofiphic level (i) A measure of
developed by Italian Statistician Corrado Gini and energy intensity of diet
named after him. It measures inequality on the scale composition.
from 0 to 1, where higher value indicates higher (d) Palma ratio (iv) The share of all
inequality. Gini Coefficient can be derived using the income received by the
Lorenz curve. A Lorenz curve is a geographical 10% people with
representation of the distribution of income or wealth highest disposable
within a population. divided by the share of
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. all income received by
296. World Social Security Report is released by the 40% people with the
which of the following? cowest disposable
(a) World Bank income.
3) Nishtha– National initiative for holistic (d) 3 1 4 2
progress of school heads and teachers. ACF/RFO (Mains) IInd 2018
4) Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana – Ans. (d) : The correct match is as follows-
Right to electicity to the poor and deprived.
Which of the above are correct matches?
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1, 2 and 3 only
World Investment Report
Institute Issuing
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 World Economic Outlook Report IMF
Haryana PSC (Pre) 2022 Ease of doing business report World Bank
Environmental Performance Report World
Ans. (d) : All the above matches are correct. Economic Forum
• FAME India Scheme – To promote Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
environment friendly 304. The World Bank's international poverty line at
vehicles. present using 2011 prices is set at:
• PM Vikas Pahal Scheme – To promote (a) $1 a day (b) $1.50 a day
the population directly or indirectly involved in C. Centralization of population in villages
this sector. Regarding agriculture in India,
which one of the following statements is/are not D. Increase in density of population
(a) Only A (b) Only A and B
Bajra is a Kharif crop, which
requires 25°-31°Ctemperature and
(c) Only A and D (d) All of the above
Maharashtra PSC (Pre) 2023
40-50cm rainfall. Ans. (a) : Urbanization means centralization of the
B. Cotton is categorized into groups population in the cities. The most important cause of
Three long-staple, medium staple urbanization is rural-urban migration.
and short-staple. Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
C. Currently, India accounts for about 5. Given below are two statements :
50% of the world's total jute Statement I: The percentage of the population
production. aged 65 years and above in India
D. India is the second-largest producer as of 2021, is around 6.2% of the
of silk and the largest Consumer Indian population.
of silk in the world. Statement II: The population growth rate in
Select the correct answer using the codes given India as of 2021 is around
below: 0.98%.
(a) B and D (b) Only C In the light of the above statements, choose the
(c) A and B (d) Only D most appropriate answer from the options
OPSC OCS (Pre) 2023 given below:
Ans. (c) : Kharif crops are grown with the onset of (a) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
monsoon and these are harvested in September- (b) Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
October. Paddy, Maize, Jowar, Bajra, Tur (Arhar), (c) Statement I is correct and Statement II is
Moong, Urad, Cotton, Soyabean are Karif crop. Bajra incorrect
requires, 25°- 31°C temperature and 40-50 cm rainfall. (d) Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is
Cotton is categorized into groups three long staple, correct
medium staple and short staple based on the length of HPPSC (Pre) 2023
its fibers. Currently, India accounts for about 75% of Ans. (b) : With reference to the age distribution of
the World's total Jute production. India from the year 2011 to 2021, about 25.69 percent
• India is 2nd largest producer of silk after China and of the Indian population in 2021 was in the age group
the largest consumer of silk in the world. of 0-14 years, 67.51 percent in the age group of 15-64
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. year and about 6.8 percent in the age group of 65 years
3. Which of the following won the World Summit and above.
on the Information Society (WSIS) Prize 2023? Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(a) IndiaAudit- Which facilitates online 6. Given below are two statement:
audits across GST Statement I : The percentage of population that
departments is employed in service sector in
(b) India Investment- which facilitates online India as of 2021 is around 32%
investment for startups of the Indian population.
Eonomics PLANNER English 216 YCT
population. Thus, statement (ii) is also incorrect.
within a specific geographical area.
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
7. By which year the target of population stability
has been fixed in India?
(a) Year 2080
(c) Year 2070
(b) Year 2045
(d) Year 2075
13. The correct order in Indian states in terms or
population size (2011 Census) is (from highest
to lowest population)
(a) Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, West Bengal
UPPCS (Pre)-2023 (b) Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Bihar
Ans. (c) : Initially the target of population stability was (c) Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Bihar
set as 2045 but later it was pushed back to 2070. (d) Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. Haryana PSC (Pre) 2022
8. According to the Census of India, 2011, which Ans.(d) : The correct order in Indian states in terms or
Scheduled Tribe is largest in India? population size (2011 Census) is (from highest to
(a) Kol (b) Bhil lowest population) is as follows:
(c) Gond (d) Santhal Uttar Pradesh> Maharashtra> Bihar> West Bengal
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
67th BPSC (Pre) 2021 (Re-exam) 14. As per census 2011, what is the percentage of
India’s population in the world's population?
Ans. (b): Bhil is the largest tribal group in India as per (a) 17.31 (b) 18.50
2011 census. They constitute approx. 38% of the total
tribal community. Bhils are found in Madhya Pradesh, (c) 18.90 (d) 19.05
Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh and UP RO/ARO (Pre) Exam., 2016
Tripura. Ans. (a): India has only 2.4% of the world's total land,
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. while according to the 2011 census, India has a
population of 1,21,08,54,977 which is 17.5% of the
9. In which year, first Census was introduced in total population of the world.
India? Hence, the nearest option (a) is correct answer.
(a) 1901 (b) 1911
(c) 1921 (d) 1872 15. India is regarded as a country with
"Demographic Dividend". This is due to
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above (a) Its high population in the age group below 15
67th BPSC (Pre) 2021 (Re-exam) years
Ans. (d) First Indian census was introduced in year 1872. (b) Its high population in the age group of 15-64 years
The Indian census is the largest single source of various (c) Its high population in the age group above 65
statistical information on various characteristics of the years
people of India. The responsibility of conducting the (d) Its high total population
decadal census rests with the office of the Registrar (IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist 2011)
General and Census Commissioner of India, Ministry of Ans. (b): India is counted as a country with
Home Affairs, Government of India. The Census Act 'demographic dividend'. The reason for this is that the
was enacted in the year 1948 to provide a plan for population (working population) in the age group of
conducting population census along with the duties and 15-64 years is more and the number of children and
responsibilities of officers. old age (dependent population) is less.
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(c) 31% (d) 32% explanation of A
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2013 (c) A is true but R is false
Ans. (c): According to the final figures of 2011, the (d) A is false but R is true
31% of the total population.
Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
number of people under the age of 14 in India is about UPPCS (Main) GS 2017 Ist
Ans. (b): As per census 2001, rural to rural migration
accounts for 53 ml in comparison to from rural to
18. As per census of 2011 the percentage of the people urban migration (20 ml). 64.9% of rural to rural
in the age group of 20 and above is- migration is due to marriage, led by women/female.
(a) 59.29% (b) 60.81% Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(c) 61.05% (d) 62.17% 23. Which of the following statements is incorrect
UPPCS (Main) G.S. 2016 about India's Population?
Ans. (a): According to the 2011 census, the (a) India is the second most populous country of
percentage of people aged 20 years and above in the the World.
total population of India is 59.29. (b) First census in India took place in 1872.
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. (c) The year 1921 is marked as the year of
demographic divide.
19. What is the percentage of the people, over 65 (d) Most of the tribal population is
working population due to which the dependency ratio (c) Tamilnadu (d) Uttar Pradesh
is low. This ratio indicates how much pressure the UPPCS (Pre) G.S. Spl. 2004
economy is facing in support of its non-productive
Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
26. Which of the following statements are correct
Ans. (b) : Among the given options the state of
Maharashtra has the largest population of slum dwellers
in India. The metropolis of Mumbai has the largest slums
in India. As per the census 2011, Andhra Pradesh has the
regarding National Population Register (NPR)? maximum (12%) slum population while Assam has the
(i) It is prepared under The Citizenship Act, 1955 minimum (0.6%) slum population
(ii) NPR comes under the Ministry of Home Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
Affairs 31. As per census 2011, the ratio of rural
(iii) It includes certain demographic particulars population in which state is highest?
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (a) Bihar (b) Rajasthan
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Himachal Pradesh
residents must have been either residing at a place in Pradesh (90%), Bihar (88.70%), Assam (85.92%) and
the country for at least six months or must intend to Odisha (83.32%) respectively.
reside there for the coming six months. Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
• The National Population Register is prepared under 32. Which of the following States has the largest
the provisions of the Citizenship Act, 1955 and the number of people belonging to Scheduled Caste?
Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of (a) Bihar (b) West Bengal
National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003. (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Punjab
• It comes under the office of the Registrar General of BPSC (Pre) 2011
India (RGI) under the Home Ministry. Ans. (c) : According to the final figures of 2011,
• The objective of the NPR is to create a Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of scheduled
comprehensive identity data base of every usual castes. Punjab ranks first in percentage terms.
resident in the country. Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. 33. The State having the lowest percentage of
27. As per the Census of India, India is made up of Scheduled Castes population in India is
(a) Mizoram (b) Punjab
how many districts?
(c) Goa (d) Uttar Pradesh
(a) 625 (b) 640
Mizoram PCS Pre-2017
(c) 644 (d) 556
Ans. (a) : According to Census 2011, the population of
Nagaland PSC (NCS) Pre-2017 Schedule Castes as the percentage of the total
Ans. (b) : According to the census 2011, there are total population of India is 16.6%. Mizoram has the lowest
640 districts in India and as per the census 2001, there number of scheduled castes population which is 0.11%
were 593 districts in India. of its total population.
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Uttar Pradesh 11,34,273 0.6% Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
Bihar 13,36,573 1.3%
Tamil Nadu 7,94,697 1.1% 39. Which one of the following States of India ranks
Kerala 4,84,839
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
43. As per interim report of census 2011, arrange (a) Nagaland (b) Manipur
the following states in descending order, (c) Tripura (d) Sikkim
keeping the population in view:
1. Andhra Pradesh
2. Bihar
3. Maharashtra
SP UPPCS (Pre)- 2017 I Paper
Ans. (a): According to the final figures of Census 2011,
the percentage of population growth / decrease of the
4. Uttar Pradesh given states in the option is as follows-
Select the correct answer from the codes given State State Population increase /
below : decrease (in percentage)
(a) 2, 4, 1, 3 (b) 4, 3, 2, 1 Nagaland –0.58
(c) 2, 3, 1, 4 (d) 4, 2, 3, 1 Manipur 24.5
UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2013 Tripura 14.8
Ans. (b) : As per final figure of census-2011, the Sikkim 12.89
populations of the states, given in the option, are - Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Uttar Pradesh - 19,98,12,341, 2. Maharashtra - 48. According to 2011 census, which of the following
11,23,74,333, 3. Bihar - 10,40,99,452 and Andhra
Pradesh - 8,45,80,777. states has the largest rural population?
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Maharashtra
(c) Punjab (d) Uttar Pradesh
44. As per interim data of census 2011, the second
most populous state of India is: UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2018
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Bihar Ans. (d) : As per the final figure of census-2011 the top
(c) Maharashtra (d) West Bengal four states having rural population are Uttar Pradesh -
UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2011 155.31 million (18.63%), Bihar - 92.34 million
(11.07%), West Bengal - 62.18 million (7.46%) and
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question. Maharashtra - 61.55 million (7.4%). The states given in
45. As per interim data of census 2011, which of the option have the rural population as Madhya Pradesh
the following state is the most populous? - 52.5 million, Punjab - 17.3 million.
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Andhra Pradesh Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
(c) Odisha (d) Uttar Pradesh
49. As per Census 2011, the total population of
UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2012
Mizoram is
UPPCS (Main) Ist GS, 2014
(a) 1, 097,206 (b) 1, 088,257
UP RO/ARO (Pre) Exam., 2016
UPPSC (Pre) 2021 (c) 1, 099,144 (d) 1, 078,226
Mizoram PCS Pre-2017
Ans. (d) : As per the final figure of census-2011
Uttar Pradesh - 19,98,12,341 is the most populous Ans. (a) : As per the final figure of census-2011,
state in India. The population of other states given in Mizoram has its population figure as 10,97,206 with
the option are - Madhya Pradesh - 7,26,26,809, Males - 5,55,339 and Females - 5,41,867. The state
Andhra Pradesh - 8,45,80,777 and Odisha - contributes about 0.09 percent of the total population of
4,19,74,218. India.
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
80.9% and that of female 64.6%. So the gap between Bihar – 61.8
male literacy rate and female literacy rate is 16.3%. Arunachal Pradesh – 65.4
As per the provisional figure the total literacy rate of India Rajasthan – 66.1
gap of male and female literacy was 16.68%.
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
was 74.04% with male-82.14% and female-65.46%. The Jharkhand
Andhra Pradesh
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
52. As per the provisional figures of Census 2011 57. According to Census 2011, which of the
female literacy in the country is about following states has the highest difference in
(a) 63.5% (b) 64.5% male and female literacy rate?
(c) 65.5% (d) 66.5% (a) Kerala (b) Uttar Pradesh
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2011 (c) Mizoram (d) Gujarat
64th BPSC Pre 2018 UPPCS (Pre.) 2015
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question. Ans. (b) : Literacy Rate, Census 2011 (in%)
53. According to the provisional figures of Census State Literacy Male Female Diff. M/F
2011 the gap between male literacy rate and Kerala 94.0 96.1 92.1 4
female literacy rate in India is that of Uttar Pradesh 67.7 77.3 57.2 20.1
(a) 16.38 percent (b) 16.68 percent Mizoram 91.3 93.3 89.3 4
(c) 17.38 percent (d) 17.68 percent Gujarat 78.0 85.8 69.7 16.1
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2010 So, among the given options of the states, Uttar
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question. Pradesh has the highest difference in male and female
literacy rate.
54. The affected literacy rate in India is calculated by- Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(a) Total population
(b) Population of children 58. As per census 2011, the women literacy rate is
(c) Population of adults highest in the following Union Territory-
(d) Population above the age of 7 years (a) Puducherry (b) Chandigarh
(c) Daman & Diu (d) Lakshadweep
UP RO/ARO (Pre) G.S., 2014
UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2013
Ans. (d): The affected literacy rate in India is Ans. (d): According to Census-2011 of India, the
calculated from the population above the age of 7 highest female literacy among Union Territories was
years. The most literate state at present is Kerala. 87.95 percent in Lakshadweep, while it was 81.19%
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. in Chandigarh, 80.67% in Puducherry and 79.55% in
55. As per Census 2011, which of the following is Daman and Diu.
the correct sequence of different communities Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
in descending order or literacy percentage? 59. Which one of the following States of India has
(a) Jain, Christian, Buddhist, Sikh recorded the maximum increase in literacy rate
(b) Sikh, Jain, Christian, Buddhist during 2001-2011?
(c) Christian, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist (a) Bihar (b) Gujarat
(d) Jain, Buddhist, Sikh, Christian (c) Rajasthan (d) Uttar Pradesh
Manipur PSC-2016 UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2011, UPPCS (Main) G.S. 2016
Eonomics PLANNER English 222 YCT
Kerala 96.1% 92.1% 4.0 (c) Daman and Diu
Nagaland 82.8% 76.1% 6.7 (d) Andaman and Nicobar
Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
Chandigarh - 86
the answer will be (b). Literacy rate of Lakshadweep and Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Delhi are 91.8% and 86.2% respectively.
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. 66. Which one of the following State has the lowest
female literacy according to the 2011 census?
62. As per census 2011, the literacy rate of which of (a) Mizoram (b) Nagaland
the following state was maximum? (c) Tripura (d) Sikkim
(a) Manipur (b) Punjab UP PSC ACF/RFO (Mains) 2020 Paper I
(c) Assam (d) Madhya Pradesh
UPPSC RO/ARO Pre 2017 Ans. (d) : According to 2011 census
State (Province) Female literacy (%)
Ans. (a) : As per the Census 2011, the descending Nagaland 76.1%
order of literacy of the states in question is as follows- Mizoram 89.3%
Manipur (79.21%)> Punjab (75.84%)> Assam Tripura 82.7%
(72.19%)> Madhya Pradesh (69.32%). So, among the
options the highest literacy rate is in Manipur. Sikkim 75.6%
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. Bihar 51.5%
Arunachal 57.7%
63. As per census 2011, the women literacy rate of Manipur 72.4%
which of the following Indian state was minimum? Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Rajasthan
(c) Kerala (d) Andhra Pradesh District
UPPSC RO/ARO Pre 2017 67. Which one is the highest literate district in
Ans. (b) : As per the final figure of the Census 2011, India (2011 Census)
the female literacy rates of the states given in the (a) Kollam, Kerala (b) Aizawl, Mizoram
option are Uttar Pradesh (57.2%), Rajasthan (52.1%), (c) Serchhip, Mizoram (d) Kannur, Kerala
Kerala (92.1%) and Andhra Pradesh (59.1%). So the Mizoram PCS Pre-2017
correct answer is (b). As per the final figure of the Ans. (c): According to Census 2011, the highest literate
Census 2011, the top five states with minimum female State in India is Kerala, having literacy rate of 94%,
literacy rate are - followed by Mizoram with 91.33%.
(c) 1991 (d) 2011 Decade Decadal growth rate of
ACF/RFO (Mains) Ist 2018 population (in percentage)
Ans. (b): After independence the growth rate of (a) 1971-81 – 24.66
Indian Population was lowest in 1951 and it was at
13.31%. The growth rate of population was 21.5% in
(b) 1981-91
(c) 1991-2001
the decade of 1951-61 compared to the previous one. (d) 2001-2011 – 19.05
Census year Rate of increase UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 2016
(After Independence) Ans. (d) : According to the 2011 census, the decadal
1951 13.31% growth rate of population has been 17.7 percent in the
1961 21.51% decade from 2001 to 2011. The maximum increase in
1971 24.80% the population of India was 24.80% during the decade
1981 24.66% 1961-71.
1991 23.87% Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
2001 21.54% 73. In which of the following census decade was the
2011 17.70% minimum percentage of population change
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. marked?
70. At present India's population growth is passing (a) 1971-1981 (b) 1981-1991
through the phase of which one of the following? (c) 1991-2001 (d) 2001-2011
(a) Stagnant population UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2012
(b) Steady growth UPPCS (Mains) GS Ist 2015
(c) Rapid high growth Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the above question.
(d) High growth rate with definite signs of slowing 74. During which of the following decade, the
down population growth of India was maximum?
UPPCS (Pre.) 2015 (a) 1901-1911 (b) 1961-1971
Ans. (d): The population of a country goes through (c) 2001-2011 (d) 1981-1991
many stages of demographic development. In the first UPPCS (Mains) Ist Paper GS, 2015
stage, both the birth rate and death rate remain high, in Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question.
the second stage the birth rate remains high, the death 75. According to Census of India 2011, the
rate declines. In the third stage both the birth rate and percentage of population growth in the country
death rate decrease. Presently India's population during the period 2001 - 11 was-
growth is going through a period of high growth, rate (a) 31.34 (b) 17.70
with define signs of slowing down. (c) 13.31 (d) 23.85
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2012
71. During 20th century population of India can be UP RO/ARO (Pre) G.S., 2013
classified in four separate stages. Match the list I UPPSC Food & Sanitary Inspector Exam. 2013
(Period) with list II (Stage) and select the correct UPPCS (Main) GS Ist 2014
answer using the codes given below the lists: UPPCS (Pre.) Re-exam. 2015
Eonomics PLANNER English 224 YCT
(c) 1931 (d) 1941 19. Chandigarh − 17.19
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above 20. Assam − 17.07
UP RO/ARO (Pre) G.S., 2013
63rd BPCS (Pre)-2017
CGPSC (Pre)- 2017
Ans. (b): In the history of India's population (from
21. Maharashtra
22. Tamil Nadu
23. Karnataka
24. Tripura − 14.48
1901 to 1921), the death rate was very high, for which
epidemics, famines and lack of food items were 25. Odisha − 14.05
responsible. After 1921, control over the factors 26. Punjab − 13.89
responsible for high mortality was started. Due to this, 27. West Bengal − 13.84
the population of the country continued to grow at an 28. Himachal Pradesh − 12.94
almost constant rate. Therefore, it is clear that the 29. Sikkim − 12.89
year 1921 is known as the 'Demographic Divide'. 30. Andhra Pradesh − 10.98
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(c) Bihar (d) Nagaland d. Andhra Pradesh IV. 946
UP PCS ACF (Mains) Ist Paper 2017
Choose the correct answer using the codes
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question.
(a) I
(a) Kerala (b) Goa
(c) Nagaland (d) Meghalaya
st (c) II III IV I
UPPCS (Main) GS 2017 I
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question.
AP PSC(Pre) 2022
88. Which of the following States recorded the
lowest decadal growth rate of population, Ans. (c) : As per census 2011, Sex ratio of the country
according to the 2011 census? is 943 female per thousand males. The sex ratio of the
(a) Arunachal Pradesh (b) Nagaland given states in question are as follows-
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Punjab States Sex Ratio
MPPCS (Pre) 2020 Puducherry 1037
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question. Tamil Nadu 996
states in descending order is as follows- 98. The sex ratio in demography refers to-
Nagaland (931) > Arunachal Pradesh (938) > Assam
(a) Number of females in a country
(958) > Mizoram (976).
Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
96. Consider the following statements about
SP (b) Number of males in a country
(c) Ratio of females on per thousand males
Census of India 2011: (d) Number of males on per thousand females
1. A female enumerator is the mascot for BPSC (Pre) 1999
Census 2011 Ans. (c): Sex ratio in demographiy refers to the ratio of
2. The percentage decadal growth (2001-2011) females per thousand males.
has registered the sharpest decline since Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
3. Nagaland recorded the lowest population 99. According to the recent statistics related to the
growth rate 2011 census, which community in India has the
Ans. (b & d): The correct match is as follows – (a) Jharkhand (b) Gujarat
Population Year Sex ratio (c) Maharashtra (d) Madhya Pradesh
SP UPPCS (Main) GS Ist, 2014
UP RO/ARO (M) G.S., 2013
Ans. (a) : As per the final figure of census 2011, the sex
1931 – 950 ratio in the states given in the option are - Jharkhand
1941 – 945 (949), Gujarat (919), Maharashtra (929), Madhya
1951 – 946 Pradesh (931). So the state of Jharkhand has the sex ratio
more than that of the National Sex Ratio (943).
1961 – 941
1971 – 930 Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
1981 – 934 108. As per census 2011, the state with lowest sex
1991 – 927 ratio is-
2001 – 933 (a) Sikkim (b) Punjab
2011 – 943 (c) Haryana (d) Jammu & Kashmir
Hence, option (b & d) both are correct answer. UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2013
Ans. (c) : As per the final figure of census 2011, the
103. Which one of the following pair is not correctly top states in India with the lower sex ratio are -
matched? Haryana – 879
Census Year Sex ratio in India Jammu and Kashmir – 889
(a) 1951 ─ 946 Sikkim – 890
(b) 1971 ─ 930 Punjab – 895
(c) 1991 ─ 927 Uttar Pradesh – 912
(d) 2011 ─ 925 So, Haryana has the lowest sex ratio.
UP RO/ARO (Pre) G.S., 2013 Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the above question. 109. In which of the following state, number of
females is more than, per thousand males, as per
104. In which of the following census year, sex ratio census 2011?
in India was 946? (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Manipur
(a) 1921 (b) 1941 (c) Meghalaya (d) Kerala
(c) 1951 (d) 1971 UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2012
UP RO/ARO (M) G.S., 2013 Ans. (d) : As per the final figure of census 2011, the
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question. top five states of India with the highest Sex Ratio are -
105. Child (0-6 year) sex ratio in India since year Kerala – 1084
1961 is- Tamil Nadu – 996
(a) Decreasing gradually Andhra Pradesh – 993
(b) Increasing gradually Chattisgarh – 991
(c) Stable Meghalaya – 989
(d) Earlier increased and then decreased And the other one state of the option is Manipur – (985).
nd Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
UPPCS (Main) G.S. II 2011
Eonomics PLANNER English 228 YCT
following Union Territory is lowest? India
(a) Chandigarh (b) Dadra & nagar haveli 117. Population density in India-
(c) Daman & Diu
(d) Lakshdweep
UPPSC RO/ARO (Mains) 2017
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question.
(a) Has been Increasing gradually
(b) Has remained almost constant
(c) Has decreased slightly
113. According to 2011 census, which of the (d) Increased earlier, then decreased after 1991
following states has the lowest child sex-ratio UP RO/ARO (Pre) G.S., 2014
both in Rural and Urban areas? Ans. (a): The growth in population density in India
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Kerala has been negative (−1.2) in the decade 1911–21.
(c) Haryana (d) Jammu and Kashmir Thereafter, the population density of India has steadily
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2018 increased. In the decade of 2001-2011 the population
Ans : (c) As per Census 2011, Haryana has the density of India increased by 57 people/sq km.
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
114. Which of the following States is ranked (c) 382 (d) 385
MPPSC (Pre) G.S. 2017
economically at the top but the lowest on the
basis of sex-ratio? Ans. (c): According to the 2011 census, the population
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Maharashtra density in India is 382 people per sq km.
(c) West Bengal (d) Haryana Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2018 State/UT
UPPCS (Pre) 2017 Paper-I 119. As per census 2011, population density of
Ans: (d) The state of Haryana has a sex ratio of 879 which of the following state is minimum?
(a) Nagaland (b) Arunachal Pradesh
(female per 1000 males) among the states given in the (c) Sikkim (d) Mizoram
option, it is the lowest among all states of India, while UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist Paper 2012
the state of Haryana is economically prosperous. Hence UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist Paper 2011
option (d) is correct. The ratio of other states given in MPPSC (Pre) G.S. 2016,
the option is as follows: Nagaland NCS Prelims-2019, UPPSC Pre) 2021
State Sex ratio
Ans. (b) : According to the final figures of Census
Madhya Pradesh – 931 2011, states with minimum population density–
Maharashtra – 929 State Mass density
West Bengal – 950 Arunachal Pradesh – 17
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. Mizoram – 52
115. Which one of the following pairs of the states Sikkim – 86
of India is associated with the highest and the Nagaland – 119
lowest sex ratio respectively as per the 2011 Himachal Pradesh – 123
Census of India? Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. Chandigarh – 9258
122. According to census 2011, with reference to Puducharry – 2847
population density which of the following Daman & Diu – 2191
ascending order of the states, is correct?
(a) Assam, Haryana, Gujarat, Karnataka
(b) Assam, Gujarat, Karnataka, Haryana
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
126. Which of the following Union Territories has
the lowest population density?
(c) Haryana, Assam, Gujarat, Karnataka (a) Daman and Diu
(d) Gujarat, Karnataka, Assam, Haryana (b) Dadra and Nagar Haveli
UP UDA/LDA Spl. (M) G.S., 2010 (c) Andaman and Nicobar
(d) Puducheri
Ans. (d): According to the 2011 census, the ascending
order of population density is Gujarat, Karnataka, UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2012
Assam and Haryana respectively. The density of Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question.
Gujarat, Karnataka, Assam and Haryana is 308, 319,
398 and 573 respectively. (vi) Birth/Death Rate
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. Birth Rate
123. Among the following states of India, what is 127. Which of the following statements is/are true
the correct order of population density from for the Crude Birth Rate (CBR)?
high to low, as per census 2011? (A) The number of live births in a year per
(a) Punjab-Bihar-Jharkhand-Uttarakhand thousand of population.
(b) Bihar-Jharkhand-Uttarakhand- Punjab (B) The number of live births per ten thousand
(c) Bihar- Punjab-Jharkhand-Uttarakhand of population.
(d) Punjab-Bihar-Uttarakhand-Jharkhand (C) The ratio between the number of live
Jharkhand PSC (Pre.) G.S. 2016 births in a population during a given year
Ans. (c) : As per the census of 2011, the descending and the total mid-year population during a
order of population density of the states mentioned in given year and the total population at the
the option is - Bihar (1106 person/s q km), > Punjab end of the year.
(551 person/s q km) > Jharkhand (414 person/sq (a) (A) only
km) > Uttarakhand (189 person/sq km) (b) (A), (C) and (D) only
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. (c) (A) and (C) only
(d) (C) only
124. Which one of the following States has the
highest density of population according to the Manipur PSC (Pre) 2023
Census of India, 2011? Ans. (c) : The crude birth rate is the annual number of
(a) Kerala (b) Haryana live births per 1000 population. The ratio between the
(c) Bihar (d) Uttar Pradesh number of live births in a population during a given
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above year and the total mid-year population for the same
UPPCS (Main) G.S. I Paper 2012 year, usually multiplied by 1000.
UP RO/ARO (M) G.S., 2014, UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 2016 Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2016, UPPSC RO/ARO Pre 2017 128. With reference to the steady decline in the
64th BPSC Pre 2018 mortality rate over the years, consider the
ACF/RFO (Mains) Ist 2018 following statements:
Eonomics PLANNER English 230 YCT
consideration. 134. According to Census 2011, India's gross fertility
(d) To the number of individuals of the population rate (TFR) is-
who left the habitat and went elsewhere during
(a) 3.2 (b) 2.9
the time period under consideration
JK PSC (Pre) 2023
ANs. (a) : Natality refers to the number of births during
(c) 2.6 (d) 2.4
UPPCS (Main) G.S. 2016
a given period in the population that are added to the Ans. (d) : According to the 2011 census, India's gross
initial density. fertility rate is 2.44. As per the Fifth Term of National
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. Family Health Survey (2019-21), the total Fertility
Rate is at 2.0 and that is below the replacement level
130. High Juvenile mortality is the characteristic
feature of of fertility rate (2.1).
(a) r- selected population Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
(b) k- selected population 135. Identify of value of 'Replacement Level
(c) r- and k selected population Fertility' from the following options:
(d) The ratio of number of children who die before
Death Rate their first birthday our of every 100 live births
India BPSC (Pre) 2015
138. The target to reduce Infant Mortality Rate Ans. (b): Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) refer to the
(IMR) during eleventh plan period was kept at ratio of number of children who die before their first
(a) 27 per 1000 live birth birthday out of every 1000 live births.
(b) 28 per 1000 live birth Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(c) 29 per 1000 live birth 142. Child mortality implies children dying before
(d) 30 per 1000 live birth their :
UPPCS (Pre)- 2017 I Paper (a) 1st birthday (b) 2nd birthday
Ans. (b): The National Development Council's (c) 3 birthday (d) 5th birthday
approval to the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12) was AP PSC Group-I Screening-2019
received on 19 December, 2007. The Infant Mortality Ans. (d) : Child mortality implies children dying before
Rate (IMR) has to be reduced to 28 and the maternal their 5th birthday. Child mortality or the under five
mortality rate is reduced to the level of one thousand mortality rate refers to the probability of a child dying
live births. The total fertility rate was to be brought between birth and exactly 5 years of age, expressed per
down to 2.1. 1000 live births. In demography child mortality refers
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. to the death of children under the age of five.
Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
139. As per census 2011, infant mortality rate in Miscellaneous
which of the following state was minimum? 143. The best source of data for the estimation of
(a) Tamilnadu (b) Punjab crude birth rate of India is
(c) Kerala (d) Karnataka (a) National Family Health Survey
UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2015 (b) Civil Registration System
UPPCS (Main) G.S. II 2016 (c) Sample Registration System
(d) Census of India
Ans. (c): As per census-2011, Kerala has an infant J&K PSC Pre-2018, Paper-1
mortality rate of 12. Currently infant mortality rate is
Ans. (c): Sample Registration System is the best source
40 at the national level. The sequence of states with
of data for the estimation of crude birth rate in India.
highest infant mortality is as follows - Assam and SRS is a demographic survey for providing reliable
Madhya Pradesh (54) > Odisha (51) > Uttar Pradesh annual estimates of infant mortality rate, birth rate,
(50). death rate and other fertility and mortality indicators.
The ascending order of states with the lowest infant Civil Registration System (CRS) is the unified
mortality is as follows - Goa (9) < Manipur (10) < process of continuous, permanent, compulsory and
Kerala (12) < Nagaland (18). universal recording of the vital events and
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. characteristics thereof.
Eonomics PLANNER English 232 YCT
demographic transition associated with Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
economic development :
1. Low birthrate with low death rate 150. Which of the following statements are correct?
2. High birthrate with high death rate
3. High birthrate with low death rate
Select the correct order of the above stages using
Select the correct answer using the codes given
1. Since independence, the overall increase in
the codes given below: population in urban areas is comparatively more
(a) 1, 2, 3 (b) 2, 1, 3 than that of rural areas earlier.
(c) 2, 3, 1 (d) 3, 2, 1 2. Rural Population in India is 67.84% and urban
(IAS (Pre) G.S.-I, 2012)
population is 32.16%. (2011)
Ans. (c): Specific stages of demographic transition 3. Urbanization level in 2001 was 27.81%
associated with economic development are as follows 4. Percentage of rural population in 2001 was
- High birth rate with high mortality rate, High birth 71.19%
rate with low death rate and low birth rate with low
death rate.
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
B. Indian Urbanization (c) 3 and 4 only (d) 1 and 3 only
UP UDA/LDA (M) G.S., 2010
146. According to current rate the urban population Ans: (d)- Since independence, the overall increase in
of India is expected to reach in 2030 up to- population in urban areas is comparatively more than
(a) 575 million (b) 675 million that of rural areas earlier. Urbanization level in 2001
(c) 750 million (d) 900 million was 27.81%. and during this period percentage of
UPPSC RO/ARO (Mains) 2017 rural population was 72.19%.. According to census
Ans: (*) As per World population prospect : Revision 2011 urban population was 31.16% and rural
2015, according to current rate the urban population of population in India is 68.84%. Therefore only
India is expected to reach in 2030 up to 1.5 billion i.e it statements 1 and 3 are correct.
will become 150 million. Answer from the options has Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
to be discarded as there is no correct data in them.
Hence, none of the option is correct answer. 151. What was the decadal growth rate of total
147. As per census 2011, the percentage of Metro urban population in India during 2001 to
population in total urban population was- 2011?
(a) 31.16 (b) 36.48 (a) 25.40% (b) 30.15%
(c) 42.61 (d) 49.20 (c) 31.80% (d) 12.18%
UPPSC RO/ARO Pre 2017 ACF/RFO (Mains) Ist 2018
Ans: (c) - As per census 2011, The percentage of Ans. (c): The decadal growth rate of total urban
Metro population in total urban population was population in India during 2001 to 2011 was 31.8%.
42.61%. It should be noted that In India, the Census In the span of decade i.e. from 2001 to 2011 rate of
Commission defines the qualification for metropolitan
city as, the cities having a population of more than 10 population increase in India remained at 17.7%. and
lakhs or one million and above. At present India has during this period rate of increase in rural population
53 metro cities. remained at 12.30%.
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
State/UTs Urban population % descending order of their urban population
1. Delhi − 97.5 (2011) and select the correct answer from the
2. Chandigarh − 97.3 codes given below:
3. Lakshadweep
4. Daman & Diu
− 78.1
− 75.2
SP 1. Arunachal Pradesh
3. Nagaland
2. Mizoram
4. Sikkim
5. Puducherry − 68.3 Codes:
6. Goa − 62.2 (a) 1, 4, 2, 3 (b) 3, 1, 4, 2
7. Mizoram − 52.1 (c) 4, 1, 3, 2 (d) 4, 3, 1, 2
8. Tamil Nadu − 48.4 UP UDA/LDA (M) G.S., 2010
9. Kerala − 47.7 Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question.
10. Dadra & Nagar Haveli − 46.7 158. As per census 2011, In which state of India
11. Maharashtra − 45.2 percentage of urban population is maximum?
12. Gujarat − 42.6 (a) Maharashtra (b) Goa
13. Karnataka − 38.7 (c) Tamilnadu (d) Mizoram
14. Andaman & Nicobar − 37.7 UP UDA/LDA Spl. (M) G.S., 2010
15. Punjab − 37.5 Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question.
16. Haryana − 34.9 159. Arrange the following states in descending order
17. Andhra Pradesh − 33.4 of their urbanization as per census 2011, and
18. West Bengal − 31.9 choose the correct answer from the codes given
19. Uttarakhand − 30.2 below the states.
20. Manipur − 29.2 1. Kerala
21. Nagaland − 28.98 2. Mizoram
22. Madhya Pradesh − 27.6 3. Goa
23. Jammu & Kashmir − 27.4 4. Tamil Nadu
24. Tripura − 26.2 Code:
25. Sikkim − 25.2 (a) 3, 2, 4, 1 (b) 1, 2, 3, 4
26. Rajasthan − 24.9 (c) 3, 4, 1, 2 (d) 4, 1, 2, 3
27. Jharkhand − 24 UP RO/ARO (Pre) Exam., 2016
28. Chhattisgarh − 23.2 Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the above question.
29. Arunachal Pradesh − 22.9 160. As per census 2011, in which of the following
30. Uttar Pradesh − 22.3 state, the percentage of urbanization is lowest?
31. Meghalaya − 20.1 (a) Arunachal Pradesh
32. Odisha − 16.7 (b) Sikkim
33. Assam − 14.1 (c) Bihar
34. Bihar − 11.3 (d) Nagaland
35. Himachal Pradesh − 10 UPPCS (Mains) GS 2017 Ist
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question.
Eonomics PLANNER English 234 YCT
population? number of slums are comparatively low.
(a) Mizoram Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Goa
(d) Maharashtra
SP 170. Arrange the following states of India in
descending order of their urbanization and select
the correct answer from the codes given below:
1. Gujarat
ACF/RFO (Mains) Ist 2018
2. Andhra Pradesh
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question. 3. Maharashtra
164. As per 2011 Indian population census, which of 4. West Bengal
the following states has largest number of Codes:
towns in India? (a) 4, 2, 3, 1 (b) 3, 4, 2, 1
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Gujarat (c) 2, 3, 1, 4 (d) 1, 2, 4, 3
(c) Maharashtra (d) Madhya Pradesh UPPSC RO/ARO Pre 2017
7th JPSC Pre 2021 Paper-I Ans. (b) : Descending order of the states urbanization
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the above question. can’t be done properly because in terms urbanization
percentage descending order will follow this trend-
165. Among the following States of India, which one Maharashtra (45.2%) > Gujarat (42.6%) > Andhra
has the lowest level of urbanization as per 2011 Pradesh (33.4%) > West Bengal (31.9%), i.e
census? descending order should be 3, 1, 2, 4. While in terms
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Mizoram of urban population the descending order of the given
(c) West Bengal (d) Haryana states will be as follows- Maharashtra > West Bengal
UP PSC ACF/RFO (Mains) 2020 Paper I > Andhra Pradesh > Gujarat. Therefore option will be
3, 4, 2, 1. As per the official answer key of
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question. commission, option (b) is correct answer.
166. Arrange the following States of India in 171. Which one of the following States of India has
ascending order in respect to level of the highest urban density?
urbanization (percentage of urban population to (a) Maharashtra (b) Punjab
total population) as per 2011 census and select (c) Tamil Nadu (d) West Bengal
the correct answer using the codes given below: UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2013
I. Himachal Pradesh UPPCS (Mains) G.S. Ist Paper 2013
II. Arunachal Pradesh Ans. (d) : As of 2011, West Bengal had a population
III. Uttarakhand density of 1,029 inhabitants per square kilometre
IV. Sikkim (2,670/sq mi) making it the second-most densely
Codes populated state in India, after Bihar but in terms of
(a) I, II, IV, III urban density following is the list of urban density of
states given-
(b) IV, II, III, I West Bengal 5683
(c) III, IV, II, I Maharashtra 5594
(d) II, III, I, IV Punjab 4136
UP PSC ACF/RFO (Mains) 2020 Paper I Tamil Nadu 2561
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the above question. Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
population above one million.
million cities in India is 53, while according to census
UP UDA/LDA Spl. (Pre) G.S., 2010 2001 there were only 35 million cities in India.
Ans. (b) : According to the provisional data of 2011 Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
census, Uttar Pradesh is the state where only 22.3%
population lives in the cities or in the urban region.
178. According to Census-2011, the number of
Daslakhi (millionaire) towns in Uttar Pradesh is
Therefore statement in option (b) is in correct. The (a) 5 (b) 7
census 2011 data shows that Goa is the most (c) 10 (d) 11
urbanised state with 62.17% of the population living UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2015
in urban areas. But if one goes by geographical area
Ans: (b) Acoording to the census 2011, number of cities
and total population , Tamil Nadu is the most
with million or above population, in UP are 7. These are
urbanised state. In Kerala, 47.72% of people live
Kanpur (2920067), Lucknow (2901474), Gaziabad
in urban areas and in Maharashtra 45.23%.
(2358525), Agra (1746467), Varanasi (1435113),
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. Meerut (1424908) and Allahabad (1216719).
Cities Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
174. As per census 2011 of India, the pair of which of 179. Which one of the following statements is not
the following cities shows maximum population?
(a) Kolkata and Delhi (a) Some cities have attained the status of a
(b) Delhi and Bangalore municipal corporation in U.P.
(c) Mumbai and Kolkata (b) Corporation status to the cities is provided due
(d) Mumbai and Delhi to political reasons.
UP RO/ARO (Pre) Exam., 2016 (c) There are some principles on which basis the
Ans: (d)- As per census 2011 of India, maximum status of corporations is provided.
population is shown by the pair of cities Mumbai and (d) There is special law for the corporations in
Delhi. Uttar Pradesh.
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. UP RO/ARO (M) G.S., 2014
175. As per India’s census 2011, ranked at last in the Ans: (b)- A municipal corporation is a local government
list of million population cities is- in India that administers urban areas with a population of
(a) Surat (b) Kota more than one million, by collecting property tax and
(c) Mangalore (d) Allahabad fixed grant from the State Government. It would be
incorrect to say that corporation status to cities is
UPPCS (Mains) G.S. 2016
provided due to political reason.
UP PCS ACF (Mains) Ist Paper 2017 Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
Ans: (b)- As per India’s census 2011, The city which
180. According to Census of India-2011, which one
ranked at last in the list of million population cities is of the following urban agglomeration has the
Kota with the population of 10,01,365. The other cities highest-population?
of the option are with surat (45,85,367), Mangalore (a) Chennai (b) Bangalore
(84,99,399), Allahabad now Prayagraj (12,16,719). (c) Hyderabad (d) Ahmedabad
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. J&K PSC Pre-2018, Paper-1
Eonomics PLANNER English 236 YCT
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the of cities and infrastructure. Therefore both the
correct explanation of (A) assertion and reason are correct but assertion is not
explaining the reason.
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true
UPPSC RO/ARO (Mains) 2016
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
184. In the view of Redfield and Singer, the process of
primary urbanization is characterized by the
Ans. (b) : Industrialization creates economic growth development of?
and jobs in factories which attract people from rural (a) Folk tradition (b) Noble tradition
areas to cities leading to urbanization. (c) Grand tradition (d) Minor tradition
Urbanization in developing countries is a movement UP RO/ARO (M) G.S., 2013
driven by a number of factors including population Ans: (a)- In the view of Redfield and Singer, the
growth, economic growth and migration. process of primary urbanization is characterized by
Thus Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are correct but the development of Folk tradition. Robert Redfield
economies in terms of mobile communication penetration APPSC GROUP-I (7-5-2017)
with millions of new users being added every month.
Hence both the reason and assertion are correct but there Ans. (d): Categorization of erstwhile rural areas as
is no relation between them.
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
SP urban areas has been main reason for higher absolute
increase in the urban population in India compare to
187. TK Oommen has described the difference of rural population in the decade from 2001 to 2011.
urban families? Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
(a) On the basis of the changing values and 190. As per the census of India, in which of the
changing pattern in the means of income. following size classes an urban settlement is
(b) On the basis of power structure classified if its population is between 10,000
(c) On the basis of urban social environment and and 19,999?
social ecology (a) Class II (b) Class III
(d) On the basis of above all (c) Class IV (d) Class V
UP RO/ARO (M) G.S., 2014 UP PSC ACF/RFO (Mains) 2020 Paper I
Ans: (d)- T.K. Oommen is of the opinion that so far
urban family has been viewed from within as a little Ans. (c):
society. To him, for a proper understanding, the urban Urban Classes Population
family should be placed in a broad social context. For this Class-II 50,000-99,000
purpose, the urban families are to be distinguished Class-III 20,000-49,000
through the mode of earning a livelihood and sources of Class-IV 10,000-19,000
income, structure of authority, urban and social ecology Class-V 5000-9,999
and the emerging value patterns. He points out that the Class-VI Less than 5000
type of family postulated in the Indian Constitution is an
egalitarian, conjugal and nuclear family. Besides the Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
Constitutionality, the socio-ecological factors, like the 191. Given below are two statements, one labelled as
settlement patterns, native cultural environments of the Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R):
urban migrants, and associations to various occupational, Assertion (A): Urbanisation trend and percentage
political, ideological, cultural-recreational, economic have increased in India during 2001-2011.
groups influence and reorient the style and pattern of the Reason (R): Migration from rural areas to urban
urban familial life.
areas is a major feature of India population.
Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
Choose the correct answer from the codes given
188. Smart Mission, which is brought to maintain below:
urban Ecology, includes which of the following
characteristics? Codes:
1. Appropriate water supply (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
2. Ensured electric supply explanation of (A).
3. Manufacturing of goods (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
4. Solid waste management correct explanation of (A).
(a) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 3 (c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3, and 4 (d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
UP PCS ACF (Mains) Ist Paper 2017 ACF/RFO (Mains) Ist 2018
Eonomics PLANNER English 238 YCT
(Himachal PSC (Pre) 2016) urbanization ratio during the period of 1961 -
Ans : (a) Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban 2001.
2. The average size of an urban center in India is
Transformation (AMRUT) was launched in June 25,
2015 by PM Narendra Modi under the Government of
India. The AMRUT scheme is an initiative to provide
about 45000.
3. The largest number of urban centers fall under
class IV.
basic civic amenities to the urban areas to improve the
quality of life with major focus to the poor and the 4. Fifth and sixth tier cities have more than 5% of
disadvantaged. the total urban population of the country.
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. Select the correct answer from the codes given
193. What is the full form of AMRUT? Code:
(a) Atal Mission of Recycle and Urban (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
(b) Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban
Codes: Nigeria 162.81 200.96
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only Ethiopia 90.14 112.08
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Egypt 84.53 100.39
Ans. (c) Statements 1 and 2 both are correct as
South Africa 52.00
Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
according to the census 2011 more than 70.2% of total
urban population of the country resides in category 1 203. According to June 2019 estimate of the United
cities and there were 53 urban agglomerations with Nations, in which year the Population of India
million plus population each in 2011 in the country. will be more than the Population of China?
(a) 2025 (b) 2027
199. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) (c) 2029 (d) 2030
correct with reference to 2011 Census of India?
ACF/RFO (Mains) Ist 2018
1. Urban population in India was 31.15% to its
total population. Ans. (b): According to June 2019 estimate of the
2. Rural population in Gujarat State was United Nations, around 2027, India is projected to
57.40% to its total population. overtake China as the world’s most populous country.
3. Kerala has the highest urban population to According to the World Population Prospect Report-
its total population. 2022, India has become the most populous country
Y, for Afghanistan it is 63 people per and (c) Seoul – Incheon (d) Shanghai
for Iraq it is 102 people per UPPSC Food & Sanitary Inspector Exam. 2013
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
SP Ans. (a) : Among the mega-cities of the world (cities
207. The most densely populated country in East Asia with a population of more than one crore) cities given
is – in the options, Manila had the highest density of
(a) China (b) Japan population in 2012.
(c) North Korea (d) South Korea Based on Census 2015 conducted in Philippines, the
UPPCS (Mains) Ist GS, 2014 City of Manila was the most densely populated with
71,263 persons per square kilometer in 2015.
Ans. (d) : As per the question time South Korea was the
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
most densely populated country in East Asia, while
Singapore and Honkong are the most populous countries. (iii) Sex Ratio
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. 211. Which of the following represents the correct
UP RO/ARO (M) G.S., 2014
transition model was initially proposed in 1929 by
UP UDA/LDA (Pre) G.S., 2010
demographer Warren Thompson. The model has four
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question.
In the present time also Central Asia along with West continents in 2020 as following -
Asia maintaining its position as the region of Continent Percentage of Urban
maximum annual population growth. Population (Mid-term)
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. South America − 84.6
D. World Urbanization North America − 82.6
215. According to the UN Department of Economic Europe − 74.9
and Social Affairs (UN-DESA) what Australia − 86.2
percentage of world's total population is Asia − 51.1
currently living in urban areas? Africa − 43.5
(a) 25 (b) 35 Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
(c) 45 (d) 55 220. Which of the following is the most urbanized
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2018 country in West Asia?
Ans : (d) According to the United Nations Department (a) Israel (b) Kuwait
of Economic and Social Affairs, about 55% of the (c) Qatar (d) Saudi Arabia
world's total population lives in cities. UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2011
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. Ans. (b) : During the question time and according to
216. From among the following SAARC countries, the World Cities Report - 2022, Kuwait is the most
which one is the most urbanised? urbanized country of the West Asia, where there is
(a) Bangladesh (b) Bhutan 100% urbanization.
(c) India (d) Pakistan The level of urbanization in West Asia, India and the
UPPCS Spl, (Pre) G.S. 2008 world according to the World Cities Report 2022, is as
UPPSC ACF-RFO Main I Paper 2019 follows -
Eonomics PLANNER English 242 YCT
areas by 2050? India’’
(a) 60% (b) 80% (b) Kalpana Srivastava (ii) ‘‘Demographic
(c) 68% (d) 75%
ACF/RFO (Mains) Ist 2018
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question.
Profit and Health
Status of Older
Adults in India’’
223. According to an estimate, the year by which (c) N. Neetha (iii) ‘‘Demographic
seventy percent of the world's population will be Dividend in India
reduced to cities, is– : Myth or
(a) 2040 (b) 2050 (c) 2060 (d) 2070 (d) Mridul Eapen (iv) ‘‘Demographic
UPPCS Spl, (Pre) G.S. 2008 Shift and its
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question. Impact on Indian
224. The urban population of the world increased in Choose the correct answer from the
comparison its rural population in the year – options given below:
(a) 2001 (b) 2004
Mizoram PCS Pre-2017
around 8 million peoples. In the 1st A.D population of Ans. (a): Thomas Malthus was an 18th century British
the world speculated below 0.3 billion (30 crore). The Philosopher and economist famous for the Malthusian
current world population of 7.3 billion is expected to
reach 8.5 billion by 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050 and 11.2
billion in 2100, according to a new United Nations
Growth Model, an exponential formula used to project
population growth. The theory states that food
production will not be able to keep up with growth in
report, “World Population Prospects: The 2015 the human population, resulting in diseases, famine,
Revision”. war and calamity.
Hence, option (e) is correct answer. Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
230. Which of the following statement are correct 234.According to Malthus, which of the following is
with reference to the National Population the most effective measure of population control?
Policy introduced in India in the year 2000? (a) War (b) Disaster
1. The immediate objective was to meet needs (c) Birth control (d) Unethical behavior
of contraception, health infrastructure, UPPSC RO/ARO Pre 2017
health personnel and to provide integrated Ans. (c): According to Malthus, natural birth control
services for basic reproductive and child is the most effective measure of population control. It
health care. is noteworthy that Malthus formulated the natural
2. The medium term objective was to lower theory of population and stated that the growth of
down the total fertility rates to the population in any area increases in the geometrically
replacement level by 2010. while the means of livelihood increase in the
3. The long term objective was to achieve a arthmetically. According to him, if the control of
stable population by 2045. population growth is not found through its own moral
(a) Only 1 and 2 (b) Only 2 and 3 controls, then there will be widespread premature
(c) Only 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 death by natural outbreaks. He also concluded that the
Gujarat PSC (Civil service Pre)-2018 Paper-II population would double every 25 years if the
Ans. (d): The immediate objective of the NPP 2000 is resources of subsistence were not blocked.
to address the unmet needs for contraception, health Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
care infrastructure, and health personnel, and to 235. Which group in the pyramid of the population
provide integrated service delivery for basic is known as the dependent population?
reproductive and child health care. (a) 15 - 60 years age group
The medium-term objective is to bring the TFR to (b) Above 60 years age group
replacement levels by 2010, through vigorous (c) Above 50 years age group
implementation of inter-sectoral operational strategies. (d) 0 - 14 years age group
The long-term objective is to achieve a stable UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2013
population by 2045, at a level consistent with the Ans. (d): In the population pyramid, generally the age
requirements of sustainable economic growth, social group of 0–14 years is known as the dependent
development, and environmental protection. population, in addition to that people aged 65 years or
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. more are also known as the dependent population.
231. Under the National Population Policy, 2000, While the age group of 15-64 years is known as
the goal to attain population stabilisation has working population.
been raised from 2045 to Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
Eonomics PLANNER English 244 YCT
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
factor that regulates population size?
238. The population of which age group is included (a) Fire (b) Disease
in demographic dividend?
(a) 5-14 year
(c) 60-80 year
(b) 15-60 year
(d) 80 year and above
UPPCS ACF (Mains)-2017
(c) Flood (d) Freezing
Mizoram PCS Pre 2015 Paper-I
Ans. (b): Density dependent factors include disease,
Ans. (b): 15–60 age group - The United Nations competition and predation. Density dependent factors
Population Fund (UNFPA) defined the meaning of can have either a positive or a negative correlation to
demographic dividend is the economic growth population size.
potential that can result from shifts in population's age Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
structure mainly when share of working age (15-64) is 243. Which of the following states has started the
larger than non-working age share of population. death census?
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. (a) Karnataka (b) Kerala
239. 'Demographic Dividend' refers to an increase
characterized by stable mortality. Population structure 3. To make available authentic information regarding
means number of people, its age, sex, caste, religion, the socio economic condition, and education status
language, literacy, population growth trend, density, of various castes and sections of the population.
occupation, rural and urban ratio etc.
Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
248. Under the National Literacy Mission, the
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
251. Which of the following countries officially
adopted the family-planning program first?
Threshold Literacy Rate was set at 75%. The (a) Brazil (b) U.S.A.
target year for this was- (c) India (d) China
(a) 2007 (b) 2011 UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2012
(c) 2015 (d) 2020
UPPCS (Mains) G.S.-IInd 2006 Ans. (c) : India is the first country in the world to
officially launch the Population Control Program
Ans. (a): The National Literacy Mission was (Family Planning Program) in 1952. In the first plan -
established in May 1988. It aims to achieve the target Redeem repatriation, in the second plan - clinical
of 75% literacy by 2007 by providing practical literacy regression (sterilization for the first time in India), in
to the illiterate people of re-productive group in the the third plan - mechanical regression, in the third plan
age group of 15 to 35 years. itself (endocrinal devices) was adopted for the first
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. time, in this scheme community development program
249. Consider the following statements and select the was started. In the fourth plan - Vaia Fteriya Pratigam
correct answer from the given code: (In this scheme, for the first time, time-oriented target
1. India is home to 16% of the world's population oriented programs were adopted.)
on 2.4% of the world's land. Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
2. India is home to 24% of the world's population 252. In which year Family Planning Programme
on 1.6% of the world's landmass. was started in India?
3. India accounts for 1.4 crore in world population (a) 1950 A.D. (b) 1951 A.D.
growth every year and China contribute 1.8 (c) 1952 A.D. (d) 1955 A.D.
crore. UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist Paper 2011
4. India accounts for 1.8 crore in world population Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question.
growth every year and China contribute 1.4
crore. 253. Which of the following is not a part of the
Code: demographic characteristics of the population?
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 (a) Density of population
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 1 and 4 (b) Standard of living
UPPCS (Mains) Spl. G.S. Ist 2008 (c) Sex ratio
(d) Rural - urban population
Ans. (d): India has 2.4% of the world's population UPPCS (Pre.) 2015
inhabiting 16% of the world, and India's contribution
to world population growth is 1.8 crore whose as Ans. (b): Rural urban population, density and
China's contribution 1.4 million. Presently, India has a population ratio, etc. are part of the demographic
population of 17.5% of the world's population on 2.4% characteristics of the population, but not the standard
of the world. of living
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
deaths in one year. It is notable that 'crude birth rate' is
256. With reference to the National Rehabilitation the ratio between the total number of children
and Resettlement Policy, 2007, consider the registered in a particular year and the total population
following statements:
SP of that year. Hence option (d) is the correct answer.
1. This policy is applicable only to the persons 259. On which date is Population Day celebrated?
affected by the acquisition of land for projects (a) 11 July (b) 2 August
and not to the involuntary displacement due to (c) 14 November (d) 1 November
any other reason. Uttarakhand PCS (Pre) 2006-07
2. This policy has been formulated by the Ministry UP UDA/LDA Spl. (Pre) G.S., 2010
of Social Justice and Empowerment. Ans. (a) : World Population Day is an annual event,
Which of the statements given above is/are observed on July 11 every year, which seeks to raise
correct? awareness of global population issues. The event was
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only established by the Governing Council of the United
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Nations Development Programme in 1989. It was
(IAS (Pre) G.S. 2010) inspired by the public interest in five billion day on
July 11, 1987, the approximate date on which the
Ans. (d):The salient features of the National world's population reached five billion.
Rehabilitation and Reestablishment Policy, 2007 set Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Ans. (b)- Population density of Russia is low but its Deoria.
most of the population is residing in the western part 3. The district having the lowest is population
of the Urals. Russia is a multicultural state. About density is Lalitpur.
80% of the population of contemporary Russia are
Russians. The remaining 20% of population are of
different ethnicity. In spite of processes of ethnic
4. On the basis of Nagar Nigam area population, the
most population city in the State is Kanpur
Select the correct answer using the code given
assimilation throughout Russian history, many ethnic below:
groups retain their cultural identities. Cultural (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3
diversity in contemporary Russian society is
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 3 and 4
determined by the historically rooted structure of
ethnic and cultural space, and recent international UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist Paper 2012
and interregional migration. Ans. (b): According to the 2011 Census - Shravasti
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. district (46.74%) has the lowest literacy rate, District
263. Assertion (A) : Roots of urban poverty in India lie with the highest sex ratio - Jaunpur (1024), District
in rural areas. Lalitpur (242) has minimum population density,
Reason (R): Rural areas have low level of literacy. Ghaziabad, the state's most populous city based on the
population of the municipal area.
infant sex ratio of Haryana has increased to 834 in the
Ans. (d): The correct match is as follows- period 2001-11.
List-I List -II Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
Most urbanized state
with maximum urban population Maharashtra
Tamil Nadu
promotion financing and development of the Micro. Valuation and Rating Pvt. Ltd.
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector and Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
coordination of the functions of the various institutions
engaged in similar activities.
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(a) Performs export promotion.
(b) Provides finance to the rural sector.
2. The headquarters of Small Industries (c) Provides financial support to industries.
Development Bank of India (SIDBI) is located (d) Evaluation of the position of credit of the
at which one of the following place? company
UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. Ist 2008
(a) Kanpur (b) Lucknow
(c) Ghaziabad (d) None of the above Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the above question.
UPPSC RO/ARO (Mains) 2016 7. Unit Trust of India–
Ans. (b): Kindly refer the above question. (a) Providing benefits of their income to small
3. SIDBI is established to- employers
(a) Provide fund for cottage industry (b) To organize money in a way that promotes
(b) Provide fund for small scale industries industrial development.
(c) Collecting people's savings
(c) Provide fund for large scale industries
(d) All of the above
(d) Provide fund for public sector undertakings
UPPCS (Mains) Spl. G.S. Ist 2004
UPPCS (Main) G.S IInd Paper 2004
Ans. (d): The Unit Trust of India was established on
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question. 26 November 1963 under the Unit Trust Act passed by
4. Which of the following was established in 1990 Parliament, while it started the sale of the unit from 1
as a wholly owned subsidiary under the Small July, 1964. The basic purpose of the Unit Trust of
Industries Development Bank of India Act, India is to encourage small-saving investors to save by
1989? selling units and to invest their money in the shares of
(a) RBI (b) SIDBI corporations.
(c) ICICI (d) NABARD Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
Tripura (TPCS) TCS -2019 CAPART
Ans. (b): Kindly refer the above question. 8. CAPART is concerned with
(a) Computer hardware
Credit Rating Institution (b) Advisory service for export growth
5. Which is Credit rating agency in India?
(c) Control of pollution in large industries
(a) CRISIL (b) CARE (d) The assistance and evaluation of rural welfare
(c) ICRA (d) All of the above programs
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist Paper 2008 UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 1997
Eonomics PLANNER English 250 YCT
Ans. (b): Kindly refer the above question. 13. According to the year of establishment, place
Indian Tourism Development Corporation the following in increasing order.
various places for tourists, besides providing transport 1. Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI)
facilities. 2. Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. of India (ICICI)
Public Company - Large number of big risk takers
A B C D Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(a) 1 2 3 4
20. Which organization promotes foreign trade?
(b) 2 3 1 4
(c) 3 2 1 4
(c) STC
(b) MMTC
(d) All of the above
(d) 4 1 2 3 UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2011
BPSC (Pre) 2015 Ans. (d): All the three organizations mentioned in the
Ans. (c): Kindly refer the above question. option as ECGC (Export Credit Guarantee
Corporation) of India Ltd. MMTC (Minerals and
17. Which of the following is not an apex Metals Trading Corporation Ltd.) and STC (State
institution? Trading Corporation of India) are with the objective to
(a) State Bank of India promote foreign trade by covering the risk of export
(b) NABARD credit.
(c) SIDBI Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
(d) State Cooperative Bank B.(i) - IMF
UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2008 21. Consider the following statements in
Ans. (a): State Bank of India is not the apex institution connection with the Bretton woods Conference:
A. This conference was held is 1944, at New
while NABARD, SIDBI and State Cooperative Bank is Hampshire, USA, to discuss the post-war
the apex institutions. international economic order.
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. B. The conference paved the way for the
18. Which of the following organizations is formation of International Monetary Fund
involved in long-term industrial financing? (IMF) and the World Bank.
(a) ICICI (b) IDBI Which of the above statements is/are
(c) IFCI (d) All of the above (a) B only (b) Neither A nor B
UP Lower (Pre) G.S. 2003–04 (c) A only (d) Both A and B
Ans. (d) : The main sources of industrial finance in TS PSC (Pre) 2024
India can be mentioned as shares and letter of credit, Ans. (d) : The Bretton Woods conference, officially
deposits received from the public, borrowings from known as the United Nation Monetary and Financial
banks and various industrial finance institutions. The Conference was a gathering of delegates from 44
major institutions providing industrial finance include nations that met from July 1 to 22, 1944 in Bretton
Industrial Development Bank of India, Industrial Woods, New Hampshire, to agree upon a series of new
rules for the post- WW-II international monetary
Finance Corporation of India, Industrial Credit and system. The two major accomplishments of the
Investment Corporation of India, Small Industrial conference were the creation of the International
Development Bank of India, SCI, CI, UTI, LIC, GIC Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for
and its subsidiaries etc. Reconstruction and Development.
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
to supplement its member countries' official reserves. (b) To meet temporary deficits in balance of
This SDR Scheme of the International Monetary Fund is payments
known as 'Patra Mudra' or Kagji Swarna or Paper Gold. (c) Increasing the gold reserve of the Central
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
24. The main function of the I.M.F. is to–
(a) arrange international deposits from banks
(d) Capital formation for industrial growth
UPPSC RO/ARO (Mains) 2016
(b) help to solve balance of payments problems of Ans. (b): Kindly refer the above question.
member countries 30. Consider the following statements:
(c) act as a private sector lending arm of the World 1. Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF)
Bank has been established by the International
(d) finance investment to developing countries Development Association (IDA) to provide
(IAS (Pre) G.S. 1994) further assistance to low income countries facing
Jharkhand PSC (Pre) G.S. 2006 high level of indebtedness.
MPPSC (Pre) G.S. Ist 2017 2. Singapore Regional Training Institute (STI) is one
Ans. (b): The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was of the institutes that provide training in
founded in 1944 and started its working in 1945. It was macroeconomics analysis and policy, and related
established aftermath of the Great Depression of 1930s subjects as a part of programme of the IMF
consisting its 44 founding members countries. Institute.
Currently IMF includes 190 member countries. It Which of the statements given above is/are
headquarters in Washington D.C. (USA). The IMF correct?
provides loans including emergency loan to member (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
countries experiencing actual or potential balance of (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
payments problems. The World Economic Outlook is a (IAS (Pre) G.S. 2005)
survey published by the International Monetary Fund. Ans. (b): Statement (1) is incorrect because PRGF is
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. established by IMF. Poverty Reduction and Growth
25. Which one of the following types of borrowings Facility has been set up by the International Monetary
from the IMF has the softest servicing Fund to provide more assistance to low income
conditions? countries which suffer from high debt burden. As part
(a) Second tranche loan (b) SAF of the program of the International Monetary Fund
(c) ESAF (d) Oil Facility Institute, the Singapore Regional Training Institute is
an institute that imparts training on macroeconomic
(IAS (Pre) G.S. 1993) analysis and policy and allied subjects.
Ans. (c): Kindly refer the above question. Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
26. When did India become member of
International Monetary Fund? B.(ii) - WTO
(a) 1952 (b) 1950 31. Which of the following is not considered a
(c) 1947 (d) 1945 subsidy box for agriculture in WTO?
(a) Green box subsidy (b) Amber box subsidy
UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2015
(c) Red box subsidy (d) White box subsidy
Ans. (d): Kindly refer the above question. JPSC (Pre) 2024-I
Eonomics PLANNER English 253 YCT
Trade Facilitation:
1995 World Trade Organization (WTO) was formed.
1. It was released by the World Trade
Basically it was the result of Uruguay Round negotiations
Organisation. (1986-94) that was signed and WTO was formed at
than many developed countries.
2. The overall score of India has been greater Geneva, Switzerland meeting with its headquarter at
Geneva. The WTO is the only international organization
3. It is a bi-annual survey that deals with trade dealing with the global rules of trade. Its main function is
facilitation measures taken collectively by the to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and
WTO member countries. freely as possible. It ensures the liberalization of trade
How many of the statement given above are among the member countries. Peter Sutherland become
correct the first Director-General of WTO on 1 January 1995,
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only previously he had served as the Director-General of
(c) All 1, 2 and 3 (d) None GATT since 1 July 1993. Currently, WTO has 166
member countries. Comoros because 166th member of
(e) Question not attempted WTO on August 21, 2024.
Haryana PSC (Pre) 2024 Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
Ans.(a): The Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable 35. The World Trade Organisation (WTO) is
president is – Development (UNCTAD)
(a) Arthur Dunkel (b) European Economic Community
(b) Peter Sutherland
(c) Runeto Rougerio
(d) Boutrous Boutros Ghali
BPSC (Pre) 1999
(c) World Trade Organisation
(d) The Association of South-East Asian Nations
UPPSC (ACF) Mains 2021 Paper-I
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question. Ans. (c) : Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) was
42. What is the Uruguay Round related to? proposed by World Trade Organisation (WTO).
(a) W.T.O. (b) IMF WTO members concluded negotiations at the 2013 Bali
(c) GATT (d) World Bank Ministerial Conference on the landmark Trade
UPPSC RO/ARO (Mains) 2017 Facilitation Agreement (TFA), which entered into force
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the above question. on ’22 February 2017’ following ratification by two
43. The main protective shield of international trade thirds of the WTO membership. The Government of
is- India ratified the agreement on 22 April, 2016, and it
(a) W.T.O. (b) World Bank came into force on February 22, 2017. The TFA contains
(c) IMF (d) IFC provisions for expediting the movement, release and
UPSC IAS (Pre) 2020
seven intellectual property rights as - (i) Copyright,
(ii) Trademarks, (iii) Geographical Indicators, (iv) Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question.
Industrial design, (v) Patent, (vi) Integrated circuit B.(iii) - World Bank
design, (vii) Secret work related to trade.
Under the Agreement on Trade-Related Invest
Measures of the WTO, Commonly known as the
56. India is a member of which of the following
constituents of the World Bank Group?
A. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
TRIMs Agreement, WTO members have agreed not to (MIGA)
apply certain investment measures telated to trade in B. International Centre for Settlement of
goods that restrict or distort trade. Investment Disputes (ICSID)
Both TRIPs and TRIMs came into force on 1 January
C. International Development Association
1995. (IDA)
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. D. International Bank for Reconstruction and
51. The topics of trade related intellectual property Development (IBRD)
rights include– Select the correct answer code :
1. Business Mark (a) A, B, C (b) A, C, D
2. Industrial Design
(c) B, C, D (d) A. B. C, D
3. Geographical Indication
(a) Bandung Conference projects that have the potential to mobilize
(b) Bretton Woods Conference private investment.
(c) Versailles Conference (d) UNCTAD funded initiative that seeks to
(d) Yalta Conference
I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 2008
finance and facilitate
development in the world.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 Ans. (a) : India is receiving the loans and grants by
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 the World Bank to improve the infrastructure in the
I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 1995 country. The institutions and programs as New
Agricultural Strategy, Food Corporation of India
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the above question. (FCI), Public Distribution System (PDS), Agricultural
60. The main objectives of the World Bank is Price Commission and Skill India Mission, Clean
(a) To maintain stability in exchange rate India Mission, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana,
(b) To encourage monetary co-operation National Rural Livelihoods Project, Integrated Child
(c) To give loans for reconstruction Development Services, National AIDS Control
(d) None of the above Support Project, National Hydrology Project, Uttar
ACF/RFO (Mains) Ist 2018 Pradesh Pro-Poor Tourism Development Project,
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question. Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor-3, Atal Bhujal
61. “World Development Report” is an annual Yojana, Start-up India project etc. all are being and
publication of have been supported and financed in India by the
(a) United Nations Development Programme World Bank. Jharkhand's Opportunities for
(b) International Bank for Reconstruction and Harnessing Rural Growth Project (JOHAR) is also a
Development World Bank Funded and dedicated livelihood
(c) World Trade Organisation intensive project being implemented in the State by
(d) International Monetary Fund the Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society
(IAS (Pre) GS 2002) (JSLPS).
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question. Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Economic and Social Council? Report is released by the UNCTAD annually.
(a) Vienna (b) Rome Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(c) Paris (d) New York B.(vi) - European Union
OPSC (OCS) Pre-2018 71. Consider the following statements :
Ans. (d) : Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), is The 'Stability and Growth Pact' of the
one of the six principal organs of the United Nations European Union is a treaty that
(UN), responsible for the direction and coordination of 1. limits the levels of the budgetary deficit of
the economic, social, humanitarian, and cultural the countries of the European Union
activities carried out by the UN. ECOSOC was 2. makes the countries of the European Union
established by the UN charter in 1945. The headquarter to share their infrastructure facilities
of the UN ECOSOC is located in New York city. 3. enables the countries of the European
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. Union to share their technologies
68. The Idea of Green finance was first mentioned How many of the above statements are correct?
in the –––––––. (a) Only one (b) Only two (c) All three (d) None
(a) UN document at the UN conference on UPSC IAS (Pre)-2023
sustainable development (Rio + 20) Ans. (a) : The Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) is an
(b) Paris Agreement of 2015 (Cop21) agreement, among all the 27 member states of European
(c) Un General Assembly held in September Union. It's aim to level the budget deficits of European
2015 countries The corrective arm of the stability and Growth
(d) Conference4 of parties (Cop24) pact ensure that member states adopt appropriate policy
Gujarat PSC 2019 Paper-II responses to correct excessive deficits (and/or debts) by
Ans. (a) : The idea of Green Finance was first implementing the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP).
The SGP treaty does not require its members to share
mentioned in the UN document at the UN conference
their infrastructure facilities nor their technologies with
on sustainable development (Rio + 20).
other countries. The purpose of SGP was to ensure that
This conference took place in RIO de Jenerio, Brazil in fiscal discipline would be maintained and enforced in
2012. The Conference focused on finding ways to the European Union. hence statement-1 is correct while
transition towards a green economy and achieving statements 2 & 3 are incorrect.
sustainable development. Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
72. Consider the following statements :
69. Recently, the first ‘Gender Social Norms Statement-I : Recently, the United States of
Index’ was released by which of the following? America (USA) and the European Union (EU)
(a) World Bank have launched the 'Trade and Technology
(b) World Bank and United Nations Council'.
Development Program Statement II : The USA and the EU claim that
(c) World Bank and NITI Aayog through this they are trying to bring technological
(d) United Nations Development Program progress and physical productivity under their
UPPSC RO/ARO (Mains) 2016 control.
Eonomics PLANNER English 258 YCT
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. (a) All the states of Europe
73. Euro dollars are– (b) All the states of the European Union
(c) Only 12 states of the European Union
(b) Special currency issued by federal
(a) A currency issued by European Monetary
(d) Only 10 states of the European Union
UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 2003
government of USA, Lobe issued only Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question.
78. Which of the following is not true for 'Euro' in
(c) U. S. Dollars circulating in Europe the year 1999?
(d) European currencies exchanged for the US (a) It is a unit of accounting
dollar in US
(b) It is the mode of deferred payment
(IAS (Pre) G.S. 1993)
(c) It is the mode of payment
Ans. (b) : Euro dollar is a term that refers to any United (d) It is in practice
(c) The World Economic Forum (c) Bangladeh (d) Myanmar
(d) The UNDP (IAS (Pre) G.S. 2006)
69th BPSC (Pre) 2023 Ans. (c) : The Association of South-East Asian
Ans. (c) : The Global Gender Gap Report is an Index
designed to measure gender equality. It was first
Nations, or ASEAN, was established on 8 August 1967
in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of ASEAN
published in 2006 by the World Economic Forum. The Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) by the founding
report measures the gender parity across four dimensions: fathers of ASEAN : Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,
economic participation and opportunity, educational Singapore and Thailand. Currently the ASEAN has 10
attainment, health and survival and political member countries. Besides the five founding member
empowerment. As per Global Gender Gap Report 2024, countries, the other five countries are - Brunnei,
India is ranked at 129th place among 146 countries. Combodia, Laos PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam.
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
83. Where is Davos- the venue of the annual meeting 88. Consider the following countries:
of World Economic . Forum, located? 1. Brunei Darussalam
(a) France (b) Germany 2. East Timor
(c) Switzerland (d) Luxembourg 3. Laos
were inducted as full member of SCO. Iran joined the Ans. (c) : The term ‘BRIC’ was originally coined in 2001
SCO in July 2023 and Belarus in July 2024. It is located by the Goldman Sachs economist, Jim O'Neill in his
in Beijing, China. report, ‘Building Better Global Economic BRICs’. The
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
B.(xi) - BRICS
SP leaders of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China)
countries met for the first time in St. Petersburg, Russia, on
the margins of G8 Outreach Summit in July 2006. The
91. BRICS is important in Global Economy. group was formalised in September, 2006. The first BRIC
Which of the following statement about BRICS Summit was held in Yekaterinburg, Russia on 16 June,
is not correct? 2009. BRIC group was renamed as BRICS (Brazil, Russia,
(a) It represents more than 40 percent of the India, China, South Africa) after South Africa was
global population. accepted as a full member at the BRIC Foreign Ministers'
(b) It represents around 24 percent of the World meeting in New York in September 2010. South Africa
GDP. attended the 3rd BRICS Summit in Sanya, China on 14
Russia. countries?
(a) Brazil (b) Russia
UK PSC (Pre) 2024
(c) South Africa (d) Canada
Ans. (c) : It represent around 16% of the Global trade. MPPSC (Pre) G.S. Ist 2016
BRICS is an important grouping bringing together the Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the above question.
major emerging economies from the world, comprising 96. When did South Africa join the fastest growing
41% of the world population, having 24% of the world economies BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China)?
GDP. The first BRICS Summit was held in 2009 in (a) 1999 (b) 2001
Russia. It represent more than 41% of the global (c) 2008 (d) 2011
population. Jharkhand PSC (Pre.) G.S. Ist 2013
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. Ans. (d) : Kindly refer the above question.
92. Who among the following has been elected as 97. BRICS represents the group of countries
the head of the New Development Bank (NDB), represented by
a multilateral financial institution set up by the (a) Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
BRICS, in 2023? (b) Britain, Republic of South Africa, Ivory
(a) Former Chinese Finance Minster Liu Kun Coast, Chile and Sweden
(b) Johannes Gerhardus Strijdom, former Prime (c) British Columbia, Romania, India, Canada
Minister of South Africa and Switzerland
(c) Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff (d) Belgium, Russia, Iran, Czechoslovakia and
(d) Anton Germanovich Siluanov, former South Africa
Finance Minister of Russia Mizoram PCS Pre 2015 Paper-I
Talangana State PSC (Pre) 2023 Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the above question.
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question. IAS (Pre) G.S. 2006
100. Which of the following countries is not a Ans. (d): Seven countries (SAARC countries) of South
member of the South Asian Association for Asian region, including India and Pakistan,
Regional Cooperation (SAARC):
(a) India
(b) Bangladesh
implemented the South Asian Free Trade Agreement
from January 2006, moving towards the expectation of
(c) Burma (d) Maldives the Asian Economic Union becoming fully in line with
UPPCS (Pre) Economics Opt. 1996 the European Union. The deadline for implementing
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question. SAFTA in all SAARC countries is July 1, 2006. The
B.(xiii) - SAFTA/SAPTA agreement provides that all the countries involved will
101. Which of the following is not a member of reduce the customs duty to less than 5% in their
South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement respective countries. Under this, India, Pakistan and Sri
(SAPTA)? Lanka will reduce their rate of duty to 20% by the year
(a) China (b) Maldives 2007 in the first phase and then to zero in the final 5
(c) Bangladesh (d) Nepal years ending 2012. India and Pakistan will reduce the
UK PSC (Pre) 2024 customs duty in their respective countries from 5% to
zero by 2013 and Sri Lanka will have to implement this
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. Ans. (a): The correct match is as follows.
107. Given below are two statements: A. ASEAN secretariat Bangkok (Thailand)
HPPSC (Pre) Exam-2024 Agreement. At the time of formation, the number of its
member countries was 5, as: Bangladesh, India,
Ana.(c): The Shinkun La Tunnel is at an altitude of Republic of Korea, Laos Democratic, Sri Lanka. With
15,855 Ft. While Atal Tunnel's length is about 9.02 km. the joining of China in 2001 and Mangolia in 2020, the
So, the statement (I) is correct but statement (II) is number of members countries of the NPTA rose to 7.
incorrect. Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
B.(xv) - BIMSTEC
108. Consider the following statement regarding the 111. Which city is the Headquarter of 'BIMSTEC'?
Generalized system of Preferences (GSP). (a) New Delhi (b) Colombo
A. The only countries that grant GSP are (c) Dhaka (d) Jakarta
USA, EU and Rusia. WB PSC (Pre) 2023
B. The objective of GSP was to give Ans. (c) : The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-
development support to poor countries by Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation
promoting exports from them into developed (BIMSTEC) is headquartered at Dhaka (Bangladesh).
countries. Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
C. Most favoured Nation (MFN) status and 112. The Permanent Secretariat of Bay of Bengal
GSP are similar in tariff structure whether Initiative for Multi Sectoral Technical and
it is a developed or developing country. Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is located
The correct answer/s is/are : at:
(a) B only (b) A and B only (a) New Delhi (b) Colombo
(c) A and C only (d) A, B and C (c) Dhaka (d) Kathmandu
JK PSC (Pre) 2023 UK PSC (Pre) 2024
Eonomics PLANNER English 263 YCT
to achieve higher oil prices and to formulate policy for (a) (i), (ii) and (iii) (b) (i) and (ii)
the promotion of their interests from time to time. (c) (i) and (iii) (d) Only (ii)
Currently OPEC has 13 member countries - Iran, Iraq, CG PSC (Pre) 2022
Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Libya, United Arab Ans. (b) : G-20 is not an official group. It is
Emirates, Algeria, Nigeria, Gabon, Angola, Equatorial intergovernmental forum comprising 19 countries and
Guinea and Congo. the European Union. Hence, 1st statement is incorrect.
Indonesia left its membership on 30 November 2016 The G-20 operates without a permanent secretariat or
while Qatar on 1 January 2019. Ecuador Joined the staff. The group's chair rotate annualy among members
OPEC in 1973 and suspended its membership in and is selected from a different regional grouping of
December 1992, rejoined OPEC in October 2007, but countries. The current chair is held by India. Hence, 2nd
decided to withdraw its membership of OPEC statement is also incorrect.
effective in 1 January 2020. For selection of Presidency, the 19 countries are divided
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. into 5 groups each having no more than 4 countries.
114. Which of the following South American countries India is in Group 2 which rd
also has Russia, South Africa
is a member of 'OPEC'? and Turkiye. Hence, 3 statement is correct.
(a) Brazil (b) Chile Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
(c) Venezuela (d) Peru 119. Which of the following statement/s is/ are not
ACF/RFO (Mains) I 2018st correct in respect of G20 Developing Nations?
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question. A. It is a block of developing nations established
on April 30, 2001
B. (xvii) - G-7, 8 B. This group emerged at the 5th Ministerial
115. Which one of the following is not the member of NATO Conference
G-8 countries? C. The Headquarters of G20 developing Nations
(a) Russia (b) Britain is at Patna
(c) Spain (d) Canada D. The Member States of G20 Developing
MPPSC (Pre) G.S. Ist Paper, 2016 Nations is 20 countries
Ans. (c) : The Group of Eight, formerly and subsequently (a) B and C (b) C and D
Group of 7 (G7), intergovernmental organization that was (c) A and D (d) All of the above
formed in 1975 through informal summit meetings of the OPSC OCS (Pre) 2023
leaders of the world's leading industrialized countries (the Ans. (d) : G20 developing nation is a bloc of
United States, the United Kingdom, France, West developing nations established on August 20, 2003.
Germany, Italy, Canada and Japan). The president of the Distinct and separate forum the G20 major economies,
European Commission Joined the discussions in 1977. the group emerged at the 5th Ministerial WTO
Russia officially became the eighth member in 1997. Conference held in Cancun, Mexico from September 10
Russia annexed Crimea and that caused the suspension of to September 14, 2023. The G20 Developing nations do
membership of Russia and the G8 group again became G7 not have a headquarters in Patna. The G20 includes both
in 2014. With no formal charter, a limited bureaucratic developed and developing nations, and the number of
structure and no permanent secretariat, leaders of the G7 members in the coalition can vary depending on the
discuss major economic issues in an informal setting. context. Thus, all the statements are incorrect.
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
Eonomics PLANNER English 264 YCT
121. Consider the following statements in relation to UPPCS (Pre)-2023
the G-20: Ans. (b) : Four cities of Uttar Pradesh, including
Lucknow, Varanasi, Greater Noida and Agra will host
A. The G-20 was founded in 1999 as a forum for
the Finance Ministers and Central Bank
events of the G-20 summits which will be organised in
India over a span of one year between December 2022
and December 2023. Kanpur is not one among them.
B. The G-20 was upgraded to the level of Heads
of State/Governments in 2010. Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
C. The expanded agenda of G-20 includes trade, 125. Which of the following country/group of
sustainable development, health, agriculture,
countries got membership in the G-20
energy, environment, climate change and Conference, 2023 organised by India?
anti-corruption. (a) Nepal (b) Pakistan
Which of the above statements are correct? (c) Bangladesh (d) African Union
(a) A, B and C (b) A and C only
financial crisis as a forum for the Finance Ministers and Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
Central Bank Governors to discuss global economic and
financial issues. The G20 was upgraded to the level of 126. Consider the following statements about G-20 :
Heads of State/Government in the wake of the global 1. The G-20 group was originally established
economic and financial crisis of 2007, and, in 2009, as a platform for the Finance Ministers
was designated the ''premier forum for international and Central Bank Governors to discuss the
economic cooperation''. The expanded agenda of G-20 international economic and financial
includes trade, sustainable development, health, issues.
agriculture, energy, environment, climate change and 2. Digital public infrastructure is one of
anti-corruption. The G20 members represent around India's G-20 priorities.
85% of the global GDP, over 75% of the global trade, Which of the statements given above is/are
and about two-thirds of the world population. correct?
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
122. The G20 members represent (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
1. around 85% of the global GDP UPSC IAS (Pre)-2023
2. about 50% of the global trade Ans. (c) : The G-20 group was founded in 1999 after
3. about two-thirds of the world population the Asian financial crisis as a forum for the Finance
Which of the above statistics is/are correct? Minister's and Central Bank governors to discuss global
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 1 and 3 economic and financial issues. Digital public
(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) Only 1 and 2 infrastructure is one of the India's G-20 priorities.
69th BPSC (Pre) 2023 Hence both the statements are correct.
Ans. (b) : Kindly refer the above question. Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
Eonomics PLANNER English 265 YCT
(a) Great Britain (b) Canada UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2006
(c) Mexico (d) USA
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above Ans. (c) : The Foreign corporations are being governed
under the Indian Companies Act 2013. They were
64th BPSC Pre 2018
Ans. (a): NAFTA does not include Great Britain. The
North American Free Trade Agreement is a trade
previously defined under the old Indian Companies Act
Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
agreement between Mexico, Canada and the US. It
came into effect from January 1, 1994. 133. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
By this agreement, the tax on the freight of goods answer using the codes given below the lists :
between these three countries was abolished. The US- List-I List-II
Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) entered into (Organization) (Associated
force on July 1, 2020, replacing the NAFTA. Convention/ Person/
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. Place/ Headquarters)
B.(xx) - AIIB A. Amnesty International 1. Minsk Belarus
129. With reference to Asian Infrastructure B. Commonwealth of 2. Paris
investment Bank (AIIB), consider the following Independent States (CIS)
The International Atomic Energy Commission was UNESCO 1946 Paris
established on 29 July 1957. It is headquartered in Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
Vienna (Austria).
The International Telecommunication Union was
established in 1865, with its headquarters in
137. India is a member of which of the following ?
1. Asian Development Bank
2. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Geneva (Switzerland). 3. Colombo Plan
Council of the European Union- Brussels
Organization for Economic Cooperation and 4. Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development- Paris. Development (OECD)
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. Select the correct answer using the code given
135. Match List I with List II and select the correct below:
answer using the codes given below the Lists: Code:
B. National Council of 2. India Development Ans. (a): India is a member of the Asian Development
Applied Economic Report Bank and the Colombo Plan, among the institutions
Research listed above. The Colombo Plan was established in
C. Indira Gandhi Institute 3. World Development 1951 with the objective of providing assistance for the
of Development Report development of newly independent Asian countries. It
Research is headquartered in Colombo (Sri Lanka).
D. World Bank 4. Human Development Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Code: 138. Consider the following pairs:
(a) A–4, B–1, C–2, D–3 Organisation Location of
(b) A–4, B–2, C–1, D–3 Headquarters
(c) A–2, B–3, C–4, D–1 1. Asian Development : Tokyo
(d)A–2, B–1, C–4, D–3 Bank
I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 2000 2. Asia-Pacific Economic : Singapore
Ans. (a): The United Nations India Human Cooperation
Development Report is released by the National 3. Association of South : Bangkok
Council for Applied Economic Research. The India East Asian Nations
Development Report is presented by the Indira Gandhi
Development Research Institute. The 'World Which of the above pairs is/are correctly
Development Report' is released every year by the matched?
'World Bank'. Similarly, the 'Human Development (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only
Report' is related to the 'Development Program'. (c) 2 and 3 only (d) Only 3
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. IAS (Pre) G.S. 2009
Eonomics PLANNER English 267 YCT
(c) 1 2 4 3 members of the groups given in the option- the South
Asian Association of Regional Cooperation, (SAARC),
(d) 4 3 2 1 the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral
Manipur PSC-2016
Ans. (d): The correct match is as follows-
Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC),
India Ocean Rim Association (IORA) and
Organization Headquarters
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
World Trade Organisation Geneva, Switzerland 143. Headquarters of which one of the following are
(WTO) correctly given?
– London
INTERPOL Lyon, France (a) U.N.O.
UNIDO Vienna, Austria (b) W.T.O. – Geneva
FAO Rome, Italy (c) I.L.O. – New York
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. (d) F.A.O. – Chicago
UP UDA/LDA (Pre) G.S., 2006
140. Which among the following pairs is incorrectly
matched? Ans. (b) : The correct match is as follows-
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. policy recommendations for the world's
2. Which country entered into a tripartite economic and social issues.
agreement with the Government of India in 1953,
along with the United Nations Organization, for
the first project launched in India to help
Choose the correct answer :
(a) C and D only
(c) A and B only
(b) A, B and C only
(d) A, B and D only
modernize Kerala's fishing industry? TS PSC (Pre) 2024
(a) Canada (b) USA Ans. (d) : The United Nations has six principal organs
(c) Sri Lanka (d) Norway namely-
Manipur PSC (Pre) 2023 (i) General Assembly
Ans. (d) : Norway entered into a tripartite agreement with (ii) Security Council
the Government of India in 1953, along with the United (iii) Economic and Social Council
Nations Organizations, for the first project launched in (iv) Trusteeship Council
India to help modernize Kerala's fishing industry. (v) International Court of Justice
mission in Uttar Pradesh. 23rd December is observed as National Farmer day.
(iv) An average of 29 million people will be Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
employed annually during the mission's 11. March List-I with List-II and select the correct
construction phase.
Select the correct statement/statements using
the codes given below.
answer using the code given below:
List-I List-II
A. Price discrimination i. Ragnar Nurkse
(a) (i) only (b) (i) and (ii) only
B. Land reform ii. Bretton Woods
(c) (ii), and (iii) only (d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
C. Vicious circle of iii. Land monopoly
ASSAM PSC (Pre) 2023
Ans. (d) : Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) was launched by
D. I.B.R.D. iv. Land consolidation
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 15, 2019 with Code:
the aim of providing tap water supply to every rural
household by 2024. The mission includes recharge and
reuse through greywater management, water (a) iii iv i ii
conservation and rainwater harvest. It is a demand (b) ii i iv iii
driven scheme that gives local communities a central (c) iii ii i iv
role in planning, implementing, managing, operating, (d) iv iii ii i
and maintaining their own water supply systems. JPSC (Pre) 2024-I
The United Nations Office for Project Service Ans. (a) : The correct match is as follows–
(UNOPS) is working with the Government of Denmark List-I List-II
to help achieve the JJM's goal of providing tap water to Price discrimination– Land Monopoly
every rural household in Uttar Pradesh. In this mission,
an average of 29.5 million people are expected to be Land Reform – Land consolidation
employed during construction phase of Jal Jeevan Vicious cycle of – Ragnar Nurkse
Mission. Thus, all the given statements are correct. poverty
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. I.B.R.D. – Bretton Woods
9. The proposed India-Middle East-Europe Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Economic Corridor (IMEC) is expected to have 12. Which of the following statements are true
multiple benefits for India. Which of the about Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
following is/are in the list of benefits? (TRAI)?
(i) It is a new and more efficient way for I. It was first established in 1997.
India to export its goods to Europe. II. It is a statutory body.
(ii) It would make India a more attractive III. It was established to regulate telecom
destination for foreign investment. services, including fixation/revising
(iii) The construction and maintenance of the tariffs.
Economic Corridor would create millions IV. Its headquarters is located in Mumbai.
of new jobs in India. Select the correct answer:
(iv) The construction of the Corridor would (a) Only I, III and IV (b) Only I, II and III
be done under the supervision of the (c) Only II and III (d) All of the above
World Trade Organization. JPSC (Pre) 2024-I
Eonomics PLANNER English 270 YCT
(c) Water supply and sewage management
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question.
(d) Enhancing potential of waterways and the
15. Consider the following statements regarding coastline.
over-the-top (OTT) platforms.
A. The first dependent Indian OTT platform
was BIGFlix, launched by Reliance
Tripura PSC TCS (Pre) 2022
Ans. (c) : The Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban
Transformation (AMRUT) launched in 2015, that
Entertainment in 2008. primarily aims to provide access to a reliable and adequate
B. There is no regulatory mechanism by the urban infrastructure related to water supply, sewerage and
government of India for such platforms but septage management, and storm water drainage etc.
they function under the ambit of the Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
C. Each platform that has signed the self- 19. India became a member of the World Trade
regulation code created by the Internet and Organisation in the year
(a) 2001 (b) 1995
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 4 2017"
69th BPSC (Pre) 2023
Choose the correct answer from the options
Ans. (b) : The Survey of Villages and Mapping with given below:
Improvised Technology in Village Areas (SVAMITVA)
aims to establish clear property ownership in rural
areas. The scheme (SVAMITVA) is a central sector
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(a) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
scheme of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj. This scheme (b) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
seek to create geopositioning infrastructure like CORS (c) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(Continuous Operating Reference Station) network to (d) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
benchmark the location and provide 5 cm level HPPSC (Pre) 2023
accuracy. The scheme is a reformative step towards the Ans. (*) : The correct match is as follows–
established of clear ownership of property in rural List-I List-II
inhabit (Abadi) areas by mapping of land parcels using
drone technology. Thus statement 1 and 3 are incorrect. (a) Development as Freedom – Amartya Sen
Hence, option (b) is correct question. (b) Fault lines : How hidden – Raghuram Rajan
23. Which among the following currencies is the fractures still threaten
costliest? (c) India: The Emerging Gaint – Arvind Pangariya
newer as- (a) (4), (1), (2), (3) (b) (4), (2), (3), (1)
Organization Year of (c) (1), (2), (4), (3) (d) (2), (4), (1), (3)
Paris Club
Organization of Petroleum
exporting countries (OPEC)
– 1956
– 1960
HPPSC (Pre) 2023
Ans. (a) : The correct chronology of the schemes from
the year of launch is as–
Scheme Launched (year)
Wassenaar Arrangement – 1996
Prime Minister's Employment – August 15, 2008
Indo-Pacific Regional Dialogue – 2018
Generation programme
Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
Make in India – September 25, 2014
28. Arrange the following Schemes in Proper
chronological order of their implementation : National Skill development – July 15, 2015
(1) Ayushman Bharat-PMJAY Mission
– January 16, 2016
Ans.(d): India imports apples from the USA. Indian law
format. prohibits the import of genetically modified food
Thus statement-3 is incorrect, while statements 1 & 2 without the approval of the competent authority.
are correct.
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
34. The nodal agency responsible for monitoring
• Import, of food products is regulated under the Food
Safety and Standards Act (FSSAI), 2006. Indian
Customs can clear food products including Genetically
and implementing the Namami Gange Mission: Modified (GM) food products only after obtaining
(a) National Mission for Clean Ganga approval NOC by FSSAI. The Food Safety and
Standards Act of 2006 prohibits import, manufacture,
(b) Ministry of Forest use or sale of GM food without FSSAI's approval.
(c) Niti Aayog Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
(d) RBI 38. Consider the following statements :
Sikkim PSC (Pre) 2021 Statement-I : India accounts for 32% of global
Ans. (a) : National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG), export of goods.
is responsible for monitoring and implementing the Statement II : Many local companies and some
Namami Gange Mission. foreign companies operating in India have taken
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. advantage of India's 'Production-linked Incentive'
35. Match the following policies with their
(b) Majority of the labour force was already Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
employed and hence there was no need for jobs
44. Controlling authority of government
(c) The informal sector opposed the reforms and
new industries could not be opened
(d) People were not willing to menial jobs
APPSC GROUP-I (7-5-2017)
expenditure is-
(a) Reserve bank of India
(b) Planning commission
(c) Finance Ministry
Ans. (a): (d) Finance Commission
Jobless Growth is defined as a situation where GDP BPSC (Pre) 2015
grows faster than the employment opportunities
resulting in unemployment. Ans. (c) : The Indian Union Ministry of Finance has
During the reform period (1991), the rate of India’s the following six departments in it - Department of
employment grew far more slowly than the rate of the Expenditure, Department of Economic Affairs,
economy. Department of Revenue, Department of Financial
The main reason for jobless growth in the reform period Services, Department of Investment and Public Asset
after 1991 was that the reforms were mainly confined to Management and Department of Public Enterprises.
the formal sectors (organized sector) and the informal The Department of Expenditure is a nodal department
sector (unorganized sector) was left behind of the for monitoring the public financial management
reform that provides more than fifty percentage of the system of the Central Government and matters relating
employment. to the financial condition of the states.
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
41. Which one of the following is the correct 45. Which one of the following is not a department
sequence in decreasing order of the of finance ministry?
contribution of different sectors to the Gross (a) Expenditure (b) Revenue
Domestic Product of India? (c) Banking Dept. (d) Economical issues
(a) Services>Agriculture>Industry Jharkhand PSC (Pre.) G.S. Ist 2013
(b) Industry>Services>Agriculture Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question.
(c) Industry> Agriculture >Services 46. Consider the following statements:
(d) Services>Industry>Agriculture 1. India's first EPZ was set up in 1965.
UPPCS (Main) GS 2017 IInd 2. Special Economic Zone (SEZ) policy in India
I.A.S. (Pre) G.S. 2007 was formulated in 2000.
Ans. (d) : As per the ministry of Finance in December 3. Vadodara is famous for Patola Silk.
2018, the contribution of different sectors in GDP of 4. Panna in Madhya Pradesh is famous for gold
India was service-53.9%, Industry- 29.3% and mines.
Agriculture-17.9%. Hence the correct sequence is service Of these statements:
> Industry> Agriculture. (a) Only 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
As per the Economic Survey 2021-22, the contribution of (b) Only 2, 3 and 4 are correct.
the above three scoters in GVA of India is Agriculture- (c) Only 3 and 4 are correct.
18.8%, Industry- 28.2% and services-53.0% (d) All are correct.
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2009
Eonomics PLANNER English 275 YCT
helped pave the way for further development of Bio- (c) 1977 (d) 1980
diesel production in India. UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. IInd 2008
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. Ans. (b) : The Twenty Point Programme was initially
48. Which of the following institution is not engaged
in the export of agro products?
launched by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1975 and
was subsequently restructured in 1982 and again on
(a) NAFED (b) State Trading Corporation 1986. It has been finally restructured in 2006, with
(c) IFFCO (d) MMTC introduction of new policies and programmes.
UPPCS (Main) GS 2017 Ist Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
Ans. (c) : NAFED (National Agricultural Cooperative 53. Which of the following was involved in
Marketing Federation of India), State Trading preparing the Sarvodaya Scheme?
Corporation and MMTC (Metals and Minerals (a) M. N. Roy (b) Jai Prakash Narayan
Trading Corporation of India) are the major exporter (c) Morarji Desai (d) Shriman Narayan Agrawal
of agro products while IFFCO (Indian Farmer MPPSC (Pre) G.S. Ist Paper 2013
Fertilizer Cooperative) is related to the production and Ans. (b) : Sarvodaya Scheme was prepared by Jai
export of chemical fertilizers. Prakash Narayan. The Sarvodya Scheme was based on
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. the Gandhian principle and the Bhoodan Yajna
49. What is the target ratio set by SDG for Movement, founded by Vinoba Bhave.
reduction in poverty level by 2030? Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(a) Poverty ratio to be below 10% 54. List-I match List-II and below the lists Select
(b) Poverty ratio to be below 5% the correct answer using codes
(c) Poverty ratio to be below 12% List –I List –II
(d) There should be no poverty in any form (Welfare schemes of (Their essence)
APPSC GROUP-I (7-5-2017) Government of
Ans. (d): In September 2015, heads of States convened India)
at the General Assembly of the United Nations to agree A. New Roshni Program i. Women
upon a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Empowerment
The target of the first SDG is to “eradicate extreme B. Disha ii. Financial Inclusion
poverty for all people everywhere” by 2030. C. Pradhan Mantri Jan- iii. New Pension System
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. Dhan Yojana
50. The first sustainable development goal aims to D. Swavalamban iv. Information
eradicate extreme poverty. How does the U.N. Scheme Technology Training
currently measure extreme poverty? Code:
(a) People who are unemployed and unable to A B C D
access welfare benefits from the state (a) iv ii iii i
(b) People who live on less than $5 a day. (b) i iv ii iii
(c) People who claim to be living in poverty (c) ii iii iv i
(d) People who live on less than $/.25 a day (d) iii i ii iv
OPSC (OCS) Pre 2021 Paper-I RAS/RTS (Pre) G.S., 2015
Eonomics PLANNER English 276 YCT
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2006
UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. IInd 2008 Basic Minimum Service under the Prime
UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 2016, 2015 Minister’s Gramodaya Yojana.
UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2011
Ans. (b) : The Bharat Nirman Scheme was launched in
2005 to improve rural infrastructure. The scheme has
2. 100 per cent Foreign Direct Investment in
power is allowed without upper limit
3. The Union Ministry of Power has signed a
six components: (1) Rural drinking water (2) Housing Memoranda of Understanding with 14 states.
(3) Irrigation (4) Rural roads (5) Electrification (6) Which of these statements is/are correct?
Rural Telephony.
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 only
57. Which of the following is not a part of Bharat IAS (Pre) GS 2002
(a) Agro-based industries Ans. (c) : The Government of India has identified power
sector as a key sector of focus to promote sustained
Ans: (a) : Kindly refer the above question. upper limit. The Union Ministry of Power has signed a
Memoranda of Understanding with 14 states.
58. Bharat Nirman Yojana is related to- Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
(a) Infrastructure development
(b) Food self-sufficiency 62. Consider the following:
(c) Family welfare program 1. Hotel & Restaurant
(d) None of the above 2. Motor Transport Industry
Uttarakhand PCS (Pre) 2006–07 3. Newspaper Establishment
Ans: (a) : Kindly refer the above question. 4. Private Medical Institute
59. Which of the following items of work are Employees of which units can get social
included in Bharat Nirman? Give your answer security shield Under 'Employees State
with the help of code Insurance Scheme'
1. Programs that benefit faster than irrigation. (a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 4 only
2. Interlinking of river projects. (c) 1 only 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
3. Plan for the repair, renovation and restoration of IAS (Pre) G.S.–I, 2012
water bodies. Ans. (d) : Employees State Insurance Scheme of India,
4. Rehabilitation of displaced persons from inaugurated in 1952, is a multidimensional social
irrigation projects. security system to provide socio-economic protection
Code : to workers and their dependants covered under the
(a) Only 1 and 2 (b) Only 1, 2 and 4 scheme. All categories of private organised sector
(c) Only 1, 2 and 3 (d) All four firms and companies including businesses given in
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2009 above options are included in this scheme.
Ans. (c) : Kindly refer the above question. Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
(b) Wasteland Development
Ans. (b): FSSAI stands for Food Safety and Standard (c) Rural Employment
Authority of India. It was established under Food Safety (d) Poverty Alleviation
and Standards Act, 2006.
SP Nagaland NCS Prelims-2019
FSSAI was created for laying down science based Ans. (a): In October 1974, the Department of Rural
standards for articles of food and to regulate their Development came into existence as a part of Ministry of
manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import to Food and Agriculture. On 18th August 1979, the Department
ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for of Rural Development was elevated to the status of a new
human consumption. Ministry of Rural Reconstruction. It was renamed as
FSSAI is administered by the Ministry of Health & Ministry of Rural Development on 23rd January 1982.
Family Welfare, Government of India. Its headquarter is Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
in New Delhi.
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. 68. He is described as the world's greatest fighter
against hunger and poverty:
65. The 'Eco Mark' Scheme was launched in 1991
to encourage consumers to buy products of less (a) Dr Christian Barnard
harmful environmental impact. Which one of (b) Jean Henri Dunant
the following consumer products is not notified (c) Henning Holck-Larsen
(d) Dr Norman Borlaug
political parties for donations. entire financial sector of India. To solve these problems,
Which of the above statements is/are correct? FSDC (Financial Stability and Development Council) was
options given below:
(a) B only
Select the code for the correct answer from the
encash these bonds, which are valid for 15 days from right whereas a Geographical Indication is a
the date of issuance. These bonds are redeemable in the community's right.
designated account of registered political parties. 2. A Trade Mark can be licensed whereas a
Payment for Electoral bonds can be made through Geographical Indication cannot be licensed.
cheque, DD, SBI Internet Banking, NEFT/RTGS or 3. A Trade Mark is assigned to the manufactured
Direct Debit to the applicant account. goods whereas the Geographical Indication is
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. assigned to the agricultural goods/products and
72. As per payment of gratuity Act 1972, What is handicraft only.
the maximum limit of the payment of gratuity? Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) 3 lakh (b) 7.50 lakh correct?
(c) 10 lakh (d) 10.50 lakh (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
UP RO/ARO (Pre) G.S., 2014 (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Ans. (c) : As per payment of gratuity Act 1972, 10 IAS (Pre) G.S. 2010
lakh is the maximum limit of the payment of gratuity. Ans. (b) : The term trademark refers to a recognizable
Now, the Government has issued the notification insignia, phrase, word or symbol that denotes a
specifying the maximum limit to Rs. 20 Lakh. It has specific product and legally differentiates it from all
been increased to Rs.20 lakh from 29 March, 2018. other products of its kind. Under the trademark the
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. product is indentified as belonging to a specific
73. Which is correct about the opening of Non company. It can be licensed.
Resident External account in India? A Geographical Indication (GI) is sign used on goods
(1) NRE accounts can be opened by NRIs and that have a specific geographical origin and possess
OCBs (Overseas Corporate Bodies) with qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin. It
authorized dealers and banks in all the forms includes almost all kinds of things. GI is not licensed.
of demand and term deposits. Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(2) Deposits in this account are allowed in any 76. Money received by the government under the
currency. state Provident Funds' is credited to the
Eonomics PLANNER English 279 YCT
(d) All the above
J&K PSC Pre-2018, Paper-1
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 Ans. (d): The requirement of special equipment like Point
IAS (Pre) G.S. Ist 2015
Ans. (c) : The Department of Economic Affairs of the
of Sale, POS (a system with the combination of hardware
and software required to accept and process different
form of digital payment), internet connectivity and being
Ministry of Finance prepares the Union Budget and not the it costly to the users etc. are some major obstacles to
Department of Revenue. Hence statement 1 is incorrect. digital transaction of money in small towns of India.
Approval of Parliament is mandatory for withdrawal of Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
funds from the Consolidated Fund of India. To withdraw 81. Select the statement, which correctly defines
funds from the Consolidated Fund it is necessary to pass the the concept of "debt trap".
Appropriation Bill by Parliament under Article 114 of the (a) A situation of an economy which borrows to
Constitution. Hence statement 2 is true. repay its past borrowings
The details of public accounts are given in Article 266 (2) of (b) A situation when an economy is borrowing
the Constitution of India. The government is independent of higher than that what it is repaying its past
all disbursements made through public accounts, without the borrowings
approval of Parliament. Thus, statement 3 is also wrong. (c) A situation when an economy is borrowing to
Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
Uttarakhand PCS (Pre) 2009–10 Direct Benefit Scheme?
Ans. (b) : An Indian one rupee note is signed by the (a) MGNREGA (b) PAHAL
Secretary, Ministry of Finance. One rupee notes and all
the coins are issued by the Government of India but are
circulated by the Reserve Bank in circulation.
(c) NSAP (d) None of the above
UPPCS Pre GS-2019
Ans. (b): The Direct Benefit Transfer of LPG (DBTL)
One rupee note was first introduced in 1917, and it subsidy, also known as PAHAL (Pratayaksh Hastantrit
discontinued in 1926. Again if was continued from
Labh). The scheme has been recognized by the 'Guinness
1940 till 1994 and again discontinued. Its printing
resumed in 2015 again. And from 2020 one-rupee note Book of World Record' as the World's largest direct benefit
is continue printing. transfer scheme. The scheme PAHAL was launched by the
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. Government of India on November 15, 2014.
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
85. Name the governor of reserve bank, who
became the ‘Finance Minister? 90. What was the immediate cause for loss of foreign
(a) A M Patel (b) C D Deshmukh reserve triggering the financial crisis in 1991?
(c) C. Subramaniam (d) Sachin Chaudhary (a) Political instability and uncertainty
UPPCS (Pre) G.S. 2008 (b) Increase in non oil imports
Ans : (b) CD Deshmukh has been the Governor of the (c) Sharp rise in value of imports of oil &
Reserve Bank as well as the Finance Minister. It is petroleum products
known that former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (d) Stoppage of rupee trade by the Soviet Bloc
has also been the Governor and Finance Minister of APPSC GROUP-I (7-5-2017)
the Reserve Bank. Ans. (c): Sharp rise in value of imports of oils
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. petroleum products was the immediate cause for loss of
86. 'Dalal Street' is located in foreign reserves triggering the financial crisis in 1991.
(a) New Delhi (b) London Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
(c) in Mumbai (d) in Paris 91. Which one of the following is different from the
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2012 other on the basis of ownership?
Ans : (c) Dalal Street is located in downtown Mumbai, (a) Life insurance corporation policy
Maharashtra (India), and houses the Bombay Stock (b) Bank Fixed Deposit
Exchange (BSE), the largest stock exchange in India, (c) Kisan Vikas Patra
and other reputable financial institutions. (d) Company's letter of credit
Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
UPPCS (Pre) GS, 2011
87. What is 'black money'?
(a) It is illegal currency Ans. (d) : The letter of credit of the company is different
(b) It is a fake currency from the others on the basis of ownership as its ownership
(c) This is dirty/bad posture changes over time whereas the ownership of life
(d) It is illegal income on which income tax has insurance policy, bank fixed deposits, Kisan Vikas Patra
not been paid. does not change.
UP Lower (Pre.) Spl, G.S. 2002 Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
IAS (Pre) G.S. 2010 98. Which of the following approaches is
Ans. (a) : There is no upper limit on the number of associated to Prof. Amartya Sen?
partners in a limited liability partnership firm. It does not (a) Basic needs Approach
(b) Capability Approach
have to be separate partnership and management and
administration can be run with mutual consent between
the partnerships. It is a body full of eternal succession.
(c) Income Approach
(d) None of the above/More than one of the above
63rd BPCS (Pre)-2017
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Ans. (b) : The Capability approach is associated with
94. The Government of India has established the Prof. Amartya Sen. The economic system of capability
National Handicapped Finance Corporation approach theory was given in 1980s as an alternative
under which of the following ministry? approach to welfare economics. The core focus of the
(a) Ministry of Human Resource Development capability approach is a what individual can do.
(b) Ministry of Rural Development Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(c) Ministry of Women and Child Development 99. Regarding the Planning Commission and Finance
(d) Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Commission, consider the following statements
UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2015 and tell which of these statements is not correct?
(a) Both the Planning Commission and the
Ans. (d) : The National Handicapped Finance and Finance Commission are entities related to
Development Corporation was established by the transfer of funds from the center to the states
Government of India in January, 1997 as a non-profit (b) Recommendations made by both are binding
company under the Ministry of Social Justice and on governance
Empowerment. (c) Planning Commission is a permanent
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. institution while Finance Commission is
constituted every 5 years
95. The Indian Development Forum (IDF) was (d) The Finance Commission recommends non-
previously known plan funding, while the Planning Commission
(a) Aid India Consortium (b) Aid India Bank recommends plan funding
(c) World Bank (d) None of these UPPCS (Main) G.S. IInd 2009
BPSC (Pre) 2007–08 Ans. (b): The Planning Commission was established
Ans. (a) : The Aid-India Consortium was developed in on 15 March 1950 on the proposal of the Central
1958 as an International scheme to support the economic Cabinet and the Finance Commission is established
development of India and led by the World Bank. This under article 280. Both institutions recommend the
later came to be known as the Indian Development Forum. Center to provide finance to the states. But the Center
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. is not obliged to accept this recommendation.
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
96. With reference to the functions of Public Sector
100. What is meant by a Bullock – Capitalist?
in India, which of the following statements (a) Farmers who are poor
is/are correct? (b) farmers who are rich.
I. To provide public utility resources (c) farmers who have some resources but are not
II. To build social and economic overhead capital rich.
III. To ensure balanced regional and sectoral growth (d) Farmers who are big Zamindars.
IV. To pursue egalitarian goals UPPCS (Pre)- 2017 I Paper
Eonomics PLANNER English 282 YCT
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
related to social control over banks. (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. (c) 1 and 2 both (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(a) Short term
102. Which type of market is suitable for vegetable
(b) Very short term
IAS (Pre) G.S. 2010
Ans: (d): The European Commission is the executive
arm of the EU. It has 27 Commissioners, one from each
(c) Long term (d) Very long term member state. They are supposed not to represent the
UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2013 interests of their home nation but to work for the
Ans. (b): A very short-term market is one in which the collective good of the EU. European Council, which is
price is affected only by demand, because vegetable crops made up of heads of state or government of the member
are usually perishable commodities. Hence, a very short- states who meet at EU summits. Member states have
term market is suitable for such items. their say on EU legislation by sending their ministers
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. to regular meetings with their counterparts from other
103. Which of the following statement is not true EU nations.
(a) The storage quality of apple decreases with Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
calcium deficiency 108. Indian patent law implemented in the year-
(b) West Bengal is most vegetable producing (a) 1970 (b) 1971
Uttarakhand UDA (Pre) 2003 (c) 2003 (d) 2004
Ans. (c): Among all the challenges facing the country, UPPCS (Mains) G.S. Ist 2004
the biggest challenge is to follow better and more
balanced development. The objective is not only to keep
the growth rate of GDP high, but to maintain the
Ans. (b): In India, on the recommendation of Vijay
Raghavan Committee, a 10-member Competition
Commission was set up in 2002 in place of the
sustainability of resources during the attainment of this Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Act of 1969. The
GDP and to reduce inequality from income generated main functions of this commission are to control unfair
from the production of GDP. competition and monopoly and to control mergers and
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. monopolies of companies and to monitor mergers and
113. Mixed farming means– acquisitions of companies.
(a) Producing two crops at a time Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
(b) Producing different crops in successive order 118. Who wrote a book describing the theory of
(c) Using a mixture of manures and fertilizers economic drain of India during British rule ?
(d) None of the above (a) Lala Lajpat Rai (b) Mahatma Gandhi
Uttarakhand P.C.S. (M) 2010–11 (c) Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru (d) Dadabhai Naoroji
UPPCS (Mains) G.S. IInd 2007
Ans. (d): Mixed farming involves the production of
crops as well as animal husbandry or dairy industries. Ans. (d): Dadabhai Naoroji wrote a book describing the
In this, animal husbandry and crop production are theory of economic drain of India during British rule.
completely dependent on each other. Dadabhai Naoroji has given this principle (Drain of
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. Wealth) in his book 'Poverty and Un British Rule in India'.
Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
114. The market is an economic trend which leads
to which of the following trends? 119. Who wrote the history of Indian agriculture?
(a) Towards individualism (a) M.S. Swaminathan (b) S. Ayyappan
(b) Towards consumerism (c) K. B. Thomas (d) M. S. Randhawa
(c) Towards collectivism UPPCS (Mains) GS Ist 2015
(d) Towards capitalism Ans. (d): The book is titled 'History of Indian
UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2013 Agriculture' by MS Randhawa.
This book focuses on the period between 1757-1947.
Ans. (b): The market leads to consumerism because the The work was published by the Indian Council of
market is an economic trend. A market is called a place Agricultural Research (ICAR), an organization
where the sale and purchase of goods takes place. Which dedicated to agricultural research and education in
develops only by keeping the consumer in mind. India. The book likely explores traditional farming
Hence, option (b) is correct answer. practices, the impact of historical events on
115. The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act agriculture, and the introduction of new technologies.
(F.A.T.C.A.) has been operationalized between Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
India and the United States from– 120. Provident fund in India is–
(a) 1 October, 2015 (b) 2 October, 2015 (a) Contract based savings (b) Residual savings
(c) 30 September, 2015 (d) 30 October, 2015 (c) Voluntary savings (d) Employer's savings
UP Lower (Pre.) G.S. 2015 UPPCS (Pre.) G.S. 1998
Eonomics PLANNER English 284 YCT
(c) Undivided Hindu family (d) Group of persons C. Hotel Policy (iii) 2010
UP RO/ARO (Pre) G.S., 2014 D. Industrial and Investment (iv) 2011
Ans. (a): The PAN is a ten-character long alpha-numeric
unique identifier. The first five characters letters followed
by four numerals and the last character is letter.
Incentive Policy
(a) (a)–(ii), (b)–(i), (c)–(iv), (d)–(iii)
The fourth character identifies the type of holder of the (b) (a)–(i), (b)–(iv), (c)–(ii), (d)–(iii)
card. (c) (a)–(iii), (b)–(ii), (c)–(i), (d)–(iv)
A F Z P K 7 1 90 K , Here P denotes person.
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. (d) (a)–(iv), (b)–(ii), (c)–(iii), (d)–(i)
123. Which one of the following pairs is not RAS/RTS (Pre) G.S., 2013
correctly matched? Ans. (b): The correct match is as follows-
(a) Goswami Committee – The problem of Government Policy Year
industrial sickness. (a) Information Technology Policy 2000
(c) c d a b C. Tax Reforms - (1) Raja Chelliah Committee
(d) d c b a D. Improvement in
insurance sector - (3) R.L. Malhotra Committee
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.
130. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
(a) Local Finance Investigation Committee-1949-51 answer using the code given below–
(b) Taxation Inquiry Commission- 1953-54 List-I List-II
(c) Committee on Rural-Urban Relations- 1963-66 A. Raghavan Committee I. Regulation of private
(d) National Commission on Urbanization- 1985-88 companies
Hence, option (a) is correct answer. B. Naresh Chandra II. Convertibility in
128. Short forms of some words and their respective Committee capital account
fields are mentioned below. Match them C. Tarapore Committee III. Competition policy
correctly using the given code: and legislation
Short form Field D. Mashelkar IV. Counterfeit
A. OGL, FOB 1. Employment Committee medicines
(c) BIRAC (d) SPC
(c) Indian Institute of – Gorakhpur (e) None of the above
Vegetable Research
Goa PSC (Junior Scale Officer) 2022
(d) Indian Institute
Sugarcane Research
Ans. (c) : The correct match is as follows-
of – Lucknow Ans. (c) : Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Enterprise
Development Fund is an initiative by Biotechnology
Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC).
( Institute) (Location) Hence, option (c) is correct answer.
National Centre of Organic Farming - Ghaziabad 137. Which of the following not mentioned in the
Indian Institute of Pulses Research - Kanpur 'Farmers Produce, Trade and Commerce Bill
Indian Institute of Vegetable Research - Varanasi 2020' of India?
Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research - Lucknow (a) Essential Commodities
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. (b) Contract Farming
(c) Minimum Support Price
134. With reference to Commerce, which of the (d) Agriculture Produce Market Committees
following statements is/are correct?
(1) It is the field of business that assists in the UPPSC RO/ARO Pre-2021
removal of all impediments to the Ans. (*): Minimum support price and essential
(b) Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 only (c) General insurance company
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4 (d) All the above
UPSC IAS (Pre)-2018
Ans. (c): Human capital represents increased productivity.
It is an acquired ability and is a result of prudential
UPPCS (Main) Spl. G.S. Ist 2004
Ans: (b)- Kindly refer the above question.
investment decisions made with the expectation of 146. Which one of the following pairs is correctly
increasing future sources of income. Therefore, in human matched?
capital, knowledge of people of the country is considered (a) Rationing : Fiscal control
to increase in skill levels and capabilities. The creation of (b) Cash Reserve Ratio : Selective Credit
human capital leads to the accumulation of untapped assets Control
(wealth, knowledge, intellectual) in the country. (c) Licensing : Comprehensive
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. Control
141.Tirupur is famous for the export of which of the (d) Import Quota : Physical control
following product to various regions of the IAS (Pre) G.S. 1993
world? Ans. (d) : The import quota means physical limitation
(a) Gemstone and Jewellery (b) Leather goods of the quantities of different products to be imported
(c) Stitched cloths (d) Handcrafted goods from foreign countries within a specified period of
IAS (Pre) G.S. 2005 time, usually one year. The import quota may be fixed
Ans: (c)- Tiruppur or Tirupur is a city in the Indian either in terms of quantity or the value of the product.
state of Tamil Nadu. Tiruppur is a major textile and Hence import quota is an effective mean for physical
knit wear hub contributing to 90% of total cotton knit control on trade.
wear exports from India. Hence, option (d) is correct answer.
Hence, option (c) is correct answer. 147. Atal Bhu-Jal Scheme was launched on 1st April,
142. Super market is a- 2020 by Government of India, with assistance of-
(a) Wholesale organization (a) World Bank
(b) Retail organization (b) European Bank for Reconstruction and
(c) Consumer co-operative store Development
(d) An organization to develop the high quality and (c) Inter-American Development Bank
precious goods (d) Asian Development Bank
UPPCS (Main) G.S. Ist 2003 RPSC (RAS-Pre) – 2021
Ans: (d)- Supermarket, large retail store operated on a self- Ans. (a): Atal Bhu-jal Scheme is a central sector
service basis, selling groceries, fresh produce , bakery and scheme for facilitating sustainable ground water
dairy products, and sometimes an assortment of nonfood management with an outlay of INR 6000 crore. Out of
goods as that of plastic items, garments and even kitchen this, INR 3,000 crore will be as loan from the World
appliances are also sold here. Bank and INR 3,000 crore as matching contribution
Hence, option (d) is correct answer. from the Government of India. This scheme will help in
143. The tax on import and export is known as: raising the level of groundwater to meet the heed of the
(a) Income tax (b) Trade tax Agriculture sector.
(c) Custom duty (d) Excise duty Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Eonomics PLANNER English 288 YCT