Wps Cs t 007 Converted
Wps Cs t 007 Converted
Wps Cs t 007 Converted
Doc No:
, Rev.
Engineer: Date :
IFR Document Control:
: (Showing joint fit up dimensions.angle. tolerances & pass sequence)
Rev. No.
Date :
Cap passes TIGFIL 705-6 ER70S6 2.4 5.18 Fé/ AI DCEN 80-120 11-15 0.75-1.25 0.75-1.13
Notes :
For Notes, Refer to Annexure to this PWPS (Page 3)
Qualified weld deposit thickness
For Brnach weld with Olets, the weld profile shall be as below. Process (es) Max. mm
Purpose Flow rate
Shielding 99.99 12-26 CFH
NA 9
Trailing NA
Backing NA
Name :
Signature :
Date :
Tungsten Electrode Size : 2.4 mm dia. No. of weld passes where gas backing is required : NA
Tungsten Electrode Class : EWTh2 ER70S6
Type of Electrode Packaging: I bVacuum pack hon Hermetic seal
No. of welders(min) :One Electrode Baking Time : NA
Electrode baking Temperature
Plant and origin of filler metal : ADOR. Chennai, India (SMAW) : NA
Shielding flux (GTAW) : NA No: of Rebukes (SMAW) : NA
Thickness of each pass : 13 mm Max. Method of Rotating : NA
Pulsating current (GTAW) : Yes No C PWHT application : NA
Manufacturer, Brand Name & Size : ADOR. TIGFIL 70S-6 - 2.4 mm
Notes :
NA : Not applicable
1 This PWPS shall not be used for the following services such as Ammonia, HTHA service, High pressure High
temperature Hydrogen service, Alkaline water with Carbonate, Amine, Ammonia, Caustic Soda and hydrogen.
2 No welding shall be carried out when the parts to be welded are wet and unless the welder and the work are
properly protected (Min. 1-meter Min. around) from wind- and wind-borne solids such as sand, dust, rain, unfavorable
weather conditions which doesn't permit satisfactory workmanship.
3 GTAW machines shall be equipped with arc starting devices (e.g. high frequency starting unit), crater-elimination, slope-in
and slope-out control, and pre-gas and post-gas flow.
4 Consumables shall be handled in accordance with procedure - Doc..
5 Consumable batch certification shall be to ISO 10474/EN10204 Type3.1 including chemical analysis, according to ASME
BPVC Section II, Part C minimum Sch. 3/H Shielding gas shall be certified in accordance with ISO 14175 or AWS 5.32.
6 For low hydrogen electrodes, the hydrogen level shall be HS or better. Maximum allowable Ni content in deposited weld
metal shall be less than 1%.
7 Preheating shall be by Propane rose bud torches. The Preheat temperature shall be measured at a minimum distance of
75mm from each edge of the bevel at 4 circumferential locations, each approximately 90° apart. For Pipes of Dia 3" and
Below, Pre-heat shall be measured at diametrically opposite ends. Inter pass temperature to be confirmed prior to the
start of each pass. For branch, additional 50°C(Thk.>12.7mm)
8 Oxyacetylene flame burners shall not be used for pre-heating.
9 Preheating procedure shall be followed as per Doc. No.
10 Temperature indicating crayons shall be free of lead and Sulphur (less than 1 ppm) or any other low melting point constituent.
11 Root runs shall be made without interruption other than for changing electrodes or to allow the welder to reposition himself.
When interruption of welding is unavoidable, at least 1/3rd or the wall thickness should have been welded before
interruption. In such case the welds shall be wrapped with dry thermal insulating blanket to avoid the weld from cooling
down rapidly. Apply preheat prior to restart of welding.
12 Ensure proper earth clamps to avoid stray Arcing. Stray Arcing if any shall be ground smooth & ground area shall be
visual, MT or PT and thickness checked. The area shall be ensured free from cracks.
13 Surfaces to be welded shall be clean and free from paint, oil, dirt, scale, oxides and other foreign material detrimental to
weld integrity for a minimum of 1 in. (25 mm) on either side of a weld.
14 Thorough initial, inter-run cleaning shall be carried out. Minimum 3 tacks at equal spaces around the joint to be deposited.
Extremities of the tack shall be dressed with grinding. Tacking shall not encroach root area. Preheat shall be ensured for
tack welding as well.
15 Laminations identified on the bevel surface by visual examination shall be investigated by NDE prior to removal.
16 Repair Welding shall be carried out using the Same PWPS and in accordance with Approved Repair Procedure
17 Fillet Weld shall be minimum of 2 passes, size of the fillet weld shall be as per AFC drawing.
18 For applicable piping class, MDMT refer AFC isometrics/Line List and PWPS Register.
19 The recording frequency of production parameter monitoring shall be for the first weld per PWPS and the first weld by a welder.
20 Production parameter monitoring records shall verify correct fit-up and root pass penetration for single sided welds where
full penetration is required, including Weldolet and attachment welds.
21 Production parameter monitoring records shall detail the actual preheat and inter pass temperature, consumables, welding
parameters and resulting heat input.
22 Circumferential welds shall be separated by at least four times the wall thickness or 2 in. (50 mm), whichever is
greater, measured between the toe of each weld. Same shall be applicable for non-intersection branch & non-pressure
attachment welds. Attachments shall be at least two times the nominal wall thickness or 40 mm (1.5 in) from any
weld (toe to toe), whichever is greater.”
23 Welding and parameter-measuring/recording equipment shall be calibrated at least every 12 months or more often if required
by the equipment manufacturer's recommendations.
24 Deposition of weld metals to correct misalignment shall not be permitted in the weld joints.
25 For branch welds, the root profile shall be as specified for full penetration welds. The contour of completed welds shall as
per sketch specified in the 1st page of PWPS.
26 If fillet welds are concave, or do not have equal leg length, the minimum throat size shall not less than 0.7 x the specified
leg length.
27 Conversion ratio 1 Lpm = 2.12 CFH (Cubic Feet /Hour)