Srs Vectors -Synopsis 03.1.23
Srs Vectors -Synopsis 03.1.23
Srs Vectors -Synopsis 03.1.23
Vector quantities are specified by definite magnitude and define direction. A vector is generally
represented by a directed line segment, say AB . A is called the initial point and is called the
terminal point. The magnitude of vector AB is expressed by AB .
Zero vector: A vector of zero magnitude i.e. which has the same initial and terminal point, is
called a zero vector or null vector. It is denoted by O. The direction of zero vector is
Unit vector: A vector of unit magnitude in the direction of a vector a is called unit vector along
a and is denoted by â , symbolically â .
Equal vectors: Two vectors are said to be equal if they have the same magnitude, direction and
represent the same physical quantity.
Position vector of a point: Let O be a fixed origin, then the position vector of a point P is the
vector OP . If a and b are position vectors of two points A and B, then AB b a = position
vector of B – position vector of A.
Distance formula: Distance between the two points A a and B b is AB a b
Collinear vectors: Two vectors are said to be collinear if their directed line segments are parallel
irrespective of their directions. Collinear vectors are also called parallel vectors. If they have the
same direction they are named as like vectors otherwise unlike
3. Two vectors a & b are collinear or parallel then there exists some constants x and y such that
xa yb 0 where not all x, y are zero.
4. Two vectors a & b are not always dependent, when they are collinear or parallel then they are
linearly dependent
4. Three points A, B, & C with position vectors a, b, & c respectively, are collinear then there
exists some constants x , y and z such that xa yb zc 0 where x + y + z = 0 but not all x, y, z
are zero.
1. Two vectors are always coplanar (but not always linearly dependent)
2. Three vectors are coplanar vectors then there exist some constants t , R such that
a b tc
3. Three vectors a, b, c are coplanar vectors then a . b c 0 (i.e. volume of a parallelepiped formed
4. Three vectors are a, b, c are coplanar, then there exists constants x,y and z such that
xa yb zc 0 where not all x,y,z are zero.
5. Three linearly dependent vectors are coplanar but three coplanar vectors are not always
linearly dependent
2. Four points A,B,C & D with position vectors a, b, c & d respectively, are coplanar, then there
exists some constants t , R such that AB AC t AD
3. Four points A,B,C & D with position vectors a, b, c & d respectively, are coplanar, then
AB.AC AD 0 (i.e. AB AC AD 0 ) or b a c a d a 0 or
d b c d c a d a b a b c
4. Four points A,B,C & D with position vectors a, b, c & d respectively, are coplanar, then there
exists constants x,y,z and w such that xa yb zc wd 0 where x + y + z + w = 0 but not all x,
y, z, w are zero.
Section formula:
Line segment joining the points A and B with position vectors a , b is divided by a point C whose
na mb
position vector c such that AC:CB :: m:n, is given by c , If C is amid point then
x1 a1 x2 a2 x3 a3 .... xn an 0 x1 x2 x3 .... xn 0
A set of non zero vectors a1 , a2 , a3 ,...., an is said to be linearly dependent if there exists some
a b
A vector in the direction of the bisector of the angle between the two vectors a and b is .
a b
Hence bisector of the angle between the two vectors a and b is â bˆ , where R . Bisector of
the interior angle between a and b is â bˆ , R and exterior angle between a and b is
â bˆ , R .
Thus the equations of the bisectors of the angles between the lines r a b and r a c are:
r a t bˆ cˆ and r a p cˆ bˆ
Dot product of two vectors:
1. a . b a b cos
2 2 2
3. a.b a b
6. a. b c a.b a.c (dot product satisfies distributive law over addition)
2 2
7. a . a a a a2
2 2 2
8. a b a b 2a. b
2 2 2 2
9. a b c a b c 2a. b 2b. c 2c. a
10. a b a b 2 a b
2 2
11. If a is any vector then a .i i a. j j a.k k a
(The sum of the projection vectors of a on three mutually perpendicular planes is equal to a )
a .b
Angle between two vectors a & b is given by cos , [0, ]
a b
i). a b 2 cos ii). a b 2sin
2 2
iii). If a , b are unit vectors and their sum is also unit vector then a b 3
6. If r is a non zero vector and coplanar with two vectors a & b then r . a 0 & r . b 0 which
implies a & b are collinear vectors.
7. If r is a non zero vector and r . a 0, r . b 0 & r . c 0 then the vectors which implies a, b & c
are coplanar vectors.
7a. If a , b , c are non-zero, non coplanar vector and v.a v.b v.c 0 then v must be a null
1. If a, b are two vectors and is the angle between them, then a b a b sin nˆ , where n̂ is the
unit vector perpendicular to both a and b such that a, b and n̂ forms a right handed screw
If r a b , then r is perpendicular to both a, b
2. Geometrically a b = area of the parallelogram whose two adjacent sides are represented by
a and b .
2a. Parallelogram, whose adjacent sides are a and b has its diagonals as a b and a b
2b. Parallelogram, whose adjacent sides are a b and a b has its area 2 a b
4. If is the angle between a and b , then sin .
a b
5a. If a, b and c are the position vectors of 3 points A, B and C respectively then area of
1 1
ABC a b b c c a = AB AC
2 2
2 2 2 a .a a .b
6. For any two vectors a and b ; a b a b a .b
. (Lagrange’s Identity)
a .b b.b
i j k
7. a b a1 a2 a3 if a a1 i a2 j a3 k , b b1 i b2 j b3 k ,
b1 b2 b3
8. In general, a b b a (i.e. vector cross product does not satisfy commutative property)
15. Area of any quadrilateral whose diagonal vectors are d1 and d 2 is given d1 d 2 .
18. If a b c 0 then a b b c c a
a j a k
2 2 2 2
19. For any vector a , a i 2a
Application of vectors:
(a) Work done against a constant force F over a displacement s is defined as W = F . s
(b) The tangential velocity V of a body moving in a circle is given by V r , where r is the
position vector of the point P.
(c) The moment of F about ‘O’ is defined as M r F , where r is the position vector of P
w.r.t. ‘O’. The direction of M is along the normal to the plane OPN such that r , F & M form a
right handed system.
(d) Moment of the couple = r1 r2 F , where r1 and r2 are position vectors of the point of the
(ii) Scalar triple product geometrically represents the volume of the parallelepiped whose
three coterminous edges are represented by a, b and c i.e., V = a b c .
1. a b c a . b c a b . c b . c a b c . a c . a b c a . b
a1 a2 a3
2. a b c b1 b2 b3 if a a1 i a2 j a3 k , b b1 i b2 j b3 k , c c1 i c2 j c3 k
c1 c2 c3
3. If angle between the vectors b & c is and that of the plane containing the vectors b & c and
a is then a b c a b c sin cos
4. ka lb mc k .l.m a b c and a b c d a c d b c d
5. a b b c c a 2 a b c
6. a b b c c a 0
7. a a b a b c a b c
a i b c j k a1 a2 a3
10. The value for a. p b . p c p p1 p2 p3 b1 b2 b3 = p q a b b c c a =
a q b q c .q q1 q2 q3 c1 c2 c3
p q a b c
11. If a , b are non zero and non collinear vectors then find the value of [abi ]i [ab j ] j [abk ]k =
2. In general a b c is not equal to a b c
3. a b b c c a a b c
4. a (b c) b (c a) c ( a b) = 0 and hence a (b c) b (c a) c ( a b) = 0 and hence we
conclude that a b c, b c a, c a a are coplanar vectors.
5. If a, b, c are three mutually perpendicular vectors , with magnitude one , then the value of
a b b c c a + a b b c c a + a (b c) b (c a) c ( a b) is 3
6. If a is any vector then i a i j a j k a k 2a
Dot product of four vectors:
a.c a.d
1) a b . c d
b.c b.d
2. a b . c d b c . a d c a . b d 0
Cross product of four vectors:
If a b c d a b d c a b c d
If a b c d a d 0, acd bad 0
Reciprocal vectors:
1.If a, b, c and a ', b ', c ' are two sets of non coplanar vectors such that
a . a ' 1, b . b ' 1, c . c ' 1, then the two systems are called reciprocal system of vectors.
3. b . a ' 0, c . a ' 0 & a . b ' 0, c . b ' 0 & a . c ' 0, b . c ' 0 and a b c . a ' b ' c ' 3
4. a ' b ' c '
a b c
1 1
1. The angle between two diagonals of a cube is cos
2. The angle between any edge and a face not containing that edge of a regular tetrahedron is
cos 1
3. The shortest distance between the diagonals of a rectangular paralleloppiped whose sides are
bc ca ab
a,b,c and the edges not meeting it are, , ,
b2 c2 c2 a2 a 2 b2
4. The perpendicular distance of a corner of a unit cube from a diagonal not passing through it
1 Tetrahedron is a figure bounded by four planes, not all of which pass through the same point.
It has four vertices, each vertex arising as a point of intersection of three of the four planes, It
has six edges.102) The four lines drawn for the vertices of a tetrahedron to the centroids of the
opposite faces meet in a point, known as centroid of the tetrahedron, which is at three fourth of
the distance from each vertex to the opposite face.
In case the tetrahedron is regular centroid is equidistant from the vertices and the four faces of
the tetrahedron. If the vertices of a tetrahedron are xi , yi , zi , i = 1,2,3,4 then coordinates of its
xi y , z
i i
centroid is , .
4 4 4
If a, b, c, & d are position vectors of the vertices A,B,C & D respectively of a tetrahedron ABCD,
then position vector of its centroid is
3. The volume of the tetrahedron OABC with O as origin and the position vectors of A, B and C
being a, b and c , respectively is given by V = a, b, c
4. Each of the four faces of a regular tetrahedron subtends the same volume at the centroid.
7. If two pairs of opposite edges of a tetrahedron are perpendicular then the opposite edges of the
third pair are also perpendicular to each other
8. The sum of the squares of the two opposite edges is same for each pair of opposite edges.
12. If the lengths of two opposite edges of a tetrahedron are a and b, shortest distance between
them is d. and the angle between them is ,then the volume of the tetrahedron is abdSin
14. The angle between any edge and a face not containing that edge of a regular tetrahedron is
cos 1
15. If a plane meets the coordinate axes at A,B,C then the foot of the perpendicular from the
origin will be the orthocenter of the triangle ABC.
16. Angle between two faces of a regular tetrahedron is cos 1