prac pp2

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Here is a step-by-step, detailed procedure for each task in your practical

paper, including specific instructions for setting measurements. Each

question has been broken down further to ensure clarity for each step and
measurement setting.

### **General Instructions Before Starting**

1. **Prepare the Workspace**:

- Ensure your computer is set up with Microsoft Word for word processing
and Microsoft Excel for spreadsheets.

- Have access to a printer, storage media (e.g., USB drive or CD), and
ensure that you have the correct software versions as per the exam’s

### **Question 1: Word Processing Task**

#### **Folder Creation and Document Setup**

1. **Create a Folder**:

- Open **File Explorer**.

- Go to the desired location, right-click, select **New > Folder**, and name
the folder using the last three digits of your index number.

2. **Open a Word Processor and Type the Document**:

- Open **Microsoft Word** (or equivalent).

- Type the passage *POPULATION CENSUS* exactly as shown in the


- **Save** the document by going to **File > Save As**, naming it

**CENSUS**, and saving it in the folder created.
#### **Formatting Tasks**

3. **Set Page Margins**:

- Go to **Layout > Margins > Custom Margins**.

- Set all margins (Top, Bottom, Left, Right) to **1 inch**.

- Click **OK** to apply.

4. **Set Paper Size**:

- Go to **Layout > Size** and choose **A4**.

5. **Spell Check**:

- Go to **Review > Spelling & Grammar** and run a spell check. Correct
any errors found.

6. **Title Formatting**:

- Highlight the title “Population Census”.

- Set the font to **Algerian**, font size to **36 pt**, and apply **Bold** and
**Italic** (located on the **Home** tab).

7. **Format Bulleted List**:

- Highlight the bulleted list items.

- Go to **Home > Paragraph Settings** (small arrow in the Paragraph


- Under **Line Spacing**, choose **1.5 lines**.

- Set **Alignment** to **Justified**.

8. **Apply Drop Cap to Specific Text**:

- Click in front of the word “First” in the specified paragraph.

- Go to **Insert > Drop Cap > Drop Cap Options**.

- Set **Distance from text** to **0.5 mm**, **Lines to drop** to **2**, and
adjust **Spacing** to **0.75 mm**.

9. **Hanging Indentation**:

- Highlight the paragraph starting with “The first known population…”.

- Go to **Home > Paragraph Settings > Indentation**.

- Set **Special** to **Hanging** and **By** to **3.05 cm**.

#### **Adding Footer and Watermark**

10. **Insert Footer with Index Number**:

- Go to **Insert > Footer > Edit Footer**.

- Left-align your index number in the footer.

- Go to **Insert > Page Number > Top of Page > Plain Number 3** to place
the page number in the top right corner.

11. **Insert Watermark**:

- Go to **Design > Watermark > Custom Watermark**.

- Select **Text Watermark** and type “Census 2019 Report”.

- Choose **Font Color** as **Red** and apply it.

#### **Creating and Formatting the Table**

12. **Insert and Populate Table**:

- Go to **Insert > Table**, select **Insert Table**, and create a table with
the required number of rows and columns as per the data provided.

- Enter each data item as specified.

13. **Calculate Total Population**:

- Insert a new row under the table and type **Total** in the first cell.
- Calculate the total population manually or by using Excel if required, and
add the total value in the last column of this row.

14. **Create and Format Bar Chart**:

- Highlight the table, then go to **Insert > Chart > Bar**.

- Go to **Chart Tools > Format > Shape Fill** and set the **Chart Area** to

- Add the chart title “CENSUS 2019 REPORT (MILLIONS)” by going to

**Chart Tools > Layout > Chart Title**.

15. **Page Orientation and Border**:

- Go to **Layout > Orientation** and set the page with the chart to

- Go to **Design > Page Borders** and apply a **6 pt line border** around
the chart page.

16. **Print Document**:

- Save the document again.

- Go to **File > Print** and select **Print on Both Sides**. Ensure all
formatting is correct before final printing.

### **Question 2: Spreadsheet Task**

#### **Setting Up the Worksheet**

1. **Open Spreadsheet and Set Up Sheet 1**:

- Open **Microsoft Excel** and create a new workbook.

- Name **Sheet 1** as **PURCHASES**.

- Enter the column headers provided in the first row.

2. **Restrict Amount Column**:

- Select the **Amount** column (e.g., column D).

- Go to **Data > Data Validation**.

- Set criteria to **Allow: Whole Number**, **Data: between**, **Minimum:

0**, **Maximum: 6000**.

- Set **Input Message** to “Input amount <= 6000” and **Error Message**
to “Amount >6000”.

3. **Enter Data**:

- Enter the data exactly as provided in the worksheet.

4. **Add Titles**:

- Insert two blank rows above the data.

- Type “GEN-ZEE COMPUTER COLLEGE” as the title and “SUPPLIER

DETAILS” as the subtitle.

- Highlight both titles, go to **Home > Alignment** and click **Merge &

- Rotate the title by **45 degrees** using **Home > Orientation**.

#### **Calculating Updated Prices**

5. **Copy Data to a New Sheet**:

- Right-click the **PURCHASES** tab and select **Move or Copy > Create a

- Rename the copied sheet as **Updated Price**.

6. **Add and Calculate Updated Price**:

- Insert a new column labeled **Updated Price** after the **Amount**

- In cell B21, type **10%** as the percentage.

- In the **Updated Price** column, calculate each updated price using the
formula `=Amount*(1-$B$21)` and fill down.

7. **Calculate Total Price**:

- Insert a new column labeled **Total Price**.

- In this column, calculate the total amount payable for each item (e.g.,
`=Quantity*Updated Price`).

#### **Additional Calculations and Formatting**

8. **Supplier Ranking**:

- Insert a new column labeled **Rank** after **Total Price**.

- Use the **RANK** function to rank suppliers by total price in descending

order (e.g., `=RANK(Total Price, Total Price Range, 0)`).

9. **Calculate Highest Total Price**:

- In cell H22, use the **MAX** function to find the highest total price.

10. **Calculate Ages**:

- Insert a column labeled **Age**.

- Use the formula `=YEAR(TODAY()) – YEAR(Date of Birth)` to calculate

ages based on each supplier’s date of birth.

11. **Compute Tax Relief**:

- Insert a column labeled **Tax Relief**.

- Use the **IF** function to determine tax relief based on total price:

=IF(Total Price>20000, 0.03*Total Price, IF(Total Price>=8000, 0.02*Total
Price, IF(Total Price>=6000, 0.01*Total Price, 0.005*Total Price)))


#### **Formatting and Graphing**

12. **Format Amount Column**:

- Select the **Amount** column and go to **Home > Number**.

- Choose **Currency** and set prefix as **Ksh**.

13. **Create Input Form**:

- Use **Form Controls** to create an input form (see **Developer > Insert
> Form Controls**).

14. **Copy Data to New Sheet for Subtotals**:

- Copy **Sheet 1** data to a new sheet named **Subtotals**.

- Use **Data > Subtotal** to calculate subtotals for each company and
display the **Grand Total**.

15. **Create Bar Chart**:

- Highlight the subtotal data and go to **Insert > Chart > Bar**.

- Label the x-axis as “Names of Company” and the y-axis as “Total Cost of

- Set the chart title to “ANALYSIS OF SUPPLIERS” and ensure each bar
shows the value it represents.

- Place the chart on a new sheet named **GEN-ZEE GRAPH**.

#### **Headers, Footers, and Printing**

16. **Headers and Footers**:

- Go to each sheet’s **Page Layout > Header & Footer**.

- Add your **Name**, **School**, and **Index Number** in the footer.

17. **Save and Print**:

- Save all work on a removable media device.

- Print **PURCHASES**, **SUBTOTALS**, and **GRAPH** sheets for


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