Memoire RNS
Memoire RNS
Memoire RNS
The literature is primarily aiming to the spiritual domain, and even the
intellectual aspect of man because it is a work of the imagination that helps
man to transcend the physical world. In this state, it may have inspirations
and creativity that generate new ideas that transforming her spiritually or
technologically life. It is by learning our cultures and our traditions that
children who are the future generation are inscribed with the values that are
good for our society. The real development is the one who arrives with home
and its natural environment.
According to https://www.ujah:UnizikjournalofArtsandHumanitiesFlight13No.1
Like the fables of the fountain contain tales and folklores. In Africa
Traditional literature had been orally transmitted by the old, the grids, the
poets, the priests who were guardians of tradition. Oral literature is very
important in the African traditional society because it is part of the life of the
African people. So, it is transferable faithfully to generation in generation
according to his duties in the company (Cauvin 3). She is interested in
explaining the origin of man in African civilization, to solve morality in social
life and analyze the meaning of existence by relying on the traditions of the
ancestors (9). According to Cauvin: the tales are said at night. After the
evening meal, people gather around a fire, in a courtyard, or on the village
square. Often the youngest begin to start guess and everyone seeks the
answers. Then, at a certain moment, the first tale appears and the evening
can continue late late at night ... (9)By telling them various stories and
stories they learn to the children the corporation of the company. Some of
these stories and stories that are based on virtues and lessons of obedience,
kindness, patience, honesty, hospitality, help parents pay the children's
drives (Cauvin 9). This way the old transmits the beliefs, and the experiences
of their race. Young people learn easily how their jobs and the metaphors
uses by the images.
Oral narratives, all over the world, set the pace for the written literature. It is
an integral part of every human culture. However, the sophistication of the
modern world, particularly the globalization, has directly or indirectly
affected the potency of oral narratives in Africa, that is why it has brought
new ways of conveying message and one of these ways is to convey
message through movies.
Watching movies can develop cognitive Skills and can help develop our
cognitive skills, such as forming long-term memory, maintaining focus,
developing logic, reasoning, visual and auditory processes. It develop
linguistic skills by bringing up many conversation scenes that can help
introduce children to a lot of vocabulary and pronunciation. Movies present
various stories and visuals that increase children's knowledge of different
objects and ideas. Those lead to the increasing of their imagination and
creativity. It can be an intermezzo for children from their daily activities.
Sometimes children feel tired with things at school, so watching movies
makes them feel free from exhaustion for a moment. When watching a
movie, a child's brain will release stress hormones and replace them with
endorphins. This hormone has a function to make the emotional state
From the source above, it can be seen that movies do not only play the role
of entertaining people but also teaching them how to behave in our current
society. Study after study suggests that children now, particularly boys, need
visual stimulates to support their learning and that all children receive a lot
of their social and moral learning through movies.
Characters and manly poverty is seen as the key fact of abandonment in the
understudy movie. So in lightness of this movie the princess Tyra, my bright
attention bend on two themes to develop, which are Abandonment and
Poverty to Shaw readers what is going on in nowadays society especially in
Africa since it is a movie produced in Africa and by Africans characters.
There is no research without any problem. In fact, poverty has dominated the
World mainly African continent in the way that colonialism is still dominating
African continent, cultural values is not respected seeing the power of
modernism; as the result of poverty is abandonment of some children
education in the World. The same reality is found in Princess tyra film
whereby Agnes is rejected by her family, swing in poverty in the street, she
is morally traumatized because of lack of family affection, in this mood she is
impregnated by unknown man; unluckily she is going to get twins without
having the possibility of taking care of them. That is why she decides to
abandon them: Mafia is abandoned at their neighbors and Ashley is
abandoned at hospital. Since life has got its reality, Mafia is growing up in a
poor family whereby she is obliged to do her best in order to survive; start
working in lubo kingdom at royal palace as princess Tyra’s servant. Unluckily
she is also impregnated by the prince key, later will discover that pregnancy,
while the prince went for study issue but the royal palace confirmed as
abomination of cultural values and Maphia is abandon looking where to live
and what to eat, because her mother in low died because of lack of medicine
( poverty) . Whereas Ashley is in a rich family and she is studying in Europe.
That is the way these themes of poverty affected characters in different
ways and lead to abandonment as consequences in princess Tyra movie.
Research Questions
To investigate the problem stated above, the following questions are asked
to guide the study:
How are Povrety and Abandonement developed in the movie The Princess
Tyra ?
1.5. Objective
On the lightness of Princesses Tyra movie this work aims at showing readers
how Abandonment and Poverty are developed in this work
Considering the Impact of abandonment and poverty in social life, this work
is significant to all readers in the way that it will insight them to understand
how much abandonment Can affect some one psychologically and even
reach the level of traumatized when Poverty occupies someone's life
generally. And how to drive off from currant life. This work may help
researchers and readers not only for academic purposes but also for their
daily lives.
The present work is the fruit of thematic analysis of the movie Princesses
Tyra. This work is oriented in African literature especially from West African
literature because the author is from NIGERIA. After watching several time
and correctly the movie understudy, I discover that the movie has developed
several themes such as: jealousy, prostitution, love, murder,
misunderstanding, disappointment and so forth. But I have focused my study
on the themes of Abandonment and poverty . So far as the scrambling of the
work is concerned, it is divided in to four chapters. The first is general
introduction to the study, the second is chapter one which presents Review
of literature, the third chapter focuses on research methodology, the fourth
chapter is based on analysis of movie " Princess Tyra, the fifth one deals with
analyses of Abandonment and Poverty in "The Princess Tyra" and finally a
conclusion puts an end to this scientific work.
1.8. Methodology
According to (Creswell, 2014) : The data collection steps include setting the
boundaries for the study, collecting information through unstructured or semi
structured observations and interviews, documents, and visual materials, as
well as establishing the protocol for recording information. Whereas kothari
views (2004:8), says a research methodology is a way where by a research
problem is solve methodically. In another way it is a science of studying how
research is done scientifically and it refers to discussion of understanding
why particular methods are used. The fulfilment of this work requires
deskwork method which concerned reading of document such as articles,
Books, works etc. and to watch mainly the movie Princess Tyra by using a not
book where some important passages were written to guide the study, also
other information related to the topic from internet.
In fact, abandonment is seen when Maphia and Hachelet were left in difrent
places because of Povrety by there belived mum Agnès; Maphia is left at
their neboughers whereas Hachelet is left at hospital, in this view
perspective Mam Agnes also was abandoned by her parents at the street this
is the main problem of abandonment in Princess Tyra movie.
2. Povrety
Related littérature
King L., (1605), stands for Abandonment and povrety between the old King of
Britain and his three favorite daughters. The old king, pretends that though
his old age his Care should be asured by his three daughters : Goneril, Regan
and Cordelia seeing his old age and the tiring years of his administration
within government. Infact, Years after division of his land to his daughters,
they started mistreating him nothing to eat bagging here and there because
of povrety whereby he is swimming in side, no one among his daughters
could think of helping him and finally abandon him. thereafter Regan's
husband died, she immediately declared her intention to marry Gloucester
(who should now manage her fortune) that marriage raised the jealousy of
her sister GONERIL who, sadly poised her, after her death GONERIL is jailed
finally killed herself. When the king got information about his daughter’s
death he was traumatised including povrety life and immediately got a care
crazed brain, soon died after his daughters.
This novel is linked with the present work, as far as Abandonment and
povrety are concerned. In King Lear, the old king of Britain was victim of
Abandonment presented in story by his daughters and in the princess Tyra it
presented by Mam Agnes when she abandon her children ( Maphia and
Hachelet) and also when she was abandoned by her ristrecte family because
of povrety of her family and the death of her father. The similarity is clear
from bothworks of art, in Princess tyra after beeing abandoned and
traumatised Mum anges died, in the same way in king Lear also the king of
Britain died after beeing abandoned by his lovely daughters and the
dissilarity is seeing from both movies; in Princess tyra there was no lands
division as Key cause of Abandonment like in king of learn
Chinua A. In his novel " No longer at Easy" ( 1960) tells the story of Obi
Okonkwo, an intelligent Nigeria boy. He gets a scholarship to go to study in
England. Coming back from England to Nigeria after ending his studies, Obi
falls in love relationship with Clara and would like to marry her, unfortunately
his parents refuses that marrige because Clara is an Osu and it is forbiden to
an Osu to be in marriage with an Ibo people since their custom had existed.
That way the two lovers decide to do abortion probably when Clara left
Lagos. Hence, Umofia community grants Obi a scholarship for his studies as
sign of unity but at turn Obi is proud with his intellectualism and wants to
neglect his custom by marrying an Osu who was considered like a leprosy in
the mind of his people. Finaly, Obi loses Clara , his mother dies and he is
fires from job, he starts an difficult life lack of nacessary things for survival,
povrety has covered his life totaly and abandoned by Umofia community in
This story links with the present work in the way that when Maphia had given
the information to the mather of prince Key , it was not well receaved by
prince key's Mather because Mephia is from a poor family and it is shamefull
for lubo kingdome while the two kingdomes ( lubo and wasau,) were in
wedding preparation ceremony of their children ( princess Tyra and prince
Key) , that why she spent night out side of prince key's fence and later starts
bagging in town to look for the help, equally Obi, because of his intellectual
proudness is chaced from the job and jailed. This is a kind of coherence
found in these two understudy Books.
Jane E. in his novel " Abandonment " ( 1847 )Tells the story of a young girl
named Jane who is abandoned by her parents' death from typhus.She goes
to live with her aunt and uncle Reed and their children, but only her uncle
values her, and he dies next.Her aunt Reed then sends her away to Lowood,
a girls' school with a brutal headmaster who keeps the students in cold,
harsh conditions. There Jane makes a friend, her first real friend, a slightly
older girl named Helen. Helen is kind to Jane and Jane loves her. Then Helen
dies from consumption.After Jane spends a few years at Lowood as both
student and teacher, she finds work as a governess to a little girl named
Adele, who lives at Thornfield Hall, where she is said to have been taken in
by the master (Mr. Rochester) after being abandoned by her own
mother.After falling in love with Rochester and agreeing to marry him, she
discovers that he has a wife still living, a madwoman who lives in the attic of
Thornfield Hall, and when he importunes Jane to move with him to France
and live as husband and wife without benefit of legal matrimony, her
principles will not allow her to do so, and she in turn abandons Rochester,
running away in the middle of the night.She doesn't get very far and almost
dies but is taken in by a family named Rivers, two sisters (Diana and Mary)
and a brother (St. John), and eventually takes on the responsibility of running
a village school. She gives them a false name because she fears being
discovered by Rochester, but St. John discovers her real name and that she is
their cousin. She comes into an inheritance and shares it with all the
Riverses equally, but rejects St. John's proposal that she marry him and go to
India with him as a missionary's wife. She thinks she can hear Rochester
calling to her so she abandons the Rivers family and returns to Thornfield,
which is only a shell after being burnt by Rochester's mad wife, who died by
jumping from the roof during the blaze. There she finds Rochester, blinded
and missing a hand from the fire, but now eligible, and here the
abandonment ends. She marries him, stays loyally with him, and is rewarded
by his recovering enough of his eyesight to see their firstborn son.
This story has inlight us the life carrier of Jane since her childhood how she
got diferent ways of beeing abandoned by freinds even the death of her
parents and it links to the present study by the fact that Mam Agnes when
she was disillusioned by her parents death too, was abandoned by her family
and sufered till dieing. But differs to the story of Jane to the way that Jane did
not die.
Katuliba, P., (1982) in his Agony in her Voice relates the story of a young
girl of seventeen years old named Paulina kainda; who was in love
relationship atmosphere with a boy called Mbatau, within her parents view,
as far as love realities are concerned, Kainda is pregnant by Mbatau. Kainda
is chased from theirs, study is stopped. Seeing precarious situation, Mbatau
disappeared unaddressed. Then kainda's parents decide to abandon her; life
has become to difficult to her, no where of living, nothing to eat she smelled
all pain of beeing called a human, finaly decides to come back home and ask
for the pardon and restart a new life styl.
This story links to this one by the fact that Mbatau was closed to Kainda just
during happiness period and when she has got pregnancy Mbatahu was
unable to express his affection toward Kahinda and finaly abandon her in a
painful atmospher ( great povrety). While in Princess Tyra movie Maphia is
abandoned not by prince Key but by the mother of prince Key , while he was
studying in Europea.
The dissimilarity of these two works is openly seen, after the sudden departure of
Mbatau Kainda surported until coming back home to ask pardon of her parents, whereas
after the abandonnent of Maphia and Hachelet, Mum Agnes died under a great anxiety.
2.3. Theories
It is one of the approaches that helped the reader to understand the society
in which the central characters are situated.
It is seen through this film when Mam Agnès was traumatised because she was
traumatised by the fact that she was frutless, After giving birth to Maphia and Hachelet she
abandoned them, at their side also they were traumatised seeing they don't know theire
parent, so throught this psychological approach the researcher will evestigat for better analyses
of this approach step.
2.1. Introduction
Skimming and Scanning are reading techniques that use rapid eye
movement and keywords to move quickly through text for slightly different
purposes. Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a general overview on
a material scanning is to read in order to find a specific fact.
Description technique was helpful in this thematic study, in the way that it
insights the researcher to describe characters through their treats, having
some evidences coming from events performed in film.
This technique helps the researcher to watch the movieThe Princess Tyra several
time and analyzing each characters mind, actions, feelings, etc. toward
Abandonment and Povrety found perform by characters in the film
Indeed, this analysis of the Princess Tyra focuses much on the setting of the
movie, description of Actors, story. It presents also literary conflicts, tone
and mood to make this scientific work more understandable and the analysis
of some themes will be helpful to reveal different subject treated in the
movie understudy. Finally, a partial conclusion will make end of this chapter.
3.1. Setting
Spatial Setting
The events in the movie The Princess Tyra take place in Africa, precisely in
Nigeria where the wedding between Prince Kay and princess Tyra is turning
wrong because of the hidden relationship between Prince Kay and servant
Mefia. As result princess Tyra is disillusioned, she is unable to believe that
What have i done on this men's earth so that i deserve all cathegory
of Bad Luck; i 've been abandoned by my mother, my mother in low
died , the one impregnanted me go away finally what Can i do??
Temporal Setting
Princess Tyra is a film directed by Joseph van Vicker at 2007. The film receaved 12 dominations
and won 2 awards at 2008 Africa movie Academy awards , including the wards for best costume
and best mekeup; The film seems to be a flach back; Indeed, the story has started by the
abandonment of Mafia and hashley by their Mather Agnes because of povrety and end by the
death of Anges since she was tromatized . The major events in the movie Princess
Tyra took place in 2007. period wherein many African countries are invaded
by acculturation. Nevertheless, there existed and still exist some customs
wherein people maintain their traditional way of leaving such as taking care
of royal family members, not marrying the one that is out of your social
status, it is illustrated in The princess Tyra when some servants are
amenable to serve the Lubo kingdom.
3.3. Plot
In the movie The Princess Tyra, the playwriter Joseph Van Vicker tells the love
story of two lovers of two different kingdoms namely Lubo kingdom and Wasau
kingdom. The story start with queen’s elogy to the Lubo kingdom intending to
value the bride and groom. Moreover, the begging of the story such as is
presented through a flashback, a girl named Agnes, rejected from her family After
the death of her lovely parents because of the Poverty and was forced to live in the streets
with other concubines in order to survive. By the way she is going get pregnancy
and gives birth to the twins named Mafia and hashley; but their father is unknown
since the mother Agnes had sexual intercourse with many men when being a
prostitute in the streets.
Therefore, since life was difficult ( luck of money) and as she could not take care of
these children she decided to abandon them in different areas; Mafia was left at
their neighbors in a poor family where there was no possibility to school her and
fulfill others desires. Finally, she became princess Tyra’s servant in royal palace
in Lubo Kingdom. On the other side, Hashley is left at hospital where she is going
to be taken by a rich family that will give her whatever she desires and was sent
to pursue her study in Europe. The twins, Mafia and Hashley do not know each
So, this fact lead Prince Kay to fall in love with princess Tyra’s peasant servant
named Mafia, their love grew at the level that he was obliged to visit her every
day when needed and as consequence he impregnated her, that situation happened
when Mafia's Mather in low died because of Poverty ( luck of money) she tried to borraw the
medecine here and there unsuccesful. As said in this passage bellow:
Mafia: Ogadi, Ogadi please my mom had a seizure, she risks dying, give me the medicine. OGadi:
it's when your mom wants to die that you're going to get my 1500fc that you have, how long has
it been since you refused to pay me?
Mafia: We haven't been paid yet, can you ask the other servants, please help me, ogadie, my
mother may die.
OGadi: if I understand you correctly, do you want me to go and explain to my supplier in town
that my customers have not yet paid me if he could give me the medicine?
Mafia: my mom is going to die, how can you not understand that? OGadi!!! .
Mafia: Please you can't do that she's going to die OGadi, Ogadi, OGadi!!! ( Van vicker: 2007)
One week after the prince kay is sent to pursue his study in Europe and after
that Mefia will discover that she is pregnant and then she was obliged to report
the news to royal palace of wasau kingdom. Unlikely, mother of the prince did
not agree with that news that intends to expose the family negatively to other
surroundings so she tried to corrupt servant Mafia in order to keep it secret.As said
Poor girl, I hope I already refused to trample your feet in my palace so as you don't understand
take this money to take care of you and your so-called child I never want to see you here in my
palace again and also to speak of the name of my kingdom with your diabolical plan since it is
impossible to listen to a poor servant having a pregnancy with a prince that is an abomination,
leave here and go I never want to see you again in front of my view ( van vicker : 2007)
Thereafter, the mother urgently called the prince Kay to investigate if really he
is the responsible of Mefia’s pregnancy. Prince Kay agreed with his mother, the
mother complaining on phone with Prince Kay saying:
After having agreed with the mother on the responsibility of the pregnancy, he
interrupted the studies for looking Mafia in order to ponder more about that
pregnancy, coming back to llubo kingdom, his priority was to look for mafia and prepare the
wedding ceremony, regrettably Mafia is not arround but he has found a lady named Hashley in
strong resemblance to Mafia and fals in love with that lady and that lady( Hashley) is the sister of
Mafia, one can read in this paragraph:
Prince Key: Mafia, Mafia!! I've been looking for you for seven months already, I'm really sorry for
everything that happened.
Prince Key: I know that you are angry with me so much that you don't want to see me, but forgive
me, allow me to explain
Hashley: I don't understand you anymore I never knew you before and if you want to know me;
I'm Hashley Johnson.
Prince kay : Aren't you Mafia? Don't you come from the kingdom of lubo?
Hashley: no i don't
Prince Key: you really look like mafia which was in the kingdom of lubo. ( Van vicker :2007)
days after Hashley is also inpregnanted by the same prince Key, that situation excited much
princess Tyra, according to her views prince Key wanted just to diminish lubo kingdom by acting so,
she decided to kill Hashley that she thought is mafia since they resambles to each one. Therefor,
princess Tyra agreed with the gunman to kill Hashley fortunately they did not succeed in killing her
but by breaking her leg; while Hashley is in hospital Mafia also is in the same hospital it is there that
the doctor discovered that Hashley and mafia are sisters since there back historicals realities are the
same; futhermore the wife of the same doctor is discoved to be the Mather of these twince ( Mafia
and Hashley) and she is suffring from blood cancer since some years, so before diying she has asked
for the pardon to both girls for abandoned them in sorroful way because of Poverty as she reacted
in bellow passage:
4.4 Description of Actors
Main Actors
Princess Tyra: She is the protagonist in this film and she is the daughter
of the king of lubo, fiancé of Prince Kay from wasahu kingdom, she
is brown lady and tall. She is a caring girl, she cares much about her love
affair with her. Princess Tyra is jealous when she tries to quarrel Mefia
because of her hidden relationship with Kay. Her care is seen in this passage:
It is not bad I mean when I come to visit my future husband. Our parent want
us to get married; it is difficult to go out of this reality, don’t prevent me with
the prescious wife’s proudness, do not think that there is another peace that
you are waiting from somewhere unless you share this precious love
moment with the queen of your heart who I am. ( Van vicker :2007)
one can understand by this extract that princess Tyra really loves Prince key
in great dimension and she does not like to see him with another girl apart
of her that why conclude by seeing she is jalousie of prince keys love
“It is in this way that the kings are treated in Lubo kingdom so you enjoy it
and stop complaining” ( Van Vicker:2007)
Prince Kay
He denies the fact of being treated like a prince, he shows his kindness when
he refuses servants to bother when bringing him some items. His modesty
makes him live as any woman being. He left his kingdom for long and when
he comes back for the culturaly arranged wedding, he seems to be a
stranger in his own kingdom
Kay: in the 21st century, do people still practice the cultural norms?
She is short but with her big and lightening eyes. She is black, but with a skin
that can pierce men’s heart. She smiles like a princess but she is poor
servant of a princess. She is careful about her relatives, and often kind and
obedient, she tries to be taciturn when she confronts any challenges. Some
of her traits are seen in the lines below:
Joyce: please Mafia, can you a moment for the prince Kay, he is here with
Servant Mafia: I am sorry but my mother is in agony, she needs drugs but I
don’t have money. The pharmacist refused to give it to me in debt.
Joyce: I understand it, but come and greet him, he has just come for you.
Servant Mafia: (coming towards Prince Kay). I am sorry your majesty I did not
know whether you could come up to my home. I am sorry but if you need
anything let me know.
Prince Kay: don’t mention it. I can see that you are not okay. What’s going
on, Joyce told me about your mother, take this amount of money and buy
whatever can make her feel okay. (Van vicker :2007)
This conversation is meaningful since it illustrates how the prince Kay and
servant were both destined to live in a fruitful relationship. It foreshadow
what their relationship will result to.
Minor characters
Agnes: she is thin, brown-skin. The mother of Mafia and Ashley that she
abandoned because of her bad living condition. She is rude, hypocrite and
severe as expressed in the lines that follows:
I will make you know who I am. I cannot accept you to destroy what I have
built for a long time ago. You do not know who I am and where I come from,
keep aloof from me, poor stupid. If I come back from my room without
arranging this living room, you will regret the day your mother gave birth to
Mafia: Ogadi, Ogadi please my mom had a seizure, she risks dying, give me the medicine. OGadi:
it's when your mom wants to die that you're going to get my 1500fc that you have, how long has
it been since you refused to pay me?
Mafia: We haven't been paid yet, can you ask the other servants, please help me, ogadie, my
mother may die.
OGadi: if I understand you correctly, do you want me to go and explain to my supplier in town
that my customers have not yet paid me if he could give me the medicine?
Mafia: my mom is going to die, how can you not understand that? OGadi!!! .
Mafia: Please you can't do that she's going to die OGadi, Ogadi, OGadi!!! (Van vicker :2007)
The Queen, she is short with brown-skin always wearing queen's dress as recomanded by
wasau kingdom. She is the mather of Prince Key , widow she is since her hursband died ( the
king of wasau kingdom ; father of Prince Key). The queen seems to be an arrogant wife,
Corruptive, dictator; in fact, these treets is visible to this actor seeing the way she acts in her
differents playing role. Sach as when Prince kay wanted to marry , he was obliged by her
mother to marry a wife from lubo kingdom ( princess TYRA) whereas it was not in his need and
this way of acting improve the highest dictatorchip behavior of the queen, since it doesn't
please prince key he decides to disillous princess tyra by inpragnant the poor servant of
princesse tyra named Mafia. As said in this passage:
Queen: I think I told you clearly yesterday, put your feet back into this plot that is wrong with
you, poor evil servant.
Mafia: please ma'am I have nowhere to go. Queen: And think this concerns me? How much
do you want me to pay you to finally disappear from my sight? Mafia: I don't understand you
Queen: How much did people pay you to pull this stunt on my son? for you to come and harm
my family?
Queen: I see, listen, leave my palace, forget your evil plan and never try to set your feet here
again, otherwise you will find yourself in a ravine. take this money and leave here and never
dare say your stupidity to anyone else except to ridicule the royal family, get out of my life,
you angry female dog girl. (Van vicker :2007)
Hashley jonhson. She short with big eyes always atractive, having a long wig like white woman;
she is the field glass of mafia that was abadoned by her Mather Agnes because of Poverty in the
hospital. She is
Speaking about the theme, it can be identified through the writer keeps
bringing it up in one way or another so that the reader can recognize it.
Apart of the theme of abandonment and poverty which consist the basic
study of this work and to which the whole chapter is reserved, I am going to
analyze some other themes which have been applied in the film understudy
and must be taken to account to understand the whole film.
4.5.1 Love
4.5.2 Disappointment
Mafia, you have been near me since long, I did not think of that you have
done to me today, you have broken my heart by envying my husband and
today you have brought him away from me.
4.5.4 Misunderstanding
4.5.6 Unfaithfulness, Define unfaithfulness as the characteristic of
someone who is disloyal or does not respect his oath. This theme is seen
when princess Kay having sexual relation with servant Mafia, and princess
Tyra, the known lover of Prince kay, did not believe her eyes if realy it is Kay
who has got another girlfriend apart of her. “Please Prince Kay, let me finish
what I’ve started with you, I promise you that our love is destined to a
marvelous wedding,» Despite this piece of advice the prince Kay
impregnated poor servant Mafia.
In brief the above shows us that the poverty trains any woman kind to hope
for q better future, he thinks that poverty is a way that brings to a better life.
As far as the work understudy is concerned, Mafia is from a poor family. she
lives with her neighbor that she consider like her own mother seeing the bad
life conditions of her family and due to the poor health condition of her
mother she started working as a labor in the royal palace. Despite the valued
place of her work, she could not provide assistance to all her surroundings.
That is observed when the film present her mother in low in agony. Another
case of poverty is seen when she went in Accra to look for Prince Kay who
impregnated her, there was no place to live there since Prince Kay’s mother
did not recognize this pregnancy due to the fact that she was from a poor
According to
We can define poverty as the condition where the basic needs of a family,
like food, shelter, clothing, and education are not fulfilled. It can lead to other
problems like poor literacy, unemployment, malnutrition, etc. A poor person
is not able to get education due to lack of money and therefore remains
unemployed. An unemployed person is not able to buy enough & nutritious
food for his family and their health decline. A weak person lacks the energy
required for the job. A jobless person remains poor only. Thus we can say
that poverty is the root cause of other problems.
The view above links thoroughly our work when it states that the poverty can
lead to other problems like poor literacy, unemployment, malnutrition. It is
seen when Mafia’s step mother is agonizing due to lack of money. The sellers
refused to lend her money or give her drugs to cure her mother. And it is
seen that this poverty led her to work in the family of the Princess Tyra.
Anges passed through a crucial life, she undergone several crisis. She was
obliged to pass through many challenges such as to get separated with her
husband and it pushes her get pregnancy without identifying the owner.
Jane E. in his novel " Abandonment " ( 1847 )Tells the story of a young girl
named Jane who is abandoned by her parents' death from typhus.She goes
to live with her aunt and uncle Reed and their children, but only her uncle
values her, and he dies next.Her aunt Reed then sends her away to Lowood,
a girls' school with a brutal headmaster who keeps the students in cold,
harsh conditions. There Jane makes a friend, her first real friend, a slightly
older girl named Helen. Helen is kind to Jane and Jane loves her. Then Helen
dies from consumption.After Jane spends a few years at Lowood as both
student and teacher, she finds work as a governess to a little girl named
Adele, who lives at Thornfield Hall, where she is said to have been taken in
by the master (Mr. Rochester) after being abandoned by her own
mother.After falling in love with Rochester and agreeing to marry him, she
discovers that he has a wife still living, a madwoman who lives in the attic of
Thornfield Hall, and when he importunes Jane to move with him to France
and live as husband and wife without benefit of legal matrimony, her
principles will not allow her to do so, and she in turn abandons Rochester,
running away in the middle of the night.She doesn't get very far and almost
dies but is taken in by a family named Rivers, two sisters (Diana and Mary)
and a brother (St. John), and eventually takes on the responsibility of running
a village school. She gives them a false name because she fears being
discovered by Rochester, but St. John discovers her real name and that she is
their cousin. She comes into an inheritance and shares it with all the
Riverses equally, but rejects St. John's proposal that she marry him and go to
India with him as a missionary's wife. She thinks she can hear Rochester
calling to her so she abandons the Rivers family and returns to Thornfield,
which is only a shell after being burnt by Rochester's mad wife, who died by
jumping from the roof during the blaze. There she finds Rochester, blinded
and missing a hand from the fire, but now eligible, and here the
abandonment ends. She marries him, stays loyally with him, and is rewarded
by his recovering enough of his eyesight to see their firstborn son.
This story has inlight us the life carrier of Jane since her childhood how she
got diferent ways of beeing abandoned by freinds even the death of her
parents and was evened abandoned by her fiancé. This story has the similarity with the
present in the way Mafia is sharing hiden love relationship with Prince Kay After beeing
inpregnat Mafia start looking the help from her husband unlikly Prince kay was at Europe
studying, so the Prince kay's falilly has abandoned Mafia because of her poor conditions of life.
As one Can read in the passage bellow:
Katuliba, P., (1982) in his Agony in her Voice relates the story of a young
girl of seventeen years old named Paulina kainda; who was in love
relationship atmosphere with a boy called Mbatau, within her parents view,
as far as love realities are concerned, Kainda is pregnant by Mbatau. Kainda
is chased from theirs, study is stopped. Seeing precarious situation, Mbatau
disappeared unaddressed. Then kainda's parents decide to abandon her; life
has become to difficult to her, no where of living, nothing to eat she smelled
all pain of beeing called a human, finaly decides to come back home and ask
for the pardon and restart a new life styl.
Indeed, kahinda has a pure love towads Batau whereas Batau had an other view far from
kainda's expectation; that leads Batau to abandoned kainda. In the same perceptive Prince Key
though had Princess Tyra officialy like fiancé known by both kingdoms ( lubo and wasau) but
decided to disillousen Princess Tyra by inpregnanting Mefia the poor servant of Princess Tyra
and live her in disquietude. This is the way abandonment is afected this character.
Ibrahim olukunga 2012 in his film intitaled the fifteenth of April tels the Romatic story existing
between Anita and Jack both lovers;;but jack seems to be closed to Anita because of the
wealthy that she had . A day Anita is desapointed by Jack's behavior when finding them having
sexual intercaurs with joceline her unkown reval; Jack decides to abadon Anita because of
Joceline. Leter Jack has discovered Joceline is moneyless , then killed her and soon because of
the dept that he had he was also killed . As one can read in the passage bellow:
This story tells by Ibrahim olukunga shows how Anita is victime of abandonment caused by Jack
and she is desapointed seeing what Jack has done, that story links to the present satudy in the
way that Agnes is also abandoned by her familly just After his parents death , she is looking for
the help but in vain ,unsuccesfuly she is inpragnates by unknown boy since sexe has become
her diely job, that is how Agnes is vistim of abandonment in this film.
uthoni likimani (1986) in “What does a Men want?” Describes the poor
social life of an African husband and his European wife. The two fell in love at
university in Europe and got ready to marry each other, though their parents
were against their idea. Since their love was already at high level, they
conclude their marriage. Coming back to Africa, the European wife was
desapointed by the African culture, seeing the way they live, brothers and sisters in
low could visit them any time. Others brought their children to be kept as
they wanted and the kind of food they used to give them did not please her
neither, according to her all these habits did not concord with her culture and that
is povrety, she considered hersef abandoned by her hursband by offered to her this négative
present. This story is similer to this work by the way that Agnes didn't expect the pragnancy of
twins anymore seeing her social condition life, and when her parents died she was tromatized
by life up to start a nother steet life, so these are the way abandonment is presented in this
Agnès : what have i done so that i deserve all this hardship! God, why does my ancesters earth
It is the main cause of Materialism in the way that Jack would like to have
things which is not at his level, since he has realized Anita is full of money,
then he should create all kind of lies in order to get money from him. Jack is
agues through the passage bellow to Anita
"Anita, leave me crying, even if I tell you what makes me cry, maybe
you can't help me. Actually I have a case of a hundred and fifty million
dollars (150 000 000$), but the company's case requires me to have two
million dollars in my account, before it wires the money. While you know
I’m not strong financially lately. Where am I going to find the rest of
fifteen million dollars whereas I got only five million in my count?" (Jack,
The fifteenth of April: 2012)
When watching this film, our main intention bent on the fact that, actors are
looking for their own profit (materialism) than expressing each other a
sincere affection. This issue has created many problems in actors’ life.
5.2.2 Hypocrisy
Though Nelson has given Anita money, but finally she disappointed him buy
loving Jack, that is to say, under hypocrisy that she was living, her objective
was to get money in reference of Materialism, so hypocrisy is one of the
causes of Materialism.
5.3.1 Misunderstanding
Nelson: I'm sorry to let you know that the lady didn't
".... I assure you if I had pretended to love Anita it was because of her
money, and now because of you I 've lost her with all her money, it's
better that l kill you instead of your presence confusing me once
again when I see you." ((Ibrahim olukunga: 2012).
5.3.3 Unfaithfulness
5.3.4 Separation
«Jack what you have done toward me, I insured you, you will regret much in
your life» (Ibrahim olukunga: 2012).
5.3.5 Disillusionment
This love by profit dealt by acters in this film, has cost their lives in the
way that, Anita after getting money from Nelson, decided to come back at
Jack. Unlikely she will be disillusioned by Jack once she has found Jack with
another girlfriend, finally she died under a great anxiety
5.4 Findings
In fact, after having carried up investigation, we discovered that the author
has focused on both themes of Materialism and Disillusionment, mainly its
causes and consequences. The main causes of materialism discovered in the
move is covetousness and hypocrisy and as consequences of materialism,
the investigation through different techniques has shown misunderstanding,
unfaithfulness, disillusionment and murder as the result of materialism in this
film. In general, the researcher discovered that Materialism and
Disillusionment affect the main Actor's life, Anita who, after being refueled
by Nelson's wealth, was not any more sharing the same love affection
toward Nelson. She started frequenting Jack, and this issue has created
misunderstanding between Anita and Nelson at the level of their firewall, as
consequence of Materialism. When Anita has found Jack having sexual act
with Jocelyne, she was disillusioned as well as she disillusioned Nelson. And
Once, Jack realized impossibility of Jocelyne to help him financially, he
decided to kill her. Likely, the same situation is actually spread in many
societies, whereby love affection has become powerless, because of material
aspect coming from envy of people. They need to have possession which is
not at their level, and once, they spent their wealth and discover that the
partner has got his or her own view than what they understood. This leads
them in a great disillusionment even in murder.
The present work is the fruit of the research on the themes of Materialism
and Disillusionment in The Fifteenth of April, realized by Ibrahim Olukunga
from Burkinafaso. The work is oriented in African literature. Since it is a film
produced by African Actors and from Africa continuant.
In fact, the work aims at general to present the causes and consequences of
Materialism and Disillusionment depicted in The Fifteenth of April, and the
appropriate remedies of avoiding them in our usual social life. Furthermore,
it specifies to help readers and future researcher to have a critical view on
this work of art. Showing them, how materialism and Disillusionment are the
fact of division in many foyers.
The present work is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is general
introduction to the study, the second chapter presents Review of literature,
the third chapter focuses on research methodology, the fourth chapter is
based on analysis of movie " The Fifteenth of April", the fifth one deals with
analyses of Materialism and Disillusionment in "The fifteenth of April" and
finally a conclusion puts an end to this scientific work.
So, to reach the objective of this work, we used desk work method which
consisted of reading books from different libraries. This is was done through
different data collection techniques such as: Browsing Technique, Skimming
and scanning technique, close Reading Technique, Description Technique,
Thematic Network Technique and Data Analysis Technique.