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Mid-Semester Examination
October 2021
Marks: 50 Date: 05-10-
Register No: 2030763
Semester/Program: 3EPS
Answer any Two of the Following Questions in 350 – 400 Words: (2 x 15 = 30
1. Jill Fish belongs to a tribal community, Tuscarora. Their land is actually occupied
by the European setters by denying the rights of indigenous people, even the right
to exist in their own land which has the genealogical relationship. These ways of
possessing the lands of tribes there will be evident changes in the native societal
laws and structures. The trauma of indigenous people has trickle down to
centuries and to generations. Since Jill Fish had come from the reservation, in the
school, which has the white dominance she was actually discriminated by her
peers. She actually alienated and isolated from the peers and because of the mental
trauma she had started to hate herself and feels unwanted. These feelings had
spurred her to end up her life. She mentioned about two incidents: one is, many of
her friend’s parents had restricted their children to accompany or hangout with
her. The second is: during her birthday party, the school administration had called
the parents by saying that police had come there for investigating your daughter in
related to the drugs. In the lesson, mother tongue, Mrs. Tan was humiliated for her
cultural attachment in her language, her English was called as the “broken or
fractured English”. Since she is an immigrant, she faces linguistic conflict, leading
to the social issues. As majority of them speak perfect English, she is considered
for possessing the deviant behavior, far away from accepted English. Similarly,
Jill was also kept herself far from the social discussions. Language is one aspect
of culture which shows the cultural and regional identity of a person. In the lesson,
Black Women, the enslavement of African women by transporting them from one
place to another place. These African black women face the marginalization and
intersectionality, that is these black women were suppressed by gender, race and
their status. The protagonist was far away from her cultural identity not only to
survive but also to ‘exist’. These three stories have one main thing in common that
is the ‘colonial impact on their culture and history’ and these colonialists are being
the dominant power who could change the social laws according for their sake .
The sad reality is that the oldest cultures and languages are conquered and rooted
up and made extinct by the youngest cultures.

2. Ecological system model which is model of human development, which actually

look into the culture and the history into consideration. Its main emphasis is on the
individual and their social interaction in the environment and analyzing how it
impact the development of the individuals. At first the development model is
arranged in the format of individuals at the core, the microsystem, in which the
individuals directly involved in, then the mesosystem, in which the interaction
between two environments, then the exosystem, in which interaction between the
environments but have a indirect impact on the individuals, macrosystem, which
focus on the norms, trends and ideologies existing in the society. Then final layer
was added recently that is chrono system, which focus on the historical aspects
and which is also a three dimensional system. Since this model never showed the
Native American’s experience, she rearranged the model by moving the chrono
system to the core and moving the macro system to the inside of the model. Now
it is actually connecting the culture and the history and help us to look beyond the
individuals. In the lesson, Black Women, the micro system of the enslaved woman
will be her journey through the sea, other enslaved women like her. The
mesosystem will be her interaction and hardships by the white masters. The
exosysytem will be her birth to a child – an indirect effect. The macrosystem is
her African culture, languages are still instilled in her memories. The
chronosystem is the historical significance of the African nation was portrayed. In
the lesson, mother tongue, the microsystem is Mrs. Tan’s family and the society.
The mesosystem is that stockbroker or the doctor called her daughter to convey
the message because of her mother’s broken English. The exosystem is that
because of her mom’s fractured English has actually limited her (daughter)
possibilities, hardships in writing grammar tests, she felt humiliated. The
macrosystem will her Chinese cultural impact on the language, culture, ideologies
of the immigrated nation. The chronosystem reflects the Chinese historical aspect.
Section – B
Answer any Two of the Following Questions in 200 – 250 Words (2 x 10 = 20
4.) The context in which waking up the rake said by the Linda Hogan is that
waking up the rake means healing the injured birds that are fallen and leave them
again into the nature and they were not caged. Now in the Native Americans’
point of view it can be analyzed as the giving up the land, their culture, to those
indigenous people and letting free into their land of historical as well as the
genealogical significance. The settler societies should have met the needs of the
indigenous people rather than turning those into extinct by replacing the settler’s
culture , which is the majority. Let them enjoy the geographical ancestral land
rather being caged in reservations. One of the philosophical insights that she
mentioned about relation between work and cyclic nature of life through the
phrase ‘work is our altar’. It actually says the sacrosanct and sanctity that is
existed in the work and the work that she did (which is cleaning the carcasses,
wounds) is not spur by any kind of personal interest but she is actually committed
and loving the job what she is doing. She was spiritually connected to the work by
developing the patience, unconditional dedication, calmness, satisfaction in the
work what she is doing. Spirituality is a slow process that requires lot of scarifies,
and is monotonous activity which is similar to the work what she did. These
characteristics that she gained through doing the work was already instill in
herself by her grandmother’s past which is still alive in her, also her future is
visible through the grandma’s present. Shows the intertwining of new with the
old. The relation between the humans (female- gender specific) and the nature is
that female and the nature mother are the machine of reproduction, gives
unconditional love.
6.) The poem Summer Storm is written by the Silvia Curbelo. The title is
considered as the paradox for its contradictory terms, in the literal sense there will
be no storm in the summer. It shows how both the customer, (the man) and the
servant,( the lady) were been at the different world. The man is in his own world,
taking control of his own time and he never wanted to fulfil others expectations
towards him or he does not to follow the most accepted way of behaving to the
stranger (like greeting or smiling) which were constructed by the society as a
whole. He is ok for being deviant. But the lady here is trying to construct a
relationship, she is portraying herself to be very happy, caring in front of
customers and trying to be good. Here the both the characters are contradictory
from one another. Thus, the title was justified. The music spreads a melancholic,
sad mood in the café. Usually music has the tendency to change our minds by
stimulating and energizing our cells. Since this music in the poem spreads heart
break, sad mood, the man might got drowned into his own world without being
mindful of drinking coffee and responding to the lady. The nature is actually
normal in his world. But in reality there was thunderstorm, even those loud
thunder storms had not grabbed him back to the reality. He was entangled to his
imaginary world where he finds his pure version and now he even got the time
into his hands. Both the nature and the music is dark and sad.

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