Data Warehousing and Data Mining June July 2022
Data Warehousing and Data Mining June July 2022
Data Warehousing and Data Mining June July 2022
1. a) Explain data warehouse architecture and models. [8M]
b) Explain the role of concept hierarchies. [7M]
2. a) Illustrate OLAP operations. [8M]
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Code No: R1931051 R19 SET - 1
b) A database has five transactions. Find all frequent item sets [7M]
using Apriori algorithm with minimum support of 20% and
minimum confidence of 80%
Transaction ID Items
100 Bread, Cheese, Eggs, Juice
200 Bread, Cheese, Juice
300 Bread, Milk, Yogurt
400 Bread, Juice, Milk
500 Cheese, Juice, Milk
6. a) Explain how to mine multilevel association rules. [8M]
b) Explain pattern evaluation measures. [7M]
7. a) Explain how to train a neural network using back propagation [8M]
b) Explain attribute selection measures with examples. [7M]
8. a) Illustrate Naïve Bayesian classification. [8M]
b) Elaborate on various measures that are appropriate to evaluate [7M]
the performance of a classification model.
9. a) Summarize basic clustering methods. [8M]
b) Explain how to cluster high dimensional database. [7M]
10. a) Illustrate k-means clustering algorithm. [8M]
b) Distinguish Agglomerative hierarchical clustering from divisive [7M]
hierarchical clustering.
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