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Renewables Academy Online

Applying Renewable Energy

Renewables Academy Online

Applying Renewable Energy
Online training on Photovoltaics, Wind power, Biogas, Solar thermal,
Small hydro power, Concentrated Solar Power, PV-diesel hybrid systems

Renewables Academy Online
Applying Renewable Energy

RENAC Online...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
What is the “Applying Renewable Energy”?........................................................................................................................ 5
Course combinations........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Why choose RENAC Online?................................................................................................................................................ 8
Schedule ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10
live lectures (webinars)..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Registration and discounts ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Learning objectives and content....................................................................................................................................... 12 Renewables Academy Online
Applying Renewable Energy

Online training on Photovoltaics, Wind power, Biogas, Solar thermal, Small hydro
power, Concentrated Solar Power, PV-diesel hybrid systems

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Renewables Academy Online
Applying Renewable Energy

RENAC Online What is “Applying Renewable Energy”?

Applying Renewable Energy provi- This training suits you if you:
des fundamental knowledge on the  Need an overview of RE techno-
most widely used renewable energy logies for private or professional
technologies. No previous knowledge purposes PV Solar thermal CSP
of electricity or renewable energy is
 Would like to refresh technical
knowledge before further training
 Want to make the first step to-
Introductory courses PV Diesel Biogas Wind
wards implementing RE projects
Each participant will have access to
RENAC Online helps you: RENAC Online offers extensive RENAC Online staff are: short introductory courses on energy
and electricity topics to learn or revi- After the online training,
support & interactive learning: Small hydro Grid Finance
se the basics. These courses are not participants will be able to:
 Boost your professional career  Videos  Certified e-learning trainers mandatory, and will not be covered  assess resources and suitability of
 Study with flexibility following  Graphics  Experienced professionals in the exam. sites for each technology
your own schedule Renewable energy
 Exercises for self-evaluation  In direct contact with the  decide which components are to
Courses technologies covered by
 Learn at any time and from any  Discussion forum industry be used for which purpose (e.g.
Applying Renewable Energy
location Each “Applying Renewable Energy” off-grid)
 Live lectures (webinars)
online training comprises a combi-  roughly calculate system size and Optional courses on grid integ-
nation of 3, 4 or 7 courses on the energy yield and determine crucial ration and financial aspects of

ELM Certified European e-Learning Manager
most widely used renewable energy
Optional courses on grid integration
 explain the principle functioning
and physics of each technology
renewable energy

and financial aspects of renewable

energy are available to all partici-
pants (not part of the exam/certifi-

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Renewables Academy Online
Applying Renewable Energy

Course combinations

Participants can choose between five different online trainings, which each present a selection of renewable energy

Market Leaders (3 courses) Large-Scale Systems (3 courses) Solar Technologies (4 courses) Small-Scale Systems (4 courses) Complete Overview (7 courses)
This training introduces the techno- This training focuses on large-scale This training presents different solar You will study small-scale systems This training covers all seven techno-
logies with the biggest shares in the grid connected renewable energy technologies used for hot water pro- used for the provision of hot water logies and helps to understand the
renewable energy world markets: systems for electricity production: vision or electricity production. or electricity in households: big picture of renewable energy:

PV Solar thermal CSP PV Solar thermal CSP PV Solar thermal CSP

PV Solar thermal CSP PV Solar thermal CSP Two course intakes per year:
1st April and 1st October!

PV Diesel Biogas Wind PV Diesel Biogas Wind

PV Diesel Biogas Wind PV Diesel Biogas Wind PV Diesel Biogas Wind

Small hydro Grid Finance Small hydro Grid Finance

Small hydro Grid Finance Small hydro Grid Finance Small hydro Grid Finance

Technologies: PV, ST, Biogas, Hydro Technologies: PV, ST, CSP, PV-diesel,
Technologies: PV, Biogas, Wind Technologies: PV, CSP, Wind Technologies: PV, ST, CSP, PV-diesel Biogas, Wind, Small hydro,
Fee: 460 Euro Fee: 460 Euro Fee: 570 Euro Fee: 560 Euro Fee: 760 Euro
Duration: approx. 2 – 3 months Duration: approx. 2 – 3 months Duration: approx. 3 – 4 months Duration: approx. 3 – 4 months Duration: approx. 5 – 6 months
Study time: approx. 60 hours Study time: approx. 60 hours Study time: approx. 80 hours Study time: approx. 80 hours Study time: approx. 100 hours

Technologies covered in the online Optional courses on grid integ- Course is not offered in this
training ration and financial aspects of training
renewable energy

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Renewables Academy Online
Applying Renewable Energy

Why choose RENAC Online?

Self-study material Extensive support

1 Text and Images 2 Videos 3 Tests 1 Forum 2 Assignment 3 Live lectures

Courses are structured in small, illus- Video lectures explain some of the Many self-assessment tests within Support and communication take After studying each course, Participants should attend the
trated units of instruction; learners most important topics in a visual and each course help participants to test place in a discussion forum. RENAC participants are asked to answer live lectures (webinars). These are
are guided through the material entertaining way. their knowledge. monitors the forum constantly. RE- an assignment question. RENAC conducted by renewable energy
step-by-step. NAC experts are ready to give assis- gives individual feedback for these experts. During and after the
tance and discuss the course topics. assignments. presentation, participants are invited
to discuss in the live chat.

Features Webinar in English

Live lectures (webinars) for the
whole class and exams are held in
Interactive English language only.
learning Multilanguage
platform platform
Webinar in Spanish (upon request):
 Course texts and self-tests in
Forum for  Videos with Spanish subtitles
Self-testing / participants  Support by a Spanish-speaking
online exams tutor

Live Integrated All participants who score above 70%

lectures glossary in the final online exam will receive a
printed RENAC certificate. All others
will receive a certificate of atten-
dance per e-mail.

Stream /
download videos questionaires

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Renewables Academy Online
Applying Renewable Energy

Schedule Registration and discounts

The courses will be online: Assignments: Scheduled exam dates: Registration: Discount: Technical information
Spring and fall semester each year The courses are designed for a Participants can take the exam after You can register online at: Early bird 10%; group (2 or more) You need to provide an
Start date: 1 April / 1 October continuous participation from the 4, 5 or 6 months 5%; combination of both 15%; e-mail address, which
beginning of the semester until the trainings/renac-online/ Alumni 10% you check regularly. Furthermore
Recommended study time: exam. There is an assignment for you need a computer with a
Deadlines: Payment:
5 – 10 hours per week each course, which counts towards stable internet connection (at
approx. 20 hours per course the final grade. Participants are Early bird deadline: 20 August / 20 VISA, MasterCard, American Express, least 2 Mbit/s). For webinars, the
asked to write a short statement February invoice AdobeConnect add-in or app should
Resulting duration: regarding an important topic of each Registration deadline: 31 March / 30 be installed, and a headset or
3 to 5 weeks per course, 3 to 6 course. Assignments need to be September speakers are required to listen to the
months for the entire training depen- handed in by the deadlines. presentation.
ding on the number of courses.

Spring semester / fall semester

Live lectures (webinara)
April / Oct May / Nov June / Dec July / Jan Aug / Feb Sept / March
Two live lectures (webinars) are part of the online training. These live events are not mandatory, but participation is strongly
Market leaders Intro PV Wind Biogas
Webinar 1 Webinar 2
Large scale systems Intro PV Wind CSP
Introduction to RENAC Online Energy yield of renewables

Smal scale systems Intro PV Hydro Biogas ST First week of the semester Middle of the semester
(1 hour) (1 hour)
Solar technologies Intro PV PV-diesel CSP ST

Complete overview Intro PV PV-diesel Wind Hydro CSP Biogas ST Demo course and introduction

Virtual training Webinar Webinar For a first impression of our online platform, have a look at our demo course:
An introduction to the RENAC online platform:

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Renewables Academy Online
Applying Renewable Energy

Learning objectives and content of the courses

Introduction to energy Introduction to solar resource

After completion of this course, participants will be able to: After completion of this course, participants will be able to:
 Describe the global situation of energy supply and demand  Describe the variability of the solar resource around the world and influencing factors
 Differentiate forms of energy as well as energy and power  Explain the difference between irradiation and irradiance and explain components of solar radiation
 Name fundamental parameters, units and conversion factors related to energy topics  Define important solar terms and the position of the sun in the sky
 Discover the importance of orientation and tilt of a solar array for optimising energy yield
Development of the energy market Content
 Energy supply and demand, fossil fuels Introduction
 Renewable energy resources  What is solar energy used for?
 Outlook of energy supply
Physical basics of solar energy
Physical basics
 What is the difference between solar irradiation and irradiance?
 Energy supply chain
 What is solar irradiance physically: waves or particles?
 Forms of energy, energy and power
 How is solar irradiance composed?
 Performance indicators for energy conversion
 Capacity factor and full load hours
Sun positioning
 How does the sun position affect solar irradiance?
Units and conversions
 Introduction
 International System of Units
 Energy content of different fuels
Introduction to electric grids
After completion of this course, participants will be able to:
 Explain the basic technological terms and principles governing the operation of electrical power systems
Introduction to electricity  Explain the importance of frequency and voltage stability for electric grid operation
 Describe the parameters that affect frequency and voltage stability in electric power grids
After completion of this course, participants will be able to:
 Distinguish impacts that conventional power plants and RE power plants have on the operation of a power grid
 Describe the basic technological terms and principles governing the operation of electrical power systems
 Give reasons for keeping grid frequency stable Content
 Explain why power systems are typically built as three-phase AC systems Structure of electricity grids
 Distinguish between electric energy and electric power  Basic elements of the grid
 AC vs. DC transmission system
 Voltage in the grid
Basics of electricity  Conventional power plants
 Current, voltage, resistance, frequency  A new paradigm
 Balance and imbalance in the grid, reasons for keeping grid frequency stability
Secure operation of electricity grids
 Peak voltage and phase angle, different phase angles  Quality of energy supply, security of energy supply
 Three phase systems  Frequency range
 Active, reactive and apparent power  Operating states of the power system, frequency deviation and frequency control
 Relationship between voltage, current and power, power factors  Voltage stability, voltage profiles on lines
 DSO in Germany

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Renewables Academy Online
Applying Renewable Energy

PV − application PV-diesel hybrid systems

After completion of this course, participants will be able to: After completion of this course, participants will be able to: + –

 Name the different applications for PV systems and corresponding categories  Estimate the potential and suitable locations for PV-diesel hybrid systems
 Decide which system types and components are to be used for which purpose  Decide which components are to be used for which purpose
 Explain the basic parameters impacting power output of a PV system  Explain the basic parameters for system sizing and dynamic system behaviour
 Paraphrase the economic aspects of PV systems incl. energy yield, metering options and costs  Evaluate PV-diesel hybrid systems from an economic perspective

Content Content
Application Introduction
 PV system categories/application  Access to electricity, micro and hybrid power systems, grid extension costs
 Grid-connected and off-grid configuration  Categories of PV-diesel hybrid systems
Components of a PV system System components
 Overview of PV cell types, PV modules  Structure of small hybrid power systems
 Introduction to inverters and mounting structures  Diesel generators, balance of system, SMA Fuel Save Controller Components

Physical aspects System sizing

 PV cell energy output  Load profile, peak load, penetration rate, energy share

 Electrical characteristics and the I-V curve  Generator minimum loading

 Factors affecting power output Dynamic system behavior

Energy yield and Performance Ratio  Behaviour on a sample day, different set-ups

 Definition, calculation and examples  Adding storage, energy efficiency and demand side management

 Economics of PV systems Economic evaluation

 Lifetime of components, cost structure of hybrid systems
 Levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) from pure diesel generator systems and hybrid systems
 Mini-grid vs. single household system

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Renewables Academy Online
Applying Renewable Energy

Wind power − application Small hydro power

After completion of this course, participants will be able to: After completion of this course, participants will be able to:
 Assess the potential and requirements for wind energy (e.g. resources, site selection)  Distinguish different types of hydropower plants and their main components
 Decide which of the most widely used system types and components are to be used for which purpose  Calculate the power from a flow of water and describe different methods of measuring flow rate and head
 Employ the basic parameters for system sizing and roughly calculate the energy yield  Explain the civil and electro-mechanical engineering system design
 Sketch the planning and implementation steps for a wind power plant  Present specific costs as well as a cost breakdown of a sample scheme

Content Content
Wind power applications Introduction
 Large-scale wind turbines  Large-scale hydroelectric power plants, pumped storage hydro, mode of operation, fields of application and cost
 Small-scale wind turbines  Run-of-river hydro, power from water – flow and head
 Offshore wind turbines Resource assessment
Introduction of wind turbine components  Head measurement and flow duration curve, energy yield assessment
 Range of designs Civil engineering components
 Towers  Intake (arrangement, screens), power canal and forebay tank (power canal, forebay tank)
 Nacelle  Penstock pipe, powerhouse, tailraces
 Rotor blades
Electro-mechanical equipment
 Generators
 Hydro turbines (impulse turbines, reaction turbines, turbine selection)
 Wind turbine power curves
 Generators (synchronous, asynchronous, permanent magnet generator
Economical aspects Costs
 Investment costs (CAPEX)  Capital and operating costs
 Operational costs (OPEX)
 Levelized cost of energy (LCOE)
Environmental aspects of wind power Concentrated solar power
 Noise After completion of this course, participants will be able to:
 Shadow  Explain the functioning and global potential of concentrated solar power (CSP) plants
 Landscape and nature  Distinguish the different CSP technologies including their functionality, current state of the technology
 Describe various components of CSP plants
 Present CSP costs and cost trends

 CSP plant site selection and country situation

CSP Technologies
 Introduction to the different CSP technologies
 Parabolic trough collectors, solar tower, Linear Fresnel, dish

Other components of CSP plants

 Heat transfer fluids, thermal storage
 Power block; cooling of CSP plants

Comparison of CSP technologies

 Annual energy yield and system efficiency
 Capacity factor, water requirements
 Cost of CSP

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Renewables Academy Online
Applying Renewable Energy

Biogas − application Solar thermal

After completion of this course, participants will be able to: After completion of this course, participants will be able to:
 Assess the potential of bioenergy and define basic terms of bioenergy  Present the relevance of solar thermal in the energy mix and its basic economics
 Classify the most frequent biogas system types, their components and purpose  Explain how solar thermal systems and their system components work
 Illustrate the basic functioning and biological processes of a biogas plant  Differentiate types of solar thermal systems and solar thermal collectors
 Explain the different outputs of a biogas plant and their use  Describe basics of system sizing, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenances

Content Content

Applications Fundamentals of solar thermal energy

 What is biogas?  Relevance of solar thermal
 Benefits of biogas; role of bio energy in the energy mix  What types of energy do we need?
 Classification of biogas systems  Solar energy is everywhere
 Household digesters  Types of renewable energy derived from the sun
 Covered lagoon systems, industrial plants How solar thermal works
Principles of biogas production  How solar radiation is absorbed by the solar thermal collector
 Production of biogas through anaerobic digestion  Solar thermal applications
 Substrates Solar thermal collectors
 Methane yield of the substrate  Absorber; flat plate collector, evacuated tube collectors
 Quality of the substrate  Efficiency of solar collectors
 Parameters for the anaerobic digestion process Solar thermal types
Output of biogas plants  Thermosiphon (or gravity flow) systems and forced circulation systems

 Direct combustion of biogas  Open and closed systems

 Combined heat and power (CHP) generation  Direct and in direct systems

 Digestate Solar thermal system components

 Storage and conditioning of biogas  Storage tanks; pumps and controllers
 Other system components
Economic and environmental aspects
 Investment and CAPEX Practical considerations and economics
 Operational expenditures  Basic system design

 Environmental evaluation  Installation, commissioning , operation and maintenance

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Renewables Academy Online
Applying Renewable Energy

Introduction to renewable energy projects

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:
 Illustrate the steps and tasks of a project life-cycle of RE projects
 Compare different public and private perspectives onto RE projects
 Assess project attractiveness with standard methods

Renewable energy projects
 General characteristics of a project
 The project realization cycle
 The average lifetime of RE projects
 End of life considerations
 Typical players in RE projects
Financial aspects of RE projects
 ‘Investment’ and ‘Investment appraisal’, investment decision
 Assessing an investment’s attractiveness
 Financial management tasks
 Cost structure of RE projects
Non-financial aspects of RE projects
 Public and private investment appraisal, public support mechanisms
 Externalities of RE projects
 Translating external, non-monetary effects

Raquel Cascales
Project Director E-Learning
Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG
Schönhauser Allee 10-11
10119 Berlin (Germany)
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 46

Content and Layout:
Renewables Academy (RENAC)
Heidi Scherm Fotografie Berlin: page 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Fotolia: page 4, 14, 16, 20
RENAC: page 5, 7, 8, 12, 18, 19
Pixabay: 9

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Renewables Academy Online

Raquel Cascales
Project Director E-Learning
Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG
Schönhauser Allee 10-11
10119 Berlin (Germany)
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 46 | 22

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