Holidays homework Business Studies class 12
Holidays homework Business Studies class 12
Holidays homework Business Studies class 12
Provide detailed answers for each short answer question and case study
Q1.Define management
Q2.Explain the concept of management and its importance in achieving organizational goals.
Q3.What are the primary functions of management?Describe the main functions performed by
managers to ensure the efficient and effective operation of an organization.
Q4.Why is management considered both an art and a science?Discuss how management combines
scientific principles with personal skills and creativity.
Q5.What are the levels of management?Identify and explain the different levels of management and
the roles and responsibilities associated with each level.
Case Studies
Q6 ABC Ltd. Set a goal to increase its market share by 15% within one year. The management team is
divided on how to achieve this target.Discuss the role of different levels of management in
implementing this plan.
Q7. A retail company, PQR Stores, is experiencing issues between its purchasing, inventory, and sales
departments, leading to stockouts and overstock situation. Which concept of management should be
used to resolve chaos among these departments? Which importance of coordination is highlighted
Q8. XYZ Ltd. Is a management oriented company. Time and again all the employees learn from their
seniors various ways of dealing with diverse situations. They are provided training whenever required.
They are also given incentives both financial as well as non financial. The result is employees see their
development in the organisation. The organisation tries to behave as a responsible constituent of
society and ahvays creates good quality products. It has a very good image in the market. The training
modules are superb and the employees always try to find unique ways of providing solutions in the
context of rapidly changing business environment. This has helped the organisation to adjust
frequently in a very good manner.Which importance of management is highlighted here? Also identify
the lines.
Q9. Gold Land Pvt. Ltd. Is a wheat producing company. Daily 5000 bags of wheat weighing 10 kg each
are produced here. In comparison to the previous year this ere has been less number of bags
produced on a per day basis. The number is around 4500 which is less than the target of 5000 set by
the company. The company however has been able to reduce the costs involved in comparison to last
year’s spending on the production and packaging of each bag. The quality of bags has also been up to
the mark.
Q10. Clean Sanity ware is a big company. Managing many employees at the same moment is a
challenge which this company always faces. Since the company has many departments it is necessary
for the company to ensure unity of action among various departments. The various departments are
human resources, marketing, finance, operations and sales. The employees are always concerned
about the company and are a useful resource to their organisation. Though they have diverse
interests and have to perform different activities the management ensures that the efforts of the
employees should be given a focus so as to achieve the organisation goals. The different departments
have their own interests but due to proper coordination the conflicts of interest in the departments is
minimized to a nil. When it comes to the employees the organisation shows its concern. The career of
employees is shown a developmental path through proper training modules and job enrichment.
Rajeev is a manager who takes care of all the duties and responsibilities to be assigned to his
employees in the department. He uses all sources to develop a proper communication with them and
leaves no attempt to motivate them. This year the company has decided to give the best manager
award to Rajeev for his contribution to the organisation.Which characteristics of coordination have
been highlighted in the above case? Which type of objective is fulfilled here? At which level of
management does Rajeev work? Which function of management does he perform here? Also identify
the lines in each case.
Q3. How can the principle of Discipline be enforced to improve the team’s adherence to policies and
Q4.In a large organization, two department heads need to communicate directly for urgent matters
but find the process cumbersome due to the rigid hierarchy.Which principle can be applied to improve
communication in this situation?
Q5. A company is facing low employee morale and high turnover rate . Which principle can be
implemented to improve employee morale and retention?
Q7. Puneet Constructions Ltd’. Had never given any importance to the suggestions of its Employees.
All the employees in the company considers themselves superior than the other. They Neither help
anybody nor get help from anybody. Last year, Mr.Shivam was appointed as Chief Manager of the
company. He was an MBA from IMM Ahmedabad and also seven-year experience of the same post.
Immediately after taking charge he decided to deal with both the problems of the company. He
convened a meeting of all the employees and said, “All the employees are free to give their
suggestions. Besides, the one who gives the best suggestion will be awarded a prize. In addition, he
advised them to discard ego and extend help in each other’s work. We will have to give it the shape of
a movement. Those who participate in this movement will be promoted at the Earliest.” Shivam
proved to be a good leader.
Identify and explain the principles of management by quoting the lines from the above paragraph.
Q8. New Delhi Ltd.’ Is a famous services providing company. Mr.Aman Malhotra is its Managing
Director. He continuously motivates his Research and Development department that new and Latest
methods of doing work be explored. The provisions has also been made to give reward to Those
employees who will participate in a particular exploration. He also believes that two groups working
on managerial and non-managerial posts are similar to two wheels of an organisational vehicle. If this
vehicle (organisation) is to be driven in a right way then both the wheels should be property aligned.
Mr.Aman is a successful leader. Among his employees, he has instilled the feeling that no decision will
be taken without consulting the subordinates. To excel in this field, is The main motive of
Mr.Amanand he paid lot of attention to training of employees .Identify the principles of scientific
management discussed above by quoting the lines.
Q9. The plant superintendent of a company is very sad. When he was on leave he was expecting his
subordinates to take the remaining work to the finish. However he finds a new way of dealing with
this problem. He develops a system of suggestion building from the side of workers. For this a
suggestion/complain box is to be kept where the workers can drop their advice and hence take steps
from their side.Which principle of management has been implemented here off late by the plant
Q5. What is the importance of understanding the business environment for the firm.
Q6. ABC Manufacturing, a company producing traditional light bulbs, faces declining sales due to the
introduction of energy-efficient LED bulbs. The company must decide whether to invest in new
technology to produce LED bulbs or to continue with its current production. What external
environmental factor is primarily influencing ABC Manufacturing’s decision?
How can technological advancements create opportunities and threats for businesses?
Q7.XYZ Corp, a consumer electronics company, plans to expand its market. However, due to a recent
economic recession, consumer spending has significantly decreased. XYZ Corp must adjust its
strategies to cope with the changing environment. Which dimension of business environment is
highlighted here.
1.With the election of a new government the sensex drops by 748 points.
2.A particular channel refrains from showing the advertisement of a particular product as it is banned
by the government.
3. A software is in high demand among the industrial buyers as it can connect all the branches of a
company as a single integrated unit.
4. At the time of holi a large number of manufacturing firms get involved in making colours which are
used in the celebration of this colourful festival.
5. It is not advisable to open a luxury car showroom in the middle of an economy where per capita
income is very low.
Q9. Arman Ltd. Decided to start its new venture in Delhi. For this they needed to understand the
Business Environment of the area. It was realised by the
Company that the Business Environment of Delhi was very hard to understand unless and until it was
divided into different business dimensions like legal, political, economic, social and technological
conditions. After understanding the business situations the company started to study the close links
between different elements of the Business Environment. They gave a proper shape to their research
and the business got started with full force. Later they realised that the products they were selling in
Delhi were more fit for the European culture and decided to start a new branch in Belgium where the
demand of their products was very high from the first day. The company came to be recognized and in
few years became a global brand. The reason for its success in different countries was the
adaptability’ it showed in meeting the changing environment. The company kept track of all
happenings and did a periodic survey of the choices of the customers. It recognized that there was no
surety in the nature of market and it was very unpredictable.
Which features of Business Environment have been highlighted in the above case? Identify the lines
which highlight these features.
Q10.A company is a component of market. It utilises various raw materials, labour force, human
resources, power, water, other sources, etc. When all these resources are utilized output is produced.
But before output is produced the input has to go through various operations. These operations
convert the raw materials into final products which are then sold in the market.