Task and Responsibilities of The Manager
Task and Responsibilities of The Manager
Task and Responsibilities of The Manager
“A manager is not a person who can do the work better than his team, he is a person who can
get his team to do the work better than he can.” A good manager can truly define the success
of his employees and the company as a whole. Let us take a look at the roles and
responsibilities of professional managers.
A professional manager is an invaluable asset to the firm. His primary job is directing
employees and coordinating various activities of the firm. For this, he needs exception
communication, technical, conceptual and human skills. Let us take a look at the various
tasks a manager performs using these skills.
1. Envisioning Goals
The first and most important task of any manager is providing a direction to the organization.
This entails mapping out their visions and missions.
This is one task the manager must not delegate, but perform himself. Defining the company’s
objectives helps unify the employees and gets them working towards a common goal.
2. Managing Growth
One of the main roles and responsibilities of the manager is to manage the growth and ensure
the survival of the firm. There are both internal and external factors that are a threat to this
growth and survival of the firm.
Internal factors (such as choosing the right technology, hiring the correct people etc) are
mostly in the firm’s control. External factors (government policy, economic conditions) pose
a concern the manager must deal with.
The manager has many roles and responsibilities regarding the efficiency of the firm. Firstly
he must ensure that the firm is efficient, i.e. resources are not being wasted. And then this
efficiency has to be effectively maintained.
4. Innovation
It is the task of the manager to be innovative in his job. He must find new and creative
solutions to the problems faced by the firm. Innovation not only means having new ideas but
also cultivating and implementing them. This is one of the on-going jobs of a professional
A manager has to plan and prepare for the competition in the market. He must never be
caught unaware, he must prepare for new and/or increased competition.
6. Leadership
The quality of the leadership usually dictates the future of a firm. Hence the manager must
also be a good leader. He should be able to inspire and motivate people to work towards the
goals of the company.
A leader leads from the front, and the manager must also possess exceptional qualities and
work ethic that his team members can learn from.
7. Change Management
In any company or organization, change is a given. The manager has to be the agent of
change in such cases. It is his roles and responsibilities to ensure the process of change is
smooth and uneventful for the company.
This is a problem that all managers of today’s era are facing. There are so many choices
available in the market for various IT processes.
It is a challenge to use the best and most suitable technology for your organization. So this
entails choosing the correct software, communication system, network system etc.
Ans: This statement is False. The roles and responsibilities of the manager are towards the
employees, the customers, the shareholders, the suppliers, the retailer, the creditors, the
government and even the society.
Nature of Management and its Process
Managerial Roles
Management Skills
Objectives of Management
1. Economic objectives
Every business organization is established with a motive to sell or make goods and services
to earn a substantial profit. Hence, it is easy for the organization to face the uncertainties in a
business cycle. It includes a change in demand pattern, fluctuation in money markets,
changing the outlook of customers, etc.
For an organization to earn profits, it has to produce goods by optimal utilization of resources
like men, money, material, and machinery. All these resources can lead to an increase in
efficiency and getting higher productivity with minimum effort. Moreover, the goods so
produced are sold in the market.
In this current era, technology plays an important role in determining the position of the
organization. Hence, it becomes extremely important for the concerns to upgrade their
technologies. Moreover, through this, they would be able to get additional benefits of cost
reduction also.
2. Human Objectives
Though the basic objective of earning profit could be possible only when the employees are
hard working. It is because they help in increasing the profit of the firm. So, the management
should work towards the employ’s welfare by providing all relevant benefits.
All the organizations should provide goods to consumers at a reasonable price. The needs and
perceptions of the customers should be important as the business is meant for consumers.
Hence, their satisfaction should be the major objective of the business.
As the organization grows in size it is difficult to finance the working of the organization
individually. Hence, these organizations have shareholders who invest money in companies.
So, for this, the management should give a reasonable return on the money which the
shareholders invest.
3. Social objectives
Business organizations should maintain an adequate supply of products to fulfill the needs of
society. The firm should study the demand of the market. And according to that, they should
decide the production and supply of goods.
One of the basic responsibilities of the organization is to supply quality goods and services to
customers at fair and adequate prices.
Every organization can serve society by creating a large number of job opportunities. The
business expansion helps the firm in getting more profits. Moreover, it provides employment
to the unemployed.
(e) Natural resources
Efforts should be made by the businessmen to use the resources in the most productive and
optimum way. Wastage of any such resource is a loss to the organization and to the society.
1. Reduces Costs – It gets maximum output through least input by proper planning.
Moreover, management uses physical, human and financial resources in such a way which
results in the best combination. Hence, one of the importance of management is that it helps
in cost reduction.
Managerial Roles
A lot of studies have gone behind describing the behavior of a manager in an organization.
Traditionally, most employees believed that a manager was certainly someone who sat
comfortably in his office thinking and planning and giving instructions to employees.
However, over time a manager’s behavior was divided into functions and managerial roles. In
this article, we will look at the various managerial roles that managers perform over the
course of a single day.
Managerial Roles
For better understanding, Mintzberg categorized all activities into ten managerial roles
performed over the course of a day. These are as follows:
Interpersonal Roles
Informational Roles
Monitor – includes seeking information regarding the issues that are affecting the
organization. Also, this includes internal as well as external information.
Disseminator – On receiving any important information from internal or external
sources, the same needs to be disseminated or transmitted within the organization.
Spokesperson – includes representing the organization and providing information
about the organization to outsiders.
Decisional Roles
Entrepreneur – involves all aspects associated with acting as an initiator, designer, and
also an encourager of innovation and change.
Disturbance handler – taking corrective action when the organization faces
unexpected difficulties which are important in nature.
Resource Allocator – being responsible for the optimum allocation of resources like
time, equipment, funds, and also human resources, etc.
Negotiator – includes representing the organization in negotiations which affect the
manager’s scope of responsibility.
Solved Question on Managerial Roles
Q1. What are the 10 managerial roles?
According to Henry Mintzberg, there are ten managerial roles. Of these, there are three
interpersonal roles. These include being a figurehead, leader, and also a liaison. Further, there
are three informational roles. These include being a monitor, disseminator, and also a
spokesperson. Finally, there are four decisional roles. These include being an entrepreneur,
disturbance handler, resource allocator, and also a negotiator.
Any manager, to be effective in his job and duties must possess certain skills. Let us take a
look at some such important skills and talents every effective manager must have.
Organizational Skills
Also known as managerial skills, this is one of the most important skills of an effective
manager. These skills will help the manager adequately and expertly allot resources to get the
desired results.
If a manager lacks these skills then the company will not be successful in spite of adequate
capital, efficient employees, and other such factors. The manager must be capable of
organizing them to utilize them fully.
Technical Skills
A manager must himself have the technical skills the job requires. Technical skills involve
the knowledge about processes, equipment, techniques etc. and also the ability to carry them
Technical skills are generally about certain specific task or job. For example, a pilot has the
technical skill of flying a plane, a heart surgeon has the technical skills for operating etc.
Other such skills are coding, drafting legal documents, civil engineering, financial accounting
So a manager should possess the required technical skills in his field. For example a manager
of the IT team must himself possess the necessary computer and coding skills, otherwise, he
cannot be an effective manager.
Human Skills
Another important skill of an effective manager is his human skills. This will include his
ability to work, motivate, communicate, direct and understand people.
One way to gauge a person’s human skills is to understand how the person is perceived by his
subordinates, co-workers and his juniors. An effective manager has good ‘people skills’ and
so is able to manage his relations with all these people. He is also credited with the growth
and development for all his team members.
Conceptual Skills
The conceptual skills of a manager involve understanding and visualizing the company as a
whole. These means the manager is able to see and understand all the working parts of an
organization and understand how these pieces fall together.
So conceptual skills allow the manager to solve the problems he is faced with more creatively
and effectively. It helps him understand complex situations and relations and hence solve any
problems that arise. It helps the manager have a competitive advantage over his counterparts.
Solved Example on Skills of an Effective Manager
Q: List a few other qualities or skills a manager must have.
Ans: Other than the four listed above, there are a few other skills that make a manager more
efficient and effective. These are,
Decision-making skills
Administrative skills
Behavioral skills
Leadership Skills
Analytical Skills
Management Skills
Management Skills are important to lead a team and drive the organization in the right
direction. And to be a good manager it is important to have skills like Planning and creating
an effective strategy, good communication skills, decision making, leadership skills,
problem-solving skills, time management, conceptual-skills, controlling, motivating, and
leading the team, etc. A Manager with good managerial skills is one of the pillars of the
organization and has the ability to lead the company to success. Famous French Industrialist
Henry Fayol divided management into 5 types. In this article, we will discuss the skills all
managers should have.
Management Skills
Following are the four management skills or functions which are essential for the success of
any manager. Regardless of the size and nature of the organization, a manager requires all
these four managerial skills to achieve the organization’s goals.
Planning is one of the most important skills for project managers. It is all about defining the
goals of the organization. The manager should have a vision and plan for the future. Further,
it includes two important components:
Once the planning is done, the manager needs to allocate and arrange resources for the
successful implementation of the plans. These resources include both human and non-human
Organizing is one of the essential managerial skills. Organizing helps managers determine the
list of pending tasks, combine them into jobs, and group the jobs into units giving a form to
the organization’s structure.
One of the primary responsibilities of a manager is to ensure the completion of all tasks on
time and strict adherence to policies. And for this Leadership skills are important. Leadership
skill involves:
Leading also ensures that the managers create a positive environment at work. This also helps
improve the performance of each employee or group of people, boosts their morale and leads
to a productive and innovative team.
Another important management skill is ensuring that the performance of the organization
conforms to the expected goals and standards. They do this by regulating the activities in the
organization. Also, in order to regulate, a manager’s role involves:
Learn more about Tasks and Responsibilities of Effective Manager here in detail.
Other soft skills a manager should have for effective management are:
Technical Skills
Conceptual Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Problem Solving Skills
Management Process
Management is a complex process and requires an excellent manager with adequate
management skills for balancing all the different components. Further, in an organization,
managers at all levels are involved in all four functions specified above.
However, the balance between them can vary depending on their level/role. The sign of a
great manager is the optimal use of all these four functions in a systematic manner.
Also, in a business environment, these four functions, along with the resources and outcomes
are inter-related and work in tandem as a process.
Inputs include resources like human, financial, raw materials, technology, and also
After receiving these inputs, the staff’s activities, management functions, and the
organization’s processes and technology turn them into finished products/services.
Outputs include products/services, financial results (like profits or losses), and human
results like employee productivity and also job satisfaction.
Also, the system’s success depends on its effective interaction with its environment
which includes the institutions and groups that it depends on. Some such
groups/institutions are financial institutions, labor unions, suppliers, customers,
government agencies, etc.
Further, for any business organization, the sale of products and/or services generates
revenue which pays taxes, wages, helps in the purchase of more inputs, repay loans,
and generates profits. The organization dies if the revenues are not enough to satisfy
the different environmental demands.
Q1. What are the four primary skills and functions of a manager?
1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Leading
4. Controlling
I. Develop a science for each aspect of work. Also, study and analyze it to find the
single best way to do the work.
II. Ensure that the selection of workers is based on a scientific methodology and not on
nepotism and favoritism. Also, train, teach and develop the workforce allowing them
to reach the optimum potential.
III. Your employees are not your enemies. Therefore, create an environment of
cooperation with them to ensure the implementation of scientific principles.
IV. Divide all work and responsibility equally between the workers and the management.
Source: Pixabay
Taylor believed that these principles could help determine a fair day’s work for a fair day’s
pay in a manner which was good for both the employees and the management. He also
recommended the use of incentives for employee motivation.
The management theories which evolved in the early twentieth century were called the
Second Industrial Revolution. Further, there was a lot of criticism and opposition to similar
management theories from other contributors.
He proposed that organizations must adopt policies which are fair as opposed to favoritism-
based and recorded in writing. He also recommended that professional managers must
supervise the organization rather than company owners. Here are some principles to guide the
management of an organization:
The Father of Modern Management Theory, Henri Fayol, proposed a theory of general
management which is applicable to all types of fields and administration. He divided all
activities of an industrial enterprise in the following six groups:
Of these, Fayol focused his work on describing and explaining managerial activities. He
grouped managerial functions around the activities of planning, organizing, commanding,
coordinating, and controlling. He suggested the following 14 principles of management:
The systems approach defines a system as a set of interdependent and inter-related parts
arranged meticulously to produce a unified whole. Also, systems are of two types – Open and
Closed. An open system recognizes the dynamic interaction with the environment (suppliers,
labor unions, customers, etc.). On the other hand, in a closed system, the environment has no
influence on it.
The management must coordinate all parts of the system to meet the organization’s goals.
Further, the managers must set up feedback mechanisms for the same.
1. Division of work
2. Authority with responsibilities
3. Obey and respect the superiors
4. Single command
5. One direction
6. Preference to the general interest
7. Fair remuneration
8. Centralization and decentralization of authority
9. Optimum relations between superiors and subordinates
10. Everything in its designated place
11. Equity and equality of treatment
12. Minimal employee turnover
13. Taking initiatives
14. Importance of teamwork