HP qlogic multipath on linux
HP qlogic multipath on linux
HP qlogic multipath on linux
Intended audience
This document is intended for customers who are using the QLogic host bus adapter (HBA) driver in
failover mode on a system running Linux® operating software.
Other documentation
Additional documentation, including white papers and best-practices documents, is available on the HP
web site: http://www.hp.com.
New features
This release provides support for the following new features.
• HP StorageWorks 3000/5000 Enterprise Virtual Array Active/Active (EVA3000/5000 A/A)
• Dynamic load balancing
• Auto restore
Using the QLogic HBA driver for single-path or multipath failover mode on Linux systems 3
Supported hardware and software
Table 1 lists supported hardware and software.
Depending on the storage array, existing Secure Path customers can transfer the path failover to the
QLogic HBA driver. For more information, see the HP StorageWorks LUN migration and persistence
utilities application notes.
Driver versions
If an EVA4000/6000/8000 storage system resides in a storage area network (SAN), the minimum
driver version is 7.05.00a for 2.4 kernels and 8.00.02a for 2.6 kernels.
For an EVA3000/5000 active-active storage system, the minimum driver version is 7.07.03 for 2.4
kernels and 8.01.03 for 2.6 kernels.
Setting up driver parameters
Before you install the driver, set up the driver parameters using the set_parm.2x script for your kernel
• For 2.4 kernels, use set_parm.24.
• For 2.6 kernels, use set_parm.26.
See Table 2 on page 7 for a list of parameters.
You must install the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and the kernel source files to use the scripted
The INSTALL script installs the following Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) files:
• QLA driver hp_qla2x00src RPM
• Fibre Channel utilities (fibreutils) RPM for the x86, x86_64, or ia64 architecture
You can use the INSTALL script for system configurations that meet any of the following conditions:
• No previous driver or platform kit was installed.
• The configuration was installed with an earlier version of hp_qla2x00src RPM.
• The configuration was installed with a platform kit that includes the qla2x00 binary RPM.
If you use the INSTALL command without specifying options, it installs the driver in either failover mode,
or non-failover mode, depending on the mode of the currently installed driver.
The following example shows the INSTALL command for single-path mode:
To install the driver in multipath failover mode, use the INSTALL command with the -f option. For
# ./INSTALL -f
Using the QLogic HBA driver for single-path or multipath failover mode on Linux systems 5
# ./INSTALL -u
You can remove one, two, or all components manually by entering the appropriate commands:
• To remove the fibreutils package, enter the following command:
# rpm -e fibreutils
• To remove the # rpm -e hp_qla2x00 package, enter the following command:
# rpm -e hp_qla2x00
• To remove all components, enter the following command:
# rpm -e hp_qla2x00src
Queue depth
The queue depth parameter (q12xmaxqdepth) sets the length of the command queue for each logical
unit number (LUN). Valid values are from 1 to 256; however, setting the value too high can cause storage
saturation problems. HP recommends that you set this parameter to 16.
The failover parameter (ql2xfailover) turns the QLogic driver failover on or off. A value of 0
disables failover; and a value of 1 enables failover.
Enabling failover automatically sets the following parameters:
• Load balancing type(ql2xlbType)—The driver attempts to distribute LUNs evenly across
known active paths.
• Exclude model (ql2xexcludemodel—The driver exports certain devices as non-failover
devices. This parameter is used only if Secure Path is installed.
• Auto Restore (ql2xautorestore)—The QLogic failover driver attempts to failback active
I/Os to the preferred path.
The /etc/hp_qla2x00.conf file contains the failover parameter values. HP recommends that you do
not edit this file directly; the preferred method is to use the set_parm script.
If you change parameter values manually in the file, you must build a new initrd file by running the
edit_conf and make_initrd scripts before the new values take effect.
The QLogic failover driver enables I/O to move from a failed path to a secondary path in a configuration
with multiple I/O paths to supported HP StorageWorks arrays.
If the secondary path fails after a failover, the QLogic failover driver enables I/O to move to another
path, which can be the original path if its functionality has been restored.
The secondary path must fail for failback to occur. I/O does not resume on the primary path
automatically when it is restored unless the auto restore feature is enabled.
Using the QLogic HBA driver for single-path or multipath failover mode on Linux systems 7
Failover path
When a path fails, the QLogic failover driver attempts to use another path with the same device types.
For example, if an HBA fails, the QLogic driver attempts to route the I/O through another HBA to the
same controller.
Preferred path
You can specify the path to a physical device that I/O uses. I/O uses the preferred path unless that
path fails.
Preferred paths are supported on the XP arrays, EVA4000/6000/8000 and EVA3000/5000 AA. To
set the preferred path, use the QLogic SANsurfer software.
Load balancing
Load balancing keeps all active paths equally busy by determining which path I/O takes. There are
two types of load balancing:
• Static load balancing—You specify manually which I/O path to use.
• Dynamic load balancing—An algorithm determines which I/O path to use.
To set the dynamic load balancing I/O, use QLogic SANsurfer software.
Set the host mode to Sun Solaris. Failure to do so can result in discovery errors.
Using the QLogic HBA driver on a system with other
multipathing products
When you add new EVA4000/6000/8000 LUNs to a host that also presents LUNs to a legacy storage
system managed by Secure Path, you must update the QLogic driver and utilities.
To update the QLogic driver and utilities that support EVA4000/6000/8000:
1. Enter the /opt/hp/src/hp_qla2x00src/set_parm command to set the driver parameters.
2. Select option 2, Secure Path. Enter No, when prompted to create a new initrd file.
3. Enter 1 for option 4, Failover.
4. Export models to 6. Enter Yes, when prompted to create a new initrd file.
5. Select option 5, Quit.
6. Enter the /opt/hp/hp_fibreutils/pbl/pbl_inst.sh –i command for the 2.4 kernels
SCSI blacklist that does not include the HSV210 arrays.
This step is required for EVA XL LUN discovery to occur at system boot.
7. Reboot the system, and then verify that Secure Path is working.
8. Add your EVA4000/6000/8000 storage system to the SAN.
To ensure that the LUNs are listed in sequential order, list your EVA4000/6000/8000 storage
system before the lower switch port numbers of the legacy storage system managed by Secure Path.
9. Reboot the system, and then verify that the QLogic and Secure Path LUNs are present and
Running hp_rescan and probe-luns script is not supported on systems with Secure Path. To
discover newly added devices, reboot the system.
Using the QLogic HBA driver for single-path or multipath failover mode on Linux systems 9
5. Run the /opt/hp/src/hp_qla2x00src/make_initrd script to implement the driver
parameters changes and to persist the changes through reboots.
6. Reload the QLogic driver modules or reboot.
If you are able to detect the devices, do not run probe-luns at system boot.