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A Research Proposal Presented to

The Faculty of the
Sto. Rosario National High School
Santa Rosa, Nueva Ecija

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the
Special Program for Information and
Communication Technology

Eliza Beatriz Bunag

Elton Jhon Carcallas
Laireel Mactal
Emmanuel Nagano
Jianfrey Ramos

SP- ICT Students

February 2024

Chapter Page


Significance of the Study ..........................12
Scope and Delimitation of the Study ................13
Definition of Terms ................................14



Research Method ....................................17

Research Locale ....................................18
Sample and Sampling Procedure ......................20
Construction and Validation of Instrument..........22
Data Gathering Instrument ..........................22
Statistical Treatment of Data ......................23
System Development .................................24

The Background and Its Setting


website is a set of connected web pages that can be accessed online.

Every web page has a unique address that is called domain name, that

makes it easier for the users to find it. The website can consist

different contents that can be serve different purposes.

One of the main goals of website is to give information to the

users. The users can browse different pages to find what they need to

see, whether it is for education, product details and even news. A

great website can help the users to find the information that they are

looking for faster and easier that can enhance their overall experience

when visiting a website.

On the other hand, the school website which represents the school

and helps to connect with students, teachers, parents, and community.

It gives important information such as school’s activities,

announcements and updates, keeping everyone stays informed. Aside from

this, school websites help everyone to enhance their communication and

may offer tools for studying or managing the school-related activities,

including the showing of past events and promoting the schools. In

todays that technology emerge, it serves as one of the best ways to

keep them connected to school.

The main homepage of a school website is the central of its online

presence and the main point of entry for public, teachers, and

students. It gives the summary of the school, mission and important

details such events, academic progress and announcement. It serves as

the “face” of the school, it gives simple access to key areas like as
academics, student’s life, and admissions. Beyond its practical use,

the homepage has greater meaning as a representation of the educational

philosophy and school culture. It makes an initial impression that

shapes public opinion by embodying the institution’s reputation and

goals. It serves as a conduit between the school and its constituents,

including students, parents, teachers, and the general pubic providing

useful information while preserving the institution’s basic principles.

Usually, in main homepage you’ll see a lot of contents. Like,

navigation which allows users to move to other sections of the website

easily (Fitzgerald, 2024). Header, this is the top section of page that

usually contains the website’s logo, navigation menu, and possibly a

search bar (Yalanska, 2021). Featured content, it highlights of key

services articles, products or announcement that the site wants to

showcase (Kalscheur, 2021). These elements are designed to engage

visitors, guide them through the content, and provide easy access to

other sections of the website.

Currently, Sto. Rosario National High School is facing a problem

on keeping everyone updated and announcement about school’s activities

such as sports programs in different organizations, and culminating

activities in different subjects. Also, bulletin boards are often

insufficient, leading to delays in relying updates and information.

Sto. Rosario National High School has no reliable website to keep the

students, parents
“Although school websites have existed on the internet for over
fifteen years, in practice website is not integrated into the
organizational pedagogical system of the school.” (Rotem, et al.,
In this modern learning a lot of schools decided to make their school
website for more convenient inquiry and also avoid going physically in
Many school nowadays have websites to give students and parents less
inconvenience, but some school still don’t have their own website
because they don’t know the impact of not having a website for their
school. Not having a school website may result of not be able to share
important information that be needed by students and parents, not
havina proper communication because it’s limited, missing some
opportunities due to its lack of online presence and may lead of
reducing competitiveness, inefficient administrative processes without
online forms and important documents it may require more time and
resources, a lack of online presence can reduce the school of being
notice and can occur difficulty to showcase the school’s achievements
and programs, which can lead to missed opportunities, because not
having a platform to highlight their strengths and success the school
have the risk for being surpass by the other school with more online
A lot of study shows that having a website and online presence is
important to enhance your school’s credibility and visibility.
Md Shibab Ali (2024), stated that, “Without an online presence, you are
limiting your reach to a local audience only by having a website.” He
also stated that “Having a website for your educational institution
enhances your credibility in eyes of potential students and parents.
Sydney B. (2023) also stated that “Having a strong online presence
provides businesses with a platform to gain visibility and reach a
larger audience.”

teachers updated.

Objectives of the Study:

The main aim of the study is to create a website that can help

teachers, students and their parents in providing information such

updates, announcement and upcoming events. Moreover, the ultimate

objective of this study is to improve the functionality of the school

website so that if successfully satisfies user needs and benefits the

school community.

The website is designed to be an easy-to-use resource for

teachers, students, and parents to stay informed about the school news,

announcement, and even upcoming events. The site’s basic style also

makes it easy for everyone at Sto. Rosario National High School to stay

connected and updated on announcement on what is happening inside the

school. Furthermore, the site is accessible thru personal computer,

laptop, and mobile phone, ensuring the parents, students, and teachers

to check for updates anytime and anywhere.

This study resolves the problems firstly, teacher, students,

student’s parents, and past students are all confused about what is

happening on the school, the Sto. Rosario National High School because

there is no school website. Second, it prevents misunderstanding

regarding information accessibility for parents, students, and

employees who have trouble locating information such us school rules,

enrollment procedures, teacher or administrators contact information,

events, and announcement. Lastly, it resolves the issue of the school’s

positive public image by improving its standing in exhibiting all of

its goal, initiatives, and accomplishments it can create a good

reputation, which draw in both students and their peers.


1.How may the developed website be described in terms of:

1.1 Content?; (Accuracy, Relevance, Completeness, and Clarity);

1.2 Design? and (Navigation, Layout, and Readability)

1.3 User-experience? (Responsiveness)

Scope and Delimitation:

This study will be conducted at Sto. Rosario National High School

during the school year 2023-2024. It will focus on developing a website
for Sto. Rosario National High School to enhance the accessibility of
school information and communication for students, parents, teachers,
school administrators, and community. The research will focus on the
website’s main home page, which contains school logo, descriptive
header, navigation menu, call to action, etc. Content and features,
such as updates, announcements extracurricular activities, and school
Additionally, the main homepage will be designed for students,
teachers, parents, schools, and alumni using HTML, CSS.
This study will delimit the use of database because it requires
too much work and needs excessive time. The research will target only
teachers from Junior High School Department and students from SP-ICT.
Guaranteeing a much more properly organized content and features that
they needed.
Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:

Teachers. Teachers can use the website to stay-up-to-date with

important dates such as testing period. Parent-teacher conference and

school holidays.

Students. Website homepage may help them to stay informed about

important information, such as school announcements, news updates, and

calendar events, allowing for a quick access to the formation they


Parents. To ensure that parents are always aware of what is going on at

the school, the school website can provide them with announcements and

updates regarding activities and PTA meetings.

School. The website can improve the school’s reputation and branding

showcasing its achievements, programs, and culture to potential

students and their families. Additionally, it can act as a forum for

community involvement, enabling the school to advertise activities, and

collaborations with nearby groups.

Alumni. It serves as a hub for graduated learners of the school to stay

in touch with their alma mater, giving them access to details about

reunions, school events, and networking possibilities.

Overall, School website will connect students, teachers, parents,

school, and alumni, creating a more supportive and informed environment

for everyone.

Definition of Terms
tool for assessing students’ knowledge and understanding of a

topic, as well as for providing immediate feedback and reinforcing key

concepts. They should, however, be used sparingly and in accordance

with the overall learning goals and objectives of the course or lesson.

It’s also important to consider the potential impact of quizzes on

student motivation and engagement, because relying too heavily on

quizzes as a form of assessment. Taking an assessment/quiz allows

students to analyze what they know and what they do not know, allowing

them to focus their study efforts on areas where their knowledge is

lacking, students may take a practice quiz, discover which questions or

things they missed, and then devote more time to learning the items

they missed.

The goal of the quiz is to quickly assess a students’ grasp of

course materials, providing teachers with insights into learners’

development and any existing knowledge gaps. It is a wonderful

technique to capture the attention of learners, it can assist learners

in better comprehending and remembering the subject.

Integration of online quiz become popular in the classroom,

according to Goksun et al. (2020), “Kahoot” and “Quizziz” lead to

competitive learning environment. The entertaining, and fun

competitions contribute to better concentration among students in a

classroom. The colorful interface, avatars and music features which are
commonly found in gamification provide students a similar experience as

a game does. After the students answered each comprehension question,

“Quizizz” would show pictures with memes to tell whether the answer is

right or wrong. Funny pictures pop up with phrases like “good job” if

the answer is correct.

These features serve as a positive reinforcement to students, besides

entertaining them during the learning process.

In addition to this according to Maria, I. et al. (2020), the

development and implementation of an online quiz application for

Informative Systems students, aiming to improve efficiency and

effectiveness in teaching and learning processes.

Interactive quiz is also very helpful in providing feedback on

students’ performance. As stated by Knowly (2020), quizzes yield

immediate results from your participants. Not only does the creator

receive the results, but the participant may also receive them. This

makes it simple for the creator to identify knowledge gaps. The

participants can see which sections they need to work on to improve

themselves. In addition, According to M. Thulasirani A/P,M. et al.

(2021), quiz games have a positive impact on learning by allowing for

skill demonstration, breaking boredom, promoting confidence, and

facilitating learning. Furthermore, according to Maria, I. et al.

(2021), quiz applications could improve the effectiveness of teaching

and learning, reduce operational costs, provide students with a

convenient assessment method.

According to the study of Bestudio, Z. (2018), computer literacy

is the level of knowledge and skill in using computers and technologies

to achieve one’s goals. The researchers studied the challenges in

Computer System Servicing that experienced by the grade 9 students in

Sisters of Mary-School Girlstown Inc. The study included 631 students

from 27 different batches who graduated from grade 9 in the Junior High

School at the Sisters of Mary School-Girlstown Inc. According to the

findings of the analysis, their basic computer literacy levels were

determined to be below. On the other hand, CSS 9 is not one of the

major subjects such as English, Science, Math and it is being studied

only for two years in in Grade 9 and Grade 10. CSS subject find

challenging by students because the schools does not have enough

instructional materials and equipment for this subject, making it more

difficult for teachers to teach it because they must improvise when

teaching it so that they can properly guide their students. Meanwhile

on the part students they are unable to learn to their fullest

potential because they are not provided with adequate resources. On the

other hand, this would be beneficial, particularly to SP-ICT students

who take the subject, specifically, the topics regarding Computer

Networking and OS Installation.

Technological Based, Instructional Materials in CSS 9 is an eBook

that is called IThink+ that will be created that includes learning

materials as well as both pre and post assessments. The iThink+ is a

self- learning instructional materials that will guide and teach

students who will use it in relation to the topics about the Computer

Networking and OS Installation. When using the iThink+, users must

complete a preassessment to determine whether the student already has

prior knowledge of the specific topic. Following the pre-assessment is

self-learning materials including video lesson and tutorial that will

teach the user what is correct and what needs to be done in the topic.

Lastly, the post-assessment, in post-assessment you can assess what the

student has learned using the self- learning material. This part will

also reveal whether or not the student has gained and understood the

lesson. The researchers planned to use Kotobee to make iThink+ more

compatible and accessible to all devices.

Interactive quiz is part of technological innovation in a classroom.

According to A.P. Wibawa, et al.(2023), most teachers still evaluate

learning manually, such as with a paper-based test. This type of

disadvantages, including the appearance of cheating, acts of

collaboration with friends, and so on. Students may also feel pressured

to use this evaluation technique. Students are frequently bored when

they attend traditional paper-based evaluations. As a result, students

do not pay attention to the evaluation. As a result, the test results

do not accurately represent each student’s ability. As a result, new

approaches to learning evaluation are required. Technology should be

integrated into learning evaluation in accordance with the concept of a

smart society. Learning evaluation will be more straightforward,

effective, and efficient with the use of technology because students

will no

longer use paper. Similarly, during the implementation process, the use

of technology for evaluation. Furthermore, it improves students’

readiness to face the area of smart society.

The Quizizz is a software developed in Bengaluru, India by Ankit

Gupta and Deepak Joy Cheenath. Quizizz, according to Noor, is an

interactive quiz game that can be used in the classroom. According to

this understanding, Quizizz is an excellent tool for assessing


This game-based media can also increase student motivation and keep him

focused in the subject. Furthermore, interactive games, according to

Jusuf, can increase students’ interest and enthusiasm for continuous

learning. Because of the advantages of using games as a learning

medium, many teachers have begun to use various interactive games as

learning evaluation tools.

Teachers can use the Quizizz application to track their students’

progress on test questions and view the number of responses, scores,

and analyses per item. This provides teachers with valuable insights

into how to improve their teaching methods. Students can also retake

tests with the same questions to hone their skills or learn more about

the answers. Quizizz is accessible from anywhere, not just the

classroom, making it easy for students to learn.

In addition to study of Murath et al.(2020), testing is an

effective learning method the potential to enable self-directed and

remote learning. In this context, automated feedback is critical. In

two experimental studies, the researchers investigated the effects of

two experimental studies, they investigated the effects of two type of

quiz app feedback on performance: standard corrective feedback and

feedback that incorporates additional information related to the

correct response option. Overall, our finding show that quiz apps are

useful and effective tools for supporting the acquisition and retention

of semantic knowledge in a variety of learning settings.

Furthermore, Deepika, L. (2018) stated that quizzes help students

learn through practice by allowing them to think back to previously

learned information and remember it while quizzing. With the

advancement of technology, the traditional method of teaching students

is becoming obsolete, and teachers must device new methods of teaching

and assisting students in passing examinations with a solid academic

foundation Most educators, want their students’ desire to learn.

Hillman, J. (2023) stated that Kahoot! Quizizz has a live dashboard

with music in the background. Students can see their own and other

students’ rankings. They can compete against other studens to achieve

higher grades. Quizizz’s power-ups feature allows students to earn

double points or to remove this option entirely. This feature makes

students eager to gain more power and put it to use. A meme will

occasionally appear after they answer the questions. These features

cause students to forget they are taking a quiz. This indicates that
interactive assessment like quizziz can help in the learning of


Black & William (2014) stated that games also are built with

clear goals and provide immediate feedback. This allows players to

change their game play in order to improve their performance and reach

their goals. The idea of immediate feedback. According to Spires

(2018), games are frequently cited as important mechanisms in teaching

because they can accommodate a diverse range of learning styles within

a complex decisionmaking context.

In addition to this, Lederman et al. (2015) stated that learning

does not end with the game. Debriefing is essential when using games in

education because it bridges the gap between learning in the game and

applying those skills in other contexts. Teachers can help students

transfer skills by leading pre- and post-game discussions that connect

the game to what they are learning in class. It concluded that

instructional support features are required for computer game lessons

to transfer to other contexts video game lessons to transfer to other

contexts. Video games can be used to provide students with deeper

learning experiences, but they do not provide the entire experience.

Hanus (2015), added that some educational gamification may help to

reduce limitations such as time and place, as portable devices allow

students to study and/or learn at any time and from any location. These

simple tools can help students understand and remember difficult

subjects. In other words, the use of educational games is thought to

make the

learning process more interesting, motivating, achieve knowledge

retention, increase attention, and even improve peer communication and

social skills.

Furthermore, in terms of gamification in the classroom, it

suggest also that it can motivate the students to learn more, according

to Wang et al.,(2018), several mobile game-based learning projects have

already tested and evaluated the effects of mobile games on student

learning. Only a few researchers have traced their findings back to

individual game mechanisms or patterns to better understand why a game

is successful. Instead, reports frequently attribute effects to the

game itself, such as students found the use of Lecture Quiz engaging,

and they perceived they learned more using such games. According to

Zapalska et al.(2013), it is believed that when students have the

opportunity to participate in decision-making during the learning

process, they are more likely to enjoy learning because they regard

”learning” as ”playing”.

In addition to this, according to Adachi & Willoughby (2013), its

benefits include, but are not limited to, providing students with the

opportunity to experience learning in a multi-sensory, active, and

experimental environmental environment. Learners can specifically use

these educational games for experimental learning to improve their

decision-making and problem-solving abilities in a dynamic learning

environment. According to Bower et al. (2013), apps with gamified

elements integrated into their design can further engage and motivate
students, in addition to facilitating learning, where engagement is

especially important because it may factor into student retention.

HirshPasek et al. (2015), added that more evidence-based research on

the impact of HE mobile learning apps is urgently needed. Some factors

remain constant regardless of a mobile learning app: for example,

learning is most effective when learners are engaged, cognitively

active, and guided by a goal, and when learning activities are

scaffolded and interactive.

Over-all quiz and interactive quiz helps students to improve

their performance. According to Hillman, J.(2013), students are

actively engaged in subject matter. When students are unable to answer

certain questions on a quiz, they will return to reread specific

sections of the chapter. Teachers can also go over the questions with

the most incorrect answers with the students. Quizzes can help students

become more motivated. Students would like to perform better on the

quizzes. To accomplish this, students will listen to the teachers’

explanations and may even review before the quiz. Quizzes can help

students remember information and improve their grades. When the quiz

is set as an assignment, students can retake it at their leisure. By

repeating the information, it will become ingrained in their minds. Fun

online quizzes can help student relax.

Learning evaluations based on technology are becoming more efficient

and effective, increasing student motivation and preparing them for the

intelligent society. Educators are using interactive games like Quiz to

asses student learning, increase interest, and promote lifelong

learning. These educational games are beneficial and effective. It

provides students with flexibility, access to a wide range of

resources, and personalized learning environments. They bridge

educational gaps and provide opportunities for diverse students.

Based on the past researches, a quiz application is crucial for

assessing learning that allows students to track their progress,

display responses, scores, and analyze data. It also enables students

to take tests from any location, promoting self-regulation, distant

learning, and improving learning outcomes.

In connection with this, the researchers will use the Kotobee in

making the quiz application, which is interactive.

According to the study Tusoy, M. (2023), during the pre-test,

both the control and experimental groups failed to meet the expected

mean of

37.50, which is a passing standard of 75%. There was a statistically

significant difference in how well the students performed on the

posttest versus pre-test. According to the findings, the digitized

Kotobee interactive learning e-book had a significant impact on the

performance of students in the experimental group. According to the

study, the intervention increased learner engagement in digital

learning, improved e-book usage, and encouraged active class

participation, effectively boosting students’ learning gaps and

performance. When students were exposed to the digitized Kotobee

interactive learning e-book, they had an exceptional learning


In addition to this, according to the study of Martinez, J.(2022),

they used the result of the Grade Six Student, pretest and post-test to

determine the tool’s effectiveness. The collected data was meticulously

tabulated, classified, and statistically treated as the foundation for

the analysis and interpretation of the findings. The significant

finding of the study was that the student’s average posttest scores

were higher than their pretest scores. Based on the findings, the study

concludes that Kotobee author was effective and efficient in developing

the pupils, resulting in improved performance. As a result, the use

of this intervention to improve all aspects of communication is highly

commendable. It is also strongly advised to be adapted by the other

learning areas and possibly by other schools as well.

The iThink+ can be used to identify knowledge and the needs of

improvement of students taking up of CSS 9 for the topics Computer

Networking and OS Installation, making it an excellent tool for

teaching and learning. It can help SPICT students to learn at their own

phase and review and enrich what they have learned in class about

lesson. In addition, the iThink+ can provide users with immediate

feedback on their performance, allowing them to identify where they

need improvements.

iThink+ is also used for entertainment where students can use during

recess and breaktimes or at home. Furthermore, it can be accessed via

variety of gadgets such as smartphones, tablets, and computes. Because

of this, it makes the iThink+ convenient and simple to use regardless

of location or time constraints, as a result, students can learn

anywhere and at any time.


This study aims to identify the usability of _______


a. Ease of use

b. Accuracy of data presented

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:

Students. iThink+ can help students taking up CSS 9 in revising and

testing their knowledge in the topics of Computer Networking and OS

Installation. They can take quizzes to test their knowledge and monitor

their progress over time. Students who are struggling with the topic

will be able to advance in their studies. The iThink+ can help students

providing interactive and engaging opportunities for them to practice

and express what they have learned. Additionally, it gives them

assessment, and instant results and feedback capability can help them

understand their weaknesses and continue to improve their skills.

Teachers. Teachers can use iThink+ to deliver quizzes to their

students, making their jobs easier. They can also use data collected

from the quizzes to identify which part of the lesson students may need

extra help with. Students will participate actively in their activities

and classes, which will benefit both teachers and students. It also

allows teachers to save time by quickly assessing student knowledge and

moving on to other instructional activities.

Sto. Rosario National High School. Educational institutions offering

CSS9 like Sto. Rosario National High School can use the quiz iThink+ to

provide learning opportunities for students who are unable to attend

traditional classes due to distance or other factors.

Scope and Delimitation:

The study will be carried out at Sto. Rosario National High School for

the 2023-2024 academic year. Participants in this study will be grade

9 Canva students of SP-ICT curriculum who are taking up Computer System

Servicing 9 (CSS), to be specific, the topics on Computer Networking

and OS Installation.

study will delimit to the Grade 9 Canva because they are under the CSS

9 subject. This study will also delimit the coverage of lessons which

includes only the topics in Computer Networking and OS Installation

that is in 3rd and 4th quarter. This study will not also address the

learners’ post-assessment results due time constraints and will focus

on the system’s ease of use, information provided by the iThink+, user

interface and the over-all capability of the iThink+ as a quiz


Limitation or What the system can only do?

Definition of terms

Important terms and their definition are provided for a betterand

clearer understanding of the study.

Cabling. Cabling is the process by which computers and devices

connected to a network communicate with one another. Any device on your

network would be unable to send or receive data if network cables were

not present. These connections enable network devices to communicate

and share information and resources.

Computer System Servicing (CSS). A subject that supports the

maintenance, installation, operation, cleaning, and enhancement of a

computer system.
The goal

of computer services is to maintain or improve a computer system’s

operation, processing, storage, networking, installation, and

distribution of capabilities. In K to 12 curriculum, it is offered to

Grade 9 up to Grade 10.

Instructional Materials. Instructional materials are the resources and

materials used to deliver instruction and facilitate learning in a

classroom setting are referred to as instructional materials. The

purpose of instructional materials is to give students the knowledge

and skills they need to meet academic standards and achieve their

learning objectives.

Interactive Assessment. A personalized online questionnaire that

provides users with score and custom advice, feedback, or

recommendation, based on their responses.

iThink+. An eBook that contains instructional materials about Computer

Networking and OS Installation, as well as a pre-assessment and

postasessment for Grade 9 learners in SPICT.

Kotobee. A platform that allows you to create, share, and deliver

interactive EBooks. It enables authors, educators, and publishers to

create multimedia-rich content, including audio and video, interactive

quizzes, and assessments.

Networking in CSS 9. Computer networking refers to the interconnection

of computing devices that can exchange data and share resources. It has

to do with UTP Cable and File Sharing. UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair)
cable is a type of network cable that is used to send data across a

computer network. File sharing is a computer system feature that allows

multiple users to access and share the same files at the same time. It

entails creating a shared folder or drive on a network that only

authorized users can access.

Online Assessment. The process of evaluating a person’s knowledge,

skills, or abilities using digital platform or the internet. It often

involves interactive quizzes, tests, or exams conducted through

websites or specialized assessment platforms.

OS Installation in CSS 9. Installation is the act of preparing a

computer program for execution and installing of software (OS). OS

Installation is the process of installing and configuring an operating

system on a computer system. Preparing the hardware components,

creating partitions on the hard drive, formatting, and installing the

operating system software are all part of the process. Operating system

installation is an important part of computer system maintenance

because it ensures that the computer is running at peak performance

with the most up-to-date software and features.

Quiz Application. A quiz application is a type of game that can be

accessed through mobile devices and in which players attempt to answer

questions. It is a brief evaluation used in education and related

fields to measure growth in knowledge, abilities, and skills, or simply

as a hobby. This system allows you to practice and enhance your

Technological. Technological refers to the development and use of

tools, system, etc., that uses technology.


Research Methodology

This chapter discusses the research method, the research locale,

the sample and sampling procedure, the data collection and the

statistical analysis that will be used to assess and analyze the data.

This is a method of clarifying the methodology that a researcher

intends to follow. It is a deliberate, logical approach to addressing a

research subject. A methodology specifies how a researcher in order to

obtain accurate and reliable data that meets their goals and


Research Method

The method to be used is waterfall model. According to FMSky (2021),

the waterfall model is a breakdown of development activities into

linear sequential phases, meaning they are passed down onto each other,

where each phase depends on the deliverables of the previous one and

corresponds to a specialization of tasks. The approach is typical for

certain areas of engineering design. In software development, it tends

to be among the less interactive and flexible approaches, as progress

flows in largely one direction (“downloads” like a waterfall) through

the phases of conception, initiation, analysis, design, construction,

testing, deployment and maintenance. The waterfall model is the


SDLC approach that was used in software development.

The waterfall method is used by the researchers because it has well-

defined stages that allow them to set specific milestones and track

their progress. The waterfall method is linear and structured,

requiring that each phase be completed before moving on to the next.

Researchers can plan and organize their work more easily now that they

can see the order of tasks and dependencies.

Research Locale

The research study will be conducted at Sto. Rosario National High


Sto.Rosario National High School is located at Sitio Deepwell,

Brgy. Sto.Rosario, Santa Rosa, Nueva Ecija.

Having 48 teachers in Junior High School and 12 teachers in

Senior High School, 4 Non- teaching personnel, 5 Head Teachers and a

Principal III for the total of 70 personnel.

Accommodating 1,481 students, including 108 students from Special

Program in ICT, 24 of these are from Grade 9 Canva who are taking up

9, and 20 of these are from Grade 11 Dewey who are taking up ICT

Strand. Having 3 computer labs, including 1 in SHS and 2 in JHS.


curriculum for the Special Program in Information and Communication,

Technology focuses on helping students develop their information

technology and communication skills. It is a comprehensive and rigors

program designed to prepare students for successful careers in

information technology.

The implementation of SP- ICT curriculum started at Sto. Rosario

National High School on school year 2017- 2018 having Grade 7 Mark

Zuckerberg as the pilot class.

The researchers selected the Sto. Rosario National High School since

it is the most convenient for the study; there is no need to go to

another location, which will undoubtedly bring additional problems

particularly with time. Because it features an SP-ICT curriculum, the

location is most suited for gathering required data information because

the chosen venue is available in SP-ICT curriculum. Researchers also

consider the availability of research subjects, the accessibility of

the location, the cultural background of the locale, and practically of

performing the study in that specific environment.

Figure 1. Map of Santo Rosario National High School

Sample and Sampling Procedures

This study will use Total Enumeration Sampling. According to

Mizuno, Y. (2021), total enumeration sampling is a systematic

methodused in research to exhaustively search and investigate a finite

set or population. It involves the complete Enumeration of all possible

elements or configurations within the set of interest. This technique

allows for a thorough examination and analysis of the entire

population, providing accurate estimates and averages for various


The researchers use total enumeration because it ensures that all

individuals of units within a population are counted, lowering the

likelihood of errors or omissions that may occur with other sampling

methods. Total enumeration allows for a complete and detailed

understanding of a population’s characteristics because it includes

every member.

This study will include the grade 9 Canva SP- ICT students and 11
Dewey students in ICT strand from Sto. Rosario National High School as
the research respondents. The study will include a total of 44
respondents. They were chosen as respondents because they are currently
taking up Computer System Servicing subject and will be benefited from
the iThink+.
Gender Grade 9-Canva SP- Grade 11-Dewey Total
ICT Students
Male 9 18 27

Female 15 2 17

Total 24 20 44

Table 1. List of Respondents

Construction, Validation and Reliability of the Data Gathering


The researchers will adapt a tool for assessing the non- printed

materials of the Department of Education entitled: Guidelines on

Processing Learning Resources. Consultations will be made with the

statisticians, and the adviser for the construction of the instrument

to come up with relevant and effective final output of the


The content of the iThink+ will be validated by the four teachers

handling CSS subject. It will be tested/ answered by the Grade 9

students of the Sto. Rosario National High School who are not the

respondents of this study to identify if the items are clear and

understandable enough to the participants. The researcher will stay

with the teachers as they use the system to hear any comments and

clarifications that are needed.

The researcher will seek the approval and authorization of the head

teacher and school principal for the administration of the study. Once

approved, the researcher will go to their respective respondents to

deploy the system and accomplish the questionnaire.

Data Gathering Procedures

Prior to data collection, a series of steps were undertaken

Firstly, the researchers will send out invitations to the respondents,

explaining that they would be using a system and would be require to

provide feedback through a survey questionnaire. Following this, the

researchers will return to the respondents to assist them in using the

iThink+. Finally, the researchers will gather the students’ responses

to the survey questionnaire and seek feedback from the teachers

regarding their opinions on the iThink+.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data that will be gathered will be presented, analyzed and

interpreted using the frequency counts and weighted mean.

To analyze and interpret the data from the questionnaire, weighted

mean will be used.

System Development

Steps in using iThink+

Step 1: Download and install Kotobee Reader from the official website.
Step 2: Open Kotobee Reader and click on the “Open” button on the home

Click and open the kotobee reader.

Step 3: Navigate to the location where the eBook (iThink+) is saved and
select it.

Click “Shared
Li brary” and
fin d iThink+


The iThink+ will open in Kotobee Reader. The cover page will greet users

and in the next chapter, the introduction, provide an overview of the lesson

that will be covered.





5: To
start the activity, look for pre-aassessment.

Click “Chapters”
to reveal all the

List of chapters

Step 6: To answer questions, look for interactive icons such as the multiple

choice, fill-in-the-blank, and true or false questions.

Choose from the

choices to finalize
your answer.


Click the interactive icon (Submit Answers) to reveal the answer and click

the interactive icon (Clear Answers) to clear your answers.

Click “Submit Answers” to

submit and check the

Click “Clear Answers” to

erase or clear your chosen

tools provided in Kotobee Reader

. To take
To add

To highlights

Choose the word/sentence/phrase that

you want to highlight/take notes/add

Step 8:
You can also take notes, highlight text, and bookmark pages using the
Click the “notebook” icon to
view the words you
highlighted, take notes and
added bookmark.

Click the icon that you

want to view.

Step 9: After your done in answering the pre-assessment, click the next

button below then you will be provided video lesson to have a deeper

understanding about the topic.

Click the play button
to watch the video
lesson that contains a
lesson about
computer networking.

Step 10: If your done watching a video lesson, you can move to the next

chapter and you were be given a post assessment/activity.

In the post-assessmnet,
you can determine if you
have learned anything
after watching the video

Step 11. When you're done reading and answering questions, you can save

your progress by clicking on the "Save" button on the main menu.

Step 12. To access your saved progress, open Kotobee Reader and click on

the "Open" button. Select the eBook you want to continue reading and your

saved progress will be loaded automatically.


The functions of instructional materials are to deliver content,

adapt to learners’ needs, promote interactivity and

collaboration, provide assessment and feedback, and make

education more accessible, cost-effective, and scalable. The

researchers system’s function is to deliver content. The

instructional materials provide yo access to a diverse range of

educational content, such as text, images, videos, interactive

simulations, and more. This content is frequently organized in a

structured and engaging manner to help learners understand.

Digital instructional materials can be accessed from anywhere

with an internet connection, making education more accessible to

a wider range of people. Quizzes are common interactive elements

used in instructional materials to help students engage with the

content and apply their knowledge in real-world situations. It

entails tailoring content, providing feedback, and recommending

additional resources based on the learner’s progress and

requirements. Online instructional materials can reach a large

number of students at a lower cost than traditional classroom-

based education. This makes them an appealing option for

educational institutions and organizations that want to broaden

their reach and provide more affordable learning opportunities.


The system that will be created will use the following

requirements: (1) kotobee author (for developer), kotobee reader

(for students); (2) learning competencies under CSS 1 subject

(Computer Network and OS Installation); (3) recorded scores of

users to identify the learning gaps of the students and the areas

that most of students having a hard time; and (4) learning and

assessment material such as pre-asessment, video lesson, images,

text, audio, and post-assessment.

POV of Students

Step 1: Students should download and install the kotobee reader

from tha official sites using their devices.

Step 2: The students will click and open the kotobee reader.

Step 3: Students will search the CSS ebook.

Reference List

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Writing multiple choice quiz questions https://www.onlineexambuilder.com

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Effectiveness Of Quizizz in Interactive Teaching and Learning

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