Voltes v Research Paper
Voltes v Research Paper
Voltes v Research Paper
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the
Special Program for Information and
Communication Technology
Chapter Page
Significance of the Study ..........................12
Scope and Delimitation of the Study ................13
Definition of Terms ................................14
Every web page has a unique address that is called domain name, that
makes it easier for the users to find it. The website can consist
users. The users can browse different pages to find what they need to
great website can help the users to find the information that they are
looking for faster and easier that can enhance their overall experience
On the other hand, the school website which represents the school
presence and the main point of entry for public, teachers, and
the “face” of the school, it gives simple access to key areas like as
academics, student’s life, and admissions. Beyond its practical use,
easily (Fitzgerald, 2024). Header, this is the top section of page that
visitors, guide them through the content, and provide easy access to
Sto. Rosario National High School has no reliable website to keep the
students, parents
“Although school websites have existed on the internet for over
fifteen years, in practice website is not integrated into the
organizational pedagogical system of the school.” (Rotem, et al.,
In this modern learning a lot of schools decided to make their school
website for more convenient inquiry and also avoid going physically in
Many school nowadays have websites to give students and parents less
inconvenience, but some school still don’t have their own website
because they don’t know the impact of not having a website for their
school. Not having a school website may result of not be able to share
important information that be needed by students and parents, not
havina proper communication because it’s limited, missing some
opportunities due to its lack of online presence and may lead of
reducing competitiveness, inefficient administrative processes without
online forms and important documents it may require more time and
resources, a lack of online presence can reduce the school of being
notice and can occur difficulty to showcase the school’s achievements
and programs, which can lead to missed opportunities, because not
having a platform to highlight their strengths and success the school
have the risk for being surpass by the other school with more online
A lot of study shows that having a website and online presence is
important to enhance your school’s credibility and visibility.
Md Shibab Ali (2024), stated that, “Without an online presence, you are
limiting your reach to a local audience only by having a website.” He
also stated that “Having a website for your educational institution
enhances your credibility in eyes of potential students and parents.
Sydney B. (2023) also stated that “Having a strong online presence
provides businesses with a platform to gain visibility and reach a
larger audience.”
teachers updated.
The main aim of the study is to create a website that can help
school community.
teachers, students, and parents to stay informed about the school news,
announcement, and even upcoming events. The site’s basic style also
makes it easy for everyone at Sto. Rosario National High School to stay
laptop, and mobile phone, ensuring the parents, students, and teachers
student’s parents, and past students are all confused about what is
happening on the school, the Sto. Rosario National High School because
school holidays.
the school, the school website can provide them with announcements and
School. The website can improve the school’s reputation and branding
in touch with their alma mater, giving them access to details about
for everyone.
Definition of Terms
tool for assessing students’ knowledge and understanding of a
with the overall learning goals and objectives of the course or lesson.
students to analyze what they know and what they do not know, allowing
things they missed, and then devote more time to learning the items
they missed.
classroom. The colorful interface, avatars and music features which are
commonly found in gamification provide students a similar experience as
“Quizizz” would show pictures with memes to tell whether the answer is
right or wrong. Funny pictures pop up with phrases like “good job” if
immediate results from your participants. Not only does the creator
receive the results, but the participant may also receive them. This
from 27 different batches who graduated from grade 9 in the Junior High
only for two years in in Grade 9 and Grade 10. CSS subject find
potential because they are not provided with adequate resources. On the
teach the user what is correct and what needs to be done in the topic.
student has learned using the self- learning material. This part will
also reveal whether or not the student has gained and understood the
collaboration with friends, and so on. Students may also feel pressured
longer use paper. Similarly, during the implementation process, the use
This game-based media can also increase student motivation and keep him
and analyses per item. This provides teachers with valuable insights
into how to improve their teaching methods. Students can also retake
tests with the same questions to hone their skills or learn more about
correct response option. Overall, our finding show that quiz apps are
useful and effective tools for supporting the acquisition and retention
with music in the background. Students can see their own and other
students eager to gain more power and put it to use. A meme will
cause students to forget they are taking a quiz. This indicates that
interactive assessment like quizziz can help in the learning of
Black & William (2014) stated that games also are built with
change their game play in order to improve their performance and reach
does not end with the game. Debriefing is essential when using games in
education because it bridges the gap between learning in the game and
students to study and/or learn at any time and from any location. These
social skills.
suggest also that it can motivate the students to learn more, according
game itself, such as students found the use of Lecture Quiz engaging,
and they perceived they learned more using such games. According to
process, they are more likely to enjoy learning because they regard
”learning” as ”playing”.
benefits include, but are not limited to, providing students with the
elements integrated into their design can further engage and motivate
students, in addition to facilitating learning, where engagement is
sections of the chapter. Teachers can also go over the questions with
the most incorrect answers with the students. Quizzes can help students
explanations and may even review before the quiz. Quizzes can help
students remember information and improve their grades. When the quiz
and effective, increasing student motivation and preparing them for the
both the control and experimental groups failed to meet the expected
mean of
they used the result of the Grade Six Student, pretest and post-test to
finding of the study was that the student’s average posttest scores
were higher than their pretest scores. Based on the findings, the study
teaching and learning. It can help SPICT students to learn at their own
phase and review and enrich what they have learned in class about
need improvements.
iThink+ is also used for entertainment where students can use during
a. Ease of use
Installation. They can take quizzes to test their knowledge and monitor
their progress over time. Students who are struggling with the topic
will be able to advance in their studies. The iThink+ can help students
assessment, and instant results and feedback capability can help them
students, making their jobs easier. They can also use data collected
from the quizzes to identify which part of the lesson students may need
and classes, which will benefit both teachers and students. It also
CSS9 like Sto. Rosario National High School can use the quiz iThink+ to
The study will be carried out at Sto. Rosario National High School for
and OS Installation.
study will delimit to the Grade 9 Canva because they are under the CSS
9 subject. This study will also delimit the coverage of lessons which
that is in 3rd and 4th quarter. This study will not also address the
Definition of terms
computer system.
The goal
and skills they need to meet academic standards and achieve their
learning objectives.
of computing devices that can exchange data and share resources. It has
to do with UTP Cable and File Sharing. UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair)
cable is a type of network cable that is used to send data across a
multiple users to access and share the same files at the same time. It
operating system software are all part of the process. Operating system
Technological. Technological refers to the development and use of
Research Methodology
the sample and sampling procedure, the data collection and the
statistical analysis that will be used to assess and analyze the data.
obtain accurate and reliable data that meets their goals and
Research Method
linear sequential phases, meaning they are passed down onto each other,
where each phase depends on the deliverables of the previous one and
defined stages that allow them to set specific milestones and track
Researchers can plan and organize their work more easily now that they
Research Locale
Program in ICT, 24 of these are from Grade 9 Canva who are taking up
9, and 20 of these are from Grade 11 Dewey who are taking up ICT
information technology.
National High School on school year 2017- 2018 having Grade 7 Mark
The researchers selected the Sto. Rosario National High School since
every member.
This study will include the grade 9 Canva SP- ICT students and 11
Dewey students in ICT strand from Sto. Rosario National High School as
the research respondents. The study will include a total of 44
respondents. They were chosen as respondents because they are currently
taking up Computer System Servicing subject and will be benefited from
the iThink+.
Gender Grade 9-Canva SP- Grade 11-Dewey Total
ICT Students
Male 9 18 27
Female 15 2 17
Total 24 20 44
The researchers will adapt a tool for assessing the non- printed
students of the Sto. Rosario National High School who are not the
with the teachers as they use the system to hear any comments and
The researcher will seek the approval and authorization of the head
teacher and school principal for the administration of the study. Once
System Development
Step 1: Download and install Kotobee Reader from the official website.
Step 2: Open Kotobee Reader and click on the “Open” button on the home
Click and open the kotobee reader.
Step 3: Navigate to the location where the eBook (iThink+) is saved and
select it.
Click “Shared
Li brary” and
fin d iThink+
The iThink+ will open in Kotobee Reader. The cover page will greet users
and in the next chapter, the introduction, provide an overview of the lesson
5: To
start the activity, look for pre-aassessment.
Click “Chapters”
to reveal all the
List of chapters
Step 6: To answer questions, look for interactive icons such as the multiple
Click the interactive icon (Submit Answers) to reveal the answer and click
To highlights
Step 8:
You can also take notes, highlight text, and bookmark pages using the
Click the “notebook” icon to
view the words you
highlighted, take notes and
added bookmark.
Step 9: After your done in answering the pre-assessment, click the next
button below then you will be provided video lesson to have a deeper
Step 10: If your done watching a video lesson, you can move to the next
Step 11. When you're done reading and answering questions, you can save
Step 12. To access your saved progress, open Kotobee Reader and click on
the "Open" button. Select the eBook you want to continue reading and your
users to identify the learning gaps of the students and the areas
that most of students having a hard time; and (4) learning and
POV of Students
Step 2: The students will click and open the kotobee reader.
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