Student Admit Card

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398, Ramkrishnapur Road, Barasat, Kolkata - 700125

( Odd Semester Examination : December 2024 )
Srl No : 24DCS1OR4522 / 256016

Name of the Candidate : VASHKAR GHOSH

Son/Daughter of : SURAJIT GHOSH
Registration Number : 24104004522 of 2024-2025
Roll Number : 24104010056
Programme : Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering
Semester : 1st
Gender : Male
ABC ID : 365456504717

NOTE : This admit card is valid subject to fulfillment of Rules & Regulations as per BRAINWARE UNIVERSITY Act regarding Examinations.

Sl. No. Course ID Course Code Course Name

1. 16503 DBS00001 Mathematics - I
2. 16504 DBS00002 Applied Physics - I
3. 16505 DBS00003 Applied Chemistry
4. 16508 DES00001 Introduction to IT Systems
5. 16513 DHS00001 Communication Skills in English
6. 16509 DES00003 Engineering Mechanics
7. 16506 DBS09006 Applied Physics - I Lab
8. 16507 DBS09007 Applied Chemistry Lab
9. 16514 DES09005 Engineering Mechanics Lab
10. 16510 DES09007 Engineering Workshop Practice
11. 16512 DES09010 Introduction to IT Systems Lab
Instructions for the candidates:
I. Reporting to the examination hall
1. No student will be allowed to bring his/her mobile phones, electronic gadgets like smart watches, data stored calculator etc. to the
examination hall. However, only transparent writing board and transparent pencil box are allowed inside the examination hall.
2. All students must carry their Identity Card with them during the examinations and produce the same for verification, if required.
3. Candidates are allowed to enter into the examination room 20 minutes before the time specified for the commencement of each examination.
4. Before taking their specified seats in the examination hall, students should make sure they are not carrying any materials on their person that
are not authorized. Any such material discovered during the examination on their person would be regarded as an intentional attempt to
employ unfair tactics.
5. No Candidates should be permitted to enter into the examination room without a valid Admit Card and Identity Card.
II. During examination
1. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination hall -
i) Within the first one hour of the commencement of the examination.
ii) During last 30 minutes of examination timing (except submission of answer script).
iii) Without signing the attendance sheet.
iv) Without proper handing over the answer script to the Invigilator on duty.
2. Candidate should write down all entries [i.e., Candidate`s Name, Programme Name, Course Name, Course Code, Roll Number,
Registration Number, Session and Full Signature with Date] on the answer script.
3. Exchange (borrowing or lending) of any material during the examination is not allowed.
4. If any student were found to be involved in using unfair means during an examination, the said student would be immediately expelled
(Reported against) from the exam hall for that examination and the matter would be reported to the Controller of Examinations
for further action.
5. In case a student has to leave his/her seat for whatever reason, he/she has to seek the permission of the concerned invigilator(s) of that
exam hall before doing so. For visiting the Sick room, he/she has to seek the permission of the concerned faculty invigilator of that
examination hall before doing so.
III. On completion of examination
1. Students who are present in the last 5 minutes of the examination will have to wait till the exam material is collected from all the students
by the invigilators and they are permitted to leave by the faculty invigilator of that exam hall.
2. Leave the examination building quietly to ensure that you do not disturbed other examinee.
N.B. : University shall not be held responsible for loss / theft of books, calculators, mobile phones or any other items of students.
Download Date from student self-service : - Dec 18, 2024 at 09:49 AM

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