Course code: LE-201
2nd year 1st Semester B.Sc. Engineering in Leather Engineering
Submitted to
Professor Dr. Sobur Ahmed
University of Dhaka
Submitted by
Name : Nojib Easar Prottoy
Department : Leather Engineering
Class Roll : ZH-192-004
Registration No : 2021812428
❖ Chromium complexes and their structures
From Werner’s theory, there might be seven types of chromic acid structures. Here
these are stated below:
CrCl3.H2O is a co-ordination complex where six water molecules are added as
secondary valency termed as co-ordination number and 3Cl is primary valency
The co-ordination complex acts as an atom. In Normal [Cr (H2O)6] Cl3 complex 3Cl is
attached to chromium by primary valency and H2O is attached by secondary valency.
This complex is violet in color in the solution. But when heated the solution turned
into a green color solution. The 3Cl atoms can be precipitated by AgNO 3 and
simultaneously the chrome complexes lose one of their positive charges.
Violet Color
When heated, we found two types of complexes: β-chromic chloride and γ-chromic
chloride, respectively.
These 3 complexes are cationic in nature. Another 4 types of complexes are formed in
the presence of NaCl
The last 3 complexes are anionic in nature. These seven types of complexes can
be represented using SO4 instead of Cl also.
Normal salts of Chromium like CrCl3 or Cr2(SO4)3 have no tanning power. These salts can
be made of basic salt by hydrolysis. Hydrolysis of these salts are given below:
• Olation: The attachment of a hydroxy (-OH) group with one chromium atom
with a primary valency and another Chromium atom with a secondary valency
(Cr-OH…. Cr) is called olation. In olation, the water group was eliminated and a
bigger molecular weight compound was produced. The mechanism of olation in
33.33% basic chrome chloride is stated below:
Olation combines two or more molecules of basic chrome compounds with one
another producing a bigger molecule. Olation is affected by heating increase in
basicity or concentration etc.
Again heat
• Polymerization: The process in which the chrome compounds simply join up
by forming bigger molecules is called polymerization. The increase in the size of
the molecule of basic chrome compound can be done by both olation and
polymerization. The main difference between olation and polymerization is that
there is no elimination of water in the polymerization compound to the olation
process. The reaction is stated below:
It has been assumed that the function of masking is to aid chrome penetration
at the start of tanning, by reducing the reactivity of the complexes. Although such
masking can in principle be achieved with any ligand capable of creating a
complex, in the case of chrome tanning the commonest practical masking agent
is formate, usually derived from the pickling formulation, but it may be added
after a sulfuric acid pickle or the masking reaction might be conducted prior to
the tanning reaction.
The principle of using a masking agent in chromium tanning is to control and
optimize the tanning process by regulating the concentration of chromium ions
in the tanning bath. The primary masking agent used in this process is sodium
formate (HCOONa), although other substances can also serve as masking agents.
The key reactions in chromium tanning with a masking agent involve the
formation of stable and soluble complexes between the masking agent (sodium
formate) and the toxic, hexavalent chromium ions (Cr⁶⁺) in the tanning bath.
These complexes reduce the concentration of toxic chromium in the bath,
making it safer for the tanning process and the environment. Here are the
1. Hexavalent Chromium Reduction: In the presence of a reducing agent like sodium
formate, hexavalent chromium (Cr⁶⁺) is reduced to trivalent chromium (Cr³⁺):
2Cr⁶⁺ + 3HCOO⁻ + 3H₂O → 2Cr³⁺ + 6CO₂ + 3OH⁻
2. Formation of Chromium Formate Complex: The trivalent chromium ions (Cr³⁺)
then form stable complexes with formate ions (HCOO⁻): Cr³⁺ + 3HCOO⁻ → Cr
Masking changes any or all the properties of chrome liquor as well as leather.
❖ Method Of Chrome Tannage and Mechanism of Chrome Tanning:
The use of chromium (III) salts is currently the most common method of tanning:
perhaps 90% of the world’s output of leather in tanned in this way. The basis of the
chrome tanning reaction is the matching of the reactivity of the chromium (III) salt with
the reactivity of the collagen
Chromium (III) salts are stable in the range pH 2-4, where the basicity changes, but at
higher values, they will precipitate. This can be modeled in the following way, using
empirical formulae:
The processing time for the chrome tanning reaction itself is typically less than 24 hours.
Chrome tanning confers high hydrothermal stability; a shrinkage temperature of 110’C
is easily attainable. Chrome tanning alters the structure of the collagen in only a small
way: the usual chrome content of fully tanned leather is 4% Cr 2O3. Chromium (III) can
act as a mordant (fixing agent for dyes) and its pale color allows bright deep and pastel
shades (even though the base color of the leather is pale blue).
The chrome tanning reaction is the creation of covalent complexes between collagen
carboxyl groups, specifically the ionized carboxylate groups and the chromium (III)
molecular ions. In this way, the reaction is no different from making any other
carboxylate complex, such as acetate or oxalate, although tanners tend to think of the
reaction as the fixation of chrome onto collagen.
The trivalent chromium ions (Cr³⁺) react with the collagen, which is the primary
structural protein in the hide or skin. This reaction forms stable and insoluble complexes
between the chromium ions and the collagen fibers. The reaction can be represented
as follows:
The complex collagen-chromium structures create stable cross-links within the collagen
fibers, effectively "tanning" the hide or skin. These cross-links make the leather more
resistant to microbial attack, decay, and enzymatic degradation.
Rechroming: The process begins by rechroming the prepared hides or skins with a
tanning solution containing trivalent chromium. During this step, hexavalent chromium
(Cr⁶⁺) is typically reduced to trivalent chromium (Cr³⁺) through the addition of a
reducing agent, such as sodium bisulfite or sodium metabisulfite.
The single bath chrome liquor is generally prepared from sodium and potassium
dichromate or chrome alum.
The original process was chrome alum, Cr2(SO4)3•K2SO4.24H20, applied as the acidic
salt, typically giving a pH of almost 2 in solution. Following penetration at that pH, when
the collagen is unreactive, the system is basified to pH 4, with alkalis such as NaOH or
Na2CO3 to fix the chrome to the collagen.
•Then dissolved soda ash was added slowly to the chrome alum solution while stirring
➢Principle of double bath chrome tanning process:
The pelts are saturated by chromic acid in the first bath, then it is removed, usually to
stand overnight. At this time there is no reaction, because Cr (VI) salts do not complex
with protein.
Next, the pelt is immersed in a second bath, containing a solution of a reducing agent
and enough alkali to ensure the final pH reaches at least 4. The chromic acid gets
reduced by the sulfurous acid and basic chromium compounds are formed inside the
skin which tan later. The tanned skin has a greenish-blue color.
In 1972 stiasny and B. M. Das jointly studied the reactions. According to them, the
following reactions take place:
Antony D. Covington -Tanning Chemistry: The Science of Leather
Dutta S.S. – An Introduction to the Principle of Leather Manufacture
῀ The End ῀