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Document (7)
Document (7)
The Circle
Q 1. ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB = AC, circumscribed about a circle, as shown
in fig. Prove that the base is bisected by the point of contact. [CBSE
2008, 2012]
Q 4. A circle touches all the four sides of a quadrilateral ABCD. Prove that :
AB + CD = BC + DA. [CBSE 2008, 2009, 2012,
Q 5. If all the side of a parallelogram touch a circle, show that the parallelogram is a rhombus.
Q 11. O is the centre of a circle of radius 5 cm. T is a point such that OT = 13 cm and OT
intersects the circle at E. If AB is the tangent to the circle at E, find length of AB.
[CBSE 2017]
Q 12. If AB, AC, PQ are tangents in Fig. and AB = 5 cm, find the perimeter of APQ.
2000,2020 ,2022]
Q 13. In Fig., ABC is a right triangle right-angled at B such that BC = 5 cm and AB = 12 cm.
Find the radius of its incircle.
[CBSE 2002, 2022]
Q 14. In Fig., AB is a chord of length 16 cm of a circle of radius 10 cm. The tangents at A and
B intersect at a point P. Find the length of PA. [CBSE 2010, 2019]
Q 15. In Fig., AB is the diameter of the circle, BC is the tangent to the circle at B. If OE bisect
the chord AP and ∠ AOE=60 °, find ∠ BCA .
[CBSE 2022]