Circle 10th Class

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Past Year's Questions

.t cection contains selected

Questions from last 5 vears' Board Evame from 204 to 2019.
Board Exam papers including compartment papers Different sets OT
are covered here.
chort Answer IQuestions (Q.Nos. 1-8)
O. In figure, XAY is a tangent to the circlc centered
1. Fron an external point P, two tangents PA and at O. If ABO = 40°, then find m BAY
PBare drawn to the circle with centre O. Prove and n ZAOB. (CBSE 2022|
that OP is the perpendicular bisector of chord
AB. [CBSE 2024]
2. In the given figure, PT is atangent to the circle A

centered at O.OC is perpendicular to chord AB. 40

Prove that PA-PB = PC' - AC?,

7. In figure, O is the centre of the circle. PQ and

PR are the tangent segments. Show that the
quadrilateral PQOR is cyclic.
[CBSE 2022 (Compartment)i
[CBSE 2023]
3. Prove that the tangents drawn at the ends of a
diameter of a circle are parallel. [CBSE 2023]
4. Inthe given figure, PAis a tangent to the circle P

drawn from the external point P and PBC is the

secant to the circle with BC as diameter. If 8. Prove that the tangent at any point of a circle is
LAOC = 130°, then find the measure of ZAPB, perpendicular to the radius through the point of
where O is the centre of the circle. [CBSE 2023] Contact. [CBSE 2020"

A Short Answer Il Questions (Q.Nos. 1-8)

1. Prove that the tangents drawn at the end points
of a chordof a circle makes equal angles with
the chord. C8SE 2024")
2. Prove that a parallelogram cireumseribing a
circle is a rhombus. (CBSE 2o22, 201
5. In figure, AB is a diameter of a circle centred at 3. In figure, two circles
0. BCis a tangent to the circle at B. If OP bisects touch externally at P.
the chord AD and LAOP = 60°. Then, find 2C. A common tangent
[CBSE 2022| touches them at A and
Band another common
tangent is at P, which
nects the common
tangent AB at C.
Prove that
LAPB = 90°. (CBSE 2022 (Compartment). CBSE 20191
186 Checkmate MATHEMATICS CBSE Class 1o

4. In figure, P) and LM are two parallel tangents 8. Prove that the opposite sides of aquadrilateral
circumscribing to a circlesubtend
to a circle with centreO and another tangent AB
with pointof contactC intersecting PO al A and supplementary angles at the centre of the circle
LM at B. Prove that ZAOB -90". (CBSE 2019(Compartrnenty]
(CBSE 2022 (Compartment)]
|Long Answer Questions (0.Nos. 1-4)
a circle of
1. A AABC is drawn to circunscribe
radius 4 cm such that the segments BD and DC
are of lengths 10 cm and 8 cm, respectively.
Find the lengths of the sides AB and AC, if it is
>M given that arca AABC= 90 cm. (CBSE 2023]
5. In given figure, two circles p

touch cach other at the

pointC. Prove that thc
Common tangent to the A" B"
circles at C, bisects the 4 crry
Common tangent at 10crn
P and Q. [CBSE 2020]

6. In figure, PQ is achord of length 8 cm of a 2. Two circles with centres O and 0' of radii 6 cm
circle of radius 5 cmand centre 0. The tangents and 8 cm, respectively intersect at two points P
at PandOintersect at point T. Find the length and Q such that OP and O' P are tangents to the
of TP. (CBSE 2019) two circles. Find the length of the common
chordPO. [CBSE 2023]

5 crn 3. Two tangents TPand TQ are drawn to a circle

with centre O from an external point T. Prove
that ZPTO= 22OPO. [CBSE 2023, 20]

Or PO is achord of length 8 cm of acircle of radius

5cm. The tangents at P and Q intersect at an
external point T. Find the length of PT.
[CBSE 2019 Compartment
7. In figure, a circle is inscribcd in a AABC having 4. Acircle touches the side BC of a AMBC at a point
sides BC= 8cm, AB -10 cm and AC =12 cm. Pand touches AB and AC when produced at Q
Find the lengths of BL, CM and AN. [CBSE 2019) and R, respectively. Show that AQ = 1/ 2
(Perimeter of AABC).

10 crm 12 cm B,

[CBSE 2023 (Compartment).
Competency Based Questions
As per latest Examn Pattern there will be 50% Competency Based Ouestions (CBQs)in the paper. So we
have covered all types of CBQs; Multiple Choice Questions, Assertion-Reason, Case Based and Subjective
Questions of competency nature.
5. In the given figure, AB = BC =10 cm.
Multiple Choice Questions (Q.Nos. 1-21) If AC =7cm, then the length of BP
is (CBSE 2023)

4 Maximum number of common tangents that can

be drawn to twO circles
distinct points is
intersecting at two
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1
2. In the given ligure, il PT is a tangent to a circle
with centre O and ZTPO = 35°, then the measure
of Zx is [CBSE 2024]

(a) 3.5 cm (b) 7 cm (c) 6.5 cm (d) 5 cm

35 P
6. In the given figure, AB is a tangent to the
= 30°,
centered at O. If OA=6 cm and Z0AB
then the radius of the circle is [CBSE 2023])

(a) 110° (b) 115° (c) 120° (d) 125°

30 >A
3. In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle,
MN is the chord and the tangent ML at point M (d) v3 cm
makes an angle of 70° with MN. The measure of (a) 3 cm (b) 3/3cm (c) 2 cm
ZMON is [CBSE 2024] 7. In the given figure, AC and AB are tangents to a
circle centered at O. If ZCOD = 120°, then ZBAO
is equal to (CBSE 2023]

M70° 120

(a) 30° (b) 60° (c) 45° (d) 90

(a) 120° (b) 140° (c) 70° (d) 90°
8. In the given figure, PA and PBare tangents from
0. If the
4. PQ is tangent to a circle centered at external point P to a circle with centre Cand Q
radius of the circleis 5 cm, then the length of is any point on the circle. Then, the mneasure of
the tangent PQ is [CBSE 2023] ZAQB is [C8SE 2023)

30 p

d )s
10 Cm
(b) 125°
(a) 5V3 cm (b) cm (c) 10 cm V3 2
(c) 55° (d) 90°
drawn from a
The length ol a langent
circleiis 8 Crn. Thepoint at a
15. cm of

9. The length of the tangent drawn rom a point P, distance of 10
whose dist:aneefronn the cente of a cirele is 25 em the circle is
and the radius of the ccle is 7Cm, is |CBSE 2023) (b) 5 c)
(a) 4c)
(a) 22 cm (b) 24 cm (c) 25 cm (d) 28 Cm
AB subtends, an angle of 60 at thc
10. ln the figure, PA and PB ae (wo tamgents to the 16. | a chorda circle, thc angle between the
Centre isalso 60'
circle vith centre O, such that /APB 50°. Then, tangents atA and B (b) False
the measure of Z0AB is |CBSE 2023 (Compartment)] (a) TruIe
(d) Data inadequate (d) None of these
below,APOR isan
17. Inthe figure lengths of P[l -
Pa)50 riangle with P)= PR and the
and units, respectively. (C8SE
UR are 5 units

(a) 25 (b) 50° (c) 75° (d) 100°

11. In the given figure, if tangents
PA and PB from an external
point P to a circle with centre
0, are inclined to cach other
at an angle of 80°, then ZAOB
is equal to
[CBSE 2020 (Compartment)]
(a) 100° (b) 60° (Note the figure is not to scale)
(c) 80° (d) 50° Which of the following is true?
12. If the angle between two radii of a circle is 100°, (a) PS =3 units
the angle between the tangents at the ends of (b) SQ =5 units
these radii is (c) QT =3 units
(a) 50° (b) 60° (c) 80° (d) 90°
(d) QR = 8 units
13. In the figure, PT is a tangent to the circle with 18. In the figure below, AABC is formed using three
centre 0. If PT = 30cm and diameter of the tangents to a circle centred at O.
circle is 32 cm, then the length of line segment
OP willbe

(Note the figure is not to scale)

(a) 68 cm (b) 34 cm (c) 17 cm (d) 34.8 cm Based on the construction, which of the
14. In the given figure, if 0C= 9 cm and
following statenments is true?
OB = 15 cm, then BC + BD is cqual to (a) The sum of the length of BP and BQ less
than the perimeter of AABC.
(b) The sum of the length of BP and BQS
same as the perimeter of AABC.
(c) The sum of the length of BP and BOr
greater than the perimeter of AABC:
(d) Length of the knownto
(c) 24 cm (d) 36 cm tangents should be
(a) 18 cm (b) 12 cm compare it to the perimeter of AABC:

with centre Ois shown below, where CA the radius of the

ccircle Assertion (A) Ifin a circle,
ndCB are tangents to the circle. distance of a point from the
[CBSE QB] Crcle is 5 cm and then lcngthof the
centre of a circle is 13 cm,
langent will be 12 cm.
Reason (R)
(Hypotenuse) =(Base)' +(Height)?
PB are tangents to a
B J. Assertion (A) PA and AOB = I10°, then /
(Note the figure is not to scale) with centre ), such that
APB =90°.
Tf measure of ZACB = 50°, then find the measure tangents drawn
of LAOB. Reason (R)The length of two
(a) 40° (b)50° (c) 130° (d) 140° Irom an external point are cqual.
given figure, a quadrilateral
a0 In the following ligure, 0 is the centre of the 4 Assertion (A) In thecircumscribe agiven circle,
ABCDis drawn to
circle. PQ, QR and RP aretangents of the circle. = AD + BC.
as shown, then AB + CD
TS is parallel to QR. [CBSE QB] R


circles, the chord

(Note the figure is not to scale) Reason (R) In two concentric smaller
Which of these is the measure of ZRPO? of the larger circle, which touches
(b) 55° circle is bisected at the point of contact.
(a) 35°
tangents to a
(c) 62.5° (d) 70° 5. Assertion (A) PA and PBare two
from an circle with centre O, such that
21. How many tangents can be drawn ZAOB = 120°, then ZAPB = 80°.
external point to a circle? [CBSE QB)
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 Reason (R) The length of two tangents drawn
(d) Infinitely many from an external point are equal.
(c) Only 3
6. Assertion (A) If the length of a tangent from an
Assertion-Reason (Q.Nos. 1-9) external point to a circle is 8 cm, then the length
of the other tangent from the samne point is 8 cm.
Directions (Q. Nos, 1-9) Consist of tWo Reason (R) The lengths of the tangents drawn
Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these from an external point to a circle are equal.
Slecting the appropriate option given 7. Assertion (A) In the given figure, O is the centre
Reason are true and Reason is of a circle and AT is a tangent at point A, then
(a) Both Assertion and
Assertion BAT = 60°.
the correct explanation of
Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is
) Both
explanation of Assertion
not the correct 60
(C) Assertion is true. but Reason is
(0) Assertion is false, but Reason is true
drawn to a
Assertion (A) The two tangents are
point, then they subtend
Circle from an external
equal angles at the centre. Reason (R) Astraight line can meet a circle at
fromthe centre of a
Reason (R) Perpendicular one point only.
Circle does not bisect the chord.

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