Circle 10th Class
Circle 10th Class
Circle 10th Class
4. In figure, P) and LM are two parallel tangents 8. Prove that the opposite sides of aquadrilateral
circumscribing to a circlesubtend
to a circle with centreO and another tangent AB
with pointof contactC intersecting PO al A and supplementary angles at the centre of the circle
LM at B. Prove that ZAOB -90". (CBSE 2019(Compartrnenty]
(CBSE 2022 (Compartment)]
|Long Answer Questions (0.Nos. 1-4)
a circle of
1. A AABC is drawn to circunscribe
radius 4 cm such that the segments BD and DC
are of lengths 10 cm and 8 cm, respectively.
Find the lengths of the sides AB and AC, if it is
>M given that arca AABC= 90 cm. (CBSE 2023]
5. In given figure, two circles p
6. In figure, PQ is achord of length 8 cm of a 2. Two circles with centres O and 0' of radii 6 cm
circle of radius 5 cmand centre 0. The tangents and 8 cm, respectively intersect at two points P
at PandOintersect at point T. Find the length and Q such that OP and O' P are tangents to the
of TP. (CBSE 2019) two circles. Find the length of the common
chordPO. [CBSE 2023]
10 crm 12 cm B,
[CBSE 2023 (Compartment).
Competency Based Questions
As per latest Examn Pattern there will be 50% Competency Based Ouestions (CBQs)in the paper. So we
have covered all types of CBQs; Multiple Choice Questions, Assertion-Reason, Case Based and Subjective
Questions of competency nature.
5. In the given figure, AB = BC =10 cm.
Multiple Choice Questions (Q.Nos. 1-21) If AC =7cm, then the length of BP
is (CBSE 2023)
M70° 120
30 p
d )s
10 Cm
(b) 125°
(a) 5V3 cm (b) cm (c) 10 cm V3 2
(c) 55° (d) 90°
drawn from a
The length ol a langent
circleiis 8 Crn. Thepoint at a
15. cm of
9. The length of the tangent drawn rom a point P, distance of 10
whose dist:aneefronn the cente of a cirele is 25 em the circle is
and the radius of the ccle is 7Cm, is |CBSE 2023) (b) 5 c)
(a) 4c)
(a) 22 cm (b) 24 cm (c) 25 cm (d) 28 Cm
AB subtends, an angle of 60 at thc
10. ln the figure, PA and PB ae (wo tamgents to the 16. | a chorda circle, thc angle between the
Centre isalso 60'
circle vith centre O, such that /APB 50°. Then, tangents atA and B (b) False
the measure of Z0AB is |CBSE 2023 (Compartment)] (a) TruIe
(d) Data inadequate (d) None of these
below,APOR isan
17. Inthe figure lengths of P[l -
Pa)50 riangle with P)= PR and the
and units, respectively. (C8SE
UR are 5 units