Template Karya Ilmiah
Template Karya Ilmiah
Template Karya Ilmiah
The most effective effort in achieving the national development target is through education.
The purpose of this study is to explore the role of teachers in the development of hidden
curriculum-based islamic boarding schools. This research uses a qualitative approach method
with data collection techniques in the form of interviews and observations. The subject of the
study consisted of 80 students and 10 teachers. Findings from the study show that teachers
have a very crucial role in the development of hidden curricula based on islamic boarding
schools, especially in terms of shaping the character of students. Teachers understand that the
character of students is not only formed through formal subjects but also the values of Islamic
boarding schools passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, the teacher acts as a
facilitator in helping students understand and apply the values of Islamic boarding schools in
everyday life. Teachers also act as models for students, by demonstrating behaviors and
actions that are following the values of Islamic boarding schools. In this case, teachers need
to have a deep understanding of the values of Islamic boarding schools and the ability to
integrate these values into the existing curriculum.
Keywords: Graduate Profile, Educational Challenges, Multiple Intelligences, Society 5.0
Era, Boarding School
Introduction (pendahuluan)
Method (metode)
The results of this study found that the mapping of activities was
divided into 3, namely: First, daily activities include: getting up early,
praying at dawn, reading the Quran, and providing Arabic and English
vocabulary. Daily sports activities are carried out in the morning and
evening. Vocabulary-giving activities morning and afternoon. For arts
and skills course activities are carried out in the morning and evening. As
for studying in the morning class, students enter at 07.00 - 12.30 WIB.
Then continue to enter the afternoon class at 14.00 - 15.00 WIB. The
evening activities of the students began after isya’ prayer, which is to
study at night with the homeroom teacher. At 22.00 WIB, all students
must be in the dormitory to participate in the evening before going to
bed. Second, weekly activities include English, Arabic, and Indonesian
speech practice activities. conversational activities in Arabic and English.
Morning jog activities together. Scout practice activities. Thirdly, the
annual activity: acceptance for new students, Khutbatul 'Arsy
introductory week to introduce life in the Lodge as a whole. Various
Olympic activities, leadership and scouting training, sports activities, art
activities, and scientific activities. The annual activities are also related
to the evaluation of the teaching and learning process, which is carried
out in the midterm general test activities, semester exams, and class VI
final examination activities.
a) Class Division.
b) Extracurricular.
c) School Facilities.
a) School Norms.
b) School atmosphere.
c) Teacher-Student Interaction.
d) Worship.
e) Competence.
g) Discipline.
Conclusion (Kesimpulan)
Based on the findings from the studies that have been conducted
on research the exploration of the role of teachers in the development of
an Islamic boarding schools-based hidden curriculum, Teachers play an
important role in developing the pesantren-based hidden curriculum as
facilitators who assist students in cultivating social, moral, and spiritual
values. Developing the hidden curriculum also necessitates cooperation
among teachers, students, and parents, as well as support from the
pesantren environment to ensure its success. Periodic evaluation and
monitoring can aid teachers in enhancing the developed hidden
curriculum. In light of these findings, teachers play a crucial role in developing
the hidden curriculum in pesantren, which aligns with the policies of the
national education system and Islamic education to cultivate students with
noble morals. We contend that to achieve this objective, internal stakeholders,
such as pesantren managers, teachers, and students, must re-understand the
significance of the function of the hidden curriculum in student progress. The
teachers should take the lead in developing the hidden curriculum to shape
students with strong moral and spiritual values and noble morals. For future
research, it is advisable to increase the number of research participants and
employ various research methods to strengthen findings and generalisations.
Ucapan terimakasih kepada pihak yang memberikan dana, institusi dan dan afiliasi.
Missal, peneliti mengucapkan terimakasih atas dukungan dll, jika ada pendaan maka
sebutkan nomor surat dan tanggal surat dan dari mana asalanya.
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