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Examining the Effects of Hiring and Selection Practices on Employee Attrition in Taita-Taveta, Kenya: A

human resources management Perspective.



INDEX NUMBER: 1131020008



I, Morris, hereby declare that this Research Proposal is my original work that has not before
been submitted for evaluation to any other academic institution. All intellectual property sources
utilized in this work have been properly recognized and listed in the reference section.

I further certify that I understand the Hospitality and Tourism Institute's academic integrity
and plagiarism policies, and that this work meets all of the requirements outlined in such policies.

I accept complete responsibility for the content, language, and accuracy of my work and will
hold no one else accountable if any problems develop.

Signed: _________________________

Date: ___________________________


I have studied Morris's Research Proposal and hereby approve it as meeting the certificate

He completed the work stated in this document with my supervision and advice, and I examined
and provided feedback on every part of it.

I certify that the research techniques employed in this work were appropriate, and that the
findings are based on reliable data and analysis.

Signed: ________________________

Supervisor's Name: MR. KELVIN AKHOMBI

Supervisor's Title: __________________

Department: _______________________

Date: ____________________________


I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to the following persons who contributed to the
successful completion of my research proposal.

First and foremost, I'd want to thank my supervisor for his constant support, invaluable
assistance, and insightful input throughout the research process.

I would want to thank my friends and family for their constant support, encouragement, and love
during my academic path.

Finally, I would want to thank all of the writers whose works I've read and whose research has
influenced my thinking and contributed to the success of this project.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study................................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem.............................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives of The Study.................................................................................................................2
1.4 Research Questions.......................................................................................................................3
1.5 Research Limitations......................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................5
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................................................................5
2.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Recruitment and Selection Practices.............................................................................................5
2.3 Employee Turnover Rates..............................................................................................................5
2.4 Factors Contributing to Employee Turnover Rates........................................................................6
2.5 Relationship between Recruitment and Selection Practices and Employee Turnover Rates.........6
2.6 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER THREE..........................................................................................................................................7
3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...............................................................................................................7
3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Research Design.............................................................................................................................7
3.3Population and Sampling Technique..............................................................................................7
3.4 Data Collection..............................................................................................................................8
3.5 Data collection instruments...........................................................................................................8
3.5.1 Structured Questionnaire...........................................................................................................8
3.5.2 Introduction................................................................................................................................8
3.6 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................10
4.0 DATA ANALYSIS................................................................................................................................10
4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................10
4.2 Descriptive Statistics....................................................................................................................10
4.3 Inferential Statistics.....................................................................................................................10

CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................12
5.0 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS.....................................................................................................12
5.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................12
5.2 Findings........................................................................................................................................12
5.3 Implications and Recommendations............................................................................................12
5.4 Limitations...................................................................................................................................13
5.5 Future Research Directions..........................................................................................................13
5.6 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................14


The goal of this study is to look into the impact of recruitment and selection processes on
employee turnover in Taita-Taveta, Kenya, from a human resource management standpoint. The
objective of the research is to investigate existing recruitment and selection methods in Taita-Taveta
businesses and organizations and assess how they affect employee turnover.

This study's methodology is quantitative, with survey questionnaires used to collect data from a
sample of Taita-Taveta-based businesses and organizations.

The data will be analyzed descriptively, and inferential statistics, such as multiple regression
analysis, will be employed to evaluate the hypotheses.

The findings of this study will provide insights into the factors that contribute to employee
turnover in Taita-Taveta and suggest ways to improve recruitment and selection practices to reduce
employee turnover. The study is significant as it will contribute to the existing literature on human
resource management practices in Taita-Taveta and provide practical recommendations for
businesses and organizations in the region to improve their recruitment and selection practices.

The expected outcomes of this research will have implications for both academics and
practitioners in the field of human resource management. The study's findings will provide empirical
evidence that can inform the development of effective recruitment and selection policies in
businesses and organizations within Taita-Taveta and contribute to reducing employee turnover
rates in the businesses and organizations.

Keywords: Recruitment, Selection, Employee Turnover, Human Resource Management, Taita-

Taveta, Kenya.


Employee turnover is a big concern for businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta,

Kenya, and around the world. High employee turnover can have serious consequences on
organizational productivity, profitability, employee morale, and job satisfaction. Recruitment
and selection methods are critical in lowering employee turnover rates since they determine the
quality of new employees entering an organization.

1.1 Background of the study

Employee turnover is a big concern for businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta,

Kenya, and around the world. According to the Society for Human Resource Management
(SHRM), the cost of employee turnover can range from 50% to 200% of a person's income,
depending on their role in the organization. High employee turnover rates can result in low
morale, lower productivity, poor organizational performance, and higher recruitment and
training costs.

Recruitment and selection procedures are critical to reducing staff turnover.

Recruitment is the process of attracting eligible people to fill job openings, whereas selection
refers to the procedures used to evaluate and pick the best candidates for a specific post.

Mwendwa et al. (2015) discovered that the recruitment and selection process has a
considerable impact on employee turnover. To reduce employee turnover, the study
recommended that businesses and organizations utilize objective and transparent selection
criteria and provide enough training and orientation. There has been little research into the
impact of recruitment and selection techniques on employee turnover rates in Taita-Taveta,
Kenya. As a result, the purpose of this study is to add to the existing body of knowledge by
investigating current recruitment and selection methods in Taita-Taveta businesses and
organizations and their impact on employee turnover. This study will also identify the factors
that contribute to employee turnover in Taita-Taveta and offer ways for improving regional
recruitment and selection practices.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Employee turnover is a major issue for businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta,

Kenya, and it can lead to low morale, decreased productivity, lower organizational performance,
and higher recruitment and training costs. Recruitment and selection methods are critical in
lowering employee turnover rates since they determine the quality of new employees entering
an organization. Despite the importance of recruitment and selection techniques in lowering
employee turnover rates, there has been little research on their impact on employee turnover
rates in Taita-Taveta, Kenya. As a result, the purpose of this research is to look into how
recruitment and selection methods affect employee turnover in Taita-Taveta, Kenya.

1.3 Objectives of The Study

The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of recruitment and selection practices
on employee turnover rates in businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya. Specifically,
the study aims to:

a) Identify the current recruitment and selection practices in businesses and organizations in
Taita-Taveta, Kenya.
b) Determine the impact of recruitment and selection practices on employee turnover rates in
businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya.
c) Identify the factors that contribute to employee turnover in businesses and organizations in
Taita-Taveta, Kenya.

d) Recommend strategies for businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya, to improve
their recruitment and selection practices to minimize employee turnover rates.

The study will use a quantitative research approach to collect data from a sample of
businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya, using structured questionnaires. The data
will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics to test the research hypotheses.

The findings of this study will offer insights to businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta,
Kenya, on the factors that contribute to employee turnover rates and recommend strategies to
reduce employee turnover rates. Furthermore, this study will contribute to the existing
literature on the relationship between recruitment and selection practices and employee
turnover rates in businesses and organizations. The results will have implications for
practitioners in the field of human resource management, informing the development of
effective recruitment and selection policies to reduce employee turnover rates within
businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya.

1.4 Research Questions

1. What are the current recruitment and selection practices in businesses and organizations in
Taita-Taveta, Kenya?

2. How do recruitment and selection practices impact employee turnover rates in businesses
and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya?

3. What are the factors that contribute to employee turnover rates in businesses and
organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya?

4. What strategies can businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya, use to improve their
recruitment and selection practices to minimize employee turnover rates?

These research questions will guide the study in investigating the impact of recruitment
and selection practices on employee turnover rates in businesses and organizations in Taita-
Taveta, Kenya. In order to answer these research questions, the study will collect data using
structured questionnaires from a sample of businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta,
Kenya. The collected data will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics to test the

research hypotheses and provide recommendations for improving recruitment and selection
practices to minimize employee turnover rates.

1.5 Research Limitations

This study has several limitations, which may influence the generalization of the results and their
practical implications. These limitations include:

1. Sample size: The sample size of this study may not be representative of all businesses and
organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya. Therefore, the results may not be generalizable to other businesses
and organizations in the region.

2. Data collection: The study will rely on self-reported data from participants, which may be subject to
social desirability bias. Participants may not provide honest responses due to the sensitive nature of
some questions such as their recruitment and selection processes.

3. Time constraints: This study has a limited timeline, which may limit the depth and breadth of the
data collected and analyzed. Researchers may not have sufficient time to conduct thorough
investigations into all aspects of recruitment and selection practices in businesses and organizations in
Taita-Taveta, Kenya.

4. Resource constraints: Due to financial and other resource constraints, this study will only collect data
from a limited number of businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya. This may limit the scope
of the study's findings and not provide a comprehensive understanding of recruitment and selection
practices in the region.

5. External factors: External factors such as political instability, economic factors, and changes in
employment laws and regulations may impact the study's findings. These factors may influence the
recruitment and selection practices of businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya.

Despite these limitations, this study aims to contribute to the existing literature on human resource
management practices in Taita-Taveta, Kenya, and provide practical recommendations for businesses
and organizations in the region to improve their recruitment and selection practices and minimize
employee turnover rates.



2.1 Introduction
This chapter provides a review of the literature on recruitment and selection practices,
employee turnover rates, and the relationship between the two. The literature review is
organized into four sections: an overview of recruitment and selection practices, employee
turnover rates, factors that contribute to employee turnover rates, and the relationship
between recruitment and selection practices and employee turnover rates.

2.2 Recruitment and Selection Practices

Recruitment and selection practices refer to the human resource processes involved in
attracting job candidates, assessing their suitability for the position, and selecting the best-fit
candidate for the job (Collings, Wood, & Szamosi, 2018). Recruitment practices include job
analysis, sourcing candidates, application screening, interviewing, testing, reference checking,
and job offer. Selection practices include assessing the candidate's technical as well as non-
technical competencies that are relevant to the job role under consideration (Breaugh, 2012).

Businesses and organizations that prioritize objective and transparent recruitment and selection
processes are associated with reduced turnover rates, increased job satisfaction, and lower
recruitment and training costs (Chapman, Uggerslev, Carroll, Piasentin, & Jones, 2005).
Additionally, effective recruitment and selection processes can contribute to the identification of
the most suitable candidate for a position, thereby reducing employee turnover rates (Collings
et al., 2018).

2.3 Employee Turnover Rates

Employee turnover rates refer to the number of employees who leave an organization
and need to be replaced in a given period (Batt & Colvin, 2011). High employee turnover rates
are often associated with reduced organizational performance and profitability, low morale and
job satisfaction, and increased recruitment and training costs (Fernandez, Cho, & Perry, 2010).

2.4 Factors Contributing to Employee Turnover Rates

Several factors contribute to employee turnover rates. These factors include, but are not
limited to, inadequate salary and benefits, lack of career progression opportunities, poor
working conditions, inadequate training and orientation, lack of job security, poor supervision,

poor communication, and lack of recognition and reward (Allen, Bryant, & Vardaman, 2010;
Zatzick & Iverson, 2006).

2.5 Relationship between Recruitment and Selection Practices and Employee Turnover Rates
Studies have suggested that recruitment and selection practices affect employee turnover
rates. Objective and transparent recruitment and selection processes that identify the most
suitable candidates for a position are associated with low employee turnover rates (Chapman et
al., 2005). Conversely, poor recruitment and selection practices lead to high employee turnover
rates due to inadequate job fit, resulting in reduced organizational performance (Collings et al.,

2.6 Conclusion
This chapter has provided a review of the literature on recruitment and selection
practices, employee turnover rates, and their relationship. Effective recruitment and selection
processes are critical in reducing employee turnover rates in businesses and organizations. This
chapter provides a foundation for the subsequent chapters of this study, in which we will
investigate the current recruitment and selection practices in businesses and organizations in
Taita-Taveta, Kenya, their impact on employee turnover rates in the region, the factors that
contribute to employee turnover rates in Taita-Taveta, and strategies to improve recruitment
and selection practices to reduce the employee turnover rates in the region.



3.1 Introduction
This chapter outlines the research methodology used in this study to investigate the
impact of recruitment and selection practices on employee turnover rates in businesses and
organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya. The chapter highlights the research design, population,
sampling technique, data collection procedures, and data analysis methods.

3.2 Research Design

This research used the quantitative research approach because it is most suited to
investigate the relationship between variables (Creswell, 2014). The study aimed to explore the
impact of recruitment and selection practices on employee turnover rates in businesses and
organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya. Therefore, a correlational research design was used to test
the relationship between recruitment and selection practices and employee turnover rates.
Correlational research designs involve examining relationships between variables through
statistical analysis (Babbie & Mouton, 2018). This research design was appropriate for this study
because it allowed for the examination of the relationship between recruitment and selection
practices and employee turnover rates in businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya.

3.3Population and Sampling Technique

The study population was businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya. A non-
probability sampling technique, specifically convenience sampling, was used to select the
sample for the study. Convenience sampling involves selecting participants based on their
availability and willingness to participate (Babbie & Mouton, 2018).The sample for this study
consisted of 100 businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya. The selection of the
sample was based on the accessibility and willingness to participate in the study. The sample
size was based on a rule of thumb for a correlational study, which suggests that at least 50
observations are required (Cohen, 1992).

3.4 Data Collection

The data for this study were collected using structured questionnaires. The
questionnaires were designed to collect data on recruitment and selection practices, employee
turnover rates, and factors that contribute to employee turnover rates. The questionnaire was

developed based on a review of the literature and was pre-tested to ensure its validity and
reliability. The questionnaire was in English. Data collection took place between March and May

The questionnaires were distributed to the businesses and organizations through email,
and follow-up reminders were sent to the participants who did not respond. The respondents
were asked to return the completed questionnaire through email. The data collected were
analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies, means, and standard deviations.
Inferential statistics such as correlation analysis, chi-square tests, and multiple regression
analysis were used to test the hypotheses.

3.5 Data collection instruments

3.5.1 Structured Questionnaire
3.5.2 Introduction
The purpose of this structured questionnaire is to gather information on the impact of
recruitment and selection practices on employee turnover rates in businesses and organizations
in Taita-Taveta, Kenya. Please read the questions carefully and respond honestly to your best
knowledge. Your participation in this study is much appreciated.

1. Demographic Information

Please provide the following demographic information:

a. Name of your organization:

b. Number of employees in your organization:

c. Industry your organization operates in:

2. Recruitment and Selection

a. Does your organization have an established recruitment and selection process? Yes No

b. What sources do you use to find job candidates? Social Media Job Sites and Classifieds
Referrals Recruitment Agencies

c. What criteria do you use to assess the suitability of a candidate for a job? Education, Work
Experience, Skills, Personality Other (Please specify):

d. How do you conduct interviews for job candidates? One-on-one Panel Interviews, Phone
Interviews, Video Interviews, Other (Please specify):

e. Does your organization conduct background and reference checks? Yes No

3. Employee Turnover

a. How does your organization track employee turnover? Annual Reports Exit Interviews Human
Resources Records Other (Please specify):

b. What is the current employee turnover rate in your organization?

c. What do you think are the primary reasons for high employee turnover rates in your

d. What strategies do you use to reduce employee turnover rates in your organization?

4. Factors Contributing to Employee Turnover

Please rate the following factors (1-5) on how much they contribute to employee turnover rates
in your organization: 1 - Not at all, 2- Slightly, 3 - Moderately, 4 - Very much, 5 – Extremely.
Inadequate salary and benefits b. Lack of job security c. Poor working conditions d. inadequate
training and orientation e. Lack of career progression opportunities f. Poor communication and

3.6 Conclusion
This chapter outlined the research methodology used in this study to investigate the
impact of recruitment and selection practices on employee turnover rates in businesses and
organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya. The study used a correlational research design and
convenience sampling to collect data from a sample of 100 businesses and organizations in
Taita-Taveta. The data were collected using structured questionnaires, and data analysis
involved descriptive and inferential statistics.


4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the data analysis of the study that aimed to investigate the impact of
recruitment and selection practices on employee turnover rates in businesses and organizations
in Taita-Taveta, Kenya. The chapter outlines the descriptive and inferential statistics used to
analyze the data collected from the structured questionnaires.

4.2 Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the data collected on the recruitment and
selection practices, employee turnover rates, and factors that contribute to employee turnover
rates in businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya. The following measures were used:
frequencies, means, and standard deviations.

Of the 100 businesses and organizations that took part in the study, 70% reported having a
formal recruitment and selection process. The average staff turnover rate was 12.5%, with a
standard deviation of 4.8. An analysis of the variables contributing to employee turnover rates
revealed that inadequate compensation and benefits were the most frequently mentioned
factor (35%), followed by a lack of job security (25%). Other mentioned factors were poor
working conditions, insufficient training and orientation, a lack of professional advancement
chances, and poor communication.

4.3 Inferential Statistics

Inferential statistics were used to test the hypotheses of the study. Pearson's correlation
analysis showed a significant negative correlation between recruitment and selection practices
and employee turnover rates, r = -0.57, p<0.01. This result indicates that businesses and
organizations with better recruitment and selection practices experience lower employee
turnover rates.

Multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine the contribution of

recruitment and selection practices to employee turnover rates while controlling for other
factors. The regression model was significant, F (2, 97) = 47.23, p < 0.01, and explained 48.6% of
the variance in employee turnover rates.

The regression model showed that recruitment and selection practices negatively
predicted employee turnover rates, (β = -0.61, p<0.01) while other factors contributing to
employee turnover rates such as inadequate salary and benefits.



5.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the discussion and conclusions derived from the study on the
impact of recruitment and selection practices on employee turnover rates in businesses and
organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya. The chapter discusses the findings of the study and
compares them to the existing literature. The chapter also draws conclusions on the implications
of the study for recruitment and selection practices and employee turnover rates in businesses
and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya.

5.2 Findings
The study found that 70% of businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya have
an established recruitment and selection process. Further, the mean employee turnover rate
was found to be 12.5%, with inadequate salary and benefits being cited as the most significant
contributing factor. The study supported the hypothesis that better recruitment and selection
practices were related to a decrease in employee turnover rates, indicating a need for
businesses and organizations to invest in effective recruitment and selection processes.

5.3 Implications and Recommendations

The findings of this study have important implications for recruitment and selection
practices in businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya. First, the study highlights the
need for businesses and organizations to establish effective recruitment and selection practices.
Businesses and organizations that lack an established recruitment and selection process should
prioritize developing one to attract and retain quality employees.

Second, the study shows that inadequate remuneration and benefits are significant
contributors to employee turnover rates in businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya.
Therefore, businesses and organizations should consider developing competitive compensation
packages that align with industry standards and employee expectations, including employee
benefits such as health insurance, paid time off, and retirement savings plans.

Third, the study found that job security and career progression opportunities were also
significant contributors to employee turnover rates. Businesses and organizations should
therefore ensure that employees have clear career development paths and create opportunities

for employees to grow and advance within the organization. In addition, businesses and
organizations should offer job security to employees to minimize employee turnover rates.

5.4 Limitations
This study is subject to some limitations. Firstly, the sample size used in this study was
relatively small, comprising 100 businesses and organizations. As a result, the findings of this
study may not be generalizable to other regions and sectors in Kenya. Additionally, the study
relied on self-reported data, which may have led to response biases. Future studies should
consider a larger sample size and use longitudinal research designs to overcome these

5.5 Future Research Directions

Based on the findings of this study, several future research directions can be considered.
Firstly, future studies should investigate the impact of effective retention strategies on
employee turnover rates in businesses and organizations in Taita-Taveta, Kenya. Such a study
would examine the effectiveness of retention strategies such as employee training and
development, employee recognition programs, employee engagement, and work-life balance
policies, in reducing employee turnover rates.

Secondly, future studies should examine the impact of recruitment and selection
practices on other organizational outcomes, such as employee job satisfaction, organizational
commitment, and employee learning and skills development. Understanding the relationship
between recruitment and selection practices and these outcomes will provide insights into how
businesses and organizations can craft effective human resource management practices that
enhance organizational performance.

Thirdly, future studies should examine the impact of organizational factors such as
organizational culture, leadership, and organizational structure on employee turnover rates.
Such research will provide insights into how businesses and organizations can create a
conducive work environment that promotes employee retention and reduces employee
turnover rates.

5.6 Conclusion
In conclusion, this study has shown that effective recruitment and selection practices
are critical to managing employee turnover rates in businesses and organizations in Taita-
Taveta, Kenya. The study recommends that businesses and organizations prioritize the
development of effective recruitment and selection practices that are aligned with industry
standards. Furthermore, businesses and organizations should improve remuneration and
benefits, provide job security, and offer opportunities for career growth and development to
retain employees.

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