Text 2-1
Text 2-1
Text 2-1
- Compétence disciplinaire n°2 : Réagir de façon appropriée à un texte lu.
- Compétence disciplinaire N°3 : Produire de façon appropriée des textes de types et de fonctions
A- Réaction a un texte lu
Contexte : La population africaine, surtout la classe jeune, fait face à plusieurs défis. L’un des plus grands
est le chômage. Face à un tel phénomène, quelles peuvent être les solutions ?
Support :
Africa has millions unemployed people. Sometimes these people remain inactive for long months and get
discouraged in the quest to find a job. However, this long moment when a person is not working can be put
to good use. So, some people prefer to react instead of remaining passive and get even more stuck in
poverty. These men and women, young and old, then attempt the adventure of entrepreneurship.
This is often a project these people have had in mind for a long time and one day they decide to take the
plunge because they feel they have nothing more to lose. Entrepreneurship then becomes a possible
alternative to unemployment. In this case, the job seeker values his time by preparing his business creation
project. An essential preparation for creating a business that will eventually become prosperous.
Being employed today is no longer necessarily synonymous with financial safety. In fact, an employee can
be dismissed in a very short time for many reasons. Many people have understood this possibility of losing
their job almost suddenly. That’s why many men and women have no reservations when it comes to
Choosing to become an entrepreneur is therefore choosing to take control of your destiny. We make our
own decisions which can turn out to be good or bad, and assume our responsibilities. Becoming an
entrepreneur also responds to deep personal aspirations which may be the thirst for freedom, the taste for
professional adventure, or being audacious. It is above all the ambition to create and develop a project, to
see it grow and expand over time. Being an entrepreneur therefore allows you to express your potential
(creativity, aptitude for business...) and perhaps to experience success at the end of the road.
Among the motivations of entrepreneurs, the financial aspect, paradoxically, does not seem the most
important. There is nevertheless a strong need for recognition among entrepreneurs. Finally, it is very
stimulating to build your project, step by step, to refine your development strategy. The entrepreneur must
thus demonstrate all his versatility and touch all areas of his company's activities (marketing,
communication, accounting, etc.). Above all, he/she must have a great capacity for work because the
entrepreneur does not count his hours.
Adapted article from www.dynamique-mag.com
Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as compris en :
- reconnaissant les détails du texte ;
- exprimant tes appréciations personnelles sur le texte ;
- manipulant certains mots du texte et certaines structure de la langue;
- reformulant des phrases de façon personnelle
- traduisant des phrases en français;
Item 5 : Rewrite the following sentences using the prompts given. Do not change their meaning.
1- People should not stay home doing nothing.
People ought…………………………………………………….
2- You have to build up a business, otherwise you will remain poor.
If you..………………………………
3- If every citizen becomes an entrepreneur, the country will develop quickly
4- In spite of having a job, my uncle created a successful business
5- Entrepreneurs have always valued recognition
Recognition ……………………………………………
Contexte: Savoir rédiger une demande d’emploi est important dans le processus de recherche d’emploi.
Consign: You wish to be employed as a teacher at Holy Family High School. Write a letter of
application to the headmaster of the school. Be convincing.