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Q.1. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ‘FASTANDFURIOUS’ each of which has as
many letters between them in the word as they have between them in the English Alphabet?
(1) Five/ (2) Seven/ (3) Two/ (4) Six/ (5) Four/
Q.2. How many such digits are there in the number ‘9783012534856’ each of which is as far away
from the beginning of the number as when the digits are arranged in ascending order within the
number ?/
(1) E (2) N (3) R (4) M (5) None of these/
Q.6. In each of the following questions, a series is given with one term missing choose the correct
alternative from the given one that will complete the series:
(1) 727 (2) 264 (3) 543 (4) 723 (5) 345
Q.8. If first and second digits are interchanged within the number and then all the numbers are arranged
in ascending order from left to right. Which of the following numbers will be second from right?
(1) 723 (2) 345 (3) 264 (4) 727 (5) 543
Q.9. If all the digits within the numbers are added then how many of above will be exactly divisible by 4?
(1) One/ (2) Two/ (3) Four/ (4) Five/ (5) None of these/
Q.10. If all the digits within the numbers are arrange in descending order, then which of the following
number is second lowest number?
(1) 345 (2) 543 (3) 727 (4) 264 (5) 723
Q.11-14. The following questions are based on five words give below:
(1) SUM (2) PUT (3) AND (4) FOR (5) THE
Q.12. If in each of the given words each of the consonants is changed to next letter and each of the
vowel is changed to previous letter in the English Alphabetical series, then how many words thus
formed will two vowel appear?/
(1) SUM (2) PUT (3) THE (4) FOR (5) AND
Q.14. If in each of the given words each of the consonants is changed to previous letter and each of the
vowel is changed to next letter in the English Alphabetical series, then how many words thus
formed will starting with vowel?
9CN%D47#@JU6I5VP QW&2O831 ZX E *G
Q.15. How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately
preceded by a number and immediately followed by a vowel?
A [ B P 2 3 C % D Z 8 E ] F 6 5 G Q # H @ I 7 J K L M N
Q.18. How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately
preceeded as well as followed by consonants?
(1) EF5 (2) JK (3) D8] (4) M N (5) B2C
Q.21-23.The letter of the English alphabets are numbered from 26 to 1such that 26 stands for A,25
stands for B,and so on .The assigned numbers are used to write the letters of the original
alphabets./ 'A' 'B'
Q.21. In the above question what will be the sum of addition of all the vowels place value ?
Rules/ :
(i) If an odd number is followed by a two digit even number then they are to be added.
(ii) If an odd number is followed by a two digit odd number then the second number is to be
subtracted from the first number.
(iii) If an even number is followed by a number which is a perfect square of a number then the
second number is to be divided by the first number.
(iv) If an even number is followed by a two digit even number then the first number is to be
multiplied by the second number.
Q.24. 15 11 20 400
8 12 10
If the resultant of the second set of numbers is divided by the resultant of the first set of numbers
what will be the outcome?
What is the sum of the two resultant numbers of the set of numbers given above?
Q.26. How many such ‘3’ are there in the above series which is immediately followed by a perfect
square and preceded by a composite odd number?
(1) Two / (2) Three / (3) One / (4) None / (5) None of these/
Q.27. How many perfect squares are there in the above series which is immediately preceded by an
odd number?
(1) Three/ (2) Two/ (3) Six/ (4) Seven/ (5) None of these/
Q.28. Which number is 3rd to the right of 4th to the right of the number which is 18 from left in the
If first 12 even numbers are written from top to bottom and the letters of word “SCARED”
are written in alphabetical order against each multiple of 4 (One letter against one number).
There are 2 letters between N & S. There are as many letters between E & N as between P & D.
P is not against number 14. There are 5 letters between U & T. U is above T. I is written against
number 6. (No letter is repeated against any number)? /
E N P, 14 U T U, T
I, 6
Q.29. What will be the two times of the sum of 7th number from the top and the place value of the letter
against the same number? /