Thermal Transformations of Chromium Acet
Thermal Transformations of Chromium Acet
Thermal Transformations of Chromium Acet
FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up.
FIG. 3. Transmittance FTIR spectra of silica sample pretreated at 8007C (a) and modified by Cr(acac)3 at 1907C (b).
ond step of the weight loss at 3107C, the disappearance Additional information about the thermal transformations
of the IR bands at 1524, 1378, and 1280 cm01 of the of the chromium acac surface species was obtained from
coordinated acac ligands is observed ( Fig. 5 ( 3 ) ) . In con- the temperature-programmed oxidation (TPO) experiments.
trast, bands at 1550 and 1448 cm01 corresponding to the TPO patterns for all modified samples are similar and consist
intermediate oxycarbonate surface species ( 18 ) which are of one sharp peak at 3407C reflecting oxygen consumption
formed in the result of the partial destruction of the acac (Fig. 6). This can be attributed to an oxidative destruction
ligands are present. of the acac ligands in the chromium acac surface species.
A subsequent heating of the modified sample at 4007C This process is accompanied by the oxidation of Cr 3/ in the
results in the diffuse reflectance FTIR spectrum similar to chromium acac surface species to Cr 6/ ions which were
that of the initial silica (Fig. 5(4)) meaning a total removal detected by chemical analysis. The observed valence trans-
and/or destruction of the acetylacetonate ligands in the ini- formation occurs in the temperature range typical for the
tially observed chromium acac surface species. oxidation of silica-supported Cr /3 ions (17).
FIG. 4. DTG profiles in an oxidising (a) and in an inert atmosphere (b) for modified silica pretreated at 800 (1), 400 (2), and 2007C (3).
n(GSiOH) / Cr(acac)3 r
(GSi{O)nCr(acac)30n / n acacH. [2] FIG. 6. TPO pattern of modified silica pretreated at 4007C.
ligands should be observed in the IR spectrum of the modi- for further calculations of the maximum loading of the silica
fied samples although the intensity of the band of the isolated surface with a closed-packed Cr(acac)3 monolayer. The
surface hydroxyl groups is not changed. maximum loading amax (molecules/nm2 ) of the silica surface
with Cr(acac)3 molecules was calculated in accordance with
Comparing the IR spectra of the initial and the modified the equation amax Å 1/ s and was found to be equal to 1.59
silica samples (Fig. 2 and 3) and taking into account the molecules/nm2 . The experimentally determined loading of
value of the acac ligand/chromium ratio in the chromium the silica surface with Cr(acac)3 molecules, a (molecules/
acac surface species (Table 1), we come to the conclusion nm2 ), makes it possible to calculate the surface coverage u
that Cr(acac)3 molecules interact with silica surface due to Å a / amax which shows the part of the silica surface occupied
the formation of hydrogen bonds with the surface hydroxyl by Cr(acac)3 . The surface coverage of silica surface with
groups. First, the diffuse reflectance FTIR spectra of the Cr(acac)3 molecules does not exceed 0.52–0.35 of the theo-
modified silica samples exhibit the IR bands of the acac retical monolayer value and depends on the pretreatment
ligands at 1575, 1524, 1378, and 1280 cm01 . Second, a broad temperature of the silica samples (see Table 1). One may
band in the region 3600–3400 cm01 caused by the hydrogen assume that the saturation of silica surface with the chro-
bonded surface hydroxyl groups appears. And finally, the mium acac surface species is not controlled by the sterical
acac ligand/chromium ratio in the chromium acac surface hindrance.
species determined from the weight loss and chemical analy- The proposed structure of the chromium acac surface spe-
sis (Table 1) appeared equal to that in the initial Cr(acac)3 . cies was confirmed by their thermal transformations.
Therefore the interaction of Cr(acac)3 with the silica surface From Scheme 1 it is clear that the acac ligands in the
can be given by Scheme 1. Cr(acac)3 molecule stabilised on silica surface are not equiv-
An appropriate orientation of the acac ligands in the Cr- alent. Thus, two acetylacetonate ligands in the Cr(acac)3
(acac)3 molecule toward surface hydroxyl groups is required molecule are hydrogen bonded with surface hydroxyl
for the formation of such complex. This may arise in the groups, while one acac ligand is oriented unfavorably to be
case when the Cr(acac)3 molecule is being adsorbed on the involved in such an interaction.
silica surface from the gas phase at high temperature. The Kenvin et al. (5) showed that the decomposition of the
proposed scheme represents essentially this situation. hydrogen-bonded acac ligands occurred at lower tempera-
It is important to know what part of silica surface is cov- tures than that of the nonbonded ligands. The possibility of
ered with the chromium acac surface species and how this a proton transfer from the surface hydroxyl group to the
depends on the pretreatment temperature of the initial silica. acac ligand assists its substitution, which results in the elimi-
In accordance with the scaled particle theory, the diameter nation of the acetylacetone molecule. Nonbonded acac li-
of Cr(acac)3 molecule is equal to 0.897 nm (20). The cross- gands are decomposed at higher temperatures because of
sectional area of a Cr(acac)3 molecule can be calculated their oxidation or pyrolysis in an oxidizing or an inert atmo-
using the equation s Å pD 2 /4 which connects the cross- sphere, respectively. Therefore, the position of the high tem-
sectional area s (nm2 ) with the diameter D (nm) of the perature peak appears to be dependent on the atmosphere
molecule. It appears to be equal to 0.63 nm2 and was used which is used in the thermogravimetric experiments. In the
case of the oxidizing atmosphere (Fig. 4a), the peak at
3407C reflects ligand oxidation while in the case of the inert
atmosphere (Fig. 4b) the peak at 3807C corresponds to li-
gands pyrolysis occurring at high temperature.
In the oxidizing atmosphere the weight loss with the max-
ima at 270 and 3407C (Fig. 4a) have a different nature. As
only the high temperature DTG peak at 3407C is accompa-
nied by an oxygen consumption, which is clearly seen from
the TPO pattern in Fig. 6, this peak is connected with the
oxidation of the acac ligands. The weight loss at 2707C does
not require the presence of oxygen and has to be attributed
to the elimination of acetylacetone molecules from the chro-
mium acac surface species.
Comparison of the integrated areas of the low and high
temperature DTG peaks obtained in an oxidizing atmosphere
for modified samples dehydrated at 400 and 8007C makes
it possible to determine what part of the acac ligands are
removed from the chromium acac surface species (Scheme
SCHEME 1 1) due to acetylacetone elimination and ligand oxidation. As
the integrated area of the first peak is two times higher than ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
that of the second peak, the former is connected with the
Igor Babich is indebted to the NFWO (Belgian National Science Founda-
elimination of two hydrogen-bonded acac ligands while the
tion) as a postdoctoral research fellow. Pascal Van Der Voort is indebted
latter reflects the oxidation of the residual nonbonded acac to the NFWO as a postdoctoral researcher.
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