5xSolar Hybrid PS-SI. General Specification

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Solar PV Hybrid Power

Plants - Specification

Prepared for – Solomon Power – ABN: N/A
Application Note

This specification is prepared as a general specification for solar PV/battery/diesel hybrid generation
installations at sites listed in the Site Establishment detail in the Appendix. It is not for any specific site
or installation and needs to be read in conjunction with the specific site requirements and concept
designs set out in the Appendix.

Prepared for – Solomon Power – ABN: N/A
Solar PV Hybrid Power Plants
Solar PV Hybrid Power Plants - General Employer's Requirements

Specification No.:

Solomon Power

Date 02-04-22

Prepared by James Jamieson

Reviewed by

Revision History

Rev Revision Date Details
Name/Position Signature

A 18-Apr-2019 Draft

Prepared for – Solomon Power – ABN: N/A
Solar PV Hybrid Power Plants
Solar PV Hybrid Power Plants - General Employer's Requirements

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Project Aim 1
1.3 Definitions 1
1.4 Structure Employer’s Requirements 2
2.0 General Requirements 3
2.1 Project Management 3
2.2 Deliverables and Formats 8
2.3 Project Structure 10
3.0 General Technical Requirements 18
3.1 Electrical Characteristics 18
3.2 Climatic Requirements 18
3.3 Temperature and Humidity 19
3.4 Dust 20
3.5 Cyclonic Conditions 20
3.6 Corrosion 20
3.7 Prohibited Materials 20
3.8 Structural Requirements 21
3.9 Site Geotechnical and Geodetic Survey 27
4.0 Functional System Specification 28
4.1 Design and Operational Philosophy 28
4.2 General compliance requirements 30
4.3 Engineering 32
4.4 Equipment requirements 32
4.4.1 PV Modules 34
4.4.2 String and Central Inverters 35
4.4.3 Grid Forming Inverters 37
4.4.4 Batteries 38
4.4.9 Diesel Generation Systems (DGS) 50
4.4.10 SCADA and Communications 53
4.4.11 24 V DC Power Systems 55
4.4.12 Civil & Structures 55
4.4.13 Other for Complete Installation 61
4.4.14 Site Layout 61
4.5 Example Equipment 62
4.6 Energy Production and Quality of Supply Requirements 64
4.7 Performance & Warranties 64
5.0 Testing and Commissioning 66
5.1 Testing and Commissioning Plan 66
5.2 Test Results 66
5.3 SAT 66
5.4 Testing 67
5.4.1 Solar Systems 67
5.4.2 Transformers 67
5.4.3 Switchgear 67
5.4.4 Switchgear Enclosures 68
5.4.5 Cables 69
5.4.6 Fibre-optic Tests 69
5.4.7 Current Transformers 69
5.4.8 Voltage Transformers 70
5.4.9 Surge Arresters 70
5.4.10 Earthing Tests 71
5.4.11 SCADA System Tests 71
5.4.12 Control and Protection System Tests 72
5.4.13 System testing 72
5.5 Commissioning 72
6.0 Training and O&M Support 73
6.1 Training 73
6.2 Operation 73
6.3 O&M Support 73
7.0 Supply of Distribution Equipment 75

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Solar PV Hybrid Power Plants - General Employer's Requirements

7.1 Scope 75
7.2 Specifications 75

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Solar PV Hybrid Power Plants - General Employer's Requirements

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background
The Employer, Solomon Power (SP), is a State Owned Enterprise (SOE) and is responsible for the
supply of electricity in the Solomon Islands.
The Employer wants to install solar PV/battery/diesel hybrid generation power plants at the sites listed
in the Appendix C1 and Appendix C2 of the Employers requirements (this document) being part of the
Tender documents. This document provides the scope for the design, supply, installation,
commissioning, operation and maintenance for one year by the Contractor on a Turnkey basis of the
proposed Facilities.
The Employer’s Requirements (ERQ) provide the information necessary for detailed design, Plant
procurement, Installation, operation and maintenance services for the power plants facilities to be
For information on the project sites, including establishment data, maps and GPS co-ordinates, refer to
the Appendix J of this document.

1.2 Project Aim

The Employer wants to implement solar photovoltaic renewable generation and energy storage systems
at each of the Sites. A high level Base Concept Design prepared for each Site can be found in the
Appendix B1, B2, C1 & C2.
The winning Bidders shall deliver, install, commission, operate and maintain for one year following
commissioning five (5) solar photovoltaic hybrid power plants. During the operation and maintenance
period of one year, the maximum downtime must not exceed 150 hours and the winning Bidder must
meet a minimum value of 85% annual renewable fraction. As long as the Employer’s requirements
specified in this document are met, the Bidder shall be free to size and design the solar photovoltaic
hybrid power plant to its best ability with the aim of minimizing Life Cycle Cost. The Bidder shall consider
the fuel cost of year one to be covered by the Employer.

The Employer seeks to engage a Contractor on turnkey basis to:

i) Further the Concept Design for each Site;
ii) produce detailed design for all Sites;
iii) procure Plant, except those items supplied by the Employer;
iv) installation Services including but not limited to:
 construct, test and commission, complete Functional Guarantees delivering Operational
Acceptance of the Facilities;
 training of Employer personnel;
 all necessary Plant documentation; and
 provide O&M support for 12-months following Operational Acceptance of the Facilities in
addition to warranties during the Defect Liability Period of 24 months.

This document specifies how the Employer wishes to achieve these outcomes.

1.3 Definitions
Words and expressions key to the Employer’s Requirements are listed below.
 The “Employer” is Solomon Power. The words “Employer” and “SP” may be used concurrently.
 “Facilities” means the Plant to be supplied and installed, as well as all the Installation Services
to be carried out by the Contractor under the Contract.

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 “Plant” means permanent plant, equipment, machinery, apparatus, articles and things of all
kinds to be provided and incorporated in the Facilities by the Contractor under the Contract.
 “Installation Services” means all those services ancillary to the supply of the Plant for the
Facilities, to be provided by the Contractor under the Contract, such as transportation and
provision of marine or other similar insurance, inspection, expediting, site preparation works
(including the provision and use of Contractor’s Equipment and the supply of all construction
materials required), installation, testing, pre-commissioning, commissioning, operations,
maintenance, the provision of operations and maintenance manuals, training, etc… as the case
may require.
 “Contractor’s Equipment” means all facilities, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatus,
appliances or things of every kind required in or for installation, completion and maintenance of
Facilities that are to be provided by the Contractor, but does not include Plant, or other things
intended to form or forming part of the Facilities.
 “Project” shall refer to all elements of the proposed Scope of Supply of Plant and Services.
 “Bid”, “Bidding”, “Bidder” shall relate to Bidding procedures contained in Sections 1-5 of the
Standard Bidding Document.

1.4 Structure Employer’s Requirements

General Specification:
2.0: General Requirements: provides an overview of implementation approach;
3.0: General Technical Requirements: provides detail on climatic conditions and structural
4.0: Functional Specifications: provides detail on design and operational philosophy,
compliance requirements, engineering, overall Facilities and equipment functionality,
Employer preferred equipment and other information to deliver the Facilities;
5.0 Testing and Commissioning.
6.0 Training and O&M Support.
7.0 Supply of Distribution Equipment

Supplementary Information: The Appendix K provides reference information and design support data to
these general requirements.

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Solar PV Hybrid Power Plants - General Employer's Requirements

2.0 General Requirements

2.1 Project Management
2.1.1 Project Team
The Employer has an established a Project Management Unit (PMU) to manage and implement major
projects. A designated Project Manager will be appointed through whom the Contractor shall
communicate as its primary point of contact. The PMU will review the design, supervise and manage
this project.
The Contractor will provide a dedicated Construction Manager for the duration of the Project, who will
act as the Contractor Representative and be the sole point of contact between the Contractor and the
The Construction Manager should be based in the Solomon Islands as soon as practicable post Contract
Effectiveness, and other than for leave or illness, be full time till Operational Acceptance for all Sites.
The Contractor shall nominate the team members it believes will be necessary to complete the detailed
design, procurement and installation (including O&M). All members of the Contractor’s Project team
shall be competent in their nominated field and CVs shall be provided with the Contractor’s proposal.
The PMU shall undertake Quality Assurance and auditing activities of the Project from start to
completion, this shall include but not be limited to consistent communication with the construction and
project managers on the Contractors side but also site and materials inspections, factory acceptance
testing, documentation checks and audits of various aspects of the project as required.
Any changes to the Contractor team shall be brought to the attention of the PMU. The Employer reserves
the right to accept or reject the team member or replacement at no disadvantage to the Employer.
2.1.2 Site Management
The entire Site work shall be performed within the area(s) as described in the Employer Requirements.
No work shall be performed outside the nominated area unless permitted by the Employer in writing.
The hours of work shall be between 7am and 5pm Monday to Friday and 7am to 1pm Saturday. No work
shall be performed outside of these hours unless agreed in writing by the Employer.
The Contractor shall ensure good site management at all times minimising risk to staff, subcontractors,
other contractors and community. This includes but is not limited to the following:
 The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements of the Environment Social Management Plan
prepared for the project; any project approval requirements issued by the Solomon Islands
Ministry of Environment, Conservation, Climate Change and Disaster Management (MECDM).
The Contractor will prepare a Construction Environmental Social Management Plan for approval
by the Employer detailing how compliance will be achieved.
 The Site shall be kept tidy and free from rubbish at times. The Contractor shall dispose of any
spoil or rubbish in accordance with the local Authorities requirements.
 During Site works, the Contractor shall ensure that the Site is secured to deter any anti-social
or criminal activity occurring on the Site. Any cost associated with loss or damage incurred on
site by the Contractor, shall be borne by the Contractor at no cost to the Employer.
 The Contractor shall ensure that no excessive noise is generated due to site activities. Noise
levels shall be as nominated by the local Authorities and shall not be exceeded.
 The Contractor shall ensure that suitable materials storage and containment is provided as
appropriate to ensure that any spillage of material is contained. The Contractor shall ensure that
all waste materials are disposed of appropriately.
 The Contractor shall ensure that all emissions to air, including noise, dust from construction
activities and exhaust from diesel generator sets, is minimised and managed to mitigate against
adverse impact to adjoining properties and public areas.
 Compliance to the Environmental Social Management Plan as expanded in Section 2.1.5.

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The Contractor shall ensure that it provides best endeavours to interface and coordinate with all parties
on site. This includes its Sub-contractors and other Contractors engaged by the Employer at the

2.1.3 Risk Management

The contractor to ensure the mitigation measures (in the approved ESMP) will be integrated into the
design and construction processes..
The Contractor is responsible to organise three risk workshops which shall include safety in design in
Honiara as follows:
 Within 3 weeks of submitting detail concept design, with detail register of risk for this project,
and responsibility to mitigate and or/remove/isolate/manage.
 Within 3 weeks of issue of construction/design drawings – review of and update of the register
developed as part of item 1 above and identification of any additional risks and mitigation
 After 3 months of completion of construction and operation.

The risks shall be identified by the Contractor in risk assessments, with their mitigation, and provided in
the Detailed Risk Management Report which will be as per above. This is to ensure that the risks are
appropriately identified early on and are incorporated into the design and construction processes.
All risk mitigation measures identified in the workshop and in the risk assessment processes that are
associated with the Contractors scope of work shall be implemented by the Contractor.
2.1.4 Safety
The Contractor will ensure that the design can be built, operated and maintained safely and that all
Installation Services are performed in a safe and hazard free environment. At a minimum:
 The Contractor shall have in place at all times a safety regime that all workers and visitors shall
abide by. All personnel engaged on site, regardless of their employer, must observe at all times
this safe regime of work, which complies with relevant Solomon Islands Acts, regulations and
 All work methodologies used by the Contractor shall comply with SP’s Contractor Site Safety
Rules 5/13/2014 and be in line with the relevant procedures including SP Contractor Site Safety
Guide for Project Supervisors. A draft version of the later is included in the Appendix F.
 Include the health and safety requirements of GCC Clause 22.2.7 – replicated below
 The Contractor shall provide all required information, equipment and training induction for safe
working to the personnel performing work on site and all visitors.
 The Contractor shall nominate a full time site safety representative who will ensure the
Contractors safety regime is kept in place and adhered to by all. The Contractor shall notify in
writing of the name of the safety representative before commencement of the works.
 Any person engaged by the Contractor to work on site must successfully complete the
Contractor’s site induction program and receive a site safety pass.
– The Contractor is required to provide a detailed Health and Safety Plan as part of the
Construction Environment Social Management Plan. In preparing the safety plan, the
Contractor should consider the risk to personnel health, safety and wellbeing in the broad
context of the project, including impact on the public and wider community. Specific
emphasis should be placed on public safety in the surrounding area and nearby public

 A site safety meeting will be held daily during the construction and commissioning phases of the
Project. This meeting shall be attended by all personnel who will be working on the site that day.
Any visitors to site shall be briefed by the Contractor’s site safety representative on the toolbox
meeting notes - in addition to any site induction or permit requirements - before entering the

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site. A weekly meeting shall be held with the Employer to discuss any near misses, safety
incidents and areas of improvements.

22.2.7 Health and Safety

The Contractor shall throughout the contract (including the Defect Liability Period):
1. Comply with the CESMP;
2. Perform all construction works within the Solomon Power acquired land and
corridors as specified in the Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan;
3. Conduct Information, Education and Consultation Communication (IEC)
campaigns, at least every other month, addressed to all the Site staff and
labour (including all the Contractor's employees, all Sub-Contractors and
Employer’s and Project Manager’s' employees, and all truck drivers and
crew making deliveries to Site for construction activities) and to the
immediate local communities, concerning the risks, dangers and impact, and
appropriate avoidance behaviour with respect to COVID-19, Malaria,
Dengue, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) - Sexually Transmitted
Infections (STI) in general and HIV/AIDS in particular;
4. Provide first aid kits, mosquito nets, repellents, face masks and relevant
drugs for all workers;
5. Facilitate COVID-19 vaccination for all workers;
6. Provide male or female condoms for all site staff and labour as appropriate;
7. Provide COVID-19, Malaria, Dengue, STI and HIV/AIDS screening,
diagnosis, counselling and referral to a dedicated national COVID-19,
Malaria, Dengue, STI and HIV/AIDS program.

The Contractor shall include in the program to be submitted for the execution of the Facilities
under GCC Sub-Clause 18.2 an alleviation program for Site staff and labour and their families
in respect of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD),
HIV/AIDS, COVID-19, Dengue and Malaria.
The COVID-19, Malaria, Dengue, STI, STD and HIV/AIDS alleviation program shall indicate
when, how and at what cost the Contractor plans to satisfy the requirements of this Sub-
Clause and the related specification. For each component, the program shall detail the
resources to be provided or utilized and any related sub-contracting proposed. The program
shall also include provision of a detailed cost estimate with supporting documentation.
Payment to the Contractor for preparation and implementation this program shall not exceed
the Provisional Sum dedicated for this purpose.

It is recommended that the Contractor work through the local health centres to affect the above program
and work with authorities on known general health concerns on which Solomon Islands government
advice has been issued.

2.1.5 Environmental and Social Management

The Contractor shall ensure that all work is performed in accordance with the applicable environmental
and social requirements for the project as detailed in the Environmental Social Management Plan or
Public Environmental Report.
The Employer shall through the Employer’s PMU audit Contractor compliance and check activities occur
in concordance with World Bank due processes as required.

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The Contractor shall make it familiar with and reflect in the Construction Environment Social
Management Plan (CESMP), the COVID-19 Management and Prevention Plan, Health and Safety Plan,
Traffic Management Plan, Waste Management Plan, Community Engagement, Management of
Grievances and Trainings (GBV and HIV trainings) and other contract specifications, the requirements
as set out in the following reports:
i) For environmental: Environmental, Social Management Plan /Public Environmental report.
(Appendix K)
ii) Social context: Section 4.3 of the Environmental, Social Management Plan/Public
Environmental report. (Appendix K)

The CESMP should reflect these documents.

The CESMP shall provide quick and efficient response measures to likely environmental and social
incidents on site.
The Contractor will recruit an Environment Social Safeguards Officer (ESSO) as the Contractor’s
representative for environmental and social management. The representative shall have responsibility
and authority over all matters concerning environmental and social aspect of the works on site.
The Contractor shall ensure that any and all environmentally and socially sensitive incidents occurring
on site shall be brought to the attention of the Employer.
Relevant Environmental and Social management, systems, plans, notifications and consultations will
need to be carried out prior to construction.
Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)
During WWII, the area was subject to intense battles and while this occurred over 70 years ago, it is
possible that a chance discovery of a UXO may occur.
In Solomon Islands the responsibility for UXO typically resides with The Royal Solomon Islands Police
Force Explosive Ordinance Disposal Unit (RSIPF-EOD Unit). The Ministry of Infrastructure (MID) is in
the process of developing UXO procedures which when completed and approved by the Government,
will be included in the MID Specifications for Roads and Bridges. This may be a useful guide for the
A draft procedure by SP (which is neither complete nor approved) is attached in the Appendix G for
information. The procedure will be used as a guide and will be updated as appropriate.
The whole proposed project areas (Appendix J) will be swept for UXO as required by SP and the Funding
Agency and if found will be cleared as per the established procedures before the Contractor or the
SP personnel can start site construction.
During construction, should UXO be discovered, the Contractor is to immediately stop work, cordon off
the area, arrange the evacuation of nearby residents and inform the Police of the find. It is a requirement
that the Contractor ensure any construction area is within the UXO cleared area and that the UXO
clearance depth is sufficient to cover any construction activities. Typically, UXO scanning equipment
can scan reliably up to 6m, piling and foundations are unlikely to extend beyond 3.5m, the Contractor
shall be responsible for ensuring the correct depth of UXO scan is achieved. The Contractor shall be
responsible for ensuring the UXO scans and clearance of ordinance or other obstructions detected shall
be completed as required for the sites along with any other surveys or site tests required before
mobilization and construction can commence.
UXO scanning shall be for the entire lot area within the co ordinates that make up the lot boundaries
regardless of whether or not the area is to have structures requiring foundations to be erected. An area
for a future Solomon Power office, worker housing and materials laydown area shall be allocated on site
layout drawings produced within the UXO scanned area. UXO scanning shall cover where perimeter
fencing posts are to be installed.
2.1.6 Quality System
The Contractor shall ensure that all work is performed in accordance with its quality procedures.
A quality management procedure to ensure the quality of all design and implementation works required
under this contract meets the design and performance requirements specified in this document. The
Contractor shall generally follow the principals of the ISO 9000 series – Quality Assurance if not ISO
9001 accredited.

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A description of the quality management procedures shall be provided in the Bid. These procedures
shall be adhered to for the duration of the Project.
2.1.7 Community
The Contractor shall ensure that the affected communities are not disenfranchised due to the
construction activities on site. This will include the Contractor engaging qualified staff to interact with the
Communities to manage the Communities’ expectations to provide on-going information and to alleviate
any discontent.
The Contractor should prioritise employment of people and subcontractors from within the local
communities at the concerned Sites where sufficient, in order to maximise benefits for the local
populations. The Contractor should consider in its employment of personnel at a given Site, that there
may be differences between island cultures that may lead to conflict should labour of outsiders be
employed at the given Site.
The Contractor should encourage employment of women in support activities (administration, clerical,
clearing of vegetation, tree lopping) during design and construction phase (preferably at least 30%) and
provide institutional support such as separate sanitary facilities for women. The Women’s wages will be
paid directly to them.
Grievances Redress Mechanism (GRM)
Construction: It is anticipated that most complaints arising during construction will be minor complaints
concerning health & safety, COVID-19,noise and vegetation clearing that should be able to be resolved
All complaints arriving at the Contractor’s Site Office will be received in a positive manner and entered
in a Register that is kept at the site by: date, name, contact address and reason for the complaint. A
duplicate copy of the entry is given to the Affected Person (AP) for their record at the time of registering
the complaint.
The Register will show who has been directed to deal with the complaint and the date, when this was
made together with the date when the AP was informed of the decision and how the decision was
conveyed to the AP. The Register is then signed off by the person who is responsible for the decision
and dated.
The Register will be kept at the front desk of the contractor’s Office and is a public document. The
duplicate copy given to the AP will show the procedure to be followed in assessing the complaint,
together with a statement affirming the rights of the AP to make a complaint. There will be no cost to the
AP for making the complaint.
In the first instance, the AP will be directed to discuss their complaint directly with the Contractor’s
Project Manager (PM) or onsite Project Engineer (PE). For straightforward complaints, the PM can make
an on-the-spot determination to resolve the issue.
For more complicated complaints, the PM will forward the complaint to the SP Management. The SP
Management has a maximum of one week to resolve the complaint and convey a decision to the AP.
The AP may if so desired, discuss the complaint directly with the SP Management. If the complaint of
the AP is dismissed, the AP will be informed of their rights in taking it to the next step. A copy of the
decision will be sent to the Environment and Conservation Division (ECD).
Should the AP not be satisfied, the AP may take the complaint to the Permanent Secretary (PS) in
MECDM who will appoint the Director of the ECD to review the complaint. The PS will have 15 days to
make a determination. Should the complainant still be unsatisfied with the response, they will retain the
right to pursue the issue through the usual processes of the Solomon Island courts.
Operation: During operation, the same procedure applies i.e., there are no fees attached to the AP for
making a complaint, the complainant is free to make the complaint which will be treated in a transparent
manner and the AP will not be subject to retribution for making the complaint.
2.1.8 Workmanship
The Contractor shall provide information demonstrating that it has a good record of past project
experience to the Employer. They shall perform the Works in a professional and efficient manner and
will deploy the best international practices. The work shall be performed by competent staff, skilled in
their area of expertise and who have a track record of proven electrical infrastructure project work.
2.1.9 Training

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Refer Section 6.1.

2.1.10 Operation
Refer Section 6.2.
2.1.11 Progress Reports
The Contractor will provide brief fortnightly reports to the Employer by email during the entire design,
procurement and construction period. These reports shall include as a minimum the following.
 Project name
 Progress to date
 Expected progress in next fortnight
 Updated schedule
 Invoicing to date
 Issues of concern

In addition, during construction the Contractor will provide for each site updated detailed construction
program Gantt schedules required in Section 2.2.6 iii) attached to the above reports.

2.2 Deliverables and Formats

2.2.1 Deliverables
As outlined in Section 2.2 above, the Employer requires as a minimum the following deliverables from
the Contractor: Design Phases
 Refinement of Concept Bid Design within two calendar weeks of the Effective Date and
subsequently the Final Conceptual Design Report:
o Design Report;
o Fault, protection and stability studies including protection settings;
o SLDs;
o Layouts;
o Primary or critical path Plant specifications and technical brochures;
o Updated works program;
o QA and Safety programs.
o Project document register including all project related design drawings, manuals, plans
and documentation listed including versions. A completed document register is
expected as early as practicable so that all project related documentation including
training content and manufacturer or vendor issued data is in hand ahead of
commissioning, training and handover stages of the project.
 Draft and Final Detailed Design:
o Final Design Reports;
o Construction drawings;
o Detailed Plant schedule for all Plant items;
o Installation manuals, manufacturers O&M manuals, and the like;
o Works Program. Construction, Installation, FAT, Commissioning, Training

 Four calendar weeks prior to commencement of construction the procedures and relevant
documentation shall be made available to the Employer. These will be reviewed by the Employer
and must be available on Site at commencement of Facilities construction. The Employer shall

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be given Four calendar weeks notice prior to commencement of FAT tests so that the option of
attending the tests in person on site is available to the Employer.
Land acquisition and site access shall be undertaken by Solomon Power according to the ESMP
and Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan. It is important the contractor acquire the relevant
GIS data and land documents from Solomon Power for the acquired solar sites prior to any
construction. It is to be clearly understood that no site works can commence until UXO scans
have been completed at each site in its entirety including where perimeter fencing is to be
constructed. The following plans shall be integrated into the Construction Environment Social
Management Plan and submitted to the employer for approval four weeks prior to any civil
o Health and Safety Plan;
o COVID-19 Management and Prevention Plan;
o Trainings (GBV and HIV trainings)
o Traffic Management Plan;
o Waste Management Plan;
o community engagement plan ;
o Management of Grievances and Complaints;
o UXO management plan;
The Contractor shall be required to submit the following documents for review and approval
o Detailed construction program;
o Plant manufacturing and delivery program (including shipping and transport);
o Installation procedures including manufacturer installation manuals;
o Copy of UXO service agreement with local Contractor.
o Other items deemed necessary by the Contractor or the Employer for safe
implementation of the Facilities including those scheduled in Section 2.2.6.
o Factory Acceptance Test scheduling and content shall be determined. FAT shall include
major equipment items such as primary distribution boards, switchgear, transformers,
Central Inverters, PV modules and battery systems (production line test certificates and
records in soft copy shall be acceptable for mass produced production line items such
as string inverters, mounting system structural members and PV modules). FAT
requirements on major equipment items not listed here shall be determined 4 weeks
prior to commencement of construction of the equipment.
 Four weeks prior to factory tests, FAT report formats and proposed procedures compliant with
relevant standards shall be submitted for review. Seven (7) days’ notice of any Employer
representation at factory tests will be provided. FAT reports shall require Employer approval
prior to shipping. The report(s) shall include;
o All non-complying points and limitations arising from the equipment testing;
o All formal commitments to rectify faults uncovered during the testing; and
o A substantive statement confirming that the equipment is ready for transport.
 Four calendar weeks prior to commencement of pre-commissioning draft plans of inspection,
test and commissioning procedures. These will be reviewed by the Employer and final versions
must be available on site one week prior to commencement of Plant inspection and testing at
o Draft and Final test, pre-commissioning and commissioning procedures. These will
include FATs completed prior, SATs and final inspection and testing regime;
o Draft O&M manuals;
 Training to be completed prior to commencement of pre-commissioning:
o SP Operators and Engineers in Plant operations and operating;

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o SP maintenance personnel and operators in equipment servicing (may be provided by

equipment suppliers)
 One calendar week after Commissioning full punch list report with plan detailing correction
actions and deadlines for completion of same. This shall include all items confirmed at
commissioning even if already completed, noting status of such items at report submission.
 Post Commissioning and within six weeks of Operational Acceptance:
o As built drawings
o Test results
o Final O&M manuals
 Post Operational Acceptance for each Site and for a period of 12 months provide on-the-job
training for operators and maintenance personnel, routine monthly review at all sites on operator
performance, site technical issues, compliance with O&M requirements, defect liability
monitoring and other duties as may be agreed with the Employer for the successful integration
of the Solar Power Plants into SP operations including its proposed new SCADA system if
operational at the time.

Note that the general content and schedule of the on the job training shall be determined as part
of the design review process and reviewed in the design review workshops along with an O&M
general content outline. The detailed content of the training and the O&M manuals shall be
submitted and reviewed after HOLD POINT 3.

2.2.2 Formats
The Contractor shall provide all necessary project documentation and drawings, in the English language,
in appropriate electronic formats.
Standard SI units shall be used throughout all of the design.
Deliverables should be issued electronically in PDF format. The final construction package submission
should be issued in both PDF and native electronic formats.
Native versions of deliverables shall be in the following formats:
a) CAD files in AutoCAD 2010 format;
b) Spread sheets in Microsoft Excel 2010 (.xls or .xlsx) format;
c) Text in Microsoft Word 2010 (.doc or .docx) format;
d) OEM documentation in PDF;
e) Schedules in Microsoft Project 2010.

f) Other software files and programs shall be in native formats listed with software versions
recorded current as of time of submission.

2.3 Project Structure

2.3.1 Introduction
This Project covers detailed design, procurement, construction, operation and maintenance. This
section outlines how The Employer expects the detailed design and procurement of Plant to be
developed by the Contractor.

2.3.2 Schedule
Below is a simplified schedule outlining how the Employer expects detailed design for each site to be
developed, for procurement of Plant, and for site works to progress. Bidders are welcome to suggest
improvements to this in their Bids. Bidders shall include a hard copy schedule in MS Project based on
this as part of their Bids. It is recommended that the schedule be as comprehensive as possible to obtain
maximum evaluation points.
 EPC Contract awarded by the Employer (SP);

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 The Employer to confirm site locations and land information to the Contractor;
 Site investigation to be completed by the Contractor including geotechnical investigations and
detailed site survey confirmation if required (this stage should include any site based
assessments including earth resistivity measurements, contamination assessments, flood risk
assessments, UXO etc…);
 The Contractor shall provide a document register including design, construction and
commissioning documentation including procedures, drawings, inspection test plans (ITP’s) and
the various management plans required as part of the project. This shall be included into the
O&M manual besides forming a reference basis for document control and be reviewed and
agreed with SP prior to initial design review.
 Post the Contract “Effective Date” the Contractor may seek approval for procurement of Plant,
the Contractor designates as critical path provided such Plant was approved on Contract Award.
This may include Solar PV panels, inverters (string and grid forming), batteries, transformers,
11kV switchgear, and other long lead items. Distribution equipment shall be initiated at the same
 Logistic Plan: The Contractor shall submit the Logistic Plan to ship and transport the Plant to
the five sites.
 Time allocation in schedule for downtime due to bad weather, holidays or other reasons to be
clearly indicated in schedule submitted
 Draft Detailed Design Package within six weeks of the Contract Effective Date. The concept
base design, as updated during design, shall be refined as a draft detailed design. It will include
selection and scheduling of all significant Plant to be procured as listed in Section 4.4 of this
document. The detail concept design, including report, geotech and geodetic data, SLD and
layouts, and permanent plant, equipment and material specifications is to be issued to the
 HOLD POINT-1: The Employer to review and provide comments on the Detail Concept Design
Report, proposed Plant, Logistic Plan and the Construction Environment Social Management
Plan along with any other pre-mobilization and pre-construction documentation and plans
needed for the sites. The Employer shall check and approve registers and listings of designs,
procedures, manuals and planning documents as required to complete the project to ensure no
omissions in project documentation required for the Contractor to begin site works or for the
successful completion of the project.
 Procurement of Plant where specifications were approved at HOLD POINT-1 may commence;
 If detailed site layouts are made available and approved at the concept design phase, then
preliminary site works involving access, site clearance, hard pan, drainage and security fencing
may commence at the Contractor risk, noting the prior obligations applicable to such preliminary
 The Contractor to organise Risk workshop no. 1 (this should include HAZOP, HAZCON and
Safety in Design SiD registers)
 The Contractor to finalise and issue draft detail design;
 The Contractor to commence detailed design including detailed civil layouts, fencing etc,
electrical schematics, installation specifications and construction drawings and issue to the
 The Contractor shall ensure all SP safety procedures are adopted within the Contractors site
procedures. The Contractor shall present all necessary documentation for safe working and
safeguards compliance.
 The Contractor to provide construction drawings and supporting design documentation including
calculations and studies for comment as required for Hold Point-2.
 HOLD POINT-2: The Employer to review and provide comments on draft detailed design (for
comment design), safety and compliance documentation.
 The Contractor to provide draft outlines of system and technical training content and timing for
SP staff.
 HOLD POINT – 3: The Employer to review and provide comments on construction drawings

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 The contractor to issue for construction drawings.

 The contractor to organise risk workshop no. 2.
 Site construction and installation works may commence;
 The Contractor to respond to site/construction queries as necessary.
Hold Points identify stages at which the Contractor must await instruction from the Employer before
continuing with the design, procurement and installation. The main stages of the detailed design are
outlined in the remainder of this Section with further detail on requirements.
2.2.3 Site Visits
Following the contract award, the Contractor will visit each of the sites and will conduct the necessary
site investigations to produce the detailed concept design. The Contractor is to identify in their proposal,
investigations to be carried out at each site and the number of days required at each site.
SP staff will join the Contractor on initial site visits to provide assistance.
Particular attention will be paid to building good community relations, disputes with individuals and
communities can potentially create unforeseen costs and delays to be borne by the Contractor.
2.3.4 Concept Design
Concept Design is prepared in 3 (three) phases:
1. A high level Base Concept Design and supporting data prepared by the Employer as contained
in these requirements;
2. A Concept Bid Design to be prepared by the Bidder as part of Bid submission based on the
Base Concept Design; and
3. Detail Design refinement of the Bid Design post award and within six weeks of Contract
Effectiveness issued as a Detail Design Package. Concept Bid design

The Bidder shall include in its Bid a Concept Bid Design for each Site inclusive of:
i) site layout including access, fencing, drainage, solar panels and related structures, buildings
proposed, and other structures;
ii) separate solar system, its integration with diesel generator and LV/MV SLDs, clearly showing
primary design and Plant elements expanding on the SLDs prepared in the Appendix B1 & B2,
(AC and DC single line diagrams);
iii) battery sizing and cost to supply energy for the following ratios (solar-battery/ diesel), 80/20,
90/10; this should include Energy Yield assessment for the Solar PV, note that bid designs are
to provide for 85% autonomous daily runtime from battery stored energy, i.e. more than
20 hours as described in the functional and battery requirements of this specification.
iv) a schedule listing all proposed significant Plant supported by brochures and technical
specifications of the Plant listed in Section 4.4; and
v) other data required in Sections 2.0, 3.0,and 4.0 or as the Bidder may determine to support its
technical Bid.

Appendices contain:
 Employer system standard example plant items, base design and equipment; and required site
specific data.
The Concept Bid Design is to include selection and scheduling of all significant Plant to be procured as
listed in Section 4.4.
The Concept Bid Design, as described will be the core reference and basis for refining the Concept
Design. Concept Design Refinement

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During the tendering process, the Bidders technical proposal and Conceptual Bid Design will be
reviewed. Within Six weeks of the Effective Date the Contractor shall update its Concept Bid Design to
become detail design reflecting negotiation and undertake the refinements, if not already done, as
detailed in this section.
During Concept Design refinement, the Contractor should undertake:
 Confirming fault, protection and stability studies using the same software as being currently
used by SP. Primary Plant (Ultimate) fault ratings should be verified. SP currently use
DIgSILENT V16 without the stability module. The models shall be developed for each site by
the Contractor using Dlg-Silent V 16.0. All case files and library data will be provided to SP.
 Detailed design of protection schemes both 415V and 11kV at this stage. Protection settings
shall be reviewed using DIgSILENT to ensure 415V MCCB and 11kV protection devices are
appropriate to provide discrimination needs.
 A review of battery sizing (refer to section and type providing detailed calculations and
advice on battery storage capacity, type and required battery inverters as detailed in Section
4.4.4. A review of the adequacy of diesel generator back up will also be reviewed. Should the
Employer take a decision to amend capacity of batteries, full disclosure of battery pricing
elements will be required to affect a Contract Change (refer to section
 A detailed design and calculations on how the integration of Solar Plant system (including
storage battery) and Diesel Generator (duly considering the governor response time) to achieve
operating standards of the Plant along with optimised LCOE for the projected load scenarios.
The proposed design shall also show that the operational stability of the grid will be achieved.
 The detail design to ensure that full load of the site can be provided by running diesel generator
and by-pass facility of solar/battery system is designed to enable this.
 To finalise all electricity metering requirements. On the outgoing feeders these shall be Class
0.5 with quality CT’s to match. Metering of Class 1.0 shall be provided from generation sources
and for the auxiliary panel. All metering shall be electronic and support remote data collection
and SCADA and meet the SP regulatory requirements for metering connected to the network.
 Cable rating calculations. Detailed calculations of cable rating covering maximum anticipated
load and fault currents shall be provided together with draft cable routing construction drawings
prior to the procurement of the cable. The calculation shall show all derating factors applied to
the cable and shall consider all methods of cable installation used (e.g. direct buried, conduits,

 An operations and fault scenarios summary report in order to list out the operating plant modes
and options for operation available to plant operators given scenarios such as scheduled
maintenance, equipment faults, low battery charge and refuelling or other operational scenarios
that can reasonably be considered at the design stage. These scenarios can be considered in
the protection system philosophy document which will describe operation of the protection

 Earthing system integration to the larger network and earth system design summary

 Load flow and dynamic stability studies for the sites considering network information as provided
by Solomon Power (DigSilent software network files to be provided by Solomon Power or at
least relevant network equipment details as required).

 Provide thermal calculations for switchroom, battery energy storage and main distribution board
thermal loads in order to correctly size air conditioning and vent fans as needed to provide air
for up to 4 working occupants, remove vented gases and ensure equipment runs at
temperatures lower than maximum ratings.

The refined concept designs shall expand on the Concept Bid Designs. It shall include design report,
fault, protection and stability studies, proposed protection settings, SLDs and layouts, update of
proposed Plant including specifications and proposed Contract Change for the battery component.

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The now refined Concept Design shall be issued to the Employer for approval as an integrated report.
Once these are approved by the Employer, the detailed design stage can commence. The Employer will
seek to review and approve within two weeks (14 days) of submission by the Contractor.
Following receipt of the Employers comments, the Contractor shall update the Concept Design Report
and submit as final to the Employer for the record.
Any review or approval by the Employer will not release the Contractor of any of its responsibilities under
the Contract. The intent of the review is to identify potential issues or deviations from the specification
at an early stage to mitigate the risk of delay or rework. Refer to risk management workshop and safety
in design workshop (Section 2.1.3).
2.3.5 Detailed Design
Following the Employers review of the Concept Design Package for each site, the Contractor will
commence the detailed design of elements not requiring earlier submission and approval. The detailed
design shall include all drawings, reports and calculations required for the successful implementation of
the Facilities.
The output of the detailed design will include primary Plant specifications, installation specifications and
construction drawings. These are to be issued by the Contractor to the Employer as a draft for review.
The Employer will review the submission and provide comments back to the Contractor within two
weeks. The comments may seek clarifications which may delay overall approval processes. The
Employer will review the detailed design against the Concept Design Report provided earlier and
comment on any deviation from this and the specification.
The Contractor will then update the Detailed Design package based on the Employers comments and
issue to the Employer.
The Detailed Design package shall include all registers listing all deliverable registers, reports, manuals
and drawings required for project completion and handover.
2.3.6 Construction Package Submission
Following the Employers review of detailed design and procurement specifications, the Contractor is to
prepare and issue “For Construction” versions of the specifications and drawings to the Employer.
During design phases, four weeks prior to mobilisation, the Contractor shall submit for the Employers
review the following:
i) “Mobilisation Plan” including access arrangements, traffic and noise control, community
communications, security, permanent and temporary works and safety requirements.
ii) Overall “Occupational Health and Safety Management Plan”;
iii) Overall safeguards and “Construction Environmental Social Management Plan” identifying also
Site specific or regional issues (if any).
iv) Methodology on UXO management and associated documentation such as UXO cleared area
records and procedures.
v) Detailed construction program (Gantt in MS Project) for each Site with clearly stated milestones
and HOLD points where the Employer and/or the appointed design and supervision consultant
(DSC) will inspect key elements for compliance. These shall be updated in fortnightly reporting
during construction.
vi) Proposed manufacture, ex works shipping and transport schedules as per the approved Logistic
Plan indicating the Agencies involved for all primary items of Plant to site. Items that may fall on
the critical path shall be identified;
vii) Schedules of Contractor Equipment including planned site allocation. Where items may be
shared across sites means of transport between sites is to be included;
viii) Schedules of all workers on site, their qualifications, current status of safety accreditations,
proposed training to be provided for additional accreditation as required;
ix) Proposed training programs for SP personnel before and after pre-commissioning;
x) Technical calculations and documentation including but not limited to: Shading analysis &
PVSyst yield assessment, energy model (HOMER), Powerfactory load flow, stability and

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protection grading and analysis, Geotechnical, Earthing resistivity tests, UXO scans and
assessments, drainage assessments etc… as performed for each site area.
xi) Operation and Maintenance Schedule; and
xii) Other items the Contractor and Employer may identify during design phases necessary for
compliance with any Acts, Regulations or Codes of Practice of the Solomon Islands
Government, Provincial Government or the Employer.

2.3.7 Manuals and “As Builts”

The Contractor shall provide comprehensive, project specific operation and maintenance manuals in
suitable electronic and hard copy versions, in a common standardised colour format, complete with parts
lists, as- built drawings and all necessary original documentation, including equipment supplier materials
and manuals for the complete Works.
Manufacturer's standard brochures may be appended to the text provided they are specific to the as
installed equipment and free of matter applicable to other equipment or operating circumstances.
The Contractor shall provide a marked up set of as-builds post commissioning to be retained as
reference at each Site during the operational acceptance.
The Contractor shall submit all final as-built documentation which will include reports on the testing and
commissioning of the installation, upon handover of the Works at Operational Acceptance or not more
than 1-month later provided a full set of as-built documents are held at each Site. If any of the as-built
documentation is found to be wrong then the Contractor shall update this information immediately.
Laminated hardcopies of final as built drawings and other relevant information shall be left at site for
operators to have as local reference as required for operation and fault finding of the plant.
The manuals shall have the following format: Index
The index shall provide rapid and easy access to particular subjects, drawings and illustrations. It should
consist of a master index plus a sub-index to each section. Description
The manual shall provide descriptive information on both the major plant systems and on the
components of those systems. It shall include as a minimum:
 Drawings sufficient for understanding the descriptive information;
 Flow sheets or single line block diagrams which explain the function or logical operation of the
 Schedules such as valve schedules, materials schedules, equipment lists, operational limits
schedules etc.;
 Data sheets which provide in a concise format all relevant technical details of a plant system or
an individual item. (The purpose of a data sheet is to provide a quick reference to the essential
details, omitting all general descriptive information.) Operation
This section shall include basic step by step instructions on how to operate the plant, beginning with the
plant system and then proceeding to the individual items of equipment within that system. The
instructions shall include references to relevant safe operating procedures and operational limits for that
system or item.
Details of appropriate shut-down and plant preservation procedures for extended outage periods shall
also be provided. Maintenance
This section shall include all information necessary for the safe and effective maintenance of the plant.
It shall include as a minimum:

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 A schedule of routine and preventive maintenance requirements including details of limited-life

components as per individual manufacturers and for the integrated plant.
 Details of plant checking procedures, including the allowable tolerances;
 Step by step maintenance procedures for the equipment, including details of the spares and
special tools required to carry out the work;
 Servicing agreements and manufacturer warranty details for major equipment items such as
central inverters, step up transformers, batteries and PV panels and critical operational
equipment such as SCADA system and communication equipment shall be provided so that
potential downtimes due to equipment failures can be understood before inverter selection is
 Fault diagnosis guidelines;
 Drawings and manuals sufficient to illustrate the maintenance procedures;
 Schedule of lubricants and other spare parts details of approved suppliers and trade names; Spare Parts

This section shall provide information about the spare parts required for the plant including details of
their dimensions, manufacturing standards, specifications and materials as well as ordering details for
both OEM and Vendor-supplied items. It shall consist of as a minimum:
 A spare parts list together with referenced sectional drawings from which the descriptive name
and part number can be identified for ordering purposes;
 Contact details for spare parts suppliers including address, e-mail address, telephone and fax
numbers. (In this context, spare parts suppliers are to be the original component or equipment
manufacturer. It shall not be acceptable for the Employer to nominate himself as the supplier of
"bought in” items unless they are manufactured by a third party in accordance with the
Employer’s own manufacturing drawings);
 A list of spare/replacement parts required for each type of inspection/overhaul nominated in the
Maintenance Section of the manual.

Note that further information about spare parts appears under Section 4.4 Instrumentation and control system documentation

The Contractor shall provide detailed instruction manuals covering all instruments, control systems and
other hardware together with copies of all software to enable the Employer to maintain the plant
instrumentation and control systems and in particular to:
 Identify faults;
 Make adjustments;
 Reconfigure;
 Reprogram;
 Alter control programming, logic, algorithms or settings; and
 Retrieve plant historical data from system storage media.

The documentation shall include, but not be limited to:

 Operating philosophy;
 Protection philosophy and settings;
 Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID);
 Control System Architecture Diagrams;
 Control System Arrangement Drawings;

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 Control System Interface Description;

 Cubicle Arrangement Drawings;
 Explanation of overall Plant nomenclature instrumentation and signal tagging system;
 Functional descriptions for all control systems including Logic Block Diagrams, Logic Flow
Diagrams or equivalent;
 Written text description of control functions, including algorithms
 Field instrument location drawings and tapping point details;
 Instrument Arrangement Drawings;
 Safety Shutdown Systems Documentation;
 Instrumentation and wiring system database;
 Software Register;
 Hardware Register.

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3.0 General Technical Requirements

General technical requirements for the design are presented in this section. Requirements specific to
the functional and equipment aspects of the design are presented in Section 4.0. Test and
commissioning criteria are presented in Section 5.0.
Where the Contractor believes that conformance to an alternative standard can achieve the same or
better outputs, this should be presented to the Employer for consideration.

3.1 Electrical Characteristics

The following table summarises Electrical Design Standards for SP Power System (revision D, 12/04/19)

Parameter 33 kV system 11 kV system 0.415 kV system

Nominal voltage Un (L-L) 33kV 11 kV 415 V (240V
Highest system voltage Umax 36kV 12 kV -
Design voltage Um 36kV 12 kV 1 kV (0.6 kV phase-
Voltage variation – normal+/- 7 % +/- 7 % +/- 7 %
Voltage variation – emergency+/- 10 % +/- 10 % +/- 10 %
Frequency – normal operation 50 Hz ±2%
Frequency – emergency50 Hz ±4%, and never without ±3% limits for more than 0.5 s.

3.2 Climatic Requirements

The following tables provide general climatic and environmental conditions within the region

Parameter Details
Location Solomon Islands
Altitude 0 to 1,000 metres
Maximum ambient temperature 40°C
Average ambient temperature 22 to 32°C
Air humidity Maximum ambient relative humidity > 99%
Rainy period (Monsoon) January to March
Annual rainfall Generally 3,000 to 5,000 mm, up to 9,000 mm in some elevated sites.
The majority of monthly rainfall amounts are in excess of 200 mm.
Soil thermal resistivity 2.3 °C m/W (Average) 3.0 °C m/W (Maximum)
Maximum solar radiation 1,000 W/m²
Wind speeds See Section 3.7.4
Cyclonic conditions On average two per year, generally between November and April
Keraunic level > 60
Earthquakes Up to 8.1 magnitude has been measured since 1975, NZS 1170.5
Structural design actions part 5: Earthquake actions will apply.

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Solomon Islands - Weather Averages

Average Annual Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Years # Cities
Temperature (C) 26.1 26.8 26.6 26.4 26.5 26.4 26.3 25.8 25.8 25.9 26.4 26.4 26.6 18 16

High Temperature (C) 29.7 30.3 30.2 30.1 30.2 30.1 29.7 29.1 29.1 29.5 29.8 30.2 30.5 16 15

Low Temperature (C) 22.7 23.1 23.1 22.9 22.9 22.8 22.7 22.6 22.5 22.5 22.7 22.8 22.9 16 15

Precipitation (mm) 3210.3 333.9 340.6 364.9 259.2 239.8 192.5 253.5 247.6 231.3 234.8 226.2 255.8 26 16

* Years is the average number of years used to compute the average.

# Cities is the total number of locations used to compute the average.

Historical climatic data including solar radiation (Mj/m 2) is available for each site at:
http://www.weatherbase.com/weather/city.php3?c=SB&name=Solomon+Islands However, this data
may not be reliable and is indicative only.
Meteorology source data to be used for concept bid design:
NASA Surface meteorology and Solar Energy at: http://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov
At commencement of concept design refinement, the Employer and Contractor will confirm meteorology
source data, which in case of doubt will be NASA.
All electronic equipment shall be suitable for operation in an ambient temperature of 50°C or a higher
temperature if this can be reached in the enclosures. The Contractor shall source or provide calculations
showing the maximum temperature that can be reached in each enclosure under operating conditions.
Sites will be subject to intense tropical rainfall and windblown dust.
All equipment and enclosures shall be fully protected against the elements and to prevent the entry of
vermin and insects. All vents and fan intakes must have appropriate mesh protection.
All equipment is being installed in tropical conditions, thus it shall be tropic proofed as described in
BS CP 1014 for extreme conditions.

3.3 Temperature and Humidity

All plant, equipment and systems shall be designed and constructed and suitable for operation in an
outdoor ambient air temperature of up to 40°C.
All plant and equipment within buildings, compartments, cubicles, etc. shall be designed and constructed
and suitable for operation in an air temperature of 55°C, where temperatures within such enclosed areas
may rise above the outdoor maximum design temperature.
All plant, equipment and systems shall be designed and constructed and suitable for operation in an
ambient relative humidity up to 100%.
The Contractor shall provide full details of all plant, equipment and systems that are inherently not
capable of meeting these requirements and shall provide full specifications of the additional protection
and conditioning systems incorporated to enable these systems to meet operational requirements.
Where conditioning systems are essential to the efficient operation or such plant or equipment back-up
conditioning systems must be provided.
All plant and equipment shall be fully enclosed, sealed and protected, and tropicalized to meet
environmental criteria. Anti-condensation heaters and similar provisions shall be provided for all
electrical equipment.
The sites are located in a humid tropical coastal climate; heavy pollution ratings shall be considered for
electrical equipment exposed to the climate directly.

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Temperature Control and Ventilation

Equipment housing containers or any equipment buildings designed as part of this Project shall be
equipped with adequate temperature control and ventilation to ensure that equipment is operated under
well ventilated and regulated temperature controlled conditions.
Heating effects and material degradation of equipment due to direct UV and sunlight exposure shall be
considered in the selection of all materials, equipment and coatings.

3.4 Dust
All equipment and systems shall be suitably designed and constructed to prevent the ingress of dust in
accordance with the IP Code rating structure.
Particular attention shall be taken with respect to the operation, inspection and maintenance
requirements of all equipment and systems, in ensuring that the integrity of the sealing arrangements
are readily maintained.
Maintenance of positive pressures within all ventilated enclosures, cubicles and compartments, for the
critical pieces of infrastructure (such as switchboard buildings), is the preferred method of preventing
dust ingress.
Generation of dust from construction activities must also be considered especially in the dry season
given the communities nearby. Provision of a dust suppression system should be given consideration
during civil works planning and execution. As a minimum enclosures and equipment should be IP56
unless indoors.

3.5 Cyclonic Conditions

The sites are subject to cyclone activity. The Contractor shall comply with the Solomon Islands cyclone
procedures and is also responsible for securing their own equipment and making arrangements to
prevent or reduce the damage to existing infrastructure and partially complete works because of cyclone
activity. All equipment shall be suitably rated to protect against water ingress in accordance with the IP

3.6 Corrosion
The Solomon Islands experience maritime wind action which carries salt laden air from the ocean across
the islands. Salt deposition by the wind onto electrical infrastructure exacerbates corrosive activity. All
equipment specified by the Contractor shall be suitably rated to ensure reliable operation for the design
life under the influence of the wind borne salt.

3.7 Prohibited Materials

The Equipment shall not incorporate:
 Asbestos or asbestos-containing or derived materials;
 Lead based paints;
 Isocyanates;
 Polychlorinated Biphenyl’s (PCBs);
 Chloro-Fluoro Carbons (CFCs) including Halo and Freon or other ozone depleting substances
in significant quantities;
 Carcinogenic materials, including hydrazine;
 Toxic inhalation risk creating hazardous chemicals;
 Cadmium plated nuts and bolts;
 Nuclear Radiation emitting elements or otherwise radioactive materials;
 SF6 gas
 Any other materials generally known in the construction industry at the time of use to be
deleterious to health.

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3.8 Structural Requirements

3.8.1 Brick Buildings Solution

The Employer’s requirement is for a brick building constructed solution for the housing of batteries,
switchgear, inverters, distribution boards and offices. Diesel generator sets if of outdoor type shall
covered by a ‘car port” type open structure. Energy storage if available in a containerized or outdoor
rated modular solution shall be used for large scale energy storage, otherwise they shall be in a suitable
building of adequate sound level controls appropriate to urban/rural locations. Space for additional future
gen-sets and energy storage is to be allowed for in civils/structural equipment arrangements. Brick
buildings, shelters and other structures shall be secured against cyclonic conditions and earthquakes.

Sections 3.8.2, 3.8.3, 3.8.4 and 3.8.5 apply for Brick Buildings Solution and PV Panel Mounting
3.8.2 General Principles
The general procedures and criteria for the structural design of the structures and buildings shall be
evaluated in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.0, Structural design actions Part 0: General principles.
The following requirements shall be applied:
 Importance level: 1; and
 Design working life: 25 years.

3.8.3 Permanent, Imposed and Other Actions

The permanent (dead), imposed (live) and other actions shall be evaluated in accordance with AS/NZS
1170.1: Structural design actions Part 1, Permanent, imposed and other actions.
3.8.4 Wind Actions
Wind actions shall be evaluated in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.2, Structural design actions Part 2:
Wind actions except for the following provisions to be applied for Solomon Islands in the South Pacific:
 The ultimate limit state regional wind speed shall be 70 m/s;
 The serviceability limit state regional wind speed for primary structures (buildings and
transmission lines – importance level 1) shall be 56 m/s;
 The serviceability limit state regional wind speed for distribution structures (poles and lines –
importance level 2) shall be 56 m/s;
 The wind direction multiplier (Md) shall be 1.00 for all wind directions;
 The terrain category shall not be greater than 2;
 The shielding multiplier (Ms) shall be 1.0 regardless of any shielding.
 The terrain/height multiplier for distribution lines M z,cat shall be 0.98 for rural construction and
0.83 for urban construction.

The Contractor shall provide an assessment of design wind actions and limits prior to structural design
of foundations and structures to ensure a suitably robust basis of design is established for any civil or
structural works. The Standard Network Electricity Design Parameters in the Appendix and Solomon
Power can provide further detail on this as required.

3.8.5 Earthquake Actions

Earthquake actions shall be evaluated in accordance with NZS 1170.5, Structural design actions Part
5: Earthquake actions – New Zealand except for the following provisions shall be applied for Solomon
Islands in the South Pacific:
 The hazard factor (Z) shall be 0.38;
 The return period factor, Ru for the ultimate limit state shall be 0.5;

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 The return period factor, Rs for the serviceability limit state shall be 0.25;

These are on basis that the importance level of the Facilities is 1, the design working life is 25 years and
the historic recorded earthquake magnitudes for Honiara in Solomon Islands are up to 8.1.
The hazard factors for New Zealand shown in Tables 3.3 and 3.4 and Figures 3.3 and 3.4 of NZS 1170.5
shall be disregarded.
3.8.6 Masonry Structures
All masonry structures shall be designed in accordance with AS 3700 (or NZS 4230). The masonry
structures shall be constructed reinforced concrete blockworks.
Mortar and masonry components of the structure shall be suitable for the marine environment.
The following minimum requirements shall be applied:
Table 1: Concrete Blockwork
Characteristic Parameter
Characteristic unconfined compressive strength (f’uc) 15 MPa
Mortar mix (cement : lime : sand) 1 : 0.25 : 3

3.8.7 Concrete Structures

All concrete structures shall be designed in accordance with AS 3600 (or NZS 3101), Concrete
The following minimum exposure classifications shall be applied:
Table 2: Exposure Classification
Concrete Surfaces Exposure Classification
External concrete surfaces in above-ground exterior B1
Concrete surfaces in contact with the ground B1
Internal concrete surfaces of walls, roof and floor of building B1

The following minimum concrete characteristic strength requirements shall be applied:

Table 3: Concrete Characteristic Strength
Structure Concrete Characteristic Strength
External concrete surfaces in above-ground exterior 32 MPa
Concrete surfaces in contact with the ground 32 MPa
Internal concrete surfaces of walls, roof and floor of building 32 MPa

The Contractor shall retain test samples according to AS/NZS standards for strength tests.
The following minimum concrete cover requirements shall be applied:

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Table 4: Covers to Reinforcement

Concrete Surface Cover
Generally (except for the below) 40 mm
Where cast on or against ground protected by a damp-proof 50 mm
Where cast on or against ground otherwise 60 mm

3.8.8 Steel Structures

All steel structures shall be designed in accordance with AS 4100 (or NZS 3404), Steel structures.
Welding of steel structures shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 1554.1, Structural steel welding Part 1:
Welding of steel structures, and shall be inspected by a certified welding supervisor.
The following requirements shall be applied: Vertical deflection limits
Vertical deflection limits for beams shall be as those Suggested in Table C1 of AS/NZS 1170.0 and
Table B1 of AS 4100. Horizontal deflection limits:
For industrial type buildings with steel sheeted walls: no ceiling or internal partitions against external
walls or columns; and no gantry cranes:
 h/150 or b/200 whichever is the lesser (where h = eaves height and b = frame spacing);

As for industrial type building above but with gantry cranes:

 h/250 or b/250 whichever is the lesser, where ‘h’ is to be taken at crane rail level;

As for industrial type building above but with external masonry walls supported by steelwork:
 h/250 or b/200 whichever is the lesser;

As suggested in Table C1 of AS/NZS 1170.0. Rafter deflection limits:
For industrial type buildings with steel sheeted roof and no ceilings;
Permanent (dead) actions:
 L/360 for roof pitches > 30
 L/500 for roof pitches = 30

where L = rafter span between column centre lines;

Imposed (live) actions:
 L/240; and
 Wind actions: L/150;

NOTE: The wind action deflection limits apply to the serviceability limit states wind actions. Where
ceilings are present, more stringent limits are applied.

As suggested in Table C1 of AS/NZS 1170.0.

The following Australian Steel Institute Publications may be consulted to assist in the design:
 Bolting of Steel Structures,

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 Design of Portal frame Buildings,

 Portal Frame Design Charts, and
 Steel Designers, Handbook. Galvanising
All steel structures shall be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with AS/NZS 4680, hot-dip galvanized
(zinc) coatings on fabricated ferrous articles at an average coating mass of 600g/m2 minimum at an
average coating thickness 85μm minimum.
The integrity of the coating shall be determined by visual inspection and coating thickness
measurements. All holes should be pre-drilled before galvanising.
Site repair should be minimised. Allowable repairs shall be relevant to the size of the object and the
conditions of service but shall normally be in accordance with the provisions of AS/NZS 4680 - Repair
after Galvanizing.
3.8.9 Aluminium Structures
All aluminium building type structural load-carrying members and elements shall be designed to the
ultimate limit state design criteria in accordance with AS/NZS 1664.1, Aluminium structures – Limit state
All aluminium alloy load carrying members and elements shall be designed to the allowable stress
design criteria in accordance with AS/NZS 1664.2, Aluminium structures – Allowable stress design.
The following aluminium alloys shall be applied:
Table 5: Aluminium Alloys Applications
Aluminium Structure Aluminium Alloy and Temper
Structural extrusions 6061-T6
Structural roll formed 5454-H34
Tread (chequered) plates 5251-T0
Sheets and plates 5454-H3
Grating load bars 6063-T6
Grating cross bars 6063-T5
Guardrail stanchions and rails 6063-T6

Welding of aluminium structures shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 1665, Welding of aluminium
Bolts, nuts and washers for aluminium to aluminium bolt connections shall be Grade 316 (or A4 -50)
stainless steel. Rigid PVC washers shall be used under bolt heads and washers in contact with
aluminium, and 1.0mm thick flexible PVC isolation tapes shall be used to separate the two bolted
aluminium members.
Bolts, nuts and washers for aluminium to galvanised steel bolt connections shall be Grade 316 (or A4-
50) stainless steel. Rigid PVC washers shall be used under bolt heads or washers in contact with
aluminium, and 1.0mm thick flexible PVC isolation tapes shall be used to separate dissimilar materials.

Anchors, nuts and washers for aluminium to concrete fixing shall be Grade 316 (or A4 -50) stainless
steel chemical anchors. Rigid PVC washers shall be used under anchor washers. Aluminium surfaces
in contact with concrete shall be bitumen coated.
Anchors, nuts and washers for aluminium to masonry fixing shall be Grade 316 (or A4 -50) stainless
steel chemical anchors. Rigid PVC washers shall be used under anchor washers. Aluminium surfaces
in contact with masonry shall be bitumen coated.
Anti-seize paste shall be applied to all stainless steel bolts and anchors prior to bolting.

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Note that all stainless steel bolts, nuts, washers and anchors shall be passivated by immersing them
overnight in a plastic bucket containing 15%-20% by volume of nitric acid in water. These items shall be
thoroughly rinsed in fresh water before use.
3.8.10 Timber Structures
All timber structures shall be designed in accordance with AS 1720.1 (or NZS 3603), Timber structures
– Design methods.
The following requirements shall be applied:
 Structural timber shall be seasoned select grade (minimum F17) local hardwood in accordance
with AS1720.2, Timber structures – Timber properties.

Timber structures shall be of termite-resistant timbers listed in Appendix C of AS 3660.1, Termite

management - New building work, and shall be preservative-treated in accordance with AS 1604.1,
Specification for preservative treatment – Sawn and round timber, to the hazard level of H3 for above
ground. No timber structures shall be in contact with the ground.
3.8.11 Slabs and Footings
Slabs and footings for buildings shall be designed in accordance with AS 2870, Residential slabs and
footing. Site classification in accordance with AS 2870 shall be applied for buildings that have a similar
construction method and loading as for residential buildings.
The following requirements shall be applied:
Table 6 Concrete Requirements for Slabs and Footings
Characteristic Requirement
Exposure classification B1
Minimum characteristic strength 32 MPa
Required cover to reinforcement 40 mm generally, 50 mm where concrete is cast on or against
ground protected by a damp-proof membrane.
Cement type Type GB
Minimum cement content 360 kg/m3
Maximum water cement ratio 0.45
Maximum aggregate size 20 mm

3.8.12 Piling
If required, pile (screw pile) foundations shall be designed and installed in accordance with AS 2159:
Piling - Design and installation.
The following requirements shall be applied:
Table 7 Concrete Requirements for Piles
Characteristic Requirement
Exposure classification Severe
Minimum characteristic strength 50 MPa
Required cover to reinforcement 40 mm for precast piles, 70 mm for cast in place piles
Cement type Type GB
Minimum cement content 450 kg/m3
Maximum water cement ratio 0.35
Maximum aggregate size 20 mm

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3.8.13 Steel Purlins and Girts

All steel purlins and girts shall be designed in accordance with AS/NZS 4600, Cold-formed steel
Minimum steel grade for steel purlins and girts shall be G450.
Hot-dip galvanized purlins and girts in accordance with AS/NZS 4680 shall be applied for normal to
severe internal environment.
Timber purlins and girts shall be applied for very severe internal environment.
Downturned bottom lip purlins shall be used if there will be a built up of condensation, dust or debris
inside the building or under roof.

3.8.14 Timber Purlins

Timber purlins shall be Durability Class 1 seasoned hardwood timber in accordance with AS 5604,
Timber –
Natural durability ratings, with minimum stress grade of F17 and shall be designed in accordance with
AS 1720.1, Timber structures – Design methods.
Timber purlins shall also be termite-resistant timbers listed in Appendix C of AS 3660.1, Termite
management Part 1: New building work, and shall be preservative-treated in accordance with AS 1604.1,
Specification for preservative treatment – Sawn and round timber, to the hazard level of H3 for above
Glued laminated timber shall not be used for purlins.

3.8.15 Steel Roof and Wall Claddings

Steel roof and wall cladding shall be pre-painted zinc/aluminium alloy-coated steel cladding equal to
BlueScope Steel’s Colorbond Ultra (XSE) steel cladding manufactured to AS 1397 and AS/NZS 2728,
Type 4 for marine and industrial environment.
Minimum steel cladding thicknesses are to be 0.48 mm BMT for roofs and 0.42 mm BMT for walls.
All flashings and cappings shall be pre-painted zinc/aluminium alloy-coated steel sheeting of similar
grade to pre-painted zinc/aluminium alloy-coated steel cladding. Minimum steel grade for flashings and
cappings shall be G300 in accordance with AS 1397.
Unpainted zinc/aluminium alloy-coated steel cladding and sheeting equal to BlueScope Steel’s
Zincalume shall not be used.

If required, translucent cladding shall be fibreglass of at least 3660 g/m2 in weight and in Opel finish
with galvanized safety mesh (SL62) under laid continuously over and fixed to the purlins. Translucent
cladding shall be designed to withstand cyclonic wind actions.
All cladding and accessories are to be designed and installed in accordance with AS 1562 series, Design
and installation of sheet roof and wall cladding.
The following Standards Australia Handbook may be consulted to assist in the design:
 HB 39–1997 Installation code for metal roof and wall cladding.

3.8.16 Fire Resistance

Fire resistance of concrete structures for structural adequacy shall be in accordance with Section 5 of
AS 3600, Concrete structures.
Fire resistance of steel structures for structural adequacy shall be in accordance with Section 12 of AS
4100, Steel structures.

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Fire resistance of timber structures for structural adequacy shall be in accordance with AS 1720.4,
Timber structures – Fire resistance for structural adequacy of timber members.
Each room with critical electrical equipment contained therein, shall be fire rated for at least 4 hours with
clearances to any high voltage equipment as per AS 2067.
A Fire risk and clearances summary drawing is to be produced as part of the detailed design package
to demonstrate clearances, this is required in order to understand any limitations on future equipment
installation or limits to which vegetation must be trimmed back to as a minimum.
3.8.17 Stormwater Drainage
Stormwater drainage including roof drainage systems (roof gutters and downpipes) and site surface
drainage system shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.3, Plumbing and drainage – Stormwater
3.8.18 Termite Management
Termite management of new and existing buildings and structures shall be in accordance with AS 3660
series, Termite management.

3.9 Site Geotechnical and Geodetic Survey

The Contractor shall undertake Site geotechnical investigations and geodetic surveys as necessary to
affect its Bid and detailed design. The Geotechnical studies performed should include earth resistivity
measurements and soil thermal resistivity characteristic tests as required for electrical design as in
remote locations existing soil conditions will not be known or on record. Bidders should note that there
is significant variety in soil conditions across the Solomon Islands.
Included in the Appendix J of the Employers Requirements are geodetic surveys prepared for formal
acquisition of the land for each Site. Site levels are indicative of the topology. Photographs are included
of the Sites at the indicated dates, but are NOT correlated with site levels. Use of the appended data
during Bid is at Contractor risk.

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4.0 Functional System Specification

General technical and electrical requirements of the design and Plant are presented in this Section. Test
and commissioning criteria are presented in Section 5.0.
Where the Contractor believes that conformance to an alternative standard or requirement can achieve
the same or better outputs, this should be presented to the Employer for consideration.

4.1 Design and Operational Philosophy

SP is faced with the challenge of supplying power to communities that are not connected to an electrical
grid. Historically isolated grids were operated by means of diesel generators. The cost to supply diesel
reliably to remote islands is substantially higher than an equivalent supply to urban areas as such
alternative energy systems and sources are required.

The last 2 decades have seen substantial reductions in the price of renewable energy systems and
equipment which has made the deployment of hybrid generation systems economically competitive with
diesel only plant.

The proposed design philosophy for the solar hybrid generation systems for this Project uses principles
which could assist to provide cost effective electricity to remote communities.

There are several concepts approaches the Contractor may take in optimising cost and system
efficiencies of the PV-Inverter systems depending on how space is utilized, electrical equipment is
connected and the PV panel technology selected. Figure 1 depicts flow of power from the solar farm
through the distribution network.
Figure 1: AC and DC Coupled Hybrid Generation Systems

Consideration of reliability and security of supply through consideration of n-1 feeder concepts and
equipment quality to minimise outages is also required. These principles are further illustrated in single
line diagrams (SLDs) found in the Appendix B1 & B2, which show the proposed LV/MV arrangement.
Note that quantities, ratings and specific equipment shown in the SLDs should be considered as
indicative only.
The principles behind the solar hybrid generation systems are listed below:
 Reduce site-work by embarking on “plug and play” designs as far as possible, such as using a
Hybrid system specific controller which monitors and adjusts outputs based on the generator
and the load.
 Reduce construction time considerably through the use of piles as panel mounting structure
footings. Installation procedures can also be simplified by the careful use of screw or driven
 Reduce construction time, while ensuring equipment safety, by using a containerised energy
storage system strategy. Both batteries and inverters to be installed inside containers which are
sealed and structurally sound with appropriate temperature control.

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 Splitting of the PV array to AC and DC supply is recommended as array power exceeds load
power by a great margin. The Contractor shall decide optimal cost/efficiency of the chosen
options in design and submit overall efficiency calculations in the Bid Concept Design.
 Employ suitably sized (and efficient) string inverters which generate AC power directly from the
PV modules. The AC power output of the inverters is directly useable by the load, without the
requirement for storage or further conversions that would increase system losses. The balance
between string inverters and direct PV-DC battery charging should be carefully considered as
PV array power is significantly higher than loads.
 Employ suitably sized battery inverters which generate AC power from the batteries while there
is a deficit of renewable electricity supply on the local grid and will recharge the battery during
periods of excess electricity, i.e. for instance when the load requirement is less than what is
available from the string inverters. An “AC coupled” system as per the concept design in the
appendix B1 & B2, is the Employers preference however alternative energy storage and
charging arrangements will be considered as a non-compliant alternative if submitted as an
option to the base requirements in the tender.
 Match sizing of the hybrid generation system with the load requirements, i.e. both the generator
kVA rating and the battery inverters kW ratings are determined by the load requirements.
 Battery capacity ratings should be sized to requirement only and not be oversized, as battery
storage is the most expensive part of the system, comparatively cheap solar resource however
is expected to be oversized since

For a system with the design outlined as above the following operational philosophy could be applied:
 When excess energy is available from the string inverters (marked by an increased local grid
voltage), the battery inverters will act as battery chargers to recharge the batteries proportional
to the amount of excess energy that is available. If the charging capacity of the battery inverters
are however exceeded or the SOC of the battery increases to a state where the batteries require
less charging, the battery inverters will increase the grid frequency on a sliding scale
proportional to the excess and the string inverters will reduce their AC output by spilling some
of the generated DC power. Splitting of the PV array to AC and DC supply enables shutdown of
the DC coupled system once batteries are fully charged and AC supply to be maintained by the
AC coupled system.
 The aim would be to successfully accumulate sufficient excess energy in battery storage during
daylight hours to allow the diesel generator to be switched off for a considerable amount of time
during low consumption periods, which normally occur during the early morning hours of the
night. During this period, the whole grid would be supplied by the battery inverters. With the
correct system sizing generators are likely to be off for extended periods of time, except for
extended cloudy periods.
 It is therefore clear that during cloudy days or during days of exceptional power consumption,
the diesel generators will run for longer periods.
 Diesel savings are therefore proportional to the amount of solar energy generated during
daylight hours.
 The diesel generator is automatically started and stopped by the battery controller, which is
embedded in the battery inverters and the commands for starting and stopping are issued by
the master battery inverter. The Contractor can suggest alternate design for Plant integration
which is appropriate for all the Sites and provides the requisite operational stability to the grid.
 The diesel generator should run within an optimal efficiency range, which under normal
operation should be >10% and <100% of its rated capacity. Periodically, preferably weekly, if
the diesel generator has not been run at >50% of its rated capacity for at least 1-hour during
normal operation then a “heat run” at >50% or available system demand should be done. When
condition for a “heat run” is met an alarm should be initiated to enable manual over-ride:
otherwise the “heat run” should be commenced automatically within the next 48-hours. The
conditions to initiate a “heat run” shall be adjustable with the control system to allow longer
 The Governor of the diesel generator should respond timely to the instructions issued by the
master battery inverter or alternate device/arrangement proposed by the Contractor.

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 Maintenance of the diesel generation would be scheduled for times when the generator would
be turned off. This means when the peak demand is lower than generation from the sun and/or
batteries or during the early morning hours of the night.
 Sufficient diesel should always be available for the diesel generator to start and run on demand
from the Master controller. If the battery SOC is too low and the generator is not running, the
load will be shed. Alarms should be in place to pre-warn of such a risk at different threshold
 Generation is a G-1 concept with substation distribution feeder arrangements preferably n-1.
The need for n or n-1 at the 11kV level may be reviewed during Concept Design refinement Cl (note that the Example Concept design in the appendix B1 & B2, includes 2
transformers in order to have an available on site backup in the case of a single transformer
failing, the lead time to site of a distribution transformer being several months; an unacceptable
time to return power to a network).
 The system should be designed to allow for instantaneous monitoring of information such as
generation and status/availability/faults from a remote location such as SP’s control room.

4.2 General compliance requirements

4.2.1 Standards
The Contractor is responsible for designing and specifying the Works in compliance with all the latest
applicable laws and standards. Solomon Islands adopt Australian (AS), Australian / New Zealand
Standards (AS/NZS) or NZS (in this order of precedence). These standards will take precedence and
where there is no existing AS, AS/NZS or NZS Standard, the Works shall comply with the relevant ISO,
IEC, or internationally recognised standards.
Table 8 following provides a list of the primary references made within this Specification. All references
include amendments (whether specifically listed below or not) made up until the Execution Date.
Table 8: Standards
Standard / Regulation
/ Code
NCC 2019 (BCA) The National Construction Code of Australia (Building Code of Australia)
The requirements of Regulatory Authorities having jurisdiction over the Works
NSW S&IRS NSW Service and Installation Rules
AS/NZS 1100 Technical Drawing – Part 101: General principles
AS/NZS 1102 Graphical symbols for electro-technical documentation
AS/NZS 1170.2 Structural design actions – Wind actions
AS 1170.4 Structural Design Actions – Part 4: Earthquake actions in Australia
AS 1319 Safety signs for the occupational environment
AS 1345 Identification of the contents of pipes, conduits and ducts
AS/NZS 1768 Lightning Protection
AS 1931 Part 1 High voltage – Test techniques – General definition and test requirements.
AS/NZS 2053 Conduits and fittings for electrical installations
AS 2648.1 Underground Marking Tape - Non-detectable tape
AS/NZS 3000 Electrical Installation: Electrical Wiring Rules (2018 is the latest release to be applied)
AS/NZS 3008 Electrical Installation: Selection of Cables
AS/NZS 3017 Electrical Installations – Testing User Guidelines
AS/NZS 3100 Approval and Test Specification – General Requirements for Electrical Equipment
AS 4777 (Part 1, 2 and 3) Grid connection of energy systems via inverters
AS/NZS 5033:2014 Installation of photovoltaic (PV) arrays
AS/NZS 7000:2010 Overhead line design – detailed procedures (Under revision AS/NZS 7000:2015)
AS 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures

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Standard / Regulation
/ Code
AS/NZS 61000.3.4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 3.4: Limits – Limitation of emission of harmonic currents
in low-voltage power supply systems for equipment with rated current greater than 75A
AS/NZS CISPR 14.1 Electromagnetic compatibility – requirements for household appliances, electrical tools and similar
IEC 61215 Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design qualification and type approval
IEC 61960 Secondary Cells and Batteries containing Alkaline or other Non-Acid
Electrolytes – Secondary Lithium Cells and Batteries for Portable Applications
IEC 61701:2011 Salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules
IEC 61730 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification – Part 2: Requirements for testing
IEC 61853-1 Photovoltaic Module Performance Testing and Energy Rating
IEC 62716 Ammonia corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules
IEC 62804 System voltage durability test for c-Si modules
IEC 60896-21 Standard for the test method of test of stationary VRLA batteries
IEC 60896-22 Stationary Lead-Acid batteries – Valve regulated types - Requirements
IEC 61427 Secondary cells and batteries for photovoltaic energy systems (PVES) - General requirements
and methods of test
EN 50272-2 Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations. Stationary batteries
EN-50521 Connectors for photovoltaic systems – Safety requirements and tests
AS 4509 Stand-alone power systems
IEC 60086-4 Primary Batteries – Safety of Lithium Batteries
AS 2444 Portable Fire Extinguishers
AS 2067 Substations and high voltage installations exceeding 1 kV a.c.
AS 3500 Plumbing and Sanitary
AS 1720 Parts 1 - 5 Timber Structures
IEEE 1584 Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations
AS/NZS 61439 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
AS 3700 Masonry Structures
AS 1289 Method of Testing soils for Engineering Purposes Parts 0 - 7
Austroad Guide to Road Design
AASHTO Geometric Design of highway and streets
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ACI American Concrete Institute
AS 5139 Electrical installations - Safety of battery systems for use with power conversion

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4.3 Engineering
4.3.1 Design Life
The Employer expects the following minimum design life:
 25 years for the PV System without major repair (excluding the inverters and instrumentation);
 15 years for string inverters without major repair;
 15 years for bi-directional inverters without major repair;
 15 years for battery banks;
 15 years for instrumentation without major repair;
 15 years for Diesel generator without major repair;
 25 years for the civil work/frames without major repair;
 25 years for LV/MV power systems including cables and transformers without major repair;
 The design shall also include consideration for potential full decommissioning of the plant and
environmental reinstatement.

The design life of the components must be confirmed in writing by the manufacturer.

If the Equipment Supplier cannot meet the above criteria, such departure shall be stated in the submitted
Bid Documents. The Employer as its discretion may accept or reject such departure.
4.3.2 Design requirements for Electrical Cables
The Contractor shall ensure that the design allows for the installation, protection, termination and jointing
of cables in accordance with relevant Australian standards and particularly AS/NZS 3000, AS/NZS 3008
and manufacturers’ recommendations. Further particular design requirements are listed in Section 4.4.5.
The Contractor is particularly encouraged to specify the use of “click and play” material and installation
where possible. The Contractor is recommended to specify pre-wired harnesses and pre-labelled
elements where practicable.
4.3.3 Earthing & Lightning Protection
Earthing of the DC and AC components of the PV System shall be designed in accordance with AS/NZS
5033 and AS/NZS 3000.
The Contractor shall design the PV System with lightning protection in accordance with AS/NZS 1768.
4.3.4 Cyclonic and seismic restraints
The Contractor shall design cyclonic restraints for the PV System in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.2.
The Contractor shall design seismic restraints for the PV System in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.4.
See also Section 3.8 for structural design requirements.

4.4 Equipment requirements

Products that are relatively new to the market should be selected on the basis that they comply with
standards, have been shown to be free of defects and have undergone design developments to
eliminate any known design defects or flaws which could impact the expected performance of this
The Contractor must be confident in the short and long term that the performance will comply with
expectations and requirements given in this Specification. The equipment shall be proven technologies
but not necessary a blueprint of old non-cost-effective methodologies, and practices which has
traditionally kept the price of PV solutions high.
As design criteria, evidence of quality, track record, long term integrity, certifications and suitability is
required for this Project. A Tier-1 Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) is a guide of standards
sought: this is essential for such equipment shown in Section 4.5.
Suppliers are to explain how they will manage local support, warranties and maintenance.

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If the Specification does not contain any particulars of minor parts, which are nevertheless clearly to be
inferred and required for the appropriate functioning of the overall Solar Power Plant (SPP), it will be
appropriately addressed in the design. Equipment requirements for the SPP systems are grouped under
the major headings of:
 4.4.1 PV Modules;
 4.4.2 String Inverters;
 4.4.3 Grid Forming Inverters;
 4.4.4 Battery Storage;
 4.4.5 Solar System Integration and Electrical Interconnections;
 4.4.6 Panel Mounting Structure;
 4.4.7 Solar System Control and Monitoring;
 4.4.8 415V/11kV AC Power Systems;

 4.4.9 Diesel Generation;

 4.4.10 SCADA and Communications;
 4.4.11 Uninterrupted/DC Power Systems;
 4.4.12 Civil Structures;
 4.4.13 Other for complete installation; and
 4.4.14 Site Layout.

Preferred suppliers/parts for some of the equipment listed below are also listed in Section 4.5. The
Contractor is responsible for considering the applicability of the preferred items and is to notify the
Employer immediately if found that the preference contradicts any of the requirements listed below.

The minimum component sizes required for the 5 solar hybrid power plant are specified hereafter. The
system sizing in this section has been selected in order to give no less than 85% of the average daily
load to be supplied by renewable energy given nominal climatic conditions, the key driver for these
projects is to minimize diesel consumption across the Solomon Power network.
Bidders should note that the Solar Panel DC and AC capacities, battery system sizes, inverter ratings
and the diesel gensets sizes are fixed minimums in order to meet the average autonomous runtime
required (85% of the average daily load).
The following information details the minimum system sizing parameters to be followed for the bid
designs to be generated by bidders along with giving background with regards to the site conditions and
location. The detailed system design complying with the minimum component sizes below must be
determined by the bidder.
Site Baolo Bina Dala Tingoa Visale
PV Array DC Panel 100 440 560 200 200
(Minimum, kW)
PV Arrays AC 80 350 450 160 160
Inverter Capacity
(Minimum, kW)
Battery AC Inverter TBD by TBD by TBD by TBD by TBD by
output (Minimum, Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder Bidder
Battery capacity ~450 ~1110 ~1300 ~470 ~470
(Minimum, kWh)

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Diesel Gensets 35 100 120 50 50

(Minimum, kW)

The contractor must submit data sheets with detailed technical characteristic data for all components
(4.4.1 to 4.4.10). For diesel generators, a fuel curve confirmed by the manufacturer must be provided.
4.4.1 PV Modules
Only PV modules with the following minimum requirements should be considered:
 Poly or Mono crystalline cells (thin film or amorphous silicon is not preferred);
 Power tolerance shall be a positive power tolerance (+0 to +3Wp or better);
 The PV module shall withstand the wind loadings present at the Site as stated in Section
 The PV module shall include drain, earth and mounting holes in its frame. No holes shall be
drilled on site;
 The PV module frame shall be made from marine grade anodised aluminium or stainless
steel with appropriate seals to prevent water ingress and damage to the active components;
 No specific colour (frame, back foil) requirements are requested;
 The front glass of the PV module shall be tempered glass with a minimum thickness of
 The PV module shall comply with IEC61215, IEC61730, IEC61701 ED2 and IEC 62716. PV
modules must be tested at the ESTI (European Solar Test Installation) or an equivalently
qualified institution (such as TUV Rhineland and ASU-PTL) using CEC Specifications No.
503 or certified according to IEC61215;
 Potential-Induced Degradation-free PV cells and modules, unless the PV system is
appropriately designed to reverse PIE-effects;
 Bypass diodes are required on each module. No reverse blocking diodes for the system are
 Standard locking connectors (e.g. MC-4 or equivalent) certified to EN 50521 are acceptable
for panel connections. Corrosion of terminations causes increased voltage drops therefore
the number of connections shall be limited. A wiring layout diagram defining the PV panel
interconnections will form part of the documentation to be provided by the Detailed Design;
 The terminals must be clearly marked with + and – for the corresponding connections;
 The minimum Performance Warranty shall be as specified in Section 4.7.2;
 Modules shall be fitted with a manufacturer’s sticker on the back, providing the following
information: Manufacturer’s name; Module model number; Module serial number; Rated
power at STC; VOC, ISC, VMP, IMP; Date of manufacture; Country of manufacture;
 Test certificates must be available; Cyclonic wind rating tests or wind loading information
must be in accordance with the mounting solution selected
 The minimum warranty shall be equal or greater than requirements stated in Section 4.7.2
of this Specification;
 The manufacturer cannot be insolvent or going through (partial) bankruptcy at the time of
installation of the PV System.
 The modules shall be under the manufacturer’s active production and shall not be
superseded stock.

Manufacturer documentation with the following information about the PV modules must be available:
 VOC, ISC, VMP, IMP, and power output at STC;

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 Temperature coefficients for current, voltage, and power;

 I-V curves under different temperature and radiation conditions;
 Physical dimensions and weight;
 Details of the materials used in the module’s frame;
 Type and number of cells per module;
 Cell efficiency and/or module efficiency;
 Details of the connectors used and the length of the connecting wires;
 The warranty statement and testing certificate;
 Proof of manufacturer financial stability.

Note that the Contractor shall illustrate that the design allows for system flexibility to accept more than
just one type of PV panel by providing a ranked list of 2 or more other OEM PV panel types suitable for
conjoint use.
Total installed panels at commissioning should guarantee the required plant sizing and output at 10-

4.4.2 String and Central Inverters

By definition, a String or Central Inverter (or a grid-tie inverter) is connected directly to the PV panels
and contains an embedded Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) which enables the Inverter to
optimise energy production from the PV panels.
Two different types of inverters are used in the system. References to “inverters” include both types,
while reference to “string inverters”, means the type of inverter connected to the PV arrays or strings
that feeds only power from the PV arrays into the AC bus or the AC network. Reference to “battery
inverters” means the type of inverter that is connected to a battery bank (the DC bus) and supply power
from the batteries to the AC bus. The battery inverter is also named a “grid forming inverter”, due to its
ability to form a grid, by setting the voltage and frequency of the islanded supply.
The Contractor should confirm that any additional requirements for Inverters listed in Section 4.4.3 are
applied to grid-tied Inverters.
The Contractor is required to specify the appropriate inverter for all Sites with respect to the capacity
and suitability for the designed PV System. The minimum requirements for both types of inverters
a) String inverters are connected to the PV panels and shall provide a balanced three
phase power output to the AC bus.
b) The string inverters shall be located near the PV panels unless larger central inverter
types are used, have a protection rating of IP 65 (according to IEC 60529) and be
protected from sea spray. For Sites where the inverters are located in an indoor dry
space, this requirement may change to IP45.
c) The string inverters shall have as a minimum one maximum power point tracker (MPPT)
and only PV panels mounted on the same horizontal angle and orientations should be
grouped together and connected to the same MPPT. It is however encouraged to use
the same inverter but a separate MPPT to convert power from two strings mounted at
different horizontal angles but with the same orientation because this will increase the
conversion efficiency.
d) Grid-tied inverters shall be sized appropriately for the maximum module peak power
rating under all weather conditions of the Site.
e) The Contractor shall ensure and confirm that the DC operating voltage window and
current limits of the inverters are not exceeded under all environmental conditions.
f) The Contractor shall be aware of the environmental conditions as stated in Section 3.0
and shall select inverters and inverter locations appropriately.

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g) The inverter shall be designed to operate from -20 to +60 degrees centigrade and from
5% to 95% relative humidity. Note that this temperature requirement is greater than that
stated in Section 3.2 to allow for temperature rise above ambient to a maximum of +60
degrees centigrade.
h) It is of paramount importance that the output voltage capability of the inverter is matched
with the supply voltage from the utility.
i) The Contractor shall ensure that the ventilation and air requirements are appropriately
specified so that the cooling requirements of the inverter can be met.
j) The Contractor shall specify suitable mounting positions for the inverter (and enclosure,
if applicable), in accordance with manufacturer’s specification.
k) The inverter shall feature natural cooling with backup fans. The fan block shall be field
l) Electronic components will be sealed from contact with salt air and all cooling will be
through external heat sinks and not through ambient or forced air flowing across the
electronic components.
m) The inverters shall not be placed in direct sunlight.
n) The location and installation of the inverter shall comply with site restrictions for
appropriate and safe access during operation of the inverter.
o) The Total Harmonic Distortion injected onto the grid by the inverter shall be less than
3%, and the output of the inverter shall be a true sine wave.
p) The Contractor will endeavour to minimise the number of different types of string
inverters by standardising on a typical inverter size to reduce the number of spares. SP
prefers the use of 3-phase string inverters with a minimum unit rating of 20 kW. On this
basis sizing of any plant can be increased or decreased by this as a multiple and that
any section of 20kW (or greater) may be taken out of service for maintenance with
minimal overall Plant impact.
q) The power conversion efficiency of the DC>AC string inverter shall exceed 97% and
that of the bi-directional inverters >94% while operated above 20% of PV array rated
power. Cable length and cable diameter shall be carefully considered to optimise
system efficiency.
r) Terminations between PV panels and string inverters shall be in accordance to
manufacturer specifications and no installation practices or terminations shall be used
that may void manufacturer warrantees.
s) Inverters shall comply with AS/NZS 4777.1, 2 & 3 and shall be able to respond to grid
frequency to curtail the power fed from the PV panels to the local grid. This will happen
when, the battery cannot absorb all the excess power and the grid frequency will be
raised by the Master Battery Inverter to signal that power curtailing is required or
through the plant controllers dedicated control signals.
t) Inverters shall have a valid Certificate of Suitability, numbered and dated to testify on
its testing, which was conducted within the last five years.
u) The inverters shall have passive and active anti-islanding protection as per AS 4777.
v) The string inverters shall detect islanding mode when the grid fails and automatically
shut down power from the PV system as per the requirements of AS 4777.3.
w) The inverters shall detect normal main grid supply and automatically start supplying
power from the PV system as per the requirements of AS 4777.3.
x) Open protocol standard such as Modbus for seamless integration to third party systems
are required. Closed or proprietary protocols are not acceptable unless approved by the
y) A separate, external manual isolation switch shall be installed to provide isolation of the
inverters from the LV network.
z) A fire extinguisher capable of extinguishing electrical fires is to be installed in the
switchrooms and inverter or battery rooms as standard.

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aa) The inverters shall be from a Tier 1 original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of inverters
with a strong regional technical and service capability for Central and String inverters.
bb) The minimum standard warranty shall be 5 years. Additionally, the warranty needs to
be extended by the manufacturer/supplier to meet the requirements stated in Section

4.4.3 Grid Forming Inverters

Grid Forming Inverters (also referred to as battery inverters) are so named due to their ability to form an
electrical grid, by setting the voltage and frequency of the islanded supply.
Two different types of inverters are used in the system. References to “inverters” include both types,
while reference to “string inverters”, means the type of inverter connected to the PV arrays or strings
that feeds only power from the PV arrays into the AC bus or the AC network. Reference to “battery
inverters” means the type of inverter that is connected to a battery bank (the DC bus) and supply power
from the batteries to the AC bus.
The Contractor should confirm that any additional requirements for “inverters” listed in Section 4.4.2 are
applied to battery inverters.
The Contractor is required to specify the appropriate inverter for all Sites with respect to the capacity
and suitability for the designed PV system. The minimum requirements for the grid forming inverters
a) Battery inverters are connected to the batteries and shall be bi-directional power
conversion devices that act as battery charger from the AC bus and as inverter to supply
power to the AC bus. Generally Solomon Power requires AC coupled or AC bus
systems in order to facilitate simpler maintenance.
b) The battery inverters must have rapid response capacity to supply motor starting surge
currents. The inverters will have electrical protection to prevent damage due to AC
voltages below the minimum voltage specifications; damage due to transient AC over-
voltages (such as transients induced by lightning or switching surges), or damage due
to excessive current requirements.
c) The battery inverters will charge the batteries with power available from the AC bus.
The master shall control the battery state of charge (SOC) to optimise energy storage
from the PV panels and minimise diesel consumption while adhering to DOD cycle
limitation to prolong battery life. Charging and discharging operation shall not cause
power quality distortion beyond what is considered an acceptable standard of supply by
local utility standards.
d) The battery inverter controller shall determine when to start the diesel generator and
supplement supply from the battery to meet the energy and / or power demand
requirements and to synchronise the AC bus voltage and frequency with the generator
prior to connecting the generator onto the AC bus. The system shall start the diesel
generator automatically and provide audible and visual alarms if the diesel generator
has not started. The audible alarm must be capable of being turned off, but not the
visual alarm. The visual alarm will self-reset when the diesel generator has started and
accepted load, alarm operation and identification to be in accordance with the utility
networks general SCADA requirements.
e) Reactive power control. If not integrated in the battery inverter, then 415 V LV Panel
shall allow for suitable reactive control and/or provision of reactive power.
f) The battery inverters shall be located as close as possible to the battery banks with
sufficient space and excess for maintenance. Cable length and cable diameter shall be
within manufacturer specified values and optimised for efficiency. No more than 1%
voltage drop between battery terminals and inverter is allowed.
g) The Total Harmonic Distortion injected onto the grid by the inverter shall be less than
3%, and the output of the inverter shall be a true sine wave. The battery inverter shall
be able to act as a voltage and a current source as required.
h) The power conversion efficiency of the battery inverter shall exceed 92% while operated
above 20% of rated power.

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i) The Contractor shall ensure that the ventilation and air requirements are appropriately
specified so that the cooling requirement for the inverter is met.
j) Electronic components will be sealed from contact with salt air and all cooling will be
through external heat sinks and not through ambient or forced air flowing across the
electronic components.
k) The battery inverters are required to communicate with each to ensure that voltage,
frequency and phase shift-control to regulate the grid as well as to regulate Battery
State of Charge (SoC).
l) The battery inverters shall be sized appropriately to meet the maximum load
requirements of the Site - The Contractor shall be aware of the environmental conditions
as stated in Section 3.0 and shall select inverters and inverter locations appropriately.
m) The minimum degree of protection (according to IEC 60529) shall be IP65 or better. For
Sites where the inverters are located in an indoor dry space this requirement may
change to IP45.
n) The Contractor shall ensure that the ventilation and cooling requirements of the
inverters such as spacing between inverters and other equipment and/or ambient
temperature requirements are met.
4.4.4 Batteries
The forecast annual kWh consumption and daily load profiles for each Site are provided in the Employers
Base Concept Design in the Appendix C1 & C2 (Site Establishment Data). The high level Base Concept
Design provides for Site specific solar/diesel kWh generation spilt with specified capacity for anticipated
system load at year 5 of operation, demand and sufficient capacity to provide for 20-36 hours energy
requirements on average. The anticipated future load data provided in the Appendix C1 & C2 for each
Site shall be the basis of Bid submission, the proposed systems shall provide for anticipated maximum
load at 5 years from year 0 (2020).
The Contractor during Concept Design refinement shall verify sizing for greater than 20 hours of
autonomous battery runtime in order that 85% or more of the energy generated is sourced from
renewable sources and provide detailed calculations and advice on battery storage capacity for
optimised LCOE for each of the sites based on the following scenarios as part of design refinement:
1) Storage capacity required to provide energy requirements for average 20-30 hours autonomous
runtime (at least 20 hours);
2) The impact on diesel generation requirements at each site and tank size for 10 days of
autonomous operation without refill given load requirements at 5 years.
The Employers LCOE optimisation using Homer has indicated an average provision of stored energy to
provide 20-30 hours of battery only runtime as being optimal depending on the Site, however, the
Employer shall reassess on the basis of the Contractors Bid prices as the market prices for generating
equipment are generally volatile as of 2020 and different arrangements of generating plant technologies
to what was originally considered might be optimal as of time of tender evaluation.
The following battery systems may be considered by the Bidder:
1.0 Option 1: Lithium ion based battery chemistry as per the Employers equipment preference
2.0 Option 2: Other advanced options as an optional additional offering to the Bidders Lithium
ion based submission if the Bidder considers the alternative to be worth consideration.
The Employers preferred options are shown in Section 4.5, Bidders are to provide compliant
offerings as required by The Employer however additional alternative non-compliant offerings for
plant and equipment can be submitted should the Bidder discern particular technical or economic
advantages to a different technology offering.
The Bidder shall provide the relevant guarantees from battery manufactures for disposal of the batteries
at the end of their economic life and ensure kWh ratings provided in their bid design submission appear
in terms of what energy can be used considering the DoD limitations and requirements on the cells as
well as what energy the nameplate of the battery bank indicates.
4.4.5 Solar System Integration and Electrical Interconnections

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Electrically a string of PV modules are connected in series to form a PV string with a higher output DC
voltage. The strings may be collated or paralleled in DC combiner boxes (generically referred to as
combiner boxes) before it is supplied to the string inverters. The AC power supplied by the string
inverters are collated in an AC collector box (again generically referred to as a combiner box), from
where AC power is supplied to an AC bus which interconnects also the diesel generator, the loads and
the AC supplied by the battery inverters.
Although many Solar Array arrangements are possible the Employers preference is for minimal
maintenance and as such a simple fixed tilt arrangement shall be used unless space limitations or other
constraints dictate otherwise.
The Array should be sized to provide sufficient energy for battery charging considering the autonomy
requirements as indicated above (Section 4.4.4), the anticipated load at year 5 of operation as indicated
in the load profiles provided in the appendix C1 & C2 and the power degradation rate the PV module
manufacturer indicates for the PV module as offered.
The preferred design is to use in field AC collector distribution boards before martialling at the main AC
interconnection board. For all interconnection boxes in the PV system, such as junction boxes, combiner
boxes and LV distribution boxes, the Contractor shall ensure that the design allows for the following:
 Junction boxes (or combiner boxes) shall comply with AS/NZS 60529;
 All cable entries shall maintain the enclosure IP rating;
 Within the junction boxes, switchboards and equipment, conductors are loomed and laced
together, with PVC straps or strings. The conductor is appropriately bent to ensure straight
entry into the terminal, allowing sufficient spacing and length of the wire for easy
disconnection and reconnection;
 DC from the PV arrays inputs shall be suitably fused with disconnectable fuse holders to
provide overcurrent protection and PV array disconnection;
 AC power inputs and outputs will be adequately protected by well-coordinated circuit
breakers (CBs);
 The box is manufactured from powder coated hot dipped galvanised or Aluzinc coated steel
or glass reinforced and UV stabilized plastic material and feature an IP65 rating or higher
suitable for corrosive marine environment equivalent to NEMA 4X;
 All cable entries shall maintain the enclosure IP rating;
 Where conductors enter a box without conduit, a tension relief system shall be used to avoid
cable disconnections inside the junction box;
 All conductors inside the boxes shall be loomed and lace together, with UV rated PVC
straps, rated to be suitable for the life of the project;
 Conductor if bent to enter terminals shall comply with manufacturer bending radius and be
done in such a way as to allow sufficient spacing and length of the wire for easy
disconnection and reconnection.

The Contractor shall ensure that all cable trays and other cable support systems for all cables, wiring
and communication cables, allows for the following:
 The support system shall be positioned adequately to provide access and room for
inspection, replacement or additional cabling;
 All components including but not limited to bends, connectors, trays, brackets shall be sized
to adequately support the installed cable;
 Sufficient spacing shall be provided for no less than 20% of additional cabling;
 The cables shall be fixed to the support system by appropriate ties, straps or saddles.
Stainless steel straps shall be used on cables that supply essential safety services. UV
stability of all fixings shall be considered, Nylon 12 cable ties are typically used for small
cable support in areas exposed to direct UV radiation although Acetal or stainless steel are
better materials to resist direct sunlight exposure.

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 Cable trays shall be designed to ensure that there are no water accumulation points inside
the tray;
 Provide segregation for LVAC, LVDC and communication circuits.

For all electrical cables or interconnecting wiring used in the PV System, the Contractor shall ensure
that the design allows for the following:
 Installation, protection, termination and jointing of cables in accordance with relevant
Australian standards and particularly AS/NZS 3000, AS/NZS 3008 and manufacturers’
 All PV System wiring is designed in accordance with all relevant standards including
AS/NZS 5033 and AS/NZS 3000 and AS/NZS 3008.1;
 The DC cabling from the PV modules to the inverters is sized such that the installed voltage
drop for each circuit remains below 2% at all times;
 The AC cabling from the inverters to the main switchboard is sized so that the installed
voltage drop of each circuit remains below 1% at all times;
 DC Cables are double insulated and sheathed. Cable sheathing is UV stabilised to ensure
that no degradation throughout its working life occurs;
 DC cables are neatly secured behind modules and between sub-arrays. Also that DC cables
are sheltered from direct rainfall;
 All cables are protected from the effects of climatic conditions and in particular UV radiation;
 No cabling is exposed to direct sunlight, even if sheathing is labelled as UV stabilised. All
cabling that may be exposed must be routed through UV stabilised conduit;
 All cables are protected from mechanical damage in accordance with AS/NZS 3000;
 Cables shall be clamped in order to relieve tension and prevent conductors coming loose.
Plastic cable ties must be protected from both direct and reflected UV radiation. Cable ties
exposed to UV must be stainless steel;
 DC cables is rated to operate at the open circuit voltage (Voc) generated by the longest
string of modules in the facility at the lowest expected temperature at the site;
 Cables are secured and mechanically protected over their entire length. Steel wire armour
shall only be used for large sub-array DC voltages and multi-core cabled for AC voltages;
 Energy losses due to cabling shall not exceed 2% of generated power;
 Cables shall occupy less than 66% of the available conduit space;
 All conduit installed within reach of the PV rays shall be UV resistant or protected from UV
using an appropriate method;
 Cables are provided with protection against vermin, where required by site conditions;
 DC cables are installed in a manner which minimises induction loops between positive and
negative cables. In particular, for string cables, large loops of excess DC cabling shall be
 All underground cable routes (if applicable) are clearly marked with suitable above ground
cable markers to prevent accidental damage to the underground cables;
 Cable joints are limited by planning continuous cable runs along entire cable route lengths;
 Marking of all electrical equipment (including conduits and ducts) are compliant with the
Standards and Regulations (or as otherwise agreed upon with the Employer) for marking.
All signs and signage are clearly visible, located visibly on the equipment, constructed and
installed to remain legible for the design life;
 Markings distinguish between operable control devices, equipment, wiring, indicators,
isolation switches, outlets and enclosures to provide instant and ready identification to aid

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operability and maintainability. Terminology of the marking and labelling matches the
documentation provided;
 The numbering system is applied to all DC wiring, AC wiring, PV strings, combiner boxes
and inverters. Also that isolating devices such as switches, fuses, isolators and push buttons
are numbered and labelled in accordance with the local regulations and good industry
practice. Where appropriate, that each label includes the unique number and a description
of the device.

Detailed calculations of cable rating covering maximum anticipated load and fault currents shall be
provided together with the construction drawings prior to the procurement of the cable. The calculation
shall show all derating factors applied to the cable and shall consider all methods of cable installation
used (e.g. direct buried, conduits, etc.).
4.4.6 Panel Mounting Structure
The mounting structures (also referred to as the string or array tables), which includes its footings, shall
be appropriate for each of the respective sites. Considerations include, but are not limited to the
geotechnical investigations, photos and drawings available, flood levels and regional wind loading. The
modules shall be positioned in such a way as to maximise the annual electrical energy output and avoid
shading from adjacent structures (including PV arrays) and trees.
Appropriate piling as footings for the mounting structures is preferred, because it is anticipated to reduce
construction time on the remote sites as well as simplifying the installation process. The Contractor is
required to provide an appropriate installation plan (including the equipment to be used) for the
installation of the mounting structures.
The PV mounting structure should be from at least a Tier-2 manufacturer with a strong technical, service
and warranty capability and with the following minimum requirements:
 Structure requirements apply to all items required to accommodate the modules and associated
electrical equipment including rails, module clamps, fasteners, cable trunking / purlins, cable
clamps etc.;
 Structures shall be fixed, metallic and having appropriate design and adequate strength which
can withstand the load of the modules, snow loads (not likely to be encountered in the applicable
climate), seismic loads, cyclonic and high wind velocities as specified in Section 3.2;
 The mounting structure including fastenings shall be constructed of non-corrosive, UV- stable
materials to meet the durability requirements for tropical marine environments.
 Use of dissimilar metals in contact with each other shall be avoided where practically possible
in order to prevent galvanic corrosion. Where dissimilar metals must be used, suitable measures
shall be employed in order to prevent galvanic corrosion (e.g. insulating material between
dissimilar metallic materials);
 Where corrosion of the structure due to soil contact is expected, such as corrosion of a footing
pile, suitable measures shall be employed in order to prevent galvanic corrosion due to soil
contact (e.g. use of certain grades of Stainless steel or sacrificial anodes);
 The structures shall be designed for simple mechanical on-site installation with no requirement
for welding, cutting, drilling or painting of metal structures onsite;
 The mounting structure shall avoid accumulation of water or moisture within the structure and
shall accommodate an adequate flow of water off the structure;
 The design of the array mounting structures should ensure that all parts are pre-cut, pre-drilled
and prepared before delivery to the islands and should not require the need to be cut in the field.
This is to avoid damage to corrosion resistant coatings. All sharp edges are to be removed at
the factory;
 Modules shall be secured in either portrait or landscape layout and in line with the module
manufacturer recommendations;
 Each PV module shall be fastened securely at least at four points or completely along two
opposite sides, but under all circumstances adhere to the minimum fixing requirements as
required by the PV module manufacturer;

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 The structure shall be suitable for the module type to be installed with due consideration given
o Module weight (inclusive of any power optimizers or other module embedded power
conditioning electronics);
o Module manufacturer requirements with regards to mounting locations and cable
o Ability to expand / add additional modules without modifying the existing structure;
o Air ventilation to the back of the panel to prevent Power de-rating due to thermal build-
 The structure shall provide facilities for earthing of all metallic parts (inclusive of the modules);
 The mounting structure design, including footings shall be in accordance with the requirements
specified in Section 3.0 and certification by the manufacturer to this extend would be required;
 Structural performance of the panels and mounting systems shall be to the cyclone and wind
region specified for each site in accordance to AS 1170.2 (Wind Code) or greater and as
specified in Section 3.8.4. Footing structures must be able to resist forces during high wind even
when the soil is saturated from heavy rain;
 Consideration shall be given to allow for maintenance, upgrades and decommissioning. The
maintenance requirement is emphasized when the structures are installed in areas with high
levels of salt laden air or where high incidence of dust settlement can be expected, both
requiring regular wash down of the modules;
 Provision shall be made for cable management with no sharp edges that could result in damage
to cables or persons during installation, maintenance or decommissioning (e.g. through the
implementation of rounded edges or end covers/clamps on rails);
 Structures shall have a design life as stated in Section 4.3.1 of this Specification.

Appropriate piling as footings for the mounting structures are preferred as it will shorten the construction
schedule by reducing concrete works. If, however any concrete footings are required due to
Geotechnical or other considerations, all foundations shall be installed in accordance with national and
local government requirements and be based upon the site-specific geotechnical investigations and it
will account for at least the following:
 expected loads throughout the design life of the PV System;
 local soil characteristics including allowable stresses and plastic effects;
 the stability of and shear in the foundation;
 avoidance of ponding on and around the foundations;
 local seismic loadings;
 fatigue in the holding-down bolts/embedded end cap arrangement, reinforcement, concrete
and ground;
 rock anchor fatigue, if applicable;
 non-corrosive foundation design;
 reinforced concrete crack control;
 space for cable ducts where applicable;
 space for earthing where applicable;
 density of backfill over the base;
 need for safe access around the foundation at all stages of its construction.

4.4.7 Solar System Control and Monitoring

The Contractor will ensure that for each of the sites, the monitoring system provides the following

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 The software used to monitor and control the solar plant is friendly with an intuitive interface.
 The software is capable of being remotely accessed via the web for the purposes of analysis
of the PV system performance.
 The software is capable of displaying daily data in real time as well as historical data weekly,
monthly and yearly.
 The software is capable of SMS and email notifications in case of an inverter failure, low
yield, high internal temperature or low solar PV DC voltage.
 The Controller is capable of interfacing with the Employer’s remote SCADA system for
eventual remote monitoring and control.
 Monitor and displayed onsite at least the Power, kVAr, Voltage, Current and the operational
status of the PV System.
 Local and remote alarm system to alarm for low battery level, fire/smoke detection, all fault
trips, bypass of solar system.
 Monitor and display onsite the energy production for each day as well as accumulated
energy production.
 Detecting failures and fault conditions in the system in addition to providing relevant output
detail in a user friendly and accessible manner.
 Integration with on-site SCADA and Communications Section 4.4.10.
 The Power measurement for the power delivered by each separate inverter is separately
available for assessment.
 Historic data is available for remote and local download.

The Contractor will ensure that for each of the sites, the monitoring system complies with the following
requirements and each monitoring system will as a minimum consist of the following:
 One data logger
 One Ethernet switch
 One ambient temperature sensor
 One module temperature sensor
 One pyranometer (CMP6/SMP6 or CMP3/SMP3 Kipp & Zonen or equivalent) for accurate
measurement of solar irradiance. SMP series with direct ModBus connection to simplify
supervision and cabling is recommended.
 Online access and representation of monitoring
 A spare port (MODBUS TCP) for connection to The Employer’s future SCADA and
communications project.
 Remote cameras for monitoring of site (a simple motion activated capture system should
 All necessary cable work
 Bluetooth is not preferred unless the Site does not allow for practical monitoring cables.

The Contractor shall ensure that meters are installed on the main solar switchboard to meter at least the
electrical supply from the PV panels. The meters shall be digital multi-function power meters complete
with CTs (if required) and potential fuses (if required). The meters will have the following minimum
 Provide local screen;
 Provide outputs and terminal strips for local and remote monitoring (RS485) via SCADA;
 Class 1.0;
 Otherwise compliant to specifications Section 3.

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All safety devices including, DC bypass diodes, DC junction boxes, DC overcurrent protection,
disconnection devices, ground fault detectors, residual current devices and earthing shall comply with
all standards referred to (but not limited to) in Table 8. In addition to this, the following criteria apply:
 The use of blocking diodes shall be avoided as they have increased chances of failure and
will result in increased power losses, though bypass diodes inside the PV panels are
required to deal with localised shading on part of the PV string.
 Overcurrent protection devices will be used appropriately to protect system components,
prevent fire and protect people from potential high current conditions.
 Disconnection devices and AC/DC switches must comply with Class II equipment standards
and must be equipped with a clear “on” and “off” indicator.

4.4.8 415V / 11kV AC Power Systems Scope
The Bidder shall submit a Concept Bid Design of the LV/MV power systems with its Bid based on the
example concept design included with this specification.
Demarcation between the Contractor and SP distribution shall be the 11 kV terminations for the outgoing
conductor. Incoming cables will be suitably sized for the maximum load supported by the connection
transformers supplied.
The Contractor shall design, supply and install complete LV and MV AC power systems with cabling,
protection and operational interface to SCADA and communications. SLDs for all Sites are included in
the Appendix B1 & B2.
System equipment shall be selected and installed in accordance with the Construction Environmental
Social Management Plan and requirements as well as the relevant standards, Installation Contractors
are to consider fuel spillage, oil spillage and waste management in their submitted designs, site layouts
and construction methodologies. LV Systems
The main LV Panel shall be standardised across all sites where possible, suitable for cable connection
at 415VAC to one or more 0.415/11kV transformers (see concept design drawings for each site). Local
supply will be necessary to power SCADA and metering equipment with spare poles available for local
connection of LV equipment including a 32 Amp 3 phase GPO and at least 2 off 10 Amp single phase
GPO’s. A 16 Amp single phase GPO will also be required for power tools.
 General Design and Construction
All switchgear assemblies (greater than 800 Amperes, 3 phase) shall be free standing, air insulated,
metal clad and comply with AS/NZS 3439 for Form 3b or higher fully segregated boards. They shall be
continuously rated to operate under full load at the site conditions.
The switchgear and switchboards shall have type test certificates for arc fault containment. All cubicles
shall be designed so that an internal fault with the maximum possible rate of energy release shall not
open, nor force out of position, any of the front doors or panels of the cubicle and any hot gases or other
products of the fault shall be directed away from any operator standing in front of the cubicle. Distribution
boards in excess of 800 Amp shall have arc flash energy ratings for PPE indicated on the front panels
so that equipment operators can correctly select safe PPE for operation.
No hygroscopic insulating material shall be used.
All cubicles shall be fabricated from sheet steel of adequate gauge to ensure rigidity of panels. In no
case shall sheet steel less than 1.6mm thick be used. The framework shall be constructed from folded
steel or structural sections and shall provide satisfactory strength and rigidity. Eye bolts and/or a lifting
beam shall be provided for each section to facilitate handling.
Each switchboard shall be constructed such that it may be broken down into sections not exceeding 5
metres in length for packaging and transport. The design shall allow easy re-assembly on site, and all
nuts, bolts and other fittings required for re-assembly shall be provided.

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Width and depth of tiers shall be identical. General construction of each switchboard shall be such as to
allow for extension at each end while preserving a neat finished appearance.
No electrical equipment shall be installed within 150mm of ground level. The switchboards and motor
control centres shall be designed such that no component requiring regular maintenance or inspection
is mounted less than 300mm or more than 2000mm above floor level. All equipment shall be accessible
from the front of the switchboard.
All equipment necessary for setting and connection on Site shall be provided.
All future or empty modules shall have all internal live parts permanently covered such that no live parts
are exposed when the door is opened. This requirement applies whatever type of door fastener is
Insulated horizontal cable ways shall be provided for the full length at the top and bottom of each
switchboard Sheet steel work shall be finished to remove all sharp edges in these cable ways. In
addition, each tier shall have a vertical cable space between the top and bottom cable ways of a
minimum of 200mm.
All cable ways shall be separated from the busbar zones by adequate metal barriers to prevent cable
damage under busbar short circuit conditions. All cable ways shall be fitted with facilities to cleat or tie
wiring over their full length.
Small circuits such as GPO’s, lighting, ventilation or individual string inverter outputs can be fed through
smaller load centres that are not full metal clad switchgear assemblies as outlined above provided power
levels, the Contractor shall provide and arrange switchboards in accordance with AS/NZS 2018
requirements for distribution boards intended to be operated by ordinary persons ( < 250 Amps) and
requirements for switchboard installations at 800 Amps or greater.
Energy metering for revenue measurement (at least 1 per outgoing feeder) shall be in a separate
lockable panel to allow for meter reader access separate from the rest of the switchgear and control
functions on the main switchboard. The revenue metering panel can be located within the main
switchboard adjacent to other switchboard sections and part of the main switchboard in terms of
construction, access to the meters however shall be in a separate section with separate access to the
displays and test blocks installed with the revenue meters.
Switchboards greater than 800 Amps shall be constructed with clear arc flash ratings and PPE
requirements as indicated to operators by relevant signage on the front of the panels. Arc flash
calculations (typically software outputs) shall be provided to the Employer and shall generally follow
IEEE 1584 in content and method
AS/NZS 61439.1 Annex D and Annex C requirements to switchboard constructors shall be issued to the
Employer for review before switchboard construction is to be undertaken.
Switchgear installed indoors in demountable buildings or fixed in place modified shipping containers
(containerized solutions) shall have sufficient clearance at the base, sides or top to allow for suitable
bending radius on cabling entering the switchgear assembly.
Mechanical interlocks required between the diesel gen-set, PV and battery inverters shall be of direct
mechanical connecting type rather than Castell key type except where it is required for a mechanical
interlock in switchgear or pole top isolators in the larger distribution network.

 Busbar Systems
The Contractor shall verify bus rating and fault levels appropriate for each Site as part of the Concept
Bid Design. The SLDs provide indicative ratings only and it is up to the Contractor to fully consider
voltage drop, thermal effects and local fault conditions in detailed design.

The Bus-bar System shall meet the following requirements at the Site Conditions:
 Bus-bar system operational volts shall be rated at 600V minimum for LV systems;
 Degree of protection shall be IP33-40 minimum (IP 54 or greater preferred);
 Insulation Voltage shall be 1 kV for LV systems;

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 Copper bus-bars;
 Connection configuration is 3-Phase, 4 wire system;
 Suitable rated Neutral and Earth bus-bars shall also be incorporated in the bus-bar system.
The size of these bus bars shall be determined by appropriate fault level and load flow
 Live busbar shall not be generally accessible with perspex (or other non-conductive
materials) restricting access to touch live conductors within the cable ways or circuit breaker
functional units where necessary.

A horizontal air insulated, 3-phase and neutral bus and an earthing bus shall extend through the full
length of the switchgear and switchboard. All busbars shall be of high conductivity tinned flat copper
bars coloured in standard phase colours. Busbars shall be mounted on non-hygroscopic insulators and
phase colouring shall be by means of shrunk or dipped coloured plastic sleeves. Plastic tape is not
All connections between busbars shall be made by means of plated steel bolts and Belville washers,
nuts and locknuts. No small wiring shall be included in busbar compartments.
Where current transformers are fitted to busbars, the clearances between the metallic components of
the current transformers shall be in accordance with AS 61439.
Test certificates from an independent testing authority verifying the through fault capacity of the busbar
system shall be provided.
 Switchgear – Circuit Breakers
LV circuit breakers on primary circuits shall be MCCB type. MCCBs and disconnectors shall be from a
Tier-1 OEM manufacturer of international repute in quality manufacture and longevity of its equipment,
and shall otherwise have had at least 25-years supply to international first world markets.
The MCCBs or its modern equivalent shall also have had not less than 15 years operational experience
in tropical island environments. The MCCBs and disconnectors shall have a life cycle rating of >20,000
mechanical operations (preferably >30,000) to provide reliable operation over the projected 25 year
Plant life.
MCCBs on incoming generation and outgoing feeder circuits shall have:
i) integrated door mounted lockable handles with provision for at least two padlocks;
ii) shall be remote open/close (motorised) from the Solar Plant and outgoing LV Feeders,
iii) either integrated electronic protection with data communication of open/closed positions at a
minimum; or preferably
iv) integrated electronic protection with measurement and data communication. Such
measurements are for local and remote indication. Energy measurements may be used for
check metering and control panel indication: such are not suitable for primary metering.

Separate electricity metering class CT’s on the incoming or outgoing cable side (not bus side) shall be
provided as specified in Section
In addition to the circuits indicated on the SLDs, at least three spare empty MCCB spaces are to be
provided. Design shall provide for future installation of motorised operation, CTs and revenue metering
and shall be labelled as ‘Spare Bay”. These are for future diesel generators or Solar Plant expansion or
power factor correction units if needed.
Particular attention should be paid to the thermal derating of circuit breakers and switchgear due to the
tropical ambient temperatures and heating due to loads and heating due to direct sunlight, it is a common
issue to have nuisance tripping due to thermal derating.
 Earthing
A main copper earthing bar of not less than 50mm² cross section with a minimum thickness of 3mm and
shall be fitted along the full length of each switchboard. Provision shall be made on the main earthing
bar for connecting the main earthing conductor and the earth conductors of all outgoing sub-circuits plus

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20% spares. The main earthing bar shall be clearly labelled, differentiation shall be made from separate
instrument or communications earth if required.
All doors or hinged parts of modules shall be provided with flexible earth connections from the framework
of any conductive parts of electrical cabinets such as doors or access plates. The minimum size of these
earth connections shall be 2.5mm².
 Cables
The Contractor shall determine all cable sizes and types (AS/NZS 3008) connecting Plant. Cables from
the LV Panel to the Transformers shall be flexible rated for the full operating load and prospective fault
currents associated with the connected step up transformers. Cables shall be selected considering
minimum allowable voltage drop (AS/NZS 3000, AS/NZS 4777, AS/NZS 5033) and derating due
temperature (soil thermal resistivity, vicinity of other cables, direct sunlight or other heat sources shall
be considered as required in supplied rating calculations).
 Factory Tests
The following tests shall be carried out at the manufacturer's works and shall be witnessed by the
1. All busbars and associated power connections shall be given a 2kV RMS withstand test for
one minute.
2. All equipment shall be tested for correct operation.
3. Primary and secondary injection tests on relays and meters.
4. Arcing fault containment tests (unless type test certificate is available).

 Bid Submission
The Bidder shall submit its LV Panel Concept Bid Design at Bid submission providing SLDs and detailing
primary equipment and ratings. Power Factor Control
The Contractor shall provide for power factor control based on the nominal proposed plant rated output
to correct potential network power factor of 0.8 to 0.95. The present islanded systems in SP are typically
0.9-0.95 however water pumping and uncorrected lighting can result in periods where the pf drops as
low as 0.8.
Such facilities are commonly integral with the grid connected inverters. This shall be the preferred
If such facilities are not integrated with the inverters proposed, the Contractor shall provide such facilities
at the 415 V LV Panel. The equipment shall be from a reputable quality certified manufacturer and be
serviceable by agents from the region including Australia and New Zealand. MV Systems
The MV system comprises the take-off from the 11 kV side of the transformer, NCT, cabling,
terminations and other equipment to a pole structure with demarcation at the termination point of SP
overhead lines to that structure.
1. Step-up Transformer Concepts
The Employer seeks to standardise across the entire system. The Contractor shall provide YNd-11 step
up transformers. Thus the Solar-Hybrid generation 415 V bus phase angle of 0° will match the
distribution 415 V 0° phase angle through the YNd-11 step up transformer 30° lead shift (transformer is
reversed thus vectored as dNY-1) being off-set by the Dyn-11 30° lag shift. Solomon Power standard
network parameters outlining standard transformer winding arrangements can be found in the Appendix
2. Transformer Specifications
Transformers shall be supplied as follows to maintain conformity with SP asset management policies
and equipment standardisation. Datasheets or web references are provided in the Appendix A.
Feeder Step-up Transformers:

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 SP preferred suppliers are ABB and ETEL. Manufacture shall be to AS / IEC 60076.
 415 V / 11 kV off-load tap step up YNd-11 transformers, with expected impedances in
accordance with AS / IEC 60076. The tap range shall be +5% to -5% in 2.5% steps nominally
set at mid-point.
 The transformers shall be ground mount industrial units complete with 11 kV and LV cable boxes
rated IP54. Transformers with exposed bushings shall not be used.
 The paint system shall have a zinc sprayed base coat and epoxy-based overcoat system
providing long term corrosion protection in Category D environments to AS/NZS 2312:2002.
 The 11 kV side shall have standard bushings with Raychem or similar cable terminations
connected direct to the bushing flags and insulated boots overlapping bushing end and cable
 A 200/1 Neutral CT with rating as determined by the Contractor shall be either installed within
the transformer tank or separately in the cable box for earth fault protection. CT leads shall be
brought out to an IP65 junction box exterior to the cable box.
 The transformers offered shall meet the guaranteed performance values in accordance with the
latest edition of AS2374.1.2 Minimum Energy Performance Requirement (MEPS). All
transformers shall be routine tested in accordance with the latest edition of AS2374 and each
unit shall be supplied with a test certificate.
Commonly, smaller regional networks throughout the Solomon Islands use Dny-11 step down
transformers to supply local loads and step up transformers from supply are YNd-11 type as per the
standard network parameters in the appendix A. This arrangement is used in order to detect faults on
the 11kV network from the point of supply rather than at connected loads due to the small size and
simplicity of the regional networks.

3. 11 kV Termination Structure
The contractor will provide a termination pole for SP to connect aerial conductor. The contractor shall
supply the 11kV cable from the switchgear at the solar site, terminations, surge arresters and crucifix
mounted onto the pole.
Additional provisions for pole structures
The pole structure, whether 1 or 2 pole, should utilise galvanised steel components including the poles
which may be 11m INGAL DP110012 or equivalent of not less than 12kN UTS top load rating or larger
as may be required by detailed design.
The Contractor may configure an alternative design if structurally compliant with AS/NZS 7000-2010, is
cost effective and of 25-year durability.
Structure Security: Pole stays adequate to restrain a single dead-end feeder to the rated conductor
breaking loads is required. Thus a major incident resulting in the feeder line being impacted by falling
trees or motor vehicles on adjacent structures will NOT result in the termination structure failure.
Surge arresters: Arresters shall be Class 1 manufactured and tested to IEC 60099-4 specification.
They are to be mounted on each 11 kV outgoing circuit within 1.2 m of the pole end cable termination
and reclosers if pole mounted on the outgoing line side. Elbow mounted surge arrestors are to be
mounted to cable connections.
Animal protection: Suitable bird and climbing animal protection shall be provided along with covered
cables in-so-far as practical such that flash overs due to animals or storm blown debris will be avoided.
4. MV Cables
From the HV side of the transformers 11 kV single core (1C) Aluminium Copper wire screened cables
of at least 2kA fault rating compliant to international standards IEC 60228, IEC 60502-2 or national
standards AS/NZS 1125; AS/NZS 1429.1 shall be used, the Contractor shall confirm rating considering
bus fault currents and peak load from the solar plant distribution busses. See standard network
parameters included in the Appendix A.
5. Tools

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Contractor shall provide 1 unit MV live line detector and 2 multimeters rated to measure the highest DC
voltages and LVAC circuits to be expected within Solar Arrays and site equipment and the at each site
and training in their use to SP operators.
6. Bid Submission
The Bidder shall submit its MV Concept Bid Design including SLDs at Bid submission detailing primary
equipment, general functionality of provided equipment and ratings. The Employers requirement
appendix B1, B2, C1 & C2 contains Protection Scheme
The Contractor shall undertake design, supply and installation of protection schemes both LV and MV.
On the LV Panel this will determine the optimal MCCB requirements to provide through fault and
overload discrimination without tripping of solar or diesel generation sources for normal feeder faults.
Protection settings shall be reviewed using DIgSILENT, to ensure LV MCCB and MV protection devices
are appropriate to provide discrimination needs noting that earth fault levels on the 11 kV distribution
will produce low (<5 Amps) currents on a grounded system thus requiring sensitive earth fault detection.
Dedicated arc detection relays shall not necessarily be required for LV or MV switchgear although arc
flash ratings must be provided in accordance with AS3000 for LV switchgear assemblies rated for 800
Amps or greater and on MV switchgear assemblies where significant on-load or fault breaking capacity
is required. Metering Scheme
1. Meters
The Contractor shall provide all electricity metering requirements. 3-phase meters, and related CT’s
shall be located on the main LV Panel for all feeder and generation circuits. This shall apply even if
outgoing LV or MV CBs or reclosers or generation plant contains metering provisions within the
protection devices or by other means.
On the outgoing feeders these shall be Class 0.5 with quality metering CT’s to match. Internal metering
of Class 1.0 shall be provided at the LV Panel for the solar generation sources. MCCBs with integral
measurement systems provided the CT’s and indicator panels shall not be used for primary metering.
These may only be used for local and remote indication and to approximate check metering in case of
primary metering failure.
Within the Solomon Power network, revenue metering is to be installed at the main LV side incoming
circuit from the connection transformers, Revenue metering is typically not installed at medium voltage
(11kV) within the Solomon Power network.
Metering used for revenue grade measurement is required to be installed in a separate compartment or
switchboard section such that the meter test block and meter display can be accessed separately from
the rest of the controls, meters, switchgear and other switchboard equipment on the main switchboard.
For auxiliary loads 3-phase revenue metering Class 1.0 Landis and Gyr EM5100 or EDMI equivalent to
SP current specification shall be provided within the LV Auxiliary Panel. CT’s are not required unless
electrical current is large enough to require CT’s.
Spares for meters and CTs shall be provided with a total of one (1) sets of each different 3-phase set of
CT’s and meters to cover all sites. The spares will be held at Honiara. A spare 3-ph meter for the LV
Auxiliary Panel is not required.
All metering shall be electronic. The Contractor should receive advice from SP on the preferred metering
units during Concept Design, but otherwise shall be of a quality typically used in Australian and New
Zealand utilities for commercial or light industrial customers. They shall be compliant with AS 62052.11,
62053.21, 62053.22, 62053.23 or IEC equivalents.
As at preparation of this specification Landis and Gyr (EM5300, EM5100) or EDMI (Mk10E) Class 0.5S
and Class 1.0 of 5A CT input, RS485 with RJ45 + SCADA ports are options for metering currently used
within the distribution network. If the option presented by the Contractor is other than SP standard at
time of Award, then the Employer reserves the right to seek replacement at no Change to Contract Price.
It is strongly advised that approval from the Employer is sought before confirming revenue metering
make and model

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Specific makes and models of metering required for control of the plant rather than telemetry or revenue
measurement purposes shall be identified by the Contractor as separate to telemetry or revenue
2. Current Transformers
All current transformers shall comply with the requirements of AS 60044.1. Current transformers for the
operation of protection equipment shall be suited to the characteristics of the apparatus with which they
are associated.
Current transformers shall be constructed to safely withstand the mechanical and thermal stresses set
up by a short circuit equal to the full short circuit rating of the respective switchgear they are associated
The standard value of rated continuous thermal current is the rated primary current which shall be
calculated by the Contractor.
Current transformers shall be designed with a thermal limit current of at least twice the rated current.
Current transformers used for protection relay operation shall be as per AS/IEC 60044.1 for class P and
PX types if it is found during detailed design that PX types of CT are required for the protection system.
Current transformers shall be rated for 50Hz and shall be connected through metering test blocks in the
case of revenue metering CT’s. Metering test blocks shall be singular, sealable types rather than
individual terminals, an example of which is the Schneider 1008 Metric test block.
3. 11 kV Voltage transformers
Voltage transformers shall comply with the requirements of AS 60044.2. Voltage transformers for the
operation of protection equipment shall be suited to the characteristics of the apparatus with which they
are associated. They shall be of the electromagnetic type and shall be of the cast epoxy resin insulated
Primary fuses shall be provided on or adjacent to each voltage transformer. Secondary fuses shall be
provided on or adjacent to each voltage transformer. LV Auxiliary Panel (LVAP)

The Contractor shall provide a 415 V 3-phase auxiliary panel for all local supplies. The LVAP shall be
inclusive of metering for auxiliary loads on site, supplied and installed compliant with AS/NZS 3000 and
relevant AS/NZS standards.
MCBs shall be provided on all outgoing circuits with a minimum of two spare MCB’s of each rating
incorporated if 1-phase and one if 3-phase. The board shall include requisite RCD devices, incoming
MCB and lockable switch disconnector (isolation switch). An integrated lockable MCCB/RCD (as CBR)
and isolation switch may be preferable.
The Contractor should confirm the LV Panel MCCB will provide requisite fault level limitation.
All cables sizing and types shall comply with AS/NZS 3008 and installed to AS/NZS 3000. Panel Labelling
The Contractor shall provide for clear and visible panel labelling. The Contractors recommendations
shall be reviewed by the Employer during detailed design stage and reconfirmed during panel
manufacture. As a minimum labelling requirements as per AS3000 & AS2067 shall be a requirement
with clear indication of equipment function and state being indicated.
4.4.9 Diesel Generation Systems (DGS)
 Supply of DGS
The Contractor shall provide the diesel generator sets (DGS) as specified below or similar for integration
into the Hybrid power plant.
DGSs will be provided enclosed with sound reduction to 75dBA and 77dBA at 1 meter. The DGS
controller includes HMI, Base and regulations modules. The configuration is to A663 specification
allowing paralleling of generating sets with power management by digital bus. The local communication
protocol is Modbus and can be connected to a SCADA system via Ethernet cable for remote control.

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The DGSs are suitable for outdoor operation. A cover portal shall be provided for O&M during inclement
weather. The Appendix D provides data for the controllers. Otherwise datasheets may be obtained from
the Kohler website: http://www.kohlerpower.com.sg or other supplier websites.
The Contractor shall review the required DGS and controller requirements and select DGS accordingly.
The Contractor should review all DGSs during pre-bid site inspection to verify DGS suitability for
synchronous automation with the SPP inverters, automatic response to the signals from SPP inverters
and obtain necessary control and operational data for integration into the new Sites.
The Contractor shall provide all foundations, building or portal roof cover provided compliant with O&M
access and noise mitigation, fuel handling and storage facilities, installation, power system
interconnection and other items necessary to integrate and commission fully the diesel generation plant
within the overall hybrid power plant. Civil works shall be compliant with the provisions of Section 3.0.
The Contractor shall design, supply and install considering the following criteria:
Foundations, portal cover and/or enclosing building if required for noise control;
The installed DGS shall be fully integrated into the commissioned plant;
The installation of the Off-skid fuel supply system – stainless steel lines and fittings. The fuel
tanks shall be provided and shall be double skin adequate to provide 10 days running at 70%
load average
Enclosed units with integral exhaust systems of the specified sound pressure ratings (typically
75-77dBA, Contractor to verify)
Off-skid exhaust system – additional stainless steel muffler to 9dBA if required for noise
Secure storage and handling for diesel drums including design consideration for how a raised
day tank is to be refuelled by site operators. Drum or pipe handling is to be allowed for in the
site design, commonly a small concrete pad is available to sit drums on while fuelling and a
permanent ladder allows for access to the top of the day tank on larger sites.
Noise mitigation as follows.
 Noise Mitigation
Background noise levels at the proposed sites are generally low with the exception of existing impacts
in the vicinity of the current power station sites due to the operation of diesel generators. Traffic levels
are low and the main noise sources other than diesel generators are low levels associated with urban
and rural activities.
Noise objectives
Community Noise: With respect to noise and other pollution, the project performance is to meet
national and local standards. Table 10 provides the World Bank Noise Level Guidelines which are to be
used as a guideline.
Occupational Noise: No employee should be exposed to noise level greater than 85 dB(A) for more
than eight hours per day without hearing protection, for heavy industry where there is no demand for
oral communication.
Noise impacts
Noise impact due to the operation of diesel generators in association with the proposed solar project
may be significant at times at some sites. In comparison to the existing diesel power station operation
the noise impacts will be significantly reduced.
The generators will operate intermittently to supply load or charge the associated batteries in periods of
overcast weather and as G-1 backup if required. Nevertheless, in the absence of appropriate mitigation
measures, the noise levels from the diesel generators could exceed the Noise Level Guidelines given
in Table 10.
The noise impact will depend on the selection of generators, operation and maintenance regime and
the use of mitigation measures. It will also depend on the nature of each specific site and the affected
sensitive receptors and their proximity to the noise source, such as residences, schools, offices,
churches, businesses, institutions, community facilities, recreation areas, etc.

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Table 10: World Bank EHS Noise Level Guidelines1

One Hour LAeq (dBA)

Receptor Daytime 07:00 - 22:00 Nighttime 22:00 - 07:00
Residential; institutional; educational * 55 45
Industrial; commercial 70 70
 Noise impacts should not exceed the levels above, or result in a maximum increase in background levels
of 3 dB at the nearest receptor location off-site
* For acceptable indoor noise levels for residential, institutional, and educational settings refer to WHO (1999)2

Noise mitigation
Mitigation measures should be adopted where necessary to achieve the World Bank EHS Noise Level
Guidelines given above. The Guidelines state that the preferred method for controlling noise from
stationary sources is to implement noise control measures at the source, and give a number of options
including the following that are potentially relevant to this project:
1. Select generators and other equipment with lower sound power levels;
2. Install silencers for fans;
3. Install suitable mufflers on engine exhausts and compressor components;
4. Install acoustic enclosures for acoustic equipment radiating noise;
5. Improve the acoustic performance of constructed buildings, apply sound insulation;
6. Install acoustic barriers close to the source without gaps and with a continuous minimum surface
density of 10 kg/m 2;
7. Limit hours of operation for specific equipment;
8. Relocate noise sources to less sensitive areas;
9. Site permanent facilities away from community areas;
10. Use natural features as noise buffer during design;
11. Develop a mechanism to record and respond to complaints;
12. Agree schedule of operation with nearby communities or notify communities in advance of any
operation very near to communities.
The Table 11 provides noise mitigation measures for the project and relates each measure to the World
Bank EHS Noise Level Guidelines, the relevant stage of the project and whether it contributes to
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS).
Table 11: Diesel Generator Noise Mitigation

EHS Guidelines Mitigation Noise mitigation measures for this project Project Contributes
Measure * Stage to OHS?
 Select generators and other Include lower sound power levels as a key selection Planning & Yes
equipment with lower sound criterion for diesel generators. Design
power levels Include requirement in Contract Specifications to meet
EHS Noise Level Guidelines at sensitive receptors.
 Install silencers for fans If relevant. Planning, Yes
Design &

1 World Bank / IFC (2007). Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines. General EHS Guidelines:
Environmental. 30 April 2007.
2 World Health Organisation (1999). Guidelines for Community Noise


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EHS Guidelines Mitigation Noise mitigation measures for this project Project Contributes
Measure * Stage to OHS?
 Install suitable mufflers on Include requirement in Contract Specifications for Planning, Yes
engine exhausts and mufflers if necessary to meet EHS Noise Level Design &
compressor components Guidelines at sensitive receptors. Operation
Mufflers / exhausts to be installed so that exhaust noise
is directed away from sensitive receptors as far as
 Install acoustic enclosures for Include requirement in Contract Specifications for Planning, Yes
acoustic equipment radiating Acoustic enclosure of diesel generators if necessary to Design &
noise meet EHS Noise Level Guidelines at sensitive Operation
 Improve the acoustic Unlikely to be appropriate as first line of protection. Planning, No
performance of constructed Better to focus on the above measures. However this Design &
buildings, apply sound may be required if noise proves to be excessive. Operation
 Install acoustic barriers close Unlikely to be appropriate as first line of protection. Planning, No
to the source without gaps Better to focus on the above measures. However this Design &
and with a continuous may be required if noise proves to be excessive. Operation
minimum surface density of
 Limit hours of operation for Guideline levels are more stringent for night time. Avoid Operation No
specific equipment operation of diesel generators at sensitive times,
including night time where sleep may be affected. As
operation is likely at night this option may not be viable.
Consult neighbours / sensitive receptors about other
sensitive times.
 Relocate noise sources to Within the site, seek to locate diesel generators as far Planning & No
less sensitive areas as practicable from sensitive receptors. Design
 Site permanent facilities away Within the site, seek to locate diesel generators as far Planning & No
from community areas as practicable from sensitive receptors. Design
 Use natural features as noise Use natural features where available such as siting Planning & No
buffer during design diesel generators where some shielding from sensitive Design
receptors is provided by site features.
 Develop a mechanism to Complaints procedure will be included in Grievance Planning, No
record and respond to Redress Mechanism. Design &
complaints. Consult affected people in regard to noise mitigation Operation
* World Bank Group’s Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines.

Bund Walls and Bunding

Generators, transformers and fuel storage, handling and pumping area to have spill containment in the
form of impervious base and bund walls and oil water separation on outlets. Bunding in accordance with
latest version of Australian Standard AS1940 The Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible
Liquids. The containment volume required is the volume of the largest container, tank or drum, plus 10
per cent.

4.4.10 SCADA and Communications

All SCADA equipment shall be supplied, installed and commissioned including an interface for future
connection to an external communications system according to Section 4 and 5 of the SP Network
SCADA Requirements in the Appendix E. This document is provided as a guide for the interfacing to
System Control and may require adaption for the Isolated Grid systems. The Contractor may reference
recent systems installed in Honiara and Lungga power stations compliant with the Appendix E.
The SCADA system shall include the operation and monitoring of the following required equipment as
a minimum:

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 The requirements stated in Section 4.4.7 for the Solar Plant shall be adopted in considering
overall SCADA systems;
 All HV switchgear, switchboards and protection equipment open/close and remote operation;
 LV Panel MCCBs open/closed positions and where equipped with motors shall be remote
 All Class 0.5 and 1.0 metering data and associated data-logger down load as required;
 Voltage, current and energy flow data shall be shown on control system HMI displays;
 Fire detection and suppression
 Security system;
 Reactive plant if separate from the Solar Plant;
 Other features the Contractor may propose in its Concept Bid Design.

The SCADA system shall enable the SP to visualise, operate, monitor and collect data from the above
equipment at their Honiara Control Centre. It shall include the following functionality:
 HMI screens
 Data recording
 Sequence of event logging
 Time stamping
 Alarms and alerts
 Remote and automatic operations
 System security
 Messaging
 Equipment status
 Reporting

There shall be a facility in the Solar-hybrid Plant where the SCADA system can be accessed locally by
staff. This can be in the form of a local HMI inside the main switch room.
The SCADA must interface with the existing SP WAN. As such the SCADA must communicate with the
equipment at the SP Control Centre at the desired rate and reliability. The Solar-hybrid Plant will be able
to be monitored and operated from the SP Control Centre or locally from the HMI.
The switches, firewalls, bandwidth etc will be as per the SP SCADA Requirements included in the
Appendix E.
All SCADA to equipment cabling is preferred to be via fibre optic cables to remove any electromagnetic
induction in copper communication cables.
All system and software licensing required for the ongoing operation and maintenance of the SCADA
system shall be provided to the Employer.
Each site shall have both data and voice communication facilities.
The data communication shall be provided via V-sat to the SP Control Centre. Solomon Power are
installing Vsat facilities at remote generating sites as such a small (1.5msq) space shall be left clear in
the site layout to allow for a satellite dish to be installed. For all localities SP will provide a point of
connection at the Solar Plant or request same from the Contractor at Day Rates. SP shall erect
communications cable from the local office V-sat installation to the Plant, it is suggested that the
communications connection is provided for early in the program to facilitate remote site works during
The voice communication shall be provided via:

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 the local mobile phone network. Each Site shall have one telephone supplied and installed.
Existing island mobile systems are 2G, possibly 3G in some areas; and
 a phone connection to System Control via the V-Sat system will be provided.

All communication facilities cabling shall be via fibre optic cables in the larger network, the Contractor is
to organize communications and provide as part of their bid V-Sat (SATSOL) equipment and access in
conjunction with SP’s current communications arrangements.

4.4.11 24 V DC Power Systems

24 V DC is only required for communications and SCADA systems.
The Contractor shall provide 24 V DC battery bank and battery charger system to supply the DC loads
independent of the primary AC supply such that safe operation of the switchgear is possible. Whilst the
Solar storage system is proposed for 24 V DC operation a separate system should be provided.
Charging via Solar may be an option for back up.
The Contractor shall be responsible for identifying all assets which require supply from the battery bank.
The battery system will be housed in a separate room to the main switchboard room. Solomon Power
standard for substation battery banks powering protection equipment is 110VDC although such a battery
bank could potentially be too large in the case of these hybrid sites, the Contractor shall provide details
on the backup battery supplies required and provide a calculation for 8 hours runtime of critical systems.
Backup Battery Bank
The battery bank shall be sized to cater for DC electrical loads of the LV Panel, SCADA, control,
protection indication, communications and circuit breaker switching operations for a minimum period of
8 hours. After 4 hours, the battery shall have adequate power to supply trip-close-trip operations of the
local DGS which restores supply to the battery charger.
Ageing factor (minimum 20%) and minimum cell voltage at the end of the discharge must be taken into
consideration when determining the required capacity for the battery bank. The battery bank shall
provide high capacity support to the battery charger for operating high current transient loads which
exceed the battery charger availability.
Gel type no-maintenance battery banks with minimum 3-years’ warrantee shall be provided.
All bolts, fasteners and electrical connections shall be made of non-corrosive material.
The battery gases, if of a vented type battery, shall be vented to the outside of the cubicle so no gases
enter the switchgear compartments.
The protection system and SCADA battery bank shall be considered separately to the main battery
energy storage used to service the network loads although it can be used as a backup for site equipment
and itself as required, note that the Employer will require 8 hours backup runtime across the sites for
critical equipment.
Battery Charger
A battery charger unit with modular hot swappable chargers shall be provided to cater for the DC load
of the new switchgear. The unit shall be designed such that it can supply the load even with 3 modular
chargers out of service. The chargers shall be low ripple bridge rectifier or switch mod type with
temperature compensation facility.
The battery charger input shall be 240 V single phase AC voltage.
The battery charger shall have a service life of 25 years.
4.4.12 Civil & Structures
The Contractor shall ensure all civil works are compliant with this Technical Specification.
Civil structures shall include but are not limited to:
 Site preparatory works;
 Landing and access to site

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Consideration shall be given for remote locations to ensure that landing and access to
any proposed site is possible and the Contractor shall be entirely responsible for any
sort of mobilization, logistics and access to site. Only information such as topography,
boundary coordinates and bearings shall be provided by the Employer. Contractor shall
ensure to account for any cost of such nature assuming that land settlement and
easement is not an issue.
Contractor to perform any updates or adjustments to access roads as needed to haul
materials and access the site. On site roads are to be sufficiently prepared and compacted
to minimise erosion from weather or normal usage.

For reference the Austroads Guide to Road Design can provide some general guidelines
surrounding design and construction of any tracks or roads required to access site or to be
provided on site.

A parking area and unsealed road on the site is to be provided for as a minimum, this will
be marked out with fenceposts in order to prevent drivers taking shortcuts and to mark out
turning circles so that the risk of drivers bumping equipment is minimized.

 Site Clearance and Removal of Existing Services

Clear any large trees, rocks or other obstacles from the entire lot area regardless of
whether or not the space is needed so as to provide a clear area for future structures
or equipment installed as part of future works.
Contractor to be responsible for moving existing services such as wells, pipes,
antennas, dilapidated structures etc. as necessary in order to clear the site as needed
to perform works as required and to co-ordinate with the community as required should
any works affect existing residents.
 Site terrain requirements
Preferable terrain type for Solar hybrid sites shall be flat. A minimal slope range shall
be within 0% - 10% and the Contractor shall allow for such provisions for clearing,
grubbing, cutting, filling and even improve soil base course with approved materials
recommended by the Employer. Compaction rate shall achieve 95% of maximum dry
density and conform but not limited to Test methods under AS 1289.5. Soil strength and
consolidation test will be required and it shall be in accordance to any preferable Method
under AS 1289.6.
 Conduct Geotechnical Investigation for all sites. (i.e. will specify applicable standards)
Contractor shall ensure that prior before any basic design the following Soil investigation
shall be carried out for all major proposed locations for structures within the Employer’s
entire acquired boundary;
- AS 1289.1 Sampling and preparation of Soils
- AS 1289.2 Soil moisture and content tests
- AS 1289.3 Soil Classification tests
- AS 1289.5 Soil compaction and density tests
- AS 1289.6 Soil strength and consolidation tests
Specific Methods shall be specified within scope of works for the intended Geotechnical
Both field and lab test results (Geotechnical Investigation Report) shall be provided to
the Employer accompanying the basic design as submittal for review. Within and
throughout construction period as part of quality control and monitoring, determination
of the penetration resistance of a soil shall be implemented in accordance to AS
1289.6.3.2 to verify against minimal bearing capacity determined from Geotechnical
Investigation Report;
 Earthworks – Contractor shall be responsible for all necessary earthworks.

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The Contractor is responsible for excavating, filling, levelling, compaction, stabilize

slopes and ground treatments necessary to upgrade and build new access roads to suit
the Employer’s intended standards and specifications.
All excavation work shall be carried out in accordance with best practice to minimise
damage to plants, food gardens, private properties and water ways.
It shall be the Contractors responsibility to ascertain the nature of the ground to be
excavated. The excavation of trench and foundation for the structures shall be done to
the full depth required and place bedding material as stated in the drawings.
Having a fair idea of the site Geotechnical information, nominal slope stabilization shall
be within a minimal of 1:2 ratios.
 Concrete & Masonry
 Concrete Works
Concrete shall be composed of cement or cement and supplementary cementitious
material, fine, aggregate, course aggregate, water and accepted admixtures as
specified herein. Materials, including their transporting and storage shall conform to ACI
318. Equivalents to be referenced as well will be ASTM C33 for aggregate, Cement
ASTM C150 and Water for concrete production shall conform to ASTM C1602.
Reinforcing steel for all concrete works shall be deformed bars and conform to ASTM
A615, including the supplementary requirements, Grade 60(415MPa minimum yield
strength). All fabricated mesh reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A185 (minimum
yield strength 450MPa), chairs or bar supports shall conform to ACI 315, wire ties shall
be 16 gauge or appropriate and concrete formwork shall comply as per ACI 347Rr
Guide to formwork for concrete.
The Contractor shall submit an inspection and testing plan to the Employer for approval
for all types of concrete work specifying the type and frequency of testing for concrete
and all concrete materials. Concrete mix designs and supporting data shall be submitted
to the Employer conforming to ACI 211-5R prior before any concrete work. Mix designs
shall include the proportions and types of each ingredient used, compressive strengths
at 7 and 28 days, slump, air content, unit weight, temperature and other characteristics.
All concrete works shall be properly cured as per ASTM C156.
 Concrete Masonry
Contractor shall install Masonry Works according to ACI 530.1, Specifications for
Masonry Structures. Unless otherwise noted, concrete block masonry shall be
reinforced hollow load-bearing units conforming to ASTM C90, Type 1. Units shall be
manufactured from normal weight aggregates conforming to ASTM C33. Units should
be a minimum of 150mm thick. 200mm thick units shall be used where wall heights are
more than 3m and where required by design.
If special shapes cannot be obtained, then all corners, intersections, bond beams and
lintels shall be cast in-situ reinforced concrete provided with a minimum of 4 longitudinal
reinforcing bars and provided with stirrups.
Mortar shall conform to ASTM C270. Cement for mortar and grout should be Portland
Cement Type II conforming to ASTM C150. Hydrated lime should be Type S
conforming to ASTM C207. All mortar joints shall be 10 mm thick. For inlet and bond
beams, requirements of concrete shall conform to Concrete Works above.
Masonry reinforcing shall conform to ASTM A615, Grade 60, and shall be fabricated in
accordance with ACI 530.1. Anchors and ties shall be zinc-coated ferrous metal
conforming to ASTM A153, Class B-2/relevant as possible. External and internal
corners and internal perpendicular intersections shall be bonded with steel
reinforcement and interconnected bond beams and cores of masonry units containing
reinforcement shall be filled solidly with 20MPa grout.

 Steel/Metal Works

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The Contractor shall design, detail, fabricate, furnish, install, and paint or galvanize all steelwork
and metalwork. Structural steelwork shall be in accordance with the AISC Manual of Steel
Construction. In general, shop connections shall be welded and field connections shall be bolted
Welding shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1. High-strength bolting shall be in accordance
with the AISC Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts.
Contractor shall ensure to show all shop and erection details. Shop drawings shall include
members, connections, their fabrication details and a material list. Erection drawings shall
include all details and information for assembly and erection purposes such as description of
methods, sequence of erection, type of equipment used in erection and temporary bracing. All
welds shall be indicated by standard welding symbols of AWS.
The following minimum requirements for material shall apply, unless otherwise approved by the
- Structural steel shall conform to one of the ASTM specifications approved for use in the
AISC Manual of Steel Construction
- High-strength bolts shall conform to ASTM F312
- Carbon steel bolts shall conform to ASTM A307, Grade A.
- Anchor bolts and threaded rods shall conform to ASTM A36 or A307 (standard) and
A588 (high strength)
- Heavy hex nuts shall conform to ASTM A563.
- Hardened washers shall conform to ASTM F436.
- Welding electrodes shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1 with a minimum tensile
strength of 480 MPa.
- Plain washers, other than those in contact with high-strength bolt heads and nuts, shall
conform to ANSI B18.22.1, Type B.
- Galvanized components shall be hot-dipped galvanized, with minimum weight or zinc
coating according to ASTM A123.
- Primer coat shall be rust inhibiting red oxide conforming to SSPC 15, Type 1
 Site setting out/profiling;
The Contractor shall utilize only the marks as shown on its approved detail drawings/designs or
as agreed with the Employer for the purpose as origins for the setting of the works. All such
setting out shall be performed by or under the control of a licensed surveyor, who shall certify
the accuracy of key dimensions of the as-constructed permanent works.
It is necessarily required that the Contractor correlate the drawings and setting out information
to properly have all structures aligned as per the drawings and in such case profiling of piling
works for panels shall aligned properly in both longitudinal and transverse directions.
 Drainage;
The contractor will be responsible to construct and maintain drainage systems within
construction site during execution. Any permanent drains required for the site are to be indicated
on design drawings and constructed as required by investigation and design.
Drainage for all sites and facilities shall comprise and not limited to the following;
 AS/NZS 3500.1:2018. Requirements for the design, installation and commissioning of
non-drinking water from a point of connection to the points of discharge.
 AS/NZS 3500.2:2018. Requirements for the design and installation of sanitary plumbing
and drainage from the fixtures to a sewer, common effluent system or an on-site water
management system as appropriate.
 AS/NZS 3500.3:2018. Requirements for the design, installation and testing of roof
drainage systems, surface drainage systems and subsoil drainage systems to a point
of connection or discharge.
 Unlined earth drains shall be trapezoidal with a 1: 2 slope on either sides and will be a
general catchment for roof, surface and subsoil drainage system. It shall be properly

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designed with appropriate depth, cross sectional area and networking to suffice the
maximum discharge. Design shall also consider maximum rainfall data information.
 Septic and soak-pit;
Septic Tank shall be Type 5 and in accordance to Solomon Islands National Building Code. Wall
linings shall consist of 150mm thick core bricks having its vertical Ø12mm rebar placed at
400mm horizontal Ø12mm rebar at 600mm. Piping specifications, networking and other
requirements shall conform to AS/NZS 3500 Part 1, 2 & 3.

 Access; roads and hard surfaces. All sites are located immediately adjacent to provincial roads.
Access works shall include low maintenance hard compacted surfaces of appropriate durability
for parking of vehicles, manual movement of heavy plant and heavy vehicles required during
construction and ongoing operations and maintenance. The Contractor in detailed design shall
define compaction /type of surfaces required.
 Access road shall be designed according to Guide to Road Design (Austroad), Policy on
Geometric Design of highway and streets (AASHTO) and MID specifications. To increase
low maintenance maximum design speed shall be 30km/h with its structure at 50years and
pavement to be 20years.
The Contractor shall ensure that the Road Width-Pavement design shall be a single lane
consisting of 3.5m and Road Width-Formation of approximately 1m in general. Crown
crossfall shall be 4% and may not require superelevation but may be applied to improve
movement at tight curves if there’s any. Pavement structure shall be gravel and surface is
considered unsealed and will be specified as MID Type 3.2 with a sub-base of 320mm to
For new access roads with gradient steeper than 15% shall not be permitted for the safety
of heavy vehicles during construction and due to drainage issues. Access road drainage
lining shall be considered as unlined unless grade is more than 6%.

 Fencing, as specified in this section.

 Foundations for all structures including panel mounting structures specified in Section 4.4.6;
 Panel Mounted Structures; i.e. refer to Section 4.4.6
 Foundations for all other structures including but not limited to BESS Pad, Generator
shelter, PVDB, RMU, TX , Water Tank
 Buildings and/or containerised options including for diesel generator housing;
 Diesel handling and generator facilities shall include containment of fuel spillage. Containment
shall be impervious to ground penetration or leaching into the environment. A means of
water/fuel/oil separation and clean water discharge shall be provided. Such systems shall be
compliant with relevant global best practice and related environmental guides and standards.
 Transformer foundations and oil containment facilities. This shall be a bunded structure,
impervious to leakage with cable entry/exists sealed. The bunding shall be adequate to contain
any oil spillage for transformers. Oil separation may be shared with the diesel containment

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 Walk in access to the site as provided for at the front gate, this may include a simple unsealed
footpath, gate and chain fence or similar.
 Other civil works: as may be determined by the Contractor to complete the Facilities.
The Contractor shall provide secure perimeter fencing prevent ingress of unauthorised personnel,
general populace and small animals such as cats. Positioning shall nominally at entire Lot boundaries
with no less than 2 access gates, but consistent with site drainage requirements. Internal fencing where
exposed LV or MV terminations may exist such as transformer terminals shall be fenced against contact.
Fencing should not shade the solar PV panels during prime generation periods.
An indicative design would include for Chain-Link Fence and Gate:
 Chain-link fence shall be per the Chain-Link Fence Manufacturer’s Institute Product Manual.
Fence posts, gates, and accessories shall be of the design that is standard with the
manufacturer. Post tops, extension arms, gate hinges, stretcher bars, top-fitting rails, stretcher-
bar bands, bolts and nuts, clips, and fabric bands shall be steel, wrought iron, or malleable iron.
 Barbed wire shall be zinc coated after fabrication. Extension arms shall be cast steel galvanized
to accommodate the provided number of strands of barbed wire and sloped to 45 degrees.
 Gates should be of the swing type or sliding type. Swing type shall be hinged to swing through
90 degrees from closed to open, and shall be complete with latches, stops, keepers, hinges,
fabric, braces, and padlocks. Gate frames and fabric shall match the fence. Provisions shall be
made for the padlocks to be attached and operated from either side of the installed gate. Gate
posts and gate end members shall extend above the top of fabric to support three strands of
barbed wire.
 Outdoor transformers and HV switchgear shall be in a separate fenced off area from the rest of
the facility if not installed in an enclosed kiosk style arrangement.
 With the exception of the chain link fabric, all ferrous metal used in the construction of the fence
shall be hot-dipped zinc-coated after fabrication.
 Chain link of 2.5 m overall height with the upper section barbed. Steel posts shall be “hockey
stick” design, heavy duty galvanised, in concrete foundations.
 A continuous concrete strip approximately 200x150mm reinforced with 2x 12mm rebar with
upper surface at ground level is proposed. The lower section of mesh shall be secured to the
strip using galvanised rebar or stainless steel loops set in the concrete and secured to the fence
by stainless steel fixings at intervals not exceeding 600mm.
 At access gates the strip shall be further reinforced for heavy traffic to 300x300 and necessary

All Installed equipment shall within the fenced lot/site boundary in order to ensure vandals and the
general public cannot access any equipment enclosures or structures, all structures, gates and
enclosures are to be lockable.

Fencing shall enclose the entire lot area contained within the lot boundary co ordinates as issued by
Solomon Power except in cases where drainage or geotechnical limitations or obstructions prevent the
fencing following the lot boundary.

Minimum Site Facilities

During construction, the Contractor shall provide for adequate site water supply. An indicative design
will include adequate site storage of >10,000 litres with pressure pumps, even if mains supply is available
from the Provincial Government. If mains supply is not available necessary pumps and access to site
water shall be provided.
The Contractor shall provide for adequate facilities for solar panel wash down. To minimise water usage
facilities may include, for example, a portable water blasting system with adequate connection points for
power and water distributed about the site.

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The Contractor shall recommend facilities for operations and maintenance personnel (24 hours, though
it is intended for remote operation with operators attending daily routine tasks). The following provides
 Air conditioning in office space and other rooms with equipment requiring temperature
 Adequate control system desk space for two operators inclusive of control monitors and
computers. The Contractor to provide one or two operating desks suitably sized and chairs;
 Kitchenette facilities suitable for reheating meals, preparing drinks and wash up. Shall
include space for a small table and fridge. Appliances and furnishings shall be supplied by
 Separate ablutions containing toilet, shower and hand basin for male and female. Suitable
effluent/sewerage on site containment such as a septic tank or connection to the local
sewage network if available.. Only clean water may be discharged into the local
 Hot and cold running water connections;
 Separate HV and LV rooms
 Pushbars on doors to allow for emergency egress from LV and HV areas
 Rainwater and septic tank and plumbing where town wastewater or potable water is not
 Sufficient ventilation to both occupied and unoccupied indoor work spaces to effectively
address indoor heat rise, ventilation of gases in the case of battery chemistries that can
potentially produce hazardous or otherwise undesirable gasses and for provision of
adequate clean air for no less than 2 workers in any single space for extended periods.
 An outdoor emergency cold water showering facility in case of operator contamination with
fuels, battery acids, and such like. If battery acid contamination is likely then additional
facilities for acid neutralisation and eye wash shall be provided; and
 Other as the Contractor may determine to provide a safe working environment.

4.4.13 Other for Complete Installation

The Contractor shall determine any additional Plant items for the Facilities it believes necessary for a
complete installation and in compliance with acts, regulations and local practice not otherwise generally
encompassed in the prior sections. One such example is detailed below:
Heavy Lifting: At most locations availability of mobile cranes or EPVs is limited. The Contractor shall
design and provide for safe manual lifting and handling arrangements at each Site for maximum sizes
of equipment likely to be installed in the future. This includes stabilizing ground and ensuring accessibility
for any lifting equipment required at site to remove transformers, distribution boards, inverters or other
significant equipment items installed.
The Contractor shall vermin proof all structures and equipment by sealing gaps and enclosures with
trims and expander foam and other methods as needed

4.4.14 Site Layout

For the Bid submission, the Contractor is to produce a layout drawing for each site showing how the
equipment specified above is to be arranged and interconnected. This is to include identification of where
equipment will be installed in future to meet long term energy and demand requirements, in addition to
initial requirements.
The drawings produced for the Bid submission will be refined as part of design.
The layout of PV panels is to be optimised according to the longitudinal location of the site.
The site layout drawings should indicate array grouping, orientation and tilt as well as proposed
structure(s) location for housing the inverters, LV Panel, MV structures and facilities.

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Contractor shall allocate cleared spaces on the site as per SP instruction for future construction of office
or expanded facilities as part of a separate future scope on layout drawings and on-site.
Cable routes, access roads including internal to site, fences, gates, drainage, building locations and
types, and structure foundations are to be indicated on the site layouts in sufficient accuracy of detail
that advance approval may be given to commence preliminary site works as soon as possible after
Contract Effectiveness.
Site layout drawings can be found in the Base Conceptual Design in the Appendix C1 & C2.

4.5 Example Equipment

SP preference is for the equipment provided to maintain conformity with asset management planning
and existing installations providing asset longevity and minimising spares holdings. The Contractor is to
confirm suitability of the equipment proposed based on the Specifications provided in Section 4.4
including provision of manufacturer data and specifications for the models of equipment proposed; or
advise the Employer if a better alternative exists, with technical and economic justification in the Concept
Bid Design.
Equivalent alternatives from Tier-1 Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) as specified below will
be considered. The final decision on equipment selection will be SP’s, and this will be confirmed at the
conclusion of pre-award negotiations or at HOLDPOINT-1 as per Section 2.3.2. No price adjustment will
be permitted if the Bidder proposes alternatives not then accepted by the Employer.
Definition: Tier-1 OEM. This term shall apply to an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Tier-1 is
usually applied to suppliers to an OEM with the highest regard and reputation to quality and reliability of
essential components in OEM manufacture where such supply is vertically integrated into the OEM
As applied to Plant supplied under preferred equipment stated herein the term shall refer to the OEM
supplied by Tier-1 suppliers in components demanding long life defined as >15-years or 25-years for
PV modules. A Tier-1 OEM has a global reputation in quality manufacture and supply to world markets,
and typically have; i) vertically integrated systems, meaning they control every stage of the process; ii)
they invest heavily in research and development; iii) their manufacturing systems are highly (if not
entirely) automated; and iv) has the longevity and financial capacity to back long-term warrantees and
performance guarantees.

Whilst an OEM in solar panels should have more than 5-years OEM experience, in other categories the
OEM should have more than 20-years, with advanced battery types being an exception. The Employer
shall be the sole judge as to compliance.
Further information on the example equipment listed below can be found in the appendix D.
 PV Modules: 420-440W LONGI LR4-72HPH Panels or equivalent from a Tier-1 OEM. Tier-2 is
NOT permitted and will be deemed non-responsive. Ratings other than 400W and higher may
be nominated for Plant optimisation or efficiency. An example of equivalent higher output
modules is the Canadian Solar CS3W series. Bifacial modules are considered acceptable
provided they are Silicon cell based technologies, Example information is provided in the
Appendix D.
Tier-1 OEMs of solar panels are typically the top 2% of solar PV manufacturers. They use
vertically integrated systems controlling every stage of the process, invest heavily in research
and development, and their manufacturing systems are highly (if not entirely) automated.
They’ve also been manufacturing for more than 5 years.
 String Inverters: SMA Tripower 60 kW inverters or equivalent from a Tier-1 OEM. Ratings other
than 60 kW may be nominated for Plant optimisation. Examples of Tripower options might also
be 20000TL and 25000TL are presented in the appendix D. Larger ratings are preferred
provided the failure of a unit does not reduce available 3-phase PV generation capacity by more
than 20%.
 Grid Forming Inverters: Tesla Powerpack grid forming Inverter.
 Batteries:
 Option 1: Tesla Powerpack Lithium Ion batteries.

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 Option 2: If the Bidder has identified a technically or economically superior energy

storage battery system then this shall be offered as well as Option 1 as an alternative
Lead-acid variants shall be VRLA gel maintenance free batteries, battery systems shall be non-
flammable, non-volatile types such as zinc bromide gel or vanadium flow chemistries.
Batteries shall be from a well-recognised international Tier-1 OEM for VRLA types and
preferably of similar reputation for alternative types.
Some advanced battery options may not meet Tier-1 criteria but should never-the-less be from
an OEM of high international reputation able to guarantee service and warrantee obligations.
 Transformers: ABB, ETEL or equivalent Tier-1 OEM with at least 10-years equipment
operation in tropical island environments. Manufacture and testing shall be to AS / IEC 60076
with AS/NZS tested and approved units or of IEC equivalent Tier 1 OEM manufacture.
Transformers shall be of tropicalized durability providing long term corrosion protection in
Category D environments to AS/NZS 2312:2002.
Datasheets for YNd-11 examples provided in the Appendix A with requirements as per the
Standard Network Parameters.
 11 kV 630A Substation Switchgear: Vacuum switchgear shall be provided (SF6 gas type
switchgear shall not be accepted due to greenhouse gas content). Example datasheets are
provided in the Appendix D.
Equivalent indoor or outdoor units from a Tier-1 OEM may be accepted such as ABB SafePlus
or Eaton Xiria.
All switchgear shall be of proven tropical operating experience of like equipment with preferably
powder coated stainless steel cubicles (if outdoor) or comparable durability providing long term
corrosion protection in Category D environments to AS/NZS 2312:2002.
All switchgear shall comply with relevant AS/NZS and IEC standards, switchgear and outdoor
enclosures provided shall have arc flash ratings and venting taken into account. Any enclosures,
switchgear and electronics must be designed with humid tropical conditions in mind, therefore
conformally coated electronics, tropicalized coatings and anti-condensation heaters are
 11kV pole mounted vacuum switches: from a Tier-1 OEM compliant with IEC standards.
 11kV ring-main or indoor switchgear: preference would be for ABB or equivalent Tier-1 OEM
compliant with IEC standards. RMUs shall be of tropicalized durability providing long term
corrosion protection in Category D environments to AS/NZS 2312:2002.
 LV Panel MCCBs: The Employer is reviewing equipment standardisation for MCCBs and is
open to Bidder submission of equivalent Tier-1 OEM supply. Currently short-listed are ABB
“SACE Tmax T”, Siemens Sentron 3VL and Terasaki “Tembreak 2” series of MCCBs.
 Poles: SP have used Oclyte poles from New Zealand to date and commonly use treated timber
poles around the islands in order to avoid maintenance issues with corrosion.
Oclyte poles are light duty poles and do not comply with the 12 kN top loading criteria. SP are
increasingly using wooden poles for distribution network extensions due to the superior
corrosion performance of wood in tropical and coastal areas, note that PEC (Pigment Emulsified
Creosote) treated poles are required since arsenic is a forbidden material.
The Contractor shall advise the Employer on selected poles for supply so the Employer can
approve the selection before procurement. General pole specifications (steel and wood) include:
 Manufacture from sheet or plate steel of minimum tensile strength of 250MPa, and
preferably 350MPa or 450MPa to minimise pole weight if economically viable;
 Seam welding shall be by automated techniques and/or controlled by advanced quality
systems including weld verification techniques: type and batch testing of poles required
if not a proven operational design;
 Conform to all relevant AS/NZS standards and to ASCE/SEI 48-11;
 8-side pole shaft of tapering design with 140-145mm across the flats at the pole top (to
be compatible with existing SP Oclyte pole fittings);

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 Hot dip galvanising is carried out to conform to ASTM A123 thus also meeting the
minimum coating thickness requirements of AS/NZS 4680;
 Consider multi-sectional construction for additional ease of transport;
 Total weight including for a sectionalised pole should not exceed 300kg;
 Impervious to insects;
 Strength Group S2, 12kN rating.
 Can provide additional in-ground (+200mm, -600mm) surface protection if specified.
 End capped with minimal mechanical defects, The Employer shall advise on details for
pass/fail defect criteria of wooden poles at time of procurement.

4.6 Energy Production and Quality of Supply Requirements

The PV plant capacities for each site for bid purposes and daily demand profiles and annual energy
forecasts are included in the Employers Base Concept Design in the Appendix B1 & B2 and Site
Establishment data in the Appendix C1 & C2.
Whilst the Bid Price shall be based on this data, the concept bid design needs to identify the optimum
PV size for each site in terms of ensuring generator operation is minimised to not run on an average day
(storage requirements as outlined in Section 4.3), if economically achievable, except during extended
cloud periods.
The Contractor shall design so that future PV capacity can be achieved, for instance with a modular
layout. The design should provide for maintenance redundancy to allow SP to take a string of panels
out of service without affecting the rest of the system.
The Contractor shall calculate the Energy production capability for each of the sites by using PVSyst
and/or Homer optimisation software noting they do not necessarily correlate. The Employers Base
Concept Design includes calculations with both options to arrive at an optimal sizing. LCOE analysis
can only be completed using HOMER. The outputs of this calculation are to be included in the concept
design refinement report.

4.7 Performance & Warranties

4.7.1 Certification
The main components of the PV System (PV modules, batteries, inverters, mounting structure and
switchboards) must carry current and valid test and type certificates in compliance with relevant
standards. The overall system shall be certified and constructed in accordance with AS/NZS 3000.
The certification documentation and reports referenced by the certificate shall be made available for
review by the Employer if requested. If these cannot be provided electronically then the reports shall be
made available for review in person at an agreed location.
The Contractor will need to apply for certificates of registration with Solomon Power and follow the local
regulatory requirements for registration and approved operation of the hybrid generation plant.
4.7.2 Warranty
The Contractor shall specify equipment which provides the minimum warranties as listed in Table 12
Table 12: Warranty Requirements
Item Description Product Warranty
1 PV modules 10 years

2 Inverters (extended warranty) 10 years

3 Mounting Structure 10 years

4 Solar Primary Batteries 10 years1

5 MV and LV switchgear 5 years

1 Shall have a minimum 3-years plus 2-year prorate warranty.

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Additional warranty shall be considered by the Employer as added value except for inverters where the
extended warranty to a total of ten-years is required. The Bidder may separate this cost if applicable in
the Bid Pricing Schedule. Details of warranties shall be provided with the Bid.
The Contractor shall advise any additional warranties in its Bid: such will be considered in Bid evaluation.
PV Module Performance Guarantee: In addition to the Product Warranty on PV Modules, the PV
Modules specified shall be provided with a performance guarantee for 25 years with at least 90%
performance guaranteed after 10 years and 80% performance guaranteed up to 25 years. A linear
performance guarantee is preferred and will be considered as added value in Bid evaluation.
Battery Warranty Guarantee: Where an OEM battery supplier has less than 20 years established
manufacture as a Tier-1 OEM AND products offered have less than 5-years manufacture and
operational experience the battery supplier shall provide a Bank Guarantee. This shall apply to any
proposed alternative battery options. A Warranty Guarantee will be considered as added value in Bid
economic evaluation.

i. The value shall be set at a cost to supply and deliver MWh of usable battery capacity as defined
in the Appendix C1 & C2 (VRLA to 60% DOD – for other non-lead acid use OEMs recommended
minimum DOD but not less than 10%). This cost shall be included in Pricing Schedule 1 Item
1.1.4, 1.2.4, 1.3.4, 1.4.4 and 1.5.4. Additional alternative bids to Lithium Ion technologies shall
be rated in terms of usable kWh as a basis of comparison.
ii. Bidders shall include with their Bid a statement from the battery OEM that if the Bid is successful
that the Guarantee will be provided.
iii. The Guarantee shall only be called upon in case of major failure of the batteries to meet
warrantee and/or performance criteria AND the OEM cannot meet financial obligations due to
inability to trade and/or fund replacement of equivalent batteries.
iv. Bidders shall include with their bids a Guarantee from OEM for disposal of the storage battery
at the end of the economic life.
v. The Bank Guarantee shall be valid from the Date of Contract Effectiveness and set to
automatically expire 5-years from this date, thus covering about 4-years of the 5-year battery

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5.0 Testing and Commissioning

The following is a generic approach to all SP testing and commissioning. The requirements shall be
customised in the Contractors Testing and Commissioning Plan to the Solar projects.

5.1 Testing and Commissioning Plan

The Contractor shall submit a Testing and Commissioning Plan at least four weeks before the scheduled
start of the inspection and testing program date. The Testing and Commissioning Plan shall include:
 A detailed testing and commissioning schedule;
 A description of isolation requirements (including durations);
 All Inspection and Test Sheets for the commissioning process; and
 A method for addressing defects including punch lists.

The Inspection and Test Sheets shall include the following information at a minimum:
 Reference to equipment, requirements, drawings and standards;
 Isolation requirements;
 All tests to be performed;
 Acceptance criteria;
 Acceptance by technician; and
 Acceptance by the Employer’s Representative.

Any issues identified during commissioning shall be managed using a punch list. The punch list is to be
closed out to the satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative prior to handover. The testing and
Commissioning plan shall accommodate SP staff being present to witness any test results or tests
performed by the Contractor.

5.2 Test Results

All test results will be recorded on the ITPs and submitted to the Employer as part of the as-built
documentation. FAT test results shall be submitted as part of design documentation and operation and
maintenance documentation.

5.3 SAT
Site Acceptance Tests shall be performed on all goods received to site. Records shall be kept and
submitted to the Employer as part of the as-built documentation.
These tests shall include as a minimum the following:
 Visual inspection of goods for damage, corrosion, discolouration, loose components and leaks.
 Check against the Contractors quality system requirement.

Any damaged goods shall be identified and put aside for review with the Employer.

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5.4 Testing
5.4.1 Solar Systems
All primary solar system components, PV panels, string inverters, battery inverters, batteries, junction
boxes and other DC or AC boxes and cables shall undergo testing, if not specified in following sections,
to manufacturer requirements for FAT, SAT, pre-commissioning and commissioning.
Testing should follow accepted practice in Australia for Solar Hybrid power plants of utility grade.
5.4.2 Transformers FAT
Prior to receiving the transformer on site, the Contractor shall provide to the Employer a copy of the FAT
results performed by the transformer manufacturer. This shall include the standard tests required by AS
The tests apply to MV power, distribution and earthing transformers.
Where required in the Project Requirements noise tests shall be included in the FAT.
Revenue grade metering transformers shall be tested for accuracy to relevant IEC standards at a NATA
accredited laboratory. SAT and Post Installation Transformer Tests

 Visual Inspection
o Installed to the relevant Standard;
o External damage during transportation;
o Signs of corrosion;
o Check voltage level and ratings of all equipment is appropriate;
o Transformer support bracket and other hardware in good condition;
o Oil leaks/wetness on the transformer tank;
o Oil samples to be taken and a dissolved gas, electrical strength and moisture analysis
to be performed.
o Cracks or chips on bushings;
o Bushings insulated;
o Oil level above minimum;
o All cables/conductors terminated properly
o Any loose bolts and or screws in the bottom of any of the enclosures.
 Continuity test;
 Insulation resistance test;
 Polarity test;
 Ratio test;
 Hi-pot test. Impact Recording

This provision shall apply to transformers >1.0MVA only.
An impact recorder shall be installed on the power transformer by the Contractor prior to the dispatch of
the transformer from the manufacturer. The results of the impact recorder shall be provided to SP once
the power transformer has been transported and installed.
5.4.3 Switchgear
The 11kV switchgear shall be tested in accordance to the requirements in AS 62271.1. The LV
switchgear shall be tested to the requirements in AS/NZS 3000 and relevant AS/NZS standards
applicable to LV switchgear panels, MCCB’s and other components. Switchgear type testing for arc fault

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containment shall include the enclosure the switchgear is supplied with so that arc fault venting and
containment will not be invalidated by the enclosure the switchgear is mounted in. The following tests
shall be carried out as a minimum: Factory Acceptance Tests
 Dielectric tests;
 Temperature rise tests;
 Short-time withstand current and peak withstand current tests;
 Wet tests;
 Power frequency voltage tests;
 Lightning impulse voltage tests; and
 Environmental tests. Post Installation Tests

 Visual Inspection
o External damage during transportation;
o Signs of corrosion;
o Labels fitted (warning signs, ratings, switching, operational and plant numbers);
o Switchboard earth bar securely connected to substation HV earth grid;
o Power cabling and terminations complete. Cable sheaths earthed as required;
o Cable clamps fitted;
o Cable box barriers and barriers preventing access to busbar chambers in place;
o Cables correctly labelled;
o Fault indicators fitted and operational;
 Functional checks to the manufacturer’s manual:
o Switchgear operations – mechanical close and open;
o Switchgear spring charging – electrical and manual operations;
o Motorised LV MCCBs – electrical and manual operations;
o Check doors/covers fit and interlocks operating correctly;
o Earth switch operates in accordance with manufacturer’s manual;
o Functionality of all control devices and associated electrical circuits;
 Continuity tests;
 Insulation resistance test;

5.4.4 Switchgear Enclosures

The following tests should be conducted as a minimum in accordance to AS 62271:
 Type Tests
o Tests against ingress protection;
o Environmental tests; and
o Mechanical tests;
o Arc flash handling in accordance with the provided switchgear (Arc Flash ratings are to
be indicated and the enclosure combined with the switchgear must function as a type
tested system to vent arc flash gases away from personnel).
 Visual Inspection
- External damage during transportation;
- Signs of corrosion;
- Check doors fit, locks operating correctly;

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- Equipment secure within enclosure;

- Labels fitted; and
- Ventilation design to standard.

5.4.5 Cables
Underground MV up to 11 kV cables shall be tested in accordance to Section 3 and Table 3.1 of AS
1429.1. The following tests shall be carried out as a minimum: Factory Acceptance Tests
 High voltage test for 5 min;
 Bending test;
 Partial discharge test;
 Impulse withstand test; Post Installation Tests
Underground cables shall be tested after installation in accordance to the recommendations of AS/NZS
1429.1 Appendix F. These tests include but are not limited to:
 Visual inspection;
o Installed to relevant Standard
o External damage during transportation
o Voltage ratings of cable and termination correct
o Non connected cables capped and earthed
o Cable mechanical protection installed
 High voltage A.C test;
 Sheath integrity test;
 Continuity checks;
 Phasing checks; and
 Insulation resistance test

5.4.6 Fibre-optic Tests

Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) testing shall be used for all O/F cables and OPGW (if
The testing shall check as a minimum for the following:
 Signal loss
 Optical section length
 Irregularities
 Magnitude of splice losses.

5.4.7 Current Transformers Factory Acceptance Tests
 Temperature rise tests;
 Tests for accuracy;
 Short circuit withstand capability test;
 Lightning impulse test;
 Switching impulse test;

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 Wet test for outdoor type transformers;

 Determination of errors;
 Power frequency withstand tests on primary windings;
 Partial discharge measurement;
 Current Transformers used for revenue grade measurement are to be tested for accuracy
in a NATA accredited laboratory with test certificates recorded and issued before
 Power frequency withstand tests on secondary windings; and
 Power-frequency tests between sections.

5.4.8 Voltage Transformers

11 kV Voltage transformers shall be tested in accordance with AS 60044.2. The following tests shall be
carried out as a minimum: Factory Acceptance Tests
 Temperature rise tests;
 Tests for accuracy;
 Short circuit withstand capability test;
 Lightning impulse test;
 Switching impulse test;
 Determination of errors;
 Power frequency withstand tests on primary windings;
 Partial discharge measurement;
 Power frequency withstand tests on secondary windings; and
 Power-frequency tests between sections.

5.4.9 Surge Arresters

Surge arresters shall be tested in accordance to Section 7 of AS 1307.2. The following tests shall be
carried out as a minimum: [Only required for station and intermediate class arrestors] Factory Acceptance Tests
 Insulation withstand tests;
 Residual voltage tests;
 Long duration current impulse withstand tests;
 Operating duty tests;
 Pressure relief tests;
 Partial discharge test; and
 Seal tests. Post Installation Tests
Tests for the surge arrestors after installation shall include but is not limited to:
 Visual inspection:
o Installed to relevant Standard;
o External damage during transportation;
o Check voltage level and ratings of all equipment is appropriate;

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o Cracks or chips on bushings;

o Mounting bracket allows disconnect to operate correctly (if fitted).
 Insulation resistance test.

5.4.10 Earthing Tests

The earthing systems shall be tested in accordance with ENA EG1 to determine the level of EPR
associated with a worst case fault. This shall be provided as follows:
 Resistance to ground measurement of each separate earth grid/electrode;
 Resistance to ground of complete earth grid with all bonds, cable sheaths, tails, links in
place as required by the earthing design;
 Current injection test of completed earth grid.

This shall be performed by a current injection test with an off frequency supply and frequency specific
Each section of the earth grid shall be isolated for the test with warning signs in place identifying that
current injection tests are taking place in the vicinity.
If any equipment is connected to the earth grid that will be sensitive to the current injection test, this
piece of equipment shall be disconnected for the test.
Records of earthing system measured impedances shall be recorded as required in test results and
submitted to Solomon Power as required with regulations for any 11kV or higher voltage facility. SP will
approve energization of the facility only if the earthing system is proven to have a suitably low
The Earthing tests performed shall be in accordance with the relevant earthing system studies and
designs created as part of the detailed design process.
5.4.11 SCADA System Tests
The SCADA system will be tested to ensure compliance with the SP SCADA requirements. The
Contractor will liaise with all parties concerned to ensure the full functionality of the SCADA system is
All peripheral pieces of equipment shall be tested back through the SCADA system in accordance with
the Requirements. System checks will be performed to ensure that the operational functionality is
All I/O shall be tested both internally and externally for point to point coordination and operation.
The SCADA system shall be tested to ensure the correct operation of the following:
 HMI screens including labels and symbology;
 Data recording;
 Sequence of event logging;
 Time stamping;
 Alarms and alerts;
 Remote and automatic operations;
 System security;
 Messaging;
 Equipment status;
 Reporting.

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5.4.12 Control and Protection System Tests

All aspects of the control and protection system shall be tested to demonstrate reliable and correct
operation and functionality under all operational scenarios.
This will include operating all pieces of equipment for manual operation and remote operation.
System through testing shall be performed to demonstrate that the SCADA and Control system operate
reliably together.
Secondary injection testing at site to prove switchgear response times will be a requirement as a
minimum, primary injection tests are also acceptable, testing content and plans shall be determined as
part of the detailed design refinement process.
5.4.13 System testing
 Black start capability
 Automatic diesel generator starting at low battery state of charge

5.5 Commissioning
The Contractor shall give sufficient notice to the Employer to witness commissioning of the installation.
The Contractor shall have responsibility for the following:
 Develop, monitor and control equipment commissioning procedures;
 Involve the Employers local operators during commissioning;
 Resolve performance problems; and
 Correct defects during commissioning or schedule as a punch list deferred defect
rectification with the Employer.
 Provide as part of commissioning, training to Solomon Power operations staff.
 The Employer shall provide comments and amendments on commissioning tests proposed
by the Contractor as required. Commissioning tests shall be listed in detail as part of the
detailed design process and submitted along with ‘Issued For Construction’ design drawings
and documentation.

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6.0 Training and O&M Support

6.1 Training
The Contractor shall provide onsite training for SP staff for all systems. The training is proposed to be
provided in three phases: prior to commissioning, during commissioning, and post commissioning prior
to Operational Acceptance. This should entail 2-weeks total at each site, with on-site follow-up.
Honiara based training for O&M personnel including system control shall be conducted. It shall include
all aspects of operation and maintenance of all the equipment and systems installed. Note that Solomon
Power junior or trainee staff will likely be present at the training in order to gain experience if not operate
and maintain the plant.
 Training to be conducted prior to and in conjunction with commencement of precommissioning:
o SP Operators and Engineers in Plant operations and operating. This will be conducted
through small group (2-4 persons) and one-on-one site training, if additional staff require
training, additional training sessions will be held so that a low ratio of trainer to trainees
is maintained.
o SP maintenance personnel, operators doing equipment servicing (may be provided by
equipment suppliers). This will be conducted through formal Honiara based workshops
backed up with on-site training.
o During DGS installation to work with SP diesel systems maintenance personnel in the
installation and commissioning of the DGSs.
 Training during commissioning
o Observation and explanations to operators;
o Operator check lists;
o Hands on experience during commissioning.
 Post commissioning;
o Verification that operators are fully familiar with plant operations and routine on-site
maintenance activities.
o Maintenance, repairs and servicing of major Plant and equipment
o Unspecified. As the Contractor is to provide O&M support twelve-month post
Operational Acceptance additional training programs will be determined utilising the
expertise of the Contractors staff member tasked with O&M support.

6.2 Operation
Any special operational requirements shall be identified by the Contractor and instructed to SP staff
during the training sessions.
The Contractor has to ensure that the operation of the Facilities can be performed by the SP personnel
and facilities at the SP National Control Centre (located at Ranadi), note that this is unlikely to be
operational by the time of commissioning however the systems must be arranged as to be able to
integrate with SP remote SCADA.
Provision is made in Section 6.3 below for O&M support following Operational Acceptance of the Plant.

6.3 O&M Support

SP will have a dedicated team of Operators for the power stations and the Contractor as a part of its
O&M responsibility as per this Contract is expected to work along with these Operators and train them
to take over the responsibility of operating and maintaining these plants after the period of contract is
over. Post Operational Acceptance for each Site for a period of twelve (12) months the Contractor shall
1. on-the-job training for operators and maintenance personnel;
2. routine monthly review at all sites on operator performance;
3. respond to site technical issues;
4. endure compliance with O&M requirements;

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5. defect liability monitoring;

6. respond to warranty and performance issues; and
7. other duties as may be agreed with SP for the successful integration of the Solar Power Plants
into SP operations including its proposed new SCADA system if operational at the time.

The Engineer/technician providing the support shall be based in Honiara and work from the SP head
office at Ranadi or from SP system control if based elsewhere.
The person appointed should have been actively involved in the training, testing and commissioning of
the Facilities. The Employers approval of the proposed candidate is required 4 weeks prior to pre-
commissioning activities. At this time a detailed program for the ongoing training and support during this
period will be determined by the Employer in consultation with the Contractor.
Training content shall be outlined and agreed with the Employer as part of detailed design submission.
The amount and type of training is to be clearly listed before detailed design can be accepted with the
actual training content and delivery to be developed and follow acceptance of detailed design.
The Contractor must ensure that the maximum downtime of the system does not exceed 150 hours
within the operation & maintenance phase of one (1) year, assuming that diesel fuel will be supplied
reliably by the employer.

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Solar PV Hybrid Power Plants - General Employer's Requirements

7.0 Supply of Distribution Equipment

7.1 Scope
The Contractor shall provide the distribution equipment necessary to provide connection for the Solar
PV hybrid sites to the electricity grid. In general terms, this will include cable, poles, switchgear and
termination kits necessary as listed in the Appendix I to allow for interconnection. SP will install the
equipment within the network. The Appendix contains the quantities and equipment required for supply.
In addition, if indoor 11 kV switchgear or other switchgear alternatives are provided as part of the
distribution materials supply scope; additional items will be required. This may include:
Item 1: Poles 11.0 m 12 kN
Item 2: Conductor UG from switchgear to poles
Item 3: Raychem/ABB cable terminations including lugs
Item 4: Drop out fuses
Item 5: Lightning Arresters 11 kV 5kA
The Contractor may also supply increased quanta to cover his material supply requirements. Such
quanta shall be separately scheduled for later splitting. Pricing for such additional quanta shall not be
included in supply only schedule for distribution materials, but within the supply item(s) for the SPP.

7.2 Specifications
7.2.1 Poles
1. Scope
This Specification covers the general requirements of the design, manufacture, testing, supply and
delivery of 11.0m 12kN galvanized steel and wooden poles.
SP have used Oclyte poles from New Zealand to date. These are light duty poles and do not comply
with the 12 kN top loading criteria. SP has shifted to using wooden poles and will require wooden poles
for the materials supply scope.
Note that for LV overhead supply SP currently uses a simple ABC wiring arrangement that is hoisted on
smaller galvanized steel tubes.
2. Standards
The poles shall comply and be manufactured and tested in accordance with the latest versions of
AS/NZS or equivalent standards as specified below:
 AS/NZS 7000: Overhead line design - Detailed procedures
 ASCE/SEI 48-11: Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures; also conforming with
AS/NZS 4600: Cold Formed Steel Structures
 AS/NZS 1554.1: Structural steel welding - Welding of steel structures
 AS/NZS 4100: Steel structures
 ASTM A123 / A123M – 15: Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings
on Iron and Steel Products; also conforming to AS/NZS 4680: Hot-dip galvanized (zinc)
coatings on fabricated ferrous articles.
 H5 Hazard level as per AS 1604.

3. General Specification
The Contractor shall advise the Employer in its Bid of its preferred pole type and manufacturer. The
specifications include:
 The poles shall withstand the environmental conditions described in Section 3.2.
 Manufacture from sheet or plate steel of minimum tensile strength of 250MPa, and
preferably 350MPa or 450MPa to minimize pole weight if economically viable;

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 Seam welding shall be by automated techniques and/or controlled by advanced quality

systems including weld verification techniques;
 Conform to all relevant AS/NZS standards and to ASCE/SEI 48-11;
 Hot dip galvanizing is carried out to conform to ASTM A123 thus also meeting the minimum
coating thickness requirements of AS/NZS 4680;
 Consider multi-sectional construction for additional ease of transport;
 Pigment Emulsified Creosote PEC treatment for wooden poles
 H5 Hazard level
 Total weight including for a sectionalized pole should not exceed 300kg;
 OEM can provide additional in-ground (+200mm, -600mm) surface protection if specified.

4. Testing and Inspection

Testing and Inspection shall be carried out according to AS/NZS and ASCE/SEI 48-11 standards.
A type test certificate shall be submitted with the Bid. Batch testing is not required if of proven operational
design for which type test certificates are available.
If not of proven operational design with current type test certificates then in addition the steps apply:
 Employer shall witness type and batch testing at the cost of the manufacturer.
 Following acceptance of the type tests, from the batch produced 3 poles will deflection
tested to operational limits, but not less than 70% of UTS to verify compliance with the type
 Any pole falling outside type test deflection limits will be tested to destruction to verify type
 Non-compliance will result in rejection of the entire batch.
The Employer will otherwise accept type test certificates in lieu of further tests.
However, on receipt of the poles the Employer may elect to undertake its own batch testing on 1 or more
randomly selected poles. If the poles are non-compliant remedy will be sought from the manufacturer
and the Contractor, which in such event may include consequential damages as a result of Project delay.
At hand over to the Employer a visual inspection is required.
7.2.2 Conductor UG
1. Scope
This Specification covers the general requirements of the design, manufacture, testing, supply and
delivery of the following cables:
 Al 11kV XPLE/HDPE with nylon outer jacket for termite and insect protection and aluminium
tape shield to prevent hydroscopic action affecting the insulation (conductor CSA to meet
contractor’s detailed design for electrical load, the Appendix I lists the materials quantities
required for cabling).

2. Applicable Standards
The conductors shall comply and be manufactured and tested in accordance with the latest versions of
AS/NZS or the following IEC Standards:
 AS/NZS 1429.1 is based on IEC 60502.2 (below) and has additional requirements and test
procedures to improve the product.
 Aluminium conductors are made to AS/NZS 1125 or IEC 60228 Conductors of insulated
 IEC 60502-2: Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages
from 6 kV (Um = 7.2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV).

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 IEC 60502-4: Test requirements for accessories for cables with rated voltages from 6kV up
to 30kV.
 IEC 60540: Test methods for insulation and sheaths of electric cables (elastomeric and
thermo plastic compounds).

3. General Specification
The cables shall withstand the electrical stress associated with continuous operation at the highest
system voltage under the electrical and environmental conditions described in Sections 3.1 and 3.2.
Insect protection by an outer layer of nylon is required.
The cable shall be supplied with ends capped and sealed. The inner cable end attached to the drum
shall be capped and sealed in such a manner that the core screening and sheath can be insulation
tested from the outer cable end, without removing the inner end cap.
The Contractor shall supply with the cable heat shrink sealing caps (10 in total) so that cables may be
cut at Honiara for separate shipping of selected lengths to the Sites.
Drums: The conductors shall be delivered to sites on drums conforming to Standards, sufficiently strong
and of sufficiently large drum diameter to provide protection against damage during shipping, handling
and stringing operations. Drums should contain approximately equal lengths of conductor.
Each drum shall be plainly labelled in a weatherproof manner; in addition to marks required for shipping
purposes, each drum shall show the serial number, type of conductor, length of conductor (m), contract
number, Employer’s name, country of manufacture, arrow to show the direction of rolling and gross and
net weights (kg).
The Contractor is to provide a drum schedule for Solomon Power to approve the supply of given that in
remote locations large drum handling is not possible. Commonly 500m drums are used for buried cabling
or ABC cables and 1000m for bare overhead conductors is used.
Each drum shall be protected by wooden lagging on the circumference, of minimum thickness 40 mm.
4. Testing and Inspection
Testing and Inspection shall be carried out according to IEC Standards.
Copies of original type test certificates in full accordance with IEC60502-4 (including all drawings,
revisions and test results as stipulated in the applicable standards) shall be submitted with the Bid
regardless of whether or not the equipment has been supplied previously to SP.
Cables shall be routine tested at the Manufacturer’s factory before shipment. The Contractor shall
provide test Certificates for all tests undertaken by the manufacturer under this specification. Such test
certificates shall be signed by a properly authorised person and forwarded to SP.
At hand over to the Employer a visual inspection is required. If there appears to be any damage a 5kV
insulation test shall be conducted between the core and screen and suitable sheath puncture test
performed at and near the damage points.

7.2.3 Raychem/ABB Cable Joint and Termination Kits

1. Scope
This Specification covers the general requirements of the design, manufacture, testing, supply and
delivery of 11 kV joints and terminations. They shall be supplied in complete kit form with all materials
and components required to complete the installations for the cable(s) specified in Section 7.2.2.
Connectors and terminals shall also be included in each kit.

2. Standards
Supply of joints and terminations shall meet the test requirements in accordance with the latest editions
relevant Standards, including AS/NZS 4085 Part 1 and 2, AS/NZS 1600 – All Parts, AS/NZS 4325.1 and
3. General Specification

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Solar PV Hybrid Power Plants - General Employer's Requirements

All joints and terminations, except for separable insulated connectors, shall be of the heat-shrink, cold-
shrink, or cold-applied polymeric type design, manufactured and tested to meet the requirements of the
relevant Standards, including AS/NZS 4805 Parts 1 and 2 or equivalent, and shall be suitable for
application to SP’s 11kV cables as described in Section 7.2.3.
The Employers preferred OEM is Raychem or ABB.
The joints and terminations shall withstand the electrical stress associated with continuous operation at
the highest system voltage under the electrical and environmental conditions described in Sections 3.1
and 3.2.
Connectors shall be supplied with the kits. Where compression connectors are supplied the connectors
shall be capable of being installed using a standard 12 Tonne Hydraulic Crimper.
Connectors shall meet the test requirements of AS/NZS 4325.1. All joint and terminations kits shall be
supplied complete in unit lots suitably packaged for storage containing all necessary materials including
cleansing solvents, cloths and abrasives. Bidders shall provide with their Bid Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
for nominated solvents. No unapproved solvents shall be provided without prior agreement of the
Full detailed installation instructions specific to the cables listed in Section 7.2.2 shall be supplied with
the jointing kits including details of all equipment, tools and protective clothing required to complete the
joint or termination.
All components shall be capable of being stored without damage or deterioration at temperatures up to
40°C. The material expiry date shall be marked on all packages, where appropriate.
11 kV straight joints shall have an outer serving which has mechanical strength properties equal to or
better than the cable.
Insect Protection: Where cable supply includes insect protection the Employer requires the completed
joint to afford protection for attack by the subterranean termite Mastotermes Darwinists and the coastal
brown ant Pheidole Megacephala.
The preference is for a fine woven stainless steel mesh cylindrical sleeve that is applied over the joint
and clamped to the cable insect protection layer each side of the joint by a constant force spring
arrangement. An outer tube is then provided to finish the joint.
Due to insect damage to the joint components outside the insect protection layer it is necessary to
provide the joint with a water / environmental seal appropriate to the cable specified:
4. Testing and Inspection
Copies of original type test certificates shall be included in full in accordance with IEC60502-4 (including
all drawings, revisions and test results as stipulated in the applicable standards) with the Bid regardless
of whether or not the equipment has been supplied previously to SP.
The Contractor shall provide test Certificates for all test undertaken by the manufacturer under this
specification. Such test certificates shall be signed by a properly authorised person and forwarded to
7.2.4 RMU
1. Scope
This Specification covers the general requirements of the design, manufacture, testing, supply and
delivery of freestanding switchgear if required as part of the supply only scope. Quantities and type
required is listed in the Appendix I with the following general attributes besides what is listed within
Sections 3 and 4.
2. Standards
The RMU shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with latest versions of IEC publications IEC
60265, IEC 60129, IEC 60056, IEC 60420, IEC 60694 and IEC 60298.
3. General Specification
The Employers preferred RMU would be from ABB. However, the Contractor may propose an equivalent
Merlin Gerin or similar unit from a Tier-1 OEM.
The RMU shall comprise three (3) vacuum circuit breakers with integrated interlocked earth switches. It
shall be extendable for a possible future Vacuum Circuit Breaker.

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Solar PV Hybrid Power Plants - General Employer's Requirements

It shall be supplied in an outdoor extensible IP-54 enclosure (5-way to allow for future extension) of
tropicalized durability providing long term corrosion protection in Category D environments to AS/NZS
Provision shall be made for future remote operation and retro fitting of motor operation of the VCBs.
Necessary auxiliary switches and earth switches shall be provided.
It is preferred that standard Raychem/ABB type terminations (termination kits) be used, but if the units
are fitted with standardized bushings to DIN 47636 then cable termination kits must also be supplied.
The Contractor should check the existing cables with SP, understood to be 25mm 2 Al 3 Core PILC/PE,
and provide kits to suit in addition to the one circuit where cable as specified in Section 7.2.2 will be
RMU units shall comply with the following electrical characteristics:
 Rated Voltage 11 kV; Rated maximum Voltage 12 kV
 Rated VCB current ≥400A and preferably 630 A
 Rated closed loop current breaking capacity ≥400A and preferably 630 A
 Disconnector and earthing switches making capacity and short time current 1-sec - 12.5kA
 Switch fuse downstream earth switch - fault current limited by fuse characteristics
 Rated impulse withstand voltage - 95 kV
 Power frequency withstand voltage - 28 kV
The Contractor shall provide OEM detailed drawings of recommended concrete foundations for the 5-
way enclosure and RMU.
4. Testing and Inspection
Testing and Inspection shall be carried out according to current versions of IEC or AS/NZS Standards.
A type test certificate shall be submitted with the bid.
The OEM shall supply test certificates for the RMU.
At hand over to the Employer at Honiara and after delivery to Site a visual inspection is required.
7.2.5 Transformer 11/0.415 kV
1. Scope
This Specification covers the general requirements of the design, manufacture, testing, supply and
delivery of Dyn11 11kV/415V hermetically sealed distribution transformers of manufacturer tap standard
but not less than ±5% in 2.5% steps. The Appendix I details the required quantities and standard
parameters for transformers required as part of materials supply only scope.
Supply shall be ABB, ETEL or equivalent from a Tier-1 OEM with at least 10-years equipment operation
in tropical island environments (pole mounted distribution transformers).
2. Standards
Manufacture and testing shall be in accordance with the latest edition of AS / IEC 60076 tested and
approved units.
Otherwise IEC standards shall prevail unless superseded by an AS/NZS equivalent standard:
1. IEC 60071 Insulation Coordination
2. IEC 60076 Power transformers
3. IEC 60137 Bushings for ac voltages above 1 kV
4. IEC 60296 Specification for unused mineral insulating oils for transformers and switchgear. Also
AS 1767 - 1999; BS 148 - 1997,
5. IEC 60354 Loading guide for oil immersed transformers
6. IEC 60437 Radio interference test on high voltage insulators
7. IEC 60551 Measurement of transformer and reactor sound levels

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Solar PV Hybrid Power Plants - General Employer's Requirements

8. AS/NZS 2312:2002: superseded by the following;

a. AS/NZS 2312.1:2014: Guide to the protection of structural steel against atmospheric
corrosion by the use of protective coatings - Paint coatings
b. AS/NZS 2312.2:2014: Guide to the protection of structural steel against atmospheric
corrosion by the use of protective coatings - Hot dip galvanizing
9. AS2374.1.2 Minimum Energy Performance Requirement (MEPS)

3. General Specification
The transformers shall withstand the electrical stress associated with continuous operation at the highest
system voltage under the electrical and environmental conditions described in Sections 3.1 and 3.2.
Transformer units shall comply with the following electrical characteristics:
1. Rated Voltage - 11/0.415 kV
2. Configuration - Dyn-11
3. Power Frequency Withstand Voltage – HV 28 kV / LV 3 kV
The transformers offered shall meet the guaranteed performance values in accordance with the latest
edition of AS2374.1.2 Minimum Energy Performance Requirement (MEPS). All transformers shall be
routine tested in accordance with the latest edition of AS2374 and each unit shall be supplied with a test
Long life hot dipped galvanized or otherwise of tropicalized durability providing long term corrosion
protection in Category D environments to AS/NZS 2312:2014.
ENA Doc 007-2006 Specification sets out the technical requirements for the design, manufacture,
testing at works and delivery of pole mounted distribution transformers. These have not been adopted
by SP but may be used by SP in case of conflict of specification.
The Contractor shall advise if proposed transformers are compliant or non-compliant with ENA Doc 007-
2006 and specify departures in its Bid.
4. Testing and Inspection
Testing and Inspection shall be carried out according to IEC or AS/NZS Standards. A type test certificate
shall be submitted with the bid.
The OEM shall supply test certificates for each transformer. At hand over to the Employer at Honiara
and after delivery to Site a visual inspection is required.
7.2.6 Lightning Arrester 11 kV
1. Scope
This Specification covers the general requirements of the design, manufacture, testing, supply and
delivery of surge arresters of gapless metal-oxide type for the over-voltage protection of all plant such
as transformers, switches, underground cables, and such rated for a maximum operating voltage of 12
Arresters shall be Class 1 manufactured and tested to IEC 60099-4 specification.
2. Standards
The plant and components supplied shall be in accordance with the latest editions of the Standards
specified below and amendments thereof, or other acceptable international Standards approved by the
 IEC 60099-4 Part. 4 Surge Arresters – Metal oxide surge arresters without gaps for AC systems
 IEC 60099-5 Part. 5 Surge Arresters – Selection and application recommendations
 IEC 1109 (1992) Composite insulators for AC overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater
than 1000V – definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria

3. General Specification

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Solar PV Hybrid Power Plants - General Employer's Requirements

The arresters shall be supplied complete with galvanized steel brackets, bolts, nuts and washers for
mounting on a 100mm x 100mm or 100mm x 75mm wood or a galvanized steel cross-arm.
The arresters shall withstand the electrical stress associated with continuous operation at the highest
system voltage under the electrical and environmental conditions described in Sections 3.1 and 3.2.
Surge Arrester units shall comply with the following electrical characteristics:
 Rated Voltage 11 kV
 Rated maximum Voltage 12 kV
 Rated Fault Current 5kA
 Rated Impulse Withstand Voltage - dry across isolating distance 95 kV
 Power Frequency Withstand Voltage across isolating distance 28 kV

4. Testing and Inspection

Testing and Inspection shall be carried out according to IEC Standards. A type test certificate shall be
submitted with the bid. The Employer will accept type test certificates in lieu of further tests other than
at hand over to the Employer a visual inspection is required.
The following type tests conforming to IEC 99-4, IEC 507 (1991) and IEC 1109 shall have been
 Insulation withstand test,
 Residual voltage tests,
 Long duration current impulse withstand test,
 Operation duty test,
 Tests of arrester disconnectors,
 Partial discharge test,
 Seal leakage test,
 Tracking & erosion test for polymeric insulation.
The type test certificates shall clearly identity the equipment concerned showing the manufacturer’s
identity. Type test reports shall include complete drawings and the model/type of the offered arrester.
Type test reports shall be from a recognized independent testing authority acceptable to the Employer.

Prepared for – Solomon Power – ABN: N/A

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