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Physics - Kinematics

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Motion In One Dimension

Any object is situated at point O and three observers from three different places are looking at same
object, then all N O
three observers E
will have B
observations 3m A

about the
Fig. 2.1
position of
point O and no one will be wrong. Because they are observing the object from different positions.
Observer ‘A’ says : Point O is 3 m away in west direction.
Observer ‘B’ says : Point O is 4 m away in south direction.
Observer ‘C’ says : Point O is 5 m away in east direction.
Therefore position of any point is completely expressed by two factors: Its distance from the observer
and its direction with respect to observer.
That is why position is
characterised by a vector known as Y
position vector. 
Consider a point P in xy plane
and its coordinates are (x, y). Then
position vector (r ) of point will be Z
ˆ ˆ
x i  y j and if the point P is in space and its coordinates are (x, y, z) then position vector can be expressed as
r  xˆi  yˆj  zkˆ .
Rest and Motion
If a body does not change its position as time passes with respect to frame of reference, it is said to be
at rest.
And if a body changes its position as time passes with respect to frame of reference, it is said to be in
Frame of Reference : It is a system to which a set of coordinates are attached and with reference to which
observer describes any event.
A passenger standing on platform observes that a tree on a platform is at rest. But the same passenger
passing away in a train through station, observes that tree is in motion. In both conditions observer is right.
But observations are different because in first situation observer stands on a platform, which is reference
frame at rest and in second situation observer moving in train, which is reference frame in motion.
So rest and motion are relative terms. It depends upon the frame of references.

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Table 2.1 : Types of motion

One dimensional Two dimensional Three dimensional

Motion of a body in a Motion of body in a Motion of body in a

straight line is called plane is called two space is called three
one dimensional dimensional motion. dimensional motion.

When only one When two When all three

coordinate of the coordinates of the coordinates of the
position of a body position of a body position of a body
changes with time changes with time changes with time then
then it is said to be then it is said to be it is said to be moving
moving one moving two three dimensionally.
dimensionally. dimensionally.

Ex.. (i) Motion of car on Ex. (i) Motion of car Ex.. (i) Motion of
a straight road. on a circular turn. flying kite.
(ii) Motion of freely (ii) Motion of (ii) Motion of flying
falling body. billiards ball. insect.

Particle or Point Mass or Point object

The smallest part of matter with zero dimension which can be described by its mass and position is
defined as a particle or point mass.
If the size of a body is negligible in comparison to its range of motion then that body is known as a
A body (Group of particles) can be treated as a particle, depends upon types of motion. For example in a
planetary motion around the sun the different planets can be presumed to be the particles.
In above consideration when we treat body as particle, all parts of the body undergo same displacement
and have same velocity and acceleration.
Distance and Displacement
(1) Distance : It is the actual length of the path covered by a moving particle in a given interval of time.
(i) If a particle starts from A and reach to C through point B as shown in the figure.
Then distance travelled by particle
 AB  BC  7 m
(ii) Distance is a scalar quantity. 4m

(iii) Dimension : [M0L1T0] A 3m B

(iv) Unit : metre (S.I.) Fig. 2.2

(2) Displacement : Displacement is the change in position vector i.e., A vector joining initial to final
(i) Displacement is a vector quantity
(ii) Dimension : [M0L1T0]
(iii) Unit : metre (S.I.)
(iv) In the above figure the displacement of the particle AC  AB  BC  | AC |

 ( AB ) 2  (BC ) 2  2( AB ) (BC ) cos 90 o = 5 m

r r r r
(v) If S 1 , S 2 , S 3 ........ S n are the displacements of a body then the total (net) displacement is the vector sum
r r r r r
of the individuals. S  S 1  S 2  S 3  ........  S n

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(3) Comparison between distance and displacement :

(i) The magnitude of displacement is equal to minimum possible distance between two positions.
So distance  |Displacement|.
(ii) For a moving particle distance can never be negative or zero while displacement can be.
(zero displacement means that body after motion has came back to initial position)
i.e., Distance > 0 but Displacement > = or < 0
(iii) For motion between two points, displacement is single valued while distance depends on actual path
and so can have many values.
(iv) For a moving particle distance can never decrease with time while displacement can. Decrease in
displacement with time means body is moving towards the initial position.
(v) In general, magnitude of displacement is not equal to distance. However, it can be so if the motion is
along a straight line without
change in direction. Y
r r
(vi) If rA and rB are the B
position vectors of particle r
r rAB P
initially and finally. rB A

Then displacement of the r

r r r rA
particle rAB  rB  rA
and s is the distance Fig. 2.3
travelled if the particle has
gone through the path APB.
Speed and Velocity
(1) Speed : The rate of distance covered with time is called speed.
(i) It is a scalar quantity having symbol  .
(ii) Dimension : [M0L1T–1]
(iii) Unit : metre/second (S.I.), cm/second (C.G.S.)
(iv) Types of speed :
(a) Uniform speed : When a particle covers equal distances in equal intervals of time, (no matter how
small the intervals are) then it is said to be moving with uniform speed. In given illustration motorcyclist
travels equal distance (= 5m) in each second. So we can say that particle is moving with uniform speed of 5

5m 5m 5m 5m 5m 5m
1 sec 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec 1m/s
5m/s 5m/s 5m/s 5m/s 5m/s 5m/s
Uniform Speed
Fig. 2.4

(b) Non-uniform (variable) speed : In non-uniform speed particle covers unequal distances in equal
intervals of time. In the given illustration motorcyclist travels 5m in 1st second, 8m in 2nd second, 10m in 3rd
second, 4m in 4th second etc.
Therefore its speed is different for every time interval of one second. This means particle is moving with
variable speed.
5m 8m 10m 4m 6m 7m

Time 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec

Variable Speed 5m/s 8m/s 10m/s 4m/s 6m/s 7m/s

Fig. 2.5
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(c) Average speed : The average speed of a particle for a given ‘Interval of time’ is defined as the ratio
of total distance travelled to the time taken.
Total distance travelled s
Average speed  ; v av 
Time taken t
 Time average speed : When particle moves with different uniform speed 1 ,  2 ,  3 ... etc in different
time intervals t1 , t 2 , t 3 , ... etc respectively, its average speed over the total time of journey is given as
Total distance covered
vav 
Total time elapsed
d 1  d 2  d 3  ...... 1 t1   2 t 2   3 t 3  ......
 =
t1  t 2  t 3  ...... t1  t 2  t 3  ......
 Distance averaged speed : When a particle describes different distances d 1 , d 2 , d 3 , ...... with different
time intervals t1 , t 2 , t 3 , ...... with speeds v1 , v 2 , v 3 ...... respectively then the speed of particle averaged over
the total distance can be given as
Total distance covered d  d 2  d 3  ......
 av   1
Total time elapsed t1  t 2  t 3  ......
d 1  d 2  d 3  ......

d1 d 2 d 3
   ......
1 2 3
 If speed is continuously changing with time then

v av 
 vdt
 dt
(d) Instantaneous speed : It is the speed of a particle at a particular instant of time. When we say
“speed”, it usually means instantaneous speed.
The instantaneous speed is average speed for infinitesimally small time interval (i.e., t  0 ). Thus
s ds
Instantaneous speed v  lim 
t 0 t dt
(2) Velocity : The rate of change of position i.e. rate of displacement with time is called velocity.
(i) It is a vector quantity having symbol v .
(ii) Dimension : [M0L1T–1]
(iii) Unit : metre/second (S.I.), cm/second (C.G.S.)
(iv) Types of velocity :
(a) Uniform velocity : A particle is said to have uniform velocity, if magnitudes as well as direction of
its velocity remains same and this is possible only when the particles moves in same straight line without
reversing its direction.
(b) Non-uniform velocity : A particle is said to have non-uniform velocity, if either of magnitude or
direction of velocity changes or both of them change.
(c) Average velocity : It is defined as the ratio of displacement to time taken by the body
Displaceme nt r r
Average velocity  ; v av 
Time taken t
(d) Instantaneous velocity : Instantaneous velocity is defined as rate of change of position vector of
particles with time at a certain instant of time.
r r
r r dr
Instantaneous velocity v  lim 
t  0 t dt
(v) Comparison between instantaneous speed and instantaneous velocity
(a) instantaneous velocity is always tangential to the path followed by the particle.

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When a stone is thrown from point O then at point of projection the instantaneous velocity of stone is v1 ,
r r r
at point A the instantaneous velocity of stone is v 2 , similarly at point B and C are v 3 and v 4 respectively.

v2 r
B v4
r C
Fig. 2.6
Direction of these velocities can be found out by drawing a tangent on the trajectory at a given point.
(b) A particle may have constant instantaneous speed but variable instantaneous velocity.
Example : When a particle is performing uniform circular motion then for every instant of its circular
motion its speed remains constant but velocity changes at every instant.
(c) The magnitude of instantaneous velocity is equal to the instantaneous speed.
(d) If a particle is moving with constant velocity then its average velocity and instantaneous velocity are
always equal.
(e) If displacement is given as a function of time, then time derivative of displacement will give velocity.
Let displacement x  A0  A1 t  A 2 t 2
r dx d
Instantaneous velocity v   ( A0  A1 t  A 2 t 2 )
dt dt
v   A1  2 A 2 t
For the given value of t, we can find out the instantaneous velocity.
r r
e.g for t  0 ,Instantaneous velocity v   A1 and Instantaneous speed | v |  A1
(vi) Comparison between average speed and average velocity
(a) Average speed is a scalar while average velocity is a vector both having same units (m/s) and
dimensions [LT 1 ] .
(b) Average speed or velocity depends on time interval over which it is defined.
(c) For a given time interval average velocity is single valued while average speed can have many values
depending on path followed.
r r
(d) If after motion body comes back to its initial position then vav  0 (as r  0 ) but vav  0 and finite
as (s  0) .
(e) For a moving body average speed can never be negative or zero (unless t  ) while average velocity
can be i.e. v av  0 while v a = or < 0.
(f) As we know for a given time interval
Distance  |displacement|
 Average speed  |Average velocity|

The time rate of change of velocity of an object is called acceleration of the object.
(1) It is a vector quantity. It’s direction is same as that of change in velocity (Not of the velocity)

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Table 2.2 : Possible ways of velocity change

When only direction When only When both

of velocity changes magnitude of magnitude and
velocity changes direction of velocity
Acceleration Acceleration parallel Acceleration has two
perpendicular to or anti-parallel to components one is
velocity velocity perpendicular to
velocity and another
parallel or anti-
parallel to velocity
Ex.. Uniform circular Ex.. Motion under Ex.. Projectile motion
motion gravity

(2) Dimension : [M0L1T–2]

(3) Unit : metre/second2 (S.I.); cm/second2 (C.G.S.)
(4) Types of acceleration :
(i) Uniform acceleration : A body is said to have uniform acceleration if magnitude and direction of
the acceleration remains constant during particle motion.
(ii) Non-uniform acceleration : A body is said to have non-uniform acceleration, if either magnitude
or direction or both of them change during motion.
r r r
r v v 2  v1
(iii) Average acceleration : aa  
t t
r v
The direction of average acceleration vector is the direction of the change in velocity vector as a 
r r
r v d v
(iv) Instantaneous acceleration = a  lim 
t  0 t dt

(v) For a moving body there is no relation between the direction of instantaneous velocity and direction
of acceleration.
 Y

a 2
 1
 
a a
 g
g g  3
 O

Fig. 2.7

Ex.. (a) In uniform circular motion  = 90º always

(b) In a projectile motion  is variable for every point of trajectory.
r F
(vi) If a force F acts on a particle of mass m, by Newton’s 2nd law, acceleration a 
r r r
r dv d 2 x  r dx 
(vii) By definition a   2  As v 
dt dt  dt 

i.e., if x is given as a function of time, second time derivative of displacement gives acceleration
dv dv dx d  dx 
(viii) If velocity is given as a function of position, then by chain rule a     v. as v  dt 
dt dx dt dx  

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(xi) Acceleration can be positive, zero or negative. Positive acceleration means velocity increasing with
time, zero acceleration means velocity is uniform constant while negative acceleration (retardation) means
velocity is decreasing with time.
(xii) For motion of a body under gravity, acceleration will be equal to “g”, where g is the acceleration
due to gravity. Its value is 9 .8 m/s 2 or 980 cm/s 2 or 32 feet/s 2 .
Position time Graph
During motion of the particle its parameters of kinematical analysis (v, a, s) changes with time. This
can be represented on the graph. y

Position time graph is plotted by taking time t along x-axis

y2 D B
and position of the particle on y-axis.
y1 

Let AB is a position-time graph for any moving particle O x

t1 t2
Change in position y  y1 Time
As Velocity =  2 …(i)
Time taken t 2  t1 Fig. 2.8

BC AD y 2  y 1
From triangle ABC, tan     ….(ii)
AC AC t 2  t1

By comparing (i) and (ii) Velocity = tan so v = tan

It is clear that slope of tangent on position-time graph represents the velocity of the particle.

Table 2.3 : Various position -time graphs and their interpretation

 = 0° so v = 0
i.e., line parallel to time axis represents that the particle is at rest.


 = 90° so v = 
i.e., line perpendicular to time axis represents that particle is changing its position but time does not changes
it means the particle possesses infinite velocity.
Practically this is not possible.

 = constant so v = constant, a = 0
i.e., line with constant slope represents uniform velocity of the particle.


 is increasing so v is increasing, a is positive.
i.e., line bending towards position axis represents increasing velocity of particle. It means the particle
possesses acceleration.

 is decreasing so v is decreasing, a is negative
i.e., line bending towards time axis represents decreasing velocity of the particle. It means the particle
possesses retardation.

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 constant but > 90o so v will be constant but negative
i.e., line with negative slope represent that particle returns towards the point of reference. (negative
 displacement).

Straight line segments of different slopes represent that velocity of the body changes after certain interval of
C time.

This graph shows that at one instant the particle has two positions, which is not possible.

Note :  If the graph is plotted between distance and time then it is always an increasing
curve and it never comes back
towards origin because distance

never decrease with time. Hence
such type of distance time graph
is valid up to point A only, after O Time
point A, it is not valid as shown in Fig. 2.9
the figure.
Velocity-time Graph
The graph is plotted by taking time t along x-axis and velocity of the particle on y-axis.
Calculation of Distance and displacement : The area covered between the velocity time graph and
time axis gives the displacement and distance travelled by the body for a given time interval.
Total distance | A1 | | A2 | | A3 |
= Addition of modulus of different area. i.e. s  |  | dt
Total displacement  A1  A2  A3
= Addition of different area considering their sign.
i.e. r    dt
Area above time axis is taken as positive, while area below time axis is taken as negative

1 3

Fig. 2.10
here A1 and A2 are area of triangle 1 and 2 respectively and A3 is the area of trapezium .

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Calculation of Acceleration : Let AB is a velocity-time graph for any moving particle


v2 D B

v1 

O x
t1 t2

Fig. 2.11
Change in velocity
As Acceleration =
Time taken
v 2  v1
 …(i)
t2  t1
From triangle ABC, tan   
v 2  v1
 ….(ii)
t2  t1

By comparing (i) and (ii)

Acceleration (a) = tan 
It is clear that slope of tangent on velocity-time graph represents the acceleration of the particle.

Table 2.4 : Various velocity -time graphs and their interpretation

 = 0°, a = 0, v = constant

i.e., line parallel to time axis represents that the particle is moving with constant velocity.

 = 90o, a = , v = increasing

i.e., line perpendicular to time axis represents that the particle is increasing its velocity, but time
does not change. It means the particle possesses infinite acceleration. Practically it is not possible.


 = constant, so a = constant and v is increasing uniformly with time


i.e., line with constant slope represents uniform acceleration of the particle.

O Time

 increasing so acceleration increasing


i.e., line bending towards velocity axis represent the increasing acceleration in the body.

O Time

 decreasing so acceleration decreasing


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i.e. line bending towards time axis represents the decreasing acceleration in the body


Positive constant acceleration because  is constant and < 90o but initial velocity of the particle is


Positive constant acceleration because  is constant and < 90o but initial velocity of particle is



Negative constant acceleration because  is constant and > 90o but initial velocity of the particle

is positive.


Negative constant acceleration because  is constant and > 90o but initial velocity of the particle

is zero.


Negative constant acceleration because  is constant and > 90o but initial velocity of the particle
is negative.

Equation of Kinematics
These are the various relations between u, v, a, t and s for the particle moving with uniform acceleration
where the notations are used as :
u = Initial velocity of the particle at time t = 0 sec
v = Final velocity at time t sec
a = Acceleration of the particle
s = Distance travelled in time t sec
sn = Distance travelled by the body in nth sec
(1) When particle moves with zero acceleration
(i) It is a unidirectional motion with constant speed.
(ii) Magnitude of displacement is always equal to the distance travelled.
(iii) v = u, s=ut [As a = 0]
(2) When particle moves with constant acceleration
(i) Acceleration is said to be constant when both the magnitude and direction of acceleration remain


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(ii) There will be one dimensional motion if initial velocity and acceleration are parallel or anti-

parallel to each other.

(iii) Equations of motion Equation of motion

(in scalar from) (in vector from)
r r r
  u  at v  u  at
1 2 r r 1r
s  ut  at s  u t  at 2
2 2
rr rr rr
 2  u 2  2as v .v  u .u  2a.s

u v r 1 r r
s t s  (u  v ) t
 2  2
a r r a
sn  u  (2n  1) s n  u  (2n  1)
2 2
Motion of Body Under Gravity (Free Fall)
The force of attraction of earth on bodies, is called force of gravity. Acceleration produced in the
body by the force of gravity, is called acceleration due to gravity. It is represented by the symbol g.
In the absence of air resistance, it is found that all bodies (irrespective of the size, weight or
composition) fall with the same acceleration near the surface of the earth. This motion of a body falling
towards the earth from a small altitude (h << R) is called free fall.
An ideal example of one-dimensional motion is motion under gravity in which air resistance and the
small changes in acceleration with height are neglected.
(1) If a body is dropped from some height (initial velocity zero)
(i) Equations of motion : Taking initial position as origin and direction of motion (i.e., downward
direction) as a positive, here we have


2h v
t  
g g

h v  2 gh

h 

Fig. 2.12

u=0 [As body starts from rest]

a = +g [As acceleration is in the direction of motion]
v=gt …(i)
1 2
h gt …(ii)
 2  2 gh …(iii)
hn  (2n  1) ...(iv)

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(ii) Graph of distance, velocity and acceleration with respect to time :

s v a

tan = g

t t t

Fig. 2.13

(iii) As h = (1/2)gt2, i.e., h  t2, distance covered in time t, 2t, 3t, etc., will be in the ratio of 12 : 22 : 32,
i.e., square of integers.
(iv) The distance covered in the nth sec, hn  g (2n  1)
So distance covered in 1st, 2nd, 3rd sec, etc., will be in the ratio of 1 : 3 : 5, i.e., odd integers only.
(2) If a body is projected vertically downward with some initial velocity
Equation of motion :  u gt
1 2
h  ut  gt
 2  u 2  2 gh
hn  u  (2n  1)
(3) If a body is projected vertically upward
(i) Equation of motion : Taking initial position as origin and direction of motion (i.e., vertically up) as
a = – g [As acceleration is downwards while motion upwards]
So, if the body is projected with velocity u and after time t it reaches up to height h then
1 2 2 g
  u  g t ; h  ut  g t ;   u 2  2 gh ; hn  u  (2n  1)
2 2
(ii) For maximum height v = 0
So from above equation u = gt,
1 2
h gt

and u 2  2 gh v=0

2h u
t  
g g
u  2 gh


Fig. 2.14
(iii) Graph of displacement, velocity and acceleration with respect to time (for maximum height) :
s (u2/2g) v

(u/g) (2u/g)
O t

(u/g) –v
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O t

Fig. 2.15
It is clear that both quantities do not depend upon the mass of the body or we can say that in absence of
air resistance, all bodies fall on the surface of the earth with the same rate.
(4) The motion is independent of the mass of the body, as in any equation of motion, mass is not
involved. That is why a heavy and light body when released from the same height, reach the ground
simultaneously and with same velocity i.e., t  (2h / g) and v  2 gh .
(5) In case of motion under gravity, time taken to go up is equal to the time taken to fall down through
the same distance. Time of descent (t2) = time of ascent (t1) = u/g
 Total time of flight T = t1 + t2 

(6) In case of motion under gravity, the speed with which a body is projected up is equal to the speed with

which it comes back to the point of projection.

As well as the magnitude of velocity at any point on the path is same whether the body is moving in

upwards or downward direction.

(7) A body is thrown vertically upwards. If air resistance is to be taken into account, then the time of
ascent is less than the time of descent. t2 > t1
u u2
Let u is the initial velocity of body then time of ascent t1  and h 
ga 2(g  a)

where g is acceleration due to gravity and a is retardation by air resistance and for upward motion both
will work vertically downward.
For downward motion a and g will work in opposite direction because a always work in direction
opposite to motion and g always work vertically downward.
So h  (g  a) t22

u2 1
  (g  a) t22
2(g  a) 2

 t2 
(g  a)(g  a)

Comparing t1 and t2 we can say that t2 > t1

since (g + a ) > (g – a)

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- 14 -

Motion with Variable Acceleration

(i) If acceleration is a function of time
a  f (t) then v  u   0t f (t) dt

and s  ut  
  f (t) dt dt
(ii) If acceleration is a function of distance
a  f (x ) then v 2  u 2  2  xx0 f (x ) dx

(iii) If acceleration is a function of velocity

dv vdv
a = f (v) then t   uv and x  x 0  uv
f (v) f (v)

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1. A stone falls from a balloon that is descending at a uniform rate of 12 m / s . The displacement of the
stone from the point of release after 10 sec is
(a) 490 m (b) 510 m
(c) 610 m (d) 725 m
2. A ball is dropped on the floor from a height of 10 m. It rebounds to a height of 2.5 m. If the ball is in
contact with the floor for 0.01 sec, the average acceleration during contact is [BHU 1997;
CPMT 1997]
(a) 2100 m / sec 2 downwards (b)2100 m / sec 2 upwards
(c) 1400 m / sec 2 (d) 700 m / sec 2
3. A body A is projected upwards with a velocity of 98 m / s . The second body B is projected upwards
with the same initial velocity but after 4 sec. Both the bodies will meet after
(a) 6 sec (b) 8 sec
(c) 10 sec (d) 12 sec
4. Two bodies of different masses m a and m b are dropped from two different heights a and b . The ratio
of the time taken by the two to cover these distances are
[NCERT 1972; MP PMT 1993]
(a) a : b (b) b : a
(c) a : b (d) a 2 : b 2
5. A body falls freely from rest. It covers as much distance in the last second of its motion as covered in
the first three seconds. The body has fallen for a time of [MNR 1998]
(a) 3 s (b) 5 s
(c) 7 s (d) 9 s
6. A stone is dropped into water from a bridge 44 . 1 m above the water. Another stone is thrown vertically
downward 1 sec later. Both strike the water simultaneously. What was the initial speed of the second
(a) 12 .25 m / s (b) 14 .75 m / s
(c) 16 .23 m / s (d) 17 .15 m / s
7. An iron ball and a wooden ball of the same radius are released from the same height in vacuum. They
take the same time to reach the ground. The reason for this is
(a) Acceleration due to gravity in vacuum is same irrespective of the size and mass of the body
(b) Acceleration due to gravity in vacuum depends upon the mass of the body
(c) There is no acceleration due to gravity in vacuum
(d) In vacuum there is a resistance offered to the motion of the body and this resistance depends upon
the mass of the body
8. A body is thrown vertically upwards. If air resistance is to be taken into account, then the time during
which the body rises is
[RPET 2000; KCET 2001; DPMT 2001]
(a) Equal to the time of fall
(b) Less than the time of fall
(c) Greater than the time of fall
(d) Twice the time of fall
9. A ball P is dropped vertically and another ball Q is thrown horizontally with the same velocities from
the same height and at the same time. If air resistance is neglected, then
[MNR 1986; BHU 1994]
(a) Ball P reaches the ground first
(b) Ball Q reaches the ground first
(c) Both reach the ground at the same time
(d) The respective masses of the two balls will decide the time

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10. A body is released from a great height and falls freely towards the earth. Another body is released from
the same height exactly one second later. The separation between the two bodies, two seconds after the
release of the second body is [CPMT 1983; Kerala PMT 2002]
(a) 4.9 m (b) 9.8 m
(c) 19 . 6 m (d) 24 . 5 m
11. An object is projected upwards with a velocity of 100 m / s . It will strike the ground after
[NCERT 1981; AFMC 1995]
(a) 10 sec (b) 20 sec
(c) 15 sec (d) 5 sec
12. A stone dropped from the top of the tower touches the ground in 4 sec. The height of the tower is about

[MP PET 1986; AFMC 1994; CPMT 1997; BHU 1998;

DPMT 1999; RPET 1999; MH CET 2003]
(a) 80 m (b) 40 m
(c) 20 m (d) 160 m
13. A body is released from the top of a tower of height h . It takes t sec to reach the ground. Where will
be the ball after time t / 2 sec [NCERT 1981; MP PMT 2004]
(a) At h / 2 from the ground
(b) At h / 4 from the ground
(c) Depends upon mass and volume of the body
(d) At 3h / 4 from the ground
14. A mass m slips along the wall of a semispherical surface of radius R . The velocity at the bottom of the
surface is
[MP PMT 1993]
(a) Rg m
(b) 2 Rg
(c) 2 πRg
(d) πRg
15. A frictionless wire AB is fixed on a sphere of radius R. A very small spherical ball slips on this wire.
The time taken by this ball to slip from A to B is
2 gR
(a) A
g cos θ
cos θ
(b) 2 gR . θ
g O
(c) 2
gR C
g cos θ
16. A body is slipping from an inclined plane of height h and length l . If the angle of inclination is θ , the
time taken by the body to come from the top to the bottom of this inclined plane is
2h 2l
(a) (b)
g g
1 2h 2h
(c) (d) sin θ
sin θ g g
17. A particle is projected up with an initial velocity of 80 ft / sec . The ball will be at a height of 96 ft from
the ground after [MP PMT 1985]
(a) 2.0 and 3.0 sec (b) Only at 3.0 sec

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(c) Only at 2.0 sec (d) After 1 and 2 sec

18. A body falls from rest, its velocity at the end of first second is (g = 32 ft / sec) [AFMC 1980]

(a) 16 ft / sec (b) 32 ft / sec

(c) 64 ft / sec (d) 24 ft / sec
19. A stone thrown upward with a speed u from the top of the tower reaches the ground with a velocity
3u . The height of the tower is [EAMCET 1983; RPET 2003]

(a) 3u 2 / g (b) 4 u 2 / g
(c) 6u 2 / g (d) 9u 2 / g
20. Two stones of different masses are dropped simultaneously from the top of a building
[EAMCET 1978]
(a) Smaller stone hit the ground earlier
(b) Larger stone hit the ground earlier
(c) Both stones reach the ground simultaneously
(d) Which of the stones reach the ground earlier depends on the composition of the stone
21. A body thrown with an initial speed of 96 ft / sec reaches the ground after (g = 32 ft / sec 2 )
[EAMCET 1980]
(a) 3 sec (b) 6 sec
(c) 12 sec (d) 8 sec
22. A stone is dropped from a certain height which can reach the ground in 5 second. If the stone is stopped
after 3 second of its fall and then allowed to fall again, then the time taken by the stone to reach the
ground for the remaining distance is [MNR 1985]
(a) 2 sec (b) 3 sec
(c) 4 sec (d) None of these
23. A man in a balloon rising vertically with an acceleration of 4 .9 m / sec 2 releases a ball 2 sec after the
balloon is let go from the ground. The greatest height above the ground reached by the ball is
(g = 9 . 8 m / sec 2 ) [MNR 1986]

(a) 14.7 m (b) 19.6 m

(c) 9.8 m (d) 24.5 m
24. A particle is dropped under gravity from rest from a height h(g = 9 .8 m / sec 2 ) and it travels a distance
9h / 25 in the last second, the height h is [MNR 1987]

(a) 100 m (b) 122.5 m

(c) 145 m (d) 167.5 m
25. A balloon is at a height of 81 m and is ascending upwards with a velocity of 12 m/s. A body of 2kg
weight is dropped from it. If g = 10 m / s 2 , the body will reach the surface of the earth in
[MP PMT 1994]
(a) 1.5 s (b) 4.025 s
(c) 5.4 s (d) 6.75 s
26. An aeroplane is moving with a velocity u . It drops a packet from a height h . The time t taken by the
packet in reaching the ground will be
 2g   2u 
(a)   (b)  
 h   g 

 h   2h 
(c)   (d)  
 2g   g 

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27. Water drops fall at regular intervals from a tap which is 5 m above the ground. The third drop is
leaving the tap at the instant the first drop touches the ground. How far above the ground is the second
drop at that instant [CBSE PMT 1995]

(a) 2.50 m (b) 3.75 m

(c) 4.00 m (d) 1.25 m
28. A ball is thrown vertically upwards from the top of a tower at 4 .9 ms −1 . It strikes the pond near the base
of the tower after 3 seconds. The height of the tower is
[Manipal MEE 1995]
(a) 73.5 m (b) 44.1 m
(c) 29.4 m (d) None of these
29. An aeroplane is moving with horizontal velocity u at height h . The velocity of a packet dropped from
it on the earth's surface will be ( g is acceleration due to gravity)
[MP PET 1995]

(a) u 2 + 2 gh (b) 2 gh

(c) 2 gh (d) u 2 − 2 gh

30. A rocket is fired upward from the earth's surface such that it creates an acceleration of 19.6 m/sec2. If
after 5 sec its engine is switched off, the maximum height of the rocket from earth's surface would be
[MP PET 1995]
(a) 245 m (b) 490 m
(c) 980 m (d) 735 m
31. A bullet is fired with a speed of 1000 m / sec in order to hit a target 100 m away. If g = 10 m / s 2 , the gun
should be aimed [MP PET 1996]

(a) Directly towards the target

(b) 5 cm above the target
(c) 10 cm above the target
(d) 15 cm above the target
32. A body starts to fall freely under gravity. The distances covered by it in first, second and third second
are in ratio
[MP PET 1997; RPET 2001]
(a) 1 : 3 : 5 (b) 1 : 2 : 3
(c) 1 : 4 : 9 (d) 1 : 5 : 6
33. P, Q and R are three balloons ascending with velocities U, 4 U and 8 U respectively. If stones of the
same mass be dropped from each, when they are at the same height, then [ISM
Dhanbad 1994]
(a) They reach the ground at the same time
(b) Stone from P reaches the ground first
(c) Stone from R reaches the ground first
(d) Stone from Q reaches the ground first
34. A body is projected up with a speed 'u' and the time taken by it is T to reach the maximum height H .
Pick out the correct statement [EAMCET (Engg.) 1995]
(a) It reaches H / 2 in T / 2 sec
(b) It acquires velocity u / 2 in T / 2 sec
(c) Its velocity is u / 2 at H / 2
(d) Same velocity at 2T
35. A body falling for 2 seconds covers a distance S equal to that covered in next second. Taking
g = 10 m / s 2 , S =
[EAMCET (Engg.) 1995]

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(a) 30 m (b) 10 m
(c) 60 m (d) 20 m
36. A body dropped from a height h with an initial speed zero, strikes the ground with a velocity 3 km / h .
Another body of same mass is dropped from the same height h with an initial speed −u ′ = 4 km / h . Find
the final velocity of second body with which it strikes the ground [CBSE PMT 1996]
(a) 3 km/h (b) 4 km/h
(c) 5 km/h (d) 12 km/h
37. A ball of mass m 1 and another ball of mass m 2 are dropped from equal height. If time taken by the
balls are t1 and t 2 respectively, then [BHU 1997]
(a) t1 = (b) t1 = t 2
(c) t1 = 4 t 2 (d) t1 =
38. With what velocity a ball be projected vertically so that the distance covered by it in 5th second is twice
the distance it covers in its 6th second (g = 10 m / s 2 )
[CPMT 1997; MH CET 2000]
(a) 58.8 m/s (b) 49 m/s
(c) 65 m/s (d) 19.6 m/s
39. A body sliding on a smooth inclined plane requires 4 seconds to reach the bottom starting from rest at
the top. How much time does it take to cover one-fourth distance starting from rest at the top
[BHU 1998]
(a) 1 s (b) 2 s
(c) 4 s (d) 16 s
40. A ball is dropped downwards. After 1 second another ball is dropped downwards from the same point.
What is the distance between them after 3 seconds [BHU 1998]
(a) 25 m (b) 20 m
(c) 50 m (d) 9.8 m
41. A stone is thrown with an initial speed of 4.9 m/s from a bridge in vertically upward direction. It falls down
in water after 2 sec. The height of the bridge is [AFMC 1999; Pb. PMT 2003]
(a) 4.9 m (b) 9.8 m
(c) 19.8 m (d) 24.7 m
42. A stone is shot straight upward with a speed of 20 m/sec from a tower 200 m high. The speed with
which it strikes the ground is approximately [AMU (Engg.) 1999]
(a) 60 m/sec (b) 65 m/sec
(c) 70 m/sec (d) 75 m/sec
43. A body freely falling from the rest has a velocity ‘v’ after it falls through a height ‘h’. The distance it
has to fall down for its velocity to become double, is [BHU 1999]
(a) 2h (b) 4 h
(c) 6 h (d) 8 h

1 c 2 b 3 d 4 c 5 b Answer key
6 a 7 a 8 b 9 c 10 d

11 b 12 a 13 d 14 b 15 c

16 c 17 a 18 b 19 b 20 c

21 b 22 c 23 a 24 b 25 c

26 d 27 b 28 c 29 a 30 d

31 b 32 a 33 b 34 b 35 a

36 c 37 b 38 c 39 b 40 a

41 b 42 b 43 b

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Solution of motion under gravity

1. (c) u = 12 m / s , g = 9 .8 m / sec 2 , t = 10 sec

Displacement = ut + gt 2
= 12 × 10 + × 9 . 8 × 100 = 610 m
2. (b) Velocity at the time of striking the floor,
u = 2 gh1 = 2 × 9 . 8 × 10 = 14 m / s
Velocity with which it rebounds.
v = 2 gh2 = 2 × 9 . 8 × 2 . 5 = 7 m / s
∴ Change in velocity ∆v = 7 − (−14 ) = 21 m / s
∆v 21
∴ Acceleration = = = 2100 m / s 2 (upwards)
∆t 0 . 01
3. (d) Let t be the time of flight of the first body after meeting, then (t − 4 ) sec will be the time of flight of
the second body. Since h1 = h2
1 2 1
∴ 98 t − gt = 98 (t − 4 ) − g(t − 4 )2
2 2
On solving, we get t = 12 seconds
4. (c) h = gt 2 ⇒ t = 2h / g
2a 2b t a
ta = and t b = ⇒ a =
g g tb b
1 g
5. (b) g(3)2 = (2n − 1) ⇒ n = 5 s
2 2
6. (a) Time taken by first stone to reach the water surface from the bridge be t, then
1 2 1
h = ut + gt ⇒ 44 . 1 = 0 × t + × 9 . 8 t 2
2 2
2 × 44 .1
t= = 3 sec
9 .8
Second stone is thrown 1 sec later and both strikes simultaneously. This means that the time left for
second stone = 3 − 1 = 2 sec
Hence 44 . 1 = u × 2 + 9 .8(2) 2
⇒ 44 . 1 − 19 . 6 = 2u ⇒ u = 12 . 25 m / s
7. (a)
8. (b) Let the initial velocity of ball be u
u u2
Time of rise t1 = and height reached =
g+a 2(g + a)
Time of fall t 2 is given by
1 u2
(g − a)t 22 =
2 2(g + a)
u u g+a
⇒ t2 = =
(g + a)(g − a) (g + a) g−a
1 1
∴ t 2 > t1 because <
g+a g−a
9. (c) Vertical component of velocities of both the balls are same and equal to zero. So t =
10. (d) The separation between the two bodies, two seconds after the release of second body
= × 9 . 8[(3) 2 − (2)2 ] = 24 . 5 m
2u 2 × 100
11. (b) Time of flight = = = 20 sec
g 10

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1 1
12. (a) h = gt 2 = × 10 × (4 ) 2 = 80 m
2 2
13. (d) Let the body after time t / 2 be at x from the top, then
1 t2 gt 2
x= g = …(i)
2 4 8
1 2
h = gt …(ii)
Eliminate t from (i) and (ii), we get x =
h 3h
∴ Height of the body from the ground = h − =
4 4
14. (b) By applying law of conservation of energy
mgR = mv 2 ⇒ v = 2 Rg
15. (c) Acceleration of body along AB is g cos θ
Distance travelled in time t sec = AB = (g cos θ )t 2
From ∆ABC , AB = 2 R cos θ ; 2 R cos θ = g cos θt 2
4R R
⇒ t2 = or t = 2
g g
16. (c) Force down the plane = mg sin θ
∴ Acceleration down the plane = g sin θ
Since l = 0 + g sin θt 2
2l 2h 1 2h
∴ t2 = = ⇒t=
g sin θ g sin θ
sin θ g
1 32 2
17. (a) h = ut − gt 2 ⇒ 96 = 80 t − t
2 2
⇒ t 2 − 5 t + 6 = 0 ⇒ t = 2 sec or 3 sec
18. (b) v = g × t = 32 × 1 = 32 ft / sec
4u 2
19. (b) v 2 = u 2 + 2 gh ⇒ (3u) 2 = (−u) 2 + 2 gh ⇒ h =
20. (c) t = and h and g are same.
2u 2 × 96
21. (b) Time of flight = = = 6 sec
g 32
25 1
22. (c) Total distance = gt 2 = g
2 2
Distance moved in 3 sec = g
Remaining distance = g
If t is the time taken by the stone to reach the ground for the remaining distance then
16 1
⇒ g = gt 2 ⇒ t = 4 sec
2 2
23. (a) Height travelled by ball (with balloon) in 2 sec
1 2 1
h1 = a t = × 4.9 × 2 2 = 9 .8 m
2 2
Velocity of the balloon after 2 sec
v = a t = 4 .9 × 2 = 9 . 8 m / s
Now if the ball is released from the balloon then it acquire same velocity in upward direction.
Let it move up to maximum height h2
v 2 = u 2 − 2gh2 ⇒ 0 = (9 . 8 )2 − 2 × (9 . 8 ) × h2 ∴ h2 =4.9m

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Greatest height above the ground reached by the ball = h1 + h2 = 9 .8 + 4 .9 = 14 .7 m

24. (b) Let h distance is covered in n sec
1 2
⇒h= gn …(i)
Distance covered in n th sec = g(2n − 1)
9h g
⇒ = (2n − 1) …(ii)
25 2
From (i) and (ii), h = 122 .5 m
1 1
25. (c) h = ut + gt 2 ⇒ 81 = −12 t + × 10 × t 2 ⇒ t = 5 .4 sec
2 2
26. (d) The initial velocity of aeroplane is horizontal, then the vertical component of velocity of packet
will be zero.
So t =
27. (b) Time taken by first drop to reach the ground t =
⇒ t= = 1 sec
As the water drops fall at regular intervals from a tap therefore time difference between any two drops
= sec
In this given time, distance of second drop from the tap = g  = = 1 .25 m
1 1 5
2 2 5
Its distance from the ground = 5 − 1 .25 = 3 .75 m
28. (c) h = ut + gt 2 , t = 3 sec, u = −4 .9 m / s
⇒ h = −4 . 9 × 3 + 4 . 9 × 9 = 29 . 4 m
29. (a) Horizontal velocity of dropped packet = u
Vertical velocity = 2 gh
∴Resultant velocity at earth = u 2 + 2 gh
30. (d) Given a = 19 .6 m / s 2 = 2 g
Resultant velocity of the rocket after 5 sec
v = 2 g × 5 = 10 g m / s
Height achieved after 5 sec, h1 = × 2 g × 25 = 245 m
On switching off the engine it goes up to height h2 where its velocity becomes zero.
0 = (10 g)2 − 2 gh2 ⇒ h 2 = 490 m
∴ Total height of rocket = 245 + 490 = 735 m
31. (b) Bullet will take = 0 . 1 sec to reach target.
During this period vertical distance (downward)
1 1
travelled by the bullet = gt 2 = × 10 × (0 .1)2 m = 5 cm
2 2
So the gun should be aimed 5 cm above the target.
32. (a) S n = u + (2n − 1) ; when u = 0 , S 1 : S 2 : S 3 = 1 : 3 : 5
33. (b) It has lesser initial upward velocity.
34. (b) At maximum height velocity v = 0
We know that v = u + at , hence
0 = u − gT ⇒ u = gT

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When v = , then
u u gT T
= u − gt ⇒ gt = ⇒ gt = ⇒t=
2 2 2 2
T u
Hence at t = , it acquires velocity
2 2
35. (a) If u is the initial velocity then distance covered by it in 2 sec
1 2 1
S = ut + at = u × 2 + × 10 × 4 = 2u + 20 …(i)
2 2
Now distance covered by it in 3rd sec
S 3 rd = u + (2 × 3 − 1)10 = u + 25 …(ii)
From(i) and (ii), 2u + 20 = u + 25 ⇒ u = 5
∴ S = 2 × 5 + 20 = 30 m

36. (c) For first case v 2 − 0 2 = 2 gh ⇒ (3)2 = 2 gh

For second case v 2 = (−u)2 + 2 gh = 4 2 + 3 2 ∴ v = 5km/h
37. (b) The time of fall is independent of the mass.
38. (c) hn th = u − (2n − 1)
h5 th =u− (2 × 5 − 1) = u − 45
h6 th = u − (2 × 6 − 1) = u − 55
Given h5 th = 2 × h6 th .By solving we get u = 65 m / s
1 1
39. (b) S = ut + at 2 = 0 + at 2
2 2
Hence t ∝ S i.e., if S becomes one-fourth then t will become half i.e., 2 sec
40. (a) Distance between the balls = Distance travelled by first ball in 3 seconds –Distance travelled by
1 1
second ball in 2 seconds = g (3)2 − g (2)2 = 45 − 20 = 25 m
2 2
41. (b) Speed of stone in a vertically upward direction is 4.9 m/s. So for vertical downward motion we will
consider u = −4 .9 m / s
1 2 1
h = ut + gt = −4 . 9 × 2 + × 9 . 8 × (2) 2 = 9 . 8 m
2 2
42. (b) Speed of stone in a vertically upward direction is 20m/s. So for vertical downward motion we will
consider u = −20 m / s
v 2 = u 2 + 2 gh = (−20 ) 2 + 2 × 9 . 8 × 200 = 4320 m / s

∴ v ~− 65 m / s .
43. (b) Let at point A initial velocity of body is equal to zero
for path AB : v 2 = 0 + 2 gh …(i) A
for path AC : (2v) 2 = 0 + 2 gx
4 v 2 = 2 gx …(ii) x
Solving (i) and (ii) x = 4 h B v

C 2v

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