Schafer 1994
Schafer 1994
Schafer 1994
ABSTRACT Ultrasonic surgical instruments operating cates that acoustic activity such as cavitation is involved.
from 20 to 60 k H z have typically been characterized only These devices have traditionally been measured using non-
by their operating frequency, cutting tip excursion, and acoustic parameters, i.e. displacement, frequency, and
input electrical power. This paper presents acoustical input electrical power. Acoustic parameters would include
measurement methodologies which more completely acoustic pressure (in units of Pascals, or N/m2) and its
characterize device output. The methods are divided into distribution in time (frequency) and space (position rela-
two frequency regimes: frequencies below 100 kHz whch tive to the tip), acoustic source strength (to be discussed
correspond to the tip driving frequency, and frequencies in detail later, in units of m3/s), and acoustic power (in
above 1 MHz whch corresponds to the cavitation devel- units of Watts). Only limited prior work has been done on
oped at the tip. Low frequency radiation is modelled as the acoustical characterization of these devices [I], whch
an acoustic dipole; high frequency acoustic radiation is noted the presence of cavitation noise, but did not attempt
caused by cavitation bubble collapse at the tip, generating to quantify it.
spherically diverging shock waves. This measurement
method incorporates the energy in a single shock wave THEORETICAL MODELLING Basic Low Freauency
event, the number of events per unit time, and the spheri- Monopole Model The theoretical acoustic model starts
cal divergence of the wave. Combining the two measure- with the monopole radiator, radiating as a point source of
ment techniques shows the growth of the total radiated spherically expanding waves. After some manipulation,
energy as a function of excursion, and a commensurate the most straightforward expression for the pressure p at a
shift from low frequency energy to cavitational energy. distance r from a monopole source pulsating at a frequen-
INTRODUCTION The overall goal of this work was to where po and c are the density and sound speed of the
develop reliable and meaningful measurement procedures medium, k is the wavenumber (w/c), and Qs is the equiv-
for use with ultrasonic surgical equipment (e.g. neurosur- alent source strength. The acoustic source strength, or
gical and phacoemulsifier devices). The primary rationale "volume velocity," for a small vibrating body is the
is to measure relative performance between surgical tips product of the radiating surface area times the normal
of different types, and to perhaps predict surgical perfor- velocity of that surface. Thus the source strength can be
mance. Manufacturing quality control is another concern found from two n times the product of tip area A, tip
to be addressed, as well as the development of interna- vibrational amplitude 6 (one half the excursion), and
tional standards for devices of this type (i.e. the IEC). driving (radian) frequency w. Substituting these into equa-
tion l gives an expression for the pressure as a function of
Ultrasonic surgical instruments typically use hollow stain- distance from a monopole source:
less steel or titanium tubes, which are vibrated longitudi- jP@ 2~6e+'
nally by a high power ultrasound source. Newer applica- P= 47~y (2)
tions include catheter wire systems for arterial plaque The acoustic power can, be expressed
_, in terms of the
disruption, as well as blade or scalpel type devices. The source strength Qs: w = [ g ) ( Q ]
frequency of operation ranges from 20kHz to 60kHz, (3)
depending upon the application. The displacement of the The power radiated from the tip (as a monopole) is thus
needle tip "fragments" the tissue which is in immediate proportional to A2 x 82 x f4. When the tip is immersed
contact with it. It is still not clear at this time the exact into a water tank io a depth less than 5-6 wavelengths, the
mechanism of fragmentation, but the leading theory indi- result is an effective dipole source. Measurements of
A Briiel and K j m Type 8103 miniature piezoceramic In order to estimate the low frequency source strength, the
hydrophone, with a frequency response from 100 Hz to pressure as a function of distance from the tip was meas-
80 kHz, was used for the low frequency measurements. ured, and analysed using the equations given earlier. The
For the high frequency (cavitation) measurements, a results fit well to the expected 1/R dependence, although
PVDF type needle hydrophone manufactured by the there were consistent anomalies which were found (une-
Danish Institute of Biomedical Engineering (DIBE) was xplained, repeatable deviations from the l/R curve). This
used. This hydrophone has essentially uniform frequency scanning approach is very useful, because the least-
response from 1 to 15 MHz. squares fit through the measured data can be used to make
an estimate of pressure at any convenient distance from
Additional items included a frequency meter and an elec- the source, even those distances which are not conducive
trical wattmeter attached to the surgical system unit, and a to direct measurement (such as within 1 mm of the tip).
peristaltic pump to circulate water through the surgical
tips. A triggering signal was taken from an available test- In order to measure cavitation, the PVDF needle hydro-
point on the drive electronics circuit board. The measure- phone was positioned on-axis, at a distance of 1 cm from
ment system was also able to monitor the trigger voltage the tip. The measurement oscilloscope was set to capture
and determine the excursion level of the tip, based on a high speed events, using the cavitation signal itself as a
separate optical calibration. trigger. The signal was averaged to improve the signal-to-
noise ratio. At each tip excursion setting, the cavitation
Selection of TiDs A number of surgical tips operating at waveform (if it existed) was captured, transferred to the
23kHz were built to allow intercomparison between dif- computer, and analysed to produce the source energy
ferent tip parameters, such as area and O.D. Hollow tips normalization factor. The normalization factor was com-
were made with different diameters and wall thicknesses; bined with a count of the number of cavitation events to
a number of “Solid” (flat end) tips were also built, find a time-average energy. Using the same set-up, the
because these would have fairly well defined radiating oscilloscope setting is changed to sample several cycles of
surface areas. The solid tips had the following 0.D.s: 1, the low-frequency waveform. This time, the analysis
1.5,2., and 2.5 mm (corresponding to areas of 0.79, 1.77, included filtering (to remove the low frequency compon-
3.14, and 4.91 mm2); the hollow tip sizes were: 1.9mm ent of the wave), thresholding (to reduce noise), and
“Micro Tip”, 2.54mm “Thinwall”, 2.54mm “Standard”, squaring and summation. The resultant data was multi-
and 2.77mm “Heavywall” (with corresponding areas of plied by the corresponding single-event energy normaliza-
0.82, 1.33, 1.83, and 2.77 mm2). A single tip operating at tion factor. Figure 3 shows the predicted (theoretical) and
37kHz was also tested (1.9 mm O.D, 0.82 mm2 Area). measured source strength for both the hollow and solid
tips as a function of tip area (units of m2, Q~ is in m3/s).
MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES & RESULTS The The solid lines are the theoretical Qs predictions and the
first test was performed to determine tip immersion depth dashed lines and individual symbols are the measured
which produces the highest pressure levels in the forward values. Theory and measurement for the same tip are
direction (generally the point of h/4 immersion). This denoted by similar symbols. Note that cavitation meas-
measurement was also simulated using the model equa- urements are included in this data. The data follows the
tions tailored to the experiemental conditions. Figure l theory fairly well, except that the solid tips tend to deviate
shows the comparison of simulation and experiment for a significantly at higher excursions. The final figure exam-
23kI-I~tip. In this case, the levels have been normalized, ines the effect of including cavitation in the measurement
since the simulation program used did not account for and the effect of changing frequency. The primary means
actual source pressure levels. The normalization was done of comparison is the 37kHz tip and the “thinwall” tip.
Tip Area (m2)
s2 10
1' I
10 100 loo0
Displacement (km)
Figure 2. Pressure versus angular position at 2.5 and Figure 4.Source strength versus displacement, 23kHz
5.0cm, simulation and experiment. "Thinwall" and 37kHz tips, with & without cavitation.