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I extend my respect to our Academic Mentor Mr. SIBIN JOSE S P M. A., B.Ed. for
his valuable support in carrying my project work.
It is my privilege to thank our Head of the Department for support and guidance for
doing my project work.
I also express my gratitude to all the faculty members, parents and my fellow mates
who have helped me to carry out this work. Last but not least, I thank my almighty God for
His blessings showed me during this period.
The purpose of the project is to design a water distillation system that can purify
water from nearly any source, a system that is relatively cheap, portable, and depends only on
renewable solar energy. The motivation for this project is the limited availability of clean
water resources and the abundance of impure water available for potential conversion into
potable water, in addition, there are many coastal locations where sea water is abundant but
potable water is not available. Our project goal is to efficiently produce clean drinkable water
from solar energy conversion. Distillation is one of many processes that can be used for water
purification. This requires an energy input heat, electricity and solar radiation can be the
source of energy. When solar energy is used for this purpose, it is known as solar water
The two most important parasites that are found in water come from feces. That’s
right – if you drink water from natural sources without treating it, you’ll be drinking a bit of
poop too. This is not only gross; it’s the main source of risk when it comes to untreated water.
80% of all diseases are waterborne. 740 million people have no access to clean water.
We are also active in disaster relief & pandemic response. Helped 8 million people.Projects
in 81 countries. GIS Mapping. Water Sanitation & Health.
In short, you need to purify water so you can be sure it’s safe to drink. The main risks
in water are parasites, bacteria, viruses and chemical pollutants, naturally occurring yet toxic
metals such as lead, or manmade chemicals. Untreated water will probably taste pretty gross,
Giardia is one example, and it’s found in basically every body of water in the U.S.,
coming from human and animal feces. If you get infected with giardia, it will cause diarrhea,
gas and painful stomach cramps, which start about two or three days after you’re exposed.
Generally speaking this won’t lead to any long-term problems, but it can if you’re
The other major parasite is cryptosporidium, which affects almost 750,000 Americans
each year. This is similar to giardia in that it takes about two to three days for symptoms to
show, and it generally leads to diarrhea and stomach cramps. However, “crypto” (as it’s often
called) can lead to more serious issues, such as pancreatic symptoms, cholera-like symptoms
in immunosuppressed people and even possibly leading to death for people suffering from
AIDS. Giardia is easy to remove with filters or iodine treatment, but crypto isn’t stopped by
most filters and needs chlorine dioxide treatment or boiling to remove from water.
Many types of bacteria may be present in raw water, but E. coli is the most common.
This can cause diarrhea, cramping, nausea and vomiting, and as well as staying well-
hydrated, you may need antibiotics in serious cases. Most common water treatments remove
E. coli and other bacteria from water, though.
In terms of viruses, hepatitis A is the main risk from contaminated water. It can take
weeks for symptoms to appear, which are similar to those discussed above, except with joint
pain, cramps, a fever and yellow skin in addition to the usual diarrhea and vomiting. You can
get a vaccine if you’re traveling somewhere that doesn’t treat their water thoroughly, but if
you get infected, the main advice is to drink plenty of fluids and you’ll be OK in a few days.
Water treatment with iodine, chlorine dioxide or by simply boiling the water usually protect
you from viruses in water.
Finally, a huge range of chemicals could be present in untreated water, and they can
cause a similarly wide range of symptoms, although as usual diarrhea, nausea, cramps and
similar symptoms are the most likely. You can filter these out using evaporation, but many
other methods (or even better, a combination of methods) can get rid of them too.
Water resources are natural resources of water that are potentially useful for humans,
for example as a source of drinking water supply or irrigation water. 97% of the water on the
Earth is salt water and only three percent is fresh water; slightly over two thirds of this is
frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps.
Source water
Source water refers to bodies of water (such as rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs,
springs, and ground water) that provide water to public drinking-water supplies and private
wells. Water sources can include: Surface water (for example, a lake, river, or reservoir)
Ground water
In short, you need to purify water so you can be sure it’s safe to drink. The main risks
in water are parasites, bacteria, viruses and chemical pollutants, naturally occurring yet toxic
metals such as lead, or manmade chemicals. Untreated water will probably taste pretty gross,
The two most important parasites that are found in water come from feces. That’s
right – if you drink water from natural sources without treating it, you’ll be drinking a bit of
poop too. This is not only gross; it’s the main source of risk when it comes to untreated water.
Giardia is one example, and it’s found in basically every body of water in the U.S.,
coming from human and animal feces. If you get infected with giardia, it will cause diarrhea,
gas and painful stomach cramps, which start about two or three days after you’re exposed.
Generally speaking this won’t lead to any long-term problems, but it can if you’re
The other major parasite is cryptosporidium, which affects almost 750,000 Americans
each year. This is similar to giardia in that it takes about two to three days for symptoms to
show, and it generally leads to diarrhea and stomach cramps. However, “crypto” (as it’s often
called) can lead to more serious issues, such as pancreatic symptoms, cholera-like symptoms
in immunosuppressed people and even possibly leading to death for people suffering from
AIDS. Giardia is easy to remove with filters or iodine treatment, but crypto isn’t stopped by
most filters and needs chlorine dioxide treatment or boiling to remove from water.
Many types of bacteria may be present in raw water, but E. coli is the most common.
This can cause diarrhea, cramping, nausea and vomiting, and as well as staying well-
hydrated, you may need antibiotics in serious cases. Most common water treatments remove
E. coli and other bacteria from water, though.
In terms of viruses, hepatitis A is the main risk from contaminated water. It can take
weeks for symptoms to appear, which are similar to those discussed above, except with joint
pain, cramps, a fever and yellow skin in addition to the usual diarrhea and vomiting. You can
get a vaccine if you’re traveling somewhere that doesn’t treat their water thoroughly, but if
you get infected, the main advice is to drink plenty of fluids and you’ll be OK in a few days.
Water treatment with iodine, chlorine dioxide or by simply boiling the water usually protect
you from viruses in water.
Finally, a huge range of chemicals could be present in untreated water, and they can
cause a similarly wide range of symptoms, although as usual diarrhea, nausea, cramps and
similar symptoms are the most likely. You can filter these out using evaporation, but many
other methods (or even better, a combination of methods) can get rid of them too.
If you drink water that hasn’t been through a purification process – “raw water” – you
risk contracting waterborne diseases stemming from bacteria such as Escherichia coli (E.
coli) and parasites such as giardia. That’s why water purification is essential for everyone,
and it makes water purification project ideas a particularly good choice for a school science
fair or presentation. But before leaping into a project, it’s best to learn the basics of why
water needs to be purified, the different ways in which it can be done and what your options
are for a "method of purification of water" project.
There are different approaches you could investigate or test for a "methods of
purification of water" project. They can be broken down into fairly simple groups though:
boiling or distillation, filtration and various chemical treatments
Boiling is undoubtedly the simplest method of purifying water, although you do need
a source of heat to do it, and it takes some time for the water to cool back down so it can
actually be used. However, boiling is a very effective method of purificiation, and it only
takes three minutes of vigorous boiling to remove the risk from bacteria, parasites and viruses
in the water. The main challenge, provided you have the right equipment, is preventing
recontamination after the water has been purified.
Distillation is very similar to boiling, but it requires a bit more equipment and is
generally more effective at removing contaminants. You set the water boiling, and collect the
vapor as it condenses. This leaves behind most contaminants, although it’s worth noting that
any contaminants with boiling points below that of water (at 100 degrees Celsius/212 degrees
Fahrenheit at sea level) will still be present in the condensed water, possibly with greater
concentrations than before. Other downsides are the time-consuming nature of the process
and the fact that it generally requires too much energy to be economically viable in large-
scale water treatment.
3. Filtration
waterborne viruses, and most of them are quite bulky so would be difficult to carry around.
The filter itself also has to be clean, and as with many methods, the water could easily
become contaminated again after the process has completed.
4. Chemical treatments
Chlorine is the widest-used chemical water treatment in the world, and it’s available
in the form of tablets, liquids and granules. Despite being effective, it has to be handled
carefully, and it does leave an unpleasant taste in the resulting water, much like iodine – but
as you may expect, it tastes a bit like drinking swimming pool water. Alternatives like
sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) release free chlorine, but the chemical mixture is
safer to handle and doesn’t leave a taste in the water, so these are the most common choices
for water purification tablets.
Using iodine-based methods to purify water is common. Such methods include iodine
tablets, iodine solution and Polar Pure Water Disinfectant. When using iodine tablets, you
must allow at least 30 minutes when trying to purify cold water and approximately 10
minutes if the water is hot. When using iodine solution, you must allow 30 minutes to purify
cold water and 15 minutes for hot water. Polar Pure Water Disinfectant is a type of glass
bottle that contains iodine crystals. All you have to do is fill up the bottle with water and
follow the attached instructions because instructions vary by the manufacturer of the bottle.
Using chlorine-based methods to purify water is also quite common. Such methods
include chlorine tablets and super-chlorination. Chlorine tablets will not kill Giardia alone so
they must be used in conjunction with a fine filter. Super-chlorination is known to be
effective and uses high doses of chlorine. After a high dose is used, it is later neutralized,
using hydrogen peroxide
Potassium permanganate
⮚ Storage
⮚ Filtration
⮚ Disinfection.
One of the best and easiest water purification project ideas is to create a sand-based
filtration system for water. This is easy enough to do with items that you likely have around
the house. Get two empty 2-liter soda bottles – one of which you cut in half – a coffee filter
or filter paper, some fine sand and coarse sand, some small pebbles, a couple of spoons, two
cups, a 1-liter beaker, a rubber band and a sample of dirty water (whether collected or made
using dirt and ordinary tap water). Getting some aluminum potassium sulfate (alum) is useful
because it coagulates the sediment in the sample. If you have activated charcoal, this can
remove additional components through chemical reactions.
The basic principle of a sand water purification system is that of a filtration system:
By sending the water through the fine material, contaminants present in it will be trapped and
won’t end up in the water that comes out of the other side.
Rapid sand filters are typically designed as part of multi-stage treatment systems used
by large municipalities. These systems are complex and expensive to operate and maintain,
and therefore less suitable for small communities and developing nations. The filtration
system requires a relatively small land area in proportion to the population served, and the
design is less sensitive to changes in raw water quality, e.g. turbidity, than slow sand filters.
Rapid sand filters use relatively coarse sand and other granular media to remove
particles and impurities that have been trapped in a floc through the use of flocculation
chemicals —typically alum. Since media other than silica sand can be used in such filters, a
more modern term is "rapid filtration" instead of "rapid sand filtration." The unfiltered water
flows through the filter medium under gravity or under pumped pressure and the floc material
is trapped in the sand matrix.
Mixing, flocculation and sedimentation processes are typical treatment stages that
precede filtration. Chemical additives, such as coagulants, are often used in conjunction with
the filtration system.
The two types of rapid sand filter are the gravity type (e.g. Paterson's filter) and
pressure type (e.g. Candy's filter).
Rapid sand filters must be cleaned frequently, often several times a day,
by backwashing, which involves reversing the direction of the water and adding compressed
air. During backwashing, the bed is fluidized and care must be taken not to wash away the
Water treatment requires many chemicals to carry out the goal of making water pure.
Chemicals take unwanted substances from the water, destroy dangerous bacteria, help
prevent cavities in teeth and help keep water pipes corrosion free.
Two of the many chemicals that are used in the water purification process are
aluminum and lime.
The water purification process in most municipalities has six steps. They are
coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, stabilization, fluoridation, and
chlorination. Aluminumsulfate, or filter alum, is added to the water coming into the
purification facility during coagulation/flocculation. Adding hydrated lime is the next step
that occurs during sedimentation.
Aluminum Sulfate
Alums are found in many household products such as deodorant and baking powder.
This allows for the removal of unwanted color and cloudiness (turbidity).
Additionally, the process removes the aluminum itself.
Hydrated lime's chemical name is calcium hydroxide, and its chemical formula is
Ca(OH)2. When purifying water, adding hydrated lime to the water for pH adjustment is a
part of the process.
Filter alum is an acidic salt that lowers the pH of water undergoing purification.
Adding hydrated lime to this process between the sedimentation and filtration steps at the rate
of 10 to 20 milligrams per liter neutralizes the effect of filter alum on the processing water.
Water purification can remove all the unnecessary bacteria and viruses from the
water that is hazardous for our health. Water purification may also improve the flavor and
appearance of water. It removes the unpleasant odor. drinking water is a very important thing
to our bodies' health. Not only human, but also all of the organisms need water to survive.
The importance of drinking water for our bodies is paramount to our health, because it makes
up to 70 percent of our bodies' weight.
1. Park’s Text book of Preventive ande social medicine., edition 24, 2017