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Career Defence School RMS CET 2017

CET – 2017

Section – A (Science) 11. The smallest animal cells are:

1. The soil matter formed by decayed (a) Nerve cells (b) Muscle cells
organic matter is called: (c) Real Blood cells (d) Platelet cells
(a) Pesticide (b) Fertilizer 12. Identify the correct statement about
(c) Humus (d) Biocide tissue from the following
2. Which of the following cell has branches (a) A tissue is a group of similar cells
in their structure? performing different functions.
(a) RBC (b) Skin cells (b) A tissue is a group of similar cells
(c) Neuron (d) WBC performing same function.
3. Which gas is filled in electric bulb? (c) A tissue is a single cell performing
(a) Nitrogen (b) hydrogen different functions.
(c) Carbon dioxide (d) Oxygen (d) A tissue is a group of different cells
4. The strength of the force is generally performing different functions.
expressed in: 13. In humans, the development of
(a) Altitude (b) Horsepower embryo takes place in:
(c) Magnitude (d) Kilograms (a) Ovaries (b) Oviduct
5. Visually impaired people can read and (c) Uterus (d) ovum
write by using: 14. From which part of the female body
(a) Digital pens egg is produced?
(b) Braille system (a) Uterus (b) Fallopian tube
(c) Hearing aids (c) Ovary (d) Stomach
(d) Electronic writer 15. Which of the following one in female is
6. Name the gas evolved when magnesium responsible for breast development?
reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid (a) Testosterone (b) Estrogen
(a) Chlorine (b) Oxygen (c) Thyroxine (d) Adrenalin
(c) Hydrogen (d) Nitrogen 16. Which of the following is not an
7. The image formed by a plane mirror is insulator?
always: (a) Brick (b) Steel
(a) Real and inverted (c) Cotton (d) Plastic
(b) Real and erect 17. Which of the following can exerts a
(c) Virtual and inverted force on another without contact?
(d) Virtual and erect (a) Wood (b) Pencil
8. Which of the following disease generally (c) Magnet (d) Paper
caused by smog (Smoke + Fog)? 18. The lowest temperature at which a
(a) Asthma (b) Heart attack substance catches fire is called:
(c) Brain disorder (d) Malaria (a) Combustion
9. Yeast is used in the production of: (b) Ignition temperature
(a) Sugar (b) Alcohol (c) Explosion
(c) Hydrochloric acid (d) Oxygen (d) Maximum temperature
10. Name the gas present in fire 19. The force acting area of a surface is
extinguisher. called:
(a) Carbon dioxide (b) Oxygen (a) Gravity (b) Pressure
(c) Nitrogen (d) LPG (c) Momentum (d) Magnitude
Career Defence School RMS CET 2017
20. A frequency of 1 Hz is equal to how (c) Polyester (d) Rayon
many oscillations per second? 30. Which is the outermost layer of an
(a) 2 (b) 3 animal cell?
(c) 4 (d) 1 (a) Cell Wall
21. Species of plants and animals which (b) Cell membrane
are found exclusively in a particular area (c) Cytoplasm (d) Protoplasm
are called 31. The entire content of a living cell is
(a) Endemic species known as:
(b) Exotic species (a) Protoplasm (b) Nucleoplasm
(c) Local species (c) Cytoplasm (d) None
(d) Specific species 32. Deposition of desired metal on other
22. Which of the following combinations material by means of electricity is called
are present in plant cell but not in as:
animal cell? (a) Electroplating (b) Equilibrating
(a) Cell wall and Plastid (c) Disassociating (d) Charging
(b) Cell wall and Cell membrane 33. Which of the following device is used
(c) Plastid and Nucleus to check whether object carrying charge
(d) Cell Membrane and Cytoplasm or not?
23. How many chromosomes are present (a) ECG (b) Microscope
in male sperm cell? (c) Electroscope (d) Telescope
(a) 46 (b) 23 34. In which of the following state, Jim
(c) 1 (d) 2 Corbett Park is located?
24. The stage of embryo in which all the (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Uttarakhand
body parts are visible is called a? (c) Assam
(a) Zygote (b) Egg (d) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Fetus (d) Ovary 35. Chickenpox is caused by:
25. Diabetes (Sugar disease) due to the (a) Bacteria (b) Virus
absence of the following hormone? (c) Protozoa (d) Fungus
(a) Insulin (b) Adrenalin 36. Which of the following option is said to
(c) Testosterone (d) Amylase be as celestial objects?
26. Which of the following one is called as (a) Star (b) Moon
basic unit of life? (c) Planets (d) All of these
(a) Organ (b) Tissue 37. Orion is a
(c) Cell (d) DNA (a) A Constellation (b) Star
27. Sun produces heat and light through (c) Planet (d) Satellite
(a) Combustion reactions 38. The maximum displacement of a body
(b) Nuclear reactions from its mean position is called as:
(c) Oxidation reactions (a) Amplitude (b) Oscillation
(d) Displacement reactions (c) Periodic motion (d) Frequency
28. The force of friction is high in: 39. The property of metal by which it can
(a) Smooth surface be drawn into wires is called as:
(b) Rough surface (a) Malleability (b) Ductility
(c) Glass surface (c) Permeability (d) Sonorous
(d) Flat with smooth 40. Baking soda is the common name for:
29. Which fiber is used as artificial wool? (a) Sodium carbonate
(a) Nylon (b) Acrylic (b) Calcium Carbonate
Career Defence School RMS CET 2017
(c) Sodium hydrogen carbonate Section – B (Mathematics)
(d) Sodium Chloride 51. By what least number we divide
41. Name the acid formed when Sulphur 1536 to make it a perfect cube?
dioxide reacts with water. (a) 3 (b) 6
(a) HCL (b) H2SO3 (c) 9 (d) 8
(c) H2SO4 (d) CuSO4 52. The product of two rational numbers
42. Which of the following one is not a - 14 7
constituent of petroleum mixture? is . If one of the number be , find
27 9
(a) Petrol (b) Paraffin wax the other.
(c) Coke (d) Diesel 2 - 198
43. Which of the following one comes (a) (b)
3 243
under algae? 243 - 2
(a) Spirogyra (b) Paramecium (c) (d)
- 198 3
(c) Amoeba (d) All of these 1 1
53. If x – = 6 then the value of x2 + 2
44. Conversion of milk into curd is done x x
by: is:
(a) Protozoa (b) Bacteria (a) 36 (b) 38
(c) Fungus (d) Algae (c) 32 (d) 34
45. Identify the antibiotic from the 54. Total number of outcomes, when a
following: ball is drawn from a bag which contains
(a) Erythromycin (b) Tetracycline 3 red, 5 black and 4 blue balls is:
(c) Streptomycin (d) All of these (a) 8 (b) 7
46. Which of the following element is used (c) 9 (d) 12
for the vulcanization of rubber? 55. Numbers 1 to 5 are written on
(a) Sulphur (b) Iodine separate slips, i.e. one number on one
(c) Phosphorous (d) Potassium slip and put in a box. Wahid pick a slip
47. Which of the following one is synthetic from the box without looking at it. What
fiber? is the probability that the slip bears an
(a) Polyester (b) Cotton odd number?
(c) Jute (d) Silk 3 1
48. Which of the following one is called (a) (b)
5 5
thermosetting plastic? 9 2
(c) (d)
(a) Bakelite (b) Melamine 5 5
(c) PVC (d) a and b 56. Arpita's present age is thrice of Shilpa.
49. Which of the following is largest and If Shilpa's age three years ago was x.
multipurpose protected area? Then Arpita's present age is:
(a) A national park (a) 3 (x – 3) (b) 3x + 3
(b) A biosphere reserve (c) 3x – 6 (d) 3(x +3)
(c) A sanctuary 57. The sum of three consecutive
(d) A zoo multiples of 7 is 357. Find the smallest
50. Which one of the following gas is used multiple
in combustion? (a) 112 (b) 126
(a) Hydrogen (c) 119 (d) 116
(b) Carbon dioxide 58. A number is first increased by 10%
(c) Nitrogen and then reduced by 10%. Then the new
(d) Oxygen number will:
Career Defence School RMS CET 2017
(a) Does not change (a) 616 m2
(b) Decrease by 1% (b) 525 m2
(c) Increases by 1% (c) 175 m2
(d) None of these (d) 252 m2
59. If two adjacent angles of a 67. The height of cuboid whose volume is
parallelogram are (5x – 5)° and (10x + 200 cm3 and base area is 20 cm2 is
35)°, then the ratio of these angles is: (a) 220 cm (b) 100 cm
(a) 1 : 3 (b) 2 : 3 (c) 10 cm (d) 20 cm
(c) 1 : 4 (d) 1 : 2 68. In a quadrilateral half of the product
60. A quadrilateral whose all sides are of the sum of the lengths of parallel sides
equal, opposite angles are equal and the and the perpendicular distance between
diagonals bisect each other at right them gives the area of:
angles is a: (a) Rectangle (b) Parallelogram
(a) Parallelogram (b) Rhombus (c) Triangle (d) Trapezium
(c) Square (d) Rectangle 69. The volume of rectangular box whose
61. Sum of all interior angles of a polygon length, breadth and height is 2pr, 4q and
with (n) sides is given by: 8r respectively is:
(a) (n – 2) x 180° (b) (n – 1) x 180° (a) 14 pqr2 (b) 2pr + 4q + 8r
(c) (n + 2) x 180° (d) (n + 1) x 180° (c) 64 pqr2 (d) 64
62. The number of sides in a regular 70. The area of rectangle is xy where x is
polygon is 15, and then measure of each length and y is breadth. If the length of
exterior angle is: rectangle is increased by 5 units and
(a) 24° (b) 36° breadth is decreased by 3 units, the new
(c) 20° (d) 18° area of rectangle will be:
63. If the three angles of a quadrilateral (a) (x – y) (x + 3) (b) xy + 15
are 120°, 130°, 10° then what is the (c) (x + 5) (y – 3) (d) xy + 5 – 3
fourth angle? 71. The smallest natural number by which
(a) 30° (b) 100° 135 must be divided to obtain a perfect
(c) 40° (d) 90° cube is:
64. 64 is the multiplicative inverse of: (a) 5 (b) 3
(a) 2–8 (b) 82 (c) 15 (d) 9
(c) 1/82 (d) 24 72. What is the length of the diagonal of a
65. The formula for finding volume of rectangle having dimensions 6 cm and 8
cylinder is: cm?
(a) 2r2h (b) 2rh (a) 10 (b) 14
(c) rh (d) r2h (c) 2 (d) 4
66. The diagonal of a quadrilateral 73. What is the smallest square number
shaped field is 24 mtr. , the which is divisible by each of the numbers
perpendiculars dropped on it from the 6, 9 and 15?
remaining opposite vertices are 8 mtr. (a) 900 (b) 810
and 13 mtr. The area of field is? (c) 630 (d) 720
74. Which least number should be
subtracted from 632 so as to get a
Perfect square?
(a) 4 (b) 5
(c) 6 (d) 7
Career Defence School RMS CET 2017
75. Which smallest number should be 84. Two cubes each with side b are joined
added to 80 so as to make it a Perfect to form a cuboid. What is the surface
Square? area of this Cuboid?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (a) 12b2 (b) 10b2
(c) 1 (d) 4 (c) 18b2 (d) None
76. Which of the following number would 85. The curved surface area of a cylinder
have digit 6 at unit's place? is 100 m2. Length of the cylinder is 10
(a) 2192 (b) 3242 m. Find its Radius?
(c) 1252 (d) 2132 (a) 10 m (b) 5 m
77. The measure of each interior angle of a (c) 20 m (d) None
regular polygon is 140°, then number of 86. Interior angle of a regular pentagon is:
sides that regular polygon has: (a) 180° (b) 720°
(a) 15 (b) 12 (c) 360° (d) 108°
(c) 9 (d) 10 87. Adjacent angles of a parallelogram are
78. By selling a table for Rs. 330 a trader 2x and 3x. Which are the angles?
gains 10%. Find the cost price of the (a) 72° & 108° (b) 36° & 72°
table. (c) 144° & 216° (d) 72° & 180°
(a) Rs. 320 (b) Rs. 300 88. If F, E and V represents the faces,
(c) Rs. 430 (d) Rs. 480 edges and vertices respectively of
79. Malvika gets 98 marks in her exams. polyhedral then which of the following is
This amounts to 56% of the total marks. the Euler’s formula?
What are the maximum marks? (a) F – V + E = 2 (b) F + V + E = 2
(a) 175 (b) 150 (c) F + V – E = 2 (d) F – V – E = 2
(c) 200 (d) 160 89. The blood group of six students is
80. Find the amount on Rs. 4,096 at the recorded as:
rate of 12.5% per annum for 18 months Group A+ B+ 0+
compounded half-yearly. No. of Students 1 2 3
(a) Rs. 5,000 (b) Rs. 4,913 Find the central angle in  chart made by
(c) Rs. 4,931 (d) Rs. 5,832 A+ blood group.
81. A defective briefcase costing Rs. 800 is (a) 60° (b) 120°
being sold at a loss of 10%. If the price is (c) 180° (d) 180°
further reduced by 5%, find its selling 90. The simple’s value of (3–1 + 4–1)  5–1
price. is:
(a) Rs. 680 (b) Rs. 699.20 7 32
(a) (b)
(c) Rs. 787 (d) Rs. 684 10 11
82. If a man were to sell a watch for Rs. 7 7
(c) (d)
700, he would lose 20%. What must he 5 15
sell it for to gain 20%? 91. If 4 men can complete a work in a
(a) Rs. 1200 (b) Rs. 980 week, how many men will complete the
(c) Rs. 1008 (d) Rs. 900 same work in two weeks?
83. Ratio between the lateral area and (a) 8 (b) 2
base area of a cuboid whose length and (c) 4 (d) 14
breadth are equal and height is two 1
92. Find the expanded form of (2x + y) 2
times of length. 2
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 4 : 1 1 2
(a) 4x2 + 4xy + y
(c) 8 : 1 (d) 1 : 4 4
Career Defence School RMS CET 2017
1 2 Section – C (English)
(b) 4x2 + 2xy + y
I. Read the following passage
(c) 4x2 + 2xy + y2 carefully and answer the given
(d) 4x2 + 2xy + Many animals are able to communicate
with each other very well-but none of
93. If the surface area of a cube is 150 sq.
them can talk as we do. That is, no
cm. then its volume will be:
animals use words. Birds cry out and
(a) 5 cm3 (b) 25 cm3
make sound that other birds understand
(c) 30 cm3 (d) 125 cm3
Smells, movements, and sounds are
94. The total surface area of a cylinder
used for communication by animals,
whose height if twice the radius is:
through which they express joy or anger
(a) 6r2 (b) 8r2
or fear. Human speech is a very
(c) 6r2 (d) 81 r2 complicated process, which no animal
95. The volume of the earth dug out from can perform. One reason is that in a very
a well of 20 m depth and 2.1 m radius special way we use a whole series of
will be: organs to produce the sounds we want to
(a) 300 m2 (b) 277.2 m2 make when we utter words. The way our
(c) 27.72 m2 (d) 2772 cm2 vocal cords are made to vibrate, the way
96. The radius of a roller is 35 cm, length the throat, mouth and nasal cavities are
of the roller is 2 m. How much area will adjusted the way the lips, teeth, lower
the roller cover in 50 revolutions? jaw, tongue and palate are moved - just
(a) 3850005 cm2 (b) 220 m2 to make vowel and consonant sounds, is
(c) 200 m2 (d) 7700 cm2 something animals can't do. They cannot
97. A computer was bought at Rs. 42000. produce a whole series of words to make
Its value depreciated at the rate of 8% a sentence. And there is another,
per annum. Its value after one year will perhaps more important reason why
be: animals can't talk. Words are only labels
(a) Rs. 36840 (b) Rs. 34840 for objects, actions, feelings, expressions
(c) Rs. 38640 (d) Rs. 36480 and ideas. For example, the word 'bird' is
98. The factors of 150 – 6x2 are: a label for a living, flying object. Other
(a) (25 – 6x) (25 + 6x) (b) 6(5 – x) (5 + x) words describe its color, shape, flying
(c) (5 – 3x) (5 + 3x) (d) None and singing. Still other words would be
99. The letters of the word 'PROBABILITY' used to tell what the speaker thinks or
are placed in a bag. One letter is taken at feels about the bird or its actions.
random. What is the probability that the For human beings, therefore, the use of
letter picked up is 'B'? words means the use of labels or
1 symbols and then organizing them in a
(a) (b) 1
certain way to communicate something.
2 11
(c) (d) This requires a degree of intelligence and
11 2
logical thinking that no animals have.
100. The base of a right triangle is 8 cm
So, they can't talk the way people do.
and its hypotenuse is 10 cm, its area is
101. Communication in animals is made
(a) 24 cm2 (b) 40 cm2
(c) 48 cm2 (d) 80 cm2
(a) smells, movements and sounds
(b) smells, setting and flying
Career Defence School RMS CET 2017
(c) smells, sitting and running (d) flowed
(d) smells, sitting and eating 110. We usually grow vegetables in our
102. The emotions which are expressed by garden but this year we ____ any.
birds are: (a) don't grow (b) haven't grown
(a) joy, love, hate (c) aren't growing (d) didn't grow
(b) joy, jealousy or zeal III. Choose the most appropriate
(c) joy, fear or anger options from the ones given below to
(d) joy, cry or anger complete the following Passage.
103. Animals cannot talk like us as Hundreds of card shops (111)
human speech is a: mushroomed in our cities creating a
(a) complete process craze (112) cards among youngsters.
(b) easy process There was a time when people (113) send
(c) complex process cards wishing Happy Diwali (114) New
(d) confused process year. (115) cards were mostly hand
104. For using words properly human written and had a charm of their own.
beings require: 111. (a) has (b) have
(a) degree of graduation (c) had (d) have been
(b) Intelligence and logical thinking 112. (a) on (b) an
(c) logical thinking and vocal cords (c) in (d) for
(d) logical thinking and imagination 113. (a) should (b) have to
105. The noun form of 'communicate' is (c) ought to (d) used to
(a) communicative 114. (a) or (b) on
(b) communicated (c) an (d) at
(c) communication 115. (a) Those (b) This
(d) communicating (c) That (d) These
II. Complete the following sentences IV. Choose the Antonym of the
choosing the most appropriate option. following words.
106. The swimming pool opens at 09:00 116. OPTIMIST
hrs. and ____ at 18:30 hrs every day. (a) Confiscate (b) Pessimist
(a) is closing (b) closes (c) Prosecute (d) Beacon
(c) has closed (d) closed 117. COMMONER
107. The Olympic Games ____ place every (a) Foul (b) Tidy
four years. (c) Distract (d) Noble
(a) has taken (b) is taking 118. CHAOTIC
(c) takes (d) took (a) Safe (b) Disorganized
108. Look! That man ____ to open the door (c) Calm & orderly (d) Pale
of your car. 119. ALLY
(a) tries (a) west (b) bottom
(b) has been trying (c) enemy (d) decline
(c) tried 120. VACANT
(d) is trying (a) thin (b) occupied
109. Look at the river. It ____ very fast (c) bottom (d) distort
today, much faster than usual. V. Four words are given in each
(a) flows question, out of which only one word
(b) has been flowing is correctly spelt. Find the correctly
(c) is flowing spelt word
Career Defence School RMS CET 2017
121. (a) academically (a) Spinster (b) Artist
(b) academicaly (c) Misanthrope (d) Bachelor
(c) acadmically VIII. Complete the following by
(d) academically choosing the correct Questions tags:
122. (a) guidance (b) guidancce 136. Nisha dances very well ____?
(c) guideince (d) guidancce (a) doesn't she (b) does she
123. (a) yielled (b) yield (c) aren't she (d) isn't She
(c) yieild (d) yeilld 137. We have not met before, ____?
124. (a) relieve (b) releave (a) did we (b) didn't we
(c) releeve (d) reilieve (c) haven't she (d) have we
125. (a) receive (b) receeve 138. She is senior to you, ____?
(c) recceive (d) recive (a) aren't she (b) don't she
VI. Fill in the blanks with the most (c) isn't she (d) is she
appropriate Prepositions. 139. You are a bit late today, ____?
126. They will return ____ sunset. (a) aren't you (b) don't you
(a) for (b) at (c) are you (d) do you
(c) on (d) with 140. We are learning English Grammar,
127. His mother died ____ cholera. ____?
(a) before (b) of (a) are we (b) shall we
(c) with (d) on (c) aren't we (d) shan't we
128. I write ____ a pen. IX. Fill in the blanks by choosing the
(a) after (b) on most appropriate words from the
(c) at (d) with given options.
129. Would you prefer to work ____ a Mahatma Gandhi did not set out (141),
factory or a farm. evolve a philosophy of life or formulate a
(a) besides (b) with system of beliefs or ideals. He had (142)
(c) in (d) at the inclination nor the time (143) do so.
130. The Prime Minister lives ____ He had however firm faith (144) truth
Chestnut Avenue. and ahimsa (145) their practical
(a) before (b) at application to life. They are said to be the
(c) with (d) on constituent's teachings.
VII. One Word Substitution. 141. (a) as (b) to
131. Person who does not believe in the (c) of (d) at
existence of God. 142. (a) neither (b) either
(a) Theist (b) Heretic (c) not (d) or
(c) Atheist (d) Fanatic 143. (a) for (b) of
132. A disease which spreads by contact. (c) by (d) to
(a) Incurable (b) Infectious 144. (a) in (b) about
(c) Contagious (d) Fatal (c) for (d) with
133. Custom of having many wives. 145. (a) with (b) or
(a) Misogamy (b) Bigamy (c) and (d) from
(c) Polygamy (d) Monogamy X. Fill in the blanks with suitable
134. A doctor who treats skin diseases. active and passive verb forms.
(a) Ophthalmologist (b) Pediatrician 146. Sahil Sharma makes tea Tea ____
(c) Cardiologist (d) Dermatologist Sahir Sharma.
135. A lady who remains unmarried. (a) is made (b) was made
Career Defence School RMS CET 2017
(c) has been made (d) has made (d) Free from any internal and external
147. My father loves me. I ____ by my interference.
father. 157. 'The protection of women from
(a) loved (b) was loved Domestic Violence' Act came into effect
(c) were loved (d) am loved in:
148. We hate him. He ____ by us. (a) 2006 (b) 2004
(a) has hated (b) is hated (c) 2005 (d) 2008
(c) was hated (d) will be hated 158. Who guarantees the Right to
149. He is making a film. A film ____ by Education for all the children between
him. the ages of 6 - 14 years?
(a) is made (a) President
(b) had been made (b) Parliament
(c) is being made (c) Lok Sabha
(d) had made (d) Indian Constitution
150. My sons are playing the match. The 159. Name a ruler whose sword is smelted
match ____ played by my sons. with wootz steel?
(a) had been (b) is (a) Rani Laxmi Bai
(c) is being (d) has being (b) Bahadur Shah Zafar
Section – D (Social Studies) (c) Nana Sahib
151. A Calligraphist is one whose: (d) Tipu Sultan
(a) Write important notes in the king's 160. Rani Channamma is associated with
court (a) Coonoor (b) Kitoor
(b) Specialize in the art of beautiful (c) Hyderabad (d) Cochin
writing 161. What is Calico?
(c) Write personal diaries (a) Cotton textile (b) A machine
(d) Paint on the walls (c) A design on cloth
152. Lord Cornwallis introduced the: (d) Name of a book
(a) Ryotwari Settlement 162. In which year did Gandhiji return to
(b) Permanent Settlement India from South Africa?
(c) Mahalwari System (a) 1920 (b) 1915
(d) Nij (c) 1935 (d) 1917
153. Who led the revolt of 1857 in Bihar? 163. What are shafts?
(a) Tantia Tope (b) Nana Sahib (a) Wooden bridges (b) Rooftops
(c) Kunwar Singh (d) Bahadur Shah (c) Canoes (d) Deep bores
154. During British period Rashtrapati 164. Thorium is found in large quantities
Bhawan was known as: in the Monazite sands of:
(a) Kingsway (b) Viceroy Palace (a) Kerala
(c) Imperial House (d) Viceroy Lodge (b) Rajasthan
155. From where did Gandhiji began the (c) Gujarat
famous Salt March? (d) Madhya Pradesh
(a) Sabarmati (b) Dandi 165. Which of the following refers to more
(c) Kolkata (d) Vedranyam than one level of government?
156. A Sovereign State means: (a) Separation of powers
(a) Practice any religion. (b) Sovereignty
(b) Head of the State is elected (c) Federalism
(c) Equal opportunity for every citizen. (d) Democracy
Career Defence School RMS CET 2017
166. How many members are nominated (a) Sustainable development
to the Rajya Sabha by the President? (b) Resource Conservation
(a) 14 (b) 18 (c) Resource Development
(c) 12 (d) 22 (d) Human Resource Development
167. Why was Public Interest Litigation 176. Which courts were first established
introduced? in three presidency cities of Calcutta,
(a) To increase access to justice Bombay and Madras in 1862?
(b) To reduce civil rights (a) Lower Court (b) High Court
(c) Introducing Law courses (c) Supreme Court (d) Civil Court.
(d) Increasing Civil Courts 177. What determines the thickness of soil
168. Which Article in the Constitution profile?
states that untouchability has been (a) Parent Rock (b) Time
abolished? (c) Relief (d) Climate
(a) Article 20 (b) Article 17 178. A field left uncultivated for a while so
(c) Article 22 (d) Article 19 that the soil recovers fertility is called:
169. Who set up the Asiatic Society of (a) Fallow (b) Barren
Bengal? (c) Follow (d) Fertile
(a) Lord Bentinck (b) William Jones 179. ____ refers to the separation of
(c) Macaulay (d) A. O. Humes religion from the state?
170. Who is called as the "Father of (a) Federalism (b) Anarchy
History"? (c) Secularism (d) Monarchy
(a) Plutarch (b) Herodotus 180. When was Mangal Pandey hanged to
(c) Justin (d) Pliny death?
171. Mansabdari System was introduced (a) 28 August 1857 (b) 29 June 1857
by ____ (c) 29 March 1857 (d) 29 March 1757
(a) Akbar (b) Shershan Section – E (Hindi)
(c) Humayun (d) Jehangir
181. ^pkSjkgk* leLr in esa iz;qDr lekl dk
172. In North East India shifting
lgh Hksn fyf[k,%
cultivation is known as ____ .
(a) Milpa (b) Jhummig
¼v½ rRiq:"k lekl ¼c½ }a} lekl
(c) Roca (d) Ladang ¼l½ f}xq lekl
173. Franchise refers to ____ . ¼n½ deZ/kkj; leklA
(a) Right to speak 182. fdl Hkk"kk dh fyfi nsoukxjh fyfi gS\
(b) Right to speak French ¼v½ dUuM+ ¼c½ rsyxq
(c) Right to trade ¼l½ rfey ¼n½ ejkBh
(d) Right to vote
183. ^o"kkZ gks jgh gS vkSj /kwi fudyh gqbZ gS* okD;
174. If a person is forced to work for low
dk Hksn crkb,A
wages which Fundamental right he can
use to protect himself? ¼v½ la;qDr okD; ¼c½ feJ okD;
(a) Right to freedom ¼l½ ljy okD; ¼n½ fo'ks"k.k okD;
(b) Cultural & Educational right 184. tkfrokpd laKk 'kCn gksxkA
(c) Right to Equality ¼v½ jke ¼c½ ?kksM+k
(d) Fight against exploitation ¼l½ xjhch ¼n½ eSa
175. Balancing the need to use resources 185. ^iqLrd est ij j[kh gSA* okD; esa iz;qDr
and also conserve them for the future is
dkjd NkafV,A
called as
¼v½ vf/kdj(a)k dkjd ¼c½ lacks/ku dkjd
Career Defence School RMS CET 2017
¼l½ deZ dkjd ¼n½ laiznku dkjd ¼v½ in ¼c½ inca/k
186. ^dqN yM+ds tk pqds gSaA* js[kkafdr va'k ds ¼l½ lkFkZd 'kCn ¼n½ 'kCn
fo'ks"k.k dk Hksn crkb,A 195. lgh orZuh igpkfu,%
¼v½ xq.kokpd ¼v½ lkfgR;hd ¼c½ lkfgfR;d
¼c½ fuf'pr la[;kokpd ¼l½ lkghfR;d ¼n½ lkfgfr;d
¼l½ vfuf'pr ifjek.kokpd 196. ^vR;kpkj* 'kCn esa milxZ gSA
¼n½ vfuf'pr la[;kokpd ¼v½ v ¼c½ vfr
187. ^y?kq* 'kCn dh mRrjkoLFkk gksrh gSA ¼l½ vR; ¼n½ vR;k
¼v½ y?kqRrj ¼c½ y?kqrk 197. ^johUnz* 'kCn esa laf/k dk Hksn gS%
¼l½ y?kqrj ¼n½ y?kqRre ¼v½ xq.k laf/k ¼c½ nh?kZ laf/k
188. tks loZuke fo'ks"k.k ds :i esa iz;ksx gksrs gSa] ¼l½ o`fn~/k laf/k ¼n½ ;.k laf/k
mUgsa dgrs gSa% 198. ^ljl* dk foykse 'kCn gS%
¼v½ xq.kokpd fo'ks"k.k ¼v½ lkjl ¼c½ uhjl
¼c½ la[;kokpd fo'ks"k.k ¼l½ fujk'kk ¼n½ ljlk
¼l½ lkoZukfed fo'ks"k.k 199. uk;d dk lgh laf/k foPNsn gS%
¼n½ ifjek.kokpd fo'ks"k.k ¼v½ us $ vd ¼c½ uS $ vd
189. ^og v[kckj i<+ jgk gS* okD; esa fØ;k dk ¼l½ uk $ vd ¼n½ ukS $ vd
izdkj gS% 200. ^^vkez** 'kCn dk rn~Hko 'kCn fyf[k,%
¼v½ ldeZd ¼c½ vdeZd ¼v½ vke ¼c½ vEy
¼l½ jaftr ¼n½ izsj.kkFkZd ¼l½ beyh ¼n½ in~kFk
190. ^eksgu ,d fo}ku yM+dk gSA* fo'ks"k.k dk
izdkj crkb,A
¼v½ xq.kokpd fo'ks"k.k
¼c½ la[;kokpd fo'ks"k.k
¼l½ ifjek.kokpd fo'ks"k.k
¼n½ lkoZukfed fo'ks"k.k
191. ^'khry iou /khjs&/khjs og jgh gSA* js[kkafdr
esa fØ;k fo'ks"k.k dk Hksn dkSu&lk gS\
¼v½ dkyokpd ¼c½ jhfrokpd
¼l½ ifjek.kokpd ¼n½ LFkkuokpd
192. /kjrh dk i;kZ;okph ugha gSA
¼v½ rfVuh ¼c½ Hkw
¼l½ /kjk ¼n½ olqa/kjk
193. ^?kkV&?kkV dk ikuh ihuk* eqgkojs dk lgh
vFkZ gS%
¼v½ txg txg dk vuqHko izkIr djukA
¼c½ ?kM+s dk ikuh ihukA
¼l½ fuf'pr txg ij tkdj ikuh ihukA
¼n½ xVd&xVd dj ikuh ihukA
194. tc 'kCn okD; esa iz;ksx fd, tkrs gSa rks
mUgsa dgrs gSaA
Career Defence School AISSEE & RMS- CET
RMS – CET: 2017

1.c 21.a 41.b 61.a 81.d 101.a 121.d 141.b 161.c 181.c

2.c 22.a 42.c 62.a 82.c 102.c 122.a 142.a 162.b 182.d

3.a 23.b 43.d 63.b 83.c 103.a 123.b 143.d 163.d 183.(a)

4.c 24.c 44.b 64.c 84.b 104.b 124.a 144.c 164.a 184.c

7.d 25.a 45.d 65.d 85.b 105.c 125.a 145.c 165.c 185.a

6.c 26.c 46.a 66.d 86.d 106.b 126.b 146.a 166.c 186.d

7.d 27.b 47.a 67.d 87.a 107.c 127.b 147.d 167.a 187.c

8.a 28.b 48.d 68.d 88c 108.d 128.d 148.b 168.b 188.c

9.b 29.b 49.b 69.c 89.a 109c 129.c 149.c 169.b 189.a

10.a 30.b 50.d 70.c 90.b 110.c 130.b 150.c 170.b 190.a

11.c 31.a 51.a 71.a 91.b 111.d 131.c 151.b 171.a 191.b

12.d 32.a 52.d 72.a 92.b 112.d 132.c 152.b 172.b 192.a

13.d 33.c 53.b 73.b 93.d 113.d 133.c 153.c 173.d 193.a

14.c 34.b 54.d 74.d 94.a 114.a 134.d 154.b 174.d 194.a

15.b 35.b 55.a 75.c 95.b 115.a 135.a 155.a 175.a 195.b

16.b 36.d 56.d 76.b 96.b 116.b 136.a 156d 176.b 196.b

17.c 37.a 57.a 77.c 97.c 117.a 137.d 157.c 177.a 197.b

18.b 38.a 58.b 78.b 98.b 118c 138c 158.d 178a 198.b

19.b 39.b 59.a 79.a 99.c 119.c 139.a 159.d 179.c 199.b
20.d 40.c 60.b 80.b 100.a 120.b 140.c 160.b 180.c 200.a

Admission Helpline No: 74199-99228

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