Lecture 2
The Network Core
▪ mesh of interconnected
▪ packet-switching: hosts break
application-layer messages
into packets
• network forwards packets
from one router to the next,
across links on path from
source to destination
Two key network-core functions
• Forwarding and Routing:
• Routing ▪ global action:
determine source-
destination paths
taken by packets
▪ routing algorithms
Routing and Forwarding
Packet-switching: store-and-forward
B R = 1.5 Mb/s
R = 100 Mb/s E
queue of packets
waiting for transmission
over output link
Alternative to packet switching:
circuit switching
Circuit switching: FDM and TDM
Multiplexing in Circuit-switched networks
Packet switching vs Circuit switching
▪ 1 Gb/s link
▪ each user: users 1 Gbps link
• 100 Mb/s when “active”
• active 10% of time
O(N2) connection
- will not scale
Internet structure
Option: connect each access ISP to one global transit ISP?
Customer and provider ISPs have economic agreement.
Internet structure
But if one global ISP is viable business, there will be competitors ….
who will want to be connected
Internet structure
▪ There are over 600 IXPs in the Internet today [PeeringDB 2020]
Packet delay: four sources
Rs bits/sec Rc bits/sec