IESL Transactions 2019 Part B - Technical Papers 121
IESL Transactions 2019 Part B - Technical Papers 121
IESL Transactions 2019 Part B - Technical Papers 121
When carry out the welding of thicker material discussed about the risk of lamellar tearing and
it is essential to use run in and run off plate to being aware of this, special care shall be taken at
ensure that the weld thickness is maintained all the design stage when the joints fall under
over the section as same. Below figures 18 & 19 primary load transfer path and susceptible for
shows the welding without run in/off plate and lamellar tearing. Also material shall be clearly
with run in/off plate. specified with improved through thickness
properties. Not only the design but also the
fabrication also shall be carried out with proper
quality control procedure to avoid lamellar
1. BS EN 1090-2:2008+A1:2011, Execution of steel
Figure 19: Run in/ Run off plate for complete weld
structure & aluminium structures
2. BS EN 1990-2002+A1:2005, Basis of structural
The below photographs are example for good
3. National Structural Steelwork Specification for
welding quality which have been done by
Building Construction
qualified welding operator with proper quality
4. BS EN 5817:2007 Welding Fusion-welded joints in
control procedure. steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam
welding excluded) — Quality levels for
5. AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code - Steel
6. J C M Farrar, R E Dolby, Lamellar tearing in
welded steel fabrication
7. BS EN 1011-2:2007 Welding — Recommendations
for welding of metallic materials —Part 2: Arc
welding of ferritic steels
Figure 20: Good welding quality 8. BS EN 10025-1:2004 Hot rolled products of
structural steels — Part 1: General technical
delivery conditions
5. Conclusions 9. BS EN 1993-1-10:2005 Design of steel structures —
Part 1-10: Material toughness and through-
Quality assurance of steel fabrication is thickness properties
significant with respect to complexity of the 10. BS EN 10164:2004 Steel products with improved
structure. There it is very important to deformation properties perpendicular to the
implement proper quality assurance procedure surface of the product — Technical delivery
from the design stage to completion of erection. conditions
Designer shall ensure that welding joints are
properly designed, detailed and material types