3torque Sensor de Detonação

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TOPIC: Electronic Controls

IDENT NO: 17-2863A
DATE: March, 2010

SUBJECT: Knock Sensor Torque and Surface Finish Requirements


This bulletin outlines the torque and surface finish used on ESM engines built prior to 2006 and all DSM
requirements for the two different knock sensors used and KDM equipped engines
on Dresser Waukesha engines. Following these
For DSM systems: The knock sensor torque and sur-
requirements will provide consistency in knock detec-
face finishing information provided in Section 2.00
tion and preserve the sensitivity of the sensors.
“Mounting DSM System Components” of the CEC
Do not drop or mishan- DSM Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Man-
CAUTION dle knock sensor. ual, Form 6278, First Edition, is no longer applicable.
Knock sensor damage may occur if knock sensor Please keep a copy of this service bulletin with your
is mishandled. DSM manual.

Do not over-tighten For KDM systems: The knock sensor torque and sur-
CAUTION knock sensor. Over- face finishing information provided in Section 2.00
tightening will cause damage to the knock sensor. “Mounting KDM System Components” of the CEC
KDM Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Man-
Sensor P/N 740110C has been in use since 2006 on ual, Form 6285, First Edition, is no longer applicable.
all ESM equipped engines. Sensor P/N A740110B is Please keep a copy of this service bulletin with your
KDM manual.

SENSOR P/N A740110B SENSOR P/N 740110C

• Torque to 37 ft-lbs (50 Nm) (dry threads) • Torque to 15 ft-lbs (20 Nm) (dry threads)
• Surface finish 63 RMS (micro-inch) 1.6 Ra • Surface finish 63 RMS (micro-inch) 1.6 Ra
(micrometer) (micrometer)

Figure 1. Sensor A740110B Figure 2. Sensor 740110C

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WAUKESHA, WI 53188-4999
Service Bulletin No. 17-2863A
NOTE: VHP and 275GL engines with sensor • If the imprint on the crankcase and sensor seating
740110C utilize adaptor P/N 214222. (See Figure 3) surface is uniform, the sensor has full-face contact
This adaptor is to be torqued into the casting with a with mounting surface.
torque of 96 in-lbs (8 ft-lbs). All other engines with
• If the imprint on the crankcase and sensor seating
sensor 740110C is held in place with M8 flange bolt.
surface is NOT uniform, the sensor does not have
full-face contact with mounting surface. The
mounting hole will have to be plugged and re-
tapped to make the hole perpendicular to the
mounting surface.

1) Adaptor P/N 214222 2) M8 Flange Bolt

Figure 3. Adaptor and Flange Bolt


Use the method provided below to verify that the
knock sensor is seated flat against the mounting hole
1. Apply a very thin coat of a blueing paste, such as
Permatex® Prussian Blue (or equivalent), to
seating surface of knock sensor (See Figure 4).


1) P/N A740110B 2) P/N A740110C

3) Seating Surface

Figure 4. Knock Sensor Seating Surface

2. Install and remove knock sensor.

3. Examine imprint left by blueing agent on the
crankcase and sensor seating surface.

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WAUKESHA, WI 53188-4999

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