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Turkish Journal of Geographic Information Systems – 2024; 6(2); 59-66

Turkish Journal of Geographic Information Systems

e-ISSN 2687-5179

Implementing geographic information systems in academic paper search: A framework and

case study: GISAPS
Halil Bölük*1
1Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University, Caycuma Vocational School, Department of Mining and Mine Extraction, Zonguldak, Türkiye

Keywords The Geographic Information Systems Academic Publication Search (GISAPS) project pioneers
WebGIS, the integration of spatial data into academic research through a novel online platform.
Research Spatial Data, Utilizing Web Map Service (WMS) and advanced search functionalities, GISAPS enables
GIS, efficient access and analysis of georeferenced academic publications. This paper outlines the
Academic Research development and capabilities of GISAPS, including experimental WMS layer integration for
enhanced data visualization. Key contributions include facilitating interdisciplinary research,
improving spatial data accessibility, and promoting open science through its open-source
framework. GISAPS's implications for academia and the research community are significant,
offering new avenues for data-driven research and education. Future enhancements aim to
incorporate real-time data feeds, advanced spatial analysis tools, and mobile accessibility,
Research Article ensuring GISAPS remains at the forefront of GIS technology in academic settings.
Received: 08/07/2024
Revised: 31/09/2024
Accepted: 06/09/2024
Published: 20/12/2024

(Kawabata, et al., 2010; Malan & Engelbrecht, 2013;

1. Introduction Sasaki, et al., 2016). These platforms have enabled
researchers to analyze citation networks, understand
The current academic landscape has been current research trends, and detect major sub-research
significantly influenced by the emergence of digital fields within their respective domains (Kajikawa, et al.,
databases and search engines, which have revolutionized 2007; Sasaki, et al., 2016; Takata, et al., 2021).
the way researchers access and retrieve scholarly However, concerns have been raised regarding the
information. Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic limitations of academic search engines. As noted by Li &
Search are two prominent academic search engines that Rainer (2022), while these engines are progressively
have garnered significant attention due to their becoming crucial in conducting systematic analyses,
aspiration to compile a comprehensive index of present several usability issues have been reported by
academic knowledge (Gusenbauer, 2019). These researchers. Specifically, these engines often struggle
platforms have become essential tools for researchers, with user-friendliness and fail to accurately interpret
offering access to a vast array of scholarly documents complex queries, leading to incomplete or irrelevant
available on the internet (Khabsa & Giles, 2014). The search results. Furthermore, the limitations of their
comprehensive nature of these search engines, databases can hinder comprehensive reviews, making it
particularly Google Scholar, with its estimated 389 challenging for researchers to retrieve all necessary
million records, has positioned them as primary literature efficiently. These challenges indicate that
resources for academic literature searches (Orduña- current academic search engines may not be fully
Male, et al., 2015). optimized to support systematic reviews, thereby
The shift towards open publishing and open highlighting the need for improvements in their design
educational resources has further transformed the and functionality. This study addresses some of these
academic landscape, accelerated changes and influencing concerns by proposing a framework that integrates
the way scholarly information is disseminated and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into academic
accessed (Scanlon, 2013). Additionally, the use of paper search, aiming to enhance the search process's
academic search engines has become integral to various effectiveness and efficiency.
fields of study, such as sustainability science, Considering these developments, it is evident that
hydropower, and characterizing fitness landscapes academic paper searches have been significantly

*Corresponding Author Cite this article

*(halil.boluk@beun.edu.tr) ORCID 0000-0002-9447-499X Boluk, H. (2024). Implementing geographic information systems in academic paper search: A
framework and case study: GISAPS. Turkey Geographic Information Systems Journal, 6(2), 59-66.
Turkish Journal of Geographic Information Systems – 2024; 6(2); 59-66

influenced by the proliferation of digital databases and resources in the digital environment, emphasizing the
search engines. While these platforms offer challenges faced by scientists in accessing relevant
unprecedented access to scholarly information, concerns literature. Finally, Xiao & Xu (2023) shed light on the
regarding their limitations and the quality of information complexities of querying specific messages from chat
they provide underscore the need for continued logs, which is relevant to the challenges of information
evaluation and improvement of academic search tools. retrieval for location-based scientists, especially in
The challenges faced by location-based scientists in investigative and forensic contexts.
academic paper searches are significant and A (GIS) represents a digital framework combining
multifaceted. Information overload is a prominent issue, both hardware and software components for the purpose
particularly for researchers dealing with spatial and of mapping, storing, and analyzing spatial information
location-based data. The vast amount of data available, (Teixeira, 2016). It has been widely used in various fields
including spatially relevant information, presents a such as public health for disease research (Cromley,
challenge in filtering and identifying pertinent research. 2003), transportation for managing and analyzing
Additionally, the limitations of keyword-based searches railway networks (Le & Tran, 2021), and environmental
further compound this issue, as the dynamic and engineering for landfill design and management
evolving nature of location-based research topics can (Lukasheh, et al., 2001). GIS technology has also been
make it difficult to identify relevant keywords and integrated with other systems such as Building
phrases. This challenge is exacerbated by the need for Information Modeling (BIM) to generate knowledge and
efficient and effective search strategies to navigate the intelligence (Liu, et al., 2017). Furthermore, GIS has
extensive databases and repositories of spatial and shown potential for reducing social inequities and has
location-based scientific literature. become increasingly useful in many disciplines as it
Additionally, the application of artificial intelligence continues to develop and expand in capacity and
(AI) in the process of searching and selecting literature, applications (Kates & Coryn, 2021). The technology has
like within the PubMed database, is seen as a promising also been recognized for its potential in health research
approach to overcome the issues associated with and management in Africa (Tanser & Le Sueur, 2002).
information excess and searches reliant on keywords. AI To effectively integrate GIS in academic paper
can assist in identifying relevant literature from the vast search, it is crucial to consider the benefits and barriers
and continuously expanding repositories, aiding of using GIS in academic libraries. GIS can facilitate
location-based scientists in efficiently accessing precise and informed delivery of services and resources,
pertinent research. However, the scholarly use of benefiting both library users and non-users (Mandel, et
information resources in the digital environment al., 2020). Additionally, GIS can be used as an automated
presents its own set of challenges, including time space management system in academic libraries, which
constraints, lack of awareness about available sources, is crucial as collections grow and shift (Wade Bishop &
and difficulty in finding information. These challenges Mandel, 2010). Furthermore, the evaluation and
are particularly relevant for location-based scientists assessment of web GIS applications in academic libraries
who rely on specific and spatially oriented information can provide valuable insights into information discovery
resources. and access (Kong, et al., 2015).
Moreover, the need for querying specific messages In academic research, the importance of spatial
from chat logs based on keyword expansion highlights information and location-based search capabilities is
the intricacies of information retrieval for location-based increasingly recognized, particularly in disciplines that
scientists, particularly in investigative and forensic work with geographical data. Location-based search
contexts. This underscores the importance of developing enables researchers to efficiently find studies focused on
advanced search techniques that can effectively handle specific regions or geographic areas. For instance, in
location-specific queries and spatially relevant environmental engineering and geological engineering,
information. Overall, the challenges faced by location- understanding the spatial components of research is
based scientists in academic paper searches necessitate critical for assessing the applicability and impact of
innovative approaches, such as AI-assisted literature findings within a local context. In environmental
search, to address information overload, keyword-based engineering, this might involve identifying studies
search limitations, and the unique requirements of related to pollution control measures in a particular
spatial and location-based research. watershed. In geological engineering, location-based
These insights are supported by relevant literature. searches can be crucial for finding research on seismic
Cao et al. (2011) provide a thorough analysis of privacy- activity in specific fault zones or assessing the potential
preserving multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted for landslides in particular geographic regions.
cloud data, which is relevant to the challenges of This study aims to integrate spatial filtering and
keyword-based searches and information overload. search capabilities into the academic paper search
Additionally, Cai et al. (2020) discuss diversified spatial process, allowing researchers to more easily and quickly
keyword search on RDF data, highlighting the identify studies related to specific geographic areas. By
importance of spatial semantics in location-based search reducing the challenges associated with finding studies
Ma et al. (2022) offers insights into the use of AI in containing geographic data, the proposed system
literature search and selection, particularly in the context enhances the efficiency of literature reviews and ensures
of the PubMed database, addressing the challenges of that relevant research is more readily accessible. This
information overload. Arshad & Ameen (2018) provide approach addresses the limitations of current academic
valuable perspectives on the scholarly use of information search engines by improving the discoverability of

60 Türkiye Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Dergisi

Turkish Journal of Geographic Information Systems – 2024; 6(2); 59-66

geographically relevant studies, thereby supporting a PHP and MySQL was based on their reliability,
more comprehensive and effective review process in widespread use, and compatibility with various web
disciplines where location is a critical factor. technologies (Figure 1).
This study has been initiated to address the
challenge of accessing academic publications that 2.2. Data collection and integration
contain geographical data but are not discoverable
through traditional keyword or title searches. The Data collection in GISAPS involves retrieving
inspiration for integrating location-based search and academic publication data from external sources, such as
filtering options—already prevalent in real estate, hotel the ScienceDirect API. The data is then integrated into the
bookings, car sales, and even second-hand goods GISAPS system with geographic metadata to support
applications—into academic research emerged from the location-based searches.
realization of its potential utility in academic contexts. ScienceDirect API is utilized to retrieve
Initially designed for personal use, the concept has been bibliographic metadata, such as the title, authors,
expanded to incorporate global data, leading to the abstract, keywords, and publication date of academic
development of an integrated system compatible with papers. While ScienceDirect provides comprehensive
academic publication databases. This innovation aims to bibliographic data, it does not inherently include specific
enhance the accessibility of geographical data within geospatial coordinates. To address this, users manually
academic research, broadening the scope and efficiency associate geographic locations with each publication
of academic literature search by leveraging GIS. The using the GISAPS interface.
envisioned system not only facilitates the discovery of This process involves selecting a relevant point on
geographically relevant academic work beyond the map that represents the geographical context or
conventional search parameters but also sets a focus of the study. The selected location is then stored as
precedent for the application of location-based part of the publication's metadata, enabling spatial
technology in scholarly research. filtering and visualization within the GISAPS system.API
Interaction: jQuery and Ajax are used to send requests to
2. Method the ScienceDirect API, retrieving relevant publication
data in real-time. This data is structured in JSON format,
To effectively capture the methodology and system which allows for easy manipulation and integration
architecture, the flow diagram illustrates the interactions (Figure 2).
and dependencies among the various technological Geospatial Data Integration: Geographic metadata is
components of the GISAPS system (Figure 1). It shows manually assigned by users through an interactive map
how client-side technologies like HTML, CSS, and interface powered by the OpenLayers library. This step is
JavaScript interface with server-side processes managed crucial for ensuring that the publication data is
by PHP and MySQL, and how data flows seamlessly accurately georeferenced, allowing for effective spatial
between these components. The diagram also filtering and visualization.
demonstrates the role of geospatial visualization tools,
such as OpenLayers, in enabling dynamic, interactive 2.3. Visualization and user interaction
mapping features that are integral to the system’s
functionality. Together, these elements showcase the Visualization is a core component of GISAPS,
comprehensive and methodical approach taken to enabling users to explore search results spatially through
develop a tool that effectively combines traditional dynamic maps.
academic search functionalities with advanced GIS OpenLayers Integration: The OpenLayers library
capabilities. The full implementation details and source was chosen for its powerful mapping capabilities,
code are available in the project's GitHub repository at allowing users to interact with geospatial data
https://github.com/haliljeo/gisaps. seamlessly. Search results are displayed on an interactive
map, with options to zoom, pan, and click on markers for
2.1. System design and architecture more information. When users click on a specific location
marker, a pop-up window is generated using HTML and
The GISAPS system was designed to provide a CSS, displaying detailed information about the selected
seamless integration of GIS technology with academic publication. This feature enhances user interaction,
search functionalities. The system architecture is divided providing a more engaging and informative search
into client-side and server-side components to ensure experience.
scalability and robustness. The GISAPS system represents a significant
Client-Side Components: The user interface is advancement in the integration of GIS technology with
designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, providing a academic research tools. By systematically designing and
responsive and interactive experience. JavaScript evaluating the system, we have demonstrated its
libraries such as jQuery are employed to manage user potential to enhance the accessibility and usability of
inputs and interactions dynamically. geospatial data in academic contexts. The
Server-Side Components: The server-side logic is methodological framework outlined in this study
handled by PHP, which processes user requests, interacts provides a solid foundation for future developments and
with the MySQL database, and manages data flow the continued evolution of GISAPS as a leading tool in
between the client-side and server-side. The choice of academic research.

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Turkish Journal of Geographic Information Systems – 2024; 6(2); 59-66

Figure 1. Flowchart for GISAPS all process with related technology

On the interactive map, each marker represents an

academic publication that has been geospatially tagged.
These markers are based on user-defined locations that
reflect the geographical context of the research, rather
than predefined coordinates from ScienceDirect. When a
user clicks on a marker, details about the publication,
such as the title, authors, and abstract, are displayed. This
allows researchers to visualize the geographic
distribution of academic research and explore studies
relevant to specific locations.
The search module allows users to perform keyword
searches across various fields of bibliographic data
retrieved from ScienceDirect, such as title, abstract, and
keywords. Additionally, users can apply spatial filters by
selecting geographic areas on the map, which limits the
search results to publications associated with those
areas. The combination of keyword and spatial searches
enables users to find publications that are both
contextually relevant and geographically specific.

Figure 2: Example JSON data from ScienceDirect API

response (search term: "istanbul,geology")

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Turkish Journal of Geographic Information Systems – 2024; 6(2); 59-66

3. Results and Discussion immediate, up-to-date information, especially in

dynamic environmental events or emergency situations.
3.1. Exploring GISAPS: capabilities and Looking forward, GISAPS presents several avenues
customization opportunities for enhancement. Future developments may include the
integration of advanced spatial analysis tools and real-
In the realm of digital mapping and GIS, Web Map time data feeds. These enhancements could provide
Service (WMS) stands as a critical standard protocol researchers with more sophisticated capabilities for
developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). geospatial data analysis, making GISAPS a versatile tool
WMS enables the serving of georeferenced map for a wide range of academic disciplines.
images over the internet, which are generated from a
map server using data from GIS databases. The beauty of 3.3. Comparison with traditional search methods
WMS lies in its ability to facilitate the sharing and
integration of spatial data from various national and Traditional search methods often rely on keyword
international information providers, thereby enhancing matching, which can result in broad, sometimes
the richness and utility of mapping applications. By irrelevant results. In contrast, GISAPS enhances search
supporting requests for map images in various formats, precision by leveraging spatial data through GIS
WMS allows users to access and interact with a vast array technologies, enabling refined searches based on
of spatial information without needing direct access to geographic location and spatial relationships. This
the underlying data sets. capability allows researchers to find more relevant
Within the context of our project aimed at creating studies and better contextualize their findings within
spatial layers for efficient searching of academic specific geographic areas.
publications containing spatial data, the integration of Unlike traditional search platforms, which typically
WMS layers from both national and international present text-based results, GISAPS incorporates
providers offers a promising avenue to significantly interactive maps and spatial visualizations, providing a
expand our database's spatial capabilities. However, it's more intuitive way to explore data. This feature not only
important to note that the current stage of the project has helps users understand geographic contexts but also
not yet fully implemented this feature. Despite this, we supports more informed decision-making by
have experimentally integrated WMS into the system to highlighting spatial patterns that text alone cannot
demonstrate its potential. convey.
The initial deployment and informal feedback from Furthermore, GISAPS offers customization options
users indicate that GISAPS has the potential to that traditional methods lack, allowing users to tailor
significantly streamline the process of academic research their search experience to their specific spatial data
by allowing users to conduct spatially-aware searches. needs. This flexibility enhances user experience and
By tagging publications with geographic data, GISAPS aligns search results more closely with individual
enables more targeted search results. Although formal research requirements.
user studies are planned for future phases, initial While this study focuses on presenting the concept
observations suggest that GISAPS could enhance the and feasibility of the GISAPS system, demonstrating its
precision and relevance of academic searches by practical benefits to users could be the subject of future
enabling researchers to easily locate studies relevant to research. Such studies could provide empirical evidence
specific geographic regions. on how GISAPS improves research efficiency and
effectiveness compared to traditional search methods.
3.2. Advantages and limitations By integrating spatial search capabilities and
interactive visualizations, GISAPS presents a significant
GISAPS offers significant advantages by integrating advancement over traditional academic search engines.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into academic These features are particularly valuable in fields like
research searches. By visualizing geographic data on environmental science, geography, and urban planning,
interactive maps, GISAPS allows researchers to better where understanding spatial relationships is essential.
understand and analyze spatial distributions. This The potential to expand these capabilities further
capability is particularly advantageous in disciplines like underscores the value of GISAPS as a versatile tool for
environmental engineering and geology, where academic research.
reviewing all studies related to a specific geographic area
via a map can be critical for assessing the applicability 3.4. Potential enhancements and future research
and local context of the research. directions
However, the effectiveness of GISAPS relies on the
scope and quality of the data sources integrated into the Integration of Advanced Spatial Analysis Tools:
system. Limited data coverage or poor data quality can Enhancing GISAPS with more sophisticated spatial
negatively affect the accuracy and comprehensiveness of analysis capabilities, such as predictive modeling, terrain
search results. Additionally, the integration of mapping analysis, and spatial statistics, could significantly
libraries such as OpenLayers requires specific technical broaden its utility. This would allow users to not only
infrastructure, which can be a challenge for institutions search and visualize spatial data but also perform
with limited technical knowledge and resources. Finally, complex analyses within the same platform.
GISAPS's current inability to fully integrate real-time Incorporation of Real-Time Data Feeds: Integrating
data feeds can be a limitation for users who require real-time data feeds, such as weather conditions, traffic
63 Türkiye Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Dergisi
Turkish Journal of Geographic Information Systems – 2024; 6(2); 59-66

information, or social media data, could make GISAPS a beginning of what GISAPS could achieve. By continuously
more dynamic and versatile tool. This would enable the adapting to user feedback and technological
analysis of spatial data in the context of current events, advancements, GISAPS can evolve to meet the diverse
adding a new dimension to the research and decision- and changing needs of the academic research
making processes. community.
Expansion of Data Sources and Interoperability:
Expanding the range of data sources GISAPS can access, 4. Conclusion
including more diverse spatial datasets and enhancing
interoperability with other GIS software and data This study has highlighted the transformative
formats, would significantly increase its versatility and potential of integrating GIS technology into the academic
appeal to a broader audience. article search process through the development and
Collaboration and Crowdsourcing Features: application of the GISAPS framework (Figure 3). By
Implementing features that facilitate collaboration combining traditional search methods with geospatial
among users, such as shared projects, data annotation, data capabilities, GISAPS significantly enhances the
and crowdsourcing capabilities, could transform GISAPS efficiency and accuracy of academic research. This
into a more interactive and community-driven platform. integration not only facilitates more precise
This would also enhance the quality and quantity of identification of relevant literature but also provides a
spatial data available. spatial dimension to the research, which is invaluable for
Focus on Sustainability and Environmental studies focused on geographic and environmental
Monitoring: Developing specialized modules or features contexts.
focused on sustainability and environmental monitoring The GISAPS framework serves as a powerful tool for
could position GISAPS as a key tool in climate change academic researchers, enabling them to perform
research, conservation efforts, and sustainable spatially-aware searches that are not possible with
development projects. traditional academic search engines. This capability
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning allows for a deeper understanding of the spatial
Integration: Leveraging AI and machine learning distribution of research topics and their contextual
algorithms to automate data processing, pattern relevance, thus broadening the scope of academic work.
recognition, and predictive analysis within GISAPS could By supporting the identification of geographically
enhance its efficiency and provide users with deeper relevant studies, GISAPS encourages interdisciplinary
insights into spatial datasets. research and fosters new research opportunities across
GISAPS's current capabilities set the stage for various fields, including environmental science, urban
further enhancements that could significantly expand its planning, and geography.
utility. The potential integration of real-time data feeds
and advanced spatial analysis tools represents just the

Figure 3. The screenshot of the main screen of the GISAPS application (www.gisaps.web.tr) and the sections that make
up its main structure (a: search and result(s), b: map and viewing, c: popup window opened for detailed information).

Furthermore, this study reveals that the application information access and management, making it a
of GIS technology in academic research extends beyond valuable asset for academic institutions. The integration
conventional geographic data analysis. GISAPS of GIS with academic search processes not only enhances
demonstrates how GIS can be used effectively for research productivity but also offers a platform for
64 Türkiye Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Dergisi
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© Author(s) 2024.
This work is distributed under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

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