Order of Service ET24 church
Order of Service ET24 church
Order of Service ET24 church
& R E C I TA L S
M i c h a e l m a s Te r m , 2 02 4
K i n g’s Co l l e ge Ch apel
C amb r idge
Dean’s welcome 6
Introductory notices 7
Choral services 8
Organ recitals 31
Concerts at King’s 34
Find out more about attending Chapel services by scanning or clicking the QR code below.
The Revd Dr Stephen Cherry
D i r e c t o r of M u s i c
Daniel Hyde
The Revd Dr Mary Kells
Chapel Manager
Emily Lyons
I n t e r i m A s s i s ta n t D i r e c t o r of M u s i c
Ralph Woodward
Assisting Organist
Harrison Cole
E x e c u t i v e A s s i s ta n t to t h e D e a n a n d D i r e c t o r of M u s i c
Caroline Walker
I n t ro d u c t o ry N o t i c e s
Most days, anything up to an hour before a service begins, a queue forms at the main entrance
to College. Half an hour before the service, the College gate is opened and the queue moves
forward. A quarter of an hour before the service, people are admitted to the Chapel itself.
Five minutes before the service begins, the main gate of College is closed and, to ensure a
calm and timely start to all our services, any who arrive later are not admitted.
Inside College there are three queues. The queue alongside the Chapel is the main one and is
for members of the public. Members of the University are invited to queue on the north side
of the Chapel. Only members and staff of King’s College and School, and choir families, are
invited to queue in front of the Gibbs’ Building.
When you come to a service, please bear the following four points in mind:
c We ask you not to bring any bag that is larger than airline hand-luggage size.
c We ask that you take a seat in the Ante-chapel if you cannot commit to remaining
for the whole service. For Evensong allow up to an hour; for Holy Eucharist an hour
and a quarter.
c We do not allow recording or photography of any kind in services and strongly
request that phones be turned off.
c We regret that there are no public toilet facilities available in College.
If you or anyone attending with you has any special needs that we might be able to help you
with, or if you are coming in a group of ten or more people and wish to be seated together,
or if you have any other questions about attending, please contact the Chapel Manager, whose
details are printed on page 4.
I n t ro d u c t o ry N o t i c e s
This year, we continue the pattern developed last year of beginning services before Term,
in September. We look forward to welcoming many Non-Resident Members of College, as
well as University alumni, to the services on 28 and 29 September. The Provost will give the
address at the morning service on 29 September.
Michaelmas Term is always very positive and forward-looking in Chapel, and we begin by
admitting new Choristers and welcoming new senior members of the Choir on Sunday 6
On Sunday 13 October, Dr David Good will contribute to our series of addresses on the
subject ‘What is Truth’ by engaging with questions of truth and trust.
Visiting preachers this term are The Rt Revd James Jones, former Bishop of Liverpool, The
Venerable Vanessa Herrick, former Archdeacon of Harlow, and the Rt Revd Tim Stevens,
former Bishop of Leicester.
If you are interested in attending the Advent Procession, A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols on
Christmas Eve, or the Eucharist on Christmas Day, please check our website for details by
scanning or clicking the QR code on page 3. For A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols there is an
online ballot which takes place in the first two weeks of November.
It is one of the genuine pleasures of King’s College Chapel that so many people attend our
services. We do all that we can to make this not only a pleasant and pleasing experience but
also a meaningful and inspiring one. The music and the words of the services are prepared
with great care and times of silence are also important. While we do not ask those who
attend to participate any more than they are comfortable with, we do ask all who share in
our services to refrain from any activities or behaviours that may be distracting to others or
which might detract from the overall atmosphere of the service. We would particularly ask
that those who come into the inner Chapel do not leave early, and that everyone at services
refrain from using their phones for the duration.
During this Term we will continue to experiment with the amplification of the spoken word.
If you have any observations on this matter please pass them to me by email via the address
below, which you can click or type.
The initials kc in this booklet are used to designate membership of King’s College.
I n t ro d u c t o ry N o t i c e s
Organ recitals
This term we welcome Harrison Cole as Assisting Organist and Alexander Pott as organist
to King’s Voices. There will be four Sunday organ recitals, each starting at 2.30 pm and
lasting forty minutes. All programme details may be found towards the back of this booklet.
Admission to these recitals is free and all are welcome, as well as to the service immediately
following each performance.
Following a sell-out summer tour to Australia, the Choir returns to Chapel in our usual
pattern of weekly services.
In November, the annual Requiem for Remembrance Sunday to commemorate the faithful
departed will be sung to the setting by Duruflé (10 November) and at the slightly earlier time
of 5.30 pm; Advent Sunday falls on 1 December, and our annual Procession at 6 pm will begin
the journey towards Christmas. There will be two concerts this term, on 1 and 15 November.
All details, and box-office information, may be found on pages 34–35 of this booklet.
King’s Voices sings weekly on Mondays, under the direction of Ralph Woodward; they will
also sing on Tuesday 29 October during the School half-term holiday.
The membership of King’s College Choir changes every year. If you would like to know more
about being a member of the Choir, or to hear about life as a Chorister, Choral Scholar or
Organ Scholar, please contact me by email to begin an informal exploration.
Daniel Hyde
Director of Music
C h o r a l S e rv i c e s
23 Monday
There is no choral service today
24 Tuesday
5.30 Evensong
O Lord, increase my faith (Bramley) Loosemore
Responses Ayleward
Psalm 119.1–8 Hopkins
1 Chronicles 16.1–13; Revelation 11.15–end
Short service Gibbons
O nata lux de lumine Tallis
25 Wednesday
5.30 Evensong
O Lord, increase my faith (Bramley) Loosemore
Responses Ayleward
Psalm 119.73–80 Lemon
1 Chronicles 29.10–19; Colossians 3.12–17
Magnificat tertii toni D. Bevan
Nunc dimittis tertii toni Victoria
Te lucis ante terminum Tallis
September 2024
26 Thursday
5.30 Evensong
O Lord, increase my faith (Bramley) Loosemore
Responses Ayleward
Psalm 119.97–104 Mann
Nehemiah 8.1–12; 1 Corinthians 14.1–12
Second service Byrd
Salvator mundi, salva nos (BCP) Tallis
27 Friday
There is no choral service today
28 Saturday
5.30 Festal Evensong
Hymn 190 (t.ii)
A prayer of King Henry VI Ley
Responses Radcliffe
Psalm 138 Ley
Daniel 6.6–23; Revelation 12.7–12
Stanford in B-flat
For he shall give his angels charge over thee (Psalm 91.11–12) Mendelssohn
C h o r a l S e rv i c e s
30 Monday
There is no choral service today
1 Tuesday
5.30 Evensong
O come, ye servants of the Lord (Psalm 112.1, 3) Tye
Responses Ayleward
Psalm 6 Crotch
Proverbs 22.17–end; 2 Corinthians 12.1–10
Wise in F
Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts (BCP) Purcell
S e p t e m b e r / O c to b e r 2 0 24
2 Wednesday
5.30 Evensong sung by the choral scholars
O come in one to praise the Lord (Psalm 95, adapt. Parker) Tallis
Responses Tallis
Psalm 12 Tone IV
Hosea 14; James 2.14–26
Dorian-mode service Tallis
Hear the voice and prayer (2 Chronicles 6.19–21) Tallis
3 Thursday
5.30 Evensong
O come, ye servants of the Lord (Psalm 112.1, 3) Tye
Responses Radcliffe
Psalm 18.1–15 Jacob, Buck
Isaiah 24.1–15; John 16.25–33
Brewer in D
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace S.S. Wesley
4 Friday
5.30 Freshers’ service This service is not open to the public
Hymn 368
A prayer of King Henry VI Ley
Matthew 6.25–34
Magnificat in B-flat Stanford
And I saw a new heaven (Revelation 21.1–4) Bainton
Address The Dean
5 Saturday
5.30 Evensong
Hymn 388 (t.ii)
A prayer of King Henry VI Ley
Responses Radcliffe
Psalm 27 Barnby
Zechariah 8.14–end; John 20.19–end
Edington service G. Ives
Expectans expectavi (Sorley) Wood
C h o r a l S e rv i c e s
7 Monday
There is no choral service today
8 Tuesday
5.30 Evensong
O nata lux de lumine Tallis
Responses Byrd
Psalm 43 S.Wesley, anon. (from S.Wesley)
Proverbs 27.11–end; Galatians 6.1–10
First service Weelkes
Jesu dulcis memoria (St Bernard) Victoria
O c to b e r 2 0 24
9 Wednesday
5.30 Evensong sung by the choral scholars
O most merciful (Heber) Bullock
Responses Tallis
Psalm 48 Tone VIII
2 Corinthians 1.1–11; from Revelations of Divine Love ( Julian of Norwich)
Sumsion in G
O Christ, who art the light and day Gibbs
10 Thursday
5.30 Holy Eucharist
Missa ‘in illo tempore’ Monteverdi
Kyrie, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei
Introit Salus populi
Alleluia Confitemini Domino, et invocate
Communion Tu mandasti
Sicut cervus (Psalm 42.1) Palestrina
Galatians 3.1–5; Luke 11.5–13
11 Friday
5.30 Evensong
O nata lux de lumine Tallis
Responses Byrd
Psalm 59 Taylor
Job 19.21–end; Mark 15.33–47
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in falsibordone Byrd
Ave Maria Parsons
12 Saturday
5.30 Evensong
Hymn 447
O praise the Lord (Psalm 117) Batten
Responses M. Martin
Psalm 67 Camidge
Isaiah 44.21–end; John 21.15–end
Short service Gibbons
O Lord, the maker of all things (Compline Hymn) Mundy
C h o r a l S e rv i c e s
3.30 Evensong
Hymns 472 (t.ii), 250
Responses Sumsion
Psalm 127 Cooke
Joshua 5.13–6.20; Matthew 11.20–end
Brewer in D
Beati quorum via (Psalm 119.1) Stanford
14 Monday
5.30 Evensong Unwrapped sung by King’s Voices | Not open to the public
A prayer of King Henry VI Ley
Responses Byrd
Psalm 8 Corfe (from Lawes)
1 Kings 6.2–10; from Revelations of Divine Love ( Julian of Norwich)
King’s College service Forbes L’Estrange
Zadok the Priest (1 Kings 1.34, 39b, adapt.) Handel
15 Tuesday
5.30 Evensong
Sing, my soul, his wondrous love (anon.) Rorem
Responses Sumsion
Psalm 82 S. Bevan ‘Trent’
Proverbs 31.10–end; Luke 10.38–42
Dyson in F
Save us, O Lord (BCP) Bairstow
O c to b e r 2 0 24
16 Wednesday
5.30 Evensong sung by the choral scholars
Gloria tibi, Domine Byrd
Responses Tallis
Psalm 84 Tone I
1 Kings 6.2–10; from Revelations of Divine Love ( Julian of Norwich)
Magnificat secundi toni Viadana & Nunc dimittis octavi toni Ortiz
O all ye nations (Norton) Mundy
18 Friday LUKE
5.30 Holy Eucharist
Missa ‘Æterna Christi munera’ Palestrina
Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei
Introit Mihi autem nimis
Alleluia Ego vos elegi
Communion Vos, qui secuti estis me… dicit Dominus
O sacrum convivium Tallis
Hymn 401
2 Timothy 4.5–17; Luke 10.1–9
Homily The Chaplain
19 Saturday
5.30 Evensong
Hymn 150
Sing, my soul, his wondrous love (anon.) Rorem
Responses Sumsion
Psalm 99 Turle
2 Samuel 7.18–end; Acts 2.22–33
Noble in B minor
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122.6–7) Howells
C h o r a l S e rv i c e s
3.30 Evensong
Hymns 459, 244
Responses Morley
Psalm 141 Goss
Joshua 14.6–14; Matthew 12.1–21
Magnificat tertii toni Palestrina
Nunc dimittis tertii toni Malcolm
Christe Jesu, pastor bone Taverner
21 Monday
5.30 Evensong sung by King’s Voices
Hear my prayer (Psalm 102.1) Rooney
Responses Byrd
Psalm 15 R.Woodward
Hosea 14.1–7; from Revelations of Divine Love ( Julian of Norwich)
Short service Byrd
Keep me as the apple of an eye (Psalm 17.8) Rooney
22 Tuesday
5.30 Evensong
Prevent us, O Lord (BCP) Byrd
Responses Morley
Psalm 104.24–35 Walmisley
Ecclesiastes 11; Luke 13.10–17
Short service Morley
Teach me thy way, O Lord (Psalm 86.11–12) Morley
O c to b e r 2 0 24
23 Wednesday
5.30 Evensong sung by the choral scholars
O most merciful (Heber) Bullock
Responses Tallis
Psalm 115 Tonus Peregrinus
Hosea 14.1–7; from Revelations of Divine Love ( Julian of Norwich)
Second service Moore
Seek him that maketh the seven stars (Capel-Cure) Elgar
24 Thursday
5.30 Holy Eucharist
Missa ‘O quam gloriosum est regnum’ Victoria
Kyrie, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei
Introit In voluntate tua
Alleluia Laudate Dominum
Communion In salutari tuo
Ave verum corpus Byrd
Ephesians 3.14–end; Luke 12.49–53
25 Friday
5.30 Evensong
Holy is the true light (Palmer) Harris
Responses Radcliffe
Psalm 119.73–88 Lemon, Hopkins
Proverbs 24.3–22; John 8.1–11
Wood in E-flat No.2
Ave maris stella Grieg
26 Saturday
5.30 Evensong sung by the choral scholars
Hymn 419
Justorum animæ (Wisdom 3.1-2a,3b) M. Martin
Responses Tallis
Psalm 119.145–end Tones I, III
Ecclesiasticus 7.8–17, 32–end; 2 Timothy 1.1–14
Macpherson in E
I will lift up mine eyes (Psalm 121.1–4) Walker
C h o r a l S e rv i c e s
29 Tuesday
5.30 Evensong sung by King’s Voices
Hide not thou thy face from us (Psalms 27.10, 32.6) Farrant
Responses Byrd
Psalm 24 Barnby
1 Samuel 4.12–end; Luke 1.57–80
Wise in F
I love all beauteous things (Bridges) Weir
O c to b e r / N ov e m b e r 2 0 2 4
30 Wednesday
5.30 Evensong sung by the choral scholars
In pace Lassus
Responses Tallis
Psalm 148 Tone VII
Baruch 5; from Revelations of Divine Love ( Julian of Norwich)
Magnificat primi toni Suriano
Nunc dimittis primi toni Lassus
Absalon, fili mi (2 Samuel 18.33) Josquin
31 Thursday
5.30 Evensong sung by the choral scholars
Expandi manus meus ad te (Psalm 143.6) Lassus
Responses Tallis
Psalm 149 Tone III
Isaiah 35; Matthew 11.2–19
First service Brown
Audivi vocem de cælo (Revelation 14.13) Byrd
1 Friday
There is no choral service today
C h o r a l S e rv i c e s
5 Tuesday
5.30 Evensong
God be in my head (Sarum Primer) Walford Davies
Responses Morley
Psalm 128 Croft, Hopkins
Ezekiel 18.21–end; Matthew 18.12–20
Fourth service Batten
Ave maris stella Hassler
N ov e m b e r 2 0 2 4
6 Wednesday
5.30 Evensong sung by the choral scholars
If ye love me (John 14.15–17) Tallis
Responses Tallis
Psalm 32 Tone VI
Esther 3.1–11, 4.7–17; from Revelations of Divine Love ( Julian of Norwich)
Magnificat secundi toni Suriano
Nunc dimittis secundi toni Lassus
Submit yourselves (Ephesians 5.21, 19–20) Sheppard
7 Thursday
5.30 Holy Eucharist
Missa brevis Berkeley
Kyrie, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei
Introit Dicit Dominus: Ego
Alleluia De profundis
Communion Amen dico vobis: Quidquid
O sacrum convivium Messiaen
Philippians 3.3–8a; Luke 15.1–10
8 Friday
5.30 Evensong
God be in my head (Sarum Primer) Walford Davies
Responses M. Martin
Psalms 42 S.Wesley, 43 S.Wesley, anon. (from S.Wesley)
Proverbs 3.13–18; Matthew 19.16–end
Magnificat octavi toni D. Bevan
Nunc dimittis in B-flat Wood
I know my soul hath power (Davies) Parry
9 Saturday
5.30 Evensong
Hymn 333
Requiem æternam (I) Howells
Responses Sumsion
Psalm 49 Walmisley
Deuteronomy 28.1–6; Matthew 20.1–16
Dyson in D
A Song of the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21.1–5) M. Martin
C h o r a l S e rv i c e s
5.30 Requiem
Messe de Requiem, Op.9 Duruflé
Wisdom 3.1, 5–9; John 14.23–29
N ov e m b e r 2 0 2 4
13 Wednesday
5.30 Evensong sung by the choral scholars
Gloria tibi, Domine Byrd
Responses Tallis
Psalm 70 Tone II
Leviticus 26.3–13; from Revelations of Divine Love ( Julian of Norwich)
Magnificat septimi toni Victoria
Nunc dimittis septimi toni Lassus
Sana me, Domine (Jeremiah 17.14, Psalm 6.2a, Psalm 41.4b) Vásquez
14 Thursday
5.30 Holy Eucharist
Missa ‘Simile est regnum cœlorum’ Guerrero
Kyrie, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei
Introit Dicit Dominus: Ego
Alleluia De profundis
Communion Amen dico vobis: Quidquid
Ego sum panis vivus (John 6.51) Esquivel
Philemon 7–20; Luke 17.20–25
15 Friday
There is no choral service today
16 Saturday
5.30 Evensong
Hymn 246
Oculi omnium (Psalm 145.15) Wood
Responses Sumsion
Psalm 84 Parry
Micah 6.6–8; Colossians 3.12–17
Wood in D
Expectans expectavi (Sorley) Wood
C h o r a l S e rv i c e s
3.30 Evensong
Hymns 468, 362 (t.ii)
Responses M. Martin
Psalm 95 Ouseley
Daniel 3.13–end; Matthew 13.24–30, 36–43
Chichester service Berkeley
The Lord is my shepherd (Psalm 23.1–4) Berkeley
19 Tuesday
5.30 Evensong
Lord, we beseech thee (BCP) Batten
Responses Byrd
Psalm 98 Randall
Habakkuk 3.1–19a; 1 Corinthians 4.9–16
Short service Morley
O praise the Lord (Psalm 117) Batten
N ov e m b e r 2 0 2 4
20 Wednesday
5.30 Evensong
Lord, we beseech thee (BCP) Batten
Responses Byrd
Psalm 104.1–9 Norris
Micah 7.1–7; from Revelations of Divine Love ( Julian of Norwich)
Second service Gibbons
My shepherd is the living Lord (Psalm 23, adapt.) Tomkins
21 Thursday
5.30 Holy Eucharist sung by the choral scholars
Mass for three voices Byrd
Kyrie, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei
Introit Dicit Dominus: Ego
Alleluia De profundis
Communion Notas mihi fecisti
If ye love me (John 14.15–17) Tallis
Revelation 5.1–10; Luke 19.41–44
22 Friday Cecilia
5.30 Evensong
Cantate Domino (Psalms 98.1, 96.2, 98.5–6) Monteverdi
Responses Ayleward
Psalm 108 Attwood
Isaiah 11.10–12.end; Matthew 8.23–end
Wise in F
Thy word is a lantern (Psalm 119.105–108, 110–111) Purcell
C h o r a l S e rv i c e s
25 Monday
5.30 Evensong sung by King’s Voices
Hide not thou thy face from us (Psalms 27.10, 32.6) Farrant
Responses Forbes L’Estrange
Psalm 47 Marsh
Jeremiah 30.1–3, 10–17; from Revelations of Divine Love ( Julian of Norwich)
St Paul’s service Howells
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122.6–7) Howells
26 Tuesday
5.30 Evensong
Let thy merciful ears, O Lord (BCP) Mudd
Responses Byrd
Psalm 119.89–104 Garrett, Mann
Jeremiah 30.18–24; John 10.22–30
Short service Byrd
O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit (Lidley) Tallis
N ov e m b e r 2 0 2 4
27 Wednesday
5.30 Evensong sung by the choral scholars
Ubi caritas Moore
Responses Tallis
Psalm 130 Tone I
Jeremiah 30.1–3, 10–17; from Revelations of Divine Love ( Julian of Norwich)
First service Moore
By the waters of Babylon (Psalm 137.1–4) Wills
28 Thursday
5.30 Holy Eucharist
Communion Service in B-flat Stanford
Kyrie, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei
Introit Dignus est Agnus
Alleluia Potestas eius
Communion Sedebit Dominus
O salutaris hostia (Aquinas) Elgar
Revelation 18.1–2,21–23; Luke 21.20–28
29 Friday
5.30 Evensong
Lift thine eyes (Schubring, trans. Bartholomew) Mendelssohn
Responses Radcliffe
Psalm 142 Howells
Jeremiah 31.31–37; Hebrews 10.11–18
Magnificat in falsibordone Byrd
Nunc dimittis Tavener
Lord, thou hast been our refuge
(Schubring, trans. Bartholomew) Mendelssohn
30 Saturday ANDREW
5.30 Festal Evensong
Hymn 200
Lift thine eyes (Psalm 121.1, 8 adapt.) Mendelssohn
Responses Radcliffe
Psalm 96 Bielby
Isaiah 49.1–9a; 1 Corinthians 4.9–16
Stanford in G
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel Stanford
C h o r a l S e rv i c e s
2 Monday
5.30 Evensong sung by King’s Voices
Drop down, ye heavens, from above (NEH 501.4) Weir
Responses Forbes L’Estrange
Psalm 65 P.J.Taylor
Isaiah 65.17–66.2; from Revelations of Divine Love ( Julian of Norwich)
Murrill in E
Adam lay ybounden Cooman
3 Tuesday
5.30 Evensong
Hide not thou thy face from us (Psalms 27.10, 32.6) Farrant
Responses Byrd
Psalm 18 Jacob, Buck, Walmisley, Ouseley, Hull
Zephaniah 3.14–end; 1 Thessalonians 4.13–end
Magnificat sexti toni D. Bevan
Nunc dimittis Tavener
This is the record of John (John 1.19–23) Gibbons
December 2024
4 Wednesday
5.30 Evensong sung by the choral scholars
I have gone astray (Psalm 119.176) Tomkins
Responses Tallis
Psalm 22 Tone II
Isaiah 65.17–66.2; from Revelations of Divine Love ( Julian of Norwich)
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in falsibordone Tomkins
Rejoice in the Lord (Philippians 4.4–7) Caustun
5 Thursday
5.30 Holy Eucharist
Collegium Regale Howells
Kyrie, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei
Introit Ad te levavi animam meam
Alleluia Ostende nobis
Communion Dominus dabit benignitatem
O hearken thou (Psalm 5.2–3) Elgar
Isaiah 26.1–6; Matthew 7.21, 24–27
6 Friday Nicholas
5.30 Festal Evensong
Hymn 221 (t.128ii)
A prayer of King Henry VI Ley
Responses Sumsion
Psalm 33.1–12 Smart
Isaiah 29.1–14; Matthew 13.24–43
Dyson in F
Beati quorum via (Psalm 119.1) Stanford
7 Saturday
6.00 Festal Evensong with commemoration of benefactors
A prayer of King Henry VI Ley
Responses Radcliffe
Psalm 84 Parry
Wisdom 9.1–12; Henry VI (Blakman)
Wood in D
Rex Henricus
Te Deum ‘Collegium Regale’ Howells
C h o r a l S e rv i c e s
11.00 Holy Eucharist
Mass in C ‘Spatzenmesse’ k 220 Mozart
Isaiah 29.8–24; John 1.1–14
Sermon The Dean
& C O N C E RT S
M i c h a e l m a s Te r m , 2 02 4
K i n g’s Co l l e ge Ch apel
C amb r idge
O rg a n r e c i t a l s O c to b e r / N ov e m b e r 2 0 2 4
27 Sunday
2.30 Daniel Hyde King’s College
Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C bwv 564 Bach
Three settings of ‘Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr’ bwv 715, 711 & 717 Bach
Fugue in G minor bwv 578 Bach
Concerto in A minor ‘after Vivaldi’ bwv 593 Bach
i Allegro
ii Adagio (senza pedale a due claviere)
iii Allegro
3 Sunday
2.30 Alexander Pott Trinity Hall & King’s Voices
Harmonies poétiques et religieuses Liszt
vii Funérailles arr. Demessieux
Folk Song Preludes Warlock, arr. A. Pott
i Very slow
ii Allegretto rubato
iii Maestoso; alla marcia funebre
iv Fairly slow, but evenly flowing in strict time
v Largo maestoso
Sonata in G minor, Op.284 Reinecke
i Allegro serioso in tempo moderato
ii Lento
iii Allegro—Maestoso
O rg a n r e c i t a l s N ov e m b e r 2 0 2 4
17 Sunday
2.30 Harrison Cole King’s College
Prelude and Fugue in C minor bwv 546 Bach
Fantasie Choral No.1 in D-flat Whitlock
Symphony No.6 in B minor, Op. 59 Vierne
v Final
24 Sunday
2.30 Felix Hell
Toccata and Fugue in D minor bwv 565 Bach
Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein bwv 641 Bach
Sonata in F Minor, Op.65 No.1 Mendelssohn
i Allegro moderato e serioso
ii Adagio
iii Andante recitativo
iv Allegro assai vivace
Three Japanese Sketches Bovet
iii Meditation on Akatombo
Prelude and Fugue on B-A-C-H Liszt
C o n c e r t s a t K i n g’s
Box Office
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C o n c e r t s a t K i n g’s
Box Office
click or scan
King’s College, Cambridge