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http://ijhe.sciedupress.com International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 9, No.

7; 2020

The Use of Information Technologies for the Development of

Competences in Future Teachers of Foreign Language and Foreign
Oksana V. Handabura1, Valentyna I. Sliuzko1, Ruslana M. Melnyk1 & Liudmyla M. Hlushok1
Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Primary
Education and Philology, Khmelnytskyi
Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
Correspondence: Valentyna I. Sliuzko, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, 139 Proskurivskoho
Pidpillia str., Khmelnytskyi, 29013, Ukraine.

Received: June 10, 2020 Accepted: August 3, 2020 Online Published: August 7, 2020
doi:10.5430/ijhe.v9n7p142 URL: https://doi.org/10.5430/ijhe.v9n7p142

The article deals with possible ways of using information technologies in teaching future teachers of foreign
language and foreign literature. It is established that the primary task of the organizer of the educational process is to
build an educational process with a view to facilitating the development of the competences necessary for the future
teachers of foreign language and foreign literature. The latest information technologies are analysed and the effective
ways of their use are suggested. It was found out that information technologies actively contribute to the unique
function of preparing the future specialist for the quality realization of educational services in the information and
digital space. It is researched that the functional approach to the analysis of IT in the context of the educational
process outlines the specific scientific basis of the proposed scientific search, which allows to organically combine
the postulates of media-oriented education with cognitive and communicative principles in the study of the ways of
using IT in teaching teachers of foreign language and foreign literature. According to the guidelines of this approach,
the functional purpose of IT influences the processes of formation of the form and value of the obtained knowledge.
An important element in describing the use of IT is the principle of consistency. It is confirmed that the general
competences of future teachers of foreign language and foreign literature are represented by both subject and general
competencies, where IT competence is ranked as one of the top priorities. It implies the teacher’s ability to use
information technology in the course of his/her professional activities effectively and appropriately. Information
technology competence, in turn, is divided into three main competences, which correspond to the separate activities
of teachers of foreign language and foreign literature: general, diagnostic and subject-oriented. Examples of tasks
aimed at forming different types of competences in future teachers of foreign language and foreign literature with IT
involvement are given. It is proved that the use of information technologies in the process of realization of
educational and professional training of future teachers of foreign language and foreign literature contributes to a
more effective fulfilment of the basic curriculum assignments, in-depth study of the content of the studied discipline,
optimization of self-education and self-development of the level of future specialists, an individual way of perceiving
information and working with it.
Keywords: competence development tools, information technology, creolized text, media competence, digital
education, foreign language education, language training
1. Introduction
1.1 Problem Statement
The modern world imposes a number of requirements for the list and quality of competence development for future
teachers of foreign language and foreign literature. Media competence is a top priority (Andrushchenko, 2004). The
ability to effectively interact with the media space, finding the most effective ways to use information technology (IT)
during the educational process, understanding the meanings of audiovisual images and, as a consequence, more
professional and confident handling of numerous information flows are the foundations of modern educational
process, thus predetermining topicality of this research. The modern era considers digital education (E-learning)
primarily as a process of personal development with the help and on the material of information digital technologies
with the purpose of forming a culture of communication with media, creative and foreign language skills,

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communicative abilities, critical thinking, skills of full perception, interpretation, analysis evaluation of media texts,
teaching different forms of self-expression through IT (Almajali, Masa'deh & Al-Dmour, 2016; Almajali, Masa'deh
& Al-Lozi, 2016; Almajali, Masa’deh & Tarhini, 2016; Chen & Chung, 2007; Grant, 2011; Maqableh, Mohammed,
& Masa’deh, 2016)
The use of IT is intended to perform the unique function of preparing the future specialist for the quality realization
of educational services in the information space (Hurevych, 2012). A successful history of analysing the
phenomenon of media education offers numerous advances in the scientific systems of different subjects. However,
the particularities of using IT to build competencies for future foreign language and foreign language teachers have
not yet been the subject of a thorough scientific research. Given the scope of the concept of “information technology”
and its classification, we offer an analysis of the use of IT in the context of teaching activities by the class of
implemented technological operations covered by new IT: work with graphic objects, multimedia systems and
hypertext systems (Gritsenko, 2010).
1.2 Theoretical Background
Studies of the use of new IT in the teaching process and its influence on the development of necessary competences
can be found in the works of local and foreign researchers (Archer et al., 2014; Bykov, 2008; 2013; Grant, 2011;
Gritsenko, 2010; Halich, 2010; Kademia, Kozyar & Rak, 2011; Petko, 2012; Plish, 2012; Tverezovska, 2009).
Aspects of philosophical understanding of the use of IT in the learning process are covered in the works (Bohachkov
et al., 2015; Shevchenko, 2008; Zachko & Rak, 2008). Features of the use of modern multimedia tools in the context
of teaching methodology are explained by Bohachkov et al. (2015) and Tverezovska (2009). Certain scholars
consider the practicalities of new IT in the teaching process, i.e. Aristovnik (2012), Mumtaz (2000), Zerrella and
Zerrella (2011).
A critical review of the works dealing with the use of IT in education allows making the following conclusions:
1. The pedagogical features of IT in the context of the educational process are (Andrushchenko, 2004; Machynska &
Komarova, 2015):
• Building a personalized computer-driven learning environment;
• Individually oriented software for the application of special teaching methods;
• Integration of learning subjects in a survey modus based on existing software and hardware.
2. The use of IT in the learning process provides the following opportunities (Plish, 2012; Poyasok, 2009;
Tverezovska, 2009; Zerfaß & Pleil, 2015):
• Formation of dynamic interaction of the subjects of education;
• Supporting the dynamic interaction of the teacher as a moderator of the educational process with the subjects of
• Promoting the attentiveness and activity of participants to the educational process;
• Combining learning processes and evaluating learning results at different stages;
• Recording the level of success as a whole and the individual results of participants to the educational process.
3. New IT includes tools that realize the following opportunities (Shyshkina & Popel, 2013; Tverezovska, 2009;
Zerrella & Zerella, 2011):
• Free choice of implementation of the educational material in view of the planned objective of the learning
• Individually-oriented survey in the process of current and final certification;
• Use of standardized methodological techniques of the survey based on the material of test technologies for the
purpose of pedagogical diagnostics of participants to the educational process.
4. IT software realizes the following features (Kademia, Kozyar, Kobysya & Koval, 2010; Kozak, 2014; Zachko &
Rak, 2008):
• Import of Powerpoint slides, texts, files, information formats;
• Exporting (moving) information of different formats to Excel or Webct;
• Use of e-mail to communicate with the subject of education;

Published by Sciedu Press 143 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052

http://ijhe.sciedupress.com International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 9, No. 7; 2020

• High-speed data transmission required for the use of multimedia hardware.

However, it is worth noting that the results of a comprehensive study of the use of IT to form competencies in future
teachers, including teachers of foreign language and foreign literature, are poorly studied, which determines the
topicality of our study.
The objective of the proposed scientific research is to substantiate possible ways of using IT for the development of
competences in future teachers of foreign language and foreign literature in the context of modern digital education.
2. Materials and Methods
We conducted our study in several stages. Each stage aimed at achieving the relevant objectives:
1. The first stage involved the theoretical literature review on the researched problem. At this stage, we studied
philological and pedagogical literature, which allowed us to describe and detail the conceptual framework of
research, systematization and synthesis of theoretical and empirical data used to outline the real state of application
of IT in training future teachers of foreign languages and foreign literature.
2. At the second stage, we made generalizations for the study and interpretation of theoretical sources on a
researched problem, results of activity of students, identification of regularities, presenting results, and drawing
3. The third stage was characterized by the analysis of the process and products of activity — we provided examples
of assignments aimed at developing different types of competencies of future teachers of foreign languages and
foreign literature with the use IT on the topic “Time and Space Organization of Ray Bradbury’s Novel Dandelion
Our research is based on the general scientific methodological principle of anthropocentrism, according to which a
subjective factor takes on the determining role in all spheres of human activity. Functional approach to the analysis
of IT in the context of the educational process outlines the specific scientific basis of the proposed scientific search,
which allows to organically combine the postulates of media-oriented education with cognitive and communicative
principles in the study of ways of using IT in teaching teachers of foreign language and foreign literature. According
to the guidelines of this approach, the functional purpose of IT influences the processes of formation of the form and
value of the acquired knowledge. An important element in describing the use of IT is the principle of consistency. All
stages of the work are characterized by the consistent use of inductive method, according to which the scientific
search is implemented in the direction “from the analysis of particular material to generalizations and conclusions”,
and the theoretical background is substantiated in details and illustrated by practical data. In addition, we use the
following theoretical methods: the analysis of philosophical, pedagogical and psychological literature, which allow
us to describe and detail the conceptual framework of research, systematization and synthesis of theoretical and
empirical data used to describe the real state of the possibility of applying IT in teaching future teachers of foreign
language and foreign literature.
3. Results
The role of IT in the learning process is predicted and undisputed due to the active implementation of computer
equipment and innovative multimedia tools, which demonstrate a significant impact on the content of activities of the
subjects of the educational process (Bykov, 2008; Dalton & Devitt, 2016; Darawsheh, AL-Shaar & AL-Lozi, 2016;
Dinçer, 2014). The development of science and technology requires, however, a continuous search for new tools of
teaching methods. The main problems of today are the search for channels of intensification of cognitive activity,
formation of motivational environment for the subjects of the educational process. In view of the actively growing
volumes of information and in order to improve the quality of its assimilation, there is a need for new learning tools
and technologies. One such tool is IT. The development of computer technologies allowed applying them effectively
in the following vectors of educational activities: the use of reference information and expert systems with the help
of computer hardware to store, search and interpret information flows (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 2013; Grant,
Applied software products that find application in the educational process must have the following properties:
• Maximum accessibility for all subjects of the educational process;
• Easy-to-use interface;
• Realization of numerous it opportunities for transfer of educational contents, i.e. text and graphic images, static
and dynamic forms, colour and sound accompaniments;

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• The ability to choose the level of complexity and content of educational information;
• Availability of the required list of service options for prompt copying, storage and processing of educational
• Openness to manipulation by other technical means, which will ensure adaptation to the actual conditions of the
educational process;
• Compliance with all the latest didactic requirements;
• Provision of a variant of functioning as a means of a local network with the centralized storage of the results of
information processing, and on separate, not interconnected means of communication, IT;
• Taking into account ergonomic factors;
• Interface available in the language used in the educational process.
The main didactic functions that can be implemented with the help of IT in the process of teaching future teachers of
foreign literature and foreign language are the following: cognitive (IT is used as a source of knowledge, contributes
to quality informational preparation for the educational process), developmental (improvement of computer skills,
activation of cognitive interests), research (carrying out literary and linguistic researches with the help of modern IT),
training (independent verification of acquired knowledge by means of IT), diagnostic (checking the level of
knowledge acquired at any stage of education), communicative (activating the process of communication through
social networks, mobile applications and telecommunications projects).
The following groups of competences are distinguished in the context of the development of professional
competence of the future teacher of foreign language and foreign literature: social, multicultural, communicative,
self-development and self-education, productive creative activity, computer science (integration of knowledge about
basic methods of computer science and information technologies) (Figure 1).

Hardware means + Information activity = Information technology

Figure 1. Components of informational technology

Three main clusters were distinguished in view of the proposed distribution of IT analysis by class of technological
operations implemented in the context of competency development in future teachers of foreign language and foreign
literature: work with graphic objects, multimedia systems and hypertext systems. Based on the material of the
selected clusters, we offer a list of the most effective IT in the context of the analysed range of problems (see Table
Table 1. Use of different types of IT as a means of competence development in teachers of foreign language and
foreign literature
IT type Advantages Application mode Assignment examples
1. Working-out of lexico-grammatical
material without verification;
Convenience and mobility in use;
2. Working-out of a certain theoretical and
Use online and offline.

volume; possibility of editing;

Electronic textbook

literary studies or artistic discourse

visualization of the material
fragment with subsequent verification,
presented; increase in efficiency of
when a list of questions is offered at the
assimilation of the material
end of each structural unit (paragraph or
presented: development of
topic) that allows to determine the degree
object-content, object-reflexive and
of assimilation of the material;
reflexive fragments of educational
activity. 3. Test control intended for the final
control of students’ knowledge with
allotting the marks.

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1. Demonstration of the dynamics of a

Statistical and dynamic tables particular linguistic or literary

Use online and offline.

phenomenon or concept in diachrony or
Easy to scale and edit; calculating the synchrony;
required quantitative data; the
2. Possibility of calculating the frequency
visualization of the material
of a particular lexical unit or phenomenon
(for the purpose of conducting linguistic,
literary studies);
… etc.
1. Demonstration of the life and creative

Use online and offline.

path of the poet or writer;
Literary portraits

2. Demonstration of the genesis of a

literary hero;
… etc.
3. Analysis of the basic translation
techniques used in translating the text of
the original… etc.
1. Define the grammatical concept;

board, offline
with the help

Use online

Generalization of the material interactive

use on a
2. Establish correspondence;
of an

studied, objectivity of verification


and evaluation of the results. 3. Name the work, retell the work, the
author, etc.
1. Watch a video story on a YouTube
Videoplot in online and offline

channel about a particular author, hero or

literary work.
Visualization of a certain literary or
Virtual tours

2. Make a virtual tour in the museum of a

linguistic theme, giving up new

particular country by link;

horizons of the subjects of the
educational process. 3. Creation of a virtual tour by means of
audio and video files on a particular topic
of linguistic or literary studies;
… etc.
Interactivity, multimedia. Increasing
Multimedia presentations

Use online and offline.

interest in a specific lexical or

grammatical topic, a particular author
or literary work, visualization of Choice of theme and arbitrary formation of
educational material, development of multimedia content.
creativity; multiplicity and
systematicity of observation in view
of specific linguistic and literary
studies issues
Interactivity, efficiency of access to Given the purpose of visiting a particular
Use online


online. by a

information resources, promptness. website.

Remotability, interactivity,

Attending a seminar on a particular topic

accessibility for all subjects of the
using web technologies.
educational process, saving time.
1. Creation of a text document on a
Use online.

Remotability, interactivity, speed of particular lexical or grammatical subject,


exchange of information streams, with its subsequent submission;

documents. 2. Perform a particular task that has been
received via e-mail; … etc.

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In the context of the range of problems under study, one should also pay attention to the concept of “creolized text”,
which is a complex textual formation where verbal and non-verbal elements form a single visual structural integrity
(Blau & Hameiri, 2010; Poyasok, 2009). The following variants of creolized text are relevant for teaching future
specialists of foreign language and foreign literature: book trailers (commercials that provide a video review of
particular book products), comics, motivators/demotivators, posters, booklets, photo collages, logos, doodles (a
Google screensaver that visualises, for example, a famous writer or literary hero), scrapbooking (photo design, clips
for pages or albums, for example, on a literary work), cardmaking (handmade postcards), etc. The proposed text
varieties are created and demonstrated mainly through IT and can be actively used during the educational process.
Among the most requested programs, the following programs are generally used to create the varieties of text and
text documents that future teachers should be familiar with (Chen & Chung, 2007; Kademia et al., 2011):
1. E-Mail - one of the most popular and requested Internet services;
2. Google, Yahoo, Shukalka, Ukr.net – a large number of websites, web products, e-mail programs and blogs;
3. OfficeWord – a document creation program on your computer;
4. YouTube is one of the popular 2.0 technology services, a free video file service (view, create and share);
5. Skype – an Internet telephony channel for text and video communication;
6. PowerPoint – software for creating multimedia content that can be demonstrated and commented on;
7. Telegram – a messenger, software for computers, smartphones and tablets, allows creating text messages, transfer
graphics, video and audio files, and make calls.
8. Facebook – a social network that started its operation primarily as a network for students. The service not only
supports the exchange of information between users, but also provides access to world-renowned scholarship
programs, educational resources, etc.;
9. Quizlet – a mobile application that helps to memorize notions, definitions, concepts, etc. that are pre-formed and
transferred through mobile messengers to a subject or group of subjects in the educational process.
The proposed list of programs that can be used in teaching of future specialists in foreign language and foreign
literature is not exhaustive and does not claim its completion. Digital education continuously produces new
information technologies and ways of their application.
Here are some examples of assignments aimed at forming different types of competencies of future teachers of
foreign language and foreign literature with the involvement of IT to the topic “Time and Space Organization of Ray
Bradbury’s Novel Dandelion Wine”:
1. Analyse the phenomenon of chronotype in modern literary studies using available search engines and electronic
libraries. The proposed assignment develops intellectual, informational, logical competence. In addition, it promotes
the development of self-education and self-development competences.
2. Create a multimedia presentation of the chronotype of the house and the time spaces of summer and forest. An
assignment of this type also contributes to the development of intellectual, informational and logical competences.
Develops creativity and develops a research function, in particular, the multiplicity and systematic nature of
observation in view of specific problems of literary studies.
3. Create a literary portrait of the author – Ray Bradbury. This assignment is characterized by the development of
multisensory nature. Contributes to the development of general and professional competences in the future specialists
of foreign literature.
4. Prepare scrapbooking (photo design, clips for pages or albums) on the topic of the proposed literary work.
Develops creativity and research function. Contributes to the formation of an individual approach to the assignment.
5. Analyse the most frequently used lexical means by Ray Bradbury’s proposed work and submit their translation
through the Quizlet mobile application. Promotes effective memorization of lexical material.
In our opinion, the proposed list of assignments with the use if IT can be generated according to these vectors, in
view of the fantasy and motivation of the subjects of the educational process, and serve to develop key and
professional competences in the preparation of future teachers of foreign language and foreign literature. Such
assignments will contribute to the development of independence, ability to analyse, synthesize and summarize
information, to develop a culture of communication with the use of IT, creative, communicative abilities, critical

Published by Sciedu Press 147 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052

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4. Discussion
Analysing the study, it should be noted that IT is a universal tool in the training of future foreign language and
foreign literature specialists (see Table 1) and can be effectively used in teaching any general subjects in classes
which differ in organization and content, in particular, in teaching foreign languages and foreign literature (Fedoruk,
2008; Shyshkina & Kogut, 2013) When studying certain topics, it is important to identify the form of educational
activity that is most consistent with IT. These are lectures, practical, laboratory and seminar classes, independent
work, supervision, etc.
We believe that IT enables the most effective realization of all types of educational activities. As a general example
and result of our scientific research, we present the following general scheme of delivering lessons in foreign
literature and foreign language using IT:
1. Teachers deliver lectures using IT. Lecture demonstrations require powerful technical equipment. The use of a
computer, an electronic interactive board, or the demonstration of a lecture material through a network directly in a
computer classroom greatly expands the content richness of educational texts. Such lectures are especially relevant in
distance education (Shevchenko, 2008).
2. Conducting practical classes and seminars with the use of IT. The use of multimedia systems, a number of
programs supporting the educational process, information and reference systems, mobile applications can and should
be used as tools for future professionals to independently solve problems in the subject under study, stimulate
research interest and develop a creative approach to completing the assignments (Archer et al., 2014; Aristovnik,
2012; Bohachkov et al., 2015; Bykov, 2013; Halich, 2010).
3. Control tests of acquired knowledge and skills using IT. Such controls can be carried out during tests,
examinations, defence of term papers and graduation works. IT contributes to the effective implementation of all
types of control: current, thematic, boundary and final (Fedoruk, 2008; Shyshkina & Kogut, 2013).
4. Conducting research and methodological seminars and conferences aimed at improving the scientific and
professional qualification of future foreign language and foreign literature specialists with the use of IT, i.e. on-line
and off-line technologies, audio conferencing, video conferencing, teleconferences, (Almajali et al., 2016b;
Hurevych, Kademia & Shevchenko, 2007; Kademia et al., 2010).
5. Independent or distance study of the subject by future specialists with the use of IT (Almajali et al., 2016a; Chen,
2006; Kosohova, 2008; Shyshkina & Kogut, 2013).
The competences of future teachers of foreign language and foreign language are represented by both subject and
general competencies, where IT competence is ranked as one of the top priorities. It implies the teachers’ ability to
use IT effectively and appropriately in their professional career. IT competence, in turn, is divided into three main
competencies that are relevant to the specific activities of teachers of foreign language and foreign literature: general,
diagnostic and subject-oriented. General competence implies the teacher’s ability to use IT to ensure a successful
learning process, creating multimedia content or different documents, charts, tables, etc. Diagnostic competence
demonstrates the teacher’s ability to analyse the results of the educational process. Subject-oriented competence is a
testament to the professional ability to use IT during the educational process, combining ready-made electronic
products with the content and subject matter of the lesson. Thus, as the analysis shows, IT competence determines
the ability of specialists to apply IT in a practical activity, both to meet their own needs and to solve professional
problems in the context of the subject area (see Figure 2).
Modern teacher of foreign language and foreign literature should be familiar with the elements of theoretical and
experimental (trial) study in the professional field and methods of their implementation, to know the state standard of
general secondary education, training programs on foreign language and foreign literature for comprehensive schools
and their implementation in different types of curricular and extracurricular activities, have creative-critical thinking,
creatively use different theories and experience (domestic, foreign) in the process of solving the social and
professional tasks, using modern methods and technologies (including IT) to ensure the quality of the educational
process. IT contributes to the active formation of all groups of competences: social, multicultural, communicative,
self-development and self-education, productive creative activity, informative.

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1. Creation of 1. Exercise/ implementation of 1. Combination of
o Tables o Monitoring Processes and actions when
o Pictures o Diagnostics opening and transferring
material on foreign literature
o Descriptions o Electronic testing
on the example of works;
o Presentations o Forecasting
foreign language on the
2. Use of example of lexical and
o Internet technology grammatical material
o Virtual classes
o Local networks
o Interactive boards
3. Development of
o Own media usage schemes
(examples of presentations, own
videos, etc.)
Figure 2. IT competences of teachers of foreign language and foreign literature
5. Conclusions
The use of information technologies in the process of realization of educational and professional training of future
teachers of foreign language and foreign literature contributes to a more effective solution of basic curricula
problems, in-depth study of the content of the studied subjects, optimization of self-education and self-development
of future specialists, individual way of perceiving information and work with it. Involvement of information
technologies in the educational process visualizes the theoretical foundations of the chosen specialization, expresses
the peculiarities of language and literature as subjects as a whole, effectively promotes the choice of methodological
and didactic principles of presentation of foreign language and foreign literature in school, determines the content
and structure of lessons at different levels of school philological education, modernizes the specifics of the
communication process between the teacher and the pupil, expands the possibilities of analysis of any literary work
or lexico-grammatical phenomenon, demonstrates originality of perception and the development of emotional sphere
of subjects of educational process in working with certain linguistic phenomena or literary works.
In addition, it should be noted that the implementation of information technology in the process of training future
specialists contributes to the formation of skills and abilities of the educational activities as such, solves a number of
problems with the development of oral and written language of the subjects of the educational process, helps to
diversify and present the issues of extra-curricular reading for pupils, teaches to analyse school curricula and
textbooks, make different types of plans and synopsis of lessons, develop a system of questions for the analysis of
lexico-grammatical phenomena, literary works or individual episodes, schematize the system of lessons and
individual lessons in accordance with the study of works of different lexico-grammatical topics, literary families and
genres, distinguish methodological instruments of interpretation of artistic texts, taking into account the peculiarities
of the collective of pupils and the personality of each pupil. Information technologies in the context of the
educational process are positioned as the most effective tools for assessing pupils’ oral responses and written work,
making programmes of elective courses, producing scripts for literary events and analysing lessons of foreign
language, foreign literature and extracurricular activities in these subjects. A further vector of scientific research is

Published by Sciedu Press 149 ISSN 1927-6044 E-ISSN 1927-6052

http://ijhe.sciedupress.com International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 9, No. 7; 2020

seen in the further search and implementation of adequate methods, ways of applying information technologies in the
professional training of teachers of foreign language and foreign literature, which correspond to innovative
educational trends. We believe that the proposed topic of scientific research contributes to the successful realization
of the educational programme in the context of technical and information support for students of higher educational
6. Limitations of the Study
Our proposed general scheme of conducting lessons in foreign literature and foreign language with the help of IT
does not cover all the problematic issues regarding the development of competence of future English teachers, but
provides recommendations for improving different types of competences of students majoring in Linguistics. In the
future, the topic of our study may include improvement of models of competence development and methods for
bringing the communication skills of future teachers to a creative level.
7. Directions for Future Research
Prospects for further research in this area include determining the structure and components of information and
digital competence of future foreign language teachers.
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