Blood Transfusion in the Age of Tranexamic Acid
Blood Transfusion in the Age of Tranexamic Acid
Blood Transfusion in the Age of Tranexamic Acid
Primary Hip
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Background: Modern surgical protocols, particularly the use of tranexamic acid (TXA), have reduced, but
Received 23 January 2024 not eliminated, blood transfusions surrounding total hip arthroplasty (THA). Identifying patients at risk
Received in revised form for transfusion remains important for risk reduction and to determine type and screen testing.
17 June 2024
Methods: We reviewed 6,405 patients who underwent primary, unilateral THA between January 2014
Accepted 19 June 2024
Available online 22 June 2024
and January 2023 at a single academic institution, received TXA, and had preoperative hemoglobin (Hgb)
values. We compared demographics, baseline Hgb levels, and surgical details between patients who were
and were not transfused. Data were analyzed utilizing multivariate regression and receiver operating
total hip arthroplasty
characteristic curve analysis.
transfusion Results: The overall perioperative and intraoperative transfusion rates were 3.4 and 1.0%, respectively.
type and screen Patients who were older, women, and American Society of Anesthesiologists class >II demonstrated an
tranexamic acid increased risk of transfusion. Risk of transfusion demonstrated an inverse correlation with preoperative
hemoglobin Hgb levels, a bimodal association with body mass index, and a direct correlation with age, surgical time,
perioperative management and estimated blood loss on multivariate analysis. The receiver operating characteristic analysis
demonstrated a preoperative Hgb cutoff of 12 g/dL for predicting any transfusion. Above the threshold of
12 g/dL, total and intraoperative transfusions were rare, with rates of 1.7 and 0.3%, respectively. Total and
intraoperative transfusion rates with Hgb between 11 and 12 g/dL were 14.3 and 4.6%, respectively.
Below 11 g/dL, total and intraoperative transfusion rates were 27.5 and 10.1%, respectively.
Conclusions: In the age of TXA, blood transfusion is rare in THA when preoperative Hgb is >12 g/dL,
challenging the need for universal type and screening. Conversely, patients who have Hgb < 11.0 g/dL,
remain at substantial risk for transfusion. Between Hgb 11 and 12 g/dL, patient age, sex, body mass index,
American Society of Anesthesiologists classification, anticipated estimated blood loss, and surgical time
may help predict transfusion risk and the need for a perioperative type and screen.
Level of Evidence: III.
© 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and
similar technologies.
Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is one of the most successful function in end-stage osteoarthritis of the hip [1]. The demand for
orthopaedic surgeries, routinely relieving pain and restoring THA is expected to explode, with certain estimates predicting a
469% increase in volume by the year 2060 [1e3]. Despite the
success of THA, it does not come without risks. Perioperative
bleeding can be extensive, resulting in the risk of blood transfusion
One or more of the authors of this paper have disclosed potential or pertinent [4,5]. Studies before routine tranexamic acid (TXA) use have
conflicts of interest, which may include receipt of payment, either direct or indirect,
reported a mean drop in hemoglobin (Hgb) of 4 grams per deciliter
institutional support, or association with an entity in the biomedical field which
may be perceived to have potential conflict of interest with this work. For full following THA [6]. Contemporary studies, with preoperative
disclosure statements refer to administration of TXA, estimate an average blood loss of 1,188 to
* Address correspondence to: Matthew Hepinstall, MD, Department of Ortho- 1,651 mL perioperatively, representing up to 20% of a patient’s total
pedic Surgery, NYU Langone Health, NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital, 301 E 17th
blood volume [7,8]. Blood loss is the most frequent adverse event
St, New York, NY 10003.
0883-5403/© 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies.
120 M.A. Haider et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 40 (2025) 119e126
Table 1 Table 2
Demographic Differences in Patients Receiving Postoperative Transfusion Versus No Demographic Differences in Patients Receiving Intraoperative Transfusion Versus No
Transfusion Following THA. Transfusion Following THA.
Age (y, range, SD) 68 (21 to 95, 15.2) 63. (20 to 97, 11.8) <.001 Age (y, range, SD) 70 (20 to 98, 15.2) 63 (20 to 97, 11.8) <.001
Sex (Female %) 138 (78.4) 3,483 (56.5) <.001 Sex (Female %) 44 (69.8) 3,483 (56.5) .033
BMI (kg/m2, range, SD) 27.8 (15.4 to 50.6, 6.1) 29.5 (14.3 to 61.3, <.001 BMI (kg/m2, range, SD) 28.7 (18.5 to 48.1, 6.6) 29.5 (14.3 to 61.3, .276
6.0) 6.0)
Race (%) .405 Race (%) .552
White 121 (68.6) 4,405 (71.4) White 48 (76.2) 4,405 (71.4)
Black 31 (17.6) 881 (14.3) Black 10 (15.9) 881 (14.3)
Asian 6 (3.4) 142 (2.3) Asian 1 (1.6) 142 (2.3)
Other 18 (10.2) 738 (12.0) Other 4 (6.3) 738 (12.0)
Smoking Status (%) .351 Smoking Status (%) .938
Never 100 (56.8) 3,213 (52.1) Never 35 (55.6) 3,213 (52.1)
Former 67 (38.1) 2,419 (39.2) Former 23 (36.5) 2,419 (39.2)
Current 9 (5.1) 521 (8.4) Current 5 (7.9) 521 (8.4)
Unknown 0 (0.0) 13 (0.2) Unknown 0 (0.0) 13 (0.2)
ASA (%) <.001 ASA (%) <.001
I 6 (3.4) 442 (7.2) I 2 (3.2) 442 (7.2)
II 63 (35.8) 3,699 (60.0) II 17 (27.0) 3,699 (60.0)
III 94 (53.4) 1922 (31.2) III 37 (58.7) 1,922 (31.2)
IV 13 (7.4) 103 (1.7) IV 7 (11.1) 103 (1.7)
Surgical Approach (%) <.001 Surgical Approach (%) <.001
Posterior 132 (75.0) 3,762 (61.0) Posterior 53 (84.1) 3,762 (61.0)
Direct Anterior 38 (21.6) 1,972 (32.0) Direct Anterior 7 (11.1) 1,972 (32.0)
Modified Lateral 6 (3.4) 432 (7.0) Modified Lateral 3 (4.8) 432 (7.0)
Preoperative Hgb (g/dL, 11.5 (6.7 to 17.5, 1.8) 13.5 (7.5 to 19.2, <.001 Preoperative Hgb (g/dL, 10.9 (6.8 to 15.6, 2.1) 13.5 (7.5 to 19.2, <.001
range, SD) 1.5) range, SD) 1.5)
Hgb < 12 g/dL (%) 98 (55.7) 861 (14.0) <.001 Hgb < 12 g/dL (%) 46 (73.0) 861 (14.0) <.001
Hgb < 11 g/dL (%) 61 (34.7) 260 (4.2) <.001 Hgb < 11 g/dL (%) 35 (55.6) 260 (4.2) <.001
Bolded P-values are statistically significant (P < .05). Bolded P-values are statistically significant (P < .05).
THA, total hip arthroplasty; SD, standard deviation; BMI, body mass index; ASA, THA, total hip arthroplasty; SD, standard deviation; BMI, body mass index; ASA,
American Society of Anesthesiologists; Hgb, hemoglobin. American Society of Anesthesiologists; Hgb, hemoglobin.
LOS when compared to patients not requiring a transfusion (1.8 with either intraoperative or postoperative transfusion risk,
days, P < .001 for both comparisons). In addition, rates of discharge respectively (Table 5).
to a skilled nursing facility were higher in patients receiving For intraoperative transfusion risk, age (RR 1.06 [1.03 to 1.08], P
intraoperative (42.9%) or postoperative (30.1%) transfusions < .001), women (RR 2.50 [1.07 to 2.74], P < .001), ASA > 2 (RR 4.68
compared to patients not transfused (7.5%, P < .001 for both com- [2.73 to 8.02], P < .001), and increasing operative time (RR 1.019
parisons). A full account of perioperative variables is located in [1.013 to 1.026], P < .001) were associated with an increased risk of
Table 3. A subanalysis of operative time and EBL for patients who transfusion. Increasing preoperative Hgb levels (RR 0.41 [0.36 to
had preoperative Hgb between 11 and 12 can be found in Table 4. 0.48], P < .001) were protective against transfusion risk. Body mass
On univariate analysis, both intraoperative (81.0) and postoperative index (BMI) was not associated with the risk of intraoperative
(75.0) transfusion groups demonstrated higher rates of posterior transfusion (Table 5).
surgical approach use when compared to patients not transfused
(61.0%, P < .001 for both comparisons).
Cutoff Value Determination
Multivariate Risk Analysis
Following ROC curve analysis, Youden’s J statistic identified an
Upon performing a subanalysis for total transfusion risk, using Hgb as the value of 12 g/dL to be the value at which the risk for
multiple independent binary logistic regression, it was identified transfusion increases significantly (Figures 2 and 3). Accordingly,
that age (relative risk [RR] 1.04 [1.02 to 1.05], P < .001), women using binary logistic regression, an Hgb value of <12 g/dL was
(RR 2.39 [1.61 to 3.55], P < .001), ASA > 2 (RR 2.26 [1.59 to 3.21], associated with higher risk of all and intraoperative transfusions,
P < .001), and increasing operative time (RR 1.011 [1.007 to respectively (RR 8.8 and 15.6, P < .001) (Table 5). The risk for total
1.015], P < .001) were associated with increased risk of any and intraoperative transfusions significantly increased below an
transfusion. Of note, increasing BMI (RR 0.94 [0.92 to 0.96], P < Hgb value of 11 g/dL (RR 14.94 and 24.19, P < .001). Transfusion
.001) and increasing preoperative Hgb levels (RR 0.46 [0.43 to rates between preoperative Hgb values of 11 g/dL and 12 g/dL were
0.50], P < .001) were protective from transfusion on regression modest at 14.3 and 4.6%, respectively. Below 11 g/dL, total and
analysis (Table 5). However, when transfusion risk was stratified intraoperative transfusion rates were high at 27.5 and 10.1%,
by BMI, it became clear that transfusion risk and BMI share a respectively. Above 12 g/dL, total and intraoperative transfusion
bimodal relationship (Figure 1). Increasing BMI was protective rates were low (1.7 and 0.3%, respectively).
against perioperative transfusion up to the range of BMI’s from Similarly, following ROC curve analysis, an operative time of
30.0 to 34.9, which was associated with the lowest rate of 112 minutes was identified as an optimal cutoff value for the
transfusion. Above 35, increasing BMI is correlated with prediction of transfusion using Youden’s J statistic (Figure 4). Total
increasing transfusion risk (Figure 1). On multivariate analysis, transfusion rates above and below this value were determined to be
posterior (P ¼ .938, .166), anterior (P ¼ .128, .258), and lateral 6.2 and 1.6%, respectively. Intraoperative transfusion rates above
(P ¼ .488, .544) surgical approaches did not significantly correlate and below this value were 2.0 and 0.6%, respectively.
122 M.A. Haider et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 40 (2025) 119e126
Table 3
Perioperative Characteristics in Patients Receiving Intraoperative Transfusion Versus Postoperative Transfusion Versus No Transfusion.
Patient Variable Intraoperative Transfusion (n ¼ 63) Postoperative Transfusion (n ¼ 176) No Transfusion (n ¼ 6,166) P Value
Surgical Time (min, range, SD) 176.4 (74 to 480, 75.6) 142.2 (44 to 379, 56.3) 107.2 (50 to 324, 31.7) <.001
Estimated Blood Loss (mL, SD) 898.4 ± 624.8 468.8 ± 290.9 298.0 ± 134.6 <.001
Length of Stay (d, range, SD) 6.0 (1 to 2, 6.7) 5.9 (1 to 55, 5.5) 1.8 (0 to 21, 1.5) <.001
Discharge Disposition <.001
Home 31 (49.2) 106 (51.9) 5,613 (91.0)
SNF 27 (42.9) 53 (30.1) 463 (7.5)
ARF 5 (7.9) 16 (9.1) 83 (1.3)
Other 0 (0.0) 1 (0.6) 7 (0.1)
Discussion Patients in this study who had lower preoperative Hgb values
were significantly more likely to require perioperative transfusions.
The main findings of the present study were as follows: (1) The This intuitive finding has been well-documented in previous liter-
overall perioperative, intraoperative, and postoperative transfusion ature [7,20,24e27]. Patients who are anemic preoperatively are less
rates for THA were 3.4, 1.0, and 2.7%, respectively, at a single large able to tolerate perioperative blood loss and thus more likely to
academic institution with routine use of TXA. (2) Patients who had receive transfusions. The open question is: what preoperative Hgb
lower preoperative Hgb levels were more likely to require trans- threshold predicts the need for perioperative transfusion and,
fusions; patients who had Hgb values less than 11 g/dL and 12 g/dL subsequently, indicates a need for preoperative, intraoperative, or
had overall transfusion rates of 27.5 and 14.3%, respectively. (3) postoperative type and screen testing? This question has been
Patients requiring perioperative transfusion were significantly investigated previously; however, these studies were performed
older, more commonly women, had lower BMIs, and were more before the routine use of TXA [26,28]. The present study found that
commonly ASA class > II, compared to patients not requiring a a preoperative Hgb below 11.0 g/dL is a strong independent
transfusion. These trends held true on multivariate analysis, predictor for perioperative transfusion (P < .001), with 27.5% of
accounting for the confounding effect of preoperative Hgb. (4) patients who had a preoperative Hgb < 11 g/dL requiring intra-
Patients requiring a transfusion were significantly more likely to operative or postoperative transfusion. Preoperative Hgb below
have a prolonged surgical time (>112 minutes) and increased EBL. 12.0 g/dL was an additional significant predictor for perioperative
(5) Patients requiring a perioperative transfusion had an increased transfusion (P < .001), with 16.7% of patients who had a preop Hgb
mean LOS and a decreased rate of discharge to home. < 12 g/dL requiring a transfusion. This is compared to a 1.7% overall
The overall perioperative transfusion rate for THA was found to transfusion rate for patients with Hgb >12 g/dL. Data from before
be 3.4, with 1.0% of these being intraoperative transfusions. routine use of TXA revealed a mean drop in Hgb of approximately 4
Transfusion rates vary widely across institutions and geographic g/dL following THA [6]. With a postoperative transfusion threshold
locations and have changed drastically in recent years. Over the of approximately 7 g/dL, patients who have preoperative Hgb less
past 2 decades, studies have reported varying allogenic transfusion than 11 g/dL would routinely require transfusion. The present study
rates between 10 and 70% for routine primary THAs and TKAs suggests that patients who had a preoperative Hgb < 11 g/dL still
[20e22]. Transfusion rates have steadily declined over the past benefit from a preoperative type and screen, as these patients
decade. In 2017, Bedard et al. analyzed over 69,000 THA cases and continue to be at high risk for requiring either intraoperative or
reported perioperative THA transfusion rates of ~9% [23]. Contrast postoperative transfusion. The transfusion threshold of 7 g/dL
this rate to the study by Antoniou et al. in 2014, where they found commonly utilized at our institution is more restrictive than some
an overall transfusion rate of 22.2% after analyzing over 9,000 THA’s prior reports in the orthopaedic literature [29] and is informed by
[24]. The present study’s overall perioperative transfusion rate, at an evolving understanding of blood management based on exten-
3.7%, remains substantially below the rates cited in the aforemen- sive literature over the past 2 decades [30]. Transfusion triggers and
tioned studies. This may reflect improvements in surgical thresholds may continue to change and evolve as advances in
techniques, patient optimization, and perioperative care, including perioperative optimization, surgical techniques and hemostasis are
improved blood product stewardship. Institution-specific policies achieved in the coming years.
and procedures likely play a role in the relatively low transfusion Patients requiring perioperative transfusions in this study were
rates demonstrated in the present study. Despite these low rates, significantly older than patients not requiring transfusions; this is
there remains room for improvement. Studies have reported that consistent with previous literature [24,31]. Antoniou et al. (2014)
with improved blood management protocols, decreasing invasive- analyzed 9,362 THAs and found that, on average, transfused
ness of procedures, and improved preoperative optimization, patients were 4 years older compared to nontransfused patients, P
transfusion rates following THA could potentially be reduced to < .0001 [24]. Less restrictive transfusion criteria may be used with
near zero in the coming years [15]. advanced age, as older arthroplasty patients are less tolerant of
Table 4
Subanalysis of Surgical Time and EBL in Patients Receiving Intraoperative Versus Postoperative Versus No Transfusion With Preoperative Hgb Between 11 and 12 g/dL.
Patient Variable Intraoperative Transfusion (n ¼ 12) Postoperative Transfusion (n ¼ 40) No Transfusion (n ¼ 679) P Value
Surgical Time (min, range, SD) 165.1 (104 to 224, 38.3) 143.4 (72 to 361, 66.2) 109.8 (42 to 286, 30.5) <.001
EBL (mL, SD) 316.7 ± 76.4 325.0 ± 138.5 297.6 ± 144.1 .845
Table 5
Multiple Independent Binary Logistic Regression for Intraoperative and Post-
operative Transfusion Risk.
Age (y) 1.06 (1.03 to 1.08) <.001 1.04 (1.02 to 1.05) <.001
BMI (kg/m2) 0.99 (0.95 to 1.03) .702 0.94 (0.92 to 0.96) <.001
Sex (Female) 2.50 (1.07 to 2.74) <.001 2.39 (1.61 to 3.55) <.001
ASA > 2 4.68 (2.73 to 8.02) <.001 2.26 (1.59 to 3.21) <.001
Surgical ime (min) 1.019 (1.013 to <.001 1.011 (1.007 to <.001
1.026) 1.015)
Surgical Time 12.05 (4.38 to <.001 2.85 (2.26 to 3.59) <.001
>100 min 33.20)
Surgical Time >110 6.88 (3.59 to 13.19) <.001 3.29 (2.66 to 4.07) <.001
Surgical Time >120 7.88 (4.41 to 14.08) <.001 4.18 (3.54 to 4.94) <.001
Preoperative 0.41 (0.36 to 0.48) <.001 0.46 (0.43 to 0.50) <.001
Level >12 g/dL
Hemoglobin <12g/ 15.56 (8.83 to <.001 8.80 (7.15 to 10.84) <.001
Fig. 2. Transfusion ROC analysis for overall cohort. AUC, area under the curve; ROC,
dL 27.17)
receiver-operating characteristic. AUC ¼ 80.0%, 95% CI 76.8 to 83.1%. CI, confidence
Hemoglobin <11g/ 24.19 (14.58 to <.001 14.94 (11.89 to <.001
dL 40.14) 18.77)
Surgical Approach
Posterior 1.05 (0.31 to 3.56) .938 0.81 (0.59 to 1.09) .166
Direct Anterior 0.33 (0.08 to 1.39) .128 1.20 (0.87 to 1.66) .258 The present study found a bimodal distribution of all transfusion
Modified Lateral 0.66 (0.21 to 2.12) .488 1.19 (0.68 to 2.09) .544 risk when stratified by BMI (Figure 1); increasing BMI was
Bolded P-values are statistically significant (P < .05). protective up to a limit (35), after which increasing BMI began to
RR, relative risk; CI, confidence interval; BMI, body mass index; ASA, American increase transfusion risk (Figure 1). This finding may help resolve a
Society of Anesthesiologists. controversy in the literature; prior studies have shown increasing
BMI to be either a protective factor against transfusion [36,37] or a
risk factor for transfusion [25,26]. Both are conceivable. Increased
extended postoperative anemia as a result of decreased hemato- basal blood volume in heavier patients could make them more
poietic activity and platelet function [32]. tolerant of surgical blood loss and resistant to postoperative
Similarly, the finding that women are at increased risk for anemia, thus decreasing the likelihood of a perioperative
transfusion has also been well-documented in the literature transfusion [27]. On the other hand, patients who had higher BMIs
[32,33]. Women tend to have lower preoperative Hgb values when (>30) may have experienced increased operative blood loss,
compared to men; in addition to the impact of menstrual blood loss predisposing them to transfusion [38]. A bimodal distribution of
[34], women do not experience the stimulatory effect of androgens risk may help explain why, depending on the mean BMI of a study
on red cell production [35]. Thus, women tend to be less resistant to cohort, BMI could be classified as a risk or protective factor for
perioperative blood loss and anemia and generally end up requiring perioperative transfusion.
higher rates of transfusions. Interestingly, women remained pre-
dictive of transfusion risk on multivariate analysis after controlling
for preoperative Hgb levels in the present study. This suggests that
factors other than preoperative Hgb may also predispose women to
a higher risk of perioperative transfusion.
Fig. 3. Intraoperative transfusion ROC analysis for overall cohort. AUC, area under the
Fig. 1. Distribution of the incidence of transfusion by BMI classification. BMI, body curve; ROC, receiver-operating characteristic. Overall AUC ¼ 83.4%, 95% CI 77.1 to
mass index. 89.7%. CI, confidence interval.
124 M.A. Haider et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 40 (2025) 119e126
Fig. 4. Overall and Intraoperative Transfusion ROC analysis by operative time in minutes. A. Any Transfusion: AUC ¼ 74.9%, 95% CI 71.6 to 78.2%; intraoperative transfusion: AUC ¼
83.1%, 95% CI 77.9 to 88.4%. ROC, receiver operating characteristic; AUC, area under the curve; CI, confidence interval.
An increased risk of perioperative transfusion in patients who increased risk of deep infections, venous thromboses, and pul-
had higher ASA classes has previously been well-documented [24]. monary emboli in patients who received a transfusion when
Antoniou et al. (2014) reported an odds ratio for transfusion of 1.3 compared to patients who did not receive a transfusion [42]. It is
(P < .001) for patients who have ASA class > II. Other studies have indeed likely that these complications contribute to prolonged LOS
found that patients who are ASA class IV are 14.71 times more likely and may result in the utilization of higher levels of care following
to receive a transfusion, compared to patients who are ASA class I discharge.
[25]. The presence of chronic systemic disease predisposes to It was previously routine practice to obtain type and screen
anemia and is associated with increased bleeding risk in patients testing before primary THA, due to historically high transfusion
who have higher ASA classes [39]. Patients who have higher ASA rates before the adoption of TXA [14]. However, since transfusions
class are also more vulnerable to complications of anemia and thus following primary THA have become less common in modern
more likely to benefit from transfusion at a given Hgb value. practice, universal type and screen practices represent a source of
Increased EBL and surgical time have consistently been associ- inefficiency for many patients at low risk of transfusion. This in-
ated with an increased risk of transfusion in prior literature [40]. efficiency and increased cost particularly burden patients traveling
The present study found an approximately 4 times greater risk for from afar, who may require an extra preoperative visit to undergo
all-transfusions when surgical time exceeded 120 minutes in THA screening before the day of surgery; unlike routine bloodwork,
(P < .001). On ROC analysis of operative time, the present study preoperative type and screen testing is typically restricted to the
found an area under the curve of 83.1% for intraoperative trans- specific blood bank that would issue blood in the case of a peri-
fusions, and Youden’s J statistical analysis found an optimal surgical operative transfusion [43]. By eliminating universal type and screen
time cutoff of 112 minutes for predicting transfusion risk. These testing, studies have estimated an average of $200 per patient can
findings are consistent with the study by Parvizi et al. (2019), where be saved, in addition to any direct or indirect costs incurred by
they found that for every 15 minutes of operative time, blood loss patients to setup and travel to extra testing appointments [14,43]. If
increases on average by 211.5 mL [40]. As surgical time and a patient deemed low-risk for transfusion based on preoperative
consequent blood loss increase, so does a patient’s risk of post- factors is later determined to be higher-risk for a postoperative
operative anemia and subsequent transfusion. transfusion based on surgical duration or EBL, then a type and
Patients requiring transfusion in the present study demon- screen could be drawn with a complete blood count during surgery
strated longer hospital stays compared to patients not requiring a or in the postanesthesia care unit. This avoids the inefficiencies and
transfusion; this is in accordance with prior literature [41,42]. logistical issues of arranging extra preoperative appointments, or
Similar to the present study, Rodriguez et al. (2022) found that drawing blood in the preoperative holding area, which can delay
transfused patients demonstrated a significantly longer mean LOS and disrupt case scheduling.
when compared to patients not requiring a transfusion, 4.8 versus Based on the current study, patients who have a Hgb < 11 g/dL
3.5 days, respectively (P < .01) [41]. The finding that transfused before primary elective THA stand to benefit from treatment of
patients have lower rates of discharge to home compared to pa- anemia before surgery, as higher preoperative Hgb levels are
tients who did not receive transfusions is also consistent with associated with a substantially decreased risk of blood
previous literature [42]. Barsoum et al. (2014) conducted a transfusion. If Hgb levels cannot be increased above 11 g/dL, our
nationwide analysis of over 2 million THAs from 2001 to 2009 and data suggest it remains prudent to collect a type and screen
found that, on average, patients who receive a perioperative before primary elective THA. Patients who have preoperative Hgb
transfusion are 28% more likely to be discharged to an inpatient between 11 and 12 g/dL were at modest risk of requiring trans-
facility when compared to patients who did not receive a trans- fusion at 14.3 and 4.6% for overall and intraoperative transfusion
fusion [42]. Barsoum et al. attribute the increased LOS and lower rates, respectively. The conservative approach would be to
rate of discharge to home, in part, to the higher rates of medical continue preoperative type and screen testing in these patients.
and surgical complications experienced by patients receiving Alternatively, patient-specific factors such as age, sex, ASA class,
perioperative transfusions. The authors demonstrated an and BMI could potentially help inform judicious testing in these
M.A. Haider et al. / The Journal of Arthroplasty 40 (2025) 119e126 125
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