Sursa: https://edu.rsc.org/experiments/turning-copper-coins-into-silver-and-gold/
Students then witness a coin being heated in a Bunsen flame, forming an alloy of
brass which makes the coin appear gold
● Bunsen burner
● Hot coins could cause burns. Allow to cool for at least five minutes before handling.
● If steel wool isn’t available a proprietary mild abrasive material (for example,
‘Brillo’ soap pads) can be used instead.
● Copper foil could be used instead, but coins are better since they are everyday
articles, and there are bound to be requests from the audience to turn copper into
‘gold’. Strictly speaking it is illegal to ’deface coins of the realm’, so the law-abiding
teacher might prefer to use foreign coins instead. It would be wise under these
circumstances to ensure that the plating works, since many other alloys are used in
foreign coinage.
Before the demonstration
1. Measure 100 ml of 0.4 M sodium hydroxide solution in a 250 cm3 beaker.
4. Add 5 g of zinc powder carefully. The solution will fizz as some of the zinc dissolves
forming sodium zincate and giving off hydrogen.
The demonstration
6. Drop the cleaned coin into the hot solution containing sodium zincate and the
remaining zinc powder.
7. The coin must make contact with the powdered zinc at the bottom of the solution.
If necessary use a glass rod to move the coin until this is so.
8. Leave the coin until it is plated with a shiny coat of zinc. This will take about 2–3
minutes. Leaving the coin too long may cause lumps of zinc to stick to it.
9. Remove the plated coin with tongs or forceps and rinse it under running tap water
to remove traces of sodium hydroxide and sodium zincate.
11. Using tongs or forceps, hold the plated coin in the upper part of a roaring Bunsen
flame for a few seconds until the surface turns gold. Turn the coin so that both
sides are heated equally. Overheating will cause the coin to tarnish.
Teaching notes
It may be sensible to carry out a trial experiment before performing the demonstration in
front of an audience. If the mixture of sodium zincate solution and zinc is cloudy, allow to
cool, and then filter off the zinc to leave a clear filtrate. Place a small piece of zinc foil in
the liquid as a substitute for the powder.
The reaction between zinc and sodium hydroxide to form sodium zincate is as follows:
Zn(s) + 2NaOH(aq) + 2H2 O(l) Na 2[Zn(OH)4](aq) + H2(g)
The plating reaction involves an electrochemical cell; it will not take place unless the
copper and the zinc are in contact, either directly (as here) or by means of a wire.
The coating of zinc gives the impression that the coin is now coated with silver.
You can weigh the coins before and after coating to find the mass of zinc added.
On heating the coin in the Bunsen flame, brass is formed by the zinc migrating into the
surface layer of the copper. This gives a gold appearance to the coin.
A similar zinc plating process is used industrially, but with cyanide ions rather than
hydroxide ions as the complexing agent.
Experimentul nr 2: - lampa de lava
Materiale: pahar de vin, apa, dicarbocalm, ulei de floarea soarelui, colorant alimentar.
Materiale: solutie saturate de clorura de sodiu (saramura), apa calda, oua (3 -4).
Materiale necesare: