Answer: My immediate family is not very big. I have a large extended family that
includes many uncles, aunts, and cousins. We are a close-knit family, and we like to
keep in touch with one another, so birthdays, and other celebrations, are noisy crowded
Answer: Our extended family got together last year to celebrate my grandfather’s
eightieth birthday. He is very dear to my heart. He has kept up healthy relationships
with the whole family, so it was a happy occasion that we all enjoyed.
Answer: I have. My family and my best friend got to know each other quite well, as
she visited me quite frequently at my home. My family believes that we should nurture
our friendships, so they encouraged me to bring my friend along when we took a
seaside holiday last year.
Part 3 questions
Families have changed from joint to extended. This change has mostly been out of
compulsion rather than choice. Young people are getting jobs in metros and in foreign
countries. So, they leave their parents behind. However, these nuclear units are well
connected to each other.
Should husbands and wives have different roles within the family?
Gender differences are disappearing these days and both husband and wife have to
work outside for making a comfortable living. So, roles within the family should ideally
be the same. However, these changes will take some time to implement. Women are
yet supposed to look after household chores more than men despite being out of the
home for the same time as men.
Both are important to me, but family definitely has an edge over friends. Friends can
turn out to be fair weather friends, but family is always there through one’s thick and
thin. It has been rightly said that ‘in times of test, family is best’.
Yes, it is really important to meet the family regularly. I think family defines us and
family is what supports us and stands with us in bad times. However, I think this
selfless bond only stays if we remain in contact with each other.
The think the main values of family in my country are respect for elders and
prioritizing the needs of the family over our individual needs. That is why, in my
country we think in we rather in I, for example we own a house, we own this car.
I think both parents should be equally responsible. However, I also believe that both
parents necessarily don’t teach the same things. For example, both boys and girls learn
gender-appropriate behavior from fathers, while they love more about loving, sharing
and caring from mother.
Do you think there are differences between how men and women care for children?
Yes, there is certainly a difference. In my country, fathers are generally stricter, and
they don’t show their love openly. Mothers are much more open in showing their love
and affection. I think it’s hard to define the difference, but I certainly feel there is a
Yes, my parents are very particular about household chores. For example, my father is
responsible for buying vegetables from the market daily. He also makes breakfast and
tea, while my mother makes lunch and dinner. I also have the responsibility of taking
out the trash in the morning and feeding the dog. We have a maid for cleaning and
other things.