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What is evolution?
Ans : changes in flora and fauna over millions of years on earth.
(plants) (animals)
Evolutionary biology:
Study of history of life forms on earth.

Ncert line “ while looking into the star we are looking into the past”

Stellar distances (space) : in light years

Origin of universe
●​ 20 billions years ago
●​ By big-bang theory : unimaginable single huge explosion
●​ By this universes expanded into many particles
●​ When they are together the temperature are high
●​ When they explode the temperature lows
●​ And gases are forms: h2,he,etc
●​ Gases condensed under gravity
●​ By gases it formed galaxies and stars are formed

Consist of stars and clouds of gases and dust

Milky Way galaxy:

●​ Earth formed
●​ 4.5 bya
Conditions on earth
●​ No atmosphere
●​ 800 degree temp
●​ Water vapours + methane + ammonia + co2 were there on earth
●​ Release from molten mass
●​ In water when uv rays( ozone where not there) breaks water into gas into h2 + ½ o2 ( does
not state into molecular form)
●​ O2 mix with methane and ammonia etc
Earth has large pits and temp was 800-900 degree
And due to expansion of particles the temp becomes less than 100 degree and oxygen molecular stables.
Hence rain occurs( non stop ) now those pits become ocean. And after 500 mya (4bya) the life forms in
1.​ First non-cellular life form : 3bya
2.​ First cellular life form : 2bya (prokaryotes), first heterotrophic bacteria (those who ate the chemical
reactions energy ) and next autotrophs ( chemoautotrophs) and then photoautotrophs(anoxygenic)
ex- purple sulphur bacteria - release sulphur

Note: all of them are anaerobic ( oxygen absent)

After this change occur the organism starts breaks water molecule (photoautotrophs)- cyanobacteria (blue
green algae) release free o2 molecule
1.​ First eukaryotes:1.5 bya (protista)

Note: all are single cell organism in water

When o2 mix with o makes : ozone and ultraviolet rays stops entry on earth
All these happens because of cyanobacteria (our hero)

Theories for origin of life

1.​ Theory of special creation (discarded)
Life appears as such on earth
Diversity always same and will be same
Earth is 4000yr old acc to this
2.​ Theory of panspermia ( theory of external)
Light Came from outside through unit of lifes known as spore
3.​ Theory of spontaneous generation (abiogenesis)
Life from dead,decaying,rotten matter

Story : a scientist named van Helmont took a shirt and made a sweat full of mud and straw in one dark
room. After 21 days he opened the room he found mice and he said from all decaying matter. This theory
discarded by:
theory of biogenesis: proof by louis pasteur by swan-neck experiment :
Case - 1. Took a burner and necked pre-sterilised flask and filled with nutrient medium ( sugar syrup) and
killed yeast – no new life occur
Case -2. But now he broke the swan-necked flask neck and make it open to air- now we saw new organism
life arose
So conclusion: if life comes from dead matter then life arose in one case too but in second it formed because
we break the flask which makes air bacterias to come over our dead matter and in first case it didn't happen
due to swan-neck
Now question aise
How did our first life appear?
Ans - chemical evolution theory

Chemical evolution theory :

Oparin(russian) haldane(england)
Haldane states a word called hot dilute soup (ocean). They said in these it has inorganic material as
the temp is high here temp works as an activator so due to reaction these molecules collide together
and make organic molecules.and then makes into complex organic and then first life. We assume
“ 1st life arose from non living organic molecule eg - protein,rna”

Conditions on earth
●​ High temp
●​ Volcanic storms
●​ Reducing atmosphere- water vapour,methane,ammonia ,carbon dioxide,hydrogen
Scientist SL. miller (american) in 1953 In lab made these conditions
Proof by spark discharge experiment
●​ High temp 800 degree celsius
●​ Establish electrode substitute of volcano or environment
●​ Inside gases - 2 part of methane, 1 part of ammonia, 2 part of hydrogen, 2 part of
water vapour,
●​ Use vacuum pump for for reducing atmosphere

●​ Use condenser to make water by droplets

Conclusion :
●​ The water contain organic compounds
So these proof the experiments
When o2 evolve to o3 and it prevent ultraviolet rays so now life to life is possible as chemical evolution will
not be done

Theory of Biological evolution :

●​ Theory of use or disuse of organ / acquired inheritance
By lamark (french)
It says the plants grows long and giraffe neck stretches as well to eat they use their neck so
it goes to his children and then to other giraffe too
So he says : “ over use of organ makes it long and there child has this neck to his child to”
Discarded this theory
But vestige organ support this theory

●​ Theory of continuity of germplasm :

By weisman
He said we have two types of cell body cell and germ cell so the body cell does not pass to the next
cell but the gamete cell does so by some protein or mrna and gene that's why the change of germ
cell has changed so the change has been passed to their next generation.

●​ Theory of natural selection / darwinism:

By two scientist : charles darwin(england) and alfred wallace
Darwin boat :hms beagle ship in a sea voyage(yatra)
Darwin moved to pacific ocean to galapagos island
And wallace goes to indian ocean to malay archipelago
They both influenced by thomas malthus wrote essay on population
Malthus ' essay says population geometrical growth and resources are limited . population is stable because
of the competition for living is high so winners have some character to survive in those environment and
nature selects them those have these characters
“ survival for the fittest”
Acc to Darwinism : nature selects those who survive in this environment and are reproductively healthy.
Darwin's fitness means reproductive fitness
And after so long there will be new species
Acc to Darwinism evolution is slow and variations are small which will gradually change through generation
to generation.
2 key concept - natural selection
-braching decent = one generation to another generation

Docsans (doctor sons)
D- darwinism
O- overproduction
C-constancy of population
S- struggle for existence
A- adaption
N- natural selection
S- species

Present living forms shares some similarities to current life forms and some parts shares similarities of
lifeforms those were back in time (extinctions)

Biological evolution acc to darwinism : rate of appearance of new forms is linked to lifespan

The longer lifespan the longer it takes to evolve the generation

Eg- fish to fowl it would take million of years.

●​ Mutation theory / saltation : large and sudden,directionless variation

-Hugo-de-vries( scientist) works on a tree named evening or oenothera lamarckiana
-He saw a sudden variation another new generation is new species

●​ Morden theory ( world wide accepted )

-​ In a population, gene pool ( sum total of all genes and alleles in a population) is fixed and
Given situation : large randomly mating population
When : ( 5 factor effect or disturb hardy-weinberg principle)
-​ No mutation
-​ No genetic recombination
-​ No gene flow/ gene migration
-​ No natural selection works
-​ No genetic drift
So if there is no variation in the gene pool then there is no evolution.(equilibrium) Said by - hardy-weinberg
Upper things are not possible practically in the real world as no one can survive with these 5 factors.

Difference in alleles frequency the extend of evolutionary change

If facts are not there
-​ p+q=1
-​ (p+q) 2 =

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