Assignment 6 neuroscience tatheera
Assignment 6 neuroscience tatheera
Assignment 6 neuroscience tatheera
Reg # : 1210401412
Automatic, involuntary, spontaneous all mean not under the control of the will.
4. Give example of declarative and episodic memory from your own life?
Declarative memory is related to facts (semantic memory) and personal
experiences (episodic memory) that we can consciously recall and describe.
Semantic memory: Semantic memory is related to facts and general
knowledge about the world that we have learned and can consciously recall.
All Muslims around the world celebrate Eid al-Fitr on the 1st of
Sun rises from the east .
All mosques in the world are the holy house of Allah .
Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior, helping us
understand how people think, feel, and act.
Episodic memory: this involves the personal knowledge, events, experience
from your life.
Examples :
I celebrated my birthday on 28 December.
Two years ago, while returning from university, my heart rate suddenly
became very fast. I thought it would improve on its own, but by
evening, it worsened, and my breathing became irregular. I was taken
to a hospital in Daska, where doctors advised transferring me to Sialkot
or Lahore due to the delay. I was admitted to a hospital in Sialkot,
given drips, and an ECG was performed. By night, my heartbeat had