A. Content Standard Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able Students will be SUMMATIVE
identify, compare, and identify, compare, and to identify, compare, able to identify,
calculate values of calculate values of and calculate values of compare, and TEST IN WEEK 1
Philippine coins and bills Philippine coins and bills Philippine coins and calculate values of
up to ₱2000, including up to ₱2000, including bills up to ₱2000, Philippine coins and
performing addition with performing addition with including performing bills up to ₱2000,
sums up to ₱2000. sums up to ₱2000. addition with sums up including
to ₱2000. performing addition
with sums up to
B. Performance Standard Students will complete a Students will complete a worksheet Students will complete a Students will complete a
matching activity to identify coins with addition problems involving comparison worksheet where final assessment
and bills with their values. coins and bills. they identify which amounts combining identification,
are greater or lesser. addition, and comparison
of Philippine currency.
C. Learning Competency/Objectives
Write the LC code for each.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Introduce coins and bills using Teach students how to add amounts Teach students how Review all key
visual aids. using examples on the board, to compare values points learned
Discuss the value of coins and demonstrating with real coins and using examples. about coins,
bills, asking students to repeat bills. Use visual aids and bills, addition,
after you. Engage students by asking them to real-life situations to and comparison.
Common Misconception: Clarify solve addition problems together. illustrate Engage students
that not all coins are less valuable comparisons. in a discussion
than bills. about the
importance of
C. Presenting examples/Instances of the new Work together as a class to Set expectations for group work. Provide pairs of amounts for Lead a group
lesson identify coins and bills. Provide practice problems (simple to students to compare. activity where
Use real coins and bills to complex) on the board. Encourage discussion among students role-
demonstrate values. Walk around to support students peers about which amounts play shopping
Monitor student engagement and ensure understanding. are greater. scenarios.
and understanding through Monitor group discussions to Set expectations
questioning. ensure participation and for behavior and
comprehension. participation.
engagement and
4. Which is
greater? (Circle
the correct
₱10 + ₱5 vs.
5. You want to
buy a book that
costs ₱150. You
have ₱200.
How much
change will you
Change: _
Part C:
What did you learn
about money this